HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-8-14, Page 88
'linin 1. a Bre scala Station, north and
senth as i'. :5
41,0in south, Cuing North.
Mall 2, a.m. Bilked 1001 a.m.
Exl'rts 1L.e man. Blnil -- ..251 p.m,
Mix..1.. - 5:.1,1 •tn. T:xl'rren 9:27 pmt
The moruing train south and tho night tram.
north will uuly rue ea Tuesdays, Thursdays,
mud Sate ale vs.
11,.oro! _news toms,,
chiefs amaug ye Satin' notes
Au' faith he'll Arent it,
5 Boys pulled 1t acres of flax last
Saturday in 8 hours.
• CIDER vinegar. Adam Good.
Mitis. DAVID WATSON, of Beaforth,
was in town last week.
TiuoTBY seed at W, hf, McCracken's.
SLE advt. of Huron as Bruce Loan
and Investment Co. They have mon-
ey to loan at low interest.
Bones, eor,l front 14 cents to 20 cents,
at 13. til'ri y's.
SLI: the Caledonian Society's pee -
tors announcing the annual games,
on Tuesday, Sept. 8th.
U0NR3.-The best pure honey at 10 cents
per pound, I keep no second class honey.
Honey fn comb -15 cents. Win. Hartry.
20,000 envelopes iu stock at Tim
POST Pcblisbing House. Ascertain
our prices before purchasing else-
Prtl.rns.-Persons wanting to pull
tlax by the day or acre should apply at once
to A. Webster. as the flax season is at land,
W.tTcn out for the stock of station-
ery, seined books, school supplies,
&e. to be received at Tun Posr book
store next week.
CALI. a. C. W. Holland's if you want a
d cheap buggy. Shop next to W. T,
Hunter's old stand.
NEXT Thursday has been appoint
ed the civic Holiday. All the places
..f business will be closed. An ex-
cursion train will run to Stratford
and London.
Tee 'run POST for the balance of
We reproduce trio item eoucerniII
the garden party at 1+, C. Bogue' lest
week, on aceottnt of so many ougtlir-
log for 'extra copies, Wo can supply
thein this week.
Ax unseemly row occurred at the
Control Hotel last I+ridey afternoou.
A revolver was captured that hadf
been in the !land, or pocket of ono o
the disturbers. Where 113 tho law for
this kind of thing ?
We aro iu receipt of a compliment-
ary ticket to the lntornational band
tournament and athletic sports to bo
held at Waterloo on Wednesday and
Thursday of next week. An excellent
program is prepared and over $1,000
given In prizes. No doubt a number
of our Brusselites will go, How
would it be to have our civic holiday
on 'Wednesday, and take it in, as our
band is likely to go ? Whet say you ?
AT the regular meeting of the Offi-
cial Board of the Methodist Churoh
the resignation of 1V, II, McCracken,
as Recording Steward, was accepted,
and W. H. Kerr was appointed as hie
successor. Aunanimouevote of thanks
;vas passed to lir. AlcCraolren for his
12 years of service in this position.
It was decided to adopt the weekly
offering system in connection with the
congrogetion and to that end contri-
bution boxes, to receive the envelopes,
woro placed in the Church.
SELLING OCT. -Great clearing sale
for 00 days of haruess, collare, fly
nets, dusters, trunks, travelling bags,
satchels, brushes, curry combo,
whips, and everything in the harness
line, The stuck must bo sold with-
out reserve as tho proprietor is giving
up business. 'Inspection invited.
Over 20 sets of harness to choose
from. TLis is a bona fide sale and
no catch penny affair. All indebted
to me must call and settle accounts
at once. It STnvaxsox.
LrxoEu waggons durable and cheap at
C. VV. Holland's shop next to W. T. Hunt-
er's old stand.
SEE our comic advertising cards.
They are the very thing to attract at-
tention to your business. Call at
Tire POST Publishing House and see
samples and get our figures.
Alas. ALsxasimmi has returned from To.
Tonto with samples from the advanced fall
opening of London and Paris millinery
shapes. Lion.
