HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-9-18, Page 7SlsPr. 18, 1885. 1.118141111 SOHO, 11er 1ipM am aH Tenn aH her sympathies, her oyos aH colourless as her Houtiments. Neitbor ofilor sols, oxeept bu height, in the 1.tast mumbles her. They aro both tall snit—knit young mon, with sufficient good looks to coin. mond a wncoud glauco, Bruno, the yonngor, heiug a shade dr.rkos than Dick, the older, and perhaps a shade more oontpauionable to the ordinary ac. gllai n tame. "1 will take your word for it all," says Bruno. "I feel oho Is the girl for me! Warmth and snnslino and an hoiross who is a beauty Is as much as any roasonabin follow eau export, At all events, I shouln't cavil at it." "I hope you intend to make a long stay iu tho country now, Richard," says Laity Bouverie, turning to hos older son and ignoring the frivolity of the younger. " It is quite time you took some little intorest in the estate. Your father, as you know, is usoloes. His library "— with a sudden cold sneer—"is his king- dom. There ho dreams away his life in imaginary moods— He fancies there are priceless treasons on those dusty shelves of his." "' Ilis mind to him a kingdom is,' " quotes Dick Bouverie, speaking for tho first time. "Happy is the man who can retain his fond**—however foolish —when old age has caught him I Let my father enjoy his books in peace I" "It is yoer part to ensure him that enjoyment," says Lady I3ourerio, with ill•rooressod sharpness. "If you attuml ,to the aocomits, or at least overlook Wutk ms now and then, there is no reason why your father should not moulder away with his books, nnroo. Ie.,t. d by wont+ of mine. All sery.(nbc r ,tiro a masb"r'. eve upon thrill." " Ii the you sot ib,'Diek ?" s.y s Bruno lau;hing, ' Look at me till I see if 1 should quail before it. Very poor offoct inclord I If I wore you I should grow one in my forehead; it would bo far more imposing," " I thought you said you were going to the atablos, Bruno ?" says his mother, regarding, him with snme disfavour. ;o; I am going to sbay hors and listen to you. The people with whom Fifa and I love to associate with seldom drop pearls of wisdom from their lips, Dy floc, Fifa ?"—to the terrior, who who barks a loud "No," and lifts a fore- paw iu anxious expectation of another word of recognition. "I hate farming and Watkins and the country geuerally," interposes Dick, with a gosturc of dislike. " Still, if your Baty—•n " I lute that cyan more 1 What's the matter with \Vatkius? Why can't he go on alum in hie management, as he as dona for years." " Thom isn't anything the matter with him," interrupts Bruno, " hoyond an op- pressive smell of corduroy! He is quite wall—no ailmont of any sort, as far as I eau sae." "Ilogrows docidodly caroloss and in many ways unsatisfactory," says Lady Bouvario; "hu is, 11.1 fact, too old for his post. If I had ray way, he should he distil hoed donors, and a younger, a more competont man put in his })lace." " But naturally you shrink from dis- charging ono who las served you faith. Lally for over twenty yoaro," says Diolr gravely, flicking a little spook of dust from his waistcoat. A dull Dolour Names into his mother's cheoks, The latent antagonism between her and dor older sou springs into life at his words, and speaks through her angry eyes. You mistako mo. I shrink at no- thing I" she says haughtily. " It seems a pity," strikes in Bruno jadiolonsly, marling tho signs of coming storm, " that my many graces and speaking virtues should have inducod :ny cousin, tho Admiral, to leave Inc that little TTaco of mine, or I should havo boon delighted to give my talonts to the overhauling of Watkins. I find him a very attractive old person, and rich in Ihumour when I can understand him, whioh is seldom." " He can do nothing," says Lady Bouverie shortly. he eau—ho cam