HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-9-4, Page 88
Train learns Brussels Station, north and
south as follow,
Goih bench Gulag North.
Mail 5 ado. Mud10:00 8.01
Express. - 11:55 ado, I Man 9:51 p.m'
Mixed all p.m. Express 9:27 p,m'
The turning train oath and the night train
north will only run on Tuesdays, Thursdays,
aid Saturdays,
A uhiel's among ye takin' notes
An' faith he'll prent it.
I.eol; nut for nor interesting now
Mies ilieualioso o and Miss Ross
have resumed tho birch.
C;rrit vinegar. Adam Good.
`•]l: s. JAS. hose Comma,
visiting friends in St. Johns.
Ir is rumored that Brussels is to
have a Roller skating rink' shortly.
:Masa ETTA MILLET, of Clinton, has
been spending au cnjoyablo week with
friends here.
Ti-:ornr soca at W. H. McCracken's.
Tau railway employees' excursion
to Galt on Saturday last, was pat-
ronized. by a large number of Brue-
Miss M. ADAMe, after a pleasant
vacation spent in Torouto and Inger-
soll, lifts returned to her position on
our teachers' staff.
Ir is reported that a couple of our
townsmen lost considerable money
at the Wingbam races on Wednesday.
Mon who practice sharp games, must
O xpect sharp punishment.
Masons. Geo. Martin and Ed. Smith,
two of our bicyclists, made the trip
from Walton to Seaforth, last Wed-
nesday, in ono hour. Considering
the condition of the roads, it was a
creditable feat.
AN unusually large number of
guests nave this year, been summer.
ing in our village. The universal
opinion is that Brussels is one of the
handsomest and most hospitable little
towns in Canada.
WE are pleased to gee the genial
countenance of Thos. Fletcher, our
obliging and enterprising express
agent, in our midst again- Mr.
Fletcher spent his holiday season on
he Georgian Bay.
SMALL-POS.—Owing to the epi-
demic of small -pox in Montreal, the
local physicians here, have supplied
themselves with reliable vaccine. It
is a simple precaution that every one
should avail themselves of.
Tao Canadian Order of Forester's
Excursion to Wiarton from South-
ampton, Kincardine, and intermed-
iate stations on the G. T. R. takes
place on Tuesday, Sept. 8th. The
fare from Brussels is only $1.25.
Iaaz cream, choice of two flavors, Vanilla
every day, Pine Apple, Lenton and Straw.
berry every other day. A. Good & Co.,
Toronto ice cream parlor.
ONE of the most pleasant social
evenings of the season was spent at
the residence of F. C. Bogue
last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs.
Rogers more than maintained their
unsurpassed reputation for being
most genial and hospitable entertain-
OWING to there having been no
service in either Melville or St. John's
Churches, the other churches were so
well attended that it was only by the
considerate attention of the ushers
and managers that sufficient seating
accommodation was provided.
Tur management of the Brussels
Caledonian Games are perfecting ar-
rangements for it magnificient display
of fireworks on the evening of the
Caledonian games. Colne prepared
to stay and enjoy tho concert and il-
luenations, they will both be good.
REV. 'Alt. GLIM', pastor of St.
John's church, has gone for a briof
holiday. He will visit Detroit and
other American cities. Mr, Clef]'
has already becamo an indispensible
clement in out pleasant village so -
'Maty. We wish him a pleasant trip.
FAa;ML•'IIS Inc busy hauling their
.rep of flax. Tho crop is excellent
and the foreman expocts to get 000
tons thio year, which at $12 per tonea
:nps a good sum paid to the far-
mers in this neighborhood. It would
haVo paid many Atmore much batter
to have grown ilax instead of spring
`Cir r yon balieva It? let quality of honey
my 10cts. per Ib. Mayo separated my beet
honey. and will dispose of the end quality
in lark quantities, at a mach lower figure.
(I, A. Deadman, druggist & bookseller.
ONE of those little affairs that al-
ways create a ripple of excitement in
aociciy, especially among tho ladies,
took place at tho residence of Robt.
