HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-7-24, Page 10• at 8 a TUE aRposi.,,s 'OST Jusor 24, l885. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Now is the time to advertise. : '1ins. weather lins boon hot. .... .... A taaarn organ band is talked o u ; NEXT Friday is tlio last day of July. SOUTHERN EXTENSION, W. G. & B. R town, Wiii Will WI have our civic hell. ' Treat Lesvos ',russets Stat. ot, north and ED, CREIGISTON IS relioving at Ethel ' day. : tteutti as emotes : station. ; STAPP.CAPT. GLOVER t00II 0011111100 I Going South.E NIP....t000 a.m. FGoing flortit, ALL wheat harvest will semi be Of t110 Army meetings Sliildity, 'Mi4.111. i i ... Icapress . ....11ily am, Mall ..,...•., ...,41:B1. pan. bare. Miss EVA HENDERSON, or Dervie. ill I Mixed . R4 1,:l. EXPrl41 . ' ".47 D'50. Tis your horses when they aro visiting •Irs. Geo. Armstrong. north will only run oit Tiutplays, ThursdaYsi mousing on the street. Miss O'CoNNon, of Winghems is Tim morning train south, and the eight train, ,., , and Ha Mulct's. See advt, of farm wanted to rent visiting her parents m this town, in the People a column, Mee ETTIE LANGDALE is away this '.e. FLETelleit Snit wife spent last week on a visit to her home at Day - cal II this If tons Sunday at Luoknow. ton. ; - Axsenee garden party is on the Tee crossing going into the station yard has boon receiving 411011110u this week. A new pump and lino of hose at the central hotel afford additional amusement to the boys. Miss Mitsui, Ifseniti, daughter of Wm. Harris, formerly of Brussels, is renewing old friendships and no quaintances in this locality. Ales. Wm. Donnelly and daughter, of Pert Huron, formerly of Brussels, wore called to town this week owing to the illness of her father. TBE new brick cottage of Daniel Lowrie's on Queen street, is being pushed ahead. The building is 23 x 80 feat with a kitchen 1418 feet, D. FRAIN is happy now. He bas purchased a genuine mustang, r estent- ly brought from Texas, and is count- ing on a big time handling it. LAST week George, son of James Kelly, had tho end out off ono of the fingers of his left hand while working around a machine in Ament's factory. THOMAS BUYERS left for Stratford op Monday. He will visit there for a few days and then go to the home of his parents, Alliston, for a few weeks holidays. Mee 13nssr, who has been filling the position of milliner at the Garfield House, left this week for her home, where ,ho will spend her welhearned vacation. TRH Clinton New Era has attained its majority, having been in existence 21 yoers. It is one of the best papers in the County and is very ably man- aged. Success to 11, R. G. VINCENT is finishing a new style of a bicycle of his own manufact• ure, that is going to make things buzz, so he thinks. The machine will be ready for trial soon. LAST Friday James Wilson, buyer for Messrs. G oldie, of Guelph, purchas- ed 85 carloads of fall wheat at the stations along the W. G. & B. He is an olkl hand at the grain business. Rev. S. jONES, pastor of Knox Church, left this week for hie glimmer vacation. He will be absent for sev- eral weeks and during this time ser- vice will bo withdrawn iu Knox Oharoh. ON Friday of last week James Drou, while in A. K. Robertson's bush, came upon a wasp's nest. They attacked him and after "bayonetting" him several times about the face put the Dron to flight. COMPLAINT COMBS 10 U3 of certain persons millciug cows in pasture fields, who do not belong to them. An ex- ample will be made of the guilty party if this mean trick is not stopped, as the party is known. SINCE the sharp lightning