HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-9-11, Page 5Suri, 11, 1885.
r. :ate �.���.W .u..•, ,,,
:Allen Spier reternel from his
trip to Southold last .Friday. Ile
brought with hila five horses, 0110
coach horse five years old, 0111/ three
year old, awn two.yea.r.ohle, a year•
ling, all heavy 11181„111. HIo had n
line itnesitee and .enjoyed the trip
A number from this vicinity wore
at Lordou thin week taking iu tho
sights at the "big fair," Several were
exhibitors, we believe.
Another victim to tho cpidornie that
is coming aped ns. Our best washes
attend \Vilho 1lyslap and his fair
bride. Who next ?
Quito a unmber from this vicinity
pltrp000 attending tip, lousy �lon'h
Liberal Cuuvontlon in Toro•'to, on
Tuesday and Wedaeutlay next.
Ono of our young then whilo mak-
ing for the parental cottage the other
evening after "seeing" hie girl home,
was pursued for a considerable 1(18
tnrlce by whet he snppoeed to be either
at wolf or a wild -eat, but by taking a
by -way, itn'.1 leaping over bitches and
fences he managed to eludo the crea-
ture anti reached home in tiafety. It
le altogether likely 1t was) a wild cat,
RE welwee aro now extinct in thee')
parte, unless it wee 0. wolf in sheep'e
F:tit eel.
Building operations aro progressing
The Hiss Pannabaket s, of Ilcspolor,
were were visiting their brothers last
,;p;\Vin, Spence mid A. W, Panna•
batter have edited to tho nppearatico
of their housos by having them nice-
ly painted. \Vm. Boddi:It, of Brus-
sels was the painter.
'W. P. Davis and his bridle left for
their now home in Minnesota, on the
28111 ult. They intended to spend. a
few dentin Chicago. Wo wish the
happy couple a long life of health,
happiness and prosperity.
Those -opening of the presbyteriau
church will take plana next Sunday,
Sept. 13th. Bev. D. B. McRae, the
pastor, who has been away for a holi-
day trip is expected home this week.
One or two ministers from a dietnnce
aro expected to melet. Services will
be held at 10:30 a. m.2:80 p. 111. and
0:30 in the evening. The Methodist
friends have kindly concluded to
withdrsew their regular cervica,
Wia g:hamm.
The saved army has left Wingbam.
They could do nothing with the wick•
ed people there,
Thu broken drill in the Wingham
salt well has been recovered, and the
work is again progressing.
1(1. Sutton, train despatcher at tho
depot, has been relieved for a few
days holiday by Mr. Creighton of
Bev. 1:. McConh wan presented
with a sum of money by the ladies of
his congregation, the occasion being
Mr. McCosh taking a two weeks'
Bev. Be leleCosh met with a very
singular accident on Sunday night
last. Ho was in bed, lying on his
left side, and in attempting to turn
over upon his right side he put his
shoulder out of joint. It pained him
considerably the rest of the night,
but he did not know what was the
matter until Monday morning, when
Et physician was) called in and set it
Tho races wore opened on Tnesday
overythieg gave indications of a good
dity's races, but se the day wore ou
rain fell in slight showers. Even
then the prospecte warn not alto.
gather unfavorable for the first day's
races. There were a 2.50 trot and
a run, half mile Beate. Six horses
were entered for the trot and three
for the run. The trot was the first
thing on the program. The follow•
ing was the roeult:--Little Fred first,
Belle 0 eeeond, Cherry Lane third,
Kentucky Star fourth. : Best titne,
2,47-i. In the running race was as
follower-- General Spoke first, Wild
i8ms second, Francis L. third. Best
time 1.5611-. During the trot and
the running race rain fell freely,
which mule the track sltppory. After
the fires heat of the running race
rain fell so Lard the remaining heats
were postponed for the clay. On
Wednesday the first thing on the.
list wee a running race, mile heats,
beet two in three, resulting as follows
:-_Williams first, General Spelt')
second, Prances L. third. Best
time 1,57. Tho 2.40 trot, mile heats,
there in Ave camp next. In thio
there were only three starters.
