HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-9-25, Page 1,f 4 VOL, XIII. COMMUNICATIONS. 'I'RUs'PEf'1 ELECTIONS, Editor PORT. Deno Sin.—Reforing to your editorial note of a recent issno I obsorve that you do not seen very sure of the supposed fact that delegations waited upon Mho Minister 10 urge the change in tho manner of elert- ing'1'rustors. 1 tin not think any such did but granted that such is Mho fact, the law its it Mande on the statute book, provides that where the Board wishes 1t, the chango in the haw is to come into effect in that Municipality. It is intact an optional law somewhat similar in that moppet to the "Seat Act." To roturn theroforn to my former question, whoa havo the Ratoinaye s 1'.f this Municipality indicated a wish to have this optional ;Mango ntnclo. Yours truly, P,rusads, Sept. 1(ith, 1115. Ia1ioe651rs. THHE POLICE 31AtIISTRATE. To tbr. p'dit Or of THE rose. zn. I 1100100 that it Taxpayer has pub- lished a note in your columns explaining the 1Varden's action in regard to the o pointment of a County Police Magistrate, 1, as another Taxpayer, quite agree with the writer, that -lir. Kelly has taken a sensible course in the matter, 1 am strong- ly of the opinion that if the Local f}oc' en- n1cnt appoint a Police Magistr0lo they should pay him. Tho taxpayors of Brus- sels havo now nearly 5500 of inrroaced tax- ation udder the Scott Act, and if this ap. pointinent is made another largo sum will have to be paid annually by the over- burdened taxpayers. The Police Magistrate is appointed for life end retains his posi- tion during good behaviour. He niight live 40 or 111 years. If it werenecessary for the cnforr c dont of tie Suott Aot and ens only to hast as long as the Act is in force it would not be NO objectionable, but, as Tax- payer octys, there oke plenty of magistrates to enforce the iawa. Why thon add this burden :' There aro two answers to this question, either that the magistrates aro unlit for the ofilee they fill or it is impos- slblo to enforce the Act, It is not tho form- er, because we know there are many mag- istrates acistrates intellectually and morally capable of performing .heir duty, and if the latter 10 the case wha$magistrate can overcome hat dilfcculty? Yours truly. Axormca T,txr.rrnn. Brussels, Sept. 14th 1006. 1..111;, (' 1N ,U IPORNLI. I)ooic PONT.–having spent a few years ou the other side of the continent I thought it few notes of what may be seen might in- terest my old friends. I flrtd the first en- try in my note book is when travelling through Arizona and seeing somi.tropical vegetation growing in luxuriance. Variet- ies of paint trees and cactus plants without number, Homo appearing like pillars 15 or 20 feet high, one ,s forcibly reminded that we are travelling in abothon part of tho world than in (ianada, Passing Yuma we am Indiana going about much mora scant- ily dressed than any we have yet then, and not so much wonder when it is conceded that Yount as about tie hottest place in the United States, Entering California, cross- ing the desert, covered by Alkali Salts and descending lower than the level of Mho ocean we Login to feel more comfortable as we ascend into tho more habitablo regions, and as we end our journey tat Colton every- thing that can be seen tolls us that Spring has ce1110 in this part of the world at least, though itis only the 100 of March. Per- haps at no season of the year is Southern California seen to greater ndvautago than at this season, with all tho grain fields a beautiful green, valley and plain hovered with wild flowers and vegetation that cattle and horses luxuriato in, almost all the fruit trOes hl blossom, ltttlo figs ou the fig trees and gardens with endless varieties of flow- ers, rasa bushes and (dianders quite au near the dimensions of a tree as of a bush, mak. ing altogether a scone which even Californ- ians don't see every day of the your. One of the most prominent objects a stranger notices is tho long mountain