HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-8-14, Page 5Amur 14, 1885.
311 were/ w.
Almost every pertain liar got a
copy of the centore of 13atocibm
Most of the spring wheat ie eon-
pletely destroyed by having rust act -
tied upon it.
Mrs.. M. 13, Mattis, of Chicago, is
visiting rolatlons Alla friends in and
around Morris.
There aro no less than 9 covered
buggies on the 6th con. of Morris
and all on 2, miloe of road. So
much for the 6th con.
Thorne Wilkinson's pew residence
will shortly be completed and when
completed will be second to none in
thio locality. The work nate far re-
flects great credit ou the contractor,
William Walsh. Wo join in wishing
,Nlr Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson, a length of
happy days in their new dwelling.
E the .
School opens 1Ionday of next
See advt, of admirable property
for sale.
Last week llrs. Lawrence Dobson
was on the nick list.
Mrs. Robt, Dobson has been visit-
ing friends in this locality for a week:
D. W. Milne has opened oat is gen-
eral stook of goods in lire old stand.
J. M. Davies intends erecting a
new residence near the Presbyterian
church, this summer.
Tho epriug wheat is suffering,great-
ly from rust aud some of it will nob
be worth cutting, unless for green
Our station in still supplied by E.
Creighton, of Brussels, who is well
liked by tho people of this neighbor-
W. P. Davies is home from Minne-
sota. The western breezes must
agree with him, judging from ap-
Christopher Baynard and J. Gill
were away at Manitoulin island this
week prospecting for a mill site.
Chris. is not happy after the bush is
cleared up.
A wedding is on the tapis this
week, so the folk say. Tho general
appearance of things indicate that
there is a little room for suepicion, nt
least. Particulars agars.
Wo hvvo conceit enough in Ethel
to third: that it is a smart little vil-
lage, We want a few more branches
of trade established so that we can do
our business at home.
Wm. Simpson ,C Son have pur-
chased a house and lot from firs,
Milne, nearly opposite the grist mill.
They intend building a store at onoo,
and will remove their stook to it,
Tho move is a good one from a busi-
ness point of view.
Tho throbbing machine has got to
work and is rattling out tho fall
wheat in great shape.
Bust is making sad havoc in rho
spring wheat, especially that on low
ground or grain that was put in late.
'Wesley Yeo Las returned to Glad-
stone, Manitoba, and will remain un-
til after harvest. He took a carload
of stock, ,&c, with him.
Tho Methodist people have purch•
and. a house and lot for a parsonage
at Honfryn. Too pastor Rev. W. J.
'110 Brandon, is making hosts of friends.
Jas. Ferguson's now brick residen-
ce will soon be completed and ready
for occupation. It is a neat and
commodious structure.
At the Hamilton Caledonian games
on Tueedtty Gideon Perry took 1st
prize in putting heavy stone, let to
light stoup, and 205 in tho two hem.
mors. Gideon is in good form and
hard to beat on the heavy weights.
Tho frame of a new barn, ou tho
faro, of Donald Mcleanohlin, wits
raised last Friday. The building ie
44x68 and the old barn is 85x42.
The eaptaine were Alex. McLauehlin,
of I3ruesole, and James Martin, of
Morris. The two silos were so even-
ly matched Chet it was a difficult
matter to say who was viutorious,
both claimed the victory.
VV ievelauanne.
A 1loose deer was the attraction at
Cargill's etablo last week,
828 candidates wrote at the entrance
examination tine year, 184 wore suc-
A largo number intend taking in
the plc nip on Thureday of this week
to Port Elgin,
The Times office has boon purchas-
ed by :t syndicate of 0 pereons. S.
Galbraith will take the editorial chair,
Last Tueeday evening one of our
merchants gave a oommoreial travel-
ler such a pummelling as will laid
up for some time. Trouble is likely
to arise front it.
The town Council will levy on all
rateable property in the municipality
the following mites for the following
purposes :—Por interest on chebontur•
es, 4 mills on the $ ; for sinking fund
(ealtwell), 13 mills; for eeliool per -
pees, 7 nettle ; for general expoudi•
turas, (t mills ; for county rate, 11
mills, making altogether two cents ou
the $,
The Advance says :—The band
turned out, the member:; having their
new uniform on. The suits were
made by r1.. It. Morrie, and aro a
credit to the tailor as well its to the
bond. After soronading several of the
citizens, they ropaired to the rosideuce
of Mr. Morris, where they wero enter-
tained to a supper and afterwards
spent a pleasant hour or two.
A. Demure—In the ie500 of 'Inc
Post', of July 24t1i, there was a oom-
munication appeared, clipped from
the Scafortb Expositor, in which a
Wiughnm Dr., called Dr. Windbag,
is aeeueed of violating the spirit of
the Scott Act by grantiug certificates
indiscriminately for a 25 cents fee.