take snuff 1" cos - roots Lor younger tion mildly. "I'd back him against any one at that. You underrate him, mother. You should at least "—reproaahfuhly—" be just, and givo the man his due," "I hope you moan to give up town this season,says Lady Bouverie, ad. droosing her endo, son. " It is now six mouths singe you have boon at home; you should spare us a little of your time. It is "—coldly---" for your own interest alone I speak. If, at your fabhor's death, you find things all at sixes and sevous, blame yourself, and mmmnbet I warned you." "Well, P11 think it over,!' returns Dick discontentedly. "You relieve me however when you remind mo that my carelessness will make only myself a sufferer. By-bho-bye, I'm going down to the Hollows this afternoon. Amy message for Audroy 2" " Say 'shall be pleased if she will comp up and dine with me to -night. I suppose it is only right I should show dor soma small civility at timos," says Lady Bouverie, with a half frown, " although she and 1 are so totally die. similar in every way that she perpetually jars upon me. How she can be my niece and still possess her objectionable ways is and always will be to mo a mystery. Slio will oxpoot me of course to ask her hero a little, now you and Bruno are at home." I shall givo her your message," re- turns Dick, moving through the window on to the balcony without. " As you will be passing C#roylaldds," says Lady Bouvario, regarding him calmly, and speaking with the eon, stroked air of one who is following np an afber•thought,, "I wish you would call upon Mise Mabnrin and tell her I 6410,11 eenit gown to -morrow TO 080 gouinlue elle Hpolce of yusterclay," " 1 shall ranlenlber," nuswors as, wibli bis usual idle step, ho down tho sbouo sbairs to the swan uoabh, ' I'm rather glad that old plae got a uzlstrass ab lash," remarks T 1lleasautly, as he too rioos to p long•doh:rrod visit to the stables, o kolrnol, or somewhere, " los; It is Cu advantage. It 1 lino an old house to bo let sink int gay, and moneyed peop10 are al ra be desired. Wo aro not suihlcientl ourselves to regard money with dis or rather to prebend to do so ; Richard, when ho marries, should of--" She pauses abruptly, "1 he will not forgot my message a these pelargoniums," she conch with careful carolossness, ' "And I hope he will deliver it t charming nioce ; don't you ?" su moats Bruno innocently, as he et out of the room, Fifa at his heels. 'Meantime Dick, sauntering sl over the fields to the Hollows, whor cousin lives, with a frown on his and an Impatient light in his dark eyes—a light that kindles there all readily beneath his mother's touch thinking of many things. It is growing towards evening, now ea last a faint breeze has npri flying inland from the sea -cliffs, fu fresh and salty sweetness, to d merrily amongst the swaying bran of the trees. RN -yokes the drowsy b to sudden life, and thrush and lark linnet have all comp forth to unit one grand evensong that thrills tiro wood and vale and bosky dell. On the tennis -ground of the Hollows a girl is standing talking somewhat apathetically to a young man of tho washed-out type. Seeing Bouverie ad- vancing from under the limes, she says something to this polite nonentity which sands him racing towards the house. She is a tall girl, with a pretty srrlfr figure, and a Paco that would be beyond reproach but for a certain touch of re- pressive pride and studied insolence— arising from education More that nature —that characterises it. The oyos, large, and of pure hazel, look at one out of a haze of haughty doubt; the chin is determined, the hair of e lustrous brown. Poverty, mingled with the traditions of many Generations, has raised this cloud ton a brow that should bo possessed contentment only. Just now she is advancing towards enc with a firm stop and a prepared tile, and