Ross at 7 o'clock, Tuesday evening.
It was the occasion of Wm. Morris
!coaling Miss Maggie E. Allison, of
Dundee, Scotland to tho Matrimonial
stair, assisted by Rcv. Mr. Jones.
Roes ons acted as bridesmaid and
IC, Iii/ d-taon assisted the groom.
May all toy and happiness attend
Mus. FOSTER, of Clinton, is vieit-
ing in town.
MIes Emu INNMAN returned to
Norwich on Weclueeday.
MRS WRITE, 0( Arthur, is visiting
her brother 0, D. White.
IVs bed a friendly Dalt from Rev.
1i'. ,T. Brandon of Henfryn.
Maiereit ADVID Sulas 11a8 returned
to Upper Canada College, Toronto,
Mice E. A. Kann, of town is visit-
iug friends in Guelph and Woodstock.
Hama f IJN'r, head miller iu F,ur'd
mill, Clinton, waS 10 town on Satur-
Miss Waren ,who hos been visiting
Mir oister Mrs. J. Reid, has returned
to her home iu London.
PRINCIPAL SHAW opened school ou
Monday, with a full complement of
teachers, and a host of the ineorrig-
G. A. Powimi„ of the New Garfield
House, left for Torouto this morning
to secure the services of a brei -class
Ova Goderich correspondence camp
too late for insertion ibis week. Wo
aro always thankful for local items.
They should arrive here not later than
J. D. RONALD has returned to town
after a tour through the maritime
provinces in which we believo be has
disposed of several of his celebrated
fire engines.
THE Seaforth fire 0o. have boon
challenged by the Mitchell fire Co. i
to run a 500 yard race for 200 a
side. at the Brussels Caledonian
games Sept, 8th.
Jas. Frrzeararca, son of Geo. Fitz•
patrick, who for a couple of years has
been travelling in the Western Stalos,
has returned to spend a short time
with his parents in Brussels.
SRounu:tickets for the Grand Cal-
edonian Concert. The following
names will make a brilliant program
.—Miss Maggie Barr, Miss Elle', Cole,
Miss Murray. Chas. Kelly and K.
K err
SAYS the Huron Signal :—Our old
townsman, Capt. J. Y. S. Kirk, now
of Brussels, is doing a rushing trade
with the knitting machine, turning
out very fine work, of ell description
of hosiery, ladies' vests, fancy jackets,
NEXT week, we shall publish a
special edition of THE Posr, contain-
ing a full and careful account of the
Caledonian games. Those who de-
sire to proouro copies to send to
friends should apply as early ac pos-
Mise KATE KILLORAN, formerly a
teacher in our school here, has been
appointed to a position in St. Marys
publio school. Miss Killoran is a
thorough and efficient teacher and
the people of St. Marys aro fortunate
in securing her seavicea.
THE National Roller Mills have a
Nationai reputation for producing a
good article of flour. They ship this
week 500 barrels of the favorite "Jer-
sey Lily" brand to feed the toilers by
the sea, In Nova Scotia. Messrs
Ironstone & Sons are doing good
work and have to run night and day
to supply the demand for flour.
'Item Rev. J. E. Bowers, of Toronto
a missionary of the New. (Enroll,
will lecture in the town hall, Brussels
this (Friday) evening, at 8 o'clock;
subject—"Why do man become skep-
tics," Also on Sabbath afternoon at
8 : 80 o'clock, at the same place sub-
ject—"The way from skepticism to a
rational belief in the Bible." The
publio are earnestly invited to attend.
That hay cons all well saved.—That
the fall wheat, generally, was a splon-
didcrop.-That there was straw enough
to give thirty bushels of spring wheat
to the acre, That it has been almost
a failaro,—That the pea crop is good.
—That there will not he so many
apples as''last year.—That the oat
crop is a heavy one m some �Ilaces.--
That the fly has nearly lolled the
turnip crop.—That mangles and car•
rots are doing well. --That tho flax is
nearly all pulled and was a gond crop.
