HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-9-4, Page 3San, 4, 1085. TETE BRt7SkiELS POST. "PAPA CAN'T FIND UB," No little steps do I hear in the hall ; Only a sweet silver laugh, that is all. No dimpled arms round my Oc k hold me tight ; I'vo but a glimpse of two oyes vary bright, Two little hands a wee facie to screen, Baby is hiding—that's plain to bo soon, "Whore in my precious I've missed so all day ?" "Papa can't/find:ine !" the prattyillpa say. "Dear mo I I wonder whore baby can bo ?" Thou I go by, and pretend not to sec. "Not in the parlor and not on Lilo stairs ? Then I most poop under tho sofa and chairs ?" Tho deal' littlo rogue is naw laughing out. right ; Two little arias round my nock clasp mo tight. Home will indeed be sac, weary and Incm, When papa can't find yon, my darling, my own. WHEN JACK IS TALL AND TWENTY. When Jack is tall and twenty, We know what Jaok will do, With girls so sweet and plenty, Holl find hila ono to woo, And soon the lovers' twilight Will hear a story told, And Jack will die or fly sky high For saki of hair of gold. Harlan Jack and hood ma— Ponder what I say I 'Tis tools aro sold for looks of gold, For gold will turn to gray. But Jack, if truth be spoken, Is simple Jack no moro ; If gold his heart was broken, 'Tis scarce the gold of yore. He wets of dower for daughters, Not all in ringlets roll'd ; To beauty ateol'd, his heart will yield To stamped and minted gold. Harkin Jack, and head me— Ponder what I say ! If gold hath wing, as poets sing, Then gold may fleet away. When Jack goes forth ".wooing, If Jack has heart or bead, And would not soon be rueing Tho hour that saw him wed, He will not pino for graces, Nor Gringo for wealth to hold, But strive and dare by oorvioe fair To win a heart of gold. Harken Jack, and heed mo— , I ondor what I say Tho gold will fly, the bloom will die, But lovo will last for aye. Insituensescateineitiassetwai If.7'arzu Note.o. That part of northern Arkansas ly- ing between the White River and In- dian Territory is said to be admirably adapted to the growth of the grapo. Beets require only about 70 days to mature ; radishes 50 ; tomatoes 55 ; lettneo 54. With all such gniok- growing crops thoro is need for fine, wsll•rottod soluble manure. Throughout central Now Hampshire farmers are sowing immense quantit- ies of millet and earn for fodder, the hay being a total failure in conse- gnence of the drought. Ducks should have separate houses from other fowl. No roosts aro neoes- ary, but they should havo troughs, as they do not like to hunt and pick on the ground like chickens. The Rural New Yorker says:— "Sixty pieces of potato were out and rolled in plaster one week before planting ; sixty other pieces were cut, rolled in plaster and planted the same day. The latter lot sprouted two days- before the other. Good authorities in England claim that there is too much wool being pro- duoedin the world of an inferiorgrade. The finest goods and wools are in de- mand and hold their prices the world over better than the low grades. Much money has been lost in London on faulty and inferior wools. Don't neglect to give the pigs a run on the ground and in the open air. The breeding sows should run in open pasture and should be left to root or go hungry. It will give them strength and constitutional vigor. No wonder hogs die of cholera or something else when kept in close pone and wallow- ing in 111th. Canadian Live Stock Journal :— Logialation on tho road question is not far away. Tho anomaly of toll roads must be near nt last. The sys- tem of working the roads, by turning thein into a succession of ant -hills will not long be toleratod by a pro- gressive civilization. And the ocbooe of the clamour for legislation are coming noarer and waging louder, yot it is well to remember that legislatures usually move only as they aro moved by the mighty lever, the people. If there is reason to bolievo that the barnyard manure contains weed seeds it should be used as top -dres- sing for wheat. Most annual or biennial woods will give no trouble if plowed under, though many will re- main on the soil, to be turned upithe next time the field is plowed. The very bast way to use manure fillad with woad seeds is to top -dross some run-down grass land which is to be plowed next spring for common po- tatoos. Wbethor tho woods sprout now or not, their destruction is surd. "Wait till the morning trail," "EUREKA," meaning "1 have found it," is what the Peo- ple say when they call at THE 'POST" BOOK STORE. ft A portion of our Stock, including All grades of Stationery, Envel- opes, &c., School Books, School Bags, Pencils, Pens, Inks, Scribbling Books, Crayons, Slates, Copy Books, Hymn Books, &c. Small Wares in the shape of Mouth Organs, Rubber Balls, Children's Paints, Purses and a lot of other articles, is to hand and more goods are o1.1 the way. New Ontario Readers in stock. Ist, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Books. CALL & See OUR FANCY NOTE PAPER & ENVELOPES. Our object is not to keep a large, cumbersome stock, our premises won't admit of that, but to Watch for what will suit the Public