HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-9-25, Page 6ifoOtoryCitoka .. . Scsietiesl
111121yu.ta Chosen, -Sabbath Services at
1.1 a.m. and 41,81) p.m, Sunday School at
8:301,.w, Rev, Jna, Hoes, 11, A„ pastor.
Krum l'uc 1)u, --i abbath Services at 11
a.m. and 0:30 pan. Sunday School at 8:30
p.ut. idol, S. Jones, pastor.
aT, Jour) s Chooeu,-Sabbath Servtoea at
11 A481.11110 7 p.m. Sunday School at 0;00
a,tn, Bev. W. T. Cluffe, incumbent.
Mu n:DIST CHunou.—Sabbath Services at
10;80 eau, and 0:30 p.m, Sunday School at
2:30 p.m, Pastor Bev, Wni. Smyth.
limns CA'LnoLrO Ctaou03.-Sabbath Ser.
vice third Snndayin ovary mouth at 11 a.m.
lev, P. 3. Shea, Wield.
ODD FELLOw'e LODGa every ThnradaT
ovening in Graham's block.
3lAso4ICLonca Tussday at Or before full
moon in Holmes' block.
A. 0. V. W. Lenon meets on and and
last I ednesday evenings each mouth.
IsoissessO'SLOncit 2nd and last Monday
evenings of 600)1month in Smale'ehall,
L.0.L.1st Monday ha'ovexy month in`
Orange Hall.
Poor OFFICE.-01Bce Hours from z a, m,
MECHANICS' INSTtTrrit Beading Room and
Library in Holmes' block, will be open
front d to s o'clock p.m. Wednesdays and
Saturdays. Miss Jeanie Ross, Librarian.
Fit: 11 of all colonrs are in vogue.
Woolen laces will continue popul.
For isms bark, side or chest, use Shiloh'
Poront Plaster. Prico 25 cants. Sold by (1, +.
Deadul arts
Cut steel and gray porclain beads
will It used on gray bonnets and
Shil, Cure w.,l i:uul:•dletat)y •roliova Croup
\l hou ing Cough and Broucllitfs. Soot by O.
1.1 rd,nau.
Elf: hraidsri:,1 bison and shoodalt
i?.rae sae novelties.
A \;--al Inieet_r free with each bottle of
Shin - Catarrh Remedy. Pried 00 omits. Sold
by G. A.l..mini an,
L1 e 11.'0}S; square and point„J,
are idii,sed as drapery, •
111r sliosiS and merry thoughts
are it high fare= jewellery',
was am p0tt sough wham Flrlloh's Cur. will
t;iva liumediats relict, Prlco 10e., 540, and el.
S.1: !y U. A. Deadnrnn,
Black chantilly -till remain:; tho
choice for real loco for trimming.
P,ibbsue with velvet and plush
stripes and with fringes are popular.
For Dysiepeia and Liver Complaint, you
haven printed gtutrtnteo on every bottle of
Sbilob's Vitalizer. It rioter fails to ore. Sold
by G.A.Leadmaa,
Satrr,r hats are appropriately trine
used with delicately tinted sea weed.
the latest novelty- for overdress is
Spanish silk lace in the richest cash-
mere colours.
The Rev. Geo. R. Thayo r, of Bourbon, Ind„
says :--,-Both myself. and wife owe our lite a to
Shiloh s Consumption euro,” Sala by 0, A,
DOadmau.. -
Cream colour alone and also In
combination with other colours is the
favourite for evening dress.
Wrappings this winter will either
be very long or very short ; there are
to be no intermediate lengths.
Are you made miseroblo by Indigestion, Con-
stlioition,Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, 'Follow
Skin. Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive curd.
Sold by G. A. Deadpan.,
Plaids and strips continue in fav-
our, strips being in tho ascendant.