of last week several persons have expressed their desire to have the telephone wires removed from ther roofs, so ea that the electric current will be dir. ectad to some other quarter THIS week Miss Mary Lott has been commissioned to go to Port Elgin as a cadet in the Salvation Army. She will take a course in tho training school at Toronto before going tu her station'we believe. A. BON of Bishop Ward received a bad kick from a horse belonging to Henry Foster, last Saturday. The lad was walling bellied the horse when the animal kicked striking the boy in the face inflicting an ugly gash. Two of our townspeople were cussing the Scott Act amendments Ibis week, and the coutroveray waxed BO warm that the proprietor of the es- tablishment ordered his opponent out of the door. Nothing like keeping cool. Tan trustees of the Methodist Church object very strongly to the sheds at the &larch being made a regular ran way for the publie Per - sone not connected with tho congre- gation would clo well to try the hotel sheds for a while. among ye takin' notes tante. Particulars later, Au' faith he'll preutit. FIVE carloads of cheese were shipped • a .._ - from Brussels station last weelc. Tim days are eliortening, MRS. Al3P,AHAM DREWE, of Lentlon, famines samee" is doing well this is holidaying it in town, year. TSB Gilts "licked" is the small boy's Pssx pulling, eommenced 00 Thus- version of the cricket match lest Fri- day of this week. day. Mise DILL.kINE, of Tottenham, is but Methodist Sunday School will visiting friends in towu., pie-nie on Friday afternoon of next O. A. NEWTON and wife, of Harlem week. have been visiting in Brussels this A. NEW fire engine for North Syd- week. ney, Nova Scotia, wee tested last I. -unseat wagtans durable and cheap at Tuesday. C. W. tionand's shop next to W. T. Hunt- Iliso ISS HASTIE, Dr. Hutehinson's er's old stand. niece, left Ileseeels for her home, at Wiuer about a skating rink for next r,tiniwail, 1. :friday. winter ? Will it be a roller rick or One former townsman,Robt. Black, otherwise ? has removed to Elora, where he will Mas. Jose CALRICK, of Holmesville, make his home. madea visit to her relatives in Bras - MRS. jellES WATSON and children, eels this week. of Winghatu, were iu town last week New subscribers ars dropping, i -11 for several days. almost every day. Try Tee POST for TAN -BARK is being purchased at a the balance of 1885. number of stations along the W. 0. Oa Tnesday evening of this week & 13. in large quantities, the band seieutuled Reeve Young, Seca N OTT, S and wife were vis - at his residence, John street, itiag v ith friends in the neighbor- CAaL at C. W. Holland's if you wast a hood of Clinton last wed:. good cheap buggy. Shop nest to W. T. Piexisto potato bugs at so much a Hunter's old stand, hundred is toe amusement youngsters OUR best thanks are due to G. A. are engaged in just now, Deadman, who may well be styled Hamm—The best pure honey at 10 cents the bee kiug, for a nice satnple ot the per pound. I keepsecond class honey. strained and comb honey, this week. Honey ho comb 15 cenots. Wm. Hnrtry. 