New subscribers continuo to drop
in. Tell your neighbor that he can
get Tar Post for 50 cents for the bal-
ance of 1885. If all of our subscril••
ere would secure one more for us al-
though a email thing for anyone to
do we would be muoh benefitted.
Will you try 2
ice cream. ohoiee of two flavors, Vanilla
every day, Pine Apple, Lemon and Straw-
berry every other day. A. Good & Co.,
Toronto ice cream parlor.
A YOVOG gentleman, from a west.
ern city, while plucking some flowers.
for a lady friend, in the dusk of the
evening, was mistaken for a cow and
several young ladies were going to
drive out tire "nasty beast." Where
the likeness comes in gets the start
of us but we would advise the young
gentleman to do bis flower picking
before sundown after this.
Lock= lost, 00 Tuesday, either on the
;,wounds cf Wm. Vanstone, or between them
and J. R. Smith's residence. The finder
will much oblige by leaving it at TRH Pon
Publishing House. It is an old keepsake,
end contains locks of Lair.
No POST NEST Wars:. -Following
our usual custom and. that adopted
ay a large majority of the journals
throughout the country, wo will omit
au issue of TOE POST next noels and
• take a _': •iiday week. Job work will
be atteo.led to Os usual. Therefore
000 readers must not be disappointed
at the 0..u•u1L.3100ce of TOE POST
nest weak,
Leer. -A Goad Bracelet on Wednesday
avo5iir o the grounds of F. C. Rogers or
bettecen the above 130+'0 and the residence
of Harry Town, 1'maor will please leave
it with .tlrs, Rogers.
\Vs have to thank the Detroit and
Clevt.iiull Steam Navigation Company
air a ecpy of their beautiful illustrat-
ed book called "Lake Tours," giving
au exceedingly interesting deooription
of all the cities and points of interest
front Cleveland to the pictureequo
island of :Mackinac with engravings
very minute in all their details,
wife. eat believe it? 1st quality of honey
only 103 ts, per In, I have sopa-Med my best
hoouy, and will dispose of the 2nd duality
in large iaiitities, at a much lower figure.
(1. A, i•c:,dlnan, druggist .4 bookseller.
TIM u5us1 monthly temperance
meeting was held in tho basement of.
St. Joho'e share) last Friday evening.
'Ile incumbent, Ileo. 1V. T. Clufl, oe.
copied the chair, After devotional
1 xercist•c appropriate_ and intoroeting
addresses were delivered by Itev. J.
11Gse, 8,1,, and Rev. W. Smyth. Miss
May C..uper presided et the organ
,taring the evening. The next moot-
ing will be held in Melville chureh on
the first Wednesday evening in Sep-
AN Act, in the Ontario Legislature
in 1881 world perhaps bo road with
profit by some re;.idents of the town.
It says that all pigs must be movod
outside the corporation or kept at
least 70 feet from any house, dwell-
ing, or street. Even if they aro 70
feet from the prohibited places the
pens must be cleansed at least once
every day. Persona interested should
paste this on their hog pen and obey
D. WATSON, of Seaforth, was ill
town on Thursday of this wook.
Tins Stratford Calednniou games
will bo hold nest b'riday, end l•Itlndou
the day before,
Bev, 8, JONES arrived Mottle this
week and will conduct the regelar or -
aloe in Kuox Church next S ahb 3311,
Rev, J. Ross, B. A„ left Brussels
last Thursday morning for Port El-
gin, 3111030 he will put in part of hie
4 weeps vacation. Services will bo
withdrawn in Melville Church for the
next four Sundays.
Iinxnx ALLEN has been canvassing
our town for an interesting work
called "The story of tho Upper Can-
adian Rebellion," It is'pnblisbed by
0. Blackett Robinson and is a book
that should be in the hands of every
A. M. Taxon, E. E. Wade, John
Shaw and F, S. Scott were appointed
as a deputation from Brussels to at-
tend the Committee meeting in Tor-
onto this wook, in connection with
the proposed gathering efYoung Lib-
erals to bo held at Toronto next
THE i+'iremen'a tournament at Brus•
sole on Caledonian day promises to be
exciting and thorn aro a number of
crack teams en this Co. probably the
best in the Province, The Kinear-
dmo and Mitchell teams aro by 00
means slow. The course over which
they will run is a fast ono,
New Excjtu.-The new Wheelock
engine, manufactured by Goldio &
McCulloch, of Galt, is now iu superb
running order, at Howo's woolen mill.
