The Brussels Post, 1885-9-4, Page 66
SI:Pr, i, iss0.
Directory of Chunhos ani Soaietiasl
>IE1X10I5 Cum:In.-Sabbath Serylees at
11 eon. and 6.30 p.m. Sunday School at
2:30 p.m. ltev. Sno, Boss, 13. A., pastor.
Mier Cupucu: -Sabbath Sorvises at 11
a.m. and 0:30 p.m. Sunday School at 2:80
p,m. lie -v. S. Jonas, pastor.
�T. .Tented Ci1Citclt,-Sabbath Services at
11 a,m, and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 9;30
a.10. Rev. W. T. Chafe, incumbent,
1Ir,TU01081: Cuadra. alrlath Services et
10:30 n,m, and 0:9u p.m. Sunday Sabool al
2:3) p.m, Pastor Rev. \1'nt. Smyth.
&M00 C.(ruoLxo C,Inlncu,-Sabbath Ser-
vice third Sunday in every month at 11 a.m.
Rev. 1'. J, Shea, prlost-
Onn Faw.uw's Lunda every Thursday
evening in Graham's block.
3AsnsirL000zTuesday at or before full
moon in Holmes' block.
',. 0, i , W. Lono0 meets on 2nd and
Last Wednesday evenings each month.
FJRL's'1'ga'5Lonag 2nd and las; Monday
evenings o l each mouth in $male's hall.
L, 0. L. 1st Monday in every month in
Orange Hall.
Poor OFFIC5.-OtlIC0 Hours from 8 a. in.
to 7 p. nl,
ME, Ii o ics' Resiling 1.100111 and
Library in Holmes' block, will be open
from 13 to a o'clock p.m. Wednesdays and
Saturdays. Tisa Jessie Russ, Librarian,
White serge dresses for little girls
are trimmed with many rows of gold
8101Lo0r'9 Vitalizer is what you need for Cow
et1pation,lo0e of appetite, dizziness, and all
perlbotttlle. Dyspepsia
old by 0. A. headmrice an, 76 cents
The sleeves of new costumes are
longer, and more trimming is seen
upon them.
Samon'6 Catarrh nomdey-a positive cure
Bold byte A. Dieths 15. and Canker Mouth.
The hems of evening dresses are
often covered with roses, the edges of
lace just allowing beneath them.
CATAnnn cured, health and Sweet breath so-
cured,byShiloh'sCatarrh 10amedr. Frio° 50
cents. Nasal injector lroo. Sold by Goo. A.
Mitts are not worn with dressy cos-
tumes this summer. They are re-
legated to house and negligee toilets.
eLgonights,0013000 Cure the
miserable by
is that
le ccanu alis
for you. Bold by G. A. Deadinan.
Butterflies, dragon flies, flies, beet-
les, browns, flours -de -lis, daggers,
and owls are the prevailing designs
for hair pins.
WILL you suffer with Dyspepsia and Livor
Complaint? shiloh'5 vitalizer is guaranteed
to cure you. Sold by G. A. Deadman.
Rococo designs prevail in jewelry.
Antique coins are copied osydized.
silver, and are worn as brooches and
Sslno0's Cough and Consumption Cure is
totally G. A. headmen on a guarantee. It
cares consumption.
Wide tucks are used on all dresses
of wash materials. Hamburg em-
broideries are preferred to lace for
trimming these dresses.
THAT hacking cough can ho 80 quickly cured
by Shiloh's Curo. \Ve guarantee it. Sold by G.
A. Deadman.
The Cadogan braid is the latest
style of coiffure for girls. The bang
must bo quite short, and can be
straight or slightly crimped.
CnorP, whooping (lough and bronebitia ire-
medlatoly relieved by Slant/Ws Cure. 8013 by
G. A, Deadman.
Bracelets:that are narrow and arse
made of rolled gold are moat fashion-
able. They are seldom without jew-
elled ornamentation of some kind.
No lady who delights in Bowers and likes to'
gee them do well and bloom abundantly, should
be without Hltnington's Food for Flowers.
Ordinary packages 80c-sufficiout for 20 plants
for one year.
