HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-9-4, Page 5SEPT. 4, 188G. TM!". 13RUSSEL" POST,
4J1' 41711lro
Tho first meeting of Uio Grey Y.
M. Liberal Club will be hold in
Dauto's 1;[1111, Oronbrook, on 1oriday
Sept. llth, at 8 p. m. Lot thore be
a large ntlnndaneo--It in time the
young men of Canada aeaortod their
,juetright to havo a votes in public
affairs which under this manageulout
of hoary•lteaded fossils and incaprible
tricksters au beginning to make
Canada the laughing stock of other
countries. Both parttos want can
blood, now idoas, now principles.
The young mon ata and must supply
them, let them stand np like mon
and they will be heard.
Thera gill be considerable fall
wheat sown this week.
Spring wheat is almost a total
failure In this township.
Tho average in S. S. No, 8 for the
month of August was 08.
Daniel McLauchlin, who has been
confined to bed with a broken log, is
doing well.
The root erop is doing remarkably
well of late, and will be far above
what was at ono time expected,
Thos. Newton, au old and respect-
ed resident of Groy has returned
from his sojourn in the Carolinas,
Miss Jessie Stobie who was visit -
lug Ler nun* Mrs. Smith left for hor
home in Soaforth 011 Wednesday.
Victor Smith and Angus McDoug•
all leave ou Monday to attend the
Model school at Goderich. They are
both pupils of No, 8.
The recent rains havo greatly de -
aped harvesting operations, with fav-
orable weather, however, most of the
crop will be housed this week.
Mr. J. Forbe's naw brick house is
fast approaching completion and
when liuts1ecl will bo ono of the
handsomest residences in the town -
We notice the names of Jno. Stew.
art, J. MlFadzean and Kattie Cal-
der in the list of successful candidates
for teachers certificates. Our town--
own-ship always rank with the first in
eincational matters.
Harvesting is about over.
Miss E. Haggard, of Kentucky, has
been visiting friends in Hullott and
Miss Maggie Boid daughter of A.
Reid is, we nro very sorry to hear,
vary ill.
The Belgravo cbeesb company have
sold their Juno make for 8 cents per
Miss Lavina Bnlgston left; looms
on Monday morning for Joliolto, Ill.
to visit her brother George.
Miss Kato Forsyth, daugbtor of
Alex. Forsyth, of the 4th con. was
home from Galt on a short visit to
Ler parents.
Thos. Sample, sr., of the 8rd son.
met with slight accident from a pitch-
fork falling from mow a and entering
the calf of hie leg. Ho fortunately
escaped a very serious accident,
Miss Mary Dicke, of the 9th eon.
of Morris, bas bean engaged by the
school board of Tuckeremith to teach
in S. S. No, 6, of that township, for
tbo remainder of tho year. The
trustees have undoubtedly mado a
wise choice.
We are deeply pained to chroluiole
the death of Mrs. G. H. Brandon, of
Belgrave. Mrs. Brandon was moat
highly esteemed by all who know her,
and the doepeal sorrow provaile in the
neighborhood on account of her un-
timely decease. The funeral, which
took place on Sunday last was ono of
the largest ever seen in tho neighbor-
T. W. Sloan, on aacounl of
oho loss of his voice, has resigned Lis
school on the 18th con. (No• 7) By
his resignation tho section will loge
one of the moat efficient and thorough
teachers it has ever had. inc.iSlams
intends taking a trip to the Pacif}c
oonet and remain for soma time with
the hops that the change of cltmato
will aid iu the restoration of Lis
Ignron County- Notes,.
Master A. Campbell, of Blyth, was
badly bitten by a dog, on Tuesday
evening of last week. He is doing
he, Horton has purchased lot 5,
oon, B, containing 56 acres, from J,
Moore, for the sum of $4,000.
Jae. Sanders; of Stephen, has sold
thirty acres of land to Win. Dearing,
of the same township for $2,500:
Jno. Kennedy, of the Gorrio found•
ry, had one of his eyes badly burnt
while casting on Wodnesday last.
The rosidenoo of Mr. Bell, of Bay
fioid, was broken into last week, but
the rascals had to decamp without
getting anything very 'valuable, fox
all their trouble.
! Tramps aro iafosting *ho town of
Goderich just now.
Wort has been common:oil on the
new bridge at Loudoaboro.
The tax collector of Stephen town-
ship gots $90 a year and no extras.
A grand band tonrnamont will be
hold nt Clinton on Sept. 2011.
II. Buchanan, brolcor, of Wingham,
has purobased the residence of Jos.
Reading, wllo is about leaving fur
British Columbia.
