HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-8-7, Page 66 TEF/ BRUSSELS LOST Directory of Chnrchoo and Sociotioll 3iELvli.Lt1 Cannell. -Sabbath Servioos at 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m, Sunday School at 2:30 p.m. 11ev. Juo. Ross, 13, A„ Pastor. lisu Ont ncu.--aabbhth Services at 11 a.m. and 6:30 p.m, Sunday School at :1:30 1>.m, Rev, 13. dories, pastor. hr. Jaux's Chrncut,-Sabbath Servioos at 1.1 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday Nehocl at 0;30 a.m. Rev, W. T. C'luffe, incumbent, Mrruonuer Cat:no .-Sabbath Services at 10:30 a.m. and 0:30 p.m. Sunday Sohuol at 2:30 p.m. Pastorltov, Wm. Smyth. Beset CATHOLIC! CalPncn.-Sabbath Ser- vice third Sunday in every mouth at 11 ami. Rov. P. J, Shea, priest. ODD kar,Low'a Lonna every Thursday evening in Graham's blook. 31ABosICLonan Tuesday at or before all moon in Holmes' block. A. 0. U, W. LonnE meets on 2nd and last Wednesday evenings each month, FonEOTOO'aLoaax 2nd and last Monday evenings el eaoh month in Smalo's hall. L, 0, L. lot Monday in every month in Orange Hall. POST OoPICE.-Office Hours from 8 a, m. to7p,m, MEcnA:vras' Iasi'rxura Reading Room and Library in Holmes' blook, will be open from 6 to 8 o'clock p.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays. Miss Jessie Ross, Librarian. Vex a i INT e at. At the Iowa Agricultural College, girls are instructed in the theory and manufacture of butter and cheese. Chore, whooping cough nag bronchitis tta- mediatoly relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by G. A. Deadman, a In raising poultry, and the same is true of all kinds of stock, only the best should be retained for breeding purposes. TnaT hacking cough can bo so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. \'le guarantee it. Sold by G. A. Dominion. Great Britian and Ireland contain 80,000,000 head of poultry, and Great Britain's annual egg bill amounts to $31,250,000. Summoa's Cough and Consumption Curo is sold by G. A. Deadman on a guarantee. It cures consumption, There are, in the vicinity of New York city, several fine old specimens of Cedar of Lebanon, and it is regard- ed as generally hardy, providing it is given a eniitable soil. WILL you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by G. A. Dominion. Idaho has 30,000 ]lead of horses, valued at $1,500,000, and 475,000 cattle, valued at $14,250,000. Utab has 70,000 horses, worth $3,- 300,000, and 425,000 cattle, worth $12,750,000. BLEEPT-tea rights, made miserable by that terrible cough, Shiloh's Curo is the remedy for you. Sold by G. A. Deadman. Cattle, and also sheep, aro quite apt to suffer from disorganization of the liver, but are probably not as li- able to its rupture as the high fed and pampered horse. A great fatality oc- casionally occurs among sheep from liver disease about the time of part- urition. (lawman cured, health and sweet breath to - cured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy, Price 50 cents. Nasal injector frog, Sold by Goo, A, Deadman, At a recent New York horticultural meeting J. N. Coleman said that when fifteen years ago he began to grow strawberries, they were worth 40nts. a quart. Now they are not worth 10 cents a quart, and the sale is un- limited; and he was of the opinion that apples were better than dnetord, and strawberries better than both - and he ate about three quarts a day. The Oil Trade Review reports that rich petroleum grounds have been found at Deli, on the east coast of Sumatra. After experimental bor. lugs, it well was found at a depth of 80 meters, which yields about three hundred and sixty gallons in an hour. When the last layer of earth was pierced the oil rose in a strong vol- ume to the height of two meters out of the bore. Sntnoa's Catarrh Romdey-a positive our° f^r Catarrh. Diptbaria, and Canker Mouth. Sold by G.A. Deandmn. Brains require cultivating as well as corn, and the farmer should tale euough time from the cultivation