HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-8-28, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST _ ...meeassatease Wessels Council. (Tibe Ailra55eis 41o5t I r meeting of the ' eases'"a.---:' Countal was hold last ,Ion ay eveu• .'.U/DA I`, A f;e1('ST 28, 1885. Ing. Members prettent the Reeve laid --s--- ----: - =---e-ers---,--ss---" Councillors Gralia: : and Kerr, Tug. Conservative eaudi(Iate WEIS Minnt88 of last meeting read and elected in the Conn y ot 1)ur)uuuteased this week. The seat was rendered The followiug acoottuts were pres- Meadowta salary and vactuit owing to the death of Col. ented :-john work on streets, $79.87 ; Jno. Wyun, Williams in the Northwest. bat:taco for wave], $25U0; A. L. ee,,,,eseaseetemeeeeteeetemeeeee Giboon, valuating Howe's mhl, $10; EVERSTTIZO points tO 11, SnrCeSti. WatrOn Maley, shade trees, $2, t1.h-ui in connection with Moved by W. IL Kerr, secouded the Young It1 en's Liberal gathering :IA Toronto, on Sept, 14th and 15- th. The young meal of Huron should see that a good representa- tion is present from this county. eeeeeeessa,`"Feerea people of this country have very little idea of the terribly dangerous position they now °cm- , py, from the fact that four seats are 1101V vacant in the Sen- ate. It is to be hoped that this condition of affairs will be speed- ily remedied so that the affairs of the country will be kept running right. by R. C+rahem that the foregoing act - (Aunts be paid. Carried. The Clerk reported receipts for Hell rent, eiuce June 22nd, to have been $10.50. Council then adjourned for one mouth, OUlt CROPS. The report of the Bureau of In- dustries on the wheat, oat and barley crops of Onterio, based on rehires made by 1,000 correepondents ou the 5th inst., has just boon iesued. The reports of the fall wheat crop just harvested ludicete that generally within the principal fell wheat ares of the Province the return has boon EAST HURON REFORMERS, a good one, both in yield per acre and quality of grein. The nverege k meeting of the Chairmen of about as high that of the fine crop of last year. Tho preseut condition of the spring wheat crop throughout the Province, though somewhat inferior to that of the fall wheat, affords ground for the hope of a fair average yield. In the Western Penineula, wheat is =posed to rust, midge and weevil. The barley crop, with the exeeptton of a few localities, has been generally heavy, but with the great bulk of the crop the color of the grain has been materially dam- aged. by the storm of tho Brd. sae- coutite of the oat crop are nnifOr111- ally favorable from every sectiou and give promise of a high average, though not equal to the bountiful yield of last year. The following is a comparison between the yield of lest year and the estimate yield this year of crops : Fall wheat -1888, 24 bushels per acre ; 1885, 99.8. Spring whet -1S84, 26.2 ; 1884, 18. Bar- ley -1884, 273; 1885, '28.5 Oats - 1884, 889; 1885, 88,9. as the districts of the East Ruling of Huron will be held at Brussels on Tuesday, Sept. Ist, at 2 o'clock p. m., to consider the advisability of having a grand Reform demonstra- tion sometime iu September, and, if decided to have one, to make arrangements to carry it out sue- cessfuly. Tan revelations of the Pall Malt (Jazette, of old London, does not say very much for the morals of some of the "high tones" of Old England. Mrs. Booth, of the Sal- vation Axmy, is pushing a scheme to raise a fund to send the women and girls who have fallen to Can- ada and the 'United States. We don't think a great deal of this idea, however, as we receive enough "scruff" from the old sod without a wholesale emigration of the class of individuals mentioned above. As the old song says "There are heathens nearer home." sossmszemassza LIST June the County Council of Huron decided by vote to ask for the appointment of a Police Magistrate, in ease the wine and beer amendment to the Scott Act was not passed. The Warden, who by the way is the redoubtable Pat. Kelly, of Blytb, and the Clerk were instructed to forward the me- morial to the Lieutenant-aover- nor, immediately after the ques- tion was dealt with. Mr. Kelly has neglected to do his duty so fax and now has the assurance to send a circular to each Reeve and Dep- uty asking if the matter had not better be deferred until the Decem- ber session of Council. In the circular he says "I have grave doubts about my auth- ority to forward the memorial to the Government, under the resolution of the Council. lt instructs me to a 'Mat the action of the House of Com- mons upon the Senate's amendment to tho Scott Act. Tho House has prorogued without taking any action ou the proproeed amendments, &c." We feel sorry fax a man who is so terribly conscientious after a resolution as explicit as the follow- ing :- 'That the Warden and Olerk await the action of the House of Commons en the Senates amendments to the Scott Act, permitting the eel° of wine and beer, before taking any action. Should the Commons adopt the 5.