HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-8-14, Page 66 %notary of Churahas and Scatotissl Mrl.vir.t.r. 0ii0lien.-Hnbbatlt Servicos at 11 0.1n, and 0,30 pan. Sunday School at 2:80 p.m. Rev. Sum. Ross, R, A., Pastor. lacus Cuuncu.--Sabbakh Services at 11 a.fu, anal 0:30 p.m. Sunday School at :3:90 pan, Rev. S. Junes, pastor. ir. 801111 0 Cbrnc41.-•abbat•h Services at and 7 pan, Sunday School at 11;30 1. Rev. W. T. Cluife, iueatubeut. 1f:Tnouis•r Ouenctl.-Sabbath Services al 30 a.m. and 0:30 p.m. Sunday Snitoel at i p.m. 1'astorRov. Wm. Smyth, Ito x.tx Carttol.i0 i 14141cu.-Sabbath Sot'. vico third 81mday in every mouth at 11 a.m. Rey. 1'. J. Shea, priest. Ona Fnt,l,ovv's Lono8 every Thursday evening in fkraham'a block. MA4o1l1LODOE Tuesday at or before fall moon in Ilolmes' block. .1., 0. U, W. Lenon meets on 2nd and last Wednesday evenings each luonth. 30sE8TEn'aLO8OE 2nd and last Monday evenings of each month in Smale's hall L. O. L, 181 Monday in every month in Orange Hall. I' .,r OFFICE. -Office 11011re from 8 w. m. to7p.m. 1111031111w8' ton ITUTE Reading doom and Library in Holmes' block, will be open froth 6 to 8 o'clock p.m. Wednesdays aucl Saturdays. Miss Jessie Ross, Librarian. VARIETIES. The flour mission -to make good bread. A Nasal Injector free with each bottlo of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy, Price SU omits. Sold Ly G. A. Madman. No man can carry a feather bed ;and look graceful. The girl who loves William never asks her father to foot her bill. Shiloh's Cure will inlnredlatei} ?ohm o Croup Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. Sold by G. A. Deady uau. To the drug clerk who tends the Soda fountain a wink is a8 good a8 a prescription. Dogs are beginning to wear their miner pants. If the heat oontinues they will all need mnzzlin'. Why will you cough wham Shiloh's Oure will told ti U AalLrBe ,0. Primo 100.1 no, and 01. Madame has begun to "put up" jelly, and the currant expensoa of the household are increased. Cats are . expert climbers. -Texas Siftings. Sot they are, but we wish they could be transported to some other clime. For lame back, stile or chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 28 Dents. Sold by G. A. Goodman. My friend, you may say that you have been good friends with liquor, but at the same time you have been in the habit of running it down, and that's why it is casting reflootion on your 0088. The Rev, Goo. H. Thayer, of Bourbon, Ind., says :-"Both myself and wife owe our lives to Shiloh's Consumption sure;' Sold by G. A, Deadman. "Papa, what's a boomerang ?" "Well, Johnnie, when a fellow kicks at a dog, and finds his leg about three inches too short, that's a boomerang; for the blow returns to the man who gave it." Piro you made miserable by Indigestion, Con- stipation , Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow t Skin . Shiloh's Vitalizer isa positive sure. Sold by G. A. Deadman. A poetess warbles :-"I love to sing when I am glad -song is the echo of my gladness ; I love to sing when I am sad, for song makes sweet my very sadness." From which we infer that she loves to sing. Her neighbors have not yet been heard from. For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer, lb never fans to mire. Sold by G ,A. Deadman, Speaking of devotion to art, the other day, young Megleye said :- "The most devoted artist I ever heard of was old Siccortif de Courtney, who died the other clay, "How so ?" ask- ed Potter Clay, "Why he drew his last breath when he died," was the answer. No lady who delights In flowers and likes to see them do well and bloom abundantly. should be without Haoington's Food for Flowers. Ordinary packages 900-eulioleut for90 planto for one year. "John, did you go around and ask how old Mrs. Jones was this morning, as I told you to do last night ?" "Yee, sir." "Well, what was the result?" "She said that, seeing as how