HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-9-11, Page 2A YOUNG GIRL'S WOOING. trio te. is. teem, Author of.. 33133, tionotro stivaio,". From Jess to a..0. Modgo had atoll 'curved wistful oyes toward High Ptak, and. on the loot Saturday before their final return to the city she oaid to Graydon, 'Taro We attempt it ? Perhaps 13 wo give tho day to the climb, soul took it leisurely-" "There's no 13r11qls abort it. We'll go if you wish, I should liko iiothing better than to got lost with rm." "There is no danger of kitting loot," she replied, hastily. 'The Load most be visible from tho %bolo lino of its summit, and I am told that thole is a path to the top al tho monntain." "I svill bo toady in half an hour," he said. It was 33 lovoly day In early Septem- ber. Thu air was soft, yet cool and braoing enough to make clitnbing woe. aisle. Graydon had a Moth bosket, which 110 could sling over his ohoulder, well tilled, and O3103 33, attrriago. "There is uo flood of our tromping ovor the intervening mileof dusty roads sada most be passeEt before wo begin our climb," he said, "and tho distance we tido will maho a ploaoaut drive for Mary tool the children." Madge nani oiraydon reached tho Rom - mit oethott t rny irreat difficulty, Mary haling rammed with the 030311/13,1100 !hat they would End their own way back to Ow hotel. As tin' hoots lewd, Graydon hegon to pallor mom hope than 1s had dared to entertain Ritmo his shattered thoory had so clioheartened him. 111 opito of his fancied knowledge about .Mailgo, it Wafi hold to believe she was rut), un• happy 31113 31110711731. "She certainly is rho bravest ond nicot unovifish girl I over inutoinod," ho thenight, as they loft the higheob poiut after onjoviug tho vlow. "With An art iso inimitable An to be artleos, sho has tried to don me enjoyment. Instottil of regarding herself as tire ono to be outer - tatted, Elie has hcon pouring forth ords. fancies,1411AV:10'A of onto like tparelino wine, arol .1 ain exhilaroted ieserind df being mo rand." When trt last tit. y foond 11, opriog (1331 which to eat their hind!, he told her so, come toll rig, "Tido moon: ain air does you Food.. Madge." ofa, do yon." rho rertied, with a riot ant ord. oDolot bo t (tweeted when 1 t,i. 3011 thot yon are good company." "set; bat I enn't help being hoppy." er 11. indeed! It tiocon't oteun 10 tako nee 11 to truelo yon happy." teelte very iroirli from "Poso /no a :311113 31, Graydon ; I Want 33 01 1.:11131g 11(711 1 I'htitA utin.1 than Ono pep ors riftor OM' reiterb, Isn't all this • • illy Artooliao- this roosoy root on which wo have 3(7 '-id ont 1t 1,3, the troen 7110.317 ring obou t (111 131)11 the sprit is tht re litailtling ovor with 33o1333311,337g conceridne Whiet 131 100131311010 1,0 rmitunti .1171 ?" ,o4 r 111: t. til'alk 03 tin I I 1111'InIngine one ;Moo." r•I'C' alense irrinoMinee T103 i.loir of pm beim; 33. benaer I roll, the 11' im a 1, 111 1:1:,t-.11 from tho truer,. t113131 11 117111, ?" "That youtior 11.3-11e girl doeon't look so wiry unhappy." "No, ('ray'on." she sail crusumtly, "yoti 13,01(0 Satordays and Sundovs very Mit3 o one. :No girl over had a truer frit mi that] ;sou aro boorimieg." "Hoot. L313'11:0, MiVie.e." "Gritydon," she °,11.irl. enTneSI'-, AA if hastenittg from riairotrouo groom:. "the hotel is 111111 3311131 reel loos, to oo. tone you think We Mal soratithlo d'aWn the itionittain here, mid rotron by Kaaten• 1.1,1 Clove and the Fano? 11 710131(1 he such fun, and save such et very long Motance I" "1V01.1 try," he said. "Como," oho rosnmod, brusquely, "you aro oroiliug mo. Yon say yes to ernorything. It you don't think it oaft, or best you must not htunor me." eWet cum 30011 letyn whothor it's safe and promeealle, and there is no danger of losing oue woes. Wo hove only to eo. turn over the mountain in order to strike rho mth oennewhere at right augteo." "Let tis hasten, then. X sou in the mood to owl our oojourn in tho Catskills by an hour or two of contitet with 11011100 absolute ly primitive. Tho 80:410+ We 1113111 pas, tlitotigh will bo so ploasant think of 1 ty a waiter fires" "Winter tire? That's eapited I You Are not gohig back to Santa Barbara, "elneloo ?" "I. haven't vomited havou't jemoited anytitiug." ; 1113770 1100.33 all she taming:met." "You did so of ) our owsi frau "Anil of my own free will shall kotio iny proraiseo. No, don't Mt MI leave any remnants of our lamb.. Should wo gut lost you will want smoothing metro subotential then Eno snosohos." "I shall, indeed." - Graydon filled from tho spring the bottle which had contained milk ; and then packing hio little hamper ho 1011 the •way downward, over and through obataoles oftoo involved no Atm difficulty, and ionnetlinos almost dimwit., "May I help you all phew ?"' ho asked, "Yes, whon I can't help rnysolf," Then 110 began to r0j0i00 070V the ruggednesti of 1110 113333', which inado it proper to take her baud so 01 3011, and at timers coon to lift hoo ovor a fallen troe, "What fun it is 1" cried Mselgo, "Tho best I ever had," he ropliocl, promptly. Dia they had not roaltoed the (11 1. ilculty of their attompt ; for whim littlo more than half way to the foot of the mounteit they mime to a lodge down descent. As they were &lilting this procipice perilously near the edge, be holding Madge's hand, some loose debris gave way beneath his feet. Diatom" of instinctively olinging to Mselgo's hand, even in the act of falliug ho throw it tip and around a small troo, Which she grasped, and rogainod hor footing, whilo 130 wont down and dis, 3731110111011- 11.3 first sho was so appalled that sho could do no more than clutch tho tire.% convulsively aud look with blank horror at the Hoot where sho had sop him last. Then canto the thought, "His life may now deltoid upon mei." The distanco he had fallen woold not bo necossarily fittal, and below WIG Magri Otero wore low soralthy troos that might have broken the impetno of his doocent. She called in tones that might have evoliod an answer eVali from the Itis of death ; then, with • %isolator) in hoe pallid fano which nothing 5h0111311133113t, she sought to reach lila skis. At ilret Croydon VMS nitorly 1)3111013. ACIOUS. At last, like a dim light ontor• ing a darkened roma, thought and muniory began to revive. lle mamma bored that ho had been at Madge.): ode. and Loll ; ho had grasped at bronchi% of trees as lie passed through them, and then all had becotne shirk. Ho trite"( to speak, to call (1183301333733111031. but funnel he oonhl not. Ile almost doultaal whether he was alive the 110011. If he wore bo roost have ro- eciottol 801130 terrible, injury that caneod 33 strango poutlyouti. Itio 001111133011 thoogets finally 000trod wholly on Modoe. Ilaii she fallen,' ? The thought of hor, perhaps injurod, sibly lying moionsciatts or dea(3 mar him, and he helploos, oatiood a doll. vague dread, like a Kid title, to ovor• whehn hio very sold. He tried to motes, 30 opring 0(1, 1311 only his raiud ;pectoral hone Thou he thouolit he recognized her yokel 00111034 111 tho dietaneo. BOan, With alternations of hope and fear, ho heard her steps and voice draw nearer. She had evidently found a way ilowri the ledge, aud WRA comiug eking ite bow towered him-conaing swiftly, el, most recklessly. Sho was at hio silo. Her low, terror. strickon ery chilled his heart. Was he dead ? aml '4705 131 his soul only, lingering, in the body, that was cognioant of all this? Her baud was on his pulso, thou in- side his yeat against his heart. "Oh," she mooned, "cau he bo dying or dead.? I can't end his pulse, nor does his heart ocom to boat. Ho is so polo, ao deathly pale, oven to his lips." Ilo 'mew that slot was lifting him in- to a etillpeout and ender position, &lid Wondered at tbo mractilar powor sho exerted, even imam excitement. "Why, why," she exolairoed iu horror. "ho is cold, straugely mid! His hands and brow aro almoot liko ico, and wet with the ,low of doath." Sho was not aware of the fact that en- tronito 001(11106S and a clammy perspira- tion onnhl be among tbo results of encli 201070.10 shock. "Graydon," sho fsaoped, "Graydon I" Then attor a moment "0 God, if he sil.ould nevor linor 1" Rho chafed 11 is Imola and wristo, 03100- 011 tho luoch basket, and found that tho bottle eontainieg 118 3100 WAS not broken. for ho felt drops (lad mil on his face, and his 11315 3/10131t011.7a ; but the 13311110 