—That the potato erop has boon good
despite the bags.—That it has boon
very wet harvest weather,
Tho happy event of marriage was
solemnized. at St. Paul's ohnredi Lon-
don on Aug, 24th, betweon Edward
Hadcocic of London, and Miss Sarah
Ann Town daughter of our estitilablo
townsman Thos. Town. The bride
was givon away by bor father. Miss
Bawl Town, of Brussels, auppooted
tiro bride, while Goo. Robertson did
the honors for tho bridegroom' stile
marriage tools placo at 8 o'clock in
the evening ; and after partaking of
a eumptuous welding dinner tho
largo company of invited guests spent
the evening 1n merry -makings Tho
happy pair started on tho following
morning, for an oxtonsivo tour to
England, whore ilio groom's friends
resides. Wo wish thein a safe voyage
across the oeoan, and may they moro
than reahzo their brightest oxpectn•
SEE new advt. of R. Maloom
In this isslte.
Mus, D. SCOTT is away visiting
friends in Senforth this week,
Fon cheap stationary and school
books call at the "Post" bookstore•
Tinune is dome talk of an egg em•
pnriIun being established in 13rnieela,
Suvauai loads of new fall wheat
have boon disposed of on oar market,
Mass O'Strander of Artlier, is visit•
fila her lister Mrs, 0..0. White, of
Mxes OLIVER loaves to resume iter
position in Woodbridge, on Mondaynext,
DoN'T forget to read the new advt.
of G. A, Powell of tho Now Garliuld
E. BELT who was visiting Mr,
Moss last week has left for hie Limo
in Burlington.
Mits. Banos, of London, who has
been visiting her sister Miele nancia
loft for home on Saturday.
\V. H. HERR, editor of the Post,
left on Friday last, for a short visit
to relatives in Rutland Vt.
MR. and MRS. GORDON' Of LuokiOw,
father and mother of Mrs, Fletcher,
wore here on a visit last wools,
Tau Medical Health ofticor (Dr.
Holmes) will keep a supply of reliable
vaccine on band for purposes of vn,c-
Sham in your orders early for
next week's special edition of THE
Poem, with a full account of the
Games on Tuesday.
Aires DOLLY Sow who has lately
been the gaest of Miss Watterworth,
of Ingersoll, returned to town on
Tuesday evening.
wlio has been the guest, of Miss In-
man, loft for Earriston on Weduas-
day to visit friends there.
REMEHsae the Caledonian Games
in Brussels on Tuesday next. The
managers have exerted every effort
to make the games the best of the
JNO. IIARLAND, of Harland Bros.,
hardware merchants, Clinton, paid
his old friend of the willow, Harry
Dennis, a short visit on Saturday
THE many friends of Jas. Ballan-
tyne will be pleased to hear that he
is recovering from his severe pros-
tration of typhoid, and will soon be
going about again.
A. LARGE number of distinguished
guests will visit our town on Tuesday
next. We trust the good people of
Brussels will do all in their power to
make our visitors enjoy themeolves.
IMPORTANT alterations aro being
made in Melville church prepartory
to reopening next Sunday week. Rev.
Mr. Ras the pastor, . will' have re-
turned and will ofiloiate on the oc-
Ras. Me. Joxaa„ of Knox Churoll
Brussels, is at present preaching to
both the Preebyteriau congregations
during the absence of Bev. Mr. Ross
on vacation. Res. Mr. Jona is per-
haps the oldest minister in Canada,
doing regular service. He is seventy
nine pears of ago and preaches twice
every Sabbath. lids voioe is still
clear, his memory unimpaired, and
few pastors of any age can give a
more luoid and eloquent exposition of
the Gospel.
NEw Warman House. --"Now
what's the New Garfield Hoaae and
what does it moan," asked a young
friend of mine, who is yet rather green.
I answered :—Go ask the first lady
you know which is the bust placo for
a lady to go if she wants silks, satins,
lanedelicate lane or collars to set off her
beautiful face ; mantles or coats for
to wear on the street, which are now
all the rage among the well-dressed
elite." The lady will answer, he
can't go astray at G. A. Powell's Now
Garfield House, Brussels. advt.
