HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-9-25, Page 44
Act ? What better way of aecidiug a
�lr,i)c tr11s5C15 X1.051 radio gaestion eau there be than by
allowing every elector to express his
FRIDAY SEPT. SEPT. 25, 1885. opinion at the ballot box ? The Scott
----- Act is not accompiisluug all it eh0111d
illeaAttnt.I pW1 IGnr intell tie nor all it would if persons who profess
paying his annual vteit to itis constlt• to be ltalr•abiding eitlzend would tip-
ueuts ilariug the mouth of October, l
and will address meetings at Sea -
forth, Clinton, 13t'uesels, 13rucefioltl,
Londesboru' Zurich and IIensell•
That the meetings held by Sir Rich.
and will bo largely attended does not
admit ul doubt, and that he will deal
with the questions of the day iu au
able manner is assured. The dates
of his meetiugs will be announced a
a subsequent issue.
Now that the Dominion Govern-
ment is appointiug Revising Barris-
ters who will, according to the new
franchise Bill, make it their busi•
nese to watch after the interests of
the Conservative party, it becomes
the duty of every Reform Association
to attend to the same matter tor their
side. As wo have said before every
man, who i' legally quahfied, should
have an opportunity of using his
franchise and where persons aro in
different to this lever that is placed
in their bunds it is the duty of the
party to whom they belong to see
that their names aro cu the list. We
imagine the working of this new Bill
will be nnythiug but satisfactory,
while the expense of carrying out the
law will be no small matter.
hold rho law instead of being the as by lar private tile, ono won rile
leaders in its violation, lite lass of affectionate regard of her pupils, its
the share of the License Fuud is also well as the esteem of all whom she
hinted at by cue of the eorrespoud- ranked among her friends, or were
------•"-"_'�_._.. .. _ _ vat..--•,�.=.OM1.,.
failing health lied for scam time past
caused anxiety to hor friends but it
was only the last fortnight that elle
had been compelled to relinguish her
duties. She was much and deserved-
ly esteemed as a teaobor, alike for
the ability and diligence and fidelity
with which she coudnotcd the work
of the school. 13y bee public as well
outs, but we would like to kuo v
where this money cent° from? Did
the liquor dealers eoiu it ? No 1 it
came irom the pockets of our own
people who could well afford to pny
a largo increase in taxation and still
be better off if it were not for the
liquor traffic.
Tun Birtle, (\Ian.) Observer deals
with the Riel question as follows:—
In July lent Beverely Robertson shot
a moose door at the mouth of Eng-
lish River near Fort Alexander. For
this breach of the game law the cele-
brated Jurist was, the other day,
fined one hundred and three dollars,
including costs. With our present
wonderful courts of law it is safer to
kill men than moose deer in the
Northwest. Some years ago Biel and
a few others engaged in a hunting
expedition, and after chasing the
Governor out of the Province, they
succeeded in sbootmg it man named
Scott. Did the Government fine
Biel? Not ab all! Rtel fined the Gov-
ernment and got the money too. Last
spring the same celebrated sportsman
engaged in is more extensive shooting
expedition and got several bands of
savages to assist him. They had a
pretty good time and some rare sport.
They wore fortunate enough to shoot
ever so many settlers, took' their oat-
tle, burned their houses, and robbed
their stores, The Courts have been
all simmer trying to discover wheth•
er or not these festive sportsmen did
anything wrong. For a considerable
time the popple were given to under-
stand that the Courts were trying
Biel, but now it is known that Biel
15 trying the Courts and perhaps he
will fire the Government again. The
great judges and lawyers are not
quite sure but Riel is a lunatic.
Every ono knows that there is a good
dealof lunacy somewhere, but no one
thinks that there is much about Riel.
