The Brussels Post, 1885-8-28, Page 66 _ _, ._.. _ _ .. .1. '_ It r* stir noses lou ollildren turn tip y Dirootory of Churches and Sooiotot at everything ou the table. \Yhon I :liars Li.n t'nvneu.-Sabbath Survives at was a boy I was glad to get enough 11 a,m. and oats p.m. Sunday School at drylarendto eat." "] say, pa, you are 2.811 p.m. Rev. Jim, Ross, B. A., pastor, having a much better timo of it, now, IKNox Cauca, --Sabbath Services at 11 you aro living with us, ain't you?„ a.m. and 0:80 pan. Sunday School at 2:80 remarked little Tommy. pan. Bev. 8. Jones, pastor. a tine+ru Preventative. 31, J011s•s Ch0".tt71i,-•••Sabbath Services tit 111 order to trithltanr ventat sad HI1CI1 ilka 1I a.m, and 7 p.m. Sunday School lit 0;30 (pldonlc, a perlsot party 1f blood, nab ti,o a.m, R..V • W. T. Cleo., fuetinlbGd, proper notion of the stomach are rol)uirud. To ' aln'rnoeIST OWIten.-.b.abI1(till il'rVieC6 at a Jru that ate el anal, lchea est, most vail,dy lsido U!:3c a,ln, and 0:10 p.m. Sunday Scheel at Cura terlDysyepsllt a ,cl lmpurs Biaod. Thorn 2:37 p.nl. Pastor Rev. Win. Smyth. Is no purer safer or moro reliable, remedy hi Roux Ct'ruOL1c C0111nen.--Stibbatll tier• existe1co for Inyuurs ion.hbyrito sae Courlse. ou vice third Sanaa). in every mouth at 11 a.m. wlta has used it. Sold by J. 13argroavos S 00. I3?y, P, J. shots, priest. Trial bottle givon free. Obn b'OLLow's Lour every Thursday A German newspaper contains a evening in Graham's block. an Mit:, Lonoe Tuesday at or before 11111 obituary in which occurs the follow so sou iu lIohnes'block. ing :--"Our clear son Gustay lost his A. 0. 1'. W. L,i, 8 meets on and and life by falling from tho spits of a hast Wednesday evenings each month. Lntllorau thatch. Only those who FORESTER sLonun 2nd and Inst :lflnday steep sr outage of each mouth in Smaln's hall. L. 0. L. 1st Monday in ovary month in n -measure the e1the pt1heighto f silebnt gr a f,o can Orange Hall. - •-- •� --- PosT Or:'ice.-011ie£ Hoare from 8 a. M. THE iI,1D I30Y. t„7 p, m. HnciiiNics' Ixsrirt,TE Heading Room and Library ile IIa1nes' block, will bo open "Hello," said the grocery man to from 0 to s o'clock p.m. Wednesdays and the bad boy, as he Game in looking Saturdays, Mks Jessie Ross, Librarian. sick at hoart, and all broke up, "IIow _. __.. - is your mne0lo this morning ?' V.tItll"PIES. "All light enough;" ad the boy, with a look of inquiry, as though Deer itt any price -venison, wondering what was coming neat. Au 811118ph for :a boatman -life 1s •Why n" oar. "O, nothing, only I was going to For lame back, side or chest, 1180 810011') grind tho hatchet, and some knives Porout Plaster. Price 23 cants. Sold by 0... and things, this morning, so I thought Deadman. g g A man never wants to laugh when maybe you would like to go oat iu the a fly lights ou his nose -nevertheless shed and turn the grind stone for me, he is tickled. to develop your muscles. Turning a Shiloh's Cure willimmodlateii roiiovo Croup aria: stone is the health lost thing a whooping Cough and Bronchitis. Sold by (i. boy eau d0." .9. Desdlanu, "That is all right enough," said "If you marry a red•headod woman the bad boy, as he took tip a sweet with a fiery temper, my son, sheen cracker, "but please take a good look make it hot for you." at me. Do I look like a grind -stone A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Neosar, Pries 50 conte, sold hay ? Do 1 resemble a good little boy by G. A.Deadlnan, that can," say 'no,' and goes off and Timid Buyer : "Is the horse shy turns a grindstone hall a day for some or timid ?" Seller : Not a bit of it. old duffer, who pays him by giving Why, by sleeps all alone in his stable. him a handful of greon currants, or Why will you oough wham Shiloh's Curo will tellinghim he will bo a man some give immediate relief. Pries 10c., 50o., and 61. bold by C. A. Deadman. day, and tho boy goes oil one way, "Courtin," says Arthemus Ward, with a lame back, while the good man is like