HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-9-4, Page 1VOL. XIII.
171N(l11Att V. nII1 1VI.A.
()n Thursday last a team composed
of Rev. Mr. Clufi', E. E. Wade, 0.
Elliot and Jno. McIntosh visited the
neighboring town of Wingham for a
friendly gamo of Lonnie which result-
ed as follows :—
Sears WrilanAtt Bitussims
1 0 4
2 (3
22 27
It will be seen from the above that
although our own team won five more
games than rho Winghaui one, yet
that the latter by buucbing their wins
scored one more sett and consequent-
ly the game. We understand that a
return maLoh is shortly to bo played
here when we hope the fortunes of
war will be burned.
Tho managers and committee of
the Caledonian Society of Brussels
deservo the thanks of the public for
procuring such a splendid array of
talent for the concert on nest Tues-
day evening, The program is eo varied
bleat every taste may bo satisfied. In
addition to thio wo think the action
of tbo committee in reducing the
seats to popular prices is most com-
mendable ; and wo are sure the pub-
lic will show their appreciation by
a largo attendance. Reserved seats
are eo low in price ae to be within
the reach of every one who may feel
desirous of enjoying one of the most
entertaining evenings aver given in
Brussels. Seats should be secured in
time; the crowd will be so immense,
and the sale of tickets so largo that
those wishing to procure reserve seats
should apply at once for tickets. The
distinguished artiste whose names ap-
pear on the program, are so well
known to the public that any comment
upon their performance would be al-
most superfluous. Tho bill of faro,
which we hero append speaks for it-
self: Dance, "Scotch Reel ;" Solo,
"Alone on the midnight sea," K.
Kerr ; Solo, "Take me Jamie," Mise
Maggio Barr; Solo, "The gay Hussar,"
Chas. Kelly; Recitation, "Asleep at
the Switch," bliss J. Murray ; Solo,
"Hobiu Adair," Mies Ella Cola; Solo,
"Thy sentinel am 1," K. Karr ; Danrro,
"Highland Fling ;" Dnett, "The
Fisherman," Mise Barr and 0. Kelly ;
Recitation, "The Polish Boy," Miss
Murray ; Solo, "There's nae room for
twa," Miss Cole ; Solo, "Alone in the
Desert," 0. Kelly • Solo, "The land
o' the seal," Miss Barr ; Solo, "Tho
old brigade," IC Kerr; Song, "Auld
.gang Syne," Company. Misses 0'.
Connor and Jackson accompanists.
The next examination for entrance
to high Schools and Collegiate Insti-
tute will be hold on Monday, Tuesday
and Wodnosday, December 21st, 22nd
and 28rc1, 1885.
The following regulations relate to
the examination
Drawing.—For the examinations iu
December next, candidates in draw-
ing may submit to the examiner's
books No. 2 or No. 3 of the drawing
course for public schools. For Juno,
1880, No. 3, No. 4, or No. 5 will be
accepted ; refter that'date it is intend'
ed to take tho numbers prescribed by
Lilo regulations for tho 3rd class.
Examination payer's will be sot in
literature from the different series of
authorized readers ae follows :—
Now Ontario Readers,-- Tom l3rown,
BaOdico, The fixed stars, The sky
yo marinors of England, The
bauble of Vercltoree, Marmion and
Douglae, After death in Arabia, Tho
cepturo of Quebeo.
Selections from Ontario readout. --
The stage coach, Dickens ; The lark
at tbo digging, Reade ; Tho geysers
of Inland, Dnfforin ; The story of
Le 1! ovre, Sterne ; Tho ekater and
tho wolves, Whitehead ; Tho ocean,
Byron ; Autumn woods, Bryant;
Sir John Franklin, Punch ; Tho in-
cident at Eatisbon, Browning ; The
shipbuilders, Whittior ; Tho battle of
the Baltic, Campbell ; The inoidont
at Bruges, Wadsworth.