of his crops to at least road and keep Hosted un the markets and current 'events. A farmer has as much reason to read and study as any other busi- ness plan, and a diligent study of 'what others learned by experienu0 or research, added to his own practical ,knowledge, will be of Material benefit and will give him amore exalted opin• ion of agriculture. Samoa's Vitalizer (s what you tlut.d for Com. etipation, loss of appetite, dizziness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 76 cents Per bottle. Bold by G. A, Doadman. In no way can lend be improved faster than by jndletous pasturing. This sloes not consist in fallowing the stool( to eat the grass off until the sod is bare and brown, and exhaust. lug the grass pints, or in extracting all the substance in the soil, Enough growth ehould always be loft on the soil to protect the roots from the scorching 900 rays. This alight growth will keep the ground moist and mellow, null the grass will malts to larger growth and. more pasture than when cropped too closely. In fact, to pasture a sod s0 closely as to ::xposo the grass roots to tho action of sun and frost is poor management. VARIETIES, .A. paper gavo nn aoonunt of a loci• sty event, and, in ::peaking of ono beautiful lady, of quite largo propor- tions, it said : "Air's. --possessed a form that ,luno might envy." Tho editor wont home and loft a subord• Mato to got out tho paper that "Aire, --.-poseossed a feral that Jumbo might envy." Soothing Advice, --"My dear," said a frightened husband in the middle of the night shaking his wife, "where did you put that bottle of strych- nine 2" "On tho shelf next to the peppermint." "Oh, Lord!" he groaned, "I've swallowed it," "Well for goodness sake." whispered his wife, "keep quiet or you'll wake the baby." "I hear yon were out late again last night' Smith. Don't you think you aro carrying that sort of thing a little too far 7" "What's up now ?" "Well, your wife ie liable to take a oold getting up to find the keyhole for you at all hours of the night," "Oh that's all right, old fellow. I generally rap her up well before she Domes down." A. widow who had recently lost her mother, attended a spiritual seance and desired to communicate with the spirit of her husband, "Have you met dear mamma in heaven George Henry ?" Promptly the answer came back : "I have, and I'm going dowp to eheol to spend the summer." Here the widow said the medium was a "mean, nasty thing," and the conned' tion was broken. Hanington'e -`Quinine Wine and Iron," taken according to Creation s, produces buoyancy of enirita,vlgor of mind, and gives lasting strength to the whole system. Bee that you get ''Iian- ington'a," the original and genuine. He Wanted Thunder Rods. -- "Well," admitted the agent, "I think myself that thunder is the more dan- gerous of the tao. What you want is thunder rods ?" "Have you got thunder rods?" "Oh, yes ; the blase tipped rods aro for lightning and nioklotipped for thunder ; but the latter costs a little more." "I guess you can put up a few of them thunder rods. I don't mind paying n little extra EP long as I feel safe. No lady who delights In flowers and likes to Bao them do well and bloom abundantly should bo without Hanington'e Food Dor Blowers, Ordinary packages 90o-Buelcieat for 20 plants fur ono year. A man in New York has inven:ed a water -proof ottp for the email boy to draw over his head while in swim• ming, and expects to be as rich as Vanderbilt within a few years, When a boy can come home from a swim- ming picnic with dry hair he will think tho day of jubilee has come ; but if the New Yorker can attach a contrivance to his cap that will pro - vent the youthful bather from getting Inc shirt turned inside out while climbing over a fence his sales will increase 100 per cent. Horsemen, Altentlon 1 When your horse is galled, scratched so out or has an ugly sore, bathe twice daily, and ap- ply McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Gornto, 