ranges with Mho snow-capped peaks of Mount ban Ber- nardino and Grey back, toworing 11,500 ft, and acting as groat receivers of snow and rain for Oto 11on0lit of thoso in tho valloy below, in Mho shape of rivers and springs of water. Artesian wells usually got by bor- ing from 100 to 600 foot, quito overcomo the disadvautsget of a dry climate by the judicious use of tho water thus supplied. Itis Tilton curiosity to s0e the sun shining on the mountains before sunrise and aftor sunset quite a number of minutes, it takes a little tine for a stranger to r0lnambor that the great dark object in alto woet in not a thunderstorm conning on, and in cloudy weather to distinguish what aro clouds and what are mountains, cis tho clouds are not always the highost of Mho two objects. Walking out in the direction of 1110 orange orchards, north of 1110 town, wo smell Mho fragrance of the orange blos- soms long before reaohing them. We find few places greater than 40 saxes in oxtent, with shade trees planted along tbo roads consisting of Eucalyptus, Popper, Cyprus and Cotton wood treos that can bo grown auywhore by putting a good sized pole 2 feet into tho ground and watering it somas. banally the first year. We final Mho budded orange trees usually planted about 20 feet apart, seedlings a 111110 w1}dor, all planted straight in several different hays to faoili- tato Mho work of cultivation and irrigation. When the trees are in full blossom hund- rocls of boos can bo seen at ovary trop coin. ing from the boo ranchos in Mho foot frills, which product) annually the enormous quant- ity of 10,000 tons of honey. The orange Mao follows the general law of natnro that "like produces like" moro closely than most fruits, 0s the seedling Woo produces oranges very slightly inforior to those gros 1 on budded trees, but it takos about 3 years tongor boginning to bear and is vary thorny, while tllo1101t1at 611.All yes:l ties %leel variety have ltno nearly5 ELS BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEPT. 25, 1885. NO. 12.. year from the blossom to produce tho boat oranges, some will be well colored in Do. comber and by the mouth of April all will be fully ripe but as they stick teen( i nc01y to the tree they may be left to hang months aftor Slay aro ripe. Some growers pack their own fruit, othoro soil on tho tree or pick and deliver tit ono of the packing 11011000 11101 supply boxes and paper, pack and deliver on the oars for 11 moderato sunt, and are aunt to some 001111111Hsie11 1131160 to boards" to the bast advantage. If there in rain onongh cultivation only is nooessary, if not irrigation most be resorted to. This i0 done by making furrows along the rows of trews planted so that water will run from one end to the othor then letting a small stream of water run in ouch furrow for 12 or 24 hours, closing in with the aultivator when dry enough, usually about one day later and one would bo surprised how much n little water will do with proper 001010a - lion. Some maintain that one inch of wat- er under 4 inch preesnro is suffreicnt for 10 acres of land. Hiding through the county of San Bernardino we uutioe the nunlurotls crcharde of deoidious fruits, the great var- iety of peaches, apricots, pears, nectarines, figs, olives, &c„ all of which are hi demand at the different canning estabiishmouts, more that ono of which employs 200 to 300 'l;ands during summer, and 11 is 0laimed that fruits grown in this county are much superior to that grown noar the coast or in any plata having a moister atmosphere, it being nothing uncommon to have 110 rain for ti iuoutlis of the year here. Pursuing our say 500 01411't shut 0111' 03,06 to the hundreds of acres devoted to 1110 cultivation of the wino grape, which shotes rather plainly that Proltib1tIoa is still 111 the din - taut future, We go on to Riverside one of the most pruspor0us suttleudents in fouth. ern California, whore no wino grapes aro grown, only table grapes and those that will make