HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-7-24, Page 7Jany 21, 18135.
(`RrclCE1' 3X,1'P011..
oRITa \'a, T01LIRe, .
Last Friday afternoon the second
match between two elevens, chosen
aeeordtng to their political faith, was
played ou the pane. Thu game wile
nplensu Jt ono and lasted until nearly
7:30 pee, In tho lirst innings tine
Grill scored 52 rnus before the last
man rolingnisliod the willow. J, Roes,
Dr. MoNaughton and 1). Rosa made
10 each in the inaings. For the'.l'orie9
3. Hargreaves buuuhud 10 together
and Jns, Strottou 18, the innings
totalling 53 rune, ou0 more than their
opponents. The Grits tools the bat
iu the 2nd innings determined to con-
quer cr clic, so J. Kitchen would not
ho bogie(' out until 80 runs were
lanced opposite his name, D. Boss
repeated what the did in the formor
innrnga nud put ono more to it for
luck, and A. Webster, not to bo be-
hind the boys, made 12. The innings
ended with 815 rues to their credit,
84 runs wits quite a little pile for the
Tories to tackle but they pitched in
but luck was against them and they
only made 32. Of this number H.
Dennis had the satisfaction of making
18 and was not out but ho was not
backed up, as J. May and S. Laird
were the only two who scored more
than one run. Excitement grow high
t- arch the close, as the game was to
: called at 7:30 and decision given
ter the 1st innings if the 2nd were not
eishecl and when the Last stump fell
'Otero was only about 10 minutes to
e 'aro. Sonic geuttiudividual playing
v::;e done, the running catch made by
';obis Gerry being worthy of mention,
Tho Conservatives have coma to tho
cou0lusiou that the Reform party is
to heavy for then, on cricket anyhow.
AI. MoLounan and A. Veal umpired
the game. S. 13. Sinaio did the by.
eroglyhics in the scorn book, The
following score will probably be as
good nn explanation of the gamo as
can be given to persons who did not
whtnees it :—
GRITS -1st Iuuiugs.
Currie, a May, 1 Hargreaves 1
Grant, b Dennis 0
J, Boss, b Dennis 10
Webster, b Dennis 1
Thomson, b Dennis 4
Waterer, run out 2
Kitchen, 1 Hargreaves 1
13foNaugbton, b Hargreaves 10
D. Bose, 1Hargreaves 10
Powell, 1 Dennis, c Cooper 4
Wade, not out 1
Byes 5
Leg byes
2nd Innings.
Kitchen,1 Iiargrcaves
3. Buss, c Elliott, 1 Deouia
Currie, b Dennis
D. hose, 1 Dennis
Webster, ran out
Waterer, c Elliot, b Hargreaves
lleNaughton, a Cherry, L Hargreaves
Tlhomeohi,1 Dennis
Wade, not out
Grant, b Dennis
Powell, 1 Hargreaves
Leg byes
Grand Total,
TOLtIllS--1st Innings,
Elliot, 1 Moss
E Cooper, o Currie, b" Ruse
Dennis, 1 Moss
Laird o Currie, 1 Kitchen
C Cooper, ran out
Gerry, o D. Ross,lb J. /toss
Clttf1, b Kitchen
Hargreaves, run out
:Bretton, b Webster
Denman, b floss
IIay, not out
Leg byes
203 Innings.
May, 1 Kitchen
Stratton, b Ross
Clul'f, run out
Gerry, 1 J. Boss
Laird, 1 I('.itchen
Elliot, b J. Rose
Dennis, not out 18
E. Cooper, leg before wicket,b Kitohon 1
Hargreaves, b J, Ross 1
Vonstoue, 1 Kitchen 0
Denman, cengbt Webster, 1 Kitolhen 0
Byes, 0
Leg byes 0
Widoe 0
Total, 32
Grand Total, 45
'Fn Avoid Fires.
The Fireman's Herald aoncleusos
into small compass a vast amount of
nssful information having a tendency
to prevent fires ; they aro as follows :
1. Always buy tho boot quality of
2, Never lnalco a sadden motion
with a lamp either in lifting it or ea-
ting it down.
