HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-9-18, Page 44
r n. y gar. --Word has bean received from
1)C 4jtll SCS l.0 \V. P. Davies, iroamMinueeota,epeak-
iug of their sofa arrival there, –Situp
FItum 1', sEprn. ^18, 1885. eon's now store is being pushed ahead
at a lively tato and will soon bo really
for occupation.—Jonathan Hewett
Der•.L's counsel lmvo notified the nod Jno. M. Davies aro eructing now
<ru°r-(-1,'iteral that an appeal., bonsea and °there are talked of.—
tuts been 10kL n to the Privy Cutin Sorvieo was withdrawn in the Meth -
ell in England. The carrying out 1 .]dist Glu.ri i as n y
of the dearth sentence on the 18th 1 tho 11 t
oxide between 4 last S nda ovenin,.
ery friendly spill _ .en company separated for their respect -
two congregations Bore. iva homes feeling wall pleased with
the gathering. •
inst., will therefore be postponed
till their lordships have pronounc-
ed upon .the Constitutionality of
tllo court by which Biel was tried.
Tan Northwest is receiving a
good deal of attention lately. This
week Lord Lansdowne and suite
are taking a tour around 1Vinnipeg
and the West, We believe in this
style of becoming acquainted with
the wants of the country only
sometimes these trips are a little
too expensive for the pocket of the
average taxpayer.
Tan Ontario Prohibitory Alli-
ance at its meeting in Toronto, on
Tuesday, amongst other things a-
dopted the report recommending
that none other than prohibition
candidates be supported for mun-
icipal, educational, and parliamen-
tary honours- Resolutions were
also passed looking to the proper
enforcement of the Scott Act and
the condemnation of the Senate
for the way the Scott Act was han-
dled by them. �.
IT would appearthat very few
of the volunteers who were in the
Northwest will take their scrip
but in hundreds of instances it is
being sold to jobbers and speculat-
ors for from $20 to $40. A good
many of the boys wonder why
part of Gen. Middleton's $20,000
was not given in land, too, instead
of "planking" down the solidcash.
They think it is following the old
saying of malting fish of one and
fowl of another with a vengeance.
Tan follow, s been issued. to
chairmen of Boards of License
Commissioners by the Department
of Inland Revenue ;
„Sir,—I am directed by the Hon.
the Minister to inform you that the
intimation conveyed to your Board,
before Parliament had made an ap-
propriation for the enforcement of the
provisions of the Canada Temperance
Aot, that prosecutions must not be
entered upon nnlese security for costs
were forthcoming, is no longer to dir-
ect your actions. The Department
is desirous that in all districts in
which that Act is in force, no effort
should be spared on the part of Gov-
eo carry oat the loyally
provisions of the laand w.
to carry P
"E. bfiALL, Commissioner I.R."
We hope there will be no longer
any hanging back on the part of
the Inspectors and that the law
will be vigorously and rigorously
enforced. If the law is law let it
be respected and have an impar-
tial trial.
Sem 18, 1883,
TH.X1 131 USSELS eolia
afternoon and ovauing of this -.leek, a The I ekntwnC odo iau ampset Stratford eCoon 7'Modely Saa�xool opoue at
During the afternoon a pleasant time have 1 p raev. V. 1T. Chdis has fund n,•I his
was ,put in and after tea the following Wadute ay i b to
program was carried ont, with Rev.
J. S. Fisher, pastor, in the ohnir.—
Ohoioo selections of vocal and instru.
moutal music, readings from Mr. Ab-
bott, of London, addresses from
Reeds. Moline Smyth, Bnrwash and
N. 11. Young, After this the large
Seo small advt. offering a young
mare for sale in People's Column.
Mrs. Hunt, of Pt. Robinson, is
visiting at the parsonage at Henfryn.
There aro a large number from
this locality attending the exhibition
at Toronto this week.
Tho sawmill at Henfryn has inn
through a large amount of work this
year. This is what wo like to see.
Rev. W. J. Brandon goes to Mil-
verton next Sunday to proaoh anni-
versary sermons. His work will bo
taken by James Buyers, of Brussels.
Last week the well known Daniel
Zimmer was married to Mise Annie
Dames, of Cranbrook, at Listowel.
This will be a surprise to some but a
good many had an idea that Dan.
knew what he was doing.