1t is undoubtedly the 0noot healing and oleanetng ap"lleation for it, Be euro you got McGregor at Parkes. Bold for 25e. per box, at J. Bar. grooves & Co's. Drug Btore. The commercial traveller of a Philadelphia house while in Tennes- see approached a stranger as the train was about to start, and osier : "Are you going on this train ?" "I am." "Have you any baggage ?" "No." "Well, my friend, you can do me a favor ; and it won't cost yon anything. You see, I've two big trunks, and they always make me pay extra for one of them. You get ono checked ou your ticket, and we'll euohre them. See ?" "Yes, I see ; but I haven't any ticket." "But I thought you said you were going on this train ?" "So I am. I'm the conductor," "Oh ?" He paid extra as usual. Cholera Preventative. In order to withstand Cholera and snub him epidemics a perfect purity o1. blood, and the proper motion of the stolnaoll aro required. To insure that end, in the cheapest, most availvbto and ootnploto manner, use MoGro Dr's Speedy Cure for 1) yayopsfa and Immure Blood. There is no purer enter or more rt.liablo remedy lu existence for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Costive - nese, etc, Ask your neighbor or any person who has used it. Bold by J.ltargreavos & Co. Trial bottle given tree. A Remarkable Operation. -It hap• peued on a Pullman car between Now York & Chicago. Dinner having been finished the gentleman assembled in' the smoking room to enjoy their oig• ars. "During the time I hits in the war," said the quiet man, "1 saw the most wonderful thing in the line of Burgles' operations. A friend of mine was shot through the right breast, the bullet passing clear through him, The quickness of mind of a companion undoubtedly saved his life. Ho wrap- ped his handkerchief around tho ram- rod of his gun and pushed it through tho path made by the ballot, cleared the wound of all poisonous load. I know it is hard to believe, but gentle- men, tho man still liven to tell the tale." "Which man ?" inquired tho slim passenger on the opposite seat quietly. "The wounded one, of course 1" exclaimed the soldier, scorn• fully. "011, I beg your pardon. I thought it might be the other." M1SCE I,l,ANEOUS•. Ninety per e'nt of the Chicago lad. ies show their tongues \v11o11 walking, the prevalent style being to roll the 11p joat to tribe over the lower lip, Watermelon seed pools aro the new- est style of gambling. Each play- or puts In a quarter, or any other sum agreed upon, and makes his guess, then the melon is cut nod the seeds aro counted, and the best guossor takes the pool. Something over six- hundred seems to bo the average number. The size of tho Scriptural papyrs recently found is ouly 3}x41 centim- etres, and has upon it in all 105 let- tere. The form and style of the let - tors male certain that it dates from Ile third century, or more than a hundred years older than the oldest extent manuscript of the Greek Testa ament. Phildelphia is about to have a crematory. It is to eosl $40,000- 11 acres of ground having been so• cured near Afanavank. A very large number of influential gentleman aro interested in the scheme. Sufficient money having been subscribed to in- sure the success of tho plan, it is said that the cremlttory will be built this fall. Conch shells come from the West Indies. The natives who gather them are called "Conks." They bring the shells to this country only in the months of May & June, using, them to fill out a cargo. Oonch shells wore formerly used for making jewelry, but they have now gone out of etyle even for house and lawn decorations. Professor Biokmore has been lent- uring to the public school teachers of Now York on flies and mosquitoes, How does it fly fly ? asked tho professor. While the wing is comparatively narrow, it makes up for it in lateral motion. The wings do not boat back toed forth in one plane, but snake, as it were, a fignro 8. The wings of it fly vibrate 880 times a second, which