HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-7-24, Page 8TI +' Kati SSE s eon
D1r0otor of ChurclsaS and 50010�10s At all the latest faebiouable re• early in the spring. A aolntiou of
Y l captions iu New York pale tinted and saltpetre iu water, in the proportion
white Idol gloves have been worn iu of truo tabloapoonful of the former to
11 1a.m. and 6.86 p.m, Sunday School at I ailmvLLLn caaatm.-Sabbath Services at -, reference to the tan•oolouretl lovos ono gallon of the tattoo, will probably
6 g
2:30 p.mRoc. Jno. Roes, B. A., pastor.so long ltffeotell. prove au effective remedy if applied
Battling caps and bats are in fawn- to tho plants 88 Soon as they tiro up,
ful shades, and aro variously of red and the applications are repeated ow
and w111t0.etripped wool, gossamer oasioually.
rubber cloth, gray or black, and rad
or yellow oiled silk and coarse straw, 1 VARIETIES.
I1Nex col nen.--Sabbath Servioes at 11
a.m. and 11:2J p.m. Sunday School at 2:30
p.m, Rev. S. Jones, paster.
ST. JnIIN'4 Cltrtu:n,---Sabbath Services at
11 a.m. and 7 p.nl. Sunday School at 9;30
a.m. Rev. W. T. C1utfe, ineumbelit,
illa211e1u1.1 Cbramt.-Sabbath Services at
10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p:m. Sunday Sotlool at
2:30 p.m. ramterRev, Wm, Smyth.
ROMAN C.unomto Clauson, -Sabbath Ser-
vice third Sunday in every month at 11 a.m.
Rev. 1', J. Shea, priest.
ODD FELLOW'S LopoE every Thursday
evouing in Graham's block.
MAsoxicLonoe Tuesday at or before all
:noon in Holmes' block.
A. 0. U, \V. Lobos meets on 2nd and
last Wednesday evenings each month.
PonrsTun'eLonGa 2nd and last Monday
evenings of each mouth in Smale's hall.
L. O. L. lat Monday in every month in
Orange Hall.
Posy Ore1Cr., Oftice Hours from 8 a. m.
MECRANIC•O IN4rrxrrg 12ead1ng ROOM and
Library in Holmes' block, will be open
from 6 to S o'clock p.m. Wednesdays and
Saturdays. .Hiss Jessie Ross, Librarian.
Tucked skirts are m- uch worn.
The jersey is worn only for demi•
Onore, whooping cough and bronchitis izt•
mediately relieved by Shilob'e Cure. Sold by
0. A. Deadman.
Canvas and lace woven stuffs are
all tho rage
Black satin dresses are very fash-
ionable for receptions or dinners.
T1rAT hocking cough eau he eo quickly CUT( Al
by Shiloh's Ours. We guarantee it. Sold by 0.
A. Bondman.
There is a tendency to retain the
puff and looped skirt drapery.
Spotted linen collars and cuff's are
worn 111111 travelling dresses.
Sancta's Cough and Consumption Cure is
sold by G. A. Deadman on a guarantee. It
cures consumption.
The pretty Gretchen dress for little
girls is as popular as last season.
Moire and tufted satin ribbons are
favourites in Paris and Loudon.
WILL yen suffer ioarneComplaint ? lnhs Vitalizersguaranteed
to cure you. 6m1d by G. A. Bondman,
Daffodils, tulips, white lilac, aucl
wistaria are popular artificial flowers.
The scarf of gold shot otamine is
the favourite seaside hat trimming,
SLEEPLESS t i;llts, made miserable by that
terrible cough, 50110118 Cure is the remedy
for you, Sold by G. A. Deadman,
A. four or five -button glove is the
most suitable for tailor-made street
Tinsel cord is to take the place of
tinsel braid in dress and millinery
next ;;all,
rIATAEnn curd, health and sweet breath se-
cured, by Sbilob's Catarrh loom edy. Prime 50
cents. Nasal injector tree. 5olrl by Geo. A.
Little veets coloured silks laid in
fine pleots, cuffs and collars to match,
are made to trim waists.