8. Never put a lamp on tho edge of
a table or mantel,
G. Never fill a lamp after dark, evou
if you should have to go without a
G. Seo that tho lamp wick is al-
ways clean and that it works freely
in the tube,
6. Never blow a lamp out from the
7, Never (aka a light to a closet
whore there are clothes. If necessary
to go to the closet, plaoo the light et
a delta -ace,
h. Use oandlee when possible tvlian
going anent the house and bedroonia.
These aro 0110nper and can't explode,
and fir tnituy purposes aro just as
good ai 11110114.
0, Matches should always be kept
in stone ur earthen jars ur in tin,
10. They should ne3or be left
whore rats and lutea 011.11 got bold of
thein. There ]s nothing more to the
taste of a rat than phosphorus, They
will eat it if they gnu got at it, A
bunch of matches is almost eorl•hiu to
be sot fire ti if a rat gets at it.
11. 1-Iave perfectly ,toed eafee ill
every place where eent01loe are to be
deed and never lot a match bo left on
the floor.
12. Never let a mitten go oat of
your hand after ligbtiug it until you
aro sure the fire is out and then it is
hatter to put it in a stove or earthen
18. It ie fee bettor to use tlhe safety
matches whish eau only be lighted
upon the box which contains them,
14. Have your furnaces examined
carefully in the fall turd at least ouee
during the winter by it competent
person. All the pipes and flues
should be carefully looked to.
1.5. If there are any closets in the
house near 011lmney4 or flues, which
there ought not to bo, put nothing of .
it combustible nature into thorn.4
Such closets will soil silver and crack
Crockery and burn bedding. They
form a bad part of any house that
contains Ilene.
10. Never leave any wood neo• a
furnace, rouge, or stove, to dry.
17. H9veyour et.,ve looked to Ire-
quently to seo that there are no holes
for coals to drop out,
18. Never put any hot ashes or ,
nate in a wooden raceptaele.
19. Be sure Chore aro no curtains
or shades that eau he blown into a
20. Never examine a gas meter
after clerk,
'Porth. Counts-Noton.
21 candidates passed the entrance
examination to the Mitchell High
Tho ratepayers of Stratford have
spoken for the waterworks scheme by
u majority of 168.
Quite a number of artists from Lou-
don and other places have visited St.
Marys this summer on sketching ex-
T. B. Slack, cattle dealer, shipped
from the depot St. Marys, three car-
loads of cattle for the old country.
Mise lfaggie Thomson, of Carling-
ford, won the Prince of Wales gold
medal at the last sesseon of the To-
ronto Normal School,
D. Barker, of South Dumfriee, has
just Bold to J. Idingtou, Q. 0., of
Stratford, two yoarliug Shorthorn
heifers Pansy and Beauty.
Knox church, Listowel, has in•
creased 100 in membership within
the past 18 montlhe, and einoe rho in -
due ion
nauction of Ray. 11Ir, Campbell.
Stratford merchants have agreed 13
close shop at seven o'clock for the
first evenings of the week, during the
Wm. Jackson, the famous hatter of
Clinton, hae furnished the members
of Goshen Line, Stanley, and Bayfield
Orange Lodges' with helmets, over
fifty in number.
They were ackuowledgod by com.
potent judges to be the finest, ship
wont exported from that locality,
Tho three -year-olds averaged 1585
]be,, ono turning the scale at 1,960
A portion of rho St. Marys fire bri-
gade while trying their speed at haul-
ing n reel, ran 500 yards, including
the making of a coupling and laying
100 feet of hose, in 1 min„ 34 sec.
J, E. Harding, of Stratford, has
been appointed arbitrator iu the matter
of tho settlement between that town
and County of Perth, and George For•
MOO has been ordered to prepare a
statomentrof the case for the town.
D. S. Rupert, of St, Marys, was re-
elected Deputy Grand Blaster of the
Huron District by rho Masonic Grand
Lodge at Delineating iu Hamiltou last
wock. J. E. Harding, of Stratford,
was elected (r. R. of the Royal Arch
Degroo Grand Lodgo:
A trach passed St. Marys on Satir-
day afternoon last on route for Mani-
toba, which was entirely laden with
agricultural implements from the fam-
ous Massey Manufacturing Company,
of Toronto, The train was gaily de-
corated, and was quite a fins eight,
W. Henke, who kept it tavern at
the Little Lake, South Easthope, last
year under a Dominion Lioonso, and
was rofusod a license this year by the
Ontario authorities, was brought be-
fore Police Magistrato O'Loano in
Stratford by Inspootor Ooppin and
fined $20 with costs for selling liquor
without a license.