FmR.-•Abontton o'clock last Thurs-
day night the citizens of Brussels were
alarmed by the doleful. tolling of the
firo boll and on gaining the street saw
a tromendoue blaze behind: James
Drowo's storo, where tho stables and
storo houses of Airs. Shiol and Jas.
Draws wore completely onveloped in
flames. The engine was quickly got
out and the hose soon laid, but there
Wm a short delay in getting water ;
but when it did come the fireman soon
oonvorted tho huge blaze Into a mass
of black nuns. While the fire lasted
it was one of the hottest that over
was in Brussels, on account of the
oil and inflammable material in the
buildings, Mrs. Long's storehouse
was damaged by the fire and water
to quite an oxtent. The following
aro the respective looses and insur-
ances :—James Drowo, loss
$1800, insurance $050 ; Mrs. Shiel,
loss $200, no insurance ; Mrs. •Long,
loss about $200, no insuranc0. Tho
origin of tho fire is a mystery but it
o probable as thoro was a quantity of
rags and tow soalsocl with oil and
tnrpontino in the building, that it be-
came heated and ignited.
SEPT, 4, 1685.
J. ENUIon' wants fifty good norsoa I BANKING.
for Willett ho is willing to pay the ,
highest cult prieo, He is at the i '%/[cINTOSII. & 1ToTAGGAItT,
Quoen's Motel, Brussels.; 1 -
1VE rogrot Lo learn that Mae Annie
Cross, daughter of Squire Cross, of
Peel, whose relatives reside here, lice
at the point of (loath.
Tint first fall of the "Beautiful"
this year fell on 'Tuesday last, Tho
email boy seemed to enjoy snow -ball -
mg on the first day of Sopteinbor.
Fred. Rapbaeljo of Detroit paid a
flying visit to his cousin Miss Stepll•
ens, last Saturday. He was mucic
pleasod with ilio appearance of 13rue.
Miami BOSS and 0A'i sir who
taught in the 13russols school have
bath soeurod good positions the form-
er m Listowel and the latter in Park-
hill public school,
A. M. P1100011 has accepted the in-
vitation of the Young Mon's Liberal
Club, ofWingbam, to deliver a lecture
there on Friday evening. He will
speak on "The Duty of tho Hour."
Willis returning on the excursion
train on Saturday, Alexander ]3ruca
attempted to get off the train at
Goldstone before it had stopped, and
had the misfortune of being thrown
on his face winch received a severe
HovoeoP'r.—In Brussels, an Aug. 29th, the
wife of Mr. Goo. 1Sayorof1, of a daugh-
Moines—DtexsoN.—In Brussels, on the let
inst. Mr. William Henry Morris, of
Renfrew, to Miss Maggie Dickson, of
Dilution, Scotland, at the residance of
11fr. Robert Ross, by Ray. S. Jones.
7iencocx—Town. On Aagaet 24th, at Sal.
Paul's Church, London, Mr. Edward
Haddock, of London, to Miss SiarrtIi
Anti Town, of Brussels.
7inAxnoN.—Iu Belgrave, on Thursday, Aug.
27th, the wife of Mr. G, W. ,Brandon.
Fall Shows In 1885.
Provincial, Loucjon, Sept. 7.12.
South Huron, Exeter, Sept. 28, 29.
Industrial, Toronto, Sopt, 9-19.
North Perth, Stratford, Sept, es, 25.
Tuokeremith, Soaforth,, Oct. 1, 2.
Mitoboll, Sept. 22, 28.
Hullott, Clinton, Sept. 24, 25.
West Huron, Goderich, Oat. 1, 2.
Hay, Zurick, Sept. 22, 22.
Mornington, Milverton, Oct. 7.
Wallaes, Listowel, Oct. 8, 9.
East Huron, Brussels, Sept. 24, 0 25.
Wallace, Listowel, Sept. 80, & Oct. 1.
