HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-8-28, Page 88
THE 13.R 13r VII,S POST.
Train leaves 13russola Station, north and
Oath as follows
Going /tenth. Going North.
... 7rd5 in.' Mixed 10:09 eau.e sprote. . ,.11:5:1 a.m. Mall
Maul a,2:G1 p.m,
Atin1 ... .. 6•i.•. p.m. lixprose . 9:::7 pan
The morning train south and the night trate
wnorth will , only
lyrun on Tuesdays, 'Thursdays,
Knctifitius literals.
BnusenLH wants a town cloak.
MRs, DEADsiAN is visiting at Strat-
Tun giltsiss were in town last
Solon opens in town next Mon.
1VA'ro11 out for our
"Dick's Sweetheart.,,
,lute. Meanie, of Walk' : ton, ie visit-
ing at Mrs. George Rogue,
INVITE your friends here for the
Caledonian games, on Tuesday, Sept,
HARRY C 11nrACK is hamu on a holi-
day trip. Ile is a No. 1 oporator, so
folks say.
Sire advt. of building fur Bale or to
rent lately vacated by Tnr POST Pob-
NEE the advt. of It Steveneau this
week. He wants to dispose of hie
business limo.
Now that dark nights are coming
on we Lope some more of our citizens
will go In for street lamps.
Miss CREIGHTON is visiting friends
at Burford preparatory to her return
to the Ladit•t,' College, Iiamilton.
OVER 40 binders wore disposed of
this 80a5011 in this locality. Next
season will probably see a big rush.
Giese Sinew and a large number
of our citizens took in the Caledon-
ian games at London and Stratford
last weep,
JAS. Bree91111.1. was laid up for sev-
eral days from a cut iu his leg, ad-
ministered:by a butcher knife slipping
in his hand.
prize at the Stratford Caledonian
games for archery and Mrs. Alex-
ander 2nd prize.
ESTHxpulpit of theMethodist Church,
ou Sabbath morning of last week,
was occupied by Rev. J. L. Kerr, as
Rev. Mr. Smyth was ill.
Robt. Myers, wife and daughter, of
Stratford, were visiting G. A. Powell
this week. Mr. Meyers assisted the
choir in the Methodist Church last
THE floors are laid. in Airs. Shiol's
new block, the lathing nearly finish-
ed and they will soon be pushed to
completion. We understand they
aro all spoken for.
DR, AND MRs. HOLMES returned
home last week from a short visit to
New York. Mrs. Holmes' niece came
with them. The Dr. saw the Grant
funeral procession while in the city.
A. M. 'TAYLOR will be one of the
speakers at the monster Convention
to be hold under the auspices of the
Young Liberals of Canada, in Shafts-
bury Hall, Toronl , on the 15th and
16th of next month. He speaks to a
BBSVIOms have been withdrawn in
St. John's church for the next two
Sunday's as the incumbent is away for
a short vacation, visiting his old par•
ishoners in the vicinity of Detroit.
The church will receive a thorough
renovation in the way of painting, dso.
The job is in the hands of H. Climes,
of Goderioh.
THY ANNUAL DRILL;—It is under-
stood that the annual brigade Damp
for No. 1 military district, will. com-
mence on the Carling farm at London
about Sept. 15th, and that the force
to be called out will comprise from
2,000 to 2,500 men, Col. Aylmer,
acting D. A. G., is completing the
arrangements at the present time.
THE mon:—James Ballantyne, who
has been very ill with typhoid fever,
is improving a good deal this week
and we hope to soon seehim about,—
Mrs. A. Knechtol is almost convales-
cent after a light attaolc of typhoid
fevez.—Mies Maggie Smith is on the
sick list this week. --Mrs. D. A.
Smola has been nndor the doctor's
care for the past weak.
Tuns week our town was honored
with a visit from Miss Eloise Skim-
mings, of Goderioh, Huron's poetess,
who has boon pushing the salo of
"Tho National March' and "The
Cleveland Waltz." Thoee popular
pines of 11111810 are composed by Miss
Skimmings andbavo boon very heart-
ily received by the general public.