No. 1 raisins, planted for variety among its Orange, lenum, peach, apricot and pear orchards, of about 0,000 0ores fu extent. The average 0110 of each place i0 about 16 to 20 acres, all kept in first. class style, net 14 Weed to be soon in them, the eucalyptus, pepper, cyprus, palm, Aus. tralian ferns and magnolias planted as shade trees along tho roads and round Gault place and no fuuare except ct hedge of cyprus kept trimmed nicely, about 2 feet high, and with lawn nndflowers in front of the houses, Century plants in bloom 1.0 or 12 feet high makes a scene not easily surpassed in beauty. To tako the financial side of the question the value of fruit for ono year will bo simply onormous in a Tow years. One acre of raisin grapes 0n the vino is worth 5125, and oranges will pay well if sold in tho orchard at } 0 cent, all things consider. ed. Bearing orchards seldom change hands for less than 51,000 an acre in this colony, unimproved at from 5200 to 5300 an acre, which is rather inoro than ordinary Dunt - grants Dare about paying, still good laud can be got in the uotvor colones tot mnclt more reasonable figures. California is now finding out that the fruit industry is of moro valuo than all tho gold in her m11108 and in a short Limo wit" become the most important in the States. Yours, S. B oivaumn. Test Huron Fall Shotir. The annual Fall Exhibition of the above Society commenced ou Thurs- day of this week. Tho weather was beautiful and everything promises favorably for a very successful show. Tile inside department is well to the froth, grain, roots, &c., being portio. ularly Nell repreaontect. With good weather to -day (Friday) we expect to be able to report, sleet week, ono of 1110 most sucooesfnl oxbibitiooe over held on the Grey Branch grounds. entries Council' Meeting. Ube Connell mot pursuant to adjourn. nden1, at the Council Room on Split. 210, Itiembers all present, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last mooting road and Passed, Tho following acOonnts were ord. °red to bo paid :--Por gravel—Jas. Martin, 50.05, D. Farquharson, $2.56, 11. England, `12, Mrs. Tucker, 52, J. Cloakoy, $3.75, II, Wright, $6, J. Sellars, 53, Jas. Shurrio, 00a, 11. Leos, 54,00, W. Whiteford, 850, W. Bar. gess,1'52.33, Jno. litoatillan, $3.60, D . Goddes, 513,40, A. It;, Robertson, $1.15, C. MoLellaud, 510.25 ; Simeon Ralcot, repairs on ltuttau's bridgo, 517.50 ; Joseph Leech, Lumbor, 625,20; 1'. Murphy, work, 56 ; Wm. Wil- son, remission of dog tax, $1; R. Shortrood, do., 51; Sas, Timmins, spikes, 960.47 ; Jno, Smith, to ath:lag O 110001x, 000 ; 11. Gusman, Lumber and 'worn, $12 ; Misses Lsford, chatty, 5111; James Tyner, plank and nails, 540.30 ; S. irannortnao, insposbing and spreading gravel, 53,26 ; Cantolon tC Ellis, ditching, 662 ; W.U. Ilona, printing, 520,- 26 ; Samos *harp, oulvert, $10 ; Mo. Lslland, lumber and nails, 50.50. Moved by G. A, Rowe, seconded by 111. Bosman that John Mooney bo appointed collector Bosnian, that taxes for this township, Carried. Moved by I!, Mooney, seconded by Wit, Wray, that the Iloovo bo ineti•noted to have a now approach built to Ard's bridge, Carried, Moved by Wm. Wray, soeonaed by 11. ,Mooney, that by-laws No. 6, 7 to d me new road be passed, Carried. MoVod by II, Mooney, s000ndod by Win, Wray, Ahab a by-law bo passod annexing the n. e. 5 of lot 7 and n, 5 of lob 8 in the 8th oonoeesion to W, 5. 