Colour on the edge is considered
the proper and desirable thing in per-
cale, linen cr lawn collars (113(1 cuffs,
for travelling wear,
fi ninon's Vitalizer is what yea need for Con•
stipation,losa of appetite, dizziness, and all
3ymptomsof Dyspepsia, Price 10 and 75 cents
per bottle. Sold by G. A. Deadman,
Sashes of moire, surah, and all
sorts of soft, crapy silken and woolen
stuffs, are in high favour, and are grades. Much money has been lost
worn in almost every style preferred. in London on inferior and faulty
Brocaded Moir antique is again e, wools.
fashionable fabric for elegant toilets. The average annual production of
In -white these superb material are wheat in Europe is estimated at 1,•
much used for bridal toilets. 100,000,000 bushels, and the average
SaiLen's Catarrh Remedy -a positive cure annual Consumption at 1,375,000,000
for Catarrh, Diptberta, and Canker Mouth.
Sold by G. A. Deadman. bushels, showing a deficiency that
Corsage handkerchiefs, which look has to be supplied by other countries
as if made for dolls, are tucked be. of 275,000,000 bushels, less any sur-
tween the buttons, forming a dainty plus stook now held in hand by
contrast of dolour with the dress. Europe.
Low shoes with ribbon lanes, be• Suit for $500 damages has been
ginning with a small bow at the low- brought against a Wisoonsiu hoo-
ey eyelets and tying in another 013 the keeper by a sheep farmer, who claims
instep, are the last delight in this that his animals are 50 annoyed when
line. running at pasture by the bees Ag to
IIo•aentrn, Attention 1 injure his ileal( of thoroughbreds to
When your borne is galled, scratched t0 eat
or has an ugly sore, bathe twine daily, and ac- the extent of the above amount.
ply McGregor & Parke' s Carbolic Carat°, it 1lluch intereat Is manifested in the re -
is undoubtedly the finest healing and cleansing
ap"lioation for it. Se sure TOO get DfcGregcr Molt of the suit among lleo•lmeopore.
t Parkes. 5001 for 25c. per box, at J. nal- yelldottee aro not only ver The W y
grooves&Co's, Drug Store,
Bows are made of anything and handsome fowls, but are very popu-
worn everywhere, from the slipper to
lar for table purposes, And are sten-
the top of the parasol. If narrow dily gaining f13 public favor. Where
ribbon is used it is put on in abuntl• the greatest possible number of eggs
cute. is desired, however, Most poultry
At n welding to take place in the keepers agree that the Leghorue aro
summer the boutounieres of the groom superior to any other known variety.
and his best mac are to bo of four For all purposes the Plymouth Rook
o'clocks, that being the hour fixed for has few superiors,
the ceremony.Wood is the common summer fuel
Coloured and white lawn collars, in many faimere' houses, even in the
and pleated nusoft laundered, not stiff East, and on many accounts it id
with starch, are taking the .place of more desirable of summer use than
white linen bands for travelling and Deal. But the wood should have been
mourning wens, prepared for use during the winter
num Lightning. months, as it takes loo mnali valuable
All 'ailerons from that terrible 'torment, time 10 do it during the 6oaao13
by ua silo6 heap Pl made
a tie otpFluidn one
fur active work. Dry wood, even if
briskly rnlhad on painful parte and without not very solid, is excellent Nil mlfel'
ening any disgusting medicine day at tor day, final and much rubbish on ovary form
with little r1 no result, Fluid Lightning also 1 y
cures as r lectually Toothache, Lumbago,
Rheum atie a Headache and is only leo, Pox
bottle at J. (lnrgrcaves t'e Co's, Drug Store.
Boses lam: the palm from all other
blossoms at 01-060nt. The illarechal
Niel blonds cltaimingly with damask
rases upon bonnets and hats of black
Spanish lace.
The latest fancy in healbrnamenteIt may do for tboologiane to call it
is to put pendant strands of copper "Shoot," but 1110 old torm id good
or lead beads or porcelain imitation enough for Most of us 113 the usual
of the same on red serge and rod daily walks of life.
flannel jackets for seaside wear. A New York man has developed a
Cholera I'r•eventativ''''chock six inches thick, and he 18 ]tae.