St. Blatys people oarriod a bylaw
to extend the present cemetery,
A sacl ,tooidont, \vide!' terminated.
; fatally, occurect on Tuesday afternoon
on the side -rend it mule or two euelt of
i Listowel. A small building, intended
for it etd,'.r 111111, 11119 15000lIy hood
raised en the term of Jacob 13ruut,
11 appears 11131 on 'Tuesday afternoon
Lis sou Eli, a ycnuhg 1113311 1f about 134
yarns of age, wad hip on one of the
beams of the building, when he some-
! how fc11 to the ground receiving ouch
injuries that no died in a few Lours
afterwards. Thu fall was only about
eight or two foot, but ho had evident-
ly etrucic 110 his Lead. Ile only
spoke a few words after the full. A
doctor was summoned, but hie ser
vices were of n i avail. Title le the
third sun that lir. Brunt has lost,
and all ttbotit the game age.
The Blitcheli Il000rdee says : —What
more promising condition for the fut.
uro moral and social welfare of our
town could we ask than that which
exists at preeeut. Every church and
congregation is supplied with a most
excellent pastor. Our high and pub•
lie schools aro supplied with teachers
of the highest order socially and mor-
ally, as wolf as in a sense of eduoation-
al qualification. Our hotels are all
conducted by good, moral, lawreepe ct-
ing parties, and looked after by the
beat inspector iu the Province. Our
council board and town authorities
from the mayor to tho chief constable,
aro temperate, ohuroh-going and effx.
clout men, Our newspapers --well
there is a wnalcnesa just there, but 1
brother Colwell will attend to that
matter iu a week or two.
Clan adieux INo,v,•s.
'The Midland Battalion is to bo dis-
banded at Port Hope.
The total majority against the
Scott Act. in the comity of Haldimaud
1; 308.
A company to Essex Centro has
begun the manufacture of threshing
Privates Osgoode and Rogers were
buried at Ottawa on Saturday with
military honors.
The Tilbury roller slating rink has
leers incorporated with (i capital
stock of $4,000.
A young man named 11icKenzie died
on Saturday night from injuries re-
ceived by falling off a Toronto street
A. special election will be hold in
Kingsville, Aug. 3, on a by-law greet-
ing a loan of $8,500 to a manufactur•
ing firm of the town,
The ladies of Kingston intend to
present each man of the llidktudors
with a five•dollar gold piece on their
arrival is that city.
The Wimbledon Volunteers agree
that the chief prize is likely to go to
Canada. Ashall has taken a !high
place in each competition.
Tho recount in the Scott Aet vote
at St. Thomas last Friday was post-
poned by the judge, the ballots boar.
lag evidence of having boon tamper-
ed with.
A despatch has been received from
Fort Pitt announcing rho uneonditien-
al surrender of Wandering Spirit and
Sand Ply, together with about seven.
ty lodges of Indians.
Two Russian barques at Quebec
since the looming tip of the war cloud
between England and Russia are
loading night and day, in order to be
ready to leave at any moment in the
event of war.
Lizzie Barnett, a young girl of 10
years or thereabouts, was walking on
Dennison avenue, Toronto, last Bion -
day morning, when she suddenly fell
down and in it few minutes expired.
Heart disease was tho cause.
A. Victoria B. (3. dospaeh says:—
The robber of the paymaster on the
Island Railway was captured this
morning, together with the onti.re
sum stolen, $13,000. The prisoner
has been recognized as 0. Adair, n
South American.
A man named Jacob Miller. of I(el-
vin, in Brant County, while under the
influence of whiskey, on his return
from camp meeting, stabbed his wife
three or four times because she inter-
fered with hien when ha was brutally
ill treating ono of the children. Tho
prisoner is now in Simeon jail,
A despach received from Sault Ste.