It also refers to the personal appear.
twee and manners of said M. D.
Dr. Bethune has taken the matter up
And has placed it in the hands of a
legal firm in Wiusybam and intends
prosecuting those circulating the
rumour. The Dr. says as le is the
only physician in Wingbam opposed
to the Scott Act, who lute granted
certificates in Bolgravo for the pur-
poses of procuring liquor there can
be no doubt but that the article 18
levelled at him, IIe says the article
is basely false and he is prepared to
vindicate himself. As to Lis conduct
&Gc. lie Rays ho defies any man to say
that he over swore an oath or that
anyone ever saw him intoxicated.
The Bolgrave correspondent will con-
sequently bo called upon to swallow
the statements node, or else be pre-
parod to prove the charges. If the
article refers to Dr. Bethune, and the
Dr. says it does, and if the oharges
are false the public should know it
and with this object in view this de•
vial of the former article is presentecl.
We have no object in injuring the
character of any man and hope the
matter referred to above may bo t:o
thoroughly cleared up that the Dr's
name may bo vindicated,
I3 it a -Ora Counter No—tele.
Mrs. Walton, wife of Roy. John
Walters, formerly of Goderioh, :lied
at St. John, N. B., last week.
Ernest Eielor reports the grass-
hoppers so bad in parts of Logan that
they aro destroying the oats and other
drops. .
The marriage is announced of D.
E. Campbell, banker, of Lucknow, to
Miss Mary E. Whitely, of the same
place. They have gone on a honey-
moon to Now York.
Mr Saunders, of Exeter, while out
shooting the other day, reosived a
portion of the contents of a gun fired
by a companion. Ho was struck in
the hand and considerably bruised by
the allot.
A game of baseball was played at
Exeter last Friday between the In-
viucibles of Lucau and the Independ-
ents of Exeter, both junior teams.
Seer°, 47 to 14 in favor of Exeter.
A meeting of the creditors of the
estate of 11. B. Mallory, general g: o-
• oer, of Blyth, was hold in Clinton on
Thursday, to consider the advisibility
of affecting a settlement, Liabilities
n bout $8,000 ; assets, nominally $900.
Morris Connell Meeting.
'1'ite Counoil met pursuant to adjourn-
ment in the Oonncil room on July
27th, Illembers all present, the
Roovo in the chair. Minutes of last
mooting rand and passed. Moved by
H. Moouoy, ascended by 0. A. Howe
that lbs following accounts be paid :
—E. Bosnian gravel $2,00 ; Semi,
Hopinne grevelliug on eastern bound-
ary $06 ; hlr. Cook putting in culvert
$12.50; Joseph Sollars gravel $2.30;
Scott tt Williams repairing scraper
$8.24 ; Gerald Kiug spreading and
inspecting gravel $5,25 ;Geo, Forsyth
part pay for services $56,50 ; John
Johnston gravelling $17.25; 0. Park.
sr spreading and inspecting gravel
$8.121; D. Vaualaetino Collector's
salary $87.04: M. Cunningham ditch-
ing $10.15 ; W. Wray oulvert $6.00;
J. Frarey ditch $8 ; ,Tae, Newcombe
Treasurer's salary and oxpensoa $100;
Wm.Mioliie piping drain $14. Oar,.
rind. Moved by W. Wray seconded
by E. Bosman that C. A. Howe be
instructed to expend $'i25 in cutting
down hill et lot 6, on Oth eon line.
Carried. The Council then adjourn•
ed 3. moot again on the 21et of Sept.
War. Orenit, Clerk.
Cauactii:tat IV e- svrs.
Major Buchan has been appointed
commandant of the new School of
Mounted Infantry to be established
at Winnipeg.
........... _. _
The Ontario fia aliu returns
for July sham Wee of falling off, 88 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT NUCEN_
compared with last year, than former
months of this year did.
There were 210 pnpile 1ti ittteed-
000 1 at the last eerinli4)1 of the llutario
Institnti:,,u for the deal and danib et
John Mantle, wife of A hardier re.
siding ie Huntley township, was kill-
ed no Tuesday by a hick from a cow
which silo was engaged in milking,
The Guelph Woman's ('ltrietiau
Tempornuce union offer a series of
prizes to the pupils of the High and
Central sobools there for essays on
"The Evils of Intomperauee."
Latest Labrador news is very en-
couraging. The straits fishing is fair
from Red Bay to Domino northward
the fishing being very good, in some
places plentiful. Moet of the sailing
crafts are loaded. Prospects are bet-
tor than for throe years.