They will be worn under plain over
• Plain block silk will be worn and
the American groe grain cannot be
excelled by those of foreign manufact-
McGregor tic Porlto'8 Carbolic Coraco is In-
valuable for Wounds, Bores, Salt Rheum,
Cuts. Burn s. scalds and Festers, as a homing
and purifying dressing. Do 001 bo imposed on
with other useless preparations ,recommended
to Le us good. ti se only MCC:rogor d: Parka's
etnrbolic Comte. Sold by J.Ilargreayes S: Co,
Very wide cheek or stripped sash
ribbons are now put to a new use, a3
they form pretty round waists to wear
with lace skirts for small evening
For tLe cure or all tbo deltoato dl8ordors to
which lrmales are subject no remedy has boon
devised that can ho compared with Bening.
ton's Quinine Wino and Iron. It renovates
the entre system, animates tho despondent,
restores tbo blown of health to the sallow
cheek. and ropluoos melancholy with tivaei•
, stMe,e Of youth. See that you get "ironing.
ton's,' the original and genuine.
The very high of'ficer's collar and
cutis made of velvet or plush entirely
different from other parts of tho dress
is one of the "wrinkles" in tllo make-
up of autumn.
The discovery of the instantaneous lrrocesa
rat takiLg photographs ling been quickly. fa.
lowe 1 is the medical world by it perfect and
instant,nenas reotudy for all mento aches mid
rains,ars Neuralgia, Toothache, 12henmatieln,
oto, this valuable t'omody 1e caned Fluid
Lightning, and is sold at 20 cents a bottle by
J, Ilat grooves h Co, Druggists,
Bev. . J. •G, Faille, Dutton, certifies :'-°Por
R'samit'ywartally. -wife has been troubled with
Dyspepsia, and had tried ono tiling after an-
other reoommonded with but little or no ef-
fect till advised,. to give McGregozs St 0049
01110 a trial. Sines taking the first bottle I
have noticed a dooidod improvement, and can
with 00120001100 recommond it to be one of, if
not the boat m0dtelno extant for DyOCopel,t,
rhie invaluable medicine for Livor Complaint,
Indigestion, Kidney Complaint, is purely veg-
etable. Sold at J, Aargroavoe Jc Oo'e Drug
Store. Trial botttos given froo,
)'lush and velvet aro to do worn
dnring.the coming • 'season, Velvets
are stripped, illuminated, figured,
embroidered, and in corduroy effects
as well as plain. Seal plush is in
groat demand,
Grasshoppers and ants a . rho
est fancy for brochos, mo
pins aro simply a black on el
carrying its egg, a sinb.p"b'
antennte. The effect is einnulaxl -
realistie, the tndustriQ"[ir'nre ii u
Jabots cf lasso and enib niderptl
stuffs ornament many ilets dewotbd
to house wear only. rimy can be
transferred from one dress to another,
and aro therefor useful as well as a
pretty addition to a simple outfit.
No lady who delights in Ilowors and Moe to
son. thele do well enable= abundantly. should
bowithout1acke uoan04o-`eeaalolool for 201 ideate
J01' ons
Ordinary 6•
Algerian ribbon, which is woven of
light wool with coloured stripes, is
used for trimming dresses because it
falls in graceful loops. It is not well
adapted for trimming hats, as it can-
not be arranged in an upright position
without pins.
Ladles who feel that thoy aro glowing old
before thole ti,no should usu uauington's
QulnlneWlnoaudIron. Bowaro of ilnittlti2ne.
deo that you got•12ailmgtou'e,' Qui original
and genuine, Por gale by all druggisto and
general duelers in Canada.
Aowltgere should only wear blue
when combined with bronze, or when..
of a subdued shade, otherwise the
colour is relegated to girls under
tl'keutyfive. Of late blue, save of the
darkest navy hue, has beau singularly
unpopular, even .with sweet eighteen.
When the burners of lamps becomo
them in strong 113rido :-"So you ask him if ho takes
clogged with mbar, put t
soft•eoap suds, 01111 boil a while to me to be his wife ? I guess you had
clean them. better asst sue if I take ilius. He is
NL kitchen should bo without scat- only an -editor, andl've•got$i7-ltt-iti-
es to toot the integrity of things pur-
chased. by weight, and to measure the Henry Rogers tells of a deaf old
quantity of various receipts. Seotchinau who was so. fond of dis-
Steel'knives which aro not in daily
nutation that, thouglf'.he could not
4100 may bo kept from rusting of they --..bear aword, yetwb@t1esser ho -saw• any
are dipped in •s strong solution of 0430 milking a positivq affirmation was
---^r•r-.;-:.. - _, -z^n wee :...
f Ait1 aTIES,
A stump speaker said :--"I know no
East, no Woet, no South, no North."
