HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-9-11, Page 66 THE BILUSIS LS POST rimer, 11, 1885. Directory of Churches ant Seciatie$I Mxt.cll,f.ls Cnruen.-Sabbath Services 1)t 11 natl. and 13.80 p.m. Sunday School at ::30 p.m. Rev, Jno, Rose, 13. A., pastor, Ks"x ('ar11011.-->iabbath Norvloos at 11 1).m. and 4.:30 pan. Sunday School at 2:80 Pan. lien. 4, Jones, pastor. 45. Joss's Chrncit.--Sabbath Sorvioes at 11 a.m. nini 7 p.m. Sunday School at 1130 min. Rev. W.1. C'luffe, incumbent. M0Ti10p1a'r ('01' .-Sabbath Services at 10:80 a.m. and 0:30 pan. Sunday School at 2:3 i pant. Pastor Win. Smyth. Bouts C '111.110 Comm. -Sabbath filer - VIEW third `undayin ovory annul at 11 a.m, lieu, P. J, Shea. priest. 01'0 L'si.l.ow's Levan every Thursday evening in Graham' a biock. 3IAsosicLononTuesday at or boloru fall mot`s in Holmes' block. A, 0. U. W. Laves meets on 211,1 and hoot Wednesday evenings each month. 3bnns'r1:n'aLul+un 2nd and last Monday evenings of ouch mouth in Smile's }loll. L. 0. L. eat Monday in every month in Orange I1a11. Pose Orslcr'.,-O111ce Roars from 8 a. in, to 7 p. 311. trcuA1150 IytaTITrra: Rending Room and Library in Holmes' block, will bu open from 0 to .s o'clock pant. Wednesdays and Saturdays. Miss .ies`.1ie Ross, Librarian. VARIETIES. Kindness is the only charm per- mitted to the aged ; it is the coquetry of gray hair. For lame back, side or chosb, nae Sh11ou's Poreul. Plaster. Price '25 cents. Held by G. A. Deadman. Great men undertake groat things because they are groat, and fools be- cause they think them easy. S1,11o11'50nm will immediately relieve Croup Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. aul11 by G. A. Deadman. The man who lives in vain, lives \verse than iu vain. He who lives to no purpose, lives to a bad purpose. A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh 1(emody. Prion 50 cents. Sold by Cl. A. Domain an, ol. penitent's tear is an undeniable ambassador, and never returns from the throne of grace unsatisfied. Why will you oough Whom Shiloh's Cnro will give e by i0di G. O0 relief. Price 100., 501., and 01. To most men experience is like the stern lights of a ship, which illumin- ates only the track it has passed. For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee en every bottle of 5515011 0 Vitalizer. It never fails to Dura. Sold by G.A.Deadrean, It always seemed to me a sort of clever stnpidy only to have one sort of talent -almost like a carrier pigeon, The Rev, Goo. H. Thaye r, of Bourbon, Xud., says: -"Both myself and wife owe our liven to Shiloh's Consumption ann." Sold by G. A, Deadman. Whatever stress some may lay up- on it, a deathbed repentance is but a weak and slender plank to trust oar all upon. Are you made miserable by Iudlgeetton Con- stipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, fellow Skin? ehiloh's Vitalizer is a pesitiro cure. Sold by G. A. Deadman. The Philadelphia Times defines marriage as a temporary social MU - once, entered into for the purpose of acquiring a cheap notoriety through the medium of divorce. No lady who delights In flowers and likes to see them do woll and bloom abundantly. should bo without Remington's Food for .Plowors. y0rdinary packages 900-000ioleut for 20 plants or ono year. A Brooklyn man got a divorce from his wife some time ago, and now he has married his mother-in-law. This looks as though the prophecy about the lion and tho lamb had grazed the target. Ladies who feel that they are glowing old before their time should use nanington'a Qulninewineand Iron. Beware of imitations Bee that you get "Xtanlagton's.' the originoj and genuine. Per ealo by an, druggists and general dealers in Canada. "What a wonderful man 1" amid the lady 00 sue read some verses the museum manager wee exhibiting. "What an extraordinary writer I" "Wonderful, marm. Why, he's a genius 1 He ain't got no acme. He writes them verses with his tore." Horsemen, Attention f When your horse is galled, scratched to ant or hos an ugly sore, bathe twice dailyand ap- ply McGregor. Parko's Carbolic