Molly 13. finished first, with Bella 0,
second, Little Fred third. Beat
time 2,4131. Tho judges wore Dr,
Sutton, Olandeboye W. J. Baine,
Dallas, 'Texas ; T. O'Neil, Brussels,
retur•of County Note,..
ettratford is the only city 111 the
Dominion that le not repre:.eutod by a
daily paper,
The oily of Stratford realized over
$,200 by the aemollstratinn them
on ulangurelion day.
The Winghern here hall elub beat
the Port Elgin leans �tlr1 .lay recently
by e. metre of 21 to •1,
The infant son of Gen, Putts, Clin-
ton, died nn Sunday from whooping
cough and inflammation of the lunge.
Mr. Milne, brother of ttlr. Milne
of Myth Commercial betel, succeeds
Nic. Doyle, as manager of tho (11uoon's
hotel in Clinton,
Division court was hold in Gerrie
last Tuesday, when four eneea came.
up Inc a hearing, and the 1111eitlae8 of
the court wee over in fifteen minntee,
The old lire company at \Vitighaui
ie to be disbanded fund 11. new 000
formed in its place, tho latter to be
compoeod of melted and capable men.
alollt. McMillan, sou of John Mc-
Millan, of kIullett, left on Tuesday
last on n trip to ten Old Country.
Ile goes nntillly for the benefit of his
Jnhu Pym, of Eltmvillo, who at•
tempted stticidi by cutting his throat
from ear to ear with al razor, is getting
along nicely, tool the doctor Unitise ho
will recover.
The spring crept in tllo vicinity of
1.leeburn will be en average crop, with
the exception of spring whom, which
is a fallen. The. root crop appears
to bo doing well.
Mr. Conitees. who hag been living
for oevel-al years with his 000-in•law,
llr. Garnet's, of J3luevale, died cm
Thursday night of hist week nt the
edit:weed ago of ninety.
The annual meeting of the Fruit
Growers' Association of Ontario will
be held in the town hall, Wingbam,
on Wednesday- and Thursday, the
16th and 17th of Sept. next.
On Friday last 0. Monteith, of the
Thames Bead, Ucborno, lost a very
fine yearling filly, from inflammation.
Mr, Monteith refused $200 Inc hoe
when she was only four menthe old.
At the recent examination of the
Ontario School of Arts, Miss Hattie,
daughter of George Walroud, of Ex-
eter, very successfully passed in all
subjects, and secured the "Grade B"
In arts.
The storm on Tuesday was par-
ticularly fierce a little to the south of
Exeter. The lightning struck the
residence of Mrs. Combs, and running
down the stove -pipe, burstiug open
the stove doors and raised the carpet
off tho floor. The inmates were bad-
ly frightened but not hurt,
B. Gibbings, of Alma, son of Wm,
Gibbings, of Verden, N. W. '1'., has
gond out to assist in the harvesting
of a largo acretlgo of wheat. Tho
wheat crop is excellent in that sec-
tion of tho country, and Mr. Gil:binge
expects 1t yield of 7000 bushels.
Four sslf•binders are now engaged in
cutting the wheat.
A. broach of pro(: ise ease, in which
tlhe defeudant is a farmer on the Hula
ou road, not far from Oliuton, is
threatened. Tllo fair plaintiff elatms
$1000 as a solatium for her wounded
feelings, and will place damages Est
that 8mou01 if the matter goes into
court, but it is said sho otters to ac-
cept $500 and be satisfied.
On Saturday last at little sou of
'debt. Wray, of Gerrie, metwilhwhat
might have been a serious accident.
