HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-9-11, Page 3Supt.' 11, ilftSfi
'1"1 -TE SIt 'SS' LS POSE'.
.1L ftr)nx N6lt e,N.
A light :lusting of salt sown on
buck lvllant is said to largely Muereaee
the produetivouns t of its grain, mak-
Mg it fill well oven in day wenthor.
`l'ho small potatoes Iuulid iu ,li;;g.-
ing the iarly crap, if belled and falx•
id with it little meal, Make exeeliont
fet d for growing pits, «forging them
thrifty lultil the time comes for heav-
ier feeding; nu,l laureling,
And old and successful farmer nays
that lel ha,t noticed h1 his t;;t:t191
"that that 10(13(1 Whiol'h 1:+ li l er
cultivated with dew upon the ground
produces better crops than that herd
in the heat of the day,"
A young heifer growing up to be n
cow and bred to calve sometime next
Spring, bN more sure to pay her keep
through the winter than any oilier
kind of lumnod stock, Il not sold
when elle has her first calf, she will
at least pay ler way for a year, when
she will certainly bo worth horn.
Some varieties of not very common
grasses aro rendered almost worth-
less to many farmers from Jack of
knowledge els t0 the best time to cut
them. Orchard grass and meadow
fescue need to be out very early or
they will soon become woody and in -
nutritious, There would be bettor
demand for these grasses it their pe-
culiarities were better understood.
In their season they aro palatable
and nutrioioes.
At this season there will be more
or less weeds that have escaped the
cultivator and hon in potato hills. If
a good soaking rain comes those weeds
may be pulled without Injury to the
crop. If dry weather prevails the
weeds should bo cut off near tbo
ground to lessen the absorption of
moisture as nand) as possible, but
without disturbing the soil. which
might in a dry time injure the pot.
atticsIre 1110011 as the weed could do.
Many kinds of weeds find their
hast refuge in the fence corners, and
hang around the ortlskcrt1 of the Sold
long nftor they have been destroyed
in the centre, where tha plow and
the cultivator have free course, A
fanner who tries hard to free his
iiolde from weeds and is balked by
this difficulty soon begins to ask him-
self whether this offending fence is a
necessity. In a great majority of
cares the answer to this question will
be that it is not.
Iu many places formers neglected
to seed wheat fields last fall with tim
°thy, ox last spriug with clover, and
es a result do not now know what to
do with them. They intend to sow
wheat after wheat, Dui the Bessinn
iiy makes this a doubtful policy. Per.
haps as good use of such fields may
bo got by fell plowing, sowing with
barley and seeding with clover in the
spring. As good a catch of plover is
often got with barley as with wheat,
It is always bad policy to crop
bearing orchards, and ono reason for
this is that it generally prevents their
pasturing by pigs, which are the best
scavengers for destroying wormy fruit
with its °entente. The apples in our
markets would be fairer if pigs had
the range of apple orchards, and the
pigs themselves would be more
healthful food. If not ringed pigs
will give an orchard all the plowing
it needs, wiih no danger of injury to
the tree roots.
Farmers whose land is rioh enough
to grow two or throe tone of clover
hay per acre, aro apt to conclude
after a few years' experine° in ear.
Ing it that it is worth more to plow
under than for any other purpose.
This is especially true in seasons
when wet weather makes clover diffi-
cult to cure. To make plover hay
good feed after it hart been soaked
thrcngh leveret good /Slag requires
a oodeiderable addition of grain,
which to most stock will aearesly re,
pay Its cosi.
On many farms peed° net known
Before follow the appearance of the
travelling llireaehing• machine. `rife 'A Specialty. Having a Practical Knowledge of every branch of the
rade and having worked in some of the largest Factories,
in the Dominion of Canada the Public,
may always rely on getting
" %Vait till the
clouds roll by,"
morning train."
"EUREKA," meaning "I have found it," in what, the Peo-
ple say when they call at
A. portion of our Stock, including Alt grades of ,Stationery, Envel-
opes, &c., School Books, School Bags, Pencils, Pens, Inks, Scriibling
Books, Crayons, Spates, Copy Bimini, Hymn Books, &c. Small Wares
in the shape of Mouth Organs, Rubber Balls, Children's Paints, Purses
and rt lot of outer articles, is to 11a11(3 1111(1 more goods are on the W11y.
New Ontario Readers in stock.
Ist, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Books.
Our object is not to keep a large, cumbersome stock, our premises
won't admit of that, 1)11t to Watch for what will suit the Public and by
always keeping a Fresh, Tidy Stock and selling at a small margin to
merit a share of Public Patronage.
SCHOOL TEACHERS ANI) SCHOLARS will find it to their advan-
tage to make their purchases at THE "POST" 1300K STOVE.
We won't charge ,you anything to call and see, anyhow.
You know Where to find as. WItch for "JUMBO" in our window at
THE "FUST" Publishiu Roue.
The undersigned having purchased the Stock and Trade of I11r. A.
Veal, and added thereto, is prepared to furnish anything in the
Economy in Funerals.
