HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-9-18, Page 3+M. Sari. 18, 1886, aetxir, WIIY HUE WAH SALTED, The Sunday School was hushed and still And the parson led in prayer, Then the speech would now bu Made 13y a stranger who was there. The lesson told, that day, the fate W the city resod by fire, And of the great reward of those Who did the Lord's dosiro. And then the stranger spoke of those Who disobeyed God's law, Said they the end of such as stared In the death of Lot's wife saw. To impress the foot ho asked a of e, Small Dight -year urohins they, Why God had turned Lot's wife to salt On that ill-fated day, One little rascal made response, With grimy hand upheld, Flis shrill voice sounded loud and clear: "She was too fresh," he yelled. GOD KNOWETII BEST. When plans aro crossed and hopes deoxy And 1 with grief am sore opprest, Arvid my gloom I'll strive to say, God knoweth. beet. On this sweet truth my head shall 1io As sleeping babe on mother's breast, Even while tho storm is passing by God knoweth bust. When doubt and fear weigh down niymind, And I am far front peace and rest, Some comfort from the thought I'll find, God lmuwoth best. What matter where my tut may fall, Whether it be in snot or west, If watching but for duty's call, God lulov:etl heti. 11 I should dwell in Melds afar, ()c• plough the sea waves' foaming crest, This word lihall bu my guiding star, God kilowatt' hest. And w1 en, in locking o'er the past, !lithe fair untns10 0, of the blest 1 the:, shall prove from 11x1 to last God knawetl bawl, o...vay.�sa:-..-ssmawmtansr�•. The Poultry Yard. Much profit is missed by feeding young chickens too long. Scatter the coops so that the chick will have a largo area to forage for insects and green food. Don't allow the little chick to wade around iu the wet grass. They aro not equal to such exhausting exer- cise. Gapes and many other ills that fowls aro heir to are often contraoted by drinking sewage or impure water, although this is generally the effect of over -crowding or rearing too many on the same ground, and especially year after year. The eggs of the Asiatic breeds, and indeed. all the dark coloured eggs, are preferred by cooks and confectioners, and also by those who use them boil- ed, to the white -shelled ones. The latter, excepting those of the game fowls, aro deficient in flavour. The dark coloured eggs, as a rule, aro larger and heavier than tho others. That hens lay better when divided into small flocks has often been dem- onstrated. In ono flock wore 10 hens and iu auother four, the 'former re- ceiving Much better wire and food than the latter, and having bettor quarters. Tho highest number re. ceived from talo smaller flock in ono day was tour, and the average pro- ducts of the two flocks have borne about the same ratio. As the price of eggs is usually low at this r,enson, it large number may be packed and stowed away until priese become higher, says the Farm and Garden. It not necessary to keep eggs six months, though they may bo kept a year with care. Prices fluctuatevery mush, and throe mouths make quite a difference. Opinions differ as to which is tho boat method ofprsserving eggs.. The usual pract- ice is to pack the eggs in, salt,, filling the spaoss well with the salt. Boit- es should be used, and the small sizes are bust. The eggs are placed on end in the salt, and tylion the boxes are full, the tops aro screwed on tight- ly. Tho secret of success is to turn the eggs at least thrso times a week, which is done by turning the boxes upside down. Tho difficulty with preserved eggs is that the contents if the egg remain in one position, settle and adhere to the shells. This can. not bo avoided whatever the motllod or process may bo, but if they are packed in boxes, and the boxes fro- quently turned, as mentioned, the difficulty will bo greatly lessened. In addition to salt as a peeking, coal ashes, plaster, well•driod oats or Dorn, and even dust may bo used, but salt to better. Dry processes aro more convenient than the liquid methods, and the later they .are preserved the bettor. Tho chief point to bo observ= od, however, is to frequently turn the eggs, and to keop tho boxes in a pool place. THE B,li.U813EL6 POST "Wait till the clouds roll by." STERI r"I'm off o11 the morning train." "EUREKA," meaning ((I have found it," is what the Peo- ple say when they call at THE 'POST" C0K STORE. A portion of our Stock, including All grades of Stationery, Envel- opes, &a., School Books, School Bags, Pencils, Pons, Inks, Scribbling Books, Crayons, Slates, Copy .13ookv, hymn I3ooks, Rae. Small Wares in the shape of Mouth Organs, Robber Balls, Children's Paints, Purses and a lot of Other articles, is to gland and more goods are on the way. New Ontario Readers in sloe;. 1st, 2nd, 3lyd and 4th Books. CALL & S o OUR F.A.NCY NOTE PAPER, & ENVELOPES. Our object is not to ke;,p a large, cumborsomc stock, oar premises won't admit of that, but to \ trult for what will suit the Public and by always keeping a Fresh, Tilly Stock and :aolling at n small Margin to merit :t share of Public Patronage. ,. SCHOOL TEACHERS .S. D SCHOLARS will find it to their advan- tage to make their purchases at THE ".HOST" i300K STOVE. 