HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-9-18, Page 66
Sltpr. 18, 1896.
Dirootory of Churoho end Sooiotioi.
1111iLVILLY'. CHOW:A.—Sabbath Services at
11 a.m, and 0.30 p.m, Sunday Seho l at
2:30 p.m. liev. Jno. Boss, 11, d., pastor.
llvc7 elivacu.•-Sabbath Servioes at 11
a.m. and :::30 p.m. Stw(ay Sehooi of 8:80
p.m. Bev. S. Junes, pastor.
Jnnti's Cllpla'll._Sabbath Sel'\'ieee at
11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday Sohoot at 100
a.m. Rev. W. T. Cluffe, incumbent.
i1IgTH0nisT Cnonei.—Sabbath Berrie ea at
10:30 a.m. and 0:30 p.m. Sunday School at
2:31 p.m. Pastor Rev. Wm. Smyth.
Rosa!: CAT2OLIo Gaunelr.—Sabbath Ser-
vice third Sunday in every month at 1t a.m.
ltev. P. J. Shea, priest.
Onn FaLLOw's Lopes every Thursday
evening in Graham's block.
Bixso'IOLonosTuesday at or before foil
moon in Holmes' block.
A.. 0. I% W. Lopes meets on Sad and
last Wednesday evenings each month.
ltnxa,8T111 1 Onus Sud and 18.01 Monday
evenings of each month in Smale's hall.
L. 0.L. let Monday in every month in
Orange Hall,
POST OrrrcE, Office Hours from 8 a. M.
MECHA IICC' I\errrtTe Reading Room and
Library in Holmes' block, will be open
from 0 to a o'clock p.m. Wednesdays and
Saturdays. \Miss Jessie Ross, Librarian.
It to a gin.phiz that indicates the
confirmed toper.
A. Frenchman likes his betrothed to
be in her dot age.
Caere, whooping cough and bronchitis im-
mediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold b7
G. A. Desdman.
When a man gets tight on whiskey
tie bas t,, take the corn-segtenee.
int the inebriate trays may often
described us a circular saw.
The r •ad to wealth is crowded with
the men who are turning back.
sets,: 1.-.,,8 tic Cone'.: can ee re quickly eared
1-- r bi. idol:' s Cur.. WC gnnt•ante' it, Sold by G.
A. Deadtu,.n.
Sh tett of my ea," said the
1: Lc..:„ else chased astravge Chicle.
n out cf the yard.
The t ulperatlre of a women's love
is leaterially lessened by poverty's
Cough and Crxisurtpticn Cure is
DeaImam our a guarantee. It
It soelnii a little Ci1.1gular that a
ulna's face is generalise the longest
where the himself is the "shortest,"
We often sympathize with a dog
wbeu we think of the man who owns
R fi.t. len suffer Sttt11 Dys1 0peda ttna Liver
Oureelsint? Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed
,n cure pec. Sold 'bp G. A. Donlman.
A matin !nay see through a glass
darkly, but the stone beer -mug knoehs
him out.
Several democrats, with their eyes
turned foreignward, ore now very
gr,ggpLE'e nights, made miserable by that
Pcough, A tDeadtuanie the remedy
or 700. S:ildy 8
_A dog would rather hunt his own
fleas than have acme of insect powder
thrown at him,
For every mail killed in war ten
have been sent over the gulf by the
aid of the corkscrew.
t'ATARRH oared, health and sweet breath se-
ared, by sbmoh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50
cents. /inset infector free. Sold by 000. A.
It is not the ratan who thumps the
bar the hardest that has the most
money to pay for his drink.
This would be a better Moria if the
people in it who lose their tempers
would never find them again.
Szmon'e Catarrh Itemdoy—a positive cure
for Catarrh. Diptberia, and Canker tfoutb.
Bold by G, i. newton,.
There is more majic In one child's
innocent prattle than there ie in the
growl of a regiment of pessimists.
