HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-9-25, Page 71 en. 1 SZI1T, 26, 1:880. THE BRUSSELS POST. atlll 11+1 itGlo,'1>ttaa 'l lair eeout>autlteH"uu,• COneeiuss li3xarsrla Hoeing this, Ilia latest,;, ltryeeteHt., rielen •: ,auoveth 14041 (trent:'' iertret, nearer -still; nlltil gazing dessu'upbn the Sleeping :nerve', eo etraugely lonnd. Her long dark bushes lie ulotioult.as upon her cheek, ffuellutl delicately, her 1ll,H aro alightly aartlafl i Jae au'I,1, Its If; hard, is :lpng 11,1)6d•thi,'Hhtlpldy:lues, the other ties languidly—•loot le part luuuug the sear - toted floss'rN 1,1 , 04 11e4 1rete, the slander ;moors htIih1111l e u' 31 Ll llillg the rosebud; they hail ;teen holding when rut he hntsncha departed. So pure, he 1're.ilc' Aeolus Lim htlliden Aston that Bee eerie, afraid to stir lest the faintest:tound he:ouul drive it from him torever, stands mute before it, won- dering, There is It „alle beauty shout the tranquil hem wl,iell fascinates hint. Unbidilou cuilu' to lin, the thought— " That, as of light Ilio umrr'nw• Hnnae ono= Prh,A,t31 the ❑', right w,4 ,,,r 3,3,'•334411 she [aine• ix 11113,"q en:stars" Then, all in a moment, as he stands speli•houinl—fewring to withdraw lest he should disturb her, yet doubting his right to sinner here and .,,inti ro witho 11 let, or }linos 10 .0or por'IIa lou, s0 her a 3,h • —tae sub 3,l luta lids uprise, and two cies—",,i pe eat. oyes were ever seen "—loop calmly into his. Vaguely they look at first, awl in 130 wise coldly, he hrring as yet but ,4 fragment o; t'>o \3'I 41 drearu 010jr0tr lefts then, with wine lids awl growing knowledge, she status at Inns, and, risme on her dainty elbow, lets nmaaelueut have full sway, and sollle411i1,g;Aso too, that might per. haps be termed indignant wrath in one with lips anti eyes less sweet. lluw did you come Imre 1" aIle asks, 1n a low c,oar voice; r'1'r1, (34 allrinrlao 1.trgoly tn1n.::mei with the grave d.splea- a.,re in her face. lay 613, ;ate," says Dick TSni"rio, cf'llll 1,l.! ismeath the severity of Llulic ells. "1 need to come into tire 3,•.r -r." i,y it Iouq 14,33 when I wit: d 3,'e :44::1:3, in iron,—vel1r fa—year un 31,.'a time. 1 l,•r;;ct 1 was trunpar,a• „ in ah'ert hnitaility in his tette ,..,•t r ,l, 1l''iuu: hat the lathy of OM 1.31 3rue.:: rrfu"c.+to he "t":trirt 'This is lrly null garden I no one Ponies here without 33,y perlrlittal"n," 8:10 1"13,'' 14114't, X11.' 1-1 might lu3v.; ask:ui for pertnits- si,a est; cin 1y," hay„ flick vaguely ; " but I ,li 3,l t know. 1-----" ity,noktlie.ve boon of uo mac ; I wish t t . 3•to3r hero alw•itps 1" ,bo rotes/13, With ,i3 1333et meaning. " The mistake 1' lit s: 03v owe, of 0oar,,e; yet .1 37114 su'ru 1` had turned the key in elle " No, there was no key at all," says " lint of course that is nothing. 1 should not have cornu hero; I should have remembered 1 uonld not come in and out now as I used to do when I w:4. n, Ix1y. " Was everybody in this neighbourhood in the habit of ecudug hero wlleu he 1-,w a boy ?" demands she, increasing ::.,;3,('1• in her eyes. " Oh, no 1 And aoiue of us were girls lr_.3,":stye Dick demurely, but witllonb . t1ng10 smile. She regarals him fixedly for a full minute, as though haughtily suspecting hint of endue levity, and then, with a h•ablen hghtmo403aeut, eprin1.133 to the "I ant Delores Lorne 1" she says, weeding enact hrloro him, with her ?.r•nty it, .1 eihirausit as though to le 1,:le rico who is nln..ross in 411133.. testi- tor4. ! What r, sad ':Mils nems f With a pug—ev1'11 in this early run silent a' thl•irae,111ai:1tauee ft is with n ,ii:,\lac'`, pang Ile 1011.4 that in 00:10 1n, the "-end I and Dick 73'nn•crie," rotn,u, let, " and vur'y, vory n11Ty I dl.aturbod you,' "1 ball:Vo that. And now"—coldly " )•lju'oau go if you :Ike." ' 45 don't like. I can't hoar to go away without your forgiveness," lisle Dick, with snail earnestness in eyes and voice as vorillos his words dud speaks for the depth of his ocllTerition. " Oh, well, you may have that," she tolls him, looking down. " And then— if—it your name is-Diok Bouverie, I suppose it was your mother who called here yesterday'?" " Did she call ?" says Di01t, who knows well she did, but, bllri>ugh'very longing to hear again the low Ira rant voice, pretends ignorance. And wh ' has she l ronght up this question abc his mo• thor? Perhaps to soften the cruelty of her dismissal, perhaps—oh, goodly thought I—to do away with the dismis- sal altogether.' "1 think it must have been.your mo- ther," romarks Dolores reflectively, tap .