LATELY several correspondents have
been attempting to pat Warden Kelly
on the back for nogleotmg to do his
duty. The bug -bear of th t terrible
results following iu the wake of the
appoiutment of the PolioeIdagietrato,
such as payment of salary, &e. have
all been pictured. Now, the matter
was not sprung on the County Coun-
cil and the vote given by that body
was with the full underetandiug that
the salary would have to bo paid by
the County. Taxpayer No. 1 wond-
ers if the temperance people should
not enforce the law. Why should the
enforciug of this particular law be
left to a certain class any more than
any other law ? Law breakers are,
as a rule, handled by the regularly
appointed authorities and the Scots
Act should be no exception. Tinto
and time again we hour persons say
the Act was not carried by a major•
ity of the rabepayerd in Huron. Pray
*hone fault was it if thud° opposed
stayed home and allowed 1,580 votes
to be piled up as a majority for the
Mr. Isaacs, of Galt, Is our new
station master.
There has been a good deal of
sickness around here this summer.
Ethel is becoming a tidy little vil-
illage and a good deal of businese is
done within its bounds.
The Foresters have applied for a
charter and expect to have a Court
in working order before long.
The auction sale of farm stock, im-
plements, de. belonging to the estate
of the late Benj. Tindall will take
place on Wednesday, October 7th.
Tun 2usT is being offered for the
small sum of 25 cents for the balance
of the year.
TEA 1'IEETIno.—Last Tuesday the
tea meeting in connection with the
Methodist church was held, according
to announcement in Tun POST. A.
good dinner, such as the Ethel ladies
know how to get Up, was served. in
Jno. Slemmun's grove. It was too
cold to remain there for the after part
of the program so an adjournment to
the church was in order after the.
wants of the inner -man were satisfied.
B. Gerry, of Brussels, occupied the
chair iu his usual style, you know
how that is. Short addresses were
given by R. Sparling, W. H. Kerr,
Rev. D. B. McRae and Rev. Wm.
Smyth. The pastor, Rev. R. Paul,
read it financial statement showing
how the parsonage affairs stood. Bs -
fore closing an autographed quilt,
containing over 700 names, was sold,
in fact it was sold three times. A
subscription was also taken up to wipe
out the balance of the debt. The
total proceedings were as follows
Quilt, $71.22, tea and social held in
the evening, $45.44 ; sale of quilt,
$18.25 ; subscribed, $41.50, making
a total of $176.41. Out of this
amount $14.40 was given to Whit -
field's appointment, and there was
$3.80 expenses, leaving a balance in
hand of $158.41. This is a noble
showing for the Ethel people and it
soya they are made of the right stuft.
Rev. Mr. Paul and hie good lady are
managing things nicely, and prosper-
ity is written un everything. Excel-
lent music was furnished for the tea
meeting by too church choir from
Roe's appointment, Miss Heritage
organist, and the Ethel choir, with
Miss Jemima Tindall at the organ.
any way oonuoc a. with bar in ler
work. Called away at the early age
of '22 her life has been a short but a
busy one. the hoe lived so ns to be
missed. Gratefully will her we!uory
be cherished by those who wore uudor
her tuition ; and sincerely will she
be mourned by all who knew her per-
sonal worth. The subject of the a•
bove notice was a niece to Mrs. Wm.
Wright, of Morriebank, iu this town-
Mo rrim.
Seo the notice of posting up of Vote-
rs List for this township in this is-
Tell your neighbor that '2H0 Pose
can bo had for the balance of 1885
for 25 cents.
Tho potato crop is not turning out
very well in some places, and many
hills are entirely rotten. -
A good deal of ditching has been
done in various parts of this township
this year. Morris is destined to take
a first place for good farms and farm -
ere some day. .
Dien. --On Tuesday, of title week
Margaret, third daughter of Adam
Reid, p awed away at the early ago
of 18 years. She has beau ill for
some months and coneumption was
said to be tiro cause of her death.
The funeral took place on Wednes-
HAaVEee Hutto.—Last Monday
evening a tea meeting was held at
Browntown. A splendid ten was
served in the old church after which
the company adjourned to the other
church. Thos. Farrow, M. P. oc-
cupied the chair and interesting ad-
dresses were given by Revile, Maasrs
Sabine, of Walton, Hartley, of Blue -
vale, Smyth, of Brussels and Paul, of
Ethel. Excellent music was supplied
by the church choir. Ovgr $45 was
realized. A social was held on Tues-
day evening.
See advt. of farm for stale in The
People's. column.