It appears he attempted to get oat of
a waggon while it was in motion, and
got his foot caught between two of
the spokes and was turned around
two or three times with tho wheol,
but fortunately escaped with a few
E. Holmes, or ()Ruben, has been
appointed Resistant Librarian of the
Logislature in the place of i11r. Was-
son, resigned, Mr. Holmes was for
many years editor and proprietor of
Clinton New Era, then, as now, 000
of the best local jouxnale in Western
Ontario. His tastes and pnr'nmte em-
inently fit him for the place to which
he hues been uppointod, and visitors
to the literary will, no doubt, soon.
learn to apprecieto the,new olllgial. .
John Hoffer/nun,. of ivloKillop, cat -
ale buyer, was brought bofore W.
Atkiur, J.P., on the charge of sheep
stealing at tho instance of a ftu'mee
named Thomas •Pell, residing near
Dublin in the township of Hibbert.
The case was hoard and Hefforrnan
pleaded not guilty to the charge, but
stated that he lead lost a number of
sheep and mistook plaintiff; sheep,
which wore on the roadside), for lime
lost by him, and drove them away.
The weight of evidence was againet
the prisoner and the magistrate com-
mitted him to Stratford jail, 1–lo was
released on bail This young man
has Hitherto borne a good character
and his i00005000 of the crime of
stealing is not queetionod and is loop-
ed upon 118 a ease of mistakutt ident-
ity and ignorance of the law.
A ROY yr1 Iltt111. Thw 0ecbee limber market la stat
ed to (1e exceedingly (inlet just now
with 00 transau sinus •to rr' 1/.r
Wh11,1 lul 3110udaut 111 111,1 Areedo
mnnie eture nva3 piay'i11e on a pima
near' the dour104) one (lay lattay
i man rudely aroused and with 111
gennre1 11ppear011011 of a tramp, net/
unziug wistfully Redd.) for some lith
I entered awl ,shod if Lu nlieht
lowed to piny 1111 0110 of the pieno
Tho clerk granted h14 requ'' (1 twit
reluctance, nod scaled hint at Ib
poorest piano 111 the eetabhaltme11(1
first touch 0f the keys prove
11110 to be a master of the instteim •n
and the abashed attenamit43 at one
invited ilial to a bolter piano, '1'
the amazement of tho40 preseet
marl pinyc.1 13eethoven's 1t0omh!;h
Sonata, ono of the meet dillicnit r
the concert solos, from einnery, 1311
lowing rt rip with 1lcudelseohe'8 0.114
rice') in A minor, brotekitig d'l(11 lin
ally in sees. On gmedentine Lim i
was learned that his Hanle 30,11'1 Aller
ander llireeke, that he 11:1.4 a nntiv
11. 1, givau the rebellion volanteor4 aro
r being Fignetl in the Militia 1)opart
mord, fund will bo 148310,1 ('('0111 the
r', Interior ebont six weella hence.
The :Mantle and b'islheries le.net't
It heat lime just received the gold le le
rtwerlled to it by the Interna tient)
n 13 isherir.8 Jlxhibi ion or 1110 specimen
1 of a whit's) whale prepared. 1'y Mr
Circgory, of the (,,htobeu a3•,nCy', au,
eehitlitud by it among the Canadian
1 t,
The oortilicetee for grip to ba,
Over 1,201) carnes 11000 ham r:•.
, eeived to petition.; eireu!at.el it, E..ex .
County netting for a emu untnliiu al'
the rentei100 of I1on18 Ilea.
It is (miaowed that Jus, Trick+,n,
• ,i -neral rnaungar of the ''rnu�l 'Fre 1/k
hue her'jl ialgtuiuted hi) 33113 l,"ua"p,
I:unl., Beard of Uirectu:s, 1111.1 tb:1
• Jnr , Bell, of 1111(1 ide, 44111 tate his
1 pines.
1 It is .wild that Pro], Sturdy, • 1'
Guelph, an11 Mime Carr, wheel 1„• ab-
dneted, and for which bar eerved h
1 yearn 111 liingstrnh YOuitoutilzrc, :110
to be marrferl. 'fila ins nail ants
and peculiarities of lovers' quarrele
are wonderful indeed.