strawberries and cream -wants goes the other way, with a sharp to be did slow -then you get tho scythe, mud a chuckle at the softness flavor. of the boy ? "You aro mistakon in Far Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, you me. I have passed the grindstone have a printed guarantee on every bottle of period, by andyou will have to lick Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never foils to euro, Bold 1 1 up by G.A.I>oadman. another sardine woo has never done "Were you a bull or a boar ?" ask• circular work. Not any grind -storm ed an acquaintance of a spectulator. for Hennery, if you please." • "Neither," he replied: "I was au. "You are gettmg too smart," said ass." the grocery man, as he charged a T'ho Boy, Geo, ic. Thayo r, of Bourbon, Ind„ pound of sweet crashers to the boy's says :•-"Both myself analytic, two our lives to Shiloh's Consumption euro." Sold by G. A, father. "You don't have to turn the Deadman, grindstone if you don't want to." When Jonah fled from Nlnevah, "That's what I thought," said the what country did he go into ? Into boy, as he took a handful of bineber- Wales, of course. Give us a problem ries. "You grindstone sharps, who better suited to our powers. are always laying for a fool boy to Are you made miserable by Indigestion con- give taffy to, and get him to break his stipatf0n, Dizzinose, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin BhnOli'4 Vitaliser is a positive acro. back, don't play it fine enough. You Bold by G. A. Deadman, bear on too hard on the grindstone. At the christening of Mr. Orzkys- I have seen the time when a man vitohi's new baby last Sunday, the could get me to turn a grindstone for child grabbed its future name iu its him till the cows came home, by mak- tender hands, which were severely ing mo believe it was fun, and by tell - lacerated, ing me he never saw a boy that seem - it is surprising how gnfakly nan1ugton's ed to throw so much soul into turn - quinine Wine and Iron acting through the bnan blood, removes all Puplos d l notches and ing a grindstone as I did, but I have get"8aaingclear, n t, the oriiskin. and°genuinyou found that such men are hypocrites. Sister Annie -"Now Ethel, bo sure They inveigle a boy into their nest, and pray God to make yon a good Lille the spider does the fly, and at first they don't bear on hard, but just girl." Ethel (praying) -"'Dear Dori, twy and make me a dood ittle lot the blade of the axe or the eaythe dirt, and if at firths you don't thuet- touch the grindstone, and they make heed, wh tw again." a boy believe he is a bigger man than 180 tl 8101 d well ugdbloom abundantly, in flowers and hould t red, and ho Theyold Grant. etthat bet he can turm he willn a be without Raniugton's Food for blowers. rinClstOnO as longas anybody, And Ordinary packages a 0c-sufielont for 20 plants gY y> for one year. when tho boy has got his reputation "Let me see," said a minister, who at stake, then they begin to bear on was filling out a marriage certificate, hard, and when the tools aro ground and had forgotten the date, "this is he says he is as fresh as a daisy, when the fifth ; is it not ?" "No, sir," re- he is tired enough to die. Snob men plied tho bride, with some indignation. do more to teach boys the hollowness "This is only my second." of the world and its tricky features, Ilorremen, attention f than anything, and they tonal boys When your hoses is galled, scratched.ro out t0 know who aro friends and who aro or has au ugly sore, baths twioe dailyy,,and ap- ply 1rloGrogor it: Parke's carbolic °orate, It foes, No, sir, the beet way is to biro 1sunndoubtldlythe anenthealing and oloanemg application pliication for oltit, 26cupo you xotat J Hum a grown person to turn your grind- s, sCo'o,Drugstere, stone. Iremember I turned a grind- Dumley-What's the use of talking steno four hours for a farmer once, to me, i+'eatberly 1 You're an ass, and whon I got through he said I toall and