55 TICKETS were sold at BIYISSOIS J. MILE11., the. proprietor of the for Stratford oil Wednesday, The. Brussels livery, has added three new inauguration cf the Baby city was the horses to his stock, during the past attraction. week. Wn regret t hear of the serious KNsx Church Sunday School will be illness of Edward Lowery sr. He closed for three Sundays, while the bas been hoveriag between life and regular preaching services are with• death this week, drawn. BEV. 3. Ross B. A., preached in No Council meeting last Monday Walton, last Sunday afternoon, in evening owing to the absence of the place of Rev. Mr. McNaughton, who Clerk. The meeting will be held next is off for his summer vecation. Monday evening. PRIVATE parties by giving notice can have Mas. CORMACK is having the appear. the use of sitting room up stairs, entrance ance of her house, on Turnborry street, by side door, at Mrs, Kirk's, now occupied by A. Schenck, much THE corporation thistle cutter is improved by a coat of paint. on the war path. Owners of lots THE new engine for Howe's wool. where thistles are growing should en mill arrived at Brussels station on see that they are cut, at once, toe. Wednesday. It was manufactured sea cream, choice of two flavors, Vanilla by Goldie & MeCallough, of Galt, every day, Pine Apple, Lemon and Straw- Taos. MAXWELL brought a bunch of berry every other day. A. Good & Co., timothy to our officelast week, that Toronto ice cream parlor. measured 5 feet fli• inches. This is THE many friends of A. L. Struth. hard to beat on the timothy question. ers, of Stratford, will be glad to learn 'o u.—Persous wanting to pull that he has recovered sufficiently 10 -- flaxthe day acre should apply at one allow him to take a trip west to Bien- toes Webster, as the flax season is at bend! beim, Bout Co. LAsr Friday R. W. Tuok returned A TELEGRAM was received this week, from a short visit to Essex Oounty. by John Tait, announcing the decease This was his first trip and he is quiet of his brother Robert, who was a well favourably impressed with the conn. kuown resident of Brussels several try. years ago. WE 1.1:e pleased to hear that J. D. REV. C M. THOMPSON, of Midlana Ronald disposed of one of his excel. City, Michigan, and wife are epencling lent steam fire engines while away at part of their vacation in town. Rev. Nova Scotia and partially bargained Mr. Thompson was stationed in Brus. for several others. eels some yeere ago Ana had charge A LETTER has been received from of the M. E. Church. Mrs. 'Inca Meadows announcing We have to express our than hs to her safe arrival at Liverpool, after n pleasant voyage of eight days. There H. Piper, propriett,r of the Zoological w Gardens, Toronto, for a member'sore 700 passengers on the vessel, ticket. Visitore from Brussels to the the Parisien. city should net full to call and sce A SUNDAY school excursion will be Harry's museum, given to Kincardine, all along the W. G. & B. from Palmerston, on Tues. Stec> clearing sale of toys. dolls, Am. tte, she whole will be sold at oost and ander, day of next weels. The train leaves Call and got bargains, at Mrs. EirIt's, og. Brussels at 9 a. M. The faro for posite Queen's Hotel, adults is 70 cents, and for children 85 Dee Caledoeran games this year cents. are to be the best ever held here, if LAST Sunday evening Katie Got, everything turns out all right. A meek was bitten, quite seriously,stoo, hose -reel race, something the same on the leg, by a little dog, the proper - as last year, will take place in the ty of Robt. Black, while wg alkinon forenoon, Bold yourself free for that • - tee nee -wale. Theee biting dogs day. should be put nub of tho way. J,s0. 6"07, who 118 been with J Wn.r.yoii believe it? lst quality of honey Nott, V. S., fur some months left only locts.per lb. I have separated my best 13ruesels for his father's home, at Al. honey, and will dispose of the Sod quality ton, on Tuesday, where he will aid in in large quantities, alt much lower figure, bookseller, G A. Deadman, drttggist ds harvesting. Report Hays he leaves OSIANGE or Bum:rms.