CANADIAN ExnIaITs:—It i8 dosirabie
that the agricultural capabilities of
Ontario shonld bo thoroughly die.
played at the great Colonial and In-
dian Exhibition to bo held next year
in London, England. Perhaps the
best sort of an exhibit for this pur•
pose will be a well selected collection
of grains, including Indian corn in
st;law or stalk, and grasses pulled up
by the root. 'Those should bo neatly
tied in small bundles; labelled with
the grower's name, varioty of grain
or grass, number of lot, township
and county, A. W. Wright Do.
'minion Government agent for the
exhibition, wisbos to state for tho
benefit of farmers who desire to show
exhibits of tine kind, that if they aro
left with the secretaries of the town-
ship or county agricultural eocietios,
arrangements will be made to forward
them without cost to the exhibitors.
A. chiefs among ye takiu' notes
An faith bell prent it.
:lits Wm Ai.naxGIi is visiting her
sou at Platsville.
Miss 11oLnmms, of New York city,
is visiting at Dr. Holmes.
'J'oe rnr eeed at W. H. IiIcCracken's,
Tim improvements in Islelleville
church are about completed.
ANOTHER of our citizens has lovau-
ted, mourning creditors the result.
Geentux Coon, wife audchildron, of
Seaforth, were in town last Sunday.
Cuge vinegar. Adapt Good.
Go to the social in the Methodist
('Lurch basement this (Friday) even -
Mos. BARTON and son, of Lou.lon,
are making a vieit with Mrs. F. 0
We are always glad to receive lo.
c litems. Hand them in and we
will arrange them if yon don't know
Weime playing crickst on the civic
holiday M. McLennan WAS struck
with the ball, while keeping wickets,
and had his eye blacked.
Ice cream, choice of two Savors, Vanilla
every day, Pirie Apple, Lemon and Straw-
berry every other day. A. Good d: Co.,
Toronto foe cream parlor.
THE usual monthly temperance
meeting, to which the public is in-
vited, will be held in Mellevillo church
next 'Wednesday evening. A pro.
gram will be arranged for the oc-
Wrna you believe it? 1st quality of honey
only 10ots. per lb. I have separated my best
honey, and will dispose of the 2nd quality'
in large quantities, at amush
lower figure,
G. A. Deadman, druggist &
WE ask the attention of our read-
ers to the new advt. of A. R. Smith,
He is intending to make a change In
his business after Oct. lst and is of-
fering great bargains in all goods in
his line. Give him a call and see for
NEw STORY,—Our next continued
story wilt be "Dick's Sweetheart,"
by the author of "Molly Bawn."
"Phyllis," &o. "A young girl's woo•
ing" will soon finish and everyone
should get ready for the opening of
our new story.
Tex program for the Caledonian
concert promises to be A. 1. We have
secured the following first class art-
ists:—Mies Maggie Barr, Miss Ella
Cole, Miss Murray, C. Kelly, K. Kerr,
and others. Programs announcing
the selections to be given by thess
persons will 50011 be out. Watch for
CHANGE or BUSlNEss.—The new
Garfield House has come intopossess-
ion of G. A. Powell, who will parry
on the busiuees, The store is well
known and has become one of the
fixtures of Brussels, Mr. Powell
needs no recommendation as the aue-
cees of the business in the past is due
to hie ability to manage the dry
goods trade.
ARCHERY:—The 1st prize for Lad-
ies' archery, is a beautiful seal muff,
is on exhibition in the Lion's window.
Mr. Lennie, the donator of same, is
the leading commercial represent-
ative of the (3owanlock firm of Hat-
ters and r'hrriers, London. Hs is
also extremely popular among the
ladies, don't mention it, but the on
die is that bir. Lennie's bachelor
days are about at an end, and that
the heroic spirit in his lavishing of
presents has so' attracted the fair
sex, he has been finally overpowered,
Who is the Brussels nymph, that is
the question?