8., No. 13. Carried, The Couuoil then adjourned to meot again on Oct. 2011,, Wm. 00.0111{, Clod. The Government section of ibo Pacific Railway in British Oolumbra reaching from Kamloops to Pott Moody, is drawing to a completion, and in a short thno a Sinal settlement of the aeoounts botwoon the contract- or and the Governuient must bo made. 10eteroom County Notes.. The 1'Ixobor Board of Health havo decided to have all the children in the village vaccinated at once, being afraid that small pox may iuvado the comtnuuity. J. H. Scott, of I{incardino, has boon elected a mowing of the exsout- ivo committee of the Mechanics' In- stittutes' Association of Ontario, and A. Il. Manning, of Cltntou, bad been chosen vies -president of that body. Mrs. T. Shote, of 'Osborne, who has been living in the vicinity for a great many yearn, tools her first 1•u10 on ibo oars on Wednesday of last week, to the Provincial Exhibition at Loudon. It is strange that sumo people never have a desire for travol. ling by rail, while othoro aro fond of it. A new slut combination has been formed, to bo known as "The Lake Shore Salt Association," comprising the six manufacturers iu Godorioh, the two wells in (Kincardine, Williams &. llurrny's well at Port Frank, and tho °oartwelght Salt Clo. •The head office is located. in Godorioh, with 0. I'. Pashley, formerly oashior of the old Canada Salt Association, as sec- retary. Joseph Williams is Preaid- ent, and Johu Stobie, woe -President. canted/arm Newer. Colllrigwood ratepayers pay22 mills on the dollar this year.. A case of bigamy has been unearth- ed in Montreal in which a man has boon living with two wives for years. The sum in dleputo between the C. P. R. contractors on the north shoro and the Company -is $500,000. The Thousand Islands havo been under ostimatod. Upon a recount they numbered 1,0000. N. 11M. Richards, of Tara, is the proprietor of a very prolific Suffolk sow. In loss- than live months she has given birth to 28 little porkers. The yield of the viueyards back of Sandwich will be a good ono this year. It is expected by some that tbo price will be about three cents per pound. Airs. lokloy, of Wiarton, has elop- ed with a railway brakeman named McNally, sof Hanover She left a husband and good home for the si- cioty of an adorer. Tho Fishery Dopat•tmeut at Ottawa have received asd foravarded to the suecossful oxhibitors the diplomas awarded to Canadians at the Inter- national Fisheries Exhibition. James Somerville, M. P. has retir- ed from the conduct of tho Dundee True Banner, which will herotaftor bo conducted by his son, Roy V. Somer- ville, a young mnu of ability and energy. Hiram Walker, of Walkorville, had forty.livo acres planted in tobacco this year, and the cut, which is now in the sweat, fills ten largo tobacco barna. Tho yield was about 1,800 pantie to the acro. The leaf appears to bo of good quality. All along tho hue there comes a domand for the abolition of tbo Prov- incial Fair, It is a badlymnnagsd concorn, its methods entailiing a great deal of exponso that is out necessary in the case of shows managed by local people. It has dorso well in its day, but it hag simply livod too long. Turn it loose,and let it die. At tho Colonial and Indian Exhibi- tion, to tic held in London in May next, it is proposed to' stop out of Mho beaten track, and not only to show the itiduetrial products and material resources of Canada, bot also hor literary and 'artistic. development. Thhoro need be little apprehension felt las to tho position Canada oan occupy with.reOpect to tho farmer, The Montreal; woman who attompt- od to get rid of her husband for a young gallant, by administering doses of ground glass to him, turns out to bo Mrs. Weird, and lior husband is Arthur Waud, eon of a well-known bntldor. They havo boon married but two years. The young .gentle• man 'tiith whom she wee so much taken up 'is named Smith. Mrs, Wend is supposed to bo in Now Fork, Mr. McKee, has entered suit against the Canada Paolfio Railway for $22,- 000 damages. He claims to have been forcibly expelled from a 0, P. R. train, although ho posecsgod a regular passage ticket, while ho woe allotAed on a second train and again oxpellod near IC`i'nogami. Ho was un- able to find sholtor, was abandoned for sovoral clays, and subsequently tale rap p3, 31 pa90115g train. 1 An Ottawa Library employer ha been detailed. to attend Gen, Middle ton in his Northwest trip, In 0 -alt $20,000 worth of new buildings have been erected during the present year. 