"Then," softs •au- auditor,- "yore- had
better go home 011(1 study geography."
"What sort of an establishment is
that across the way ?" '!They teach
drawing, music and dancing." "A
young ladies' senlinary?" /1No ;
dentist's shop.
The valedictorian now/,arises and
tells his admiring hotirers of rho
wonderful pow,, s of intellect. Noxi
year at this time he will, be illustrat.
iug it at $8,60 aweek, with n chance
to rise,
"Actiou is eloquence,,' says Shake-
epearo,--•-\Velcnew.it..- lt,-tnu•I.a-is--nn.t_
eloquent when he pours forth his
soul in v,ocailzation, but when he be-
gins an notioo with .his stillixes be
wins sAr ' 11"1%1,6
"Briggs;""edict a ltiwyor tends young
clerk, "why weren't you at the oilio°
earlier this morning ?" "Beg pardon,
sir, but I am a reformer. I bolievo
that tho office should seek the ratan,
not tilo man the office
Jiidgo:-"Johu;Rouryhao you ta1;e,
this woinau to bo your wedded wife ?"
soda -ono part of hater to four of always ready with "`;C,1u nit sits sure
soda ; then wipe dry, roll Sit Haines, o't hat.
"flow things do grow this weather,"
and keep i0 a dry place.
.A. must appetizing salad is made 01141 the doaoou to Brotllsr Amos
of raw oysters mixed- with au equal "Yon tlmoy do "• implied . the : brother.
quantity of crisp celery, cut very liuc, "Lastnight1 beard you say you caught
and served with a 111ayonuairo dres• forty fish, and Chia morning 1 heard
sing. The oysters may bo cut in You toll tIr. Smith it Wits ono hundred
halves or be left whole, and fifty,"
Tooth•bl'usbee cannot bo too soft. Somebody 18 ordered 01 having said
Hard brushes mance the gnuls recede to Travers, the New York wit, "IG
from the tooth, and produce pxemat- scorns to leo you stator more since
are decay by causing the soft bono of you have lived in Now York than you
the tooth to be csposel t1) tho air, did when you lived in Baltiuroro."
beyond the part of the tooth protect. To which Mr. Travers sententiously
ed by the enamel: replied :-"01 e-u-ourss 1 do, 13•b.
Spongo cake that lois become dry big -ger town."
may be cut into thin slices and toast- Doctor Pott neo, my dear, I
ed. It is delicate and really nice with have pulled :by patient through, after
tea, Slices of stale sponge cake have all -a very critical case, I can tell
been browned in the oven and boon You I" .Elis wife ,-"Yon, dear; but
served to unsuspecting pieoplo as Ital- then yore are`.so clever in your pro-
fession, Ah, if I had only known you
a relish. five years earlier, I fee) certain ley
Redness in the hands may be ro- first husband .My • poor Thomas -
moved by' using n paste macle`as .fol- would htuva•:lleen de,ved`I"
lows :-Beat together an olln0e of Some yours before Abraham Line -
clear honey, one ounce of almond oil, olu became president, a New York
tbo juice of a lemon, and the .yoke of firm applied to him '"regarding the
a raw egg. Apply at night to the financial standing 01 one of leis neigh -
hands, and cover with old gloves slit boars. Mr. Lincoln vont the follow-
up the palms. ing reply : "Yours of the 10th inst,
Many people like the flavour of received. I am:well acquainted - with
the peach stone in Choir canned fruit. 141r. Brown, and know his oircumstanc-
More fruit oat be put iu a can or bot-
To I'ixst he Lias a wife and baby.