Mario says:—Tho Canadian steamer
Quebec struck on a rock at Devil's
Gap in tho North Passage at 10 o'.
clock Wednesday night, bound down,
The steamer Ontario lightened her of
seven car loads of freight, mostly
wool. The wind ahangsd Thursday
night and blew her oil, and she sank
stem foremost iu 100 fent of water.
She is insured, hull and cargo, for
$60,000, No lives aro lost. Tho
Quebec belongs to the Northwest
Transportation Company of Sarnia,
and is valued at- about $40,000.
Word was received last night from
the olvnor's that they had already
served notice of abandonment on the
under -writers,
A. warrant hoe been iesned against
Dr. Jacgnos, of Montreal, for not re-
porting a caeu of sh0utllpux.
The Kingston forwardthe compau-
ins hilus disebargod all tlheir boat
nitrite their being 13231 sly nettling in
The Alpha Oil Compaoy, of Sarnia,
has given 1110 coutrau1 for 3114 build-
ing of oft tau lis to n !Judea firm Ivor
A lacrosse match 17 33 played nt
1Valkurtou on Monday 1,•tweet' the
Kincardine null \Vaikert',n 01. 03, re-
sulting in favor of the latter by two
games to one.
The telegraph line between llonso
Jlew and Wood .Mountain, n distance
of 100 miles, 1113.1 just been enmpleted
by the contractor, and li.aude1 over
to the Government for operation,
Tuesday was Deoorntiou Day iu
Gueiph, a day set apart by the Ohl -
fellows and other secret societies for
visiting the cemetery mid decorating
with flowers tho graves of deceased
brethren, The Mayor proclaimed half
a holiday to give 111 a chance t) wit•
noes the oareeteeles.
Hou. BIr. 1loLean, Minis:er of
Marine and Fisheries on behalf of
Canada, on Saturday presented to
Joe Vincent, of Montreal, a maguifi-
cont gold watob nud chain 111 a recog-
nition of his eminent services iu say- ,
ing life, The iuscriplion on the
watch mentioned the saving of 32
The body of Mrs. .11cIutyne, the
lady from Welland, who fell from it
bridge on Bath Island Mat \Veduee-
flay afternoon during the opening of
the Internatioual Park and went over
the balls, was found on Saturday
near Swift Drift, a point anent it
toile north of the new Snspensichn
13 ridge.
During a thunder storm hist Mon-
day the house of Neil McKinnon, of
Bentwick, about about, ten miles from
Durham was struck by light ning,
and 1.[r. McKinnon instantly killed.
His wife, who was in bed with him,
was seriously injured by the electric
fluid, her fano, head and both arms
being bruised and blistered. She was
insensible for some hours, but she is
likely to recover.
The Torrens Land system has been
brought into force in Manitoba, and
no doubt will be adopted by ail the
provinces. In Australia it has already
been in successful operation for some
time. It is a system by which Gov-
ernment tabes the responsibility of
examining and certifying titles. Once
a property comes ander its provisions
there is no further peril to the posses-
sor through flaws of title, and con
voyanoiug becomes simplicity itself.
Property does not come under this
system except on the demand of the
owner, but itis hardly likely that any-
nyono will buy land hereafter without
a Government title.
A well-known Canadian cattle ex-
porter lies some advice to give farm-
ers, which seems so reasonable that it
should demand their thoughtful
consideration. He said it would pay
feeders to begin feeding later 10 the
fell and to hold ou to their animals
till about this time of the year iu•
stead of selling them in the winter or
early spring, because now there are
less risks in shipping, less delays in
transport, and lower rates of freight
and insurance. For those reasons
exporters would bo in a position to
pay batter prices if they could only
get the cattle now, than they were
early in the season. The same gen-
timeline thinks that, although the
prices paid this year wore not so high
as formerly, they compare favorably
enough with any previous year, in
view of the lower prices of grain and
other food this season, The pros-
pects for next year, he says, are good,
as shippers Lava made a little money
thea year and will therefore be °noeur-
aged to eontinuo in the trade.
(thief llc.Utun, of the Brantford.
Fire Brigade•, ,:n- L +rn presented witu
it handsome 103* l v iiia eeleodo fu
that city.