and by always keeping a Fresh, Tidy Stock and selling at a small margin to merit a share of Public Patronage. SCHOOL TEACHERS AND SCHOLARS will find it to their advan- tage to make their purchases at THE "POST" BOOK STORE. Wo won't charge you anything to call and see, anyhow. You know Where to find us. Watch for "JUMBO" in our window at THE "POST" Publishillff House. SO CENTS Will Secure THE ST for the balance of 1 5. IF YOU WANT THS LOCAL NEUS, 9 AILD SCOTIA.'S GANES, $700 in Prizes. $700 in Prizes. TUB 7Tu ANNUAL CELLBBATION ON GAMns IN 00N1M0'riON wITB 0011 BaIiSSm CALEDONIAN SOCIETY WILT BE OSLO ON VICTORIA SQUARE, Oil Tuesday, Sept, 8, 18851 ►a' $700 IN PRIZES. X700 All the Oaaniplen ,t.tltletes \viii be present rise tate Bent Pipers and Dancers. Don't forget the Hose Reel Race in the Forenoon. GRA1S1) d:0NC E1i1.T IN THE TOWN MALI, AT NWRT: The services of Miss Maggie Barr, of Hamilton, Miss Ella Cole, of London, l4lise Murray, of Luck - now, Mr. C. telly, of Buffalo, Ur. K. Kerr, of Lucknow, and others have been engaged. Plan of Hall at J. Hargreaves' brut{ Store where you can some your tickets. Admission - 25 Cents. Reserve scats -50 clouts. 100,000 POUNDS oal 'Wanted. FOR THE, SEASON OF 1086, '-ASH PAID. I am prepared to pay the highest cash price for good fleece wool deliv- ered at the LISTOWEL WOOLEN MILLS. Having been ten years in businoss here, it has always been my ondoavor to pay higher than the market allows and in the pant years have paid city market prices. Wool being so low in price, it will afford mo pleasure to pay the highest price going. In ex- changing wool for goods will allow a few cents more. Will also gutiranted to sell my goods at easli prieee. I don't have two prices—cash and Credo—my rulo is one price only. Running the year round enables ine to Darty a large stock. This year having a larger stock than usual, will offer you the Best Stools of Tweed in the Dominion to choose from. Double & Twisted Tull Cloths, Flannels, Blankets. All Goods of the Newest Patterns 14u1 Latest Designs. Carding and spinning done on short notice and guarantoe to make beat of yarns. I use only the best of lard oil on all my work. Come early with your wool and you will find us ready and willing to give you our beet attention. Wo will be happy for you to Inspect Goods and Prices Before disposing of your wool. I remain, youra respectfully, A, B. F. BIOOK. 3 177�rr �1. tatoN ANniitTuL' Loan &. Investment 00, This Company is Leaning Money 11 Yawl Security lit 1.Uir Jui'I' IRA'rl18 of Interest, MORTGAGES P1'ltr_'I!A:SED. fi.AVINGS BANE 001NCII. 8, 4 and ; pt r cent. Interest Al- lowed on Deposits, accoriling to amount and time left. Ol=F1cE.--011 col'lie'r Of Market Square and North .411' 1, (ic,d( rioll. Horace Horton, Gadcrich, Aug. 5th, It 11. EIIKSIITRE BOAR Full SER - 1 -1 'rhe nndoreigned will keep it thor- ough brad Bsrkelalro boar for service en lot 17, 4th11na, Morris, about two miles front Erns. sills. Huron Lad" was bred by If. Sorbet', Guelph, mud was sired by Lind Wallington. 8817, bred by l6. Tombs, Em shunt; dem, Lady Neliy,6610, not by Prisoman, 1407, bred by E. Tombe,NDgbind, This will brad pig was far- rowed Jen.38th,1888, Terms: 01, to be paid at time ofservloo, with privilege of returning, if n000esary. JAouls M. MAnslx, 40.6m• Proprietor, The Moot Dongbtfol SUMMER TOU Tahoe 8teamera. Low Hata. Tour Tripe per Weak netwoe0 DETROIT AND MACKINAC And livery Weolc Dag Botweea DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Writo for our "Picturesque Maokinao," illustrated. Ooetaine Pull Partioulnre. Monod Froo. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nay. Co. C. D. WHITCOMB, GEN. PASS. {GT.. DETROIT. MICH. CAUTION ! CAUTION A dealer iu Brussols is advertising and offering for sale a MISERABLE IMITATION of the GENUINE BUCK THORN' FENCE WIDE, of which I am the SOLE AGENT ill BnUSSELs, and the Public are Cau- tioned against purchasing the spurious article. The parties in Canada who aro placing this WRETCHED IMITATION on the market are now being sued for ten thousand dollars damages. The Genuine Buck Thorn Fence, the BEST and CHEAPEST fence in the world, can Nix be pur- chased at tho "GOLDEN PADLOCK." I am also Agent for the Ontario Barb Fence Company, who make tho best Barb Wire in Canada. English three ply plain twisted fence, a remarkably cheap and dur- able fence for Gardens. Several tons of Land Plaster in 200 lb. socks for sale. O an, T '- •RN FENCING. —111 -- This fencing is made of a Solid Flat Slip of Steel neatly twisted and well galvanized, presenting the largest possible surface to the view. Although no part of it is made of wire it is no heavier and as cheap as Barb -Wire Fencing, but is preferred by some principally as a top strand, being more easily soon. The "Lyman" is the ONLY ribbon fencing made in Canado, and is lunch superior to the imported fencing of tho samo description. ' ,��( j'�(—�,'+�/11—�''p� `er' a sT ,tel v Windozw Shades, and Hartshorn Springs. A Lot of Fancy Window Shades, in Cloth of Different Patterns. Also Hartshorn Springs. Call and see thein before putting up the old ones. B. GERR.i.