a little involuntary curl oat her handsome lips. " Ah, my dear cousin — yon 2" 0,0 ys, coming slowly up to him, her togs uial, her expression belying hos tone. Why, it is quite six months, I think, co last we moll I hope absenoo hots t lessened your love for too ;" It„r ice is peculiar—clear, distinct, awl ft, yet with an echo in it full of t'kery that falls upon thio heart wh,.0 e words havo passed away. ' No,” replies Bouvorio, tensing her offered hand. ' Or increased it 2" Hero the mock. overrides the softness, ' NO—since you demand the troth,"s Bouverie again, not uncivilly, tett h an iu'lifforoneo that might well 00 any woman. You aro candour itself," deular,1 so Pousouby, with a little laugh a... trio shrug of Lor rounded shoul,l.•,a. et too amulets you by tollu)g you 01 is on my mind. It fs--si),ab uglat you 2" A message from my mother princi. To beg I will hold myself with (tor dignity in church of a Sumday, so set my father's pupils a warmly triple 2" asks oho, with a Bielo oleos sneer. " Cr is it a hope that vo sou1Lt to ouro myself of my ro- henslhlu habit of using slang worths tit for any lady's uso,' and ovidoubly traded froth the aforesaid pupils 1" Neither of theso advices has boon 'fisted to too," says Bouverie coldly. by lire you always so bard upon my Ler?" at, oven as he said this, in a sailor y rauunor, he reminds himself that too Lao boon harbouring hard ,sits iu his mind during his walk 0 a w• d polar - Dick, goes d bo. o hasra ,no ay his rthe s too o do- ys to y rich Bain, and think hope bout udas, o the PPM- rolls olds brow blue boo —is and Hen, 11 of 1611100 ies irds and e in ugh oi n Ill sn al, Ha ge sin DO yo 60 nl0 th Pr cry say reit ring 1Ii a li N011 bre pal grcl anti 0xta ttrotIda pre '1111 colt Anti w mot 13 loft ho too, Mother, I pato them that my vioes toll mo, and so do more of us (God coot than 11"' quotas the girl, with a 11111 disdainful MO cid. Whom were you talking to just no as I came up ?" asks Bouverie presontly " Was 1 talking to anybody?" "I oortainly fancied so, I fancie too 11e went round that 000000" pointing to it—" as I came in sight." " What an excollont chaperon you would mako, Dick I" says his cousin with et0Hpioious admiration. " One fools positivo regret that you should hen so few opportunities of exercising your talent. You soy"—raising her sombre oyes with a suddon flash to his can't employ you, your mother being more than enough for mo. She keops not only her own oyes, but the eyes of all the neiehbourhood upon my every action." " Still yogi haven't told me about your now friend," persists Diok, ,in. moved, " See --here ho conies! Now" —without lowering his voice—" may I know who he is 7" " Certainly—one of dad's boys." At this " cue of dad's boys" stops short, blushes, and looks mailable' things ; but, as is his wont, says nothing. " Ah," says Bouverie, his eyes on the limp youth, who is uneasily shifting his lanky body from foot to foot bonoath his steady. gaze, " that is an excellent introduction, no doubt. But I think I should like ode a little 01010 forzhaL" "Too happy, Pin sure 1" murmurs "dad's" last boy hi a milk•and-water Sone. whilst tr)lna to co impossible T$PI BRUSSELS ],'OST, tamp woad an eyo'gtasa--a late pur• ohr(50 ovidtutiy, and dreadfully in the way. That Is nuusellsc," says Miss 1'on- snnl,y sharply, " No one was ever too happy. however, if it will malty you a jeyful loan to bcno(v you once locltu(1 on Drub Boa n,rio, bo ,joyful I Are you ready for your introduction, Dick ? Sir Ch i'Jcsy C.'hnueor-11r, 13ouvurle, Fuel any thrill of l,llss, Sir Chlclisy 2" " Could hardly help that, you know— so n0ar you—able to loo you, you know, and—or—that 1" chirrups air Chieksy, with a feeble attempt at gallantry. " Yon will be able to s0o me a ;treat deal Bettor it you drop that illsane bit of gloms," says