Selections from Royal readier.—
Stanzas from "Tho Princess'," p 13,
Tennyaoa ; Tho unwritten hstory of
our forefathers, klaekonzie ; The sky
lark, Hogg : Tho soldier's dream,
Campbell ; Goldsmith, Thackeray ;
The charge at Waterloo, Scott : Har-
old Skimpole, 1)iokons; ('Flo givetb
hie beloved sleep," Browning ; The
blaolcholeofCalcutta, Macaulay ; Sun-
set wings, Rossetti; The Black Prince
at Crecy, Stanley ; The water fairy,
Selections from Canadian reader.—
Yo mariners of England, Oamboll ;
The taking of Roxburgh Castle, Scott ;
The town pump, Hawthorne ; The
cloud, Shelley ; The sagacious Cadi,
I and Il, Household words ; The
Canadian boat song, Moore ; Dare to
do right, Hughes ; The death of Wel-
lington, Dieraeil;; Tho Psalm of life,
Longfellow ; Tho eve of Quatro Bras,
Byron ; Tho burial of Sir John Moore,
After the let January, 1886, the
literature will be selected exclusively
from the now Ontario Fourth Header,
which will thea be the only authoriz-
ed Fourth Book. The reelections will
be changed from year to year.
The Ex -Loader Itri orIM pyfnu,
Private advices lately received
state that the House of Commons
Department has received from Hon.
Mr. llfackonxio M. P. a letter enclos-
ing a cheque for five hundred dollars
extra sessional allowance whioh had
been forwarded to him. Tbo enclos-
ure was accompanied by an intima-
tion that illneas alone had prevented
hie returning the money et an earl-
ier date. This illness, it is learned
from other amerces, is so serious that
few of hie political friends ever ex-
pect to see hien in Parliment again.
Paralysis ie slowly but surely obtain-
ing tbo mastery of ono side of his
body, and hie friends have watched
with alarm for many months past
the outward indications of the die -
ease. A score of physicians have all
quietly been asked their opinions
and all pronounced the verdict given
above. The ex -Premier's attendance
during the past session was very un-
certain, and even when present, in
many cages, ho puled to recognize in-
stantly those whom ha knew familiar-
ly en the past, The probalities are
that this return of extra allowance is
due to his high sense of honor.
Somewhat of a sensation was creat-
ed in tiro vicinity of the Methodist
church of St. John's, on Sunday
morning, whon a farmer named Wm.
R. Warner, residing near that village,
received a sound castigation from a
horse -whip in the hands of au eighteen
year old woman named Priscilla Tay-
lor.. It appears that various reports
not too creditable to the girl's reputa-
tion, have been afloat in the neighbor•
hoof, and some went so far as to say
that she is in a rather interesting con•
dation. It is stated that the girl's
father chanced to meet Warner, and
during the conversation that ensued
asked tho latter if ho believed the girl
was in the cohdition aeoribed to her,
To this Warner replied in the affirm-
ative, and consequently Taylor told
the girl, who determined to adminis-
ter punishment to him. So after ser-
vice on Sunday morning she waited
with her father and brother until
Warner camp out of the olouroh, whoa
the old mau told Warner .that Pris•
eilla wanted to see him, The uusas.
pocting farmer proceeded to whore tho
girl was, and when he approached her
she drew a rawhide from the folds of
her does, and began slashing hie face
with it. Ho attempted to wrest the
whip from leer hand a, when tho father
and brother rushed up and attacked
him. Tho girl kept on showering
blows upon Warner until another far-
mer named Robert Jackson interfered,
and took the whip from the girl. Her
father immediately attacked Jackson,
but.was speedily overpowered. Jack-
soiletllegoe that the old mau threat-
enedto put a ballet through him, and
he subsequently camp to the city in
0omjaauy with Warner and Joseph
Bitten. The three proceeded to the
resoleneo of Squire Niles, where War -
nor eworo out information against the
three Taylors for assault, and Jackson
against the Taylors for assault and
threatening to shoot. Tho dofendarite
appeared before Squire Niles in tho
afternoon, and the evidence tor tho
proseoutlon in both oases was taken,
Which agreed with tho facts narrated
above. Au adjournment was than
lead until letiday to roeeive the testi-
many i11 defence.
NO. 9.
To tho Editor 01 Tun PUNT.
DEAR fila, --111 yulir;lleet 185110 1 son that
III referring 1u tie' desirability of holding
• }aectiune of School Trustees fu the same
manner (i r by ballot) on the Sallie day as
Municipal Eloctione yon state that "the
"ollttngo has been asked for by the people
"and can only bo Irnstrated by boards rio-
"gfecting to pass the resolution." Will
you very kindly inform ino when and in
what manner such change has been asked
for by the people and enlighten.
Yours truly,
In answer to our esteemed correspondent,
wo would say, that we aro ander the im-
pression that delegations from various
municipalities waited on the Miuieter of
Education, requesting him to so alter the
law as to effect the change above referred
to. --[En]
(Grey (Nowell Meeting.