you had the impudence to ask how old she wag, she'd no objection to telling you she wee 74." Weakness of mind or body, Palpitation of the Heart std Depression of spirits are quick- ly relieved by llanmgton'e Qutnino Wino and Iron. Soo that you get ' Hautugt0u'a," the ,original and genuine, "I hear that your daughter is mar- ried," eaid a Stockton merchant to a rancher residing just outside of town. "Yes, I understand that oho ie rear - lied." "Wasn't you at the wedding ?" "011, uo, She married in haste," "How so ?" "Well, she eloped with my hired team" MissMamie Larkin Hatehett editor of a southern magazine, says in' her salutatory: -"A. callow birding nest- les among you, its unfledged wings eager to penetrate tho mysteries of bright, far-off canopy of blue) and 11 amid the dreamed•of•beautiea of wide, wide world," A. queer sort ournalistic bird that ; and one t help asking, why did Hiss Mamie Larkin Hatcliett ? THE BR1TSyril.,a POST "Are you superstitious, my dear ?" Fellow matin, so popular this ewe said Mies Birdie McGinnis t0 a newly l sou, is eombieed with White 1114101111 arrived elrauger it' Austiu, to whom embroidered with gold. elle hall beeomo engaged, "Nut a bit, Feather fans, reel on ate aide and But why do you tisk?" replied the blue on tho other, with pearl eticlts, youth. "Nothiug, except that you are the thirteenth young gentleman to whom I have beou engaged." horsemen, Attention t When your horse le galled, scratched 00 cut ply 0ioliregor C 1 i bathe Carbol c Comte, a 13 le undoubtedly the flutist healing 0101 cleansing apelicntiuu for it, lie sure you gut McGregor d1. Parka's. Sold for 350, 1100 box, et J. Har- greaves a Co's. Drug Store. A. gentleman was, one clay in the old coachiug times, travelling by n coach winch moved at a very slow pane. "Pray," said he to the guard, "what is tho name of this coach ?" "The Regulator," was the reply. "A.nd a very appropriate name, too," maid the traveler, "for I see till the other coaches go by it." Fluid Lightning. All sufferers from that -terrible torment, NeuralgCia, eau be made happy in one moment by a single application of Plaid Lightning briskly rubbed on painful. Parts. and Without ming any disgusting modlel3 day after day, with little or no result. Fluid Lightning also cures as effectually Tooth 0110, Lumbago, Rheumatism.Headache, and Is only Ole, per bottle et Z. Hargreaves & Co's. Drug Store. Where he Drew the Lino -''No," said a Vermont deacon, "I don't tip. prove of hose racin', but when au - other member of the church becomes so godless as to try to pasts me on the road comin' home from meetin' 1 feel it my duty to the church to lot out a leetle on the lines, just to Iteep him from puttiu.' his trust in earthly things." Cholera Preventative. In order to withstand Cholera and snob like epidemics a perfect purity of blond, and the Proper action of the etoreaeh are required. To insure that end, i u the cheapest, most available and complete manner, use Mei re or'a Speedy Cure for Dysyep eta and Immure Blond. There is no purer safer or more rtlfable remedy In existence for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Costive- ness, etc, Ask your neighbor or Buy person whdit.Seby d. Hargreaves S Co.o bottle free. What What a Funeral Covers. -Clerk (to employer) -"Can I get a couple of days off, Mr. Smith ? My wife's moth- er is deed, and I want to attend the funeral." Employer-" Will it require two days funeral ?" Clerk -"No, sir. I'1'e funeral occurs to 'narrow, but I've been sticking pretty close to busi- ness and I would like to take in Coon- ey Island on the following day." A Specimen Road. -Tho President of oue of our horse railroads tells a good story at the expense of his own line. An old lady, he says waved her hands vigorously for the car to stop when it was half way down a block. At last the conductor saw her and yelled impatiently "Yeas," but he didn't stop