Morris, Blyth, Oct. 18, 14,
313rus5t ttDl,5 ItItta rliret.
Ooalieaasc OAn5r0LLY EVERY WOVE.
White Fall Wheat........
Red Winter
Spring Wheat
Batter, tuba and rolls ....
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Hay per ton
Hides per lb
Dressed Hogs
Salt per bbl„ wholssalo -
Sheep skins, each
75 80
78 80
75 80
46 62
80 82
55 60
10 12
10 00
5 00 00
85 00
8 00 8 06 0
550 550
60 80
50 1 OD
17 18
Fon Salo or oxohange for other goods.
rent, suitable fora ball, iodgo•room, or
private reaidonoo. For particulars opply to
J. M. s'A'jtUTII171t8,
Now Garfield House, Braesols.
promisee of the uudorsiguod, about two
weeks ago. She le white in ardor with a dark
no so. Any information loading to her reoovery
will be thankfullyrooriyed. Word may bo left
ab I'na Posr Publishing ROCCO.
01. S, WELSH, llrussole.
Apweon is desirous of renting a farm,
with 50 or 00 aeras under ctlltivation, ooaven-
iently sitnatod, for a term of 8 or 6 'Tows. A
goodrongwill bo paid for a attitablo plane.
Persona having farms to loxia should apply at
Tins Posa Publishing Rouse at On00.
drawn by Goo. Ballot• In my foyer, dated
about Apr110_0111,1815. The publio are caution-
ed against negotiating it 05 payment has been
stopped. A, ENEOHTEL.
of the uudaretaued, lot 5,aon. 10 and 11,
Grey, on or about July 2011t, a stray steer, two
years old rod and white in color. Who ownox
is requested to pr ova property, Iay charges
and take bor away .
4 in. WM, BISHOP.
That commodious building on Xing street
Brussola, whish has boon used as TITS ToeT
printing ofilao for a numbor of years past,
Sias 50165, with bank oxtoneioh 12x12. Por
partioulare addroee
or E, L', Wade, Drussols, 4.4in
SAM. Tito roeidonoo oaoupiod by the
uudorsignod is olfprod for sale on rOasonabio
trans. 011uap. lovory ueaassary boavontenoo
to maims doslrablo prop= y. .1110 g000 frame
bussing 20 x 50, which has boon ue00 by for
a atom, This building would make a good
allow room for maahiuory. Will sail operate
or together. Apply to W. SIMPS0 , & SON.
G Ethel: P. 0,
J tho nubile against giving credit to my
aon,Jonu Graham sslaw, who ran away from
Homo on or about tho lOth Of July last, and I
will not hold myself rospoislbie for any debt
0ontractod Ly him. Any parson harboring or
(dying muployin out to 11111d Sohn G, Shady Will
bo bold responslblo for kiln in sickness as well
asboaltb, ANGUS SIMAW.
4 in,
NoO,euf hauddisoounted,
fatrrosi kith wed eu dupoolte repaysL4e,,ou
5romptsttoutionglvau to collections, -b
t�-•1_11'IfAI.I) ELL TOT, L A W
.A (linea, etrnnt'e muck, L'ruaaolo, Money
E, \VADU, 13AIIIIIh'TJiIt, &c.
011100 formerly oecuplud uy A. J. Mo
Co ,Llaq„in Laokle'e Block. Money to loud.
Y (late with Qarrow 4 Sroudfuot,Codo •
rich) Solicitor, Conveyancer, te. Ulljce in
Grout's iilock,8ruseels. Money to Loan.
the ?fourth Division Court Go, Enron,
Ouuvuyanaer,Notary Publio,Ltud,Loan and
Insurance Agont,Funds lnyostodand to Loan'
Oolloolione made, Ofiloo, Graham's Block;
o 01., L• 1t, 0. 1'., Edinburgh. l'byelolou,
aargaea and Acuuuonaur, Omoe iu Leikle',
blood, ever Dolman's drug store,
11. at. C. r'. Edinburgh.