Carate. It is undoubtedly the finest healing and cleansing apolleatio0 for it. eke sure 100 got Yseregor & Peaks's. Bold far SM. per box, el J. Rar- ¢reaves it Co'%. Drug 58010. A. shoemaker, blind of one. aye, complained that ase of hie lampe did not burn; A. shop -male, who is a genuine sen of the Emerald Isle, with astonishment exclaimed :-"Faith, and what do you want with two lamps ?" Sure, ye haven't but ono eye I" Matt Lightning. All sufferer' from that terrible torment, Neuralgia oan he mado happy in one moment by a s isle application of riuid Lightning briskly robbed on painful part', and withou ming any disgusting medicine day after day, with little or no result. Fluid Lightning also curse as 01600110ly Toothache, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Headache end is only 255. per bottle at 5. Hargraves 5 Oo's. Drug Store. The boy wanted to go iu swimming. "But, my son," said the anxiouspa- rent, "swimming is unhealthy. It was only this morning that you were com- plaining of a pain in your stomach." "That's so, pa : but I know host to swim on my back." "You did not dare to speak to me in that manner before I married you, air I" she indignantly exclaimed. "No, nor you didn't dare some cavort- lug around me in curl papers and rag -carpet Bllppere before I married you, ma'am 1" he retorted. Then she cried. "In response to "Majoriu s" qusl tion, "lio30 should 111150 my lover ?" the editor of 1) 0 Lont:villa Courier Journal remarks 1 --"If "M...jorio" is the same girl we flirted with at ,\Liltw- toulfa last summer, and her breath 1s The gold engagement ring. Only diamonds, rabies, 031+1 pearls are used oil thecal bracelets. The old anpors• Minn about the pent, that it brings had 111111 as a wedding gift, seems to Iowa gone over entit'el3', Rad 110(5 it unchanged, the safest way would bo 1.0 0101)1 that emeralds and sapphires by tt,lephoue," are the "nnlortttnato" stones to give Cholera. 1'revenulliiv. for bridal presents, ttlthom:4h they 1350 L1 ardor to withstand. i'holor:1+ old Buell like highly faslii t'�ilile Ila 0180 ally ii v' cp;dnwiev a 1 perfect purity of 14001, and tho y^,p.m sedeuof the nt0nusI aro required. TO Inter or to any boll ('1505 I•.usure that eu4,lulilo cheapest, munt0vallubte 1t 10 surprising haw yub4ay gnuhr,„ton's Awl 00111p1010 mance)', use 91(4 r a is Speedy i ('cru for 11 syr rsi1 and impure lit led 'Plume l)ui, 1, 5 wluo ani Iron. a tin through the 10110 purer1)005, safer or more 5E11,010remedy in lfl.,ud,n•ui 1V'utlliu 31.1 and 1I 1.11 4 ace 0,10, 030o fur At1)1(0 11151lyspa-pa.ia, Costive. 111'"4noo4 n ole r• Mud ih) (AU, li < that you nosy, etc, Ask your ucighbor ur nay 04.5:1111 nus "l GiniOgtu,: n; the urhlulal tin.1 !Acadia.. who 11ns used It• seta by .1, lialnrv110 : .t 1511. 'Vial bottle given fr,•o. gutting are nand fat, lir; dear." \Vliito skirts aro going out of fash- ion. There is a marhe,l tendency said a husband to bis wire ; "I must toward the 1100 of molt and satin got a set of dumbbells and prautauo skirts to msteh the other parte of with them." "Why not do as lir. the toilet, if the latter is of a light Smith did when he was getting so fat?" material and intended to servo for "What did ho do ?' ',Broke up (lraesy purposes. At other hums housekeeping 11111 (vont to live in a black, white, and rot aro sten, but boarding house." "Aly son,'' said a fond father to his little sou Aunt leo had been punish• lug, by the use of the roe, for Che first time; my Soil, I hope this has taught you 0 lesson." "Yes, pa," the little fellow sobbingly replied : "it's taught m0 1111) it's b.ittor to give than to re- ceive." AS \'Jhnngduodlo and Ulutlsu were walking home the former remarked: "I notices, I3roader Bludso, (eat mos' ob do culled ellild Dns 111 yo' tabernacle ata berry light complocted. How am dot or 2" "1 (I11nn0 115111'111' 'boat it. Dat's de color day was born avid, 1 reckon." "Yes, it may be an angel cake," said J01110e, whu had been persuaded by his boat girl bo test her culinary abilities, "but for the last two nights since