Miss l'onaunhy oalrnly, " What on earth did you buy It tor— ch 2 Yon have the host night of any Ono 1 now." "I3oon long in the conntrr, Sir Chicksy 2" asks Ilouveric, coming to t' the roscuo ; but Miss I'onsonbv's la.t ro- mark has overwhelmed Sir m hick, y and loft him speechless, " 011, yes, a bong tlmo I" says I)irtc's cousin, answering for her vie :to. "Ever so long—years, I thlsk 1 1 ou came lout February, didn't you, Sir t;higkav 4" (TO BE CONTINUED,) MEAT MARKET, MAIN STRBET, 11BCR141:I,R ANDREW CURRIE, Prop'r, FRESH AND SALT MEATS Ofl6o bestgnallty Always oehenu end 00110 omnia eu'psrl of the VIIIAsr•frae of charge T1i1420E Vo r7 Favorable, FAT CATTLE WANTED, Ao rwltich l b o 1110005110001,51 Price wIi 160 laleomakr• Pam, Silas, r►alt 'Mao/oaken the Place. Hex dFan oor 1*letaber'sJarrellr7atore. ANDREW 0uB1tr1 $15 REWARD. --11/-- The above reword will be paid any person who furnishes such in- formation as will lead to tho con- viction of persons violating the CANADA TEMPERANCE ACT in this municipality. The strictest sec- recy in keeping the name of the person giving the information. nY ORDER Or THE Scott Act Association. THOS. FLETCHER, Practical Watchmaker and helm Gold Watches, Silver Plated Ware, Silver, Watches, Clocks, Gold Rings, Violins, Etc. I keep a full lino of goods usually kept iu a first-class Jewelry store. Call and examine, no trouble to show Goods. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Agent for Ocean Tickets, Amer- ican Express Company and Great Northwestern telegraph Company. SELLING- OTJT! SELLING OUT, Great Clearing Sale FOR 60 Dog Y'S of harness, collars, fly nets, dusters, trunks travelling bags, satoads, brushes, curry combs, whips, and everything in the lar. nese lino. The stock must be sold without re0orve as the prooriotor is giving np busi- 11055. Imspectiom Invited, Over zo sets of Harness to choose from. This is a bona Fido sale and 110 catch; penny affair. R. ,STEYENSON. 115- All indebted to mo must oall and sotilo ( accounts at !mod. 7 TO THE E FRONT AGAIN. The undersigned in returning thanks to 1111, I'r'uplr- of Cralmhrooli and Surrounding Country for their Liberal Patronage during the past 8 years would respectfully intimate that he has again resunic,d busi- ness and will be found at the Old Stand, ready to ail( ild to the Wants of his Customers, E11N-JDS O�t—t LT O -F 1--SI1\TG —IN THE BLACKSMITH LINE— PROMPTLY AiTTENDED TO Hi WA N STE OP will be Under the lianagement of a First -Class Mechanic, lie pait'i72g of ql1 'finds rgttellcled to, W'e aso .}t7�ake a IS'peoiaty 01' Jlrew U ork got ztp im 1' i7'St–Cas,s St i,e and GZbal'Cl72 teed to Give Satzst'acti-on. We are the Only Firm in the Dominion of Canada Manufacturing the Victoria Road Cart, allowed by Competent Judges to be the Best of All two wheel Vehicles Intending Purchasers Should Call and Examine. a NATIONAL. ROLLER MILLS. Vaa2,5t0.e & Sons, ®m® Proprietor's. We have much pleasure in announcing to the public that our New Roller Mill is in Complete Bunning Order and is giving the Best Satis- faction. SHORTS, MEAL, BRAN & CHOP CONSTANTLY ON HMI We also make the following Brands of Flour Patent, Jersey Lily, Canadian's Pride and Snow Storm. Gristing Attended to with Promptness, ALL KINDS OF LUMBER CUT TO ORDER, EAST HURON CARRIAGE WORJJS IAMUMES BUYERS —1IANUFACTURRER Or— BUGGIES, • CARRIAGES, DEMOCRATS, N, I;IPBESS WAGONS, &e,, dC., all madeWAGOof theSBest Material and finished in a workman -like mann( Repairing and Painting Promptly Attended to, Parties intending to,buy should call before Purchasing. RnrnniNens.—Marsden Smith, I3, Laing, Jaines Cott and WilliamMcKelvey, ,s Ji alrd DaBreckenridge, township ; Thos, Town and William' ; Bev, E. A. Far, Iiirlton, and Wright, Pur0burry township. REMEMBER TtIE STAND—SOUTH OF BRIDGE. s.A.MMS 13v -s- oz's