Ens ro movod to hie reeidoboe uu Hill Street
the houselorulorlyooauplod by Dr. Graham,
and will be More at rilgus. Ho stall retains au
aolnco at Ilargruaros' 0, rug Store.
�7 L BALL, L. D. ea, HONOR'
• Graduate aid Slumber of the Moya
Oollogo of Ddutul ;iurgcu•re, Toren to. allies
au dtruthoro lilook, Visite wtughnm oliloo en
Wednesday. Bort poss,olo pains taken iu all
oporatious. Hoare S a.m. to 5 p.m.
MISS O'0ONNOIt, TEA011lti;
of sic o uyb Dues, anaul, uud Austro•
mental Music on iceu0, Organ and (niter.
lloOerouoe--Ladled 0f Loretto, Oue1pb,
itoeidoeeo—No. 9,(south) Brick 000rraco,
01.8m, Grasso's, Ont.
Issuer arriage Licenses. O1noe at his groo
ery,T•rnborry street, 12-93
ta Surgeon ,Graduate of Ontario Veterinary
College Toronto. ltosldouee, the house lately
oecupledby Mre.J.Parker Malnstreot,Brns-
riago Lioenree, by appointment of
Lieutenant -Governor ,0 ommission or, ko., Q
A.Couyoyaneer and AgontFlro Ineuranoo Co
°Mooettll00ranbrook PoetOitloo
Ing done by Mrs. Turnbull. Roe!.
dance—North of school ]ton so, corner of Me.
ehanio 510005, Brilrsols. Cann—Wo would
rbobntmoad Mrs. B. Turnbull to tba cit1eous of
Brussels es n good straw minions, While in
hakofiuld she gave good eatisiautlou to her
customers in making oyer and dying felt and
straw hats. n. Graham Cs Son. 45.41u
Insurance Agent,
AccidentSome of tha oat and moat relLn iable ble Comanno panies
in the Dominion. Whoa. brink borrow, Tura -
beery St., nom. tho Station. 8mouths.
lot 22, from
a Morrie on of aloani July r10111, 6
head of cattle. dosaribed as follows :-2 steers,
8 years old, ono rod and whits, aid the otbor
ie rod,1 to redamnl y,he1lo 1 linoobrck and the
bolter 113 gray iu Dolor ; 1 yearling atom line
booked and 1 grayiob ooloroi' hoifar. Auy in-
formation loading t0 their ricovory will bo
thankfully reoalved by the uudsreignod.
,TRO, 001NNAN, Walton P.O.
of tholateJoon inos 1 holnpson, of ii o' T'ownsshil1,'
of Morris, In tho County of 1;uron, deceaso,l,
wlrltako notioe that all dobte duo said estate
must bo paid to Gila undersigned =crouton of
the last will and testament Of said deo eased,
and any person or paeans having any olefins
ngaineteald potato must furnish the under-
signed with prom- and duly an th notioated ao-
oouuts of their iudobtodnoso within three
!100001 s from no dato of this uotloe or forevor
forfeit the Ramo, jj
()HAULM MoOo ,, t, f
Belgrayo, Aug. 20811, I886, 0.8 in,
1885 1885
wIIt, Ra HELP AT 00018 010r Or
Tho Envoi prlgo2 and aha boat show of
horses, oattla, el, Dol, pigs, poultry, agricultural
horticultural and dairy products, niachhlory,
implomonte, and ma0nfa0turoe of all kin de 11i
the DominionotOanotle, Prue lists and on.
try forms Dan be obtained from kb* Soorotar.
ioa of all AAg�ricultural HooioLioe and Mardian.
ios'Institutos,orthoywill b0 aoirt anywhoro
O11 application by Host card to the Boorotary
at Toronto, Eutrioe eloao August 98. 0 largo
numbor ofb octal attraatfoue aro boiug pro.
pared for that tlmo, for full partloulars of
oxourgio on all railway, lIbo�t0050 Etnaand
vialt tho City of Toronto,
J. J. WITHROW l0. J. Ii10,0,
PTO7�llt. Manager and Sob,