Council mot at Dames' hotel, Cranbrook,
August 21st, pursuant to acljournnlent.
Members all present, Reeve in the chair.
Minutes of last meeting rend end confirmed.
David Ferguson applicator a culvert across
road at lot 9, eon. 17, Milne and Oliver to
attend to it, Application of Wm, 1'Jachan
to have the drain surveyed on lot 90, eon.
16, changed to another course. Moved by
Wm. Elliot, seconded by Ed. Bryaue that
no action be taken in the metier. Carried.
In tho natter of the original road allowance
between lots 80 and 81, eons. 12 and 18.
J. J. Denman proposed to produce the field
notes of the original survey which he thought
would prove the road to be in the proper
place, providing the Council pay him the
expense of the same and if not satisfactory
proof to all parties interested, the Council
need not accept. Moved by Wm. Elliot,
seconded by Ed. Bryaus that Mr. Denman's
proposal be accepted, and that Messrs.
Milne and Oliver bo instrnoted to confer
with Mr. Bolton, township Engineer, re-
garding said field notes, and report at next
meeting. Carried. Messrs. Elliot and
Oliver reported having examined tho road
between lots 84 and 05, oon. 14, and ream -
mended that said road be opened up to the
boundary lino. Moved by Wnt. Milne,
seconded by Wm. Elliot that Messrs. Oliver'
and Elliot proceed to let contract at once.
Carried. 13y -lay read and passed, levying
two and seven tenth mills on tho dollar',
county rate, one and seven tenth mills on
the dollar township rate, end one quartor
of a mill on rho dollar, railway rate, for the
current year, also for the levying of all the
different rates required by the trustees of
each school section in the township. Mov-
ed by Wm. Elliot, seconded by Walter
Oliver that the following accounts be paid :
—John Balmier, ironing road scrapers,
$5.50 ; J, 0. Fleffern,au, ironing road wrap -
ma and bolts dc. for bridges, $12.90 ; Wm.
Milne, timber and lumber for bridges and
culverts, $40.47 1 Wm. Milne, clothes for
Eliza Emilie, an indigent, $6 : A. Sharp
repairs on Etliel bridge, 0011.95 ; Eobt. Bell,
repairing culvert, lot 1, con, 4, $2 ; Joseph
Prayne, repairing culvert, lot 9, con. 4, ee
D. W. Slingerland, grading at lots 25 and
26, cons. 12 and 18, $9,00 ; 'Thos. Sanders,
ditching between lots 25 and 26, cons. 10
and 11, $17.50 ; Wm, King, plank for °da-
verts, $2,40 ; John Osborne, grading on eido
road 6 and breaking stones, eon. 17, 96.12
Dougallb1foTaggart, culvert, lot 15, con.16,
$14.50; Conrad Bernath, ditching, lot 29,
con. 10, 66 ; Geo. Patterson, repairing oul-
vert, lot' 29, oon. 18, $2 ; Wm. Willis, bal-
ance contract ditching at lot 21, oon. 14,
$16 ; Thos. Johnstone, 4 anlverte between
lots 10 and 11, oon. 18, 810 ; Eneas ()rich,
woodwork and ironing road sorapor, $0.50 ;
Hart ,b Co., oollector'e roll paper, $1.80 ;
Angus Lamont, balance for breaking stones
ou road son. 9, 61 ; W, H. Kerr, printing,
$36.25 ; Rich. Lees, gravel, 910.80 ; Mich.
Mullin, gravel, $9.40 ; Wm, Beckett, part
payment approach to bridge at lot 6, con.
2, $80 ; D. W. Slingerland, grading on side
fiend 5, con. 19,412 ; Sam. Hopkins, gravel -
ng on boundary Grey and Morris, $100 ;
Thos. Cardiff, gravel, 95 ; Henry Granger,
Limy share repairing and covering culvert
boundary Grey and llowiok, $8,50 ; Mich.
Raymann, breaking stones on road at lots
15 and 16, con, 12, $7.50 ; Dan. Robertson,
ditching at lots 10 and 11, con. 19, $0,; 1t.
Scott, gravelling at lots 20 and 21, con. 12,
011.90 ; Wesley Yoo, repairing culvert lots
50 and 51, con, 2, $1'75 ; Hugh McNeil, re-
pairing hill at lots 25 and 26, oon. 3, 90.75
Hugh MoNhl, filling up hole and grading
at lots 25 and 26, con. 4, $8,50 ; Charles
Grove, grading at lots 25 and 25, eon. 2,
$1.85 ; James Reid, ditching on boundary
Groy and Elnta, 910.85. Council than ad-
journed to meet again at Robertson's hotel,
Ethel, on i'r'idtty, October tho 9th.