everybody knows it. I'll bet you could go toz I wanted forand uot drinkg. He tiny dollars to one you are the biggest was the tightest man I aver saw. Why, ass in town, athoriy leagerly) I'll tight! That man was tight enough to take that, it's a good bet, 1f i lose hld kerosene." g b it, Fluid lip "That's all right. Who wanted All a5080ors from that terrible torment, you to turn grindstone, anyway '? But ba- by lsgia,caobo raodon llotpyFinn Lightning what to it about your pa and ma briekly rubbocl on painful ports, and without lug turned out of the church ? I hear using any disgusting modicino day actor day, that thoy scandalized thomselves hor- srttil.little or no result, Vluid Lightning also armee as effectually Toothache, Lumbago, ribly last Sunday. l0heumatism,l•Leadnobe, and is only 250, per "Well, oil sea me and my ohum 101010 at 1,33argrooV,8s &no's, Drug Btoru, pint lip a job on pa to make flim think Tho following advertisement ap- Sunday was only Saturday, and ma pears in an English newspayer. The chs fell into it, and I guess wo are all advertiser evidently knows his wants. going to got fired from the church for "Dog (fierce) wanted for yard, with working on Sunday. You coo they fondness for trouser seats, Address, T1EE1 BRUSSELS POST Armin 28, 1886. didn't go to mooting last Sunday be - stating price, Mr. -, No. 5 Bank St,, Birmingham." mow ma, mows now bonnet hadn't come,• and Monday and 'Tuesday it rained, A poetess asks, "0 where dons and the rust of talo week was so muddy beauty linger ?" We think that wo aro no ono galled, or Choy could not got breaking no confidence when we reply anywhere, so Monday I slid out oarly that in these artistic times It generally and got the daily paper, and on Taos - lingers on the toilet table until tho girl puts it on with a brush and a powder puff. reading it, but they did not notice the date, Thou Wednesday we put Tues- day's ptapor on the stops, and pa said that it seemed more than Tuesday, but ma she got the paper of tho day's before and looked at the elate, and said it seemed so to her, but silo guessed they had lost a day somehow. Thursday wo got 'Wednesday's pap- er on the stops, and Friday mug in Thursday's paper, and Saturday my chum lie got Friday's paper, on the steps, and ma said alto guessed site would wash to•nmrroW, and pt said he would hoo in the gardou fwd got tho woods out so it would look hotter to folks when they wont by Sunday to church, Well,. Sunday morning (01m0, and with it Saturday's daily paper, anti pa barely glanced at it as ho got on his overalls and went out in his shirt sloove a booing intim front garden, And I and my chum haloed ma carry water to wash. Sha said it seemed like the longest week 1 S118 over saw, but whon wo got the water, and took a plate of pickles to the hued girl that lead the mumps, we gut in the lilac bushes and wait- ed for the curtain to rise. It wasn't long before folks began going to ohurch and you'd a died laughing to sea them atoplin front of wllere,ma wile washing anti look at her, and thou go over to where pa was hoeing woods and stop stud look at him, and then drive on. After about a dozen teams had passed I hoard ma ask pa if he knew who was dead, as thorn must be a funeral somewhere. P'1 had just hood into a bumblebees neat and said he (lid not know of any that was dead, but knew some that ought to be, and ma she did not ask auy fool- ish questions any more. After about twenty teams had stopped, ma she got nervous and asked Deacon Smith if ho saw anything groan; he said somathlug about desecration and drove away. Deacon Brown asked pa if he did not think he was setting a bad example before his boy, but pa he said he thought it would bo a good one if the boy Gould only be hired to do it, Finally ma got mad and took the tub Unbind the Mouse where they could not eco her. About four o'clock that afternoon we saw a dozen of our congregation headed by the minister filo auto our yard, and my