° ping her red lips wifh'her forefinger in meditative fashion, " a tall we an— very tall—w h- mean'=that ��uiok confusion covering her` as she thinks of What she has so nearly said'' 11 I mean a very tall woman!" ';Chis is distinctly lame. "Your description 1s porfeot—a' very tall woman, with au enormous nose," saysMr. Bouverie, suhlfmogravitymark- ing oyctry-1;patur,r, ., At this fdho �p yked. and, glauoes at hint" Shyly faom iin°tler tier darling lashes, and looks down again andup again, and finally they heti] burst i gitb ,lsu bingt Laughter Iw'iththe yduugfs°a quidrio to friendship ; but Dolores is not as yet prepared to bold out,13llaa�;fight;eliltg�1' of fellowshit'. Sbe,ehocll'h ter mer3ri?ntnt, and stands back from him a little stop, or., two, and clasps her hal#its llet llind•hur,' 3 "I think you had hotter obmo inlaid' see ir'aid - see auntie,' she says with increased dignity—'c' that is, if Indeed you meant to pay her a visit this evening"—glau0- ingyat him suspiciously, , ' Certainly 1 meant it. I came here nnrnoanly to He0 her with a Message l Tram n3y mother roma: poiargonfunirf, 'l Whatahouttbem," 11 Well, that's just. i4 yen see," says Dick, with a confiding smile. "I haven't the faintest idea. 1. aaouro you I know all about it the very moment before— before I entered this garden; but it Is all gone out of my head now, V1'as she to oiler your aunt 1110, or 33\'144 your aunt to have her solum? 5110 telti me she bid r•nl!r•t„ anti---•—" , 3,u, 11 1 eyes epee 111131—" 213.1 said just 131,4 --1,r at least you gave 111(1 the hnpres- s(ou—that you ilia not know your 3130. t11er heel been here at "Did I? You see—thorn it is again l I have snob a wretUllld memory," hays Diek mournfully. "tbleastihaysnon•-- I hadn't thisauorniug 1 It most be eolue- thfug iu the 13ir of your gara011.'' " Don't scold my ger.len 1 It luta the llweeteet air ou earth,- says Dolores, with decision. " 3\ 11 1 sec—theta i3 an3rtie standing in Mu window 1 Count to her,"' With all the donioanonrof one escort- ing a condemned felon to the gibbet, she lends hint towards the open win• sow of the drawing roma, where a tall dank figure eau bo descried looking in their direction. A few stone stops letul 1ro111 the terrace to the verandah, and 1,p these perforce IIIr: Bouverie follows hie captor. "I have brought yon a trespaat{or, anntic," says this last awful personage, slipping her ]land within hiss Maturin's arra, and confronting Melt with a mous. ting air. " I found llhnl in my own grounds, without permission, and—" " I think it was I fuund you," inter- poses 1,1r. l3onv0l'is Mildly. But his weak ataonlpt at defence is treated with coutompt, " Ifo could ;,rive no proper account of himself," says his gaoler sternly, " s1, I have brought him to you, to do with hint as se01net1l good in thine eyes." " Don't bo hard 013 1130, llisa Mattu- rin," entrel4te Dick advancing. "I have been se brow -beaten and generally frowned down already that I lucre little rosiatanco left in me. 1 can just barely remember that my name is llonyorie ; but, beyond that, illy mind is a blank." "Nay, then, 1 'think you have boon punished enough," says .Miss ,W1a13114hl, arniling. " Come 131, and let tis begin our aC1°lnaillt35 nee 3111'ler more auspicious orellrn3r, 111141." " That paeans under the shadow of the tea-trayBays s :Miss Lorne saucily, turn- ing npoa lien a sudden bright smile that puts formality and unfriendliness to !light at