'Tito loss by the giving way of Har ley's dock in Windsor last Saturday, by which 1,000 tons of goal were dumped into the river, will reach $4,000 Limits. Morin and .Define. of the Royal Military College, wore passuu- gers on the Hanoverian when she was wrecked of} Newfoundland recent- ly. Lieut. Daflus lost $1,500, and his companion the sword ho w 011 in the College. The largest bar of gold ever seen iu Nova 'Scotia was brought to Hal - flax last week from the now Albion minas at Montague. It weighed one thousand and fifty-four ounces, being the procluco of 14 days crusrliing, and was valued at $20,018. Win, Kyle appeared bofuro tho Tor- onto police magistrate ou Monday morning chatgod with uttering a for• god note. The court room was crowded to the doors. No evideoco was taken, and Kyle was romanded for ono day, bail being fixed at $8, 000 in his now recognizances, rtud two sureties of $1,500 each. A change in au eminent legal firm 111 Toronto has recently been made. Tito.. firm of Blake, Kerr, Lash & Cassels has boon dissolved, J. K. Kerr, Q.C., and Kenneth 'MacLean leaving the firm. The now firm is to bo styled Blake, Lash, _Cassels, & " Holman, the members being :–Messrs. EdwardBlako, Q.C., S. Ii. Blake, Q. C., Z. A. Lash, Q.C., Walter Cassels, Q.C., C. J. Jllolman, Hamilton Cassels, Richard S. Cassels, Alex. Mackenzie and II. Miokle. A man named Roulston and an ac- complice were arr001011 by Constable Munson, of Arthur, charged with de- frauding and fleecing farmers in Luth- er and Garafraxa West, by pretending to sell them township and County rights for the sato of patent washing machines and obtaining notes for certain amounts, which the agents Kvould have sold at a diseonnt at the first opportgnity and leave the luck - loss parties to redeem them at their leisure. - Tho Groat Northwestern Telegraph Company have oloctod the following directors : Wm. Godorham, A. S. Irving. Jas. Hedley, Toronto ; Eratus Wimau, Chas, Tinker, New York , Hon. William McDougall, 0. B., Ot- tawa ; A. S. Wood, Montreal ; Rich. aril Fuller, Adam Brown, Hamilton, At a subsequont meeting of the Board Eratus Wimau was reappointed pres- ident ; II. P. Dwight, general manag- or• ; 1'. Roper, secretary ted auditor ; Arthur Cox, treasurer. Four` members of tho family of 'Ira. James Shaw, widow of the fate Rev. Amos Shaw, Hamilton, wero poison- ed Tuesday night. Tho family had oaten earned beef for supper and in a short timo were taken with violent vomiting. A son who hal eaten a littlo for dinner had boon sick all the aftoknoou, and when thoso who ate it for supper worn affected in the same way, tiro blame was thrown upon the meat, Miss Shaw hall partakon more freely than the rest and was talion dangerously ill. 1'l doctor was called and after remaining with the family four hours pronounced all the patients out of danger. When Mr, Shaw, je., was convinced that the meat was the cause of the trouble, ho throw what remained away, and when Dr. Case wished to snake an examination (lit, could not find 11 again. All thaw af. footed aro doing well. Some time ago one of the Tara cat. tlo buyers authorized a farmer in the neighborhood of Mount Hope to buy cattle for him. This faunae purohas- odeau animal from Mt•. lIcl:Kolvio, and whoa'lr. M, wont to dolivor it, the buyer refused to talco it off his hands. A small deposit had been made which the buyer ovidontly thought the for- feit of would clear him, but 'Ir. M. regarded Mho matter in a different light, and although ho was at the time forood to take the animal home again, ho no longer eonsidored that 11 belonged to him, and made no fur. t11ur ottolnpt to dispose of it. Action was then taken by Mr. M. to compel tho buyer to romovo it, whioh he at length saw that it was advisable for him to-do, paying Mr. 0iolCelvio the price at first agrood upon with posts. This is a point which farmors will clo roll to snake a noto of, and not al - OW Itllelusolvos to be );luposod upon. h s Within the past month 20,000 per. - sons have been vaccinated in