goes to show its muscular power. • Canadbaxa News. At Montreal 2 -year old child took Sonia lye which had been left within its reach, and died in terrible agony. Tis health of Ottawa is unusually good. Tho hospital is almost desert- ed, and no diseases are reported in town. Bowie, coloured, who stabbed Alex. Mitchell at Chatsworth, Out., has been captured and jailed at Owen Sound. There is it rumor current to the effect that Hon. Ales. Mackenzie is about to accept a government position and retire from active political life. A novel entertainment, in which a game of oboes with living figures will be the most prominent feature, will be held at Galt, August 12t1. Fire did $1,400 damage to W. J. Searle & Co.'s varnish works, Brant- ford, Friday morning. Insured in the l4orcantile, Mutual & Quebec. Mrs. Mulholland, a Hamilton wom- an, cut her husband's head severely last week in a drunken row. Tho man was taken to the Oity Hospital. The business failures fur the last seven days reported R. G, Dunn & Uo. number for the United States 192, and for Canada 23, as against 225 last week. During a thunder storm at Dunn- ville Thursday ni;ht, R. McNichol, of Moulton, had throe heath of cattle killed by lightning, and Herr, a neigh- bor, lost three cows. Duncan McKenzie, charged with the $5,000 robbery of the town treas• uror of Harriaton Mich., was dtso. charged by the Judge on examination Saturday at Iftngoton. The cost per pupil in the public schools of Ontario is $0.09 ; and in high schools ,$29.47. Tho Legislative grant por pupil in the public schools is 54 cents ; 10 high schools, $7.17. The people have to pay the balance directly. The (i year-old son of John Herbert, M. U. R. machinist, who lives on Hemlock street, St. 'Thomas, was found ou Sunday to have fallen head first into a water barrel. Fortunate- ly he was discovered in time to save hie life, A prize of $20, offered by the National Harness Review, of Chicago. for the best essay on harness making, open to harness mon in the United States atld Canada, has boon award- ed to Josepli Lupron, of Woodslee, Essex county. Tito solicitor of the Prince Albert Colonization Company has common°• ed proceedings by petition of right against the Government, to recover $20,000, with interest, this being the amount paid by the oompany for lauds iu the neighborhood of i3atoello. The Oompttuy olabil they wore never able to got possession of their land, as a portion of them wore occupied by half breed settlers, 1.11OR SALE. -THE UNDERSIGN - ed has 4 head of rattle 11 steers and 2 (1011. ors, rising 9 years old, for soh', Also 2 colts, 2 years old and the other a y,arilnt'• ahs oat- tlo are on let 0, con., 1, (i ray, and the colts aro on lot e0, con. 8, Morris, Ler further pat'tion• lars as to primps. apply to ALEX, 11eLONeILD, -Ha 14E0, eon. 4, (lrey. g•OUS1, & LOT FOR SALE, ON 11 Qucou troe 1, T11pro 10 ores a shop on tile Lot that could be utilized for a stable. Will be sold (1n rrgelnlabl0 terms. Apply to - A, 13AWTIN41111('ilt WM. BLAS.HILL, 73otohor, thanking h15 tunny easterners for their Libor• al support for the ,est six years wlehes to inform theta that be- ing burnedout of the old stand has fitted tip a shop to 8malo's Block in Aret•olass style where he hopne to Boo all the old euetotnore and as many now 0noa10 coo fit to give bin: a call. I keep nothing but first-class moats, all kinds of Poultry and Saoeage Moat. Dol ivorod to all parts of the Town Free, Cash paid for Yat Stook, CLEEANLINESS -NEXT TO - GODLINESS. --0- The subscriber is pioparod to do all kinds of Painting, suoh as HOUSE, SIGN, CARRIAGE, PLAIN OR ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. 1 -0 -- PAPER HANGING, KALSGMIINING -AND- Graiuiva• a Specialty. Spring time will soon bo at hand so leave PERUVIAN your Orders Early. Work done in the SARDINIAN most satisfactory manner and satisfaction guaranteed. I will bo found at my old shop north of the bridge. AUGUST 7, 1885 BRUSSELS LIME WORKS STILL AHEAD. 