It has the celebrated Monolith attach-
ment and all the latteet improve-
ments. The engine does its work in
a most satisfactory manner. D. A.
Smola has things fixed up in very
tasty style about the engine.
A CURIOSITY: -W. Baker, of Strat-
ford, has 00 inlaid sideboard ou ex-
hibition in HIolmes' block. The piece
of furniture is a great novelty in that
it contains 82,2511 pieces of wood, be•
ing mado up of butternut, maple,
white holly, basswood, cherry and
walnut, It has all been made by
hand and occupied 13 years from the
commencement to its completion.
The sideboard shows a groat deal of
skill and is an everlasting monument
of 51r. Baker's patience. He has
barna laid up with rheumatiem for
years and occupied his time when off
regular work in working at this er•
tiole. You ought to see it. The pro-
prietor says ho has been offered $500
for it.
TINDER the regulations of the Edu-
cation Department Parts I and II
and the 2nd book of the olcl Ontario
Readers cease to be authorized for
use in the Public Schools niter the
1st of August. The Srd, 4th and 6th
Readers may be used until the lst of
January, 1880, but no longer. The
authorization of the Royal Readers
and the Gage Readers also expires on
the let of January, 1886. The new
Ontario aeries, from the let to the
4th Reader inclusive, and the Tablet
Lessons of fart I will be ready for
the opening of the schools in August.
Oen Fones.-Mrs. John Ainley
has gone to Michigan on a visit. --
Mrs. Jno. Reid and son spent a wook
with Listowel friends, returning home
last Saturday. -Miss Emma Oliver
arrived in Brussels last week from
Woodbridge. --W. J. and I. V. Feat,
of Seaforth, were in town on Sunday.
They were not alone either. -F. S.
Scott and George Haycroft aro attend-
ing the Grand Encampment and
Grand Lodge, I.0.0.F., at Hamilton,
this week. -Miss Mary Morris, of
IIespeler,isvisiting Mies ilary Howe.
-Mrs. W. F. Vanetone and children
returned home last Saturday. -Miss
Sinclair, of St. Marys, was in town
this week attending the wedding of
Miss Sinclair. --Miss Amy Patterson,
of Toronto, is visiting Bliss Lily Moss
this week. -The Messrs, Hyslop, of
Chatham, aro visiting at 3. D. Ronald's.
W. Shaw and Miss Shaw spent
last Thursday in Listowel. -Miss
Kineade, formerly of Brussels, has
been visiting old friends 10 town this
week. --Mrs. Long returned to -Brus-
sels last Saturday night after a visit
of about two months in the oast. -
Geo. Martin and Jno. Ferguson aro
away this wook on a trip on the
lakes. -Ronald McNaughton was
seriously injured last wook by being
thrown from leis wagon. His horse
was frightened at a pig and Mr. 11Ic-
Naughton was thrown violently to
the ground,falling on his head, -
Misses Ria ' and Hannah Brine, of
Seaforth, are in town.- -Miss B. L.
Burt, of Harrioton is visiting her
brother in town. ---A, Drove, of Lon-
don, formerly of Brussels, was in
town this week. -Mrs. W. G. Smith
and children, of London, !lave' boon
visiting friends in this locality. -Ib,
R. JIopkms, of Iiarriatou, woe visit•
ing Dr. McKelvey last week. -Mr, and
Mrs. Stephens and Mrs, Armstrong,
of Godericb, worn visiting at Wm.
Vanstones this wook.--Miss May
Koyworth, of Kincardino, is visiting
at harry Denleis'.-Capt.Laing is
away at Guelph this week on a holt.
day, '
PLANT your fall advertieetnent.