I tasted it I've seen more little devils, hobgoblins, snakes, wildcats and spooks then would crowd a seven story pandemonmm." "Yes, Mr. Smith," said Airs. Brown, the wife Of the coal merchant, "lir. Brown and have always got along well for this season ; I never argue with hint, but always lot him have his otvu weigh." "Well, if you do, and your experience is anything like mind," responded Smith, "you're apt to get cheated two hundred pounds to the tau." Some of our richest mon started in life iu a very modest way, and are still plltul,unprotentious people, but their sons put on a great deal of style. One of the latter, who was better posted about other people's affairs than about his own family's, remarked, sneering- ly, to an acgnaiutance:-"Your father was nothing bat a simple atone - mason." "I know where yon got that information," quietly remarked the other. "From whom did I get it?" "From your father." "How do you know that?" "Because your father used to be my father's hod carrier." FASHION NOTES. Square pert ols, which have never found favour here, are quite popular in England. Bed silk waterproofs aro displacing rubber cloaks in the favour of ladies who row on the Thames. White vests are worn with blank and dark brown wool coetumos that have loose jacket front. Tho mastic tints in bloves of a few een5one ago are renamed "beige" and are much worn in London. Elegant dresses of black crepe de chine are elaborately trimmed with guipure and Spanish lace flouncee. Pretty dresses are made entirely of the piece wool laces, and are lined with bright surabs the colour of the lace. Decorated fang of gauze, mounted on ebony or pearl sticks, are more fashionable than the flneel lace or feather fans. Children's dreeses of solid colored gingham* and chambray's are (rim- med with many rows of narrow white linen braid. Jackote of white or black insertion and coloured waists are among the prettitlst of pretty waist. They are lined' with silk. The flowers laid al gnest'e plates at elegant entertainments aro usually in loose bunches -roses or something of the kind. Ferns, baleen plants, and palms are used for fountains and in aquaria. A very charming dress int tided for a fairhairedbrideemaud is of cream coloured satin merville lace, which is draped diagonally on one side, falling in folde on the other. It is faebenod with ekrimp pink velvet ribbon, and the bodice is cropped diagonally with bows of the ribbon. A young person with ideas is now illuminating Saratoga in what she stalls a Ruth costume. It is of white muslin with lace flounces, the lowest one embroidered with wheat, poppies, corn•flowors, and daisies, and a ker. chief wrought with the same flowers covers the shoulders. Bars of wheat and field flowers decorate the hat, and a Roman scarf, reheating their colours, is tied ab the waist. the black skirts have the preference, as they aro useful and economical. 13 is only neeesslry to trim these 51(111s with one or two lace flounces or \\'!th a narrow platting of the goods. There is a now I'ltridiall fitshi.1 for trimming hate. If they have deep brims in front null narrow 01110 in the back, or if tho back ii open the trimmings aro placed back. For in- stance, if the brim to high mid straight, there is a scarf 115.111111 the crown and in the back a Hill trim- ming of plumes. Light straw hats have their brims lined with dark vel- vet, and have their brims lined with dark velvet, and have in the back a largo bow of light-coloured faille. Roses are also arranged in this way. Yellow straw Hats for yound ladles aro covered with etenty-culonred tulle, and have in the bank loops of moire ribbon, with a few of these cite tiding iu front. A Maniac Makes an attack on Sheriff Iter. For three years there has been confined in the Sandwich gaol an 1n - sane deaf mute. He is n large, well proportioned loan, and as strong as a lion. Sheriff Iter had 00001100 to take him from ono ward to another. Iio conducted the prisoner along the 005- ridor on the first fluor, which runs at right angles with the main corri dor