GARDEN PARTY,—Tho gardon party
Wednesday evening, on tiro lawn of
Wm. Venetone, camo off as announc-
ed. Although the evening was very
cool a goodly number were present
and all apparently had an enjoyable
-time. After tea the followinglprogram
was gone through with to tho pleas-
ure of the audienee:--Music by tela
band ; duets by J. Hargreaves and
]lire. Hargreaves ; trio by the Mieees
Grewar and Cooper, solos by Miss
Skimmings, of Goderich,'and music
by members of the mouth organ band.
Mrs. Powell and Miss Lizzie Jackson
l,layed the aceompilnents. The pro -
coeds amounted to about $25,
Everything was done by Mr. Van•
stone and family that was possible
to make the party a pleasant one.
Tho ladies baked with the expectation
of having a larger attondanee, and
c-oasequently have provisions loft.
They purpose holding a social itt tho
basement of the church on Friday
evening of this week. A good pro -
grain is prepared for the occasion.
new story,
A NEW livery is tallied of,
A GOOD deal of 8iokrioee around just
Oen, Reticule led' the troops last
Sunday at the Army meetings.
Islas, D. D. SOIIEAGG 18 visiting
Mends in Paris, Brantford and Ham-
MASTsit HInteneo Dnemes i8 visiting
for a few days, at the residence of Mr.
Keyworth, Iiinoarcline.
SEVENTEEN panes of plate glass
were received by Jas. Drown this
week for tho windows of lure. Shiol's
new stores and W. R. Wilsoue.
'.Paas. FLETCHER and Ruseoll havo
beou onjoying a visit to relatives near
Owen Sound. They went last week
and drove noross the country.
Ten furniture busiuoes of A. Veal
was taken possession of by R. 1Ltl•
ooltn, wino will push it along from
henceforth. The new proprietor hat
leased tho now brick store from W. R.
Wilson, wo understand, and will
shortly remove his stock to the now
—Iai-order to secure the nomination
and election ae trustees on tho same
day and in the samo mituuor as mtlui-
cipal councillors, a resolution to that
effect must be passed by the botird
and notice given to the town clerk on
or beforo the first day of October.
Tho change has been asked for by
the people, and can only be lru:ttrat-
od by boards neglecting to pass the
resolution and give notice.
JUST Sol—J-0/111 Swinton's papor:—
It is a pitful view of the prees that
reduce it to a more mho of popnlar
opinion. It should stance up un-
flinchingly for truth, right and free-
dom, regardless of current clamour,
selfish iuterert for menacing power.
It should be an enitghtoner ; it should
be a propogandist of rightoonsuees ,
it should be it champion of new ideas
which are true idoas ; it should bo a
shield for the wronged and an aveng-
er for the oppressed. It should do
its readers the greatest of all poss-
ible services, not by their echo but by
being their informant, councillor and
corrector. Of what use to any man
is a paper that is merely tbo echo of
his own mind?
NEST Tuesday 18 the lst of Sop-
Division Court was Meld last 1Voc1-
MRS. LEATutRu,tLE Ilse COturneil
from her visit to Galt.
F. BraLrsoear gild wifti, of Wing -
hem, drove.to town on Tuesday.
Tam weather leas bead unusually
cool for this season of tiro year.
Mike MARYFzoze,totucic wits visiting
in Wiugham last weslc.
Mesons Lei'rzn AND GRACE MURRAY,
of Caledonia, wore visiting their nnole,
Win. Aldridge.
SEvmssr. persons from Brussels at-
tended the bicycle tournament at
Seafurth on Wednesday.
Toe ehildrou of St. Jolla's church
Sunday School are getting up an on-
tertaiutnont to bo bold before long.
ONE of Lite plate glass witiduwe i❑
Jas. Drowe's storo was bralcon by an
iron pump falling against it,
ST. JOHN'S lodgo, A. F. & A. M.,
have removed to thou' now lodge room
in Vanstone's block. Tho first most-
tng in the new hall was held on Time -
day evening of this week,
\Vnr. HEwATT has taken it school in
Anderdon township, Essex Oo., and
has gone to Inc post. J. M.
Robertson, of Gray, taught the ettme
school fur the first half of the year.
