HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-9-25, Page 3Sari, 2;3, 1885, etas, TIIEE IDEAL, I think the song that's ssveetest,: Is the song that's never sung - That 1108 at the heart of the singer, Too grand for mortal tongue.. And sometimes in the silence Between the day and the night, Ile 1an0ie0 that its measures Bid farewell to the light. A fairy hand from dream land Beckons us hero and there, And when wo strive to clasp it It vanishes into air, And thus our fait deal Floats ;tufty just:bef ore,; .And we with longing spirits Reach for it evermore, THERE'S BLUE SKY OVERHEAD, The earth iadarlt and clrear, There aro perils in the way ; A thousand little trials To encounter every day ; But though full of gray and gloom The path our feet may tread; Look up, traveller, There's blue Sky overhead I• - - We journey to the right, • • And wo journey to the left ; And strive to Iiud the treasures Of which We are bereft When hope has ceased to smile," And 1110 heart is filled with dread, Look up, traveller, 7.itero's bltlo sky overhead ! Tian shadows dark may' Ole All around us Ince a pall , And en sail and sombre scenes 8rav our level glances fall ; BM above the things tri earth Is love's azure curtain spread, Look up, traveller, There'd bine sky olprhead ! The sOn11n0rdnysgo 1>.t, With sweet memories in their train, The autumn days draw High, And the earth is drenched with rain ; But when the dear delights are passed, And the joys of life seem fled, Look up, traveller, There's blue shy overhead! Though underfoot the thorns And briars may abound, Through death and desolation - Encompass cls around, Though all the springs run dry That once our pleasures fed, Look up, traveller, Thera's blue sky overhead I A FREE SEAT. Ila was old and poor; and a stranger -111 I)te greetwetrepolise • And. its he bent his feeble stops To stately edifice, • Outside he enquires, "What churoll is this ?" "Church of Christ," he heard them say, All ! just tho place I'm looking for ; I trust Ile is Isere to.day," He passed through the spacious columned door, And up the carpeted aisle, And, as be passed, on many a face Ho saw surprice and smile. From pow to pew, up one side aisle, Then noross the broad front space, From pow to pew clown the other side, Ho walked with the same slow pace. Not a friendly voice had bid him sit To listen to Gospel truth ; Not a sign of respect had been paid - To the aged one by youth, No d001. WAS opened by generous hand (The pews worn paid for -routed) ; And though a etpanger; old and poor, Not heart to pilin releatl.d!i `l;,' • As hp paused-oufeido n mogltlnfiio El1iRk T1le11 again 11asaed into the street, Up to his shoulder ho lifted a stone That lay ill the dust at, his feet, And born it uji the btdad•grand-aisle, In front of tltttsanles:113(7130175l Choosing a place to see and to hear, f10 made it a seat for his use. Calmly sitting upon the' huge stone, F olding lliohauds 011 his Ames, - Quietly reviewing 1110 worshippers, A great confusion 110 sees, ➢Iany 1t cheep( is crimsoned with shame, Some whisper -together. IOW • - Ana wiolt they had been mere courteous To the poor man they did not know, As if by iuotantaY)eoumagiT'oottio )U,tlo ty oost?' Opeu• And us many scats anti 'mold aiidhitods Were prof erect hastily. Changing hie stoup for a cushioned scat, And wiping ii tad,{ itivay, Ilio thinks it was a mistake, after all, And that Christ came 11tto that day. The preacher's disaotn'se was eloquent, The organ in finest tone, - Bnu 1110 most impressive sermon hoard. Was preached by a Mumble stone. 