loading to the front street. Ho reached a short flight of steps Lead- ing to one of the wards and was load- ing the prisoner down them, when the mute became stubborn. Tho sheriff tugged awhile at the man, bat he refused to descend farther. Iler struck the mute over the head with the keys in his hand in an effort to coerce him, but it had an opposite effect, for the insane man became en. raged and flung the sheriff, who 19 a strong man himself, down the re• maiming steps to the landing below Tho mute leaped upon Ilor and began pummelling him. A sickening grin overspread his face and his right arm sought the sheriff's throat. Dr. Mo' Cormack heard the struggle and rushed to Mr. Ilor'e assistance. The mute failed to Notice the doolor's ap. proaeh• The latter grasped the prisoner by each arm from behind, and pulled him off the prostrated of- ficial, who arose and with the assist• once of the physician, shoved the en- raged prisoner into the corridor of the ward. The door, whieh is of iron, was hastily bolted, but the mute began an attack upon it. After an assault of 15 minutes he became exhausted, when he was tak- en out and lodged in a eell. A. meeting of the Canadian Niag- ara Falls Park Commission was held at the Proepeot House last week, the result of which was not made publie, but there ie every reason to believe the park will extend from the Ferry Road, near the new Suspension bridge up to the burning spring, a distance of about two miles, and book to the brow of the bluff,. including Clark Hill and the Cedar Islands, and the Mnsoum, Park and outbuildings. The acreage will .greatly exceed that of the American reservation, while the coal is net expected to reach more than half. The abolishing of roAd tolls and solicitation from haok- men, hawkers, &o., whioh have been a great annoyance to visitors and eight -Beers, will be ono of the princi- pal objeote gained, while the full view of both the falls and the rapids will be uninterrupted. The Com- mission adjourned and will shortly have their preliminary ropoets ready to submit to the Ontario Government. Should this report reoelve the ap- proval of the Government, the Com- mission will then commence the work of valuating the property, and place the result of their labors before the Ontario Legislature at its next sees- ion. 13 is the prevailing supposition that the Canadian Reservation will bo opened free to the plablie on July 1st, 18813. 1,11011 SALF.-TIII, 1INDE1IBLGN• 011 11an 4 Helm of nettle (2 steers and 2 holt. oral rising 1 years 0111. fur sale. Alen 0 oohs, 11 years oldstud the other' 0 yeurllut;• 'rho eat - 10 are eu lute, 0011,1 Grey, and the units are 011 lot 251, eon. 2, Morris, 3,'or 3,511)er 1,05lan• !urs ns to prim,4a., apply w :1.1,1.1. 11111111) NAL1), 2-8* loth, eon. 4, Gray. 1p1r.tvyyf-- 017S 1'; & LOT 1''011 SALII, ON H Y. (naevi street. Thorn 10 also IL 011011 on 1110 Gat tout could bo utilized for a 010b1,, Will bo sold 0n reasuaahh. terms. .iphly to -- A, 1(A \V -t' 1:3.1191 1111 ngj;11, 13LAS111..1a11, i".2r^. 0 Y 1(5toher, t)m111lil:) Iiia •- 1' k'' . I nom; easterners for their liber- trl h 1 1. 1)i:: • 1I1 .,,1 "nrtfur t 1 , rss[ 1ears ' � � �""^+ 151111114110 hlhn•m tucw 11,4 r. G,+• 2, t1)' Unread out standIII 1111' old stand flit,: 11 up a shop i11 0utle's Mori( 10 first -glass Melo whore hu hopes t0 se- +111 the 011 ,^.n,:uluers. end (1.enuoup uuy on'1( at to gree (110. r1 call. I "cup Ip111,in,1 but 5rat•e1 )84 meati, all ah)ds of 1,,,u1155 n '14)40050110,11 3(011veret to all Parts 1151h" Town Nre0, Cash paid fur Fat Steak. CLEANLINESS --NMT TO - GODLINESS. Thu subscriber is ptepared to do all kinds of .feinting, such as HOUSE, SIGN, CARRIAGE, PLAIN on O1RNASIENTAI, Pnts'tsO, ...-__o_..-.• PAPER HANGIN8,KALF1JYilINIRIG -AND- Crrs-atirniug to 84pectialty. -0- Spring time will soon bo at 11001180 leave your Orders Early. Work done in the most satisfactory manner and satisfaction guaranteed. I will bo fount! 1)t my old shop north of the bridge. Wm. Roddick. Canadian L'aciflo LIai1Way Tiles Tablcl Teeswater Branch. Miles. Going West. Stall, Express. 