Burette says that the Lieouss In
specter is after one of our villagers
with a sharp stick for selling liquor
contrary to law,
WEDDING Bnaos:-Last Wednesday
morning John Stewart, barrister,
of Belleville, and Mies lleggie S. Sin-
clair, thin place, ware united in mar-
riage, at the residence of the bride's
father. Rev, ;Ino. Ross 13. A, offic-
iated. The bridesmaids wore Miss
Grace M. Ronald, of town, and Illiss
Susie E. Sinclair, of St. Marys. W.
M, Sinclair and Alex, Strachan sup-
ported the groom. The brido was
attired in oroam cashmere, trimmed
with satin and lace, bridal veil, or-
ange blossoms, &c. Tho bridesmaids
wore cream cashmere and oreairi mus-
lin, with laoo trimmings, respectively.
The presents wore handsome and
costly. After the wedding breakfast
the health of the bride was proposed
by Rev. J. Ross in a felicitous speech,
eliciting a suitable reply from the
groom. Rev. W. T, (Muff also made
a few remarks, ooncorning not ' only
the bride and groom but the brides-
maids came in for their full meed of
praise. The groomsmen were only
too happy to respond for their fair eom-
panious. Mr. andlllrs. Stewart took
the noon train for the east followed
by good wishes, rico, &e. Figura-
tively we throw an editorial slipper
after them and wish them long years
of wedded bliss.
Ax exchange says ;-Almost every
individual has his or her own special
ideas regarding what conetitutos a
good newspaper man. The man or
woman who doesn't knows just how
to run a newspaper should, when
found, be exhibited as a freak. ' Any
able-bodied man 'can go out before
breakfast and pick up enough general
knowledge to run three or four nowe-
papers for a month. Newspaper
genius grows around on bushes, and
all anybody has to do is to go out and
pick enough to keep the business
running. It is a great mistake to
call the business a profession, It
comes by chanes and anybody is li-
able to be taken down with it at a
moment's notice. When taken it is
generally fatal.
Tan POST would like to know if the
band has forgotten us the past two
Saturday evenings 7 -Why our con-
stables allow so much profane len-
guage on the streets in connection
with some recent "circuses 2"-11 the
crowd assembled on the street on
Saturday evening to hear the preach -
mg is not proving an obstruction to
the •publio travel, as the eidewalk is
generally blocked and podostrians aro
forced to take a detour in the street ?
-Whore you will get s. bettor order-
ed place then Brussels 2 -What wo
will do on civic holiday ?-Who is
next on the matrimonial market ?-
Whore will you find a more remuner-
ative industry than the Brussels flax
mill ?-Ie any body trying to help troop
the Scott Act ?-Is not the business
of the authorities to 800 that the law
is rovcrenced 2 -What the solf-bind•
or businoes will be litre next year
judging by the brisk trade carried on
this year 2-11 James Kolly doos not
do the street watering in an A.1 style?
-Why it is so difficult to get good
bettor 1 Why second hand grease
should command as good a price as
first -elate butter by our morehants 2
-How much damage the rust is go-
ing to do the spring wheat m this
locality 7 -Why the horses running
at largo aro not itnpountlod ? They
aro `smashing tiro slcdowalka,-Why
people don't pay their debts without
so mticll dunning ?---Where you will
find a better day's sport than that
promised at the Brussels Caledonian
games, on Tuesday, Sept, 8th.-
WVhether people ora getting ready to
give the oyster trade a warm reoeption
next month 2 -self Tuts POST at 50ets.
for the balance of the year should not
be in evorybody'a houso 2
NioIN'30811 ,C aloTAGGA13T,
John Leach, of the township of
Louth, loot the other night a field of
20 acres of wheat, which was set on
Ere by a passing G. T. R. locomotive.