'Twos a lesson of lowliness and worth, That lodged in many tt Heart ; And the church preserves that sacred stone, That tho trots; may not depart. ,t. Pantile ,Resemblance. Rollo, Robbery, old boy, 1,811 it it l3ancicuff. "Whom (urn y L4�/ "Olt, you can'ty file, . I lffiopvl ri you d'v (.�t o y "Buaro �" I am nott Robbery, Sir." "Well, then, I d like to know who you aro ?" apply name ';l.1/ A13841441.0t,A ir&3 ZV,1lIl,,plitybo rt w111i„y!bur i3„totllatl that; need to know. You look aliklf11 anyway." "No, Sir, 1 Savo but two brothers, . and their names are Suspension ai11 Failure." "Ab, yes, 1 remember nossea?, f .lane bery was the father of tbo who di' of you, 1 remen)bcr," 13ze Noxss,•-•Begin your prepar- ations new fur wintering the bees. Contreat otltra1)oos to preveet robb• ing, and to the eamo cud Jove honey comb around the rnqui8iti little innate, anti thus give so inn annoyance to your family as to ma them wish they had never seen a bee- hive about the promises. Weigh each hive and see that they have from twantyfivo to thirty-five hounds of honey, irrespective of the weight of hive, boos and combs. If your bees are in a movable 0oiv b hive, as they should be, the honey should bo store ed in Six or 80v811 oolnbs, !and the colony oonfined'ta that number by a division board, all other combs hav- ing been removed. Look out for the moth larva) • in boxes or removed combs, Seo that each stook has a laying queen. If you are in a sec- tion having fall pasturage, an ex- tractor is a necoesity. You may now iutroduoo Italian queens to your stocks, replacing all queens known to be old, If feeding is neees8ary to save light stooks, now is the tilne t0 do it -every evening at dusrc ; for storing feed, as repeatedly as possible bt}t if your obj eotiy to stimulate brood rearing, llalf;a••pin(' each' successive evening 'i11 be •sii]licient. -Next month will be given the mode of pre- paration for winter Which is at pre- sent adopted. Thu gardener who 'mope a few bees should nover,J'orgot to 8017 a liberal supply of mignonette. Not to speak of the delightful perfume and useful- ness fur hotgnete, it i8 a pasture field for boos instil tho he vy.frouts. Without the lige of it; tlieruiomstor butter -making becomes' a work of chaucu. It May be good or 1t may not, with the advantages in favor of a poor article, Purity in butter and cheese 0011 suints their chief value in the mirk- ete of the world. It'may bo perfect- ly pure after it has lost tho fragrance imparted to it by tho Iiaturo of the feed taken. Any peculiarity of herb- age or other food 1e imparted to the milk. Poisons may be conveyed; to milk in food. The chief value of but- ter over' any other fat, Pit, lard, tal- low, etc., is the presence of grateful odour, Tl1.is may add,from twenty- five to ii ty j)er cent, to lie value. It aloes not:involve three per cent, in the (met 'Of manufacture. A few weeks ago Maud S. was fast- ed to boat her own record, and she accomplished the feat by trotting. a mile in 2.951. Tho gist quarter Was trotted in 82?- seconds; the ^second in 82, the third in 314. and the fourth in 38}. This is remarkable when uompared with the best trotting roe cord of thirty years ?too, "aud we shall notho surprised if in the courso• of the next fifteen years the recordkis cut clown to two minutes. Breed ing on special lines produces wdnd- e i•ful results. 