Having added to the Furniture Business the Undertaking I am pre-
pared to Furnish Funerals on short notice, PIRST-CLASS HEARSE
in connection.
seeds which are grown on ono farm
are thus spread over the entire
neighborhood. They get into the
manure pile, and are time carried to
plaoes where they are not looked for,
and get a headway which years of
hard labor will not entirely destroy.
Careful farmers should look to ibis,
and have the threshing machine
well cleaned when coming from farms
known to be fowl.
Bank -growing potaloea are not
much troubled by the potato beetle,
so long as there aro small weakly
ones growing beside them. It ie not
to be inferred from this that the
rank growth is distasteful to the
larva. The truth is that a heavy
mass of leaves holds so inuoh moist-
ure ubt1l late in fife day that eggs
laid on these leaves will often fail to
hatch. The small plants dry out
quickly, and the potato beetle, es-
pecially in moist, pool times, selects
these on which to deposit its ogge.
I hope by strict attention to business to merit a share of the Public
00,000 1'O I :N.1)ts;
Wool Wanted
I am prepared—to—pay the highest
cash price fur gook fleece wool deliv-
ered at the
Having been ton years in business
here, it has always beim my endeavor
to pay higher them the Market allows
and in the pact guars bola, paid city
market prices, Wool being so low in
price, it will a{1013, we pleasure to
pay the highest price gelug. In ex-
changing wool for goods will allow a
few cents more. Will else guaranted
to sell my good at cast! prices. I
don't have two priaos—each and
trade—my rule is ono price only.
Running the year round enables me
to carry a large stock. This year
having a larger stock than usual, will
offer you the Best Stock of '!'weed in
the Dominion to choose from.
Double & Twisted Full Cloths,
Flannels, Blankets.
,111 010wds or the Newest Patterns and
Latest 181g,
Carding and spinning done on
short notice and guarantee to make
best of yarns. I use only the best of
lard oil on all my work.
Colne early with your wool and
you will find us ready and willing to
give you our bolt attention. We will
be happy for you to
Inspect Goods and Prices
Before disposing of your wool.
I remain, yours respectfully,
1 1 1'1'(JN AND iJItt:CE
Loan & Investment Oo.
Thi Company any ii Lour.il;g3 honey
on 1'iomm Security at Loss t:'sl/1/13130
of hlter::-t.
ilt)11 r(1A(;1 O ITECt1ASED.
8.trixte. 1(33; et:m011,
3, -1 rind ri leer rt nt. Interest Al-
lowed o11 1leposits, at•:cor(ling to
Amount and time left.
emacs of lI(o'kct
Square and North street, (iodcri(•h.
Horace Horton,
(Joderieb, Any, 11h, 1N&7.
T.zE1tK611IIII1 BOAR 1'011 SEE•
tr,o.—T1w uudoroigned will keep a th,,.
°ugh brea norkshire hour for service on 1ot 127,
ithliuo, Merric, about two miles from nruc-
sobc. "Huron Lud" we' broq by 11. *whey,
Guelph, anti was sired by Lord Wellington,
1717, bred by E. Towba, Isueland; claw, Lady
Nelly,eme,gOt by Prisomun, 1607, bred by E.
Ved Ja (Setif, ltiec. nd. ThisTuras: 81 to pig was
at thaw of cervico, with privilege 01 returning,
if necessary. JAiine 111. MAserix,
10.31023' Proprietor.
The Most Delightful
Palaso Steamers. Dow rests,
Poar Tripe per Week Bascom
and livery Week Dap Between
Writ, for oar
"Picturesque Mackinac," Illustrated.
Contains Pall Pareonlare. Moiled Frac.
Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nev. Co.
A dealer in Brussels is advertising and offering for sale a 1111SERABLE
of which I am the SOLE AGENT in BR1188EL3, and the Public are cau-
tioned against purchasing the spurious article. The parties in Canada
who aro placing this WREmC)3ED luITaTlox on the market are now being
sued for ten thousand dollars damages. The Genuine Buck Thorn
Fence, the Bun and CUEar11s1 fence in the world, can ONLY be pur-
chased at the "GOLDEN PADLOCK."
I am also Agent for the Ontario Barb Ponce Company, who make
the best Barb Wire in Canada.
English throe ply plain twisted fence, a remarkably cheap and dur-
able fence for Gardens.
Several tons of Land Plaster in 200 lb. sacks for sale.
This fencing is made of a Solid Flat Slip of Steel neatly twisted and
well galvanized, presenting the largest possible surface to the view.
Although no part of it is made of wire it is no heavier and as cheap as
Barb -Wire Fencing, but is preferred by 301110 principally as a top
strand, being more easily seen. The "Lyman" is the ONLY ribbon
fencing made in Canado, and is much superior to the imported fencing
of the same description.
juSrle Inr TIMM
Window Shades, and Hartshorn Springs.
A Lot of Fancy Window Shades, in Cloth of Different Patterns.
Also Hartshorn Springs. Call and see them before putting up 1110 old