We take piotasnre iu announeiug
that Eddie Brune has enured it lot
class teacher's aortificate at the recent
examinations, Mr. Bruce is it clover
young man and wilt make hie mark
in the world. He is a son of Alox,
Bruce, of Brunie.
Genn SEASONS:—The time during
which the principal species of game
may legally be hunted and killed ie
as follo'ws:—Doer, elk, moose and
Cariboo from Oct.1 toDec. 15; grouse
pheasants, prairie fowl and partridge
from Sept. 1 to ann. 1; wild turkeys
and quail from Oct. 1 to Jau. 1 ;
woodcock from Aug. 15 to Jan. 1 ;
mallard, grey, black and wood dunk
from Aug. 15 to Tan. 1 ; other ducks,
swans or geese from Aug. 15 to May
1 ; hares from Sept. 1 to March 1 ;
beavers, muskrats, sables, martins,
otters and fishers from Nov. 1 to
May 1 ; mink from Nov. 1 to April 1.
Trapping is forbidden and tbo use of
batteries, swivel guns and night lights
for fowl isprohibited. So is poison
for any animal. The fines are not
more than $50 or less than $10 for
each infraction.
SUDDEN DraATH.—On Thursday
evening af•last week a brother of A.
Stewart of this place met with his
death in a most melancholy manner.
It seems that he went to the field to
catch a mare and take her to the
stable : not returning as soon as ex-
pected search was made when he ryas
found lying on his back, dead with a
broken jaw from a kick from the
boast. It is thought that the blood
from the wound choked him while
lying in au insensible condition. The
funeral was one of the largest ever
seen at North Easthope and bore
testimony to the respect in which the
deceased was held. A. Stewart, Jas.
Menzies, Mrs. A. Forsyth, and John
Orerar attended the funeral last
Saturday. Surely "in the midst of
life we aro in death." Mr. Stewart
was 62 years of age and loaves a
widow and 6 children to mourn hie
untimely end.
CAN'T afford to advertise, it costs
too much 1 So so 1 Why don't you
put your goods into a shed or it back
stroet because it costs something for
a nice store in the business part of
the town ; uec old drygoode boxes bo -
cause you cannot afford to put in
nice attractive counters ; put up no
sign boeanso eigns cost something ;
epond nothing m advertising your
business because it "costs too much."
Then growl about hard times, bo-
cause pooplo go to those who do ad-
vertise instead of spending' time to
hunt you up, No wonder you can't
afford to advertise when you don't
let people know where you are and
what you have to soli. And then
your trade is so small that whon you
havo a eustomer, you aro compelled
to put a larger margin on what hs
wants or you can't afford to live.
Don't envy your enterprising neigh-
bors who advortisos when you see
their Stores full of customers while
yours is empty, but wake up and go
and do likowiso.
DaxuAN.—In Brussels, on Aug. 7th, the
wife of Mr. J. J. Denman of a sou.
Tuottsox.—Ill Brussels, ou Aug. 12th, the
wife of Mr. George Thomson of a son.
I3uouvx —In Grey, on the 24th fust., the
wifo of Mr, Jas. Brown, of a son.
BoNe,—In Morris, on the 27th inst., the
wife of Mr. Thos. Bone, of a daughter.
Mc0ureszox.—In Morris, on the 17th inst.,
the wife of Mr. J. Mcpateheon, of a
BLAsuua.—In Brussels, on the the 11th
inst„ the wife of Mr. Win. Blashill. of
a daughter.
SutTit.—IN GALT, 011 Sunday, 2nd inst., the
wife of Mr. 1Vm. Smith, builder, of
twins—daughters. ,
Bair-Fax.—On the 10th inst., by the Rev.
T. 3. Sabine, at the Methodist parson-
age, Walton, Mr. John l3ray, of the
township of Turnburry, to Miss Liz-
zie A. Fox, of Walton.
Fall Shows in 1885.
Provincial, London, Sept. 7.12. '
South Huron, Exeter, Sept. 28, 20.
Industrial, Toronto, Sept. 0.10.