—A. Veal has someone bellied who sighs when she sold ont Ins furniture business to R. says "Absence makes the heart grosv fonder." Malcolm, who will take possession about the let of August. Mr. Mal- len cream and struntner drinks, cream calm is au efficient workman and bas nectar, lemonade, eocla water with a choioo flavoring, at lire. filled the position af foreman in Ben- MseeinoNsts.—Ititst Monday after- nett's factory for some year. He noon Ilarry Toem Its1 Mise Martha will no doubt do a good busimns. Crawford to the later of hymen, at Mr. Veal will continue to reside iu the residence cf the bride's parents. tow, fur the present at least. The marriage ceremony was perform- JAS. BARNHILT„ son of Jura Burn- ed by Rev. W. Smyth. Albert Rivera hill, ot town, is home on a visit to the tied Miss Edith Town filled the pcsi. "old folk," from California He has tions of groomsman and bridesmaid, been away over 8 years and is ougag• respectively. Although 11 great many ed 1 the orange orchard culture, people will not be very much surprised He givse 0 very interesting acconut of to hear of this marriage, the newly how the fruit is mallard. It is :a wedded couple can rest assured, how- Ported that when Iso s tires to tho ever, that they have the hearty wash. wait be will have company. "Two es of a largi- Lumber of friends for their futtne happiness and pros- perity, ELECTION OP Oremees.—Last. Tues- day the nunual eleotion of officers and toecbere in 100 150011035 with the Methodist Sunday School was held, Rev. W. Smyth iu the chair. After some preliminary business was des- patched the following were elected to t1.10 varioue offices iri the school :-- Supt., G. L. Ball ; Aset. Supt., W. II. Herr; Soo ,Jt Gerry ; Treas. , 13. Gerry ; Librarian, W. Thompson Teachers, B, Gerry, \V. II. Kerr, W. Hastryi 'W. A. Cetera's, L.. McKenzie, and Misses, Kerr, Shannon, Oliver, aro better far than ono, fur counsel Limeade and Herr, a few classes aro or for fight" is whst the poet stye,, still unsupplied. Miss Minnie Gerry and he ought to know. wee appointed organist for the 86001, Tug excursionists Elia not gob bask ! from Stratford until About 8 o'elools Thursatty morning, \Vase might hive resulted in a baro down at Mrs. D. Whittinge, last Weanesday was averted by getting 11 few pails of water on the roof, JNO, &TAW went to Torontolon Wed. naeilsy. He wilt ses hs graod 100011' tion to the returned voltuffeere from the west. Tscu Enterpriee salt works is doing a good streak of heatless this summer, especially in the dairy salt. Clinton papers were blowing tthout their pack' ors but we imagine a temple of the num who peels salt at the Brussels salt works would make them “Ilnillp." They think 80. WO. NEWSPAPER readese can orlon and easily do a friendly twit encouraging act to publishers, each as nsauy would cheerfully do wheu it is suggested. Simply in this slaty :—When a bunneee advertisement attracts atteution end leads to business correspondence or personal intercourse with the advertis- er, kindly natation tho HAIM of the paper in which you saw it. Such re- ferences are often alike encouragiug to the advertiser and the publisher, BORN. Livroosron.—In Morris, on the 28rd inst., the wife of Mr, Daman Livingston of 0, daughter. ALEXANDE11.--In Brussels, on the 18th inst., the wife of Mr. John Alexander of a son. Scor,—In Brussels, on the 15th inst., the wife of Mr. F. S. Scott, of a daughter. MARRIED. Smortios.—Livingston.—In Cirey, on tho 15th inst„ by Bev. 11. Paul Mr, 'Wm. blemmon to Miss S. Livingston, all of Grey. Tows —Crowsosto.