Henry Fettle, entered the Central
Prison,'l'oronto, about six weeks ago
on n nix menthe' sentenee, for (Tim.
1nelly tissanitin„ 11 girl ten year i oat
near \Vnllserton, and to receive twen-
ty four lnohte. Tinedty utoruiug be
received the first i0itsllnent of twelve
lashes, which he bore nuliincllingly.
The eecoud instatement will b:' admin•
isteaed one inenth before leis 1i1111 1/:c•
.t roust uuffu'tunatc told distressing
accident happened on 1(1 1portbty icon
week, John ifaeon, elm lives with
his parents on the Shoal Lake teat],
MIA tatting 0 Sun from a 10113011 ; 110
doubt the hammer caught 011 surto
I part of the,, wagon, 0,11101 e the gnu to
he discharged. The shot met. off
1 tho right hand' of the pane mar,
who, notwithstanding the dreadful
nature of the occurrence, showed
much fortitude and rose, into town,
which 11188 nine 101105 distant. He
still remains in J3irtle iu undo- to rc'-
ceivo medical atteudauce.
A terrible accident occurred Tues-
day morning at the G. T. It. yard..
Hamilton by which au employee los:
his life. About 11 o'clock olio of the
yard engines was engaged infleeting
a load of lumber in the yard. Alfred
Johnston was on the tail board of the
engine for tho purpose of uncoupling
a lumber car, when the engiuo. r, not
knowing that Johnston was Liu the
tail board, backed hie engine, The
unfortunate man's head came in con•
tact with the lumber which projected
over the end of the car, hie temple
was crushed in, and he tuns kille,l
instantly. Deceased was many years
in the emyloy of the company, and
was much respected. Ile leaver
seven cllildrau, who are all in the
Home, his wife having di eel about
Mateo yearn ago.
of itunmani a, epolto eight 1;103118gel
' ta11,1 w031 1'clateil to til + reyiti famil
of 1Jnngar'y. Coming to Ode count
ry five year.: ago, 11e had ellen work
ori as a common ]jostler and a rail
road eeetinn hand. lio is very hand
some, with straight Greek b-aturee
tnnxulfi0ent military cu,untecho and
1cautifnl blue eyes. 'Che proprieto
of the supra itt once elm:m �d. hie tier.vices and proonred fur 41111 a naw
unit of 014tht:4 end la 1llk tin, Birk•
slot entet'tatttwl a IArgo uompa:ty last
evening with his rcuditiane which
were not at all married by the fact
that his arm was recently broken
while handling iron 011 the railroad,
O tiitditt,rn Nemr8.
A large number of lowyurn and
wnesses leave gone to Regents for
the rebel trir,ls.
A cricket matoh was played at Kin-
cardine on Ji'riday lest between Port
Elgin and l .tnenrdiue, resulting in a
victory for fart Elgin by one itluinge
and 84 runs.
Toronto Cuuucii 1183 docidad 1.c re-
move the smallpox Hospital from its
preaeut site. The Toronto 1edi081
Health Officer reports flint the re•
mailing email -pox patient does not
note require medical aid.
The supposed ease of iufautieitle
at Toronto wad investigated by tile
Coroner on Tuesday night. Mrs.
Willaims, mother of the infant, states
that 1(1 viae dead when born but it is
believed it teas born alive and was
On Sunday moaning n eattle czar
containing about 25 barrels of para.
flue oil caught fire at the G. T. 12.
station,. Brantford. The yardsmen
ran the oar down the track to the
west ride of the city where it }mimedout. Cause of fire is unknown.
W. 0. Van Horne, General moan
ager of the 0. 1'. lie hotted . red a
circular aunounciug the appoiutmeut
of T. G. Shauguessy as Assisttant
General Manager of all the Cum-
pauy's linos. A. 0. fleury has bum)
appoiuted to replace M. Sluaugucssy
as pttre:basmg agent,
Toronto City Council has appoiut-
od a Committee to wait upon the
Ontario Government and urge the
the removal of the Ineane Asylum
from its present location, on sho
grouuda that it had a bad effect upon
patients and was delrimenttal to the
development of the western part of
the city.