0 0 4 71 10 121 231. 801• 38* 44 1713 56* 60 621 60 74 Toronto.. Dep Orangeville Orangeville Jot Amaranth t . . Waldemar.... Luther ...... Arthur ...... Kenilworth.,. . ltfx. Fou11sx .. Pages 1.... IIABntsTos.. .. Fordwich ..... Gorrie ... Wroxotes Winghaw Road Teeewater.. Arr 7.20 a.m. 9.50 10.05 " 10.15 '1 10.24 " 10.81 " 11.08 " 11.30 " 11.58.a.m. 12.151 m. 12.28 12.55 " 1.08 " 1,15 " 1.38 " 1.55 p.m. 5.40 p.m. 7.05 7.22 ' 7.82 " 7.38 " 7.41 " 8,10 " 8.29 " 8.46 " 9.01 9.10 " 9.81 " 0.40 11 9.46 " 10.08 " 10.15 " XII es Going Nast. Express. Mall. 0 5 11} 14 I713 26* 80 3511 411i 501 611• 64 • 66i 70 74 122 Teeswater Dap Hingham Road Wroxoter 5 5 5 5 Gorrie . .... Fordwioh .. Harriston 5555 Pages 1.... 331. Forest.... Kenilworth Arthur .... Luther .. Waldemar.... Amaranth t . • Orangeville Jot Orangeville ..• Toronto .. Arr. 5.15 non. 5.88 " 5.47 5.56 0.02 6.25 6.55 6.51 7,09 7.20 7.53 7.58 8.04 8.12 8.35 10.45 2.15 p.m. 2.90 " 2.49 2.56 5.09 3.29 5.40 3.57 4.19 4.09 5.10 5,17 5.24 5.35 5.55 6.35 p.m. 11 14 41 ta 11 41 Refreshment and DInIng Rooms -AT-. TORONTO JUNCTION, •RANOMVILLIb AND • CARLETON JUNCTION. 2.,9.1,TC2ffC7101ff' 39.&.119==Ta3 0311' THROUGH TRAINS .-1111WWi n s- .. --TORONTO AND MONTREAL. - T. FLETCHER, TIUKIIT AOIIPIT. IRIOORLI BRUSSELS LIME WORKS STILL, AHEAD. r.L`S.D tl'I�f Az• a401%.1. 191' 101,00ribero lake 1100 opportunity r'5 lei 5011,1es th01,110 to the lemicitallte 11 11lufae11: and vicinity for punt 1)000)10,. sed Let; t'• 'ante that having curd''ov`•cal hal ...vein, lite LI their l,1lo 111111 11100 0 01 burffing,thoy are 1 ,11 111 a 1,•21rr 1'"..i tluu 111, , v r before fa supply 1(2 1.11111'. lbt Iain. the110111 Heabill Of our btu,!. 1 til r. 4li 111114,1;1,MR'bliv ll 1i1','1111n- u-111110.1 Llofo,le,11 sir lar, the publiucan ro• int re,•,' c[ng good treatment tout it grit -clava• :u'tiele Cron, us, lriret-cla s0 Lnm, al 14 cents at the kilo and 10 a„utt deliver"i. \Ve also burn a No. 1 llluo for plastering al the alalia prig,,, livI l loertbu split-..ilrn000lo LIMO Werke, 12 TOWN & SON. ALLAN LINE. -or ROYAL 3C.1IL STEALISII11?S41' ,r+r'r'i',g:i ld 11L:14ar Y+`. 03111.13 TO -- it 131i1211'OO1, 1.0 b 710315, Gib 1' 4;1..05( 114 I.031110S,nfr.: 0tem'agu, e11, LirurpuoI Londonderry Quotuatuwe, tflnsguly, Or n'ltaat to Qltobt•C and always au law as by alar ural-ulnsolinu, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT' SAILINGS F11OM QUEBEC, SA1211ATIAN .Saturday, May 011i. POLYNESIAN 1010, CIIRCASSIAN. " " 231•d. PARISIAN " " 30tH, PER UVIAN " Juno 6111. SARDINIAN " 18th SA1RAIATIAN " 20th. POLYNESIAN " 27th. OIItCA.8SIAN July 4th. PARISIAN.. " 11111, PERRUVIAN " 18111. 8ARD INIAN " 25th. The last train connecting with the steamer eft Qaebuulonvoe Toronto \Voduoadayo atO:'0 a' Pasouugcrs oanlunvo llednuodaye at 8:30 1),'n.,tleo,aud oenlluotWOth 010 etanulora}Hal' 11ex, by paying nu additional fare 0f 04:45 1st ,an a 32.be211 d ohteo. No cattlo,shuop or pigs aro parried on the Mail Steamers of Sho Allan Lino. For Tloketsoud Berths and every l0 forma tion apply to J. R. GRANT, Agent, ,1f Gllt 1.114E 0711 r.e, ISr:/1141•la.' BABY CARRIAGES, BABY CARRIAGES. JUS'z' To EI 1 ,ZD a Choice Stock of Baby Carriages that Cannot fail to suit the wants of the Public. Call and see them. LARGE STOCK OF I'fAIi.NESS ON HAND. Give me LL Call. H. DENNIS. CRANBR00T3. LIME NORMS. The subscriber wishes to notify the PUBLIC that he will have his LIME KILN in Complete Running Order by the let of MAY, and will be able to. furnishAny Quantity of Furst -class Lime at any time during the Sea- son. Price at Kiln -14 dents per Bushel. C#rezn2n, CRANBROOK, P, 0. ,���yy,E�T H E L LOVIria L The undersigned having completed the change from the stone to the Celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has now the Mill in First-ClassBunning Order, and will be glad to see all his 01d Customers and as many new ones as possible. Chopping clone. Flour and Feed Always on Hand. HIGHEST PRICE PAID )YOB ANY QUANTITY OP GOOD WHEAT W Vi• MII.,N