—L1 Brass els, on tho 20th inst., 0,t the residence of the brido's parents, Mr. Barry Town to Mist: Mar - Gm, eldest daughter of Mr. Samuel Crawford, all of Brussels. LEES—Wm:min.—On Wednesday 22nd inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by the Bev. D. Geo, Mr, Richard Leos, Principal of the Model School, Lindsay, to Miss Ida Emma, eldest daughter of Mr. IL W. Waters, of Norwood. D000ln—V,tuon.—On the 30th June by the Itey. J. L. Murray, M.A.., at the resi- dence of Mr. David Carleton, uncle of tho bride, iu Kincardine, Annie, eldest daughter of Mx. Wm. Vance, of Bras- sels, to Ogle R. G. Duggan, of the Lake Shore, Huron Townshm. DIED• TLIT.—In 00 City, Penn., on the 20111 inst., at the residence of his sister, Robert Tait, aged 40 years and 6 montlis. 1.11'111.SReltit ita.rliEet. --- Unlit:MD WillEPULLY EVEUY WEEE, White Pall Wheat—. .. .. SO 83 Bed Wintor 80 83 Spring Wheat 80 83 Barley 45 50 Oats 30 00 Peas ............. sio 60 Batter, tubs and rolls 10 Eggs por dozen.. 10 Flour per barrel 5 00 Potatoes 3.5 Hay per ton . . 7 00 Hides per Ib .. 8 Dressed Hogs ..... ....... 5 50 Salt por bbl., wholesale , .. 60 Sheep skins, each 50 Wool 17 12 00 5 00 1 00 2 00 03 5 50 80 1 00 18 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. QERVANT GIRL WANTED, AP - Ss./ ply tO MRS. JAS.DRENVE. TiloUND.—A HORSE BLANKET. J. Utruer can have the same by coiling it; Win. Miller's, proving property ain't paying for this advertisement. rpo RENT.—THAT CONVENIENT shop North Of the bridge, eon be used for werkstiop or Store -house. 0041 Apply to S. DREWE. SPACIOUS BUILDING TO rent, sellable for A hall, lodge room, or Private residence. Por particulars oonly to J. 03, STRUTHERS, Now Garfield HOUSO, Brussele, WE STRAYED FROM THE promises Of the Undersiguod, about two weeks ego. She is white in color with it dark Ws). Any infonnetson taintless to her r000vsry will bo t ha ukfully roeriyed. Word may bo left at run pos.s Publishing House. S. WELSH, Brussels, (10'2TAGE F011 N.:undersigned will sell the emnfortable cot- tage on Elizabeth struat, or would exchange it for other property. For full particulars as to ',Moos, terms, ole., bnPlY 330 NISwaosrit, Brussels. 13A.STURE TO LET.—ADMIR. MILE pastors for horses to lot 3011 tone. eil, Ith,er rent illft through. Apply for terms to 0, W BUMS, Houfryn. Or to S. 10, Mum, DrInisbls. 1i1011 SALE,—THE TJNDERSIGN- J.. oil he 4 bead of cattle (I Mears and 2 1101(- 030)1.18ms 3 years old, for sitle. Alio 2 oblia, 2 years old and the other a voarlins• The rat- tle are on lot 6, son4, Grey, and the colts aro oil lot BO, con, g, Morris, or further particu- lars as to price, Ltro., moldy to ALEX, MoDONA.lill, 5.50 Lot 6, coo, 4, Gra). "iTita.YED PIG.-- 13 T frons int 20, ofm, 13, Grey, on Julio SOL, ono blaok sow, with comm white about head, about 10 months old. An y person sivIns such in for. Illation as will load to her moos ery will La suitably rewarded. war, If, AMES, 12-2* Cronbrook D. 0. tlARkI TO RENT.—LOT 12, CON - 3. 7, Grey. will be rented for four Or IVO years, There are acres of fall wheat sown and fan plowing done. Possession given at any tittle. JOAN Moltil'Osa. eat 1A1ARM WANTED TO BENT.— A 'parson 1a desirous Of renting a farm, with 150 or 00 Mires andel' onitivittios. aotivon. iontly situated, far a term of 00' 6 years, A good rent avtlt bo paid for 0. 0,) 33,13310 plan, Persons having farms to loam oh ill apply 0.3 50050 1001' Publishing noun BANKING.. AcINTOSH qMoTAGG411T, BANKERS- i BRUSSELS' ISRANSACT A GSNBBAL BANKING USINNSS, Sousse' hauddlneounted, intermit tllowedon deposits repayable, on (honied. Promptuttentiongiven to collections. .h LEUAL AND CONVEYANCING. • • • — s .1.1PEAB 0 ELLIO 1, L AW s..AOIfloo, ))rot's Bleak, Brussels. Money 80 10,00. 