Lo; the poor Colorado Indian, ready
to fight thomoment Uncle Sam shows
a disposition to Cheyenne thing at
semen's Vitalizer is what you need for Con.
atipattotl,loes Of appetite, dizziness, and all
.,vmptoms of Dyaltupsia. Price 10 and 75 cents
per bottle, Sold by G, d.. Dominion,
A man lies a ste11 iu a Cincinnati
market who lostbotb lege in the army.
What a splendid cashier ho would
A scientific journal tells how to
prevent hiccough. Another good way
is to refrain from going out between
the acts,
No lady who delights in flowers and likes t0
sec totem coo well and bloom altuudantly-, should
be without Haningtoa's Food for Flowers,
Ordinary packages 30c—eumotent for 20 plants
10r ono year.
An Englishman has discovered that
kissing to be Scriptural, must bo be.
twoen those of the same sex. It is
evident that the Bible needs to he re
vlsed just once more.
"Yes, indeed, Brown is a very sink
man." "When was he taken ill ?"
"Yesterday mortaing I was called to
attend lihn." "Ab that accounts for
it." And now those two physicians
pass each other as perfect strangers.
"The Life and Adventuros of Rio.
cholas Niekleby," with ten illustrations
by Mr. Barnard, is now being sold on
the streets of London for a penny.
The story fills 216 octavo pages of
very small type in doable columns,
and has been tints reprinted to serve
as a convenient medium for the ad-
vertisement of an enterprising Leeds
After a loan has been elected eller.
iff of a Kentuoky county and has
served out six mouths of lite term, he
begins to appreciate the blessing of
having a stone wall or a log house
between loin and the other man --the
one ho intends to arrest.
Horsemen, Attention:
whanyoar horse is galled, eoratehed ZO out
elMegrrbathe tuiles1r
p) cGro& Pa'CarbolCoe , It
is undoubtedly the anent hording and cleansing
&pParke'sn Sold for 310, 700 box, at T. Hier
grooves & Co's, Drug Stora.
Two ithterate beggars were seen
the other day in Paris wearing on
their necks two inscriptions, Upou
tho blind wan --"Fell from the fifth
storey." Upon the cripple—"A wo-
man's vengeance." Tho plaearde
bad been exchanged.
It takes time to coostruot a big
telescope, The object glass for the
groat telescope to be placed in the
Lick observatory on Mount Hamilton
fifty miles from Sau Francisco, ielln
proeees of construction and will not
be completed till 1887.
P1u1d Llghtuing.
All sufrerors from that terrible torment,
Neuralgia, can be mode happy In 0110 13101.11100
by n single application of Fluid Lightning
briskly robbed on painful parts. and without
uatng any 210010ting medicine day after day,
with little 0r no result. Plaid Lightning 0,0
aurae as effectually Toothaohe, Lumbago,
Rheumatism,Hoadaebe, and is only 25c, pox
bottle at 1. lfargroavos & Oces. Drug Store.
On n recent Wednesday the annual
swan plucking took place at Schild.
born, on a little stream near Pots-
dam, Prussia, when 550 birds yielded
the handsome quantity of about three
hundred pounds of feathers for the
benefit of tho royal household.
White, the worst aboorber, is also
the worst radiator of all forms of rad-
iant energy, and warm-blooded crea-
tures thus clad are better able to
witbetand tho severity of arctic cold,
and hence tho prevalence of white a-
mong arctic mammals and birds.
Cholera Preventative.
In order to withstand Cholera and such late
epidemics a p erfeet purity of blond, and the
proper cation of the stomach are requfreA. To
'ai `e that Dud, in ilio olltoape=.t, most avail/61.10
uplete manner, 1150 lien re r 11100.11
Cnrz for Dyayepeia and Impure Blood. There
fano parer nater 0r more 01 liable remedy in
exi1teueo for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Costive -
LM. Ask your neighbor or any per5,u
NO, has mod it. Sold by .1.100. _120.175 & Co.
Trial bottle given tree.