North Perth, Stratford, Sept. 24, 20.
Tuclreremith, Seaforth, Oot. 1, 2.
Mitchell, Sept. 22, 28.
Hullett, Clinton, Sept. 24, 25.
West Huron, Goderioh, Oat. 1, 2.
Hay, Zurick, Sept, 22, 22.
Moruington, Milverton, Oet. 7.
Wallace, Listowel, Oat. 8, 0.
Last Huron, Brussels, Sept. 24, & 25.
Wallace, Listowel, Sept. 80, S: Oct. 1.
Morris, Blyth, Oot. 18, 14.
AUGUST 28. 11185
1. .
Brussels i 9tni !set.
Coanzoran ClAn0rnLLO Emmy Wag'.
White Fall Wheat....., 75 80
Red Winter 78 80
Spring Whest 75 80
Barley 45
Oats 80
Peas 55
Butter, tubs and rolls 10
Eggs per dozen 10
Flour per barrel 5 00
Potatoes 85
Hay per ton 8 00
Hides per 1b 6
Dressed Hogs 5 50
Balt per bbl., wholesale .•110
Sheep skins, esoh
y' 00
s 00
,45 50
1 00
Por Salo or axe/rouge Or other goods,
Apply at POST 010FI031.
IIJJ of the undersigned, lot 5.00a. 10 and 11.
Grey, on or about July 20th a stray steer, two
years old, red and white iu color, '0118 owner
is requested to prove property, ray ohargos
and tako her away ,
4 in. WM, BISHOP,
.I That commodious building on fling stroot
Brume's, whtoli has boon used as TILE Vaal,
printing office for a nuutbor of yours past.
aizo 92x45, with book oxtonsion 12010. Por
particulars address
D. traGil,LICIIDDY, Goderioh,
or 1.. 30. Wade, Druosols. 8.4in
sena].—Tho restdeuoe ocoupiod by tiro
uudorsignad 1s offorod for solo on ratsonablo
tonna. aboap, ]Ivory uooesary convenience
to make a doeirabla prop arty. Also good frame
building 90 x 00, winch has boon nsod by is for
it atare. This building wottlta mako a goad
show room for machinery. Will soil separate
or togotbor, Apply to \V. SIMPSON, & SON.
6 bltbol, P. O.
Noto60t Land,1te00nntOd,
Iubarest 1110Wed(11 deposits repay11b1e;:0a
:;•.Promp taattntlongivuutooallootlous. •e
t_11'b'Alil) LLLIUT, LAW
01no,,, uruut'c Block, arousals. tliney
J the nubile against giving credit to my
805.2011n Graham Shaw, who ran away from
hems on or about tho 10th of July last, and I
will not hold thyself rospon0ibio for nay debt
contrasted by him. Any 3000011 harboring or
gtyiitq employmout to said John G, Shaw will
bo held responsible for hiss in daimon as wall
as math. ANGt1S SHAW.
4 iu,
from tho premien of the vudorsignsd
lot 22, eon, 8 Morris, on or about July 1001, 8
hoed of cattle. deseribod as follows ;-9 stoars,..
0 yonrs old , ono rod and white, and the Mb or
rad 1 3 stoore and 1 hoifer,9 yoars old, 1 0toor
15 rod, 1 n red ntuloy, 1 a lino look and tbo
heifer is gray in ardor • i yearling Maar line
bookoel and 1 grayish colored hoifor, Any in-
formation loading to their r000vory Will be
thankfully raool0Y4eiii700 Otanl0AWjlon P.0.
hi. \VADL; L'Altlli5T'Lll, &c.
Onlco formerly oaeupaed a y A. J. Ale
Oo11,Hsq„lu Lookio's Block. Afuney to lend.
AT D10lib0N,
V' (late with arrow & Pro udfoat,UOdo •
rich) SCl
Solicitor; Couvayanoox, ,to, Oetoo to
Grant's llloak,llrussels. Money to Loan,
''tg LI K. HU TER, CLE ltle OF
1X Oho 'North Division Court Cs . Huron,
Couvoynn0or,Notary l'ubllo,Lfind, L0011 one
Iueuraaao Ageut,Puuds luyested and to Loan
Collections in ado. Ulnae, Graltaut'a Block'
If A, M,NAUGIIT'UN, M. D., 0.