A Sunday School under the super-
intendency of Sohn K. Baker, assist-
ed by a full staff of officers and teach-
ers, is now in operation in the Meth-
odist church at Henfryn. The pas-
tor, Rav, W. J. Brandon, has also
started a Wednesday evening Bible.
class, which is web attended.
We are sorry to hear of the serious
indisposition of our old friend Robt.
Brown, well known to everybody in
this toansbip. It appears that his
physicians think there is a cancer, or
tumor forming in his stomach. He
has failed a great deal lately what-
ever the cauls is. Wo hope he may
speedily recover and be himself
AvNrveneane. On Sunday, 27th
inst., anniversary services will be
preached at Whitefield'.] ohurch, 12-
th eon. at 10:80 a. on. by Rev. J L.
Herr, of Brussels ; at 2:80 by Rev. W.
Smyth, of Brussels, at 7 p. re. by
Rev. D. B. McRae, of Cranbrook.
On Monday evening a oirouit tea
meeting will be held. Tea will bo
served in the Temperance Hall.
Music will be supplied by the church
choir. Addresses are expected fr ora
Revds. Messrs. Paul, Smyth, McRae
and others. A good time is expected..
, 'ther..
Owing to the heavy rains lately
harvesting operations have been great-
ly obstructed.—The re -opening of the
Presbyterian Church took place laat
Sunday. Although the weather was
not very favorable the services were
all very -well attended, the largest
audience being in the evening. Rev.
D. B. McBee, the pastor, preached in
the morning ; Bev. Mr. Eakin, of
yQingham, in the afternoon, and Rev.
B. Paul in the evening. -1 union
pie -Bio is proposed to be held in con -
election with the Methodist church
next Tuesday, 22nd inet. The meet-
ing will commence al 11 a. m. Mueio
by the Ethel and Roe's choirs.
Speeches by Bevds. W. J. Brandon
end W. Smyth and W. H. Kerr. B.
(deity will tale McAllister, John Go-
her, Wm. Patton, Thos. Maunders
and wife, Mrs. Fogel, Bennet Dobson
and Lotus Eckmier are attending the
Industrial Exhibition in Toronto this
week.—A Court of 0. 0. F. is being
instituted here. 0. IL Merrifield and
H. Featherstone, officers of Rosewood
Court, bionkton, were in the village
last week taking up the order. It is
expected that the Court here will
be duly organized in about two weeks.
—Loire, J. M. Davis has been ailing
for the past week from an attack of
bronchitis, but under medical ears
she is recovering.--\Vm. 3. Sharp
has been muttering for nearly two
weeps from rhsumtttioe.-----David
Milne was attending the exhibition at
London last week, ---Miss Panabakor
has gone this week to visit friends et art was ,told on the ground.] of I.
-Arthur.---Fall wheat is being sowed party
tit ltir1'r quantities this fall than last Rogerson, of Sunnhino, on Tuesday by hogs,
Council meeting will be held in the
township hall on Monday the 210
A good many of our people are get-
ting exhibits ready for the fall show
et Brussels next week.
Arthus Hamilton, who has been in
this locality for several menthe, has
returned to Michigan, where his par-
ents reside.
Fall wheat has been sown in largo
quantities this fall. Where threshing
has been done the returns have been
fairly satisfactory.
On Wednesday of this week the
wife of John Angus, 611a con,passed
over to the majority at the advanced
age of 80 years. The fttueral takes
place to -day (Friday) et 10 o'clock
HAavasr Horns.—On Monday ev-
ening next a Harvest home festival
will be held in the Methodist church,
Browntown, on con. '2. After tea,
which will be served from 5 to 7 o'-
clock, addresses will be delivered by
Revds. Maas. McDowell, Hartley,
Cook, Smyth, Paul, Burwaeh and
others. Good mesio will be supplied
by the church choir, Miss Olvar, org-
Last Tueeday forenoon Jas. `apeir,
of the 4th line, was married to Miss
Mary, daughter of Jno. McOrao, at
the residence of the bride's parents.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
3. Ross, B. • A-, assisted by Revds.
Leask and McRae. The contracting
parties were waited upon by Mies
Eliza MoCrae and Ohne. Waits. Af-
ter the wedding breakfast kir. and
Mrs. Spoir took the train for Toron-
to. May success attend them.