'lr$ 7 S1:p3SOZ:La " POST be induced 'to care for his tree except i "ELT Ul«ON AND iii1uoE upon compulsion, does net deserve to haus any fruit, G'n,rr 1n(Ii8316x INT (0 Wr4, De ve Sunday was the 126th anniversary oh of the fall of Quebec awl the death of he Wolfe, Amoricau exchanges ,ire coinplli2iu- ing of frauds that aro practised 1. on farmers by manufacturers of fertlliz- i>og. eompounds. One of those nlade in Connectieut,'and sold for $30 'per .ton, has been found. 'on analysis to consist mainly of sand, earth and water, and worth only $8.26 per ton. :t>.pother made in New York State, and sold at $85 per ton, has been found to bo worth only $6.90, or a- bout equal in value to it ton of good swamp ,Huck. There are few farms on which an ample and reliable man - the could not be ]Made, if care ;was only taken to utilize what is available for that purpose. • Teo many farmers neglect the straw -stack at threshing time. Straw i8 valuable for feeding ppurposes, and after the oxpei'lnoo of 1W`St , 1lunter it would bo a great mislalte= to waste any of it. If a stack is properly made -and this cannot be . done witkont the help ofthreo or four mon-near- ly the whole of tho straw may bo pre- served dry and sweet for winter use, Ill spite of storms of rain and snow. Of course it is better to got the straw under cover, bat where this cannot b0 done, a well-built staoie is the next best way of preserving it. Then a fend of out straw mixed with grain is a diet as good and wholesome as a food of hay, and ,tho.manu a heap is sure to he enriched. ;li re'is only ono effective -way of tie tilitla3aok knot, and tbat.is to out t1fihb affected twig or limb, and m into lt,I°:,ff this is done as often as tLodisease appears it is possible to • keep it in check, and to maintain strew in a healthy hearing state, y$2p8ood gonaav result from enforcing„ Abe:Jews on c ;he stlrtute bop1i;" b ti • tµear'0 rise men w110,Faiinot bo made to o ea they ought ` without a eteatly application of legal penalties, and" chi ataps on the whole It ts'`botter to let them suffer the losii' of their trees.' $4, sooner the trees aro dead, the offer will bo the orchards of their neighborr5, and the roan who cannot The Hamilton ,Salvation Army lot the contract for barracks nos $5,000. No lens than 160 children died mond) of diphtheria in the paris St. Polyoarpo, Soulangos county, Sir John Macdonald presided the oconsion of the lecture by A deacon Farrar at Ottawa on Mo evening. The three children of Mrs. Ai whose desperate attempt to kill t was 011000ieled, are all doing well will shortly recover. The Sarnia Observer saysseveral cages of flog cholera h broken out in ,Sombra township, the St. Clair River, Lambton CoriAle agreement for the transfero of the North Shore railway betw Quebec and Montreal to the Caned Pacific railway was finally effect% Ottawa Ibis week. They were not long in eg1eeziug sernlorl out of Arohtleaeon Farrar Quebec. The eminent gentleman rived at 9:15 on 'Sunday morning all preached on Sunday evening, Joe, Elliot, a superannuated Pres byterian minister, aged 75 year wandered from tholIonletvtlril' RanaGuelph, stud fell into the river an hedrowned, e had been absent lauded for number of years,11lesers.Itykort, Carnegie and Park er, of the Council of Agricultural and Arts, have been appointed a commit. tee to meet the Loudon Committee for the purpose of locating the build. lugs to bo erected on Queen's Park. -William Hadley, J3yron's village schoolmaster, disappeared in a mys- terious manner en Friday last, and nothing whatever has been learned of his whereabouts since that time. Ile came to Byron from