Glass berry -dishes in the form of
boats, of all sizes and colours, are
quite the craze. Those of out glass
are very beautiful, but do not im-
prove the quality of the berries.
The sapphire and emerald are
thought by superstitious people to
bring bad luek to a bride, it given to
her before or at her wedding. After
it has occurred, it does not seem to
A deep, bright shade of red, known
as "old red," is the favourite shade at
present, and is like the poppy -red
which was so long popular. Ecru,
?beige, brown, and green aro the
.colours of the season.
Au English tailor has just brought
out a small mantle that is now gain-
ing favour among fashionable Paris -
ladies. It bas a short waist and
small ends. A pointed hood is flat
Against the back of the garment.
There is a rage in Paris for coarse
straws in open work and straw lace,
Everything in the trimming line is of
straw. Bunches of grass in pale tones
are tied with broad, smooth ribbons
of straw dyed red.
Mantlee and visites aro shorter than
ever : they have backs whieb are very
little longer than the waist. Soule
of these have large jet epaulets which
fall over peculiar out sleeves lined
with coloured silk They aro trim-
med with litho plaitings, draped back
or front in fiohu style, and have
long square elide with drooping jet
The newly imported embroidered
pongee sunshades are tho prettiest of
the season, but they arrive too late,
for all the Flora MeFlimseys have
provided themselves with sun pro-
tectors. The Princess of Wales is
said to have set the fashion of them.
Jerseys retain their hold on favour,
They are trimmed in many showy
ways, and, when of sills, aro very
costly. Among the moat elegant
jerseys, ono may be mentioned of
eharry-coloured silk, with fiohu plan•
thou of garnet velvet, cuffs to match
and passemontorie epaulets.
The farmers who keep sheep eau
always grow the best wheat. There
is nothing so good as a flock of sheep
to turn on a field that has been plow-
ed for wheat, They will cat down
every green thing, laud their tramp-
ling compacts the soil as nothing else
can, while there droppings, being
more overtly scattered than those of
other animals aro quickly available.
If you. hays to work early and Into, and got
little or no inure leo take Ha logton's Quinine
Wine and Iron to giro you strength. See that
iou get' •lfaniugteu'e," the original and genu-
Farmers who at this season are
troubled by the attacks of ekunkt on
their poultry may console themselves
by reflccriug that the skunk is regard-
ed by many as a friend. Ho destroys
millions of the whits grubs that aro
so injurious to corn, thud the increase
of the latter enemy is attributod by
many to the fact that skuuke have
been generally:hunted clown and do•
Horsemen, Attention i
When your horse is gsllod, scratched ro out
or has en ugly eon, bathe twico dally, and ap-
ply McGregor & l'orko's Carbolic aerate. it
Is undoubtedly the [Moat healing and 010001111g
application for 1t. Be sure you got McGregor
& Purke's. Sold for 250. per box, at J. Har-
greaves & Oo's, Drug Store,
Ono of the advantages of late plant-
ing of potatoes is that something may
be done to the crop after harvest. if
planted so early that all the hilling
up has to be done before harvest, the
field is euro to become very seedy,
and the crop will be materially de-
creased. This is more especially true
of the largo -growing, late varieties,
which, even when planted early, will
hardly be ready to dig before frost
kills the vines,
Fluid A,lghtuing.
A11 sufferers from that terrible torment,
Neuralgia,eau be made happy in ono moment
bya singe application of .Fluid Lightning
briskly rubbed on painful parts, and without
using any disgusting medicine day after day,
with little or no result. Fluid Lightning also
cures as effectually Toothache, Lumbago,
Rheumatism,Heedecho, and is only 25c. per
bottle at T.Hargreaves & 00's. Drug Store.
If a little straw is spread under
bushes that it is clothed. to destroy,
and then burned, it will make finish
of them much more certainly than
cutting them down. Now is the sea-
son to attend to it, and after thresh-
ing most farmers have an abundance
of straw, some of which they can
hardly put to better use. Wheat
straw burns more readily than either
oats or barley, as it is stiffer and does
not compact in a masa in burning.
Cholera Preventative.