the ear till it got to the next street. "Sir," said Oho lady, sharply, as she passed out, "you're no gentleman." "Of course 1 ain't," the conduotor answered ; "if I was what would I be working on this road for?" FASHION TOTES. Gaffs, collars, and pocket handker• ohiefs are sold en suire. A. rough stuff called s ummer bison makes stylish suits. The yoke bodice, worn so much last season, is still popular. Plain white muslin is worn over lemon, yellow. and mauve. Bison oloth with woolen ]ace is a fashionable seaside dress. Tbibet canvas is as transparent as muslin, and is very durable. Gros grain will be more used this autumn than any silk fabric. Striped fabrics of silk, woolen and velvet, will be in high favor. Marquise lace in net and edge is more expensive than Spanish. India muslins are embroidered with Algeria silk shot with gold. Vienna leather representing old ivory is used for parasol handles. Black grenadine armures glitter with cut jet woven In the meshes. Spanish lace is used to trim fine delicate woolens more than silk. The handles of now parasols are lengthened to accommodate high hats. Copper, stool, and lead tinsel braids trim many seaside ramble suits. Some of the newest cotton fabrics have gold linos running through thorn. Some of the latest bodices fasten diagonally from the left shoulder. The large variety of crepe -finished cotton goods are all delicate and dainty. In Paris the skirt is often so short as to display almost the whole of the foot. The faslitonable contrast of moss... green and biscuit -colour is very charming. The surplice waist, Taped on one side, is the most stylish of the belted waists. Beautiful Bulgarian embroidery in white Turkish Drape appears on para- sols. Light woolen materials aro far more comfortable for false skirts than cotton fabrics, 1Yloiro antique is enjoying a favor in Paris that it has so far failed to win here or In England. are 'mamma and unique. White ostrioll tips continuo in fav or for trlmtuiug dresses of white lace for full dress occasions. Clear white and ereanl white do not harmonize, They should never be put together. Pretty Patin 8urah8 are dotted over with shaded Ovals and bright colour. ed little wild flowers. Gray Yak lace, interwoven 811111 silver threads, is made up over a foundation of blue or violet. Itis a fashionable fancy to fasten the lane scarf of fleuu with brooches, the more precious the hotter. Bonnets suitable to wear with any dress aro of gold gauze lace, filagree ilowa's and waving grasses. Deep round eollara of lace, gath- ered to full frill around the neck, are revived for young ladies, The newest shade of blue is lapis lazuli, The favorable green will be beryl green, which has a bluish tint, rThore is nn effort being made to again iutroduoe White sleirte with trait's, to be worn with all trained gowns. The stamped and frise velvets, lvhioll have become so popular, can now be pruchased in all the beautiful shades of yellow, blue, null red. Pongee is quite popular, and is used for tray oiling cloaks, as well as for dresses. The material i0 light, and looks well when made into these garments. Pearl embroidery trims many of the newest avhit0 satin evening dress- es. The embroidery is usually ac- compaiued by a laoe of find quality, which is also embroidered. A. striking ball dress has the bed. ice and panels of the Helmet yellow satin, outlined with skeleton loaves in terra-cotta, fllosello, while to carry out the harmonious blending of col- our, the skirt and draperies ar0 of deep terra-cotta tulle. Fanny sunshades and parasols are of tulle, gold otamine, striped with blank or colours. Canadian News. John Olahcey, formerly employed in St. Thomas, was fatally hurt about 11 a.m. Friday at Niagara Junction, The derrick. fell while lifting a heavy stone and the mast struok him on the head knocking him senseless. The dead body found beside the railroad trach, near