1Ve won't charge you anything to call and see, anyhow. Yon know Where to fiucl us. Watch for "JUMBO" in our window at TIP " PIO11 Fiblishilg Ruse. J Q Ei The undersigned. having purchased the Stock and Trade of Mr. A. 'Veal, and added thereto, is prepared to furnish anything in the H'ITR 2'T'U ,' ]LIQ J. UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT. Economy in Funerals. Having -added to the Furniture Business the Undertaking I tun pre- pared to Furnish Funerals on shortnotice. FIRST-CLASS HEARSE • in connection. DE A Specialty. Having a Practical Knowledge of every branch of the Trade and having worked in some of tho largest factories itI the Dominion of Canada the Public ' may always roly on getting SATISFACTORY CORK. I hope by strict attention to business to merit a share of the Public Patronage. ftOT MALCOLM, Bayssxls. HURON AND BRUCE Loan & Investment Oo. This Colnpiu1y is Loaning Money on Farm Security at Lowwsr RATES s of Interest. MORTGAGES PUIRCHHASED, SAVINGS DANK DaAN(`II. 8, 4 and 5 per cent. Interest Al- lowed on Deposits, according to amount and time left. Orrzen.--On corner of Market Square and North street, Goderich. Horace Horton, Gedorich, Aug. 5111, 1887. "�Fj,,2 I;RKSIIIRE 1i0A1l FOR SEIt- oUglr bred'D rk undersignedeservikeep e n A1ot 17, Mit lino, Morrie, about two miles front Ern, sole. 'Huron Lad" wee brad by H. aorbcy, Guelph, told was sired by Lord Wellington. bred ,gEngland; , Lady Nelly,ee1oot by Prixenunt, 147brad by E.Tombs, Ragland. This well in ti d pig waufar- rowed Jm1.18tia, l9e9, Terms: 81, to be paid at thou of eorvic ,, with privilege of returning, if necessary. 30)15,10 M. Ma ItTr::, .19.0111. Proprietor, I AKIN Th. Most Dellrotr i SUMMER T Palate Steamers. Low Bates. Tour Tripe per Week Betwoon DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Every Week Day sotwaea DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Write ler our "Picturesque Mackinac," Illustrated. Contains ran Partlouium. Mailed free. Detroit .Tt Cleveland Steam Nev. Co. C. D. WHITco 8n, GEN. PASS. A07., DETROIT. MCH. 3 �,\7 11.. J;LA8IIILL, Dittoing, thanking 118 many IOC their liber. ul su)gmrt for the poet Ida years riskies t" lnfurnl Gn0111 bila t be. ing b0raed Out et the old stand Lae fitted up it shop In Sunsle's i)1,,,k in 1r1 -a1 oe style where bo hopes tecco all the old customers tall 0.8 many now Dawes ase at to grog him nell. 1 asap nothing bottle,'. -,,tuna moats, all kinds of Poultry and 8aua' Moat Delivered to all parte 01(1.11011?,,. (lash pail for Fat Sleek. Canadian ?ado railway Time Table Teeswater Branch. Mlles. Going West, Ball. Express. 0 Toronto. , Dep 7.00 a.m. 5.40 p.m, 0 Orangeville .. 0.50 " 7.05 ' 4 Orangeville Jot 10,05 " 7,22 " 7v Amaranth t .. 10.15 7.02 '• 10 Waldemar.. „ 10.04 " 7.38 " 14 Luther „ .... 10.81 " 7.14 " 231 Arthur .. ... 11.08 " 8.10 " 30 IIonilworth..., 11:30 " 8,211 11 38f MT. FoukaT .. 11.08 a.m. 8,411 " 44 Pages t.. , , .. 12.10 p.m. 9,01 471 7iAtnus7urr., .. 12.86 11,10 •• 50f Fordwich ,. ,. 12.15 0.31 " 110 Gerrie.. 1.08 •• 9.41 G2} Wroxeter 1,15 0,18 00 Wingltam Lend 1.38 10.03 71 Teeswater.. Ai•r 1.10 p,m. 10.10 0 Allies Going Bast. Lxpr,,u, Mall. e Teeswater Uep :.1a (,..m.; ..m,' 9.17 p.m. 5 \1'iugluun 1!"aal 5„tx •• '1.0 1 ” 11x \iluxcLnr .... ';,4i 8.10 •• 11 Clorrie .... :..5:1 •• :di 171 Pordwich , . . , 0.113 3,00 20f 1Tarrist111t .. .. li.'«a ^ d0 Pugh,, ,.. ,, .. 13.7 •• 3.3 3fia All. Forest ,. ,, 0.11 Kenihcac•tl1 .. 7,e: •• 1,1a Arthur , .... 7.211 Luther .. .. , 7.• 1.111 Waldemar.... 7.9 •' 7.17 aut.unnlh ^, . 8,01 0.91 Orang,ville Jet 8.12 5.30 Oras',citla ,t, , 0.3.5pan. 4301 1111 114 70 192 Refreshment and Dining Rooms TORONTO Jr'E('T10?:, 010.t8(483'1L011 .0 i 1D (•A lbLE'1•G1 .1!1'09 ('T,0 A'. THROUGH TRAINS —TORONTO AND AND MONTREAL. - 11. 11,' 'LE A.ICIER'b, Tlit'ET•.T AGtiN . IInIISSIE .5 ETHEL 11 342E0-zr ccs eurA Tho undersigned having completed the change from the stone to the Celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has now the Bill in First -Class Running Order, and will bo glad to see all his 001 Customers and as many new ones as possible. Chopping clone. Figur and Feed Always on rand, HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR ANY QUANTITY OF 00011 WHEAT WM. , MII. INTJ CAUTION OAUT O A dealer in Brussels is advertising and offering for sale a liIISER:IDLE IMITATION of the GENUINE BUCK TIIOI?X FEXCE WIRE, of which I aux the Sohn AGENT in BRUSSELS, and the Public aro cau- tioned against purchasing the spurious article. Tho parties in Canada who aro placing this wit/maxim Ia111TATTON on tho market are now being sued for ton thousand dollars damages. Tho -Genuine Buck Thorn Fence, the BEsr and CHEAPEST fence in the world, can ONLY bo pur- chased at the "GOLDEN PADLOCK." I ani also Agent for the Ontario Barb Fernee Company, who make the boat Barb Wire in Canada. English throe ply plain twisted fence, a remarkably cheap and dur- able fence for Gardens. Several tons of Land Plaster in 2001b. sacks for sale.