In order to withstand Oholora and 011011 bIos
epidemics a perfoot purity of blood, and the
proper motion of the stomach are required. To
insure that end, iu the cheapest,most mvailvbio
and complete manner, use Morogor's (Speedy
Curo for Dyeyep Go, mud Impure Blood, There
is no purer safer or more reliable remedy in
existence for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Costive-
ness, oto. Ask your neighbor or any person
who hoe used it. Sold by J, Hargreaves & Co.
Trial bottle given free.
Some steam engines use much
more coal than others to accomplish
the same resulte. Something de-
pends on the weather, and still more
on the condition of the grain ; but
after all the management of the en-
gineer has much to do with it. A
large proportion of those running
thrashing -machine engines have little
experience in the business, and are
liable to accidents, besides unavoid-
able wastage of coal. Buy engines
only of manufacturers of repute and
Nearly all farmers know that grain
as usually secured will sweat more
or less in the mow. This is not us-
ually considered injurious, and ex-
cept with barley, does not usually
prove so. We have known bright
barley, got in without rain, so badly
injured by sweating in the mow that
the grain was muety and unfit for
use. Barley heats and sprouts more
readily than any other grain, and
therefor greater caro must be observ-
ed in getting it in the barn in first-
class condition.
The Emperor of Ananl keeps hie
specie Bunk fu a lake. They have
got the idea of watering capital even
there, it seems,
There aro two sides to every ques.
tion, and as sure as you're born the
other man, by some blunderioo fatal•
ity, always takes the wrong side.
A cyclone is like a waiter. It car•
ries everything before it. Yes, but
what e. difference there is in the rate
of motion.
A literary lean, who was ae1(11d to
furnish a Shalcesperian motto to be
framed and hong up over the bar of a
saloon, suggested the words -"Ag you
like it,"
"Why don't you challenge him,
Colonel ?" "Because dueling is agin
tho law in this State," replied the
Colonel ; "but if ever I gut a good
chance I'll assassinate him."
Fully Ruggeri,-Nantioal husband
(jolungly)-"Oh, I'm the mainstay
of the family." Wife -"Yea, and the
jibboom, and the -Sud tho-" Small
boy (from experience) -"And the
spanker, too, mamma,"
A bottle of purple ink was, by an
awkward mistake, opened for port
wine at a Detroit supper. The first
inkling the guests had of it was when
they wiped their mouths with their
The Prodigal Son. -Prodigal son-
"Really, father, I don't moan to bo
extravagant. lam easily led and im-
pulsive ; so I throw a good deal of
money away." Father --"Yes, you
need some one to keep you in cheque.
"1 remember you very well," said
the hotel trooper, "but your wife has
grown very thin." "Yes." "She was
taller." "Yes," "And lighter com-
plexion was she not?" "Yes. Besides,
you know, it ie not the same woman."
Always convenient. -In antioipa-
tion of a large influx of country people
on circus day au enterprising Dans-
ville merchant strung the following
suggestive sign across the walk in
front of hie grocery store :-"°Don't
go somewhere else to bo swindled ;
walk In here."
"What Floored Tomkins ?" is the
title of an article in an exchange. That
depends upon circumstances. It may
have been whisky, or rum, or beer, or
whisky and rum, or rum and beer, or
perhaps Tomkins called a larger man
a liar. Until we know more about
Tomkins we cannot give a correct
There ie such a thing as being
smothered in honey. A Kansas editor
recently drew a prize in a lottery, and
the very same day his wife had twine
-both boys -his mother in-law was
killed by lightning while in transit to
pay hum a visit, and a man who had
owed him $9 for subscription sent in
the money.
Johnny Fizzletop is not one of the
most industrious boys in San Antonio.
Not long since his father asked him •
"Is your teacher satisfied with you ?"
"You bet he is. He as much as said
so yesterday." "What did he say 1"
"He said that if all his scholars were
like me ho would shut up echo(dl and
go home."
The Youthful Terror. -Big sister
(shouting to Bobby) -"Bah -bee 1 You
are wanted to do an errand." Bobby
(shouting back) -"Tell mother I can't
do it now, I'm busy." Big sister -"It's
not mother who wants you, it's fath-
er." Bobby (hastily) -"All right.