A Montreal telegram says :-The
men of the 05th are growling about
not being pnicl off far their services
in the Northwest. Lteut.•Col. Ouim•
et comes in for stroug condonuatiou
from them and ho, in defence,
says he has nothing to do with it ;
that the paymaster reoetvee the mon-
ey. Many of the mum are in great
Bill Batley, the colored cook, who
was arrested at Kingsville ors Monday,
charged with stealing about $800
worth of jewelry, besides other vtil-
ueble property from a horse dealer
named, Walters, living at Flat Bock,
Mich., was on Tactility brought be•
fore Magistrate Barilet and sentenc-
ed to twelve mouths to the Central
Prison at Torooto.
Tho election in Cardwell will not
be held on the same date es that in
East Durham, as was anticipated.
August 20 is the day selected for the
nomivatiou and August 27 for the
polliug iu Cardwell. The East Dur-
ham nomination is 00 the 17th and
the polling on the 21th.
Guelph Mercury :—It will bo a
matter of much interest this year to
loam if the pea -bug has failed to ap-
pear. Lust year, for the first time is
a quarter of century, it did almost no
harm, end the pea ccop was of the
old time sort. From all dint we eau
learn the pest bus done no harm this
The population of the town of Dun-
das amounts to 3,7213. Tho religious
beliefs of the population aro summed
up as follows :—Boman Catholiee,
1,184 ; Church of Eugland, 034 ;
Presbyterian, 7337 ; Methodist, 520 ;
Baptist, 100 ; Brethren, 52 ; Salva-
tionists, 51 ; Lutheran, 5 ; Jews, 2 ;
Christian, 8 : Fpiscopaiiau, 18 ; Free
Thinkers, 17 ; Christadelphtans, 6 ;
not described, 4,
The amount paid out by the Lon-
don City Treasurer for the urainton-
auco of absent voluntoer'e families
during elle rebellion was 18,038.55
covering it period from April 11 (one
week from the departure of the Seventh)
until July 81. This sum docs not in-
clude the $346.60 paid 00 the city's
share of $510.00 expended in under-
clothing for the Seventh. Including
this sum the total amount on this au -
count wait $8,5'70.15.
E. tit A. Stanfore, the well known
breeders and exporters of prize stock,
of Sussex, Eng. have just brought out
by SS. Ontario another valuable ship•
ment of prize stook, which they have
landed at Quebec in prime condition
without any losses. They consist of
eighty Southdown sheep auci twenty-
nine Dorset hem sheep ; u number
of Sussex balls and heifers, descend.
ants of the noted prize bull Goldsmith ;
also a very choice selection of Pulled
Angus cattle bred by His Grace tite
Duke of Richmond and Gordon, of
Goodwood, Sussex. Their shipment
also includes a lot of choice poultry,
At length the Imperial Federation
Association has produced its plan.
The proposed parliament for the em-
pire is to consist of 640 members, re•
presentation in which is to be puroly
arbitrary. Incline with its more than
two hundred millions of people, is as•
signed fifty -tarso members, Australia
and Now Zealand, with a population
of 8,200,000 are to have 61 members,
while Canada with a population of
4,500,000 is to have only 45. Repro.
sentattoii by population, iu such a
scheme, is out of the question ; to aslc
Groat Britain to accept it world bo to
ask her to submit to the rule of the
dependencies. At the same time, the
proposed idiot .cont of mombcreewouhl
not bo accepted by Canada, oven if
there were not 0133(30:10118 lying even
deeper than any lnoesiblu scheme of
ropresoutation. Tbo actual proposal
gives to bailie and the oolonies 214
members, so that the roal legislative
oontrol would be in Great Britaiu,
and it is obvious that (boat Britain
would never ascent to any other ar.
rangcment. The prochietiou of the
s hen to is the end of the mystery, and
it will be strange if 11, is net the death
of'inpurinl Federation.
GARFIELD H O t..J S t` t.
—A .TOB LOT OF __.
Mean's & Bag's Zara & Soft Felt Data,
Bought at 40 Cents on the $ to be sacrificed at the Garfield House.
Ci-A_T.,I Ars 1) S H, H 1'.. 'I -I HIM.
Scotch and Canadian Tweeds,
liouglit at Manufacturer's Prices, to bo Cleared Ont. Cull and In-
spect these Goods at the Garfield House.
A Lot of llooholaga kay Cottons,
Bought for Spot Cash with a big discount. Be Sure and Secure those
Cottons at the Garfield House..
DP 4 1: t 1. I 1 'N' @. I
of our most Sanguine Expectations.
Latest and Most Becoming Styles,
has made this Department of the Garfield Bosse
4,X C4' Z4,17Wi %1ZYCACE4a6.
highest Price is Always Paid
gyp''} & 1
--A T--
VJHE Or r J'4t'KJ til 11 L D tyP
Cor. Turnbull & Kung. Streets,