In order to withstand Cholorn end such like
epllomies a porfeot 1308108 of blood, and the hating whether to soli lightning rods
TTemper aetiou of oho stomach era regmir0 L TO
insure that eud,iu theaheal,0st, mostuveilvble or taloa the lecture pl.atfdrm,
and oomploto manner, use McGregor's Speedy "A ,nun and his wife may differ,'
Cure for Dysyop ale and Impure Blood. Tbora
is no purer safer or Blore relieblu remedy in says an essayist with great gravity.
existence for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Costive. ,
mass, eta. Ask your neighbor or any person They may, they may ; and what's
who has used 10. Sold by J. Hargroaves t Co. more they generally do."
Trial bottle given from. Doctor -"For dinner, taco forty
American bathing suits are very minutes." Timid Ptltiont-"Would
plain blouses with medium length
skirts and half long trousers ; darkit be dangerous to add a piece of meat
blue and grey are the preferred col. and some vegetables ?"Sober passenger (angrily) -"Look
ours, with white or red braid for trim. where you stop, eau !" Tipsy pas,
Serge flannel is the material. sooner (apologetically)--" Y -yes, I do;
Liu :finish percales and prints the tr-rouble is to -iia -atop whore I
aro 0000.uoa for summer wear. They look."
are very like sine in their glossy finish, Apples are getting large enough to
especially shepherd's plaids. For
those who like wand materials, those twist a boy of 10 out or bed and half.
way down stairs at every grip, and the
tkbriee will be found extremely suit. way
should not be lost by a
able. single yontli.
White plumes will bo fashionable "No\vthen, John," said tho restnnr•
all summer upon drossy white hats, ant keeper to his boy, bring out those
but with thin exaapti0u the lovely sandwiches wo put up last winter.
French floowers,wer,, grasses, and foliage
wreaths, es, 30(1 sprays of the sandwiches
a big order come in to supply
the Sunday school pio•nio."
will quite usurp the reign of feathers, „Which do you liko best, Miss
waists gathered to yokes "Which
rowing or driving ?" he ask.
and belts at the waist linee,, worn with ed as he gazed into her azure eyes.
full gathered or pleated skirts, which "Uh driving by all hallus."' "Why 8"
may bo tucked and trimmed with "Because yyon have to use both hands
embroidery, bat net flounced, aro the to row." They wont driving.
features of little girls dresses, "Did you pass the hat?" the pastor
Farre Nimes. of a Texas congregation asked his
deacon after the morning service.
The present low prices of wool will "Yes, 1 did," said the deacon, and
probably have a tendency to cause then looking into the vacant interior
sheep farmers to pay more attention of 11 hitt that wanted nothing but Tin-
to the production of mutton in future in., he added gloomily, "So did every-
verythan to wool. Good mutton is al- body else."
ways in demand. By the use of Hanington's Quinine Wino and
A patent has been secured for mak- .p and part8ohealthy Dinner Fills, sale
ing Imitation maple syrup. Hickory of imitation;, see teat yyore gab "Hanington'a,"
bark is soaked in water, and an ere- the orioina( and genuine. Ivor aero by nu.
druggists and gouera1 doctors In oanndu,
tract is thus obtained, which, added "Who's that?" inquired an old man
to the cane or glucose syrup, gives it at the theatre as a woman with a
the maple taste and smell. train longer than a stage -wait came
Pigs should have a plentiful supply striding out before the foollights.
of pnre water during the long, hot "Why, that's the star," replied his
summer days. It should also bo kept 8013. "The star ?" "Yes." "Why,
in mind that a patch of green clover good gosh, Billy, she looks more like
makes a most excellent feed for the tee comet:'
growing porkers, whether young or His Name was Region. -"Do you
old. kno v a titan by the 13111110 of Legion ?"
Better crops of most garden vaso• inquired Darnley of a friend. "Legion?
tables can he obtained by changing No, I never heard of him." "Jenkin's
the locality of tho gardens occasion- told me hist night that I had been
ally. By seeding the old plot to called the biggest fool•Jaekasd on
clover and cutting it for hay a year earth, and when I demanded the
or two the condition of the soil will man's flame he said it was Legion.
be much improved. I'm looking for him.