Tell him I'll be there in a minute."
Those aro the days'when the young
man puts on kneo•breeahers and stock-
ings and mounting a bicycle starts on
a long tour, feeling perfectly happy
till a 16-year•old country girl with
blue oyes as big as saucers, shouts
"Hey, mister, come hero and I'll lend
yer money enough to buy lege for them
It was a very honest old Dutch
judge who listened for several hours
to the arguments of the counsel, and
then said :-"Dis case has been ferry
ably argued on both sides and dere
have been some ferry nice points of
law brought up. I shall dake dree
days to gonsider theso bointe, but
shall owentually tocide for the blain.
He (afraid she will order the eoaond
plate) -"Did you know they make
ice-cream of glucose, gelatine, corn
starch, castor oil, skimmed milk oleo-
margarine, cayenne popper and strych-
nine 1" She (licking out the dish) -
"No, I didn't know that, but I've
noticed they are so stingy in filling
their dishes that one has to eat two
plates iu order to get enough."
Young ladies may find a lesson in
the experience of a girl in Stookton,
Cal., who sued her lover for breach
of promise of marriage. She produo
ed many of his lettere extending ovor
a period of several years, and all
breathing promises of undying love.
Then he brought out a letter written
by her to him about two yoars before,
when she was mad, in which she said
she would rather marry a yellow dog
than him `Pilo result was an immed-
iato verdict for the defendant.
The cup that inebriates but doesn't
cheer -Hiccup.
An oculist always has an eye to the
main chance.
Taking the cents of the meeting -
passing around the hat,
"Beware of imitations," as the mon-
key said to the (ludo,
The toper demonstrates the motto
that "there is always rum at rho top."
Few men recognize the value of a
wife until their backs need scratching.
A diamond merchant speaks of his
goods as being of the purest water,
but rho milkman may not.
A. writer says ;-"Tho American
girl thinks for herself." And after
marriage she frequently thinks for
her husband,
a ALuu i oTHe o tUND steers
• rising 0 years old. fur sale, Also 2 00100, 2
years old land the other n yearling Tho cat-
tle ere 0u lot 0, con„ 4, tl ray, and the colts aro
on lot 30, oon. 5, 0(000ie, I` or further partlou-
lars as tc price &o., a relyp to
ALEX,11o1 004 000,
2.2, Lot 0, eon. 4, Grey.
-LA- (Noon Street. ,There is also a 5110p on
the Lot that could be utilized for a stable.
Will bo geld on reasonable terms. Apply 10-
A, 1(AW'11NF11\L1,11t
f.i. 'l TbI, BLASUILL,
ter,ltutoiler, thanking 1110
many ottstomere for their liber-
al support for the past six years
w1e110a to !Worm t11e111 the t be-
ing burned out of the old stand has fitted UP
it shop In t1nntlo's n furls in dist-class style
w hore be hopes to see a11. tho o1.1 euatoniers
and as many 500 ones as see et to give him u
kinds of keep
oultrvlttal 0anw0hitt 50 Boat 11)ol iverod
to all parte of the Tc0n Pm. Cash paid for
Pat stook,
-NE1T TO -
The subscriber is pleparod to do all kinds
of Painting, such as
G-r ainirag a Specialty.
Spriug time will soon be at hand so leave
your Orders Early. Work done in the
most satisfactory manner and satisfaction
guaranteed. I will bo found at my old
shop north of the bridge.
Wm. Roddick.
knalian aoifio Railway Time Tab1o1
Teeswater Branch
Miles. Going 0Yest. Mn11. Express.
0 (Toronto.. Dep 7.20 a.m. 5.40 p.m.