The'3'ront, 1.1611• r iuw,' (agreed
ref the di:elute i:t Igoe to the
Toronto 13,nr;l of Trt l •,
burl's trial Iva.; ,...;,ullast
Moulay ut 11•3(1,,1. N. 1'i '1'., when
hie (1 ,11(1.511 rile, 1 '1,•- .lne.,,iou of
u':di'lion ,f t u , -. , uu.i al1lied
for 11 111 111 . „I' 3 un t
.1 I ire. , dui, .V. int vr, aeeepte
th_ (1111111, 1133 from Mr. Ilecvt31, of
Peb.,rbor ,' told sacs L • will miter a
mmarlt, f,r $201 a 1I h September
next. Ills preee01 ' !refs will hr,
Lotido 0, 1.oe.
Hanlon r1111ileu3 d Wellace idea to
a fohtramle sailing Leitch :it Calc
Point, ,.r n three' race at llan-
j 1171311111 1304011, Ito,s gays he will ac•
cel.., ,tutl the tirelimiee ries will be ar-
i ranged 10 a few ility4.
.3. fatal c.o lisiutl Out t:•rad last Mon-
day mornieg between a freight and a
coos 1111011:,11 train, t]„ • driver of the
• hatter Lei ug iustantiv killed. Doth
u0giues were euitteh,:,1 and a number
n1 freight -c gra wracltr,.l.
�u Aged 31'0.11 311 ,3nf.-rad Valade's
hotel, M nitreai, oil 11 ,u;lay evening
anti aslteil for 'bon n', she ;eel au
infant in arae. awl ;tilted f.,r it mum
to put it i1, white diuni., which was
cumpne,i '.rich, Aft,: sLe 0liisiteet
(limier she de3nrts1, I tviiig the 111
font, a)so.no uupral Lill. '1'11,• infant,
which Iv119 n hate girl 11 , 1 3 dap. old.
was duty atteude,1 to tie] the police
conhnuruieet .l with, tint:;, eine ltay01
Las been obtained,
The Guelph 111:.111', 3 a.a oat a eat
story that will It 3rd:'-; keep this
weather. It says that when 1\'m.
Solder wa3 nu hie way 1; nun 11'0111 all
Oddfollews fudge aleett 11 o'clock tlhe
other night, Le sun.,untered two
large cats howling on sue sidewalk.
They proved bohlur than the majority
of the feline spode+, Gu' instead of
running, as they might naturally
have been expected to de at the ap-
proach of a man, they both made a
simultaneous attack upon the disturb-
er of their midnight chorus. They
jumped upon him and tore bis pants,
and as much of the flesh as they
could. The battle was continued
from the sidewalk into the middle of
the street, and all attempts to beat
them off with an umbrella proved
unavailing. Al Iaet 111'. Snider was
disarmed of This only weapon of de-
fence, and would uo doubt have fared
badly but fur the Lamely arrival of
two men who were attracted by the
noise. The cats, thee .•etunmbered,
neat a hasty riAreitt, leaving Mr.
Seidur pretty thoroughly exhausted,
but thankful enough lit Laving es-
caped 140 well from n very ugly fight.
Thu Woodetoolc Sautiuel•Review
states that whip, Thomas llclutoeh,
contractor, and Ins 11.1;11, among
whom were two mon ur.med Stewart
and Peter Ross, were engaged in
shingling the root of lir. 13utherford's
barn on the 7th concession,'West
Zorra, near .Braemar, the, thunder-
storm struck them. The lightning
struck the roof, making a round hole
of considerable sizo iu it. and Stew.
art, tylia wag near, 1710 drawn partly
through the hole by the suction.
Peter Rose, who wrta a little farther
away, was thrown, tannin a com-
plete sotuersnnit nud a113111ing astride
the ridge of the roof. Stewart was
taken down as dead but is still living,
although his condithou ,s very precar-
Mus. He was badly burned, his
olotbes, even to his shoe:, being torn
oft him. Before the accident Lis foot
rule 3vas in his hip pocket, and when
he was being removed it was discov-
ered that the brass on the same was
entirely melted, His hair 17110 also
completely burned off. A number of
the other workmen received a slight
shock, but none co a serious extent,