Drs».—Last Saturday Geo. Skel-
ton jr., of lot 15, con. 9, son of Geo.
Saelton, died, after a somewhat pro-
tracted illness, aged 27 years. He
was a steady going, industrious young
man and was universally respected.
The funeral on Monday was largely
attended. The fluidal sermon was
preached in Wilson's church by Rev.
Mr. Sabine and the Rev. J. S. Blith-
er, of Blyth, read the burial service
at the cemetery. A young wife is
left to mourn the lose of a kind and
loving husband. The deoeasod was
connected with the Methodist (church
for years.
GAnnnx Paitrv.—A grand garden
On Friday miming last a respect-
able young lady iu the employ of
William Stephen, tailor, named Sar-
ah Fear, committed suicide. She
was missed about eight 8 o'clock from
the house of Mr. Stephen, whore she
boarded ; eearoh was made but with-
out euccees until ahem 10 o'cloolc
when her body was discovered in a
well about fourteen feet deep, in
about six feet of water. Dr. Philip,
theeoroner deemed an inquest anneo-
essary as it was a clear case of sui-
cide. No cause is assigned for the
rash net only that she has been suff-
ering from a nervous headache late-
ly and complained of great pains in
her head. The general belief ie that
her mind had been deranged by the
sail affliction and led to the commis-
siou of the act under temporary in-
sanity. She was a virtuous and ami-
able young person, and greatly res-
pected. Her remains wore conveyed
to Elmira, whore her afflicted parents
Ceeneeelittee Ne w
Burglars are operating in SI Oetli-
Live stock exports from Montreal
still continue io increase in number
over those of last year.
The Governor-General will be tend-
ered a grand reception on his arrival
at Winnipeg.
Two casae of smallpox have appear-
ed in Ottawa, and the subjects have
been isolated.
On Saturday Big Bear was found
guilty and sentenced 10 three years in
the penitentiary.
There is a feeling in Winnipeg that
Riel will suffer the extreme penalty
of the law on Friday.
The Scott Act has been declared in
force in the County of Guysboro, N.
S., on the expiry of the present licen-
see .
Justice Richardson, who sentenced
Biel to death, has received a number
of lettere threatening his life if Biel is
Thos. Graham, of Nepean Town-
ship, receives the gold medal from the
Agricultural and Arts Association in
the farm competition.
Montreal medical men are much
exorcised at Dr.Oovornton's nation in
stationing Ontario medical men in
Montreal to see that no infected goods
or persons leave there.
The number of entries for the Ham.
ilton Central fair up to date exceeds
the total number of any former year,
so that the anneeae of the fair is now
It is understood that Sir Frederiok
Middleton will accompany Sir Adol-
phe Caron on the latter's coming of-
ficial tour as Minister of Militia.
They will vied British Oolumbie via
San Fremieco, and return by the 0.
P, R. 10 Ottawa.
Hog cholrea ie still holding its grip
on South Kam, and has spread into
Anderdon, Malden, Colchester North
and South Goefield townships, and
is playing havoc among the horde. It
is also reported to have broken out in
an adjoining county. Hon. A. M.
Ross, OommisBioner of Agriculture,
has replied io a petition from the
South Essex Farmer's Club making
that some means be devised to stamp
the dieesee out. Ile stales that he
has consulted with Dr. Smith, veter-
inary surgeon of Toronto, and that
gentleman urges the entire prohibit-
ion of any hogs running at large.
Tho only effective remedy which Dr.
Smith suggests would be the compul.
eery destruction of all the hogs, whe-
ther diseased or not, in She infected
localities. This is beyond the power
of the Provincial authorities, but
Minister of Agriculture Pope, of the
Dominion Government at Ottawa,
has been communicated with to see
whether such. a course is provided for
by the Dominion statues. This
would be a most expensive undertak-
ing, as the territory has thousands of
hogs, many of them being the most
improved broods. Prof. Greonsides,
of the Ontario Agricultural College,
whb made the examination, bears out
the report publiebod, that the cause
of the disease came from the stock
cars of the railway. Ile reports that
hogs were thrown into the river and
came ashore in the eprwg, when the
iee broke up, on the Canada side, and
that the dead carcasses worn eaten
d it October,
Tho new railway from the ase
the eummit of Mount Royal, Mont-
real, was aucoessfally opened on Sat-
A Spanish steamer jnet arrived at
Montreel is deitiiued by the Cueteme
authorities of that port for an intreo-
tion of the coasting lave of the Do-
Two large stacks of wheat owned
by a farmer named Delaney, near
Teoumneb, wore burned early Friday
morning. It is supposed that a tamp
smoking started the lire. Loss
about $250.