gen). paoalysis enchained him. Then sho sent out hor voice for help, nerd throe was agony, tereer, cool heart-broak in her my. Realizing the futility of this on the lonely mountain -side, sho soon coastal, and agsin sought, with almost desperato energy, to rostore hinc:rcryipg 3311(1 10011.37. ing meanwhile in a way- that omoto his heatt. At lest she threw herself on his breast with a bitter cry : "0 Graydon, Graydou, etre ptt dying? Will you never know? 0 my hoart's true love, shall I never have the chin= to toll you that % wan you I loved -you only 1 It was for you I went away aloito to die, I feared. For you I struggled back to life, and toiled and prayed that I might bo your Pair ideal; and now you may never know. Graydon. Graydon, I would give you the very blood mit of 007boort- 0 God, I can't restoim him!" sho moaned, in a choking voice, and then ho know from hor thud weight up. on his breast that sho had fainted. This mental anguish and the effort ha put forth to respond to those words eaused great beads of MOM to start oat upon his fem. Suddonly, as if a giant hand was lifted, the affects of the shook reoultiog from his fall passod away, He opened his eyes, and there WAS Madge, with her face buried upon his breast, in brief oblivion from foam that throatenod to 01,311413 at once hope and life. To his great joy ho found that he could movo, Feebly, and with groat diflioulty, ha lifted hor head and tried to regain hie feet. He found this impos- sible, and s000 roaliood that his log was brokon. He now saw that ho must aot wised • and carefully, or blink plight wonld be serious indeed; and yot his mind was in such a tumult of inimoasur- ablo joy 333 1138 discovery that he would 110t III the least rogret tho acieldont, if assured of hor oafoty. Al last, in rooponso to his offorto, she began to survive. P110 sense of respon- sibility, the nocesoity for action on hor part, had been so great immediatedy bo. foro alio had fainted molar tlto strotto of ono ovorwhohning font, that hor mind, 00011 (luting uutiononioneneos, may Intro Put forth ollort to regain as hold 1.1p01) 11821a0. 11110 found horsoli Miming gamma 13 prootrarto troe'and Graydon sitting item, spooking to her in soothing and oncouraging tones. In response) to hor bowildered, troubl- ed look of inquiry, he said, chootfully, and in notural tones "Don't worty, Madge or be frightoned." "'What has happened, Graydon ?" toll you what I know, and von whirl) thotioeanneo?red no nine% fOr tlato must stonily tho rest. Wo wero ora.• TE BRUSSELS POST BurT. 11, 1686, /1•94119.11.11R.V.1.41.30 9•MIlitlfat.101.11141119%/11PMA opening tootle oitoo lodge aitovo no, eon tryino 3,11buia saie Out() to climb (To 'Alt." A elow doop color begen tele1ho plum of law, pallor, showhig that her owu ritomory wits sapplyiug all that lied 000tirrod. "You know I foil, Madgo. Thank God, I did not carry you down with 11,0 l" " f ollior man would," slit sod, al - meat bruognoly. "Yott thiew hohd book orounti a tree." "Did I?" exclaimed Ciraydon, very inuocontly and giadly, "Well, every. thing becitaio rory aonfnold lifter the b. I 1118E3 13070 botio tmeintsidouo, 1 do roniornbor grooving at the hainelies AA posited throtteli thotte low Gros altovo us-" "Yott 311133331 1131111 °alight one of them, Graydon," oho said, eagerly, turtling to- ward him again, "for a large limb had broken.' off and was lying upon yosi." "'Wats it it tio ? Perhaps X owe podium, for it 71 1113' 133711, 1,0 broken tay fall its to hare mired my life. Welt, in 3(01110 way, you, i ne, brae% little I, you must have roaotoot me, and, 013.3yon %odd not rootore leo, oral lmairin1 it o was deed or dying, yen feinted yetor.olf Orono the norvotto shock of it Wkou recayered the itoe of my Bongos I found oedema) that you Karl bees tryiog to rerive me. Now, Madge, we moot both bo brave tool sormilike We most regent the full possosoion of our wits itti noon as possible. Gan you he very 1,7141311+3 43(1 aromatic use yotto favorite word) J.: 1 toll you oomething ?" eiraydoe," dm said. "X can do anythheo. now that I know you ace oolog to Live." aro vory much alive, and shall 'he t owl nth ly oonscioutt of the foot for :tome tisue to come. 1.on music koop porfootly cool an,1 rational, for what has hap. pelted its 5110177 sorionz affair under the eironmetouces,' (ler ocarlet face woe turned Iroin him agoin. "Madge," lie conducted, in quiet toueo, "I've broken toy leg." "1,37110 all?" she said, with a, look intouso relief. "lon't that enough ? holplooti," "110 1301.," and she sprang to hor !cot. "Why, Gra yclou, it might hove loten a hum tedtold werte. 