Good authorities in England claim A boy, while out riding on horse -
that there is too muoh wool being back in it town in Idaho, during a
produced in the world of au inferior storm, was struck by lightning, He
grade. The finest goods and wools was stripped of all his clothes, but
are io demand end held their prices sustained no injuries. This is not the
the world over better than the low brawl of lightuing for which the par.
ents of this country are yearning.
What is wanted is a thunderbolt that
will put the olothes on a boy in the
morning when 1)e is called to break•
No lady who delights in flowers and likes t0
see them do well and bloom abundantly, should
be without Haniugtou'e Food for Flowers.
Ordinary packages 110o-•sumuieat for 20 piauts
our ono year.
A scientific writer says that to dis-
cover how an insect breathes, "take,
say a wasp or a hornet." He may
mean well, but we shall not take either
n wasp or n hornet. The person who
lakes either a wasp or a hornet to dia.
cover how an ineeet breathes is pretty
apt to do dome very rapid and vigor-
our breathing himself before he pro-
ceeds far with the investigation. Bet.
tor take an insect that doesn't violate
the law against carrying concealed
A. Bad Blunder, --The reapeotablo
aontlemau of the following anecdote
was the victim of a slight misuuder.
standing, and probably ho dill not for
get it, ile went to the train to see
hue favorite daughter off. Securing
her a seat ha went off to a bookstall
and then returned to her window to
say a parting word, fie is frequently
done on each occasions. While ho
was away the daIgIlier loft the seat
to speak to a friend, and it the same
time a prime olcl maid came in and
took her place. Unaware of the im-
portant change inside, he hurriedly
put his face up to the window and
said, "0110 more Kiel, sweet pet 1" In
another instant the point of a cotton
uulbe nlle. vette thrust from the window
followed by the pa0810(111to interjection,
may be thus disposed of, a'Saat, you grey -handed wretch!" Ho
The onion mag 11 is doing an till' I scatted.
usual amount of u ,:.logo In 30010 lo -
cantina this season. As a remedy, Tho improvements to the Bank of
or rather preventive, of this pest, Montreal building at Montreal aro
some successful growers recommend almost completed, at a cost of $30,-
sowing 400 pounds of salt per acro 000.
deraigned will keep the thnru'-brell 1)ur-
bam bull''Model" for service at ilia florin,
adjolaling Brims's, Terme 111,02 per sow,
payable at time of service with the p rivilogo
or returning. J, h ImNLCii'r4L,
31.4' Proprietor
Quoon Htroat, There is also a shop on
the Lot thµt could be utilised fur so stable,
Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply t0--,
A, 11A\Vr1t4;loM1(it
nuteher, thanking bis
ninny customers fur their liber-
al support for the past six yetr0
wlsbos to infuser then the t be-
ing burned out of 111e old stand hue fitted up
e shop in Smile's d look in a rst-eluss style
whore he hopes to sou oil the old customers
and an many now odes es son at to give hie: a
call. I keep nothing but aret-class moats, rill
kiil10 of Poultry and Sausage Meat Delivered
to all parts of the Town Free. Cath paid for
Fut Stook,
The subscriber is popeyed to do all kinds
of Painting, swill as
Graining to e4p1CItllty.
--0-- -
Spring time will soon be at hand so leave
your Orders Early. Work done in the
most satisfactory manner and satisfaction
guaranteed. I will be found at my old
shop north of the bridge.
Wm. Roddick.
Canadian gaeific railway Time Table,
Teeswater Branch.
Going West, Mall. Express.
0 iTorouto.. Dep
0 Orangeville ..
4 Orangeville Jct
73 Amaranth t ..
10 Waldemar....
123 Luther .... .
283 Arthus•.. . .
303 Kenilworth....
88f Mr. P oneeT . .
44 Pages 1.. .. .
563 Pordwioh ....
00 Gorrie .... ..
623 Wroxeter
09 Wingham Rond
74 Teeswater.. Arr
7.20 a.m. 5.40 p,m.
0.50 " 7.05 "
10.05 "
10.15 '1
10.24 "
10.81 '.