Miss Oliver, who has taught in
Goderich High School with great no-
°optauoe line been offerocl a more hie,
rativo position on the staff of the Oo-
bourg Collegiate Institute, which oho
has aaoeptod,
Tits Rev,, Mr, Crossley Las been
conducting revival meetings in the
Methodist church, Corrie, for the
poet fow wooks, dnring which time
touch good has been done. Tho moot•
legs closed on Woduesdtty evoning,
On Wednesday Ina* while the work
men in Keunedy'e foundry Gorrio,
were pouring a mould containing the
front of a furnace weighing about
seven hundred pounds, a ladle hand.
lo broke, causing to complete failure.
Mrs. Ileo. Hearn, of Lake Shore
Road, Goderich township, was eud-
donly taken ill on Monday morning
last. Tho family doctor woe sent for,
who, when ho came, pronounced it a
very bad case of diptbena. She ie in
a clangorous condition.
Last Sunday morning john MIo.
Queen, of Lumley, was surprised to
find that someone had mado him a
present of a little girl about two
mouths old, that had been left et his
door during the night. Sho was wall
dressed, but no clue can bo found to
the heartless parents.
The Videtto lamed its valedictory
number !net week, and announced
that that the plant will be removed
to Palmerston to start n now paper
there. There is not room for three
newspapers in Wingham, and the
Times and Advance can fully fill the
bill without growing fabulously rich -
John Pym, who residos near Elim-
ville, and who was for some weeks in
a melancholy elate of mind over sec-
ular affairs, attempted to commit
aikido, on Tuesday morning, by out -
ting his throat with a razor. He
just grazed his jugular vein. A doctor
was called in, who sewed up the
wounds and hopes aro entertained of
his recovery.
H. Beadle, of Auburn, has return-
ed from the Old Country. Ho has
brought with him two heavy draught
horses, a year old and a two year old.
Thoy are said to be superior to any
he has heretofore brought, which is
saying a good deal, as B.arry has
brought out some pretty good horso
flesh in the past.
Sirnme's saw mill at 11'ordwich was
burned on the night of the llth Inst.,
with nearly all tho stock of lumber.
The loss will be fully from ,$12,000
to $15,000. Four hours' hard fight-
ing saved the Toronto, (troy and
Bruco station, and all the buildings
in roach of the mill. Mr. Stramo got
badly hurt.
The masons aro now at work on
tho piers being °reeled far the now
iron bridge at Londesboro'. The
stones for those piers were all taken
from a quarry in the township of
Grey, near Brussels, and worn team-
ed on waggous. Is was a big job,
and we are afraid the contractor will
not make a fortune out of the work.
The eldest daughter of Mrs. Win.
Breckon, of the township of Oolborue,
while trying to take the lines off the
stales in front of a grain raolr, accid-
entally fell between the horses, soar-
ing them so that they ran away.
The girl Rept hold of a trace and the
tongue of the wagon while they ran
about a quarter of a toile to the barn.
On Thursday of last week a horse
belonging to Mrd, Glew, of the Hun
on road, Hullett, ran a largo pi000 of
board into its breast, the board break-
ing off end leaving a piece about ten
'echos long in the wound. in order
io get it out, Mr. Blackhall, votertu
ary surgeon, had to push his hand
away lip the opening and thus pull
the piece out. The horse is recover-
.A. vary quiet wedding took plaoe at
the residence of Mrs, Greig, Clinton,
on Tuesday morning, when Thos,
Jackson, jr., of tho well known firm
of Jackson to Son, was united in
"golden bonds" to Miss Jonnio Graig.
This event has been looked forward
to with great intereet for some time
by a host of the eontraoting parties'
Wanda, lido by side with whom the
prospeetive bride and groom had long
resided, and with all of whom they
were exceedingly popular. Mr, Jack-
son i8 Well and widely known, ho
being an enterprising young business
man, and ono of tho moat popular
vocalists in oho county, while his
wifo, also a musician of some note,
is widely esteemed, EV. Mfr, Stew.
art preformed the ceremony, after
tv11i01t tho happy couple took their
departure for Detroit. Tito bruin
was the r0cipiea* of a large nlwther
of very beautiful presents; \V., ex•
tend to thotu our best wis1os and
trust that *hair fullest ttatioipations
may bo mars than realized.
A lad named Delany was drow111'1
mobilo fishing noir Prescott, Howley,
The thermometer regtstored It d -
gress of frost rt Winnipeg during
Sunday night,
All the evidence has boon taken in
the Central prison inquiry, and the
arguments were heard Thursday.
Alex. Wylie, painter, of Grosvenor
avenue, Ottawa, suletded on Tuesday
night by nutting his throat with a
Two humors in llawdon, Ilastinga
Co. have had eight head of aattlo
poisoned with Paris green iu the loot
two weeks.