War. Sris'cc, Cleric,
4 r'reaa aceta+RYA Zieete as.
An effort is being made to estab-
lish a woolen mill in Belmont.
Voting on the Scott Act in the
County of Peterboro' is fixed for Sep.
tomber 24111.
Hon. Mr. Chapleau telegraphed on
Monday from Paris stating that ho is
frilly restored to health.
October lat has been fixed for the
hearing of the proof in tho Megautio
contested election ease.
Burglars stole about $125 worth of
geode from Dower's tailor shop, Essex
Centro, '1'hureday night.
Simplon Bros,, photographers,
Tarouto, have been fined $5 and
costs for breach of the Lord's day
Actin taking photoe ou Sunday.
John itigbsteed was nearly kicked
to death by a vicious horeo in the
stables of the. Hamilton street rail-
way, Ile is in it very dangerous con-
heavy frosts are reported fr
om Arthur L. Hahburton, director of
len supplies and transport in the cum-
ntiesar;at headquartore, London, has
las been made a K. 13, C. and gazetted.
to The new knight is a brother of Mrs. W
th, Guard stead IMIrs. Arclidenean (lilpin,
of Radial:, and P. ea. llalfhurtun,
all being children of the renowned
author of "Sacn Slioic."
The Ontario Government offer It
reward of $250 for tho arrest of Claas.
Smith, alias J. (lonnvn, asilver leash
pedlar. who escaped from a aonetable
at Lahot, County of Huron, on July
17. when he was in custody charged
with rape. Smith, when at Clifford,
a few days prior to the date mention-
ed, followed a little girl for a mile
frori the village, and it 18 alleged
committed an outrage upon her. He
woo arrested and committed for trial,
the evidence being very strong, but
subsequently escaped from the con-
stable who had hire in charge. The
constable was placed under arrest
and now stands committed for trial.
When the ferry Victoria arrived a0
Windsor at 10 o'clock last Saturday
night, on her hest trip, one of the
deck bands went into the ladies' cab-
in to sweep it out, and discovered an
ordinary market basket lying on the
seat. Ho took the basket into the
Custom House, and, on inspection, it
was found to contain a live male
child, scantily clothed, and apparent-
ly about a week old, nureing out of a
bottle. There was nothing else in
the basket except a few woolen cloths
and the identity of the waif ie there.
fore a mystery. The child was takers
to the residence of Magistrate Bart -
let, and the Windsor police will en-
deavor to find the heartless mother.
Pennsylvania, and snow hao fal
in New York state, and Quebec.
Mayor Cleary,, of Windsor, I
been authorized to borrow ,$2,000
ingot debentures expiring this loon
The ravages of email pox aro abat-
ing in Montreal. Several cases aro
reported from the country hear tho
Tho members of the bar of Mont-
real lies decided to wear mourning
for one month out of respect to the
lata Judge Lorauger.
Geo. Bruce, a stone cutter, of
Belleville, was drowned in the Mur-
ray Conal, on Monday, while bathing.
Ilis body has been recovered.
It is said that the Windsor town
scales have been found by;tbo weigh -
master to be 10 pounds short, and the
coal dealers are talking about law.
Henry Bailey, of Ear Majesty's
Customs, Walkerville, is lying very
low at his brother's residence, Am.
herstbnrg, with typhoid fever.
Joseph Hogu, aged 16, fell two
flats and a half at McOlary's factory,
London, on Wednesday, striking on
his head and being instantly killed.
Nowe has just reached Montrsnl
that their citizens have been refused
admission to some of the New York
and Boston hotels owing to the email
pox scare.
The Globe says :—After careful in-
vestigation little or no damage was
doue to crops in the North-west by re-
cent frosts and that the crops are
ripening fast.
It ie proposed in Montreal to erect
a statue to the late Sir Francis
flinch in the Parliament grounds,
Ottawa, similar to that of the late Sir
George Cattier.
Renfrew, a Quebec fur dealer, pur-
chased over $1,000 worth of furs
from returned soldiers from the
Northwest, one officer alone of A
Battery disposing of $250 worth to
The rumor ie current at Quebeo of
a rather startling and sensational
crime committed in ono of the Gov-
ernment offices. The Attorney -Gen-
eral is reported to be investigating the
Most searching inquiries show that
both the oity of Quebec and suburbs
are entirely free from the small pox,
and were never in a more healthy
tate than at the present time.