tle if the peaches aro halved and the gather, they ougit: to be worth
stones removed. The flavour impart. $50,000 to Buy' man. Secondly, leo
ed by the stones, or rather by the )las an °Mee in which.there is a table
kernels, may be secured b cracking: teortll'�1 6'0,; and' three ohalrs worth,
the stones and adding' a` ow' of the asY' $1• Last of all, there is in one
kernels to each can or bottle. corner a large rat -hole that will bear
A German test for watered milk looking into."
consists in dipping a well -polished "Unci yo' help mo er little clis
whltting.neodle into a deep vessel of matiniug, boss ?" inqutt'ed n `;limping
milk, and then immediately with - old darkey. „I's do origolnal' Uncle
drawing it in an upright position. Tom in Alistatl Ilonnery We'd Beooh-
If the milk is pure, a drop, of the Itutd ah's story, untitled "Dat Little Ole
will Lang to the needle ; hut tiro rad-' Log Cabin in -do, Lane:" •i11y-nitlilo
clition of oven a small portion of is 1Iarrts, :81111 I Goo'go ,Ilarrls, I's
water will prevent the itdherouae of trying ter raise fu.onoy onough to get
the drop. obber ter Brooklyn." "No," smiled
A good Way to Toast spare ribs is the gentleman importuned, "1 don't
to crack tho bones in the middle, fold believe I nail do anything for you to -
over and staff with regular turkey Clay, Unole Tom„” "Has yo, nobber
dressing ; sew it up with a stout rend dat book inansuned,. gay ?" '„No,
thread, put into tbo dripping pan and I never did,” "Don yer otllieashun
put in a full cup of water; sprinitlo hab bon sadly neglected; bogs. ' I tiles
with pepper and salt, and let it cook yor fo'er geminon of edclicashun, deed
untilatsucier and brown. Turn it so
T did.;
that each side will bo equally brown. •
As a medicine the broom excels as The building improvements in Ing -
a tonio. This is nob a jest, but re- orsoll this' -year will foot up to about
commended in al) earnestness, If cv 25,000.'
the womou who sit around ,from one A London colored: elan 'leas bittdn
year's encs to another, nursing imag- a largo portion of rho tongue off syn•
nary ailments, WON once a week, to other colored mean while engaged fu'a
take a dose of swooping, mild, of fight.
course, at first, they would soon begin J. II. Soougall, town clerk of Min-
to feel Oslo salutary effects from the cardine, having •resignod that offfi'ee,
uso of broom and would save them- A. M. Wiliiainsen 'has'beon elooted in
selves many a dollarfor medicine, hie stead.
broken china and battered furniture, The. Wentworth Grand Jury'in their
Tho following from a correspond, prosentment, state that they; aro of
ant to the Husbandman, is easily . the opinion.that.the prisoners faro.. too
tried, though scarcely seeming likely sumptuously.
to insure the promised restilt'1 ."t A, ,tVOIntar,- ..old child of 13euryJ
will give your readers my remedy for Brown, of St, 11'l'ary's was poisoned,
keeping' miner and T¢eoir'll bogee 4011 lreteritly 1p, 'lough 4i mtjs, ' wljia�li:.
Of my geo;neoy." .Rang v dew ¢ ps of tt ttari`got oldaof unknown to . the
tarred paper in .tli r tf stay ,h 1 tl$,: 4 iiit r'" } yr : I'
6 Tho P ..,.. i
vermin will nd"E sit )vt"'iV1Tl"°cl$s. T o propel%r'" xttseln,Uownod`iu
house. Soattor 11 fete pieces of t110 water's edge and sunk on Saturday
out tlytl ilreswa,t'td one nedcii I afteruooj1 ,Sand falanri. liar crew
clear mice from the garret of the ' St. Oathorinos, was burned to the
1ygll', moonlit f. were re
t lay w`Yil ro 1 tion, now of Red River, N. W
d m Co, for,.rFF' "t ; Rom kr i raatz, formerly of Lon
ir. Tacl 1 111,1 tt:nq ang n ieW Will bo ono of the princl'pa1 city
th 1liiinifl aus�• and line before tho Oommission;o1) ro
]OL Stay long °veil then,” losses, widish moots at Edmonton, 10.3111
Vendor's liolioltor
Notosof houddisoountod,
lotorost.tllowodon deposits ropayabte;;oo
Proutptatteationgivot000llgptloas, -e
Il�Prlltll--..,I1.L I� T O 'I', L A W
Oalon, Grant's Block, eruesols, Tfoney
E. 1Y ADE1.13ARISISTL+lt Ifep;
A14". 0g1e(iI5rmarly occupied oy A. 1, Trp.