• mendmente to the Scott Act, permit- ting the sale of ale, Wine and beer, the "Warden and Clerk shall not forward the memorial to the Lieutenant -Gov- ernor, but should the Commons itta ruse to adopt tante amendments, then the Warden and Clerk mat, forward the memorial to the Lieuten- ant -Governor istsilunaerase thereafter." The Commons refused to pass the amendments and the Scott Act re- InainS alit was and no one posses- sed of common sense can read the resolution and take any other meaning out of it than that Mr. Kelly's duty is to act straightfor., Ward in the matter and forward the memorial. A man's private opinions should never get the bet- ter of his acting squarely in his official capacity and we mistake the character of the County Coun- cillors if they do not sit down on this piece of impertinence - Canadian. IN 0-31,R, Ifamilteu le moviug for a new Oily The DIontrelt1 smallpox opidemie ie saia to be now held in chock. A jury of twenty.niue rep• reseatiag every nation took part in the Antwerp exhibitiou have peseed a resolution that that the cereal ex - Whit from Canada surpassed that of any other nation. A. respectably dressed tneu named Grant was foiled lying in the road• sido near Napanee pearly dead from nervation. Ea was tramping from Toronto to Eingeton, and had not tasted food (or some time. Freak Robert, of Chatham, shot a copperhead snake between Baptieta Creek and Stoney Point Alm other day, which was seven feet long, and is wild to be the lergeet over seen ha the country. It is proposed in Montreal to errect a natant, to the late Sir French, Hincks iu the Perliement Grounde, Ottawa, similar to that of the late Sir George Cartier. Rev. Wm. Robinson a colored preaoher in \Vindsor, under bail for marrying a couple without a license, has jutnpod his beside, and a warrant is out for his arrest. The Commissioner of Crown Lamle for Ontario announces an auction Bale of Umber berths on rho north shore of Lake Huron to take place at Tor- onto on the 22nd of October neat. 0. Drinkwator wee in Ottawa on Saturday last for the purpose, it is understood, of retuning to the Gov- ernment the five million dollars worth of treasury bills recently headed over to its syndicate by the Finance De• partmeut, Geueral Middleton has recommend- ed that a medal be much for the volunteers who took part in the North West campaign. Tho reoommenda- tiou has bean approved by the 'Shale- tur of Militia and forwarded to Eng- land throngh the Governor-General. A young girl named Mary Taylor was sentenced to three menthean. prison/met is London, for obtaining a, situation by menus of a forged character. She had been leading a fast life, and took this method of ob- taining decent employment. Jame:, Robinson, the defaulter, who tied from St. John, N. B., in May last, and was afterwards discovered in Mexico, hie been handed over to the Ottuadiau authorities. The banks have expended $10,000 in briugiug him to justice, THE ANTWERP EXIMITION. In an interview Sir Charles Tupper said :-The Canadian exhibit at Ant- werp wag un unqualified suceess. In fact, the King of Belgium was so thor- oughly pleased with it that lie has in- timeted his intention of conferring( on myself as the representative of the exhibition the Grand Cordon of the Order of Leopold ; but this is not alt: Thcjury representing tho national ex- hibits havejuet completed their labors, and have forwarded inc a copy of re- solutions passed declaring that the Canadian exhibit of cereals surpasses those of all the other nations, and among those exhibiting were England, Fiance, Germany, Italy, Austria, Belgium, Russia, Spain, Brazil, Hot. laud and the United States. It was the only one recommended for a di- ploma of honor." "This exhibit will form the basis of the exhibit for the Colonial Exhibition to be held in London next year and will give Canada an opportunity to show what she can do that may not occur again in twenty years. This is the first Royal Commission issued for an exhibition