Thos. Chase, of Cnsgrain, Quooca,
arrived io Toronto, Sunday evening,
from Regina, whore he mons attending
Roofs trial,
Tho ten -year-old son of John 011-
ondorf, of Toronto, wag run ovor by
it street car on Satnrrley and has
since diod.
Tito Provincial Board of Health
have taken preliminary stops to pre -
vont tho introduction iota Ontario, of
emollient from Montreal.
Itis proposed in Montreal to errect
a statute to the late Sir lf'ranois
klincics in the Parliament grounds at
Ottawa, similar to that of tho late
Sir George Cartier.
Col. Denison, of the Goveruor-Gon-
oral'e Body Guard, who accompanied
the Nile voyageurs to Egypt, has
bon mads a companion of the Order
of St. Michael and Si. George,
Tho Manitoulin Expositor estimat-
es that the Island has, exclusive of
Indian iteaerves, 7,000 peoplo, 7,000
horned cattle, 4,000 sheep, 8,500 hogs
and a million dollar assessment.
E. B. Coryell, of Petrolea, died on
Monday while exeroisiug a horso.
The animal was frightened by a dog,
and Mir. Ooryell's death is said to bo
the result of a sudden spasm of heart
Theogedo Boucher, ono of the
members of *ha 051h, who did the
campaign in the Northwest, accident•
ly fell of Crawford's wharf, Quebec,
Wednesday, and was drowned. The
body has not yet been recovered.
The Militia Department has ap•
pointed a commission emnpaeed of
Lieut. -Cols. Jackson, Forest and
Wbitohsad, to sit at Winnipeg and
take evidence in connection with the
transport contractors during the re-
00nt rebellion,
Margaret Bryson, assistant nook :tt
Kingston asylum, in whose bed the
dead body of an infant wad found on
Suuday morning, will bo tried for
murder on her recovery, tho coroner's
jury having returned a verdict of
death from strangulation.
The liiuoardiva Standard Saye
."A writ has bean issued ugtiuet J.
Baker claming a ponalty of $$1.00 for
each case 011 which h0 has acted as
magistrate daring the last six
months, on the ground that he hue
not the nscossary property quali$oa-
The sermon by Rev. Dr. Huutel,
of Hamilton, on Suuday night ou
"Hamiltons Disgrace," moaning oho
running of street cars and busks on
Sunday, has areutod a sensation.
Tho running of street cars is a new
thing so far us running to the coca's.
tory is concerned. .Excursion trains
of the H. tit N. W. and steamers to
resorts on tho bay also came in for
Dr. hunter's condemnation.
E. W. Johnston,, of Barrie, and J.
D. McColl, of Lobo, have signed to
contost a install in athletics for the
sunt of $200, in Strathroy on Sopt.
24111, 1885, tho following feats to form
the contest :—Putting heavy stone,
putting light stone, throwing heavy
banmor, throwing light hammer, toss•
ing tbo caber, throwing 56 lb. weigh t
wrestling, (oatoh-as•oatch•can), do,
(eidetic -At in harness), and do., (collar
and elbow).
Rev. Orrin German, MIathodist
minister to the Indians of White Fish
Lake, arrivod in Ilamilton a few days
ago by the Port Arthur train, on the
way to his new field of labor. His
wife and four little children aro with
him, They enact to continuo thole
journey early nost wook, going first
to Calgary by train and then driving
tho remaining 840 milds across the
country. Rov. Mr. Gorman spent
last year in Ontario, during which he
completed the translation and publica-
tion of a Cree Hymn Book of 828
hymns. Having mastered the Lang•
nage while laboring for a number of
years as a missionary at Oxford House
and Norway Mum), he now goos to.
take the place of Rev. Ii,13. Steinhau-
er, a veteran native Indian missionary
who died a few months ago.
A, R, SMITH begs to announce
that there will be a Complete
after OCTOBER the lst.
All Accounts must be settled by
that time.
NO BUTTER) taken on Accouut
after the above date. (Positively,)
Over $3,000 worth of Ready-made
Clothing before that time, also
$9,000 Worth of The CHOICEST
in the Village of Brussels.
-Call and See Prices.
Si liE
The undersigned having purchased the Stock and Trade of MIr. A,
Veal, and added thereto, is prepared to furnish anything in the
Economy in Funerals.
Having added to tho Furniture Business tho Undortaking I ate pre-
pared to Furnish Funerals on short notice. FIRST-CLASS HEARSE
in connection.
A Specialty. Having a l'zactical I*.nowledgo of evozy branch of the
Trade and having worked in some of the largest factories
in the Dominion of Canada the Public
may always rely on gutting
I hope by strict attention to businoas to merit a share of the Public
limn': MALCOLM,