Oakville, last Thursday, has been recognized as that of Jacob Gribble, of Oakville. ('cribble was a blaolfsmith and unmar- ried. Ho had been missing for a day before he was struck by the train, and there is some doubt as to •wheth- er he was killed accidentally or not. Dr. Boyd, who was scut out from England by H. R. H. Princess Louise in charge of medical supplies, ore., for use during the Northwest rebel- lion, has left for home. He speaks well of the Northwest and of the med- ical staff attached to the recent expe- dition, making special mention of the good work done by the female nurses. General Middleton, replying to an addrees of welcome at Regina, said "As to what the Governor has axptoss- ed about the volunteer, and, as an old regular, I can give as good an opinion as most people. I think the people Isere are perhaps bettor aware of the hardships they underwent. No praise could be too great for the way the vol- unteers have behaved. They were tak- en away from stores and private call- ings, but neither at food nor at fatigue duty was a murmur heard. As sol- diers we were well fed, but as civilians they perhaps thought they might have had something better than tinned meat. When nave been serving with regulars I have heard grumbling, but I never heard grumbling from any of the volunteers. They bore the work cheerfully. They laughed and sang and whistled on the march, tremend- ous mambas of 30 miles through some of your charming sloughs, but never a grumble, always oheerful. Fatigue work which is very trying to volun- teers. Whatever they were called on to do they did it cheerfully -(cheers) - and what would never have happened in the case of regular troops there were no court martinis. Ono reason for this is found in that excellent law you have here, prohibiting strong drink, This total absence of crime, I believe, was duo to the total absence of stimulating liquors. (Cheers). They have proved that it is much bettor to do without it. There were eases of soldiers who had boon accustomed to drink, and they found they could do better without it. The General then referred to the do - sin on the part of the volunteers to get to tbo front, and said that those who watched gtoroe, etc., were, if any- thing, nything, in a moro trying position, be. cause without excitement, than if they were fn the front of battle," (Chem) VOlt SALlI, Tilfu •UNDE11SIGN- ot14004 head of cattle f1 steers and 2 holl- orel rlahig 9 years old, for solo, Also 3 molts, 9 years old and the other a yearling. '11310 eel - Go aro nulob 0,eow,•t Grey, ew'11.310 aolte aro o n lot 10, con, 0, Morris. I' or lurthor 11 arti0u- lnrs as to prim) 8,,, apply to MAX, SWWIMNALD, 2-10 Leta, 000, 4, Gray, H. uUtiE a� LOT FOR BALE, ON 1l Queen ntreot, There 1s also a strop on the Got Gnat could ha utilized for 11a stable, 19!11 bo sold on reasonable tel y . AW1 ANI1•tlJd \,ATM. 13LASHILL, liutohor, thanldug his ninny onstomors for their liber- al support for the past six years Wishes to inform distil that be- ing burned out of the old stand has fitted up a shop in Snlale's Sleet: 1n tlrst.utass style where he hopes to sou all the otd oustoulers and as 1110,ny now 0000110 floe ab to give 1,10: a call. I koop nothing but first-class meats, all kinds of Poultry anddamage Meat Dolivorod to all parts of the Town Proc. Cash paid for Fat Stook. CLEANLINESS -NEXT TO - GODLINESS. The subscriber is prepared to do all binds of Painting, such as HOUSE, SIGN, CARRIAGE, PLAIN on ORNAMENTAL P11:ITx10, ---0-- PAPER HANGING, KALSOMINING -AND- Graining, aa. 0airetcialty. -._0-...- Spring time will soon be athandso leave your Orders Early. Work done in the most satisfactory manner and satisfaction guaranteed. I will bo found at my old shop north of the bridge. Wm. Roddick. Canadian Pacific Railway Time 'folio, Teeswater Branch. Mlles, Going West, Mall, Express. 0 Toronto.. Dep 0 Orangeville .. 