once and for ever. It is a very pretty room they enter, smelling sweetly of gay Indian mat- tings. (uaiut tablas and chairs aro scattered broadcast, an11'1rsian rugs of divers colours lie hero and there. There are two largo Sevres howls filled with roses, cream and white and yel- low ; and a few reel, a still fewer blue monstersatanclillg on carved cabinets, with gaping jaws and goggle; eyes, some Nankiu china; 80100 hideous Hin- du idols ; a few choice modern water. colours ou the painted walls, aucl a good many Eastern and it:mepcau gimcracks of one more or another mixed up fu a charmiug oonfuaion all over the plate. " And wh(r0 chid you tied Dolores ?" asks MIiss'Sfatnrin presently, when she has found out that he docs like sugar and is very feud of cream. But ho is not allowed to answer. " In my 0w11 garden—Soy sanctuary," says the mistress of that ea1ruli spot. "1was in my hatmeock, br0athiug t110 air of • heav0u, and lost in dreams"— with a lift1,, quaint rtr tnmtic action of the hoali—" when he cants to uta." , ";Cm glad of that—glad that you found llor relating, I moan," remarks' Miss 11,4turfn 3 n,lcrlp. " She runs about too touch, 3Ir. I3onvorie ; silo over.ox0rt31 herself. For one moment in Mu Clay she will not bo still. 1 have had that hammock put up on purpose for her, that aho might take a little rest now alnl then." " 31188 Lorne has not boon without rest to -day, atleast," says Dick. " I found her sound asleep ire that s011.same hammock." " Asleep 1 In the open air I Oh, Do- lores, I hope net 1" says her aunt, with quielc<1ham ay. - t' Yoa knew how delicate your ohost is ; and to aleop in the open air 1 Dear child, how careless of yea l" " It was but for, a little moment"— penitently—" and indeed I don't know flow it happened ; but I was lying there blinking at the hot ami as he glanced ab ate through the rustling Ieavos, atm somehow I lost myself in a daydream, and a little lulling wind 00m0 to me across the robed, and then I know no. thing more until my day -dream became a real ono—a short one though, bocattae some kindly fairy whispered to me that an ogre bad entered my land; and so I awoke." "An ogre! Alas, Mies Lorne, have I deserved all this?" ell;.—lwfala..slvflet......rolouting -•"I will confess to yon 11408 going to say a prime; but I didn't think "—mischie- voosly—" you deserved all that 1" ' :'.If 1dr. Bouverie;gas the .one to re- le080 you from that treaehero08 slumber —so alto to give you cold—I, for one, nob only fergihe him hiitiespass, but thank him sincerely, for his well-timed arch' wail" says Miss Nlatnri0: "After 811,1 believe: I am grateful to him too," deolaresDolorros•lightl , "lily dream wag of'an evil thing, and ,1. was glad. to be rescued from it. Was I "•— turning to Bouverie—" frowning when you.saw'molirst, as though frightened, oxo' "No ; on the contrary, yon1oemed to bo enjoying the sleet, of the just." ") should have looked, distrossed--i think Tfolt it. How "-with childish curiosity-" did 1 look' then 1" • "As though you dreamt of 13oaVon," says aouvorie, with such gravis and sud,, don earnestness that it fl'huostseems as • itiff1Y"ti`t9l' fIctizintrrknliertftri'ti'fttitlltt` °3,'C• ' Ii1i0n on his part 1>olere'., as Ili sigh startled, t11r1H her cps; to 1114: 111 3Ctlllu o " 8105 411(5{'0 1hurl•'',s her glom, and the 11..1148413 tinge of cnnwon rr'ops b„11':1131: Lh • nests whit., of 3,•x413131. Ibwian1 lashes 1a4;4 shyly, ami l then her ey,n droop, Nin rWaar, mod. stun; 11641101g.