0 Orangeville .. 9,50 " 7.05 '
4 Orangeville ad 10,05 " 7,22 "
79 Amaranth' .. 10.15 '5 7.32 "
10 Waldemar.. .. 10.24 " 7.88 •'
129 Luther ...... 10.31 " 7.44 •
239 Arthur .. ... 11.08 " 8.10 "
809 Kenilworth.... 11.80 " 8.29 '
589 IIT. FOREST .. 11.58 a.m. 8.46 •
44 Pages I .. .. 12.15 p.m. 9.01 "
479 13Aunfs'To'....12.25 " 9.10 •`
569 Fordwioh .. ,. 12.55 " 9,81 "
60 Gerrie ...... 1.08 " • 9.40
629 Wroxeter . 1,15 " 9.46 "
69 Wingham Road 1.98 " 10.03
74 Teeswater.. Arr 1.55 p.m. 10.15 "
M11es Going East. Express. Mail.
0 Teeswater Dep 5.15 a.m.
5 Wingham Road 5.28 "
119 Wroxeter .... 5.47
14 Gorrio . .... 5.56
I79 Fordwich .... 6.02
261 Harriston ..., 6.25
30 Pages i .. .... 6.35
951; bit. Forest.... 6.61
439 Kenilworth .. 7.09
509 Arthur ...... 7.26
610 Luther ...... 7.58
64 Waldemar.... 7.58
661 Amaranth t 8.04
70 Orangeville Jet 8,12
74 Orangeville .. 8.35
122 Toronto .. Arr. 10.45
Refreshment and Dining Rooms
2.15 p.m.
2,30 '
2.49 "
2.56 "
8.36 p.m.
x..-CTETCfxaoLq' 3A91zrF]TS oa'T
TICKET AGENT, 181111881(08
CI'0Vit S 54ONNT.
phu stthaorlbers take 11,1s opportunity of re.
turning tllaulcu to the inhabitants of Brussels
and vicinity iur frost patronage, and Leg 1"
state thud haying Made several ihl rr,velnents
Is their kiln and ulodu of burning, the y,trmn010'
in a better position than ever Delta(' to supPlY
Oho Publho with Firet•olaes Line.
This Ilia olovnnt11 sea010 o f our bush
noes dealings in nrussol0, and having given un-
gnuliaod 0at100aetiml 0o tar, the nubile can re-
ly oe roe dying good treatment and a 0rat•el Sae
article front us. First-uln es LImo at 14 een10
at the kilu nod 15 omits deliverefi.
Wo also burn a No. 1 lime for plastering ab
trio 0allle price
Remember tale allot -Brussels Limo Works.
LIValts'ooL,1,oN1➢01N11F.L1.T 9:LA11 (. l\
Steerage, 5)0, Liverpool, Loud0udorry
Queenstown, Glasgow, or Belfast to Quebec
and alwaysas low as by any ilret-cl nesllna,
SA1tIIATIAN ,Saturday, May 0011.
C11L0ASSIAN. " 23rd,
PERUVIAN •• June 6th,
SA1H0 ATIAN •. 20111.
PARISIAN " •• 11111.
PERUVIAN " " 18011.
SARDINIAN " " 25th.
The last train connecting with she eteaMer
at Quebec waves Toronto Wednesday s o t 8:90 it ;
m. Pae00nger1 eanle aye Wed000deye et 0:00
p,m.also, and oonnoctwith the steamer et nal:
ilex, by paying au additional fare o1 04;40
1st, an d 32.55 su a olaa0.
No eaitlo,shees or pigs ere oarrled on the
Mall Steamers of the Allen Line.
For Tickets end Berths and every 1nforma
Men apply to
1, Yrs. BRANT, Agent,
At the Poet ltlllce. Ur nee els.
a Choice Stock of Baby Carriages
that Cannot fail to suit the wants
of the Public.
Call and see them.
Give me a Call.
The subscriber wishes to notify
the PUBLIC that 11e will have his
in Complete Running Order by the
1st of MAY, and will be able to
furnish Any Quantity of First-class
Lime at any tim0 during the Sea-
son. Price at Kiln -14 cents per
�n ' °a 2m9
04LWri 02s Fit_"! `.' =MEAS ®
Tho undersigned having completed the change from the stone to the
Celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has now the Mill in
First-ClassRunning Order,
and will be glad to see all his Old Oustoniors and as many
as possible. Chopping done.
110W 01108
Flour and Food Always on nand.