chum and I knew it was timo to fly, so we got on the back stops whore we could hoar. Iva met them at the door ex- pecting some bad news, and when they were seated, ma she came in and remarked it was a very unhealthy year and it stood people in hand to meet their latter end. None of them said a word until the elder put on his spites and said it leas a solemn o0- casion, and ma alio turned pale and wondered who it could be, and pa says, don't lcoep us in suspense, who is dead ? and the older said no one was dead, but they called as a duty they owed the pause to take action on Them for working on Sunday. Sta ehe fainted away and they threw a pitcher of water down her back, and pa said he guessed they were a pack of lunatics, but they all swore it was Sunday and they saw ma washing and pa out hoeing as they went to church, and they had called to take action on them. Then there was a fow minutes low conversation I could not catch, and then wo heard pa kick his chair over and say it was moro tricks o1 that terrible boy, then we knew it was timo to adjourn, and I was just getting through the back feats as pa reached me with a barrel stave, and that's what makes me limp some." "That was real mean in you boys," said the grocery man. "It will be hard for your pa and ma to explain matters. Just think how bad they must feel." "Oh, I don't know. I remember hearing pa and Uncle Ezra telling how they fooled their father once, and got him to go to mill with a grist on Sunday, and pa said he would defy anybody to fool him on the day of the week, I don't think a man ought to tempt his little boy by defying him to fool his father. Well, 1'11 take a glass of your fifty -cent cider and go, and the boy took a glass of cider and went out, and soon the gr000ry man looked oat tho window and found that somebody had added a cypher to the "Swoot older, only frvo cents a glass," making it an expensive drink, con- sidering it was made of sour apples, Scarlet fever is somewhat preval- ent in Guolpb. A fireman's tournament is to bo hold at Watford on Sopt. 16th, under tho auspices of the local fire depart - moot. 'Thorn will also be athletic games, balloon aee0naion, torchlight pro0ossion and fireworks. The contract for grading the E, & H. oxteneion from Wallaoeburg to Sarnia has boon awarded to Chas. E. day may chum he got tho paper off the foster and John Danncoy of the lat- stops and put Monday's paper in its ter place, and the work is to bo fin• plaoe. I watched when they wore iebed by the 1st of Docombor. L�OIt SALT..--TIIId UNDNIISIGN' 00 11044 Mean of cattle 15 steers and 271ei(- ors) rising 3 years old. for solo. Also 2 Dolts, 2 Years old aull the other a yearling. 'Tao oat- tlo aro on lot 0, son„ 4, Grey, and tion cults 010 on lot 80, ora, e, Morrie, For further p4)111011- lire as to prim to., apply W ALEX, IlcDONA1,D, 2.80 Luta, non, 4, Gray. T_TOUSI, 3troot,& LOT FOIL SA.Ll31, ON queo s Tlloro 10,e1Ho n eh0p on too Lot trust senna bn ubillzcnl tura , t, bio. Will bo sold on reasonable terms, Apply to - A. BAWTIN U1)11:1t �� M. B L 1i S HILL, Butcher, thanking his ,,nay 0)1811lora for limit liber- al support for the Inuit six roars u'txhos to inform 10allt that bo- ing barrio(' out of tho oda. Htaud hal aitelt 1111 a shop in 8nutlo's li leek in aret•1laa0 etylo where lam hopes to see all t1,, obi ouetumore UAW. 00 )inion)' now mill+e ad see fit to giro hila IL call. Ihoop nothing but drat -ulnas u10at,,, all kinds of Poultry fool d aura go Moat Del, vela .1 to all parts of the Town Pron. 0,to11 rata for Vat Stools, CLEANLINESS -NEXT TO - GODLINESS. --0-,--.--- Tho subscriber is plopnrod to do all kinds of Painting, such as HOUSE, SIGN, CARRIAGl'., PLAIN on ORNAMENTAL P.IIATttO. PAPER HANOIN 1, KAI,SOMINING -AND- Grr ztinaill,0 81 fw1)aaclaity. -0- Spring time will soon bo at hand so leave your Orders Early. Work clone in 11)0 most satisfactory manner and satisfaction guaranteed. I will be found at my old shop north of tho bridge. Wm. Roddick. Canadian hoiflo aailway Time Table, �,r'• Teeswater Branch. Milos, Oolng West. Ural. Express. 