Mor. eal, Tho family of a victim of the llam- ilton Powder Campauy's oxplosion havo been awarded $2,000 datnages by a Balton jury. The organization of two companies of mounted infantry for the purpose of a military school at Winuipeg has been sanctionod. An Imperial. silver medal will be oouferred on the troops recently en- gaged in the suppression of the North- west rebellion. Ilon, Alex, McKenzie is back to Toronto from a two weeks' trip up Lake Superior. ifs; fa Irmkutg mock improved , and says 1.e hula well. The Irish athletic team, numbering ten, captained by lir. Gallagher, edit. or of Sport, of Dublin, arrived at Qnebeo par 88. Sarmatian Monday morning. Returns at the health otlico show that there wero 28 deaths from small- pox in lfontreai on Saturday and 41 on Sauday. This makes a total fur the week ending lust of 210. At. Regina, N. W. T., lied Eagle, Poor Crow, Left hand, The Holland Red Beam have pleaded guilty to treason -felony, by being partieipante in the fights at Duck Loin) and Lea. toche. Ed. Morgan, of Newmarket, has been appointed to Uta junior judge- ship of tho county of York in the room of Judge McDougall, who soc. coeds to the savior judg whip vacated by the rotir-emont of Judge Boyd. Tho Iand in tbo vicinity of Tiir tie mountains, which is at tits disposal of tho volunteers who served in the Northwest, has been plattod' The lauds are rich and well watered and the climate favorable. Archdet.cau Farrar preached to immense congregations in Montreal Sunday, in St. Goorgo's Chnroh 111 the morning and in trio Cathedral in the evening. Nojr half those who Came to the cathedral could gut io. Mayor Searle, of Brantford, having boon appointod sheriff of the county of Brant, will shortly resign his may - orality, and au election for mayor will take place. Tho contest will pro- bably be between 0. 13. Boyd and Goo. Watt. Early Saturday morning a young Mau named Deasley, who works for a farmer in East Sandwich, sate a man lurking in some grape vines Hoar his omployor'a house. Bu fired a shotgun to scare the intruder, but the charge evidently winged him, as he exclaimed "Oh I am shot I" and dis- appeared, leaving a trail of blood. In consequence of tho late Sir F. Hineka, dyiug so unexpetudly the usual funeral ueromonise- were not hold, and at the request of many friends a service i11 memory of the late states- man was held in St, •Goorge's Church, Montreal, Sunday afternoon, when R 1v, J. 13. Dickson, rector of St. Jude's Church, proached,tiandin the course of his remarks paid a high tribute to the deTceasehursdayd gentlaftcemarnonon. as sumo Hag- orsvillo children were going home from school one of the boyo saliva to some waste that they found lying on the M. 0. R. track, It was soon fn a blaze and caught on the clethee of a ltttlo girl named McDonald, between 5 and 0 years of age, daughtoe of a suction boss. She was burned eo badly that she only lived a short time ttftoewnids.tft The Oraugomen of Kingston had a mass meeting on Saturday night and' passod a number of resolutions, among them boing ono that alluded to tho respite of Itiel, and eeprossiug the hope that the Govornmen would taco that justice was done. Another bound those presont not to vote for any canditate for Parliamentary honi ors who would not promise in writ. ing to support the Orange 13111. Sunday morning a singular amid; out occurred at the residence of Mayor King, of St. Cathorinos. One of the sorvants, it appoars, who had reoont- ly a tooth oxtraotod, beoamo alarmed at the profuso flow of blood and cal. lad the nurse girl's attontion to the fact. Tho nurse, who hall Mr. Ifing's baby in her arms, fainted at the sighs • of tho blood and wont towards an open window, oat of which apo fell carrying the baby with lior. The distance wag two storeys from the ground, but, except a severe cut which But girl got on the head, and being otherwise badly shaken up, and a rough coutus. len to 1110 baby, 110 801/0118 1t41n1 lisp; pogo tc dater.