It ie reported that Rids counsel
avo received notice that leave to ap-
peal to the Manitoba Appeal Court
as boon granted, and that the case
ill bo heard at the next sitting of
he court.
The northern part of Muskoka was
avagocl by a furious cyclone Iasi Fil-
my night which destroyed an im-
enee amount of property. Two
hildreu were killed in Stephenson
Thera has already been four cases
I smallpox at St. Jerome, County
f Kamouraslca, two of which, import-
elfrom Montreal, had a fatal term -
Mien. The disease ie of a particn-
arly virulent type.
Prof. Tanner, Governmont examin-
of agriculture) classes in England
ho is at present in Ottawa, has laid
afore the Dominion authorities a
home for eoouring for this country
class of valuable immigrants,
Early Monday morning Wm, Dil-
n, of Toronto, heard a noise in his
lop, and descending, captured a ladw
nailed W. Snowdon, after a sharp
1aeo, The boy had obtained an oil-
man through the fan -light of a
The Canadian Pacific 'exhibition
r which has been standing in the
rd at Montreal for some time past
11 be taken to tho Northwest dur-
a present week and restocked with
ain grown the preeont 80aaon in
at country.
The Richmond Hill Herald gives
readers the following warning in
fereuce to a uow dodge being porpo-
ated by swindlers in that neighbor-
ed. Wo reproduce it for the par -
so of putting our readers on guard
Must their tactics. Tho Herald
ye : Wo desire to warn farmare a-
inat a new swindle. Two strangers
of at a farmers blouse to stay all
he, and during the evening they
up a trade betweon themselves,
ioh requires a witness, and tho
is asked to sign the mere,ply to witness the trade. If he
so ha finde pia name signed to a
o whioh he has to pay. Tho law
a not appear to touch those oases)
c1 farmcre should hang the first
n caught At it.
Ma. AND Mats. Towv have returned
from a brief but pleasant visit to Lon-
don, where they attended the marri-
age of their daughter. Mise Edith
Town accompanied them.
A um. street resident is on the
war path and will not be comforted.
He let a contract of building a new
fence intending to utilize tho old one
in a lose pretentious place, he now
.complains that some one who has not
tho fear of the law before his eyes
systematically stole the fonoing, posts
and all, and he 18 now waiting and
watching with a shotgun until he re-
turns for the post -holes.
Busrsrss appears to be booming at
the Brussels flax mill. A. Webster,
the energetic manager, reports to date
over 500 tons of flax received at the
mill, over 3000 bushels of seed shipped.
Tho pay roll this week amounts to
$455.72 besides over $6000 already
paid to farmers for flax. 100 hands
are employed. The flax mill is one
of our best industries and under the
management of friend Webster will
be an undoubted success.
FIND P10ru111;s,—The Grip Print-
ing and Publishing Company of Tor-
onto, have just issued two magnifla
cent lithographs, printed in five col-
ors, of the'Battles of Fish Creek and
Out Knife Creole. They are compan-
ion pictures to "Tho Capture of Bat -
oche," and having been complied
from the most authentic sources, they
can be relied on to be true represent -
salvos of these memorable engage-
ments. Every Canadian who takes
an interest in the history of his count.
ry should possess a soppy of these
plates, which will bo sent poet free
by the publishers upon reooipt of
price, viz, : 30c. Tho Toronto Newt
Co'y aro wholesale agents.
A.t the Reform mooting on Tuesday
Thos. Straohan, Pros(dent of East
Huron Association was in the chair,
and F. S. Scott aided lie secretary
pro. tem. Among those present were
the following voteotin reformers:--
rMcMi11hMos. P Gibson and David
Hood. The following resolutions
were passed:—That this meeting con..
eider it advisable that the Presidents
of both the Dominion and Local es-
sociations should call the regular an.
nual meetings of their associations
with as little delay ae possible, for
the purpose of transaction of ordinary
business, to arrange for a convection
to select aandidatos and to consider
the advisability of holding demon-
strations, Resolved that this meets
mg consider it advisable and In the
interest of the reform party that it
public domonatration eh0uld he hold
hero oarly this. winter at which some
of tho loading 8peakees of the party
shall deliver addresses on the public
quettlons of the day,