A. Chicago news item states that
"the American hog bolds is own, and
pork packer's look cheerful." When
a lady enters a car and Pees 'et plan
and his feet and his gripsack occupy-
ing four seats, she must conclude that
the American hog is holding more
than his own,
Jay Gould is physically not, very
imposing. He reminds one of what
the girl just returned from a Boston
school when she saw a eteatil fire.
engine in operation. "Who would
ever have dwoamed that such a vewy
deminutive looking concern would
held so much watah."
"High muckamuck," The Chicago
Interocein explains, in a lengthy ed-
itorial, ie n phraso,that has been ad-
opted in the West as au opprobrious
epithet to bo applied to an official
held by the speaker in contempt, and
should never be used in the plural.
The prince of Wales, it ie estimat-
ed, is entitled to wear seventy differ-
ent uniforms. He hes a right to see
enteen different military uniforms
alone and special costumes without
numbersassociated with his various
titles and offices. And he actually
dons wear them 8.e occasion arises,
but not all at once.
"He's not what we call strictly
handsome," said the major, beaming
through his glasses on a homely baby
that lay howling in his mothers arms ;
"but it's tho kind ofaface that grows
on you." "It's not the kind of face
that grows on you." was the indig-
nant 'and unexpected reply of the
maternal being ; "you'd be better
looking if it had.
"What's your weight now, John?"
inquired a friend of Mr. Caxton. "If
you mean my weight on that box of
elgare 1 won from ton on the elec-
tion," replied Mr. Caxton in that
modest manner which distinguishes,
"it leas been about eight months."
Policeman Addie, of Philadelphia,
recently tried to arrest a rough, who
fired on him, but the ball was stop.
ped by a suspender button, This
little incident shows that policeman
Addis has a noblo wife; otherwise his
suspender would have been fastened
by an old shingle nail or wooden
"Mister I Have you any business
"I haven't just now, but I expect
to have."
"How's that?"
"Why I'm the coroner of the die,
tee, and seeing tho first load of im-
ported watermelons outer this town I
thought I'd loiter around where I'd
be most Useful, You mayn't notion
it, but there's already a smell of re,
venue in the air."
"Revenue I Gosh 1 I'm gontor
quit this climate. rust its dipthoory
then its tnalarie, an' now its reven-
The village minister 178.8 away on
hie summer Intention, and the editor
of the looal paper, being n literary
man, and 111To all editors, deeply re-
ligious, was conducting the Sunday
oervlcee during his absolute. Every-
verything went well until, in expounding
the Scriptures one horning, the edit.
or said : "Yes my bretlleru, even the
!lairs of our heads aro numbered."
And then everybody emillad, for it
Bounded so much like the editorial
"we" and the editor was bald.
1l'at•an Notete,
The Massachusetts Ploughman
thinke we have more to fear from im-
proper caro of poach trees, and a few
warm weeks in the late autumn, than
from an extreme cold winter ; it is
not, as me.ny believe, the degree of
cold that destroys the blossom buds,
but rather the condition of the bud.
When grain is beaten down by
storms just 8.g it is heading 1t rarely
fills well. But if the beading -out is
completed and the crop bends under
increasing weight of the burry, the
Drop is not so much injured, though
it will be more expensive harvesting,
and there will bo eolne loss of grain
which cannot be reached by the reap•
Tho rapid growth of barley, and
the dense shade which its broad
leaved make over the ground, is au
effectual check on tho growth of most
weeds. If to bo 001711 with wheat af-
ter the barley is off there is an inter-
val of six or more weeks during which
millions of animal weeds may be de-
stroyed on an acre. Halo growth of
Canada thistles ie entirely prevented
Its it may be where !Arley stubble. is
ploughed early, this pestilent wood
may be made harfulees, at leant for
the following season.
Bung Anes.—These eymbole of
industry Hill Cause canoidert1blo in-
jury and aunoyanco in a green house,
if allowed to gaits headway. They
t1113ue1 tilt, soil i0 pests and benches,
and carry the toil up the stens of the.
plants, and encrust with it the mealy
hug and scale, whislt they lantana to
devcur...bat never dimluieh. They
can bo readily oxterminatedby dust-
ing the large rine of them with pryu-
thrum, applied with a bellows. It is
useless to spread it around by' lien ,
as they are killed by breathing it, and
it must be distributed 111 fano partic-
les,. In the winter of 1883, our plants
became badly infested with ants, and
only the pereistont daily use of pryo.
tbrthm for threo months extormivat-
ed them.. .