EY o m„ L. 11,01. 1'., ;illuburbb'a, Physioiau,
burgeon and Acauueueur, Wilco in Loakta's
bloom, over Doadmau's drug store.
J .
L. E. C. P. Edinburgh.
Haaromovod to his residence on 511118treot
the house formerly occupied by .lir. Graham,
and 1111 be there at oigut. lie 90111 rotafue 011
anise lit Hargroavus' Drug Store.
ee `! L. BALL, L. D. S., HONOR
\..J( • Urnduuto and Amber of the Moya
College of Dental Surgao•ta, '1'urcuto. Ulnae
in Struthers 81 oak, Visits Muchaw wilco on
Wednesday. Best po0e1b10 pains taken in all
operations. Hours 6 a.m. 10 6 p.m.
/r188 O'CONNOR, 'TEA.CH 1It
.1Y1L of Thorough Bass, Vocal, cud Instru-
mental Arum ou I'iauo, Organ and Guitar.
!reference—Ladles of Loretto, Guelph.
ltuaidouoo—N0. s, (eolith) Brick Terrace,
41.1 in. Br ussole, Out.
Issuer Marriage Lioonsos. Office at his groo
ory,Tornbeiry atroot, 10-20
1 Surgeon,Graduaio of Ontario Votorinary
College Toronto. Residonoe, the houso lately
occupied by Mrs.2 . Barker Main strost , Brut-
rtago Liconseo, by appointment of
Lieutenant -Governor ,0omnrissfoner ,
D .Oouyoyanoer and AgentSire Insurance Co
Oinoo at thoOranbrook PoetO1oo
euco—North oholhuaaorof Ao•
(Mania street, Brussels, CARD—We would
reoomtnond Mrs. B. Turnbull to the oitizens of
Brussels as a good straw minium. while in
t,akoaold she gave good satisfaction to hor
customers in making over and dying felt and
straw hats. 11, Graham & Sou. 43.4)0
Insurance Agent,
17. rent, sul;ablo for n hall, lodge -room. or
private rosldeuoo, For particulars apply to
Now Gataeld House, Brussels.
wooke ago. ieSlro is white sou s olor 101 about dark
nose. Any information leading to her reoovery
will bo thankfuliyroorfyod, Word may bo lett
at PIM POST Pubilehing Houeo.
tf. S. WELSH, Bratsols,
' .i-1ARM TO RENT,—LOT 12, CON.
7, Gray, will bo rented for four or Rye
years. Thorn aro 29 mores of fail wheat sown
and fall plowing dons. Poseossiongiven 5t
Daytime, JO11N A0O1NTOSII,
Aparson in desirous of routing a form,
with 60 ar 60 sores sudor naive tion, 0ouvou-
iontly Stunted. for toren of 3 or 5 3.01000, A
good rant will bo palet for a suitable phos.
Parsons having farms to loose 01fou1d apply at
THE Pon Publishing tions° at once.
1885 -:- -:- 1885
The largest p1otoot end the boat show of
lior0o0, (fano, 01100 r pigs, poultry, agtiorltural
horticultural' mud Fairy products, maoldnory,
implements, and manufaottu'os of all kinds 10
• S110:0001111 IOU 03 0auada, l.'rizo lists and en-
try forms oau bo obtained from the Soara0nr.
los of all Agricultural Soolotios and Meehan-
tos'Ihstitutds, or -May will no feint anywhere
on ap1i1Oation by post wand to tbo Oocrotary
at Toaotrto, !Nutrias ttloeo August A largo
number Of s1too10l a0traotio,s aro being pro.
Derail for that time, for full particulars of
which no Speedo!. Programa. Cheap rates and
oxour0ion a on all railways, Tho best limo to
Melt !
y h0 O ty of Toronto.
l rostdont. Manager and Sec,