Oo11,Dsq.,tu Lookie'a Block. Money to 1 and.
NT V •
rich! Solicitolate r i (onvoy:m or r&a. Olot ee Go din
rent's nlock,ltrussols, Money to Loan.
the Oonrth Division 'boort Co, teams!
co uZ(iyaii 00 r,Notary. Pu W lagi.tn d,LUaa,aad
Insurance Agsut,S'uuils invested:mato Loan
Collootione lnado, OMoo, Gra110111'e Block
A. 11cNAUUli'I'ON, Al. 1J., C.
Ai., L, 11, C. P., Udinliergl. PI)sicloa,
burgeon a,1 A :oucuen:, Office In Locklo'a
bloca, over Lo s,1u, tn's drug 2tura,
1L,-H1'CHINSON, 141. D.
D. R. 0, 1'. Edinburgh.
:; Flasie usu van 10hoo rosidoncu at Stilt Street
th,. house 1Ormcrly 000upl a by Dr tlrauam,
and will b to r 1)t nir.ut, Ito nail resat Ile all
o11too a 411argr0area'.t rUe Stora.
p<. �'i,. L. BALL L..HONOR
VI o Clradutlo ,1)U 4.fouibar 0i tau ltuyu
College 01 Bente] durgomis, 1'ur„u to. GMoo
11) atrutberu Moak, Visits 11'1 nnaran ollluu cal
Wedn.s•laY, 11 1st podaiblu 1,640,, taken in nil
operations, .tours 00.1)1, 115 p.111.
77�tt��/IBS O'CONNOltr TEAOl111.1
_LTA_ of Thorough Baro,' Vocal, And I»etra.
iuu0tal Musit w11'Organ G
and ui10r.
11010r611.10—Ladles Of Lord
Lora rte, Guelph.
itostdoouo-No, 2, Iso,tbl,l3rfok T orraeu,
11.3 m, lirussuls, t,nt,
Issuer TCarrl age Lloonsos. OfMco a
cry, T.robolry:street,
his grog,
12 -so
Sgrgoon,Graduato.ol Ontario Vutorinsry
'College Ttnaktj1 Itos1dence alehouse lately
occupied by TirIa J as,1R'er brains trim Brur-
riogo Liao uses, by.aupolntmont of
L'lsutena 000000 nor,0ohmfes toner, kq„Q
n:0onyoyaneerand Agortyire 005000l0000
°Maont thollranbrook. Pose tOMae •...
ing done -by "Ars. Turnbull 11a41.
orth of school house, border of
(Manic street, Brussels, OAno-Wo would
rocoutmuud Mrs.. 10, Turnbull to the citizens al
Brussels as a good, straw. milliner.. While in
Lukoael,l alto gave, good, outttefaotlon ,to her,
stziw' basis �nti brad making
S�.Sotdi,�'Liu Sola and
Insurance Agent,
' Accident and Loan Insaranno Agent los
some rat the Lost and most 1a11t hlo Companies
h1 Um Dominion, Oeloe. brirk;ten•nco, Toro -
beery 81., near the Station. 3 months.
1110 Dat tha
Quteo Stroot. Th oro ie ulao a shop on
t could 1, utlliznd for - etnUln
moor: 25, 1825,
The Famous ROYL
11AItl q1I COAL,
The Famous ROY!,
Cook Stoves,
Parlor Stoves,
Box Stoves.
Stove Stands,
Stove Piping.
to mearmuronAt mmsAmayss-armcm
At Coal Ilonse or fIoliv:rod as vs-
quired. Call or send your seders.
1 :1'61,v r sD QlOIV .