Drawing -room carpets are of largo
fioral patterns.
Tho fashions' for ornamenta, china
and fancy worot,•are .1.11 of oval or ob-
long patterns.
Two of the smartest managers of
summer hotels in Iiiaine are women -
Ono Maine woman cleared $2,000 in
July and Auguet iu a seaside house.
Dressmaker Worth says that the
„Stories about high priced dress are all
'Myths. "You boat," ho says, "of
dreeses•'that cost $1,500 to $2,000.
I venture to say that not four dress-
makers in Parte ever made any at
such prices.
Grasshoppers and nuts are the lat-
est fanoy for brooches. Some lace
pins are simply a blaelc enamel and
oarrying its egg, a single poltrl, by its
autounfe.. The effect is eingularly
realistic, the industrious insect be-
ing just life size. •
Laura Call is the name of a talent.
ed young lady who hag filled a Greek
professorship in the Iowa State Uni-
versity so acceptably since her broth-
er's death that it is likely that she
will bo formally elected bis.suceessor.
Bhask'or Venayek Raj wade, a ELin-
doo, has boon learning the art of
glass making in Now Jersey in order
to practice it in Bombay, where he
intends establishing a glass factory.
Most of the private structure's in
Russia are built of wood, and it is
estimated that the bulk of them burn
down ovary seven or eight years.
There is said to be always twenty
fires, e,1 least iu different parts of tho
The Liverpool Mercury states that
when the telephone was taken to Eng.
land by the agent of Dr, Bell, the in.
ventor, all the patent rights connect.
ed with it wore offered to the post -
office department for £80,000, The
offer was declined, but a little later
those wise officials, who thought 1080,-
000 was to much for the patent for
the whole United Iiingdom, offered
A540,000 for the exchange establish-
ed in London alone. And they ask-
ed in vain.
A railroad journal gives a descrip-
tion of a projected locomotive and
track by which a speed of throe miles
per minute is to ho attained. A road
bed with no curves less than 8,000
foot radius, the grade not to exceed
twenty -coven foot to the mile, nine
feet gauge, metallic ties, two trio of
driving wheels twenty-four foot in
diameter, tiro the more radically now
features of this proposed devourer of
space and time. The Iiailwey Ago
thinks somebody will have to iuvont
cast iron passengers to ride after such
a contrivance.
Ladies who foal that they are growing old
before thole time should use uoningtan'e
Qutnbne Wlnoan i Iron, Beware of imitations
Boa that you get ',Remiugtou's,' that original
and genuine, Por oalo by all druggists and
gonoral (100.101.8 in Capula.
"To clean the teeth use a fnixturo
of emery and sweet oil, following it
with plenty of kerosene." This
would be queer advice, but as it is
taken from a machinists' magazine,
auci from a chapter relating to air.
calor saws, wo have no doubt it is
given in good faith.
In welding iron, ns is well known.
the pieces are heated to whiteness.
When iron is to welded to be iton th's
plan answore well, but if iron is to
bo welded to steel the white heat of.
ten destroys the stool. To prevent
this—according to el nowly invented
process—the surface of the metal to
be welded is moietonod with water,
and on the wet ourlaco tboro is sprin.
hied a comp/mad of one pound each of
pulvcrfzed calcined borax and iron fin•
Ings, and four ounces of pulverized
prussiate of potash, intimately mixed.