1 thought it was immoaourribly veleta," oho said, imp. protming a sob. "You might haus tome 6110 110,', fay von fell! I karat y113 >viola have re6erved 50030 terrible intornal iujmry-" "I have ; but thetas a chronic as you know," ho interrupted, laughing. 11133 118(103134 and allusion did more to restore her than all else, for ho appeared the same friond she thought she hoollost. "Now that it is ao evidont that you will onevive all gout injnrios," sho 110- 13)310031, with au ansWeriug laugh, "lam mrsolf again. You dirove nos what to ao," "I shall, iodecol, have to depend on you almoot alla 'the tact that another must look to you in such a strait will 3.30 12101111 to keep you up thou oortliolo and )3t10(111a13316. I can do very little iuyso.f-" "Forgivo um, Graydon. Too loscriv I am not indifferent. 11.00 you in much 311110 3" aid her vole% was very gontlo. "Not yob. You twist mot contrary to your instinets for once, Ara exert all your ingenuity to Retract attontion. First, wo must 110710 11 Aro ; nooanwhilo I shall light a cigar, whion w.31 help me think and banish tho improosion that wo aro lost babes in the woods. The smoko, you see, will draw eyes to this spot, -the smoke of the firo, I mOaal." "I'm Mowing you correctly." "You muot haves follOwe& mo very brevoly, heroic little woman that you aro! You are indeed. teriliko other girls, who would never have roaohod me ex- cept by tumbling after-" "Com.e, 130 more reminiscences till you are sato at the hotol, and your log mended." "Vary well. I diroot, but you com- mand. As soon 115 130 have a column of smoleo ascending from this poiut, you must ary to find an open spec() moor here, and -wave somethiug white aaa signal of distress." He had soarooly concluded before she was at the work, The prostrate treo against whloh ho had. 105.0843011 310 plum) 11 AV at stioh paha to his broken limb served seta brick -log, and soon a column of smoke was ascending, At times sho would turn a shy, half -doubting, half. questioning glance at him, but he would smile Kt naturally and speak so franl,ty that the suspicion that ho had hoard her words almost passed from her Mind. "Madge," he said, in finding an out- look toward tho hotel or vaiToy, don't go far away, if possible. It makes LOP awfully nervous to think of you olimb. 10)31 33101)6," She found a protecting rook 1301101131)them within calling diabanoo, and On an otetempotizod pole she fastened 11110 napkina. At his suggestion sho wavocl them only downward and opward, at tho same time sending out hor poworful voice from time to tinio in a ory for help, Ile, left alone, sometime% groaned from an unusually sovore twiugo of, pain, and again laughed ooftly to Innisolf over tho situatioo. He know -that tho question of thoir being sou.ght and found was Wily ono of auto, mud ho would havo boon willing to hove had all his bones broken shoul13 this hovo hoop needful to socuro the knowlodgo whitali now thnillu011 his very soul with gloduoss. Tho past grew porfootly clear, and the 310313711 03 a, woman who had given herself to Win 00 long ago gabod 510010 price. less value with every moments tholight. • swoat Madge)! I'm tho blessed idiot )ott lovod and toithel. £or at Santa Bar- t AXEL I I shouldn't hitvo boliovod that such a thing could havo happonal in (3(15 131,11)0-31711100 world." Nor would 131 340010 that tho attention of evon a fraction of that groat world 0 told bo obtitined. The shadoiwri of • uning bowl% to gather, and IVIoigo, 10 O avdon's C0,111 roturned, wearied eurl (31r,001) N \V si 1 IL L. ,MCICSOX, For the Farmer. Watohmakor and hwoller, have secured the MGM' for Grey township for a Patent Load Lifting Macliinc. 