An election for the Northwest coun-
cil is ponding. Whon it is over there
will be sixteen (theta members and
eight official members. As the pop-
ulation inereasas the elected mem-
bers become lues numerous and the
official members decline. Soon tho
members will be all elected, when
the Northwest will have a Legislat-
ive Assembly.
On the 1st inet., 1T. S. Hughes, of
Dresden, visited Detroit to see a friend
named David Watson at 890 Atwater
street. He stayed at the Madison
House a few days and then left for
home, but has not been seen eines,
and his friends in Dresden think he
has boon foully dealt with. The mis-
sing man is about 82 years of age, of
medium height, dark complexion,
brown hair, and when last aeon had
on a suit of dark green clothe.
The Minister of Customs issued the
the following circular today cancell-
ing the previous order regarding the
exportation of goods from the Jnited
States in bond to Canada:—"Invoices
of goods purchased in bond in the
United Statue, in order to entitle
such goods to entry at bonded mark-
et value, require to be accompanied
by a cortficate from the Collector of
(ketones at the port of export, certi-
fying that they wore duly entered at
the warehouse for export, giving the
date of import and export and marks
of the packages. And in ogees whore
invoices are not t 000mpanisd by
such certificate or order, the value
on which duty is to be collected shall
be the value in open market at the
time of shipment, and in all oases
where doubt exists es to such value
the usual course prescribed by the
appraisemene section of the Customs
Act shall be takeu and applied to the
resignation as paster of the Congrega-
tional Oliureh, Sarnia.
Dr, D. A, Bowlby has deolirted the
offered position of Assistant Suporin.
tondent of the Toronto Asylum.
Five of the gnarl; e°nneoted with the
mob in Simeon a couple of weeks ago,
have been Bent fur trial at bile At-
Rev. Canon Morgan, of Barrie, is
so unwell that hie physician has
ordered a change of air and oesention
from all work.
Col. Allan, of the Borne Rifles, with
lie usual forethonght and care, has
Secured rubber blankets for all the
men of his battalion.
George Miller was sentenced to
death at Grand Forks, Dakoto, on
Friday last for the murder of the
wife and little son of Rev. Mr. Snell,
formerly of St. Thomas, and will bo
hanged on Oct. 30.
John Wells and Thomas Galliford;'fi
a printer, of Ingersoll, endeavored to
pass a forged chock for $50 with the
name of Peter Kennedy, hide dealer,
attached. Toy were detected. The
chick wits drawn on the Imperial
On Wednesday Sherman, Lord &
Hardman purchased from A. b P.
White, of Pembroke, their Mississippi
limits ; the price paid is said to be
$26,000. The plant is to be taken at
a fair valuation. This ie one of the
largest sales this year.
The Mitchell Recorder congratulat-
es the editor of the Advocate after
this faahiou :—"After waiting and
watching and longing for 21 years,
during which eleven eons in snceese-
ion were born to him, at length, on
Sunday last, the longed for prize
arrived—a daughter—and wo under-
stand he has named it "Enough."
We oongratulste him, his better half
and the eleven delighted brother.] on
the arrival of the welcome daughter
and sister."
D. M, Sullivan, the well-known
athlete, anteceded in breaking three
of the jumping records in St. Cattier -
Ines a few days ago, viz :—Stantliug
hop, step and jump without weights,
former record, 29 ft. 21r in. ; Sullivaa'e
record, 91 ft. 7; in. Throe standing
jumps, without weights, former re-
cord 83 ft. 8i in. ; Sullivan's record
88 f1. 4} in. Three standing jumps
with weights, former record 89 ft,1 in.
Sullivan's record 89 ft 8 in.
A. R. SMITH begs to announce
that there will be a Complete
after OCTOBER the 1st.
All Accounts must be settled by
that time.
NO BUTTES taken on Account
after the above date. (Positively.)
Over $3,000 worth of Ready-made
Clothing before that time, also
$9,000 Worth of The CHOICEST
in the Village of Brussels.
A. R. S
N. and See Prie i