The wholesale dealers in lumber
aro gratified at the advance which
has taken place within the past
month in cargo rates on limber. At
Milwaukee, the price of piece stuff has
risen 50 cents or $1 per thousand on
all grades in a month, and on shing-
les 10 or 15 cents a thousand by car-
go rates. Country dealers think that
since there has been an advance
there will be a further advance, and
so they buy largely. A. Milwaukee
wholesaler attributes the advance
partly to a strong demand over the
country, especially in large cities,
towns and villages, where there is
an immense amount of building go
Mg on. Chicago alone will use 500,-
000,000 feet in building and for
manufacturing purposes this year.
The scarcity of certain kinds of lum-
ber is exciting considerable attention,
and the Northwestern (Chicago)
Lumberman thinks there is some
significance in the fact that a Chi-
cago house lately placed an order at
Parry Harbor, Ont., for 8,000,000 ft.
in excess of dry stock ou hand at
that point. Canadian papers men-
tion an increase of activity in the
business at Georgian Bay points, and
late heavy shipments.
Lroas.-At Campbellford, on July 20th, the
wife of Mr. S. 11, Lucas, of a daughter.
Srswaur-Stxcr,am.--At the residence of the
bride's father, on Wednesday, August
12th, by Rev. John !toss, B.. A., kir.
John Stewart, Barrister, of Belleville,
to Miss Margaret S. Sinclair, daughter
of Mr. Donald Sinclair, of Brussels.
Fall Shows in 1880.
Provincial, London, Sept. 7-12. •
South Huron, L'xotor, Sept. 28, 20.
Industrial, Toronto, Sept. 0.10.
North Perth, Stratford, Sept. 24., 26.
Tuokersmith, Seaforth, Oot. 1, 2.
Mitchell, Sept. 22, 23.
Hallett, Clinton, Sept. '24, 25.
West Huron, Godericb, Oct. 1, 2.
Ray, Znrick, Sept. 22, 22.
Moruington, Milverton, Oct. 7.
WnBaao, Listowel, Oct, 8, 0.
Note')of hand discounted.
Ioteroet0liuwedon deposits repayable 'on
Eromptattentiongivontoeollectlans. -a
Olilse, tlrant'e Bleak, Brussels. Money
to loan,
IBruste0311 IP9fathel :®t,
Counsc080 UlzkrULLT !wane Wnnx.
Whits Pall Wheat..., .. 0 8S
Rod winter
Spring Wheat
Butter, tubs and rolls .... 10
Eggs per dozen 10
Flour per barrel 5 00
Potatoes. i.0
Hay per ton 0 00
Hides per Ib 0
Dressed Hogs . , 5 50
Salt per bbl., wholesale ., 310
Shoop shins, each 1780
80 SE
43 50
SO ' 00
35 (i0
7 00
5 f,0
1.1-1, E. WADE 13ARRISTER, Roo,
L1 Olnao Eor+norly ocouplod oy A.. J. bio
Os11,Lsq„IU Looklo's Bleak, Meueytu 1050,
v 1'e (late with (Jarrow & Proudfoct.Gode •
rich) Solicitor, Convuyaneer, &o. Offiao iu
Grant's Block, Brussels, Money to Loan.
.C1 the Fourth Molotov Court Co. Huron,
Conveyancer ,Notary Publio,Laud,Loau and
Insurance Aguul, Funds tuyestodend to Loan
Collections made:. croon, Urah am'e block'
1 00
ivilling00Isoanpoetoalce work. Must be
lair scholar and board at Dome, Muet coma
well recommended, 2, it, GItAN8o'stmaotor.
That commodious building on If big street
Stusoots, whish has boon need Ito Tut: Too
etrlsting onto for a number of years post,
Silo 2,45, with back ortau0ion 12110. Por
particulars adaross
D, tXcGIGLICTJDDZ,it1nrloll,
or JA, 1s, Wade, 90100010.
r A. IIcNAUGHI'1'ON, Bi. D., 0.
o Al., 0, 11, 0. 1'., ildtuburyh. Physlolsv,
eurgoou and .lcouuuhuur, Unice iu Loukto's
block, over noitdmau'sdrug store.
j. A. HU'POHINISON, 11. D.