The latest invention is a watch that
winds itself. It wattling a laver at-
tached to a spring, which moves with
tho mutual of the wearer. Whoa he
wants, gm lover plays up and down,
winding the waboh, The form of the
wand) In square. Ono recently brought
from Europe had not been wound in
thirty clays, and kept exoolleut time.
At this 0088011 of the year when
patent rights' vendors aro busy, it is
well to call public atteutiou to Ulinip,
88 of 47 Vie. Dominion Statutes. 13y
this Act one year'e impeisoumeut or
$200 flue may be imposed upon any
person who iseuss,,,sells, of transfers
any instrument, promissory note, o1/
bill of exchengo, not having the words,
"Given fora patent right" printed or
written :noose its hem,
A surd euro for smallpox,—The
following paragraph was olippo.l Front
a British paper printed about twenty
years: Au effootuel remedy Inc
small -pox Wanda to have been Yount.Vfound liy a surgeon of the British
army in China, The mode of treat.
mens is as follows :—When the pre-
ceeding fever is at its height, andjust
before the eruption appears the chest
is rubbed with proton oil and tartaric
ointment. This causes the whole of
tho eruption to appear on that part
of the body, to 0 relief of sho rest.
It also secures a full and complete
eruption, and thee provento the dos•
0880 Iron attacking the internal or -
gang. This is now the ostablishecl
modo of treatment in tho English
army in 011108, and is regarded as a
perfect cure,
collection in London Net year,
The agreement for th ; partial n1/,
cttpatinn of ten Union Station by the
(lnnadlan Pttcitiu Itlaiiway, which Ilea
been pending sieoe July 1st of last
your, 1431,8 14t last been aignet1 by tlin
anthnritio$ of the Grand Tr,tuli and
Cailailian 1'ncdlo Railways, Tho
agreement is tor 110 years from July
let, 11+84, 0011 provides fur all altera-
etlhargel11a11' 8 1a nn.31 may bo Made'jueeaosnry by the iucreeee to
y . pnsson: 1/r trait.) during the ueerly
nun,, vers Chs) n.^.eom nit Inti y'ot to
• run.
All tile. 0ar4mml started in the race
tat 1li_ 4hoed Ii 4y nn Jlenday at. 5:18.
Hese took the len int the start, and
at the hall.cn!10 11,114 AN leading, with
I-Iaolnn second Etna Lee third, rowing
a sto'tdy stroke, At the end of tho
first mile Moss led by about a length.
Befcre two mile had been rowed Ham,
Ian had taken the lona, with floss
second, and Leo third, but at two
and a quarter milos :111 were about
even. When two and three-quarter
mlle4 had boon 00000,11 lines had
again taltou the lead, Iltanlan, how-
ever, e.emo in first by a length, with
Lee second, Ilanlan's time was 22:21.
To MAKE A THOLE Id' GLAss.—Spread
on thinly some wax, after walmi0g
the glass. Remove the wax where
you wish the hole to he made ; with
n piece of iron wale put on the spot la
drop or two of fluorin '4oia, and it
will oat through the glees. If not
suflicitint, 1)114110 a second or third t1p-
plioation of tho acid. After this tins
oaten quite through, it may bo 00-
111'3ed or shaped with a copper ;viva,
with rotten stone nud oil, ur, neo di-
lute (1.5) sulphuric acini with the
ordinary drill. When shaping or en-
larging the holm also apply this fluid
to tho file from time to time while us-
ing, when finished wroth 1130 latter
that there will
begs to announce
be - a Complete
after OCTOBER the 1st.
All Accounts must be settled by
that time.
BUTTEn taken on ; ccouut
after the above date. (Positively.)
Over $3,000 worth of Ready-made
Clothing before that time, also
$9,000 Worth of The CHOICEST
in. the Village of Brussels.
8A. -fin
N. B. --Cal and. See Prices. .