'ICC) '%'VN & r4ON. no subscribers take Olds opportunity of re- turning (1la1111Bto411,,1ntfblbtnts of Mussels anti vicinity for past patronage, and hog to state that haying made several improvements in Owl rltlll maml11)(1(18 of burning, they are 11100 in a butter position then over bofuro to a,ttPlY the Pu bile wl th L'irst-ohtoo Limo, This being the eleventh season of our busi- ness 40mlings luBrussels, and having given un. goal( nod satistaotimt so far, Aho publlo can 70, ly an reaet\'ing good treatment and it drat -class article trona 010, L'trsl-olass Lime at 14 cents at the kiln and 16 conte delivered. We also burn a No.1 lino for plastering at tho beano price, llotnombor the spot -Brussels Limo Werke, TOWN & SON. 40 ALLAN LINE, -or DOYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. `T` ]FD1 AGI3 §5531:3 To civzial'OOL,LOr(n0A'AI.it It 4tn.scoW LONDON,HNe -- Moorage, 012, Liverpool, Londonderry Queenstown, Glasgow, or Belfast to Quebec and alway sae low as by any first-chisel(ne, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT SAILINGS FROM QUEBEC. SA.BMATIAN ,Saturday, May Ot11. POLYNESIAN " 16th. CIRCASSIAN. " 23rd. PARISIAN " 30th, June 6th. ' 18111 SARRMATIAN,` " 20th, POLYNESIAN " 2711. UIIt0A8SIAN July 4th. PARISIAN PERUVIAN " 18th, SARDINIAN" " 25th. The last trainoennooting with the steamer at Quebec leave aToronto Wednesdays a t 8120 a: m. Poesengereoauivavo Wodneodays at 8:20 11,m.aiso, and oonneetwltll the steamer at Bal; ilex, by paying au additional fare of 54145 letand32.552ud Blase. 1'{o cattle,ehoop or pigs aro carried on Aho Mail Steamers of thoAllalt Lino. For Tlokot0ond 13ort118 and every Informs. tion apply to Wm. Roddick. Canadian l'acifc Railway Time Tablo, Teeswater Branch. Mlles. Going West. Mall, Express. 0 Toronto.. Dep 0 Orangeville . 4 Orangeville Jot 74 Amaranth t .. 10 Waldemar.... 124 Luther .... . 234 Arthur .. 304 Kenilworth..,. 384 MT. FOREST .. 44 Pages',..... 474 HtonisToe.... 064 Pordwieh .. 60 Gerrie .... 624 Wroxeter 00 Wingham Road 74 Teeswator.. Arr 7.20 a,m. 9.50 10.06 " 10.15 10.24 " 10.31 " 11.08 " 11.30 " 11.58 a.m. 12.15 pan. 12.28 " 12.55 ' 1.08 " 1.15 " 1.38 " 1.56 p.m. 5.40 p.m. 7.05 7.22 7.92 7,88 7.44 8.10 8.30 8.46 0.111 0.10 9.81 9.40 9.46 10.03 10.15 It Mlles Going Bast. Express. Mall. 0 Teeswater Dop 6 Wingham Road 111 Wroxeter .... 14 Gorrie .. .... I74 Fordwieh .... 264 Harriaton .... 30 Pages j.. .. 351 Mt. Forest.... 434 Kenilworth .. 504 Arthur ...... 611 Luther ...... 64 Waldemar.... 664 Amaranth 9 70 Orangeville Jot 74 Orangeville 122 Toronto .. Arr, 6.15 a,nt. 5.28 6.47 " 5.53 " (3.02 6.25 6.35 0.51 7.00 7.26 7.53 7.68 8.04 8.12 8.95 10.45 a.m. 3.15 p.m. 2,30 2.40 " 2,56 " 6 8.20 8.40 3.57 4.10 4.30 5.10 5.17 5.24 5,35 5.55 8.85 p.m. Refreshment and Dining Rooms -AT- TORONTO JUNCTION, ORAN4t8YILLII AND CARLETON JUNCTION. S.,ZTSTCTT OaT 2e1.& BTO O00 THROUGH TRAINS -nETWERY•- -TORONTO AND MONTREAL. - T. FLETCHE]LR, TICKET AGENT. I171USSSi0.B J. R. GRANT, Agent, .t1 the first O111 re. Brass ('l,'. BABY CARRIAGES, BABY CARRIAGES. JUSTO HAND a Choice Stock of Baby Carriages that Cannot fail to suit the wants of the Public. Call and see them. LARGE STOCK OF HARNESS ON HAND. Give 722e a Call. H. D.E,NNrs. CRANB1100Ti LIME WORKS. The subscriber wishes to notify the PUBLIC that he will have his LIME KILN in Complete Running Order by the 1st of MAY, incl will be able to furnishAny Quantity of first-class Limo at any time during the Sea- son. Price at Kiln --14 cents per Bushel. V. Gramm,9 C13ANBROOK, P. 0. E rT H E 13asT lar pytCat _ w, its The undersigned having completed the change from the stone to the Celebrated Hungarian Systom of Grindin,llas now the Mill in First-C1as4Running Order, and will be Mad to soo all his OM Customers and as Many new onus as possible. Chopping clone, , Flour and Foca Always On nand. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR ANY QUANTITY O11' GOOD WHEAT WM. M 1.IM