'fbosubscribore tako this opportunity of re-
itirntngthe•nku:to the inhabOlont-sr of Dr0ssuls
and Vicinity Mr -past patronage', and bog to
Onto that haying 1nut1'o sotolttl Improvements
i1) thoirklln andmoda of butulllyrt'h ay aro now•
in a bettor lioultlon than o fof bbfuio to supply
the Publlo•w101r, Plret•olaos
Thiebein6 tbo o'lovonlb sea:Solid f our busl-
n0sa dealings in Brnseele,and having given 11n -
qualified satlefaction au far, tan public can re-
ly on ro0oiviug good treatment and a stat-ol ass
articlofl•gm us. {''first -old se LiumCat 14 coots
fit the kiln 'and 16 sante delivered,
w.wagso.Barna.rNo11.ldauu..tor tilastoring at
the 30mo price. ,,poi -Brussels Limo Works.
The subscriber 1'151es .to notify.
the PUBLIC that he will have his
Will ha sold on re a son 111iiratel3.1\yTINp 1Pi2 in Colpleto Running Order by the
Ir 00171(001I05102(101
M f.-
ed, and placed i Uno11 hands
ised, ablo
.tad and Hide ei in the hangs ,v a most able
been of lfcupale (including similar two tvho hav0
vrtlobean it ons), is oY o0 and sugh and
1 i,1. ), Como very most tA.m•orrl/k and
pi to,
For full 1 Poos1'm Cloy modoaddre -
Porfull informntlon address -
N, WOLVIERTON 33.A. Principal,
.. __• 'Woodstock College,
In the VILLAGE of C1t,115I311001C.
Tinder and by virture of apOwer of Sale con-
tained .ln a Certain tnc onture of llortgago
which will 1.0 prodiiood rat rho tinlo of sato,
rgallel)y 11101(00 BOTTit , anti LyDLi ttar
1anTfiwg Lt,. dates theday of hfaroh A.D,
1970, t11Cro wl l bo sold i)y P: lea AUo ttou, Uy
P,, S. Scott. Anotionoer tct Teok,o,, , :gra'
in rile
saidvhhtgoof O'raUUroolc, 011 Bltturdny Ate
21Htrdn 0r Baptpntberinotarft 112 0olbok
updtl, rho following property, viz; V111ngo
1041011110$1200r41157 aqd 108 1,1 loo North side of
;A. i id s root 41/1(4164' anal183 village
sit o of A1Goi t"OGroot, 01111 said'vflinge df Oran.
.,bkooltout i ,to%cl84)gr,,two.cores 0f hand,
mbrb� lob is'«' ... 4 ,
hi r p'yolr{5y,tglgoiodna41 4y eitdntoil• by the,
Rlvar Maltlnnd and lo a 'tllfi'
Y dosi8o , piad5"
fora parson wishing' Uri 11,0 rot od Ti,aro
an lOOCwuililfuglsniidsntno nn oialloiol'ro'lssSS1,rroibnr,,to1
soil of tho very bast may le au .
Ttirr 0 Pm aet,cr'
Tama on, BAtn,—Tho pnroltanor will bo re
utrc�to a sl 1Jo sot, t1ntopTrollaso.mo key,_
0- t ,10 dttfot- u balrenea to 110 nl ln;
O'41 heron Ir, tv nl Oakes f n1::
1. ispro�VY wi1�1:',08i
e . 1;fi'et t' ; a re.
so d old, ti hr o or it S t/wPbel . 8 ottf t
T,,1' pnrohasor,
,at�ppto� rfI'' fo,4 a,¢¢t�__1 ryr,)rT��iloreiyietitralyto ilio Anotion-
Uel'110111,�rGpl, flpB07:14'1;3t%ruet 844, 2nd 1885,
4V. L1, indxsosi
1st of MAY, and will be able to
furnishAny Quantity of First-class
Lino at any time dulizig'jtllc Sen-
son. Price at Kiln -1 4 cents per
�n Gra mi .
CRANJ311,0;OX, 1'. 0.
tTUSIT y.. .
a Choice Stool)', of Baby- Carriages
tllitt'Cannot fail to shit the wants
of the Public.
'7-. them.
Give raze a C1.