0 'Toronto.. Dap oOraugoville 4 I Orangeville Jot 7I Amaranth.' • • 10 Waldemar.. .. 121 Luther ...... 23/ Arthur .. ... 30/ Kenilworth.... 381 ACT. Folmar .. 44 Pages t.... 47. HAIMIBTOV.. .. 561 Fordwich .... 60 Corrie ...... 62} Wroxeter 69 Winghaw Road 74 Tesswnter. , Arr 790 a.m. 9.50 10.05 " 10.15 'i 1024 '• 10.81 „ 11.08 .44 11.30 " 11.58 a.1n. 12.15 p.m. 12.28 12.55 44 1.08 1,1r-1 " 1.38 " 1.55 p.m. 5.10 p.m. 7.05 7.22 " 7.32 " 7.88 7,44 8.10 8.99 8.46 9.01 9.10 9.81 0.45 0:40 10.08 10.15 It CI It It tl Milos Going Nast. Expresn, Mail, 0 0 ug 17/ 301 3511 48/ 506164/ 661 70 74 122 Teamster Dep Wingham Road Wroxeter .... Gorrie .... • . Fordwich .... Harrieton Pages $,... ,. Mt. Forest.... Kenilworth .. Arthur ...... Luther ...... Waldemar.... Amaranth '1 Orangevillo Jet Orangeville .. Toronto .. Arr. 6.15 a.m. 0.28 5.47 5.53 6.02 6.25 6.35 6.51 7.09 7.26 7.53 7.58 8.04 8.12 8.30 10.45 2.15 p.m. 2.30 2.49 2,56 3.06 8.29 8.40 3.57 4.19 4.39 0.10 5.17 5,24 5.85 5,05 8.85 p.m. It 14 Refreshment and Dining Rooms -AT- TORONTO JUNCTION, OR ANGEVlLLE AND C&ItI,B'SON JUNCTION. 2-,77X0"CiM 7OSTQ.A.S. 025 ON' THROUGH TRAINS -n1TwEnN•- -TORONTO AND iIIONTREAL.- T1. FLETCHER, TICKET 3.4:ENT, B11[Il551i5.5 BRUSSELS LIME WORKS STILL AHEAD. Tiaei4OOlN. --li- iho Hubscrlbum take this oplmrtunity of re- . turning thanks to the inhabitants of Brussels and vicinity tor past patronage, and 1011 to atilt°that haying made 50 V"ral dutproV,m, unix fu their kiln and iamb, of burning, they are now tun bettor 1 0sltluu than over bufuroto supply tho public with First-class Limo, This being I l o eleventh season 01 our busi• Mess dealings In Brussels ,find having gtv on un• gualitiud saushletlen ee lar, the 1,11b110 can 1e- lyonreocivlaggood treatment and a nret-class artiolo 11'410 IIs, b'lnd..elass Limo at 14 cents at the kiln and 15 coots deliverou. We also burn a No, 1 limo for plastering tit ilia sane pane, liomuluuur the spot --Brussels Limo works. 4d TOWN & , SON . ALLAN LINE, 1i0YAL MAIL liTEAi1S111PS• ti41 9, 411'11i1t1'4I lil.,r.O21IDOSIP1I+.I:L 4+1, 4.! 6 411 • LONDON .811,'.: Steerage, 5315, Liverpool, Londonderry quos tallow.,, ulusgaw, or 03,811001 to Quebec and always as low as by auy aret-olasshuc, SJMIv1L•:R AHHANGEMENT1 SAILINGS FROM QUEBEC, SAR JA.'1 AN .Saturday, May 15111. 1'ULYNLSiAN " "lath. CIROASSIAN••. PARISIAN " 3511,11. PERUVIAN June 6111, h SARDINIAN 1313tth SA1IMATIAN POLYNESIAN " 278h. CI1RCASSIAN July 4t11. PARISIAN • " 1181.1. PERUVIAN " 18th. SARDINIAN " " 35th. The lasttralu00nnoctiug with Imo steamer stquoboolaLive s' Toronto Weduesdayo ate:30 a• m. Yassollgersottnleuve WodneodayH at 0:1U lick, by, pay g au t add adith ditional fare t and of*4 1 lst•antxd:.55_udalas. NO eattlo,sh0op or pigs aro carried on the Mail Btoamera of the Allan Lin o, For Tickets and B or the and ovory Informa tion apply to J. R. ORA@YT, Agent, 4,1 the root almee, 1lraOSe14, BABY CARRIAGES, BABY CA1t1tIAGES. JUS T 12Al\TD a Choice Stock of Baby Carriages that Cannot fail to suit the wants of the Public. Call and see them. LARGE STOOK OF HARNESS ON HAND. Give 7126 a Call. H. DENNIS. C11ANB110CK LIME WORKS. The subscriber wishes to notify the PUB3LIC that he will have his LIME KILN in Complete punning Order by the 1st of MAY, and will be able to furniohAny Quantity of First-class Linde at any time during the Sea- son. Price at Kiln -14 cents per Bushel. CRANBEOOK, P. 0. TE tie a ss '.e..,,,fil The und,crsignod having complotod the chailgo from the stono to the Oolobratod Hungarian System of Grinding, has now tlio Mill in First-C1assk,Rmaniug Order, and will bo glad to soo all his Old Customers and as manly now ones as possible. Chopping done. Flow and Peed Always rays oi. Ilan& HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR ANY QUA1IITI'T'Y OF GOOD WHEAT WM. MIZI.an