10. NVADE,134E1118TE.R, &c. Oillcie formerly occupied ay A. J. Ale Coll,kise,,in Leckie's Block, Money 10 1011,1, UT B. DLOKSON, V r • [late with (Jarrow Proutifoot.(3odo rich) Solicitor, Lionyoyancer, Sc, Mee in Uraut's Block, Brussels. Money to Loan, A LEX. E.UNTE.Li, CLERK OF _La. the leourth lltvislou Court Co Huron , tlotiyeyanuer,Notary Public,L tnd,Lcau and Insurance Agent,l'und arid to Loan Collootions UniCU. lambent's Bleak Brunel MEDICAL CARDS. ®v AloN.A.UGHTON, M. .0., C. u .Ls 15,0. ., mannerists. I'llysiels , 00(150001sod ...upouenour, 011,00 iu Leoltio's Musa, 0v0r3.S044t1111.1,led dria store. tyI A. liliTO.ElLt%16011, M. D. • L. R. U. P. Edinburgh. , Ititsremoyod to Ina resideueu the nous° formerly occupied by Dr. tirstniab, anti will 110 00030 at bigtic. lia still retuinei 53 0555003333 Dargreaves' Drug Store. DENTAL. L. BALL, L. D. bL, 110Nall ‘_A • tiruiluabb 0,1 Moinbur uf tau Roy!). College of Daso..sl burguogs, 1:brunt°. Olbuo m SOrOtIsora Li I oeic , to tYlognate value au Weilbubilay. Best bosiailti bulbs Calton Li ail onuriitions. Llama Liman. tol pat,. BUSINESS CARDS. --1.- T. 101 51.1m°'rot('IgUliN33Nas°011400ttlT-EtteAd(illinstielrlt!' mutual MLISIU 001 l'ittL1O, Organ and Unita,, lioterelibu—Ladlni iLoTutte, a0b1unbu-2, o. 2, (south) Brink Terrace, 44-8 in. Brussels, out. W11.MeORAC.KEN, Issuer Marriage idealises. Oitice at, his gree ry, Tftrulnury street, 12-23 TOHN NOT'I', VETERINARY t..1 Surgeon ,Gradnats of Ontario Veterinary iJollege Toronto. Resiiienoo, the house lately occupied by Mrs .J Parker Maiusireet 'Brut— eels, A Melt .A.I11, ISSUER OF MAR - Maga Licenses, by appointment of Lieutenant -Governor aJommissioner , occ, B.Conyeyancerand AgentFirs Insurance Co Office et thoUranbrook Po sitOelce WILLINEET & HAsIR DBES& big done by DIra. Turnbull, Resi- dence—North of school house, corner of Ile• (Manic street, Brussels. 0500—Wo 350550 recommend Airs. li. Turnbull to the dubious of Brussels as u. good strmW aw illiner. hile in Laltstiold she gave geed satisfaution to her customers in making ovor and dying felt and straw hats, . U1%114111 11800, 41.4111 ROBT. CUNNINGHAM, Insurance Agent,• GUELPH, ONTARIO THOS. FLETCHER, hactical Watchmaker and Jeveler. Gold TV atches, Silver Plated Ware, Silver, Watches, Clocks, Gold Rings, Violins, Elc. I keep a fall lino of goods usually kept in a first-class Jewelry store. Call and examine, no trouble to show Goods. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Agent for Ocean Tickets, Amer- ican Express Company and Groat Northwestorn telegraph Company. Voters' List, 1885. --- Xonicipality of the Township of Greit, in the County of N)TICE, 73 HERBBY GIVBN THAT I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in the tird and 4111 000- tionS of tho Voters' List Aot," the copies required by said section to bo transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to this Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised assessment roll of tho said Municipality, to bo entitled -to voto in tho anid Municipality !It elections for the Mem- bers of the Legislative Assembly end at Munirapal Electione; and that the said List was first postal at illy mules in the Town- ship of Grey, on the lith of July, and re- mains there for inspootion. Electors are called upon to examine tho said List and if any omissions or other errors aro found, to take immediate proeeedings to have said antra corrected according to W111. Clerk. Data] at Ethel, this Iith day of July, 1885. 331