3.071 can do your hauling and mowing with ono 1111311 less than anual, an a boy can run the lint. chino. It is simple, durable, labor saving, convenient and combo had 31,31 11 nint31 I expense. Farmers do not be deceived, ordor this patent and take no other. Wo will take pleasure any time 111 testing it with any other load lifter made, and a8 to its reliability, safety, strength, lightness of draught and expedition it has no equal. We have testimonials from farmers saying it is the best thing they have on tho farm and that they would not bo without it for throe times its cost. See this Lifter bo. fore you invest a dollar in any- thing of the kind as it is just what you want. Any information do - sired will bo furnished Anyono infringing on the Patent will be prosecuted. Hue4J11 WHITE, CRA1'131100X, MONEY TO LOAN. 011.001' to loan 011 3111,10 property at LOWEST BATES. PRIVATE ANC COMPANY FUNDS 'W. B. DICKSON, Solicitor, Brussels, Ont. INTERESTING TU EVERYBODY, Stoves. Furniture &c. The Sterling Cook Stove just the thing for farmers use, Has a largo ovon, 303400 317 inch wood ana weighs over 4.00 lbs. The llarquio, one of tho most oonvon- iont 330(1 11370(100100 town Cook Stoves ever oftorod to tho public, also in s took . CA.00 AND SEE ono "DAVIS" SEWING MACHINE. it is Simplo and Durable and does o, larger range of work than any other machine in the market. A 71.11,I. SUPPLY 01' FURNITURE, -CONSISTING Or - CHAIRS, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, MATTRASSES, 110 GLNNBALLY ON IIAND. Next door to 1, Drown hardware etore, 'W'. J. axiom Money to Loan. .PRIT/2TE FUNDS. 320,000 of Private Funds ham) just 110011 placed in my hands for Investment AT 7 PER CENT. Borrow ars can halm thoir loons oompleto n throo da3s if title is ontisfactory. Apply to E. E. WAGE. TIIE BEST "CAT W. • rd. Morris, ExceLeton Thou Wonue, - MITOGELL, ONT Ilanufnototor Of throe difforent kinds of 1371111,1m1116, TIm slmolout, a3roirgo81 and. most satiFitautory 3701 3111410. Par nunin. lug Nestor, snAring Wood, chopping grain or driving any 11ii1t nolohinery they linro no ognal, 1511 cna,,aleetiaolem Ittillas novo 00. 111110(113 world.whio invitation. I guarantee them tin being superior to many now Itt tho trinrket, and ognn1 10 oily ever 1330 lo, 111.0y will throw lento. 800 it0t, 01' force i t in Ito on 1110 1evo3. 111.7.11018 and elloolini 117.1 re - 133061 0.1 to 901111for 1 10 1 aril beton ho yin g (Ma 1% Windmill or l Pump, an 1 1118317 that nro tho heat in the infirkot. /Wilma; W'11 IGGIIILIS, Mitoholl, (.ut. SatisfaatIon Guarantees In all Repairing, --SH.)P J. .1 ACILK011,8 ,4T011(02 1311011433411131, MONEY TO LEND. Any amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Tillage property at & G PER CENT. EABLY. Straight Loans with privilege of re- paying when required. Apply to A. HUNTER, Div. Court Clerk, Brussels. FARMERS ATTENTION! Tho undersigned 11315 the following goods for sale : THE DUNDAS COBD BINDER. Halvest Queen Beeper, Front and Bear Cut Mower, Hay Bakes, Hay Tenders, Wisner Seed Drill, the Bain Wagon, The Guelph Bell Organ, Raymond Sowing Machine, General Purpose 23080, Sulky Plows, threo kinds of Scuffiers, Horse Powers, Grain Grinders, Mow- er Knife Grinders, Harriston Fanning Mill, 1 second hand Buggy, 1 second hand iVagon and other implommuts too numerous to mention. We would just say that our Binder is considered by competent Judges to be the Best in the Market, being rumple in couetruotion al3t1 eas- ily worked by one span of horsos. '''"I'ainters wil1 do well to Give Us a Call before investing elsewhere. G=0. 'BRUSSELS, ONT. BLuSSE,LB WOOLEN ItI1LLS. I beg to inform the farming C0111 - 1111i13' 1111031 3. AM now prepared to take in Carding, Sinning, And Weaving, at my New Brick 'V3oolon and promise to give Satisfaction to those favoring us with their trade. I have on hand and will keep constantly in stock a full as- sortment of china. Insinuate Tweed's. nrHAKets, 310133031(1140, VtirTur, lenItted 37o413,, 1)re617 Cotton ShIrlingo, Grey Gottous, Sc. A iso Fine Canadian Tweeds, PANTINGS SEBGEB for Snits which WO will get made up on short notice and a good fit warranted every time. Highest Market Price PAID FOIL BUTTER EGGS, 6T. GIVE ME A CAL at my New Mins before going elsewhere. Geo, Howe.