4 Orangeville Jot 74 Amaranth t . . 10 Waldemar.. .. 124 Luther .. .. . 234 Arthur ...... 804 Kenilworth.... 881 !MIT. F011E0T .. 44 Pages' . 475 Hlnnxsro'.... 064 Fordwlch ,... 60 Gorrie ...... 624 Wroxeter 69 Wingham Road 74 Teeswator.. Arr 7.90 a,nl, 9.50 " 10.00 " 10.15 ': 10.04 10.81 " 11.08 " 11.80 " 11.58 a.m. 12,10 p.m. 12.28 44 12.55 " 1.08 " 1,15 " 1.9S " 1.55 p.m. 5.40 p.m. 7.05 ' 7.2!). , 7.82 " 7.38 " 7.44 8.10 8.20 8.46 9.01 9.10 9.31 9.40 9.46 10.09 10.15 • „ Milos Going East. Express. Mali, 0 Teoswator Dap 5.15 arm. 2.15 p.m. 5 gingham Road 5.28 " 2.50 " 115 Wroxeter .... 5.47 ' '2.49 14 Gorrie .. .... 5.58 " L56 175 Fordwioh ..., 6.62 " 3.00 261 Barristou .. 6.25 " 8.29 80 Pages ...., . 6.85 " 8.40 855 Mt. Forest.... 6.51 '• 9.57 434 Kenilworth .. 7.09 " 4,19 504 Arthur ...... 7.26 " 4.99 615 Luther ...... 7.50 " 5.10 64 Waldemar.... 7.68 " 5.17 661 Amaranth f . ' 8.04 " 5.24 70 Orangeville Jot 8.12 " 5:95 74 Orangeville ., 6.80 '' 6.65 122 Toronto .. Aar, 10,45 a.m. 8.35 p.m. Refreshment and Dining Rooms -AT- TOItONTO JUNCTION, ORANGEv1LLE AND C ARLETON JUNCTION, SJa JTTC: =t1O2i' UE.A.M Ol ON THROUGH TRAINS -r111TW0011" -TORONTO AND MONTREAL, - T. ELETCIEIEER, TICKET ADIENT, 5031801E1,8 Ammer 14, 1886, BRUSSELS LIME WORKS STILL :11-IRAD, Jl'0NVN .s 0401.1, The subscribers take Oils opportunity of re- turning thanks to the inhabitants of Brussels and vicinity for past patronage, and beg to state that having made several improvements in thoirklln and mode of burning, they aro now 311 a bet for position than over bolero to supply the Public with Y'Irst-olass lime. This bolus the eleventh season o i our Dual. HOBS dealings in Bronchi, and having given nu. qualified satisfaction so fttr, the public can re- ly on reooivlug good treatment and a (3088.010110 article from ns, Firs► -141808 Lime at 14 oonts al (he kiln and lb omits delivered. We also burn a No. 1 limo for plastering at too samegrief). Itemombor Oho spot -Brussels Lime 'Yorks. TOWN & SON. A8 ALLAN LINE, --OF-- ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. 1twTIL1111Z,t9.G1:, 3113 TO L 00'lilt P0OL,L0NIi ON Ilk 1e 8.3 ,u1„( I. (.10 LONDON, Nle.: Steerage, 312, Liverpool Lo udondorry Quoenetuwe, Glasgow, or Belfast to Quebec mud always as low as by any arst-olaesliea, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT[ SAILINGS FIOOM QUEI3EC, SABddA.T`IAN ,Saturday, May 9011. POLYNESIAN " 16th. CIRCASSIAN " 2808. PARISIAN " 8011a. PERUVIAN " June 0th. Se1J3DINIAN " 13th SARRMATIAN " 20111. POLYNESIAN " " 27111, OU3CASSIAN July 4th, PARISIAN " 11111, PERUVL0.N " " 18th, SdRJ)INIAN " 25113, The last train0onnoating with the steamer at Quebaaiouvos'roronto Wednesdays at 0:90 a . re, Passongersoanleavo Wedneedeys at 0;30 p,m.nlsc, and connect with the steamer at D al" item, by paying nu additional faro of. 04340 1st, 811832.00u d class, No onttl0,01oop or pigs aro carried on the ilI 031 Steamers of the Allan Liao. VorTlokoteao,IBorthe and every iufoima tion apply to Jr R. GRANT, Agent, 11 the Pas t Oalee, drags els. BABY CARRIAGES, BABY CARRIAGE S. JUS SAN l ) a Choice Stock of Baby Carriages that Cannot fail to suit the wants of the Public. Call and see them. LARGE STOCK OI' HARNESS ON HAND. Give ime aCall. H DENNIS. CRANBP'OOK LIME WORI0S. Tho subscriber wishes to notify the PUBLIC that he will have his LIME KILN in Complete Running Order by the lst of MAY, and will bo able to furnishAny Quantity of First-class Lime at any time during tho Sea- son. Price at Kiln -14 cents per Bushel CRANBROOK, P. 0. ETHEL Glitz skr Fix. (Tarn The undersigned having completed. the change from tho stone to the Celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has now the Mill in first-C1assjtunning Order, and will be glad to see all his Old Customers and as many now ones as possible, Chopping done. Flour and. Feed Always OX arc r HIGHEST MOE PAW ] O t ANY OF FG}O-OD WHEAT 1ViCI M