since 1862. Others have had a patronage of the Govern- ment but not the Royal Commission. The Prince of Wales is president, and the entire exhibition specie has been given up to India and the colonies. I have secured 5,400 square feet for Canada in the most convenient peat of the building. The exhibition opens on the 1st of May, and closes on the 1st of October, 1886, I am extrerctoly anxious that every effort be made to place Canada in the position she should occupy as the premier colony of the Empire. It is important that our varied resources should bo made as attractive as possible. The object of my visit to this country is to mina. elate all parties interested to the greatest exertion. I attach the great- est possible importance to a sueocies- ful representation at the exhibition with proper exertion, Great promin- mos will be given Canada as a field for capital, and it will have the effect of extending trade relations between the mother country all ourselves. Immigration has received a great check through the recent troubles iu the Northtvest. Tito exoitement, however, led to a diffueion of much information concerning Canada in Greet 13ritain and ciao +there." It is stated that, the sanitary con- dition and drainage of the city of Ot- tawa aro so had as to cause grave /Dare fur the remit should cholera make its appearance. Dr. O'Bally, the Proviuctel Ins apector of Prieons, laid information et Kingston chargiug :Maloney with the murder of the late .Dr. Metcalf. Some doudt is entertained as to whether the accused is really insane, and the qucetion will be settled by his trial. Mies Atrbh, a young lady whose home is at Shelburne, Ont., but who is at present visiting relatives in Florida. has recently from the man - spinout of the World's Exposition in New Oreleans a diploma and award of merit for 8 beautifully etched table which she hail on exhibition there. Considering the meanitudo of the Expontion'in which works of art were renged in competition from all parts of the world, Mies Airbh'e suc- cess is highly oreditable, not alone to herself, but to Canadian art as web. The Detroit Free Press says: - "The latest fish story hereabout:, is that a party of anglers from this city were flailing a few days ago off Bois Blanc Island when oue of the num- ber caught a black base whose hide swee as bare of sealee and Jul smooth as that of a calfieh. The uexb day au angler of A.mherstburg explained the phenomeaca by stating that a few days previous, while fishing neer Bois 13Iauc, he luta caught a black bass, and had just finished Beating it math° beech in advance of otherwise cleaning it, when it flopped out of his hands and into the water, disap- pearing in tiro depths of the river as though nothing had happened to ib. The St. Catharines News says :- In England tbo telephone is soriotiely interfering with the telegraph. In 1881 the not revenue from. the tele- graph -which is controlled by the Government -was $1,625,000, but lanyear there was a deficit of $180,- 000. This feet should be a warning to existing telegraph companies not to bo too independent with tho nor continuo is the belief that the telegraph is an indisponsible neeeesity. The telephone lute, withiu a few years, made great headway and it is more than probable that telephoniug at long di:Aeneas will, in the near fut- ure, be as easy of accomplishment as short lines of conavaunication. It would be prudent, however, ou the part of the public, to t$00 that the telephone companies do not 8001.1r0 the same monopolizing rights nA tho telegraph companies have etijoyed for Admission - 25 Cents. years back. Reserve seate-0 cents - NE Fla Ammer 28, 1885. H USE. NEW LINES OF NEW FALL GOODS TO ARB,IVE N Flail WEEK. Watch for ADVERTISEMENT next week. Ct. SA., POWELL. All Lil8001111'SGAIE8, 700 in Prizes. - - THE 7T0 ANNUAL OBLEBRATION cc swans is, ClOttittCTION \VIZI 01515 $7 00 isa Prizes. BUM =Ma SEM WILL WI IlliLD ON VICTORIA WARE, OH Tuesday, Sept, 8, 1885. $700 IN PRIZES. 000 ,ass au the Chanicleu ,OthieLes will be presi•ot ,.lee the Beet PIPOZI and Ohneere. Don't forget the Hose Reel Race 111 the Forenoon. N 0 0 N C In Vile TOWN HALL AT N10RT. The services of Miss Maggie Barr, of Hamilton, Miss Ella Cole, of London., Mise Murray, of Lusk - now, Mr, C. Kelly, of J3utfalo, Mr. K. Kerr, of Ludlow,, and others have been engaged. Plan of Hall at 3. Hargreaves' Drug Store where you can secure your tickets, SO CP, Will Secure THE P 8 for the balance of 1885. 1F YOE WAN' T TE LOCAL rEws,