11.03 "
11,80 " 8,29
11.58 a.m. 8.46
12.15 p.m. 9.31
12.28 0.10
7.22 "
7.82 •'
7.88 "
7.44 "
8.10 '
12.55 "IC
1.09 "
1.15 "
1.38 "
1.55 pan
.Milos tiding East. Express. !fall.
0 Teeswater Dep 5.15 11111. 2.1.5 p.m.
5 Wingham Road 5.28 " 2.80
113 Wroxeter .... 5.47 " 2,49
14 Gorrie ..., .. 5.53 " 2.50
I73 Pordwioh .... 0.02 " 8.05
263 Harriaton .... 6.25 ' 8,29
80 Pages l... .. 0.35 " 3.40
853 Mt. Forest.... 0.51 ' 8.57
433 Kenilworth .: 7.00 " 4.19
503 Arthur ...... 7.25 ' 4.80
51.3 Luther ...... 7.58 " 5.10
64 Waldemar.... 7.08 " 5.17
063 Amaranth t . 8.04 " 5.24
70 Orangeville Jot 812 " 5.115 "
74 Orangeville .. 8.85 •' 5.55 "
122 Toronto .. Arr. 10.45 a.m. 8.115 p.m.
Refieshment and Diming Rooms
S.TTN'CHE BT 3 SS0C1i0 013
JULY 24, 1385
TOWN .'�r'QN.
rho oul 4eribore take 0(1.s opportunity of re -
burning thanks to1hoinhabitants of Brussels
and vlalnity fur past patronage, and bog to
state that having luado 401,re! tin Irav'ulontn
in their 1,111, n10100,10 of burning, tlmy urn now
in a better position then over before to supply
the Publle with Firs winos Lime.
TMs being Gin pl0vellth 00110011 0l our busi-
ness dealings !n l3resoeIe Bad having given un-
qualified eatieiaetIall se tar, 1110 nubile 0nn re•
ly on mei goal treatment and a itrol-elaSs
article from us. i Jret-oIn0s Liao at 14 cents
at the kiln and 15 omits delivered,
Wu also burn a 240.1 111no for plastering at
the clothe pique,
Remember the spot -Brussels Limo \Vorkr.
or ----
PSTI•ik.11.3,AGY: 1.:3
L inns II'00L,1,0N11ONnOB Si1 0 LA -1 OM'
L0NOON, Bre.:
Steerage, 811, Liverpool, Londonderry
Queenstown, Glasgow, or Belfast to (Zueboo
and always as low fie by any firet-alassline,
SARMATIAN .Saturday, May Oth.
POLYNESIAN " " 16011.
PJ6ltUVIAN Juno lull.
SARMATIAN , " 20111.
CIRCJASSIAN " July 41(1.
PA1RISIAN " 11th.
PERUVIAN " " 18th.
The last train eonuecting with the steamer
at Quo beo ie ave 'Peron to Wednesdaya at 8:30 a'
m. Passomgorsannle ave Wednesdays a10081)
3,10.6100, and oounoatwith the etaamer at nal:
116x, by paying nu additional 6010 0f 84;05
het, Gnu e2.052udeluss.
No oettlo,slrue3 or pigs aro carried on Olio
Mail Stanza ora of the Allan Lino.
For 'Flake to and liar the nud ovary 1nforma
tion apply to
41 tl,, font 0Mer, lir easels.
a Choice Stock of Baby Carriages
that Cannot fail to shit the wants
of the Public.
Call and see them.
Give Me a Call.
Tho subscriber wishes to notify
the PUBLIC that he will have his
in Complete punning Order by the
1st of MAY, and will be able to
furnisl3Any Quantity of First-class
Lisle at any time during the Sea-
son. Price at Iiiln-14 cents per
V. Gramm,
CItANB1100K, P. 0.
-i, T H i, L
The undersigned hawing completed tho change from the stone to the
Celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has 110W the .11Ii11 in
First-O1ass, Running Order,
and will be glad to see all his Olcl Customers and as many new ones
as possible. Chopping done.
Flour awl Tela Always on Iland,
W - M=241\1En