Tho surfaces aro thea wired and rais-
ed to a red heat, or about 000 or 700
degrees .7alt. When enbsequetntly
subjected to rolling or Ilsnllilering,
the joint is completed, while the
stool is not sufficiently raised in Lein-
peratuve to be at all injured by the
Au Autetertbim firm is busy with
the erection of a special wu1'lce!top in
whieli the cutting oi'the !ante 11t-
moud 111 the world, is shortly to lie
OOmmenl'uil. 'Phis diamou3, wbic!t
has recently bum fuuud in South
Africa, weighs 4731 carats, and is said
to bo greatly etiperlor fn C01.J0 and
brilliancy to all the other faulous dia-
monds of the world, the largest of
which ie, the "Grand 2,1esebl," it in
the itcestssiun of. the Shad of Perritt,
weighing lifter being cut, 280 clients;
next in size futlowe the "Orlog," of
103 carats, which adorns the point of
the Emperor of Russia's sceptre; the
English "Iiohinoor," originally
weighing 110 carats. The "Regent"
one of theFrench crown jewels, weighs
1301; carats. The time spent is cut-
ting this last jewel was two years,
cturiug which time diamond powder
to the value of $4,500 was used. The
"Star of the South," winch has been
cut at Amsterdam, weighs 127 7-16.
Queer Things in Queer Places.
I have a trunk with two lids, so
have you—eye-lids,
We have two cape—cu our knees.
Two musical instruments that we
mustn't touch—our oar drums.
\Ve 11avo two very playful little
animals --our calves.
We 11x70 some weapons of war to
crush those we love with—our arms.
And two lofty trees that we shako
With tu}bocdy—our !,alms.
We have two scholars—our pupils.
And two travellers—two wrists
Wo have a number of tools that
carpenters must have—our nails.
And a dozen of whips without hand,
les—our lashes.
Any number of ehell•fish—our
We have two lovely places for
worship—our temlilss.
And a desert place—a waist(waste),
Blackberry Culture.
The blaekborry, eays a Wisconsin
fruit grower, ueode more room than
the raspberry, and should be planted
in, rows three fent apart, three or
three and 0. half feet in the roles,
Cultivate and hoe the plants the
same as a piece Of corn. In treat-
ment 1110 thumb and finger auto be
more advantageously used than the
prnnnlg knife, and growth Is stopped
when the stock is two feet high. In
protecting the plant two good men
will lay down and cover 1,00D hills
per lay. Beginning at the end of the
row, a small quantity of soil is slug
away with a garden fork, and stepping
to the opposite side of the bush, one
foot is placed at the crown, eloeo to
the ground, the fork on the top of the
hush; push alightly on the fork, and
with the foot )card enough to bond
the root, not the tops, Tho other
man; thou throws on the soil, and in
less time than it takes to describe the
process, the bush is soured and ready
for a long winter. In spring flee
crust can be opened with a three -tin-
ed fork, and tho plant carefully raised,
and the soil pressed back firmly at
the root. After tho row is all taken
up, string the wires at oneo if possible,
and the plants are effectually protect.
ed from the winds,
The Famous ROYAL
The Famous ROYAL
Cook Stoves,
Parlor Stoves,
Box Stoves.
Stove Stands,
Stove Piping.
At Coal house or dclinroll us t'c-
tlltireti. tall or scud your order.:,
rho subscribers take this opportunity of re-
turning thanks tothe inhabitants of Brussels
and Vtoinity for past patronage, Dud bog to
state that haying made several Improvements
in their kiln and Mode of burning, they are now
In abetter position than ever before to supply
the Pubtio with k'n'at-olaee Limo,
This being the eleventh season 0I our busi-
ness dealings in Bruesols,and having given ttn-
qualfaodsutlshwtionsetar, the public eau re-
ly on receiving good 008011110nt and a arst-class
article from us, First-class Mime at 1.1 coats
at the kiln anal 16 cents delivered.
We also burn a 10.1 line for plastering at
the same trioo.
ItoulumberShu spot—llrussels Line Works.
The subscriber wishes to ]notify
the PUBLIC that ho will have his
in Conipieto Illnuni}Ig Order by the
lat of MAY, and will be- able to
furnish Any Quilntity of First-class
Linde nt any tinno during the Sea-
son. Price nt Kiln -141 cents per
t ushel.
Ire Gramm,
a Choice Stook of Baby Carriages
that Cannot fail to snit the wants
of tho Public.
Call and see them.
Give in ca Gall.