Newbury, which is hie proper home, At the Fall assizes at Guelph Tues- day John O'Donnell, charged with tbo murder of afellow-workmen nem el Joseph Murphy hear Morriston in July last, was found guilty of., man- slaughter and sentenced to five years in the penitentiary. The 08'1.5it1"(r1A.of the MontrealRealth''office slides that there were 27 deaths from the smallpox in the city on Monday and 56 now eases report- ed, of which only 10 worst; however, , authenticated. There wer•esix deaths in the adjoining villages. Jos. McMullen, of 'Warton,. woe tried on three couuts of having sold liquor, contrary to the provisions of the Scott Act, which stoyrl him $150 and ousts J. W. Mauloy,'tlie vouclor, also in that village, paid $5Q, for talc - lug undue liberties • with the .same Aot. The Salvation •Army lieve•laid'the corner stone of a fine new cathedral at Toronto. The temple will. cost $32,000. The army has. to day '138 stations, 69 out -posts, 420 oflioers and over 20 000 soldiers. The contribu- tions for the year were over $00,000, and they have acquired during the year 22 barracks. This is the way in which a St. Tholiras paper notic08 the visit .of an Ingersoll celebrity in its city: -"Tho Rev. Solomon Peter Bale, whose etas - sic and exuberant verbiage has charm- ed the ears of the Royal family of Urope, Ashiah, United States and St. r'tle Thomas, is tioating among sahib• r'iments of colored friouds attLindollt. Special efforts are being made by the Dominion Government to secure an adequate representation of the lit- erary and artistic developmennt of the Dominion at the forthcoming 'Colonial and Iudien Exhibition. It is inteud- ed, if they can bo procured, to exhibit apeeimeus of the worst of every Oan- adiair author,-aul 8 c1lleotlon of best specimens -of Canadian arta Miss Elliott, a lady who has jus t left the -Montreal hospital?, flatly de- . p108 1110: etateMent 'r¢gat'tliiig mise managomeot Of 'thed-emitTl pox hos- pital. She says she found it more coatfortalilo `aticl•li'etter managed than she expected, and describes the place as being more lino a hotel than a hospital. The only want felt, she Yr more e %a e, Was fo o o nurses. The food and medical attendauco' was`all that could be 118sired. Froin present in(ieation8 itis evid- ent that in the lumbering operations on the Upper Ottawa this season the oat f 'square timber will -e; bemail, kfi�,thelo'ivili bo a, great ini roaso in logs. The square timber market ffn Qnebee hoe boon'. pcor tI3ig year so lumbermen fool that a curtailment in the manufacture of square timber is a va'r'y groat necessity. In sawn lint-- bet there has been a very good dei' nand at fair prices, so that the log trade has got au inapatus, has ting last h of P.Q. o11 rola- clayrey, hem and that ave. 011 nty, nae 600 ion c1 at 0 ]n a r- 11 • • d Loan & Investment Co. This Company is Loaning Money ell Farm Security at L0W11ST 2A•r8s of Interest. MORTGAGES PURC12ASED- SAVINGS 1IAN1C I1RANCII, 8, 4 and 5 per cent. Interest Al- lowed on Deposits, according to amount and time left. 010r1C13.--Q11 corner of Market Square and North street, Goderieh. Horace Horton, Manses% e:iodoticb, Aug. 6th,1885. . ERE.SI11RE'1BOA11 I'o1 SER. spore,. -Tho undersigned win keep a thor- ough bred-3erksblre boar for 5ervioo on let 17, 4th lino, Morrie, about two miles from Bruit. eels. littren Lad" 17116 bred by IT. Sorbey, Guelph, and was sired by Lord Wellington, 4017, bred by L:. Towle, England; dam, Lady lfellbsel.Pt1l' g• aTom,1 nandrllemu1) broil pigrowed Jan.2eth, 1801. Torino: 81, to b0 paid at time of 6orviso, with privilege of returning, it neooSaary. J.1.82Ea 10. .11d1TIN, 43.0m* Proprietor. Tho Moot Do11ghtth1 SUMMER T tic'7 Palmoo Steamero. bow Stapp. Sour Tripp per Week Between DETROIT AND MACKINAC Aad Every Week Day Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Write for our "Picturesque Mackinac," Illustrated. Coatetao Sall Partioniare.: Moiled 8sev. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nev. do. 0. D. WHITCOMB, GUM. PASS. A8T., DETROIT, MICH. TAI, BAS H ILL, Hutehor, thanking his ninnyoustomere fur -Moir liber- al support for the peat six years wishes to Cnf0t•u, thorn CLD t be, log bur nod out of MD old stem! has titled up a 580„ (u 8mals's Sleek in 1lrot.oblse style whero he hopes to son 1011 the old ouotnmera and as many now ones se floe fit to give Lim a call. I koep nothing but Aeotahtsn meats, all kinds of Poultry nerd Sansags Mont Doi 11,01.0c1 to all parts of the Tow. 1'1/ o, Ou831 3a111 fol hat -Stook. Canadian ?seine Railway Time Table. Teeswater Branch. Mlles. Going Wool. Mall, J4 prsee, 0 Toronto.. Dop 0 4 74 10 234 804 38*. 4.4 171 3(1} 00 02i OD 74 Orangeville ., Orangeville Jct Amaranth t ., Waldemar.. . Luther , ... . Arthur ... . , Kenilworth,... Fo10501' Pages ,....:. H.uuu5'ros, . ,. Fot'dwich ,... Gerrie , „ ., Wroxeter Winghaw Road 7.'20 a.m. 9.50 10.05 " 10.15 y 10.24 ' 10..31 " 11.0a „ 11.;;0 '• 11. ,t Dan. 12.11 pm. 12.24 12.56 • 0.31 1.I8 '• 31.41/ 1,15 • (1.41; 1,78 '• 10.0:3 " Teeswater.. Arr 1.55 p.m. 10.15 " • 5.40 p.m. 7.05 722 .82 7.514 7.44 8.10 8.20 0.40 11.01 0.10 1011 off. (.oing East, 15(11.1 ., Mall. 0 Tat/water Dcp 5.15 :c.111.1 2.1 5 Wiugliam Ruud 5,2 " 2,30 Wrozoter .... 0.•17 " 2.40 Corrie , ... 0.53 , 2.116 I'ordwieli . 0 u1 30.01? iiarristou3.'1!I Pages ;...... ,42 •• 5,40 M(.I'orest., .. ' 3.57 43j Kenilworth ,. 710;.01 11' 4:33.:511 604 Arthur.... 7.2ti i 4.311 61:f Luther .. .. .. 7.53I 6.10 (34 WValderuar.... 7.58 " 16.17 (104 Amaranth t .. 4-1.0-1 " 6.24 70 Orangeville Jct 8 " 6,36 133 74 Toroiao Orauglle.A., 8.1150.15 a . 5.66 r1.m. 14.35 p.111. Refreshment and Dining Rooms -AT- TODONT0 JUNCTION, ORANt,5 TILLE ANC/ CARLETON JUNCTION. 72:4i7=TCi33E101,7 Cr 111 14 171 tet 50 ym. THROUGH TRAINS -BETWEEN.- -TORONTO AND MONTREAL. -- T. FLETCIIER, TICKET ARENT. BRUSSELS ETHEL The undersigned having completed the change from the stone to the Celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has now the Mill in First -Class Running Order, and will be glad to see a]1 his 01d Customers and as many tieR' ones as possible. Chopping done. - Flour and, reed Alvray$ or. °9ai a i m, HIGHEST PRICE PAIL) .FOR ANY QUANTITY OF GOOD WHEAT WM. I IIj.NT-t7; CAUTION UTiON A dealer in Brussels is advertising and offering for sale a 111srPA13L1.1 Iir11TAT1osi of the , GEX UIXE AtiaTC THORN F.L'✓VCE ofhi 1 1v cl I and the 150142 AGENT 111 BRUSSELS, anti the 1'tihlic are eau - firmed against purchasing the spurious article. Tho parties in Canada who are placing this WltLlTc1 Din MUTATION on the market are now being sued for ten thousand dollars dalnages. ti'110 Genuine Buck ThornFence, the BiiseJ and Cnr:,Arnsr fence in. the world, can ONLY be pm - chased at tlio "GOLDEN PADLOCli." - '1 axil also Agent for tho Ontario Barb Ponce Comp. all3 , wliosluice • the best' Barb 'Niro 'Canada., • English throe ply plain twistocl tome, a remarkably cheap and dur- able fence for Gardens. • Several tons of Land Plaster in 200 lb. sacks for sale, 1 XS,,;0i' SMC I xiy „' oa