° 1103811 5101e 1300vuri0, nn"•ry with buns,31 in it vague stainer 311,13113, 4043101111(3g he barn. ly endnrate:Ma, 1001a; out of the w:n110(4 011031 the faHtdalling twilight that is 1 dunking tall the laud and 1a341ug a gray mantle over the 'into 111cau, down 110 011', Meanwhile :Sins :,labui'hl—who ha4 seen ue1111t1 "18 talking to a disgnuw' fully absent audience, " "1.'hllt i; where year dreams should crone trine,” 3411(3 is saving phstsa,tl,', her heart ie her war 13 her ,'yes on the ereWlll-ewrr. "All a pretty 411a11013'5 dreams should conic straight from Um skies." �1iuu oamu from a(13110 oth,.r;di me," returns Dolores, whose faint troubled thought luta vanished, "It was a cruel \isiou, Ho 81411, 1,e shadowy, I 441 3u 11311 nobgrcp or put it lute 3403,:3 ev911 if I wnui3: but st:a 1 know it was framed b)"'tTat, you ,illy oleiiri 1 WChwt should Ton Mare to do witfo such a vrurcl f It should he nekuewn to yon," say4 M180 Materiu fetidly. "Dreams are it it re. 13ro1110tioss of our thoughts amt >;'st:ura 131 one 101331 or another. They are shall. eel obscurely fruul our sun:coon fur•' Now (rota what earner of yunr i,;,' roust you call forth a tronbied r„c,'J„ 3. " And yet it03l,ro,3....1 un',”• girl drm ue(I;. "l "n" +lv putting cut uu 1 i,.o,i—. ,,,'„'—r•,;:..- parting 113,01 4,1 .1 t,,v.•d—„uku:g 1.111 1 coati/It rhemll it—I will list” (TO BR CONTINUED,) EAT IIAIIKET, MAIN STREET, 8141554:0,31 ANDREW CURRIE, Prop'r, FRES! AND SALT MEATS Of lie belittle mar alwacnonbmut and dolly area In any part aftho Villsro(ree of °barge TERMS Very Favorable, FAT CATTLE WANTED, H'o>wltlob aha higbosl rctorhe1 prioo wine.) unlit , Ialae wake Spooialeyofbuyinghldosand Shins . DOW lror3el One til nee, acs d00r 4 te.teReen.ltewellryatore. ANDRE31'. CURBS) THOS. FLE'TCHEII, Practical Watclimakcr ani Iewcicr, Gold Watches, Silver Plated Ware, Silver, Watches, Clocks, Gold Rings, Violins, Etc. I keep a fall lino of goods usually kept in :t first-class Jewelry store. Call anis examine, no tremble to show Goods. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Agent for Ocean Tickoto, Amer- ican. Express Company 1(11(1 Great Northwestern telegraph Company. SELLING OUT! SELLING Oi17.1' . Creat Clearing Sale FOR 60 Da Y'S e of harness, collare,11y nets, dusters, trunks travelling bags, satchels, brushes, curry combs, whips, and everything in the liar. nos line. The stoop must bo sold without reserve as the proprietor is giving up busi- ness. I72speeti072i Invited, Ovea' 20 sets of Harness to Oh0018 from. Thio is it bona ilde sale and no catch; p0ney affair. R. STEVENSON. 4s- All indebted to ma must call and settle 1101301211135 at 02300, NEW 3UHNIT 7 BE STORE 1 The undersigned having purchased the Stock and Trade of 11Ir. Veal, and added thereto, is prepared to furnish anything in the FURNITURE DIST F..• A. UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT. Economy in Funerals. Having adciecl to the Furniture Business the Undertaking I am pro - Pared to Furnish Funerals on short notice. FIRST-CLASS HEARSE in connection. ORDE K A Specialty. IIaving a Practical Knowledge of every branch of the. Trade and having worked in some of the largest factories in the Dominion of Canada the Public may always rely on getting SATISFACTORY WORK. I hope by strict attention Ica business to merit a share of the Public Patronage. n ((66��TT88�,,``yy11rLj rA 1l�r, fir' ///••-��� �aNtrN�1� � ��11,11ii r o BlulT plq`yl^-CaFQGLi'0i+ oLivr, BRU SSFJII.��s. ATONAL R$L ER rvn LLS. We have :such pleasure in announcing to the public that + 3,,r ;y3,1\ Roller 'Mill is in Complete Ilunnilig Order and i, gi1-int 1111 faction. SHORTS, MEAL, ORM CHOP CONSTANTLY El [• We also -make the following Brands of Flour Patent, Jersey Lily, Canadian's Pride core: Snow Storm. Gristing Attended to with Promptness. ALL KINDS OF LUMBER CUT TO OEDE1i. -;AST HTT1� 01\T CARRIAGE WORKS ! ;JAMES BUYERS —NANUFAO'TUBIIR OF— BUGGIEI*, CARRIAGES, DE11fOCPATS, WAGONS, EXPRESS WAGONS, &c., &c,, all made of the Best Material and finished in a workman -like mann( i Repairing and Painting Promptly Attended to. Parties intending to buy should call before purchasing. ELFnamsto as. --Marsden Smith, 13. Laidig, ;Tames Cutt and William McKelvey, Grey township ; Wm, Cameron, Win. Little, Geo. Brews:' , and David Breckenridge, Morris township ; Thos. Town and William Blashil'1, Brussols ;-Rev. E. A. Fear, :C' irltton, and T. Wright. Turn berry township. ItEAtWiB1aIt 7.'IIE STAND—SOUTH OF BRIPti.la,