Some of our local weather prophets
say we are going to have an early
winter, time will tell, however.
D. Robertson and Jno. Outt, rep-
resented the Grey Young Men's Lib-
eral Club, at the Liberal Convention
in Toronto last week.
Tea POST will be sent on a trial
trip for the balance of 1885 for 25
conte; Subscribe now and got the
weekly budget of local news.
Snrr. 25, 1885.
The Rev. Mr, Eakin, of Wingham
preached in Knox Church on Sab-
bath last.
A. R. Smith purposes adding a
large stook of goods to his present
stock now in Dames' store. Look
out for good bargains.
It is reported that one of our vill
agars purchased an auto.irapll quilt
at the Ethel pie -nit this week. The
old and trite saying "Strews show
which way the wind blows" is exemp-
lified in this instance.
Tan Siox.—Quite a large number
of the people of this section are Buffer-
ing from a severe cold.—There has
been throe cases of typhoid fever in
our notion. one in the village and
two in the country. The two boys in
the country are eonvaleecent while
the bo3r in our village is still stoic.
George Kreuter son of Jacob Krauter
is ill of the scarlet fever.
. Y. M. L. C.—The Grey; ,Yonpg
Men's Liberal Club meet in Dames'
Hall on Friday, Oct. 9th, when it is
expected a full attendance of the offi-
cers and members will bo present.
We extend a cordial invitation to all
young mon of this township to come
and join the club, The subjeot for
debate on the above mentioned even-
ing is "Resolved that female suffrage
would be beneficial to the country."
W.1:fnight, Captain, together with W.
Milne, J. Uutt, A. Hislop, A. 0.
Damns and M. Harris, talcs the af-
firmative side of the question and A.
McKay, Captain, together with D.
Robertson, R. Bishop Jno Bain,
Jno, Rotz and F. Smith take the neg-
ative side.
A. meeting of Grey Plowtuan's As
sedation was held at Cranbrook on
Monday last, T. Calder, Pres., in the
chair. A committee was appointed
to secure a field for ploughing. Match
will bo held on 21st October,
A horse bolongiug to Henry Al-
cock ran away recently and in its
mad career jumped over abanlc into
a creek and was drowned. The loss
was not heavy as the horse was aged
and of late had an intense hatred of
the whip,
At the Indnstrial at Toronto, last
week "Challenge," tlio imported
Clydesdale colt, belonging to Mame.
McNeil, Shine & Delgatty, book 2nd
prize. There were 17 entries in the
class, These above mentioned gent -
lemon also showed "Sir 'fatten
Coaohman" as a carriage stallion,
but it seems that general purpose
horees were also allowed in too and
the judges, by the decisions, did not
know a carriage stallion when they
saw one.
Onix.—It is with much regret tto
notice the death of Mies Mary L'au•
mitt Bell, loather of the female sehool,
in ilio parish of Wamphray,t her
111(1',{t��5� hole
We don't ask you to buy unless you wish. It will be one of the
.dost Interesting Sights of the 'Whole Show.
You can positively see nothing like it in Brussels from the fact that
we never employ Milliners from n third rate stablishment, we make a
point of ONLY Engaging
Nothing Like Leather,
—o --
Fi t®Class '�i"alite
Go to
— —o --
The Spot to Get the
est Value For Your Money.
Sign of the Red Boot.
in thanking our numerous customers for the patronage of the past
year wo have pleasure in stating that our stock of
consisting of Parlor and Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Tables,
steads, Lounges, Chairs, Sofas, Rattan Furniture, ire.,
Was Never More Complete.
and Pictures to choose from. All Kinds of MOULDINGS for Frames
kept on hand and made up on short notice. We are continually at
work on
and we are prepared. to till all orders in a thoroughly
manner. Repairing attenclocl to with Promptness.
? iNnA. YFd;;NY�u'i.rm. r�.PJs'd
We have a Largo and Elaborate Stock of Caskets,' Coffins, And tin,
dertaker's Furnishings on hand and ask those requiring anything • in •
this line to call and see our goods. Two First -Class Hearses ]rept in
connection with the establishment.
R .m Leat eraale; gm. El Longo