L. At. 0. P. Edinburgh.
Has re movod to hos ruoidoncu en Mtll Etrue t
the Donau formerly occupied by Dr. Oration',
and still bo tuore 00111401. ,ie still retains au
onleo at rlargronyca' 1J rug Sturu.
Ears. --•The 1'oelden00 00000104 by the
undersigned is oliorud ter sale en reasonable
tones, oheap. JAvery yeoman 00111'elttenee
to 011ak0 adoelrablo property. Alsoood frame
00113105 20 x 00, whi )h hoe boon used by used for
a store. This building wotild make a good
Ahoy/ room for maobl.uory. Will outl separate
or together. Apply 351 ,V, SIMI'b017, & EON,
o Mini. 1`, 0.
e'( L.•BALL, L. D. a., 110NO11
esse • Graduate and Jiumbur of Shu Moya
College of Dental Surgeons, Peron to. 0111ce
to Btrutnyre 131ook, Visite WI ngnetu onion um
Wednesday, Bost posstulu pains taken iu all
operations, Hours a eau, to 5 p.m.
186 O'CONNOR, TEACli111t
.L.y i. of Thorough Bass, Voatl, Dud Instru-
mental Music uuk'ionu, Organ nu.l Uuiter.
Jtuferouou-Ladles of Lurotte, Guelph.
Itosldouoa-N0.9, iseutbl Brick Terrace,
04-5 un, Brussels, Out.
Issuer Marriage Licenses. Onlco at his gree
ory,Trrnborry street, 10.91
aurgeon,Gruduate of Ontario Veterinary
Collogo Torouto. Resldunao, thohouee lately
occupied by Mrs.J.Parker Mainslroot,Brut-
£L. rinse Licenses, by appointment of
Lieutenant -Governor ,Commiesloner , alta „IZ
B.Oouyoyanoer and Agent Dire Insurance Co
Office at the0renbrook Po 10 aloe
ing done by Mrs. Turnbull. Best -
donee -North of school house, corner of bra•
ohonio stroot, Breese's. Cann -Wo would
raa0mmand Mro. B. Turnbull to the citizens of
Brussels os a good straw milliner. While i5
Laialald she gave good satisfaction t0 her
customers in making over and dying telt and
otraw hats, ii, Graham &Son. 40.41n
Insurance Agent,
rout, suitable for a !tail, lodgo•room, or
Private rooidosao. For particulars oppiy to
T. 11. s'l1OTHlu11S,
New Garfield Houso, Brussels.
promises of the undoraiguo,, about two
wooks ago. Elio is white in outer with a dark
Soso, Any Information leading to her recovery
will he thavkfullyrooefyod, Word may he lett
at run Poor Publishing House.
1f. S. WELEIT, Brussels.
7, Grey, will be ranted for tour or ave
years. There aro 22 acme o1 fall wheat sown
and fall plowing done, Posessoim) given at
anythno. JOHN McINTOSH,
A person is desirous of ranting a tem,
with 50 or 00 acres under oultivatfou, eouvon-
iontly situated for a torn' 51 a or 5 yearn, A
good root will he paid for a sultablo plaoo.
Persons having farms to baso should apply a
TUE roar Ptbllohing (louse at once,
1885 -,- 1885
WILL 113 111101' A'1"1)00 0100 0g-�
T O PJ O 1" 1 0
Tho largest priros .vnd the best show or
horses, nettle, sheep pigs, poultry, agriofltural
horticultural and dairy pt0,t,,cts, manbi0or
Implements,)u and mufaot00as of all klndo in
the Dominion et Canada. Prize Note and en-
try forms eau bo obtained from the Secrete?.
los of all Agricultural Societies and Meehan -
IOW In13titn'4os, or they 30113 bo omit anywhere
ou application by piIo of ourd to the Hoer Maly
at 'Potento. Entries 01ose 203,05320 A. largo
mlmhoretspecial ettraotioos aro being pre-
pared for stoat tiara, for fell par Cleulino of
10111011 son Spoolal Programs Cheap rates and
oxourolou5onall? ailways, Tho oast tame to
violt the cute 51 Toronto,
Prosidoni, Manager and Rec.