HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-7-24, Page 6DST
long garments girt about the waist, DISTM0T NEWS.
(i l 5t� t b 1 , to orb
+ SII or t seven n a while
in ono baud, and filo pail of fruits �' Ea • rs oil the 18th, he arrives, n sciuocraw, to n hot Doul•
and flowers in the other,are k•;ttpposed 1 A. Howe trues bridge i; being built Fades in pandemonium.
to represent, the former the passage i at tamer 1Vtngham. Cedar block crossings aro taking
of timo, aucl the latter the remit of , There are 81 ladies in \Yiugliaui the place Of of aw ttTcrrrlM.
the week's labor. entitled to vote at lfaniai pal elections, Ll6tn1{'el got awn from Aillbttnit
Aria names of our uulntha wo 'he. Anew store is being created on 11, in quoits to the luau of t12 to 121 willlai' timing
beyondy loch
rive from the Romans, who conquered ltoborteon'selit, whore it stere wits r,+• pot hitt ills passed the outrauca ox- yield ) 1
Miens of the west suiigniva.
Groat Britain very soon after the ceutly burned, amination to the Listowel high Duncan Liviugetouc•, of this to an -
commencement of the Christian Era, 1). 11, DIulntosh, Merchant of this School,ship, brought us a anepia of spring
January is mimed from Janne, a two. town, has purchased the general store ;1 volunteer lira brigade wad farm. robust (White Fife) fluff measured 5
faced Itomau ik1o1, to indicate that it of Mnrrny Bros., Lucknow' ec1111 town, with I3,F. Brook ae Chief. feet, 4l inches, lie has two acres
paints toward the old seasoe just fin. The 1Vinghem laorasio club go to equally gond ss the sample, he eaye.
ished, and the new one just begun. Port Stanley on the 20th inst. to play Joeoplt Livermore has purchased
February was named by Romulus, a friendly game with the London club, a farne, containing 125 acres, from
from Febrile, the mother of mars; I The Odd Fellows of tide place foam Rev, J, L• herr, o( Brussels, The
and March from Marc, the god of entertained at the Central hotel, oil property adjoins Dundalk village, ire
war himself. April receives its name Monday evening of last week, by Airs. Grey county, it is vory conveniently,
from Apure, to open, because tleeu located.
By reference to rho marriage uotioe
it will l e seen that Rich, Lees, a form-
Jaae 24, 1930
.S.ist:o�' ee. stiffkits to Mr,—, just as sure as
)� 111ra5f bra tints s }+mbalizutg the me m6 g he's Hein' he'll got a dose a' tar an'
}T = Another livory is on the rapist fcethers, that will make him, when
of11 d y 1 lo rho wheel g. 1111 tiolttits were sold hero for Strat.
FRIDAY, .I1'1, 24, 1:;
DOMINION 1'it1.1lil cent was pro-
rogued last Monday. Toa session
bas been a long one and probably
as expensive t session its kn vvu for
a good while. The principal ques-
tions that have 'would') for dlt7t'tlse-
ion viz. Tho S,'ntt Act, the Frau-
cliiseBill, the Northwest trouble
and the C. P. IL, are still left in
an. unsettled state after all the de-
. , a * ,
IN spite of all that was said by
Anti Scott Act people Parliament
closed without giving thein their
ovine and beer amendment, foisted
upon them by the Senate 'Whiskey
and money do a good deal bat it
can't do all.
Nnntes of the Dare and Jlonths. •
All our boys and girls know the
names of our days aud months ; but
how many of them ecu tell the origin
of these names—that is, where they
came from, aud why they were given?
Sunpcee we tails a little about it ; and
thk whenever you speak of the
mot: 1 . er days, try to recall the facts
that have use to these names.
The English language ie a mixture
of Saxon and Norman French, cam
ing to us through our English auces-
tore, As long ago no the fifth century
after the birch of our Saviour, a fierce
people, called tho Saxons, completely
overran and conquered the island of
Great Britain ; and their language,
religion and customs very soon took
the place of those of the Britons they
had subdued. These Saxons were
pagans, and worshipped the sun, the
moon, and. a great number of other
idols, which they called gods. As
they wished to inculcate a belief in
their false religion, they named the
days of the week after some of tho
more prominent objects of their wor-
ship, and to this day these names
have been retained, though in a
slightly modified form.
As they devoted the first day of the
week especially to the worship of the
son, they called the day Son's Doeg,
or Sunday, as we have it. Their
idol, intended to personate the sun,
lead a bust of a man, and held, with
outstretched arms, a fiery wheel be-
fore his breast. Tile whole aspect
was very fierce ; and the figure was
placed on a lofty pedestal. so as to be
seen at a great distance.
The second day being set apart for
the worship of the moon, they called
Moons Doeg, or Moon -day, now Bion.
day. Th6 idol by which they repre-
sented the moon was in the form of a
woman, with very long oars, Slee
was clothed in a very short dross and
hood, and held the moon in her
They had also auidoinamedTuises,
who was at first worshipped as the
father of the Teutonic race, bat later
as the Son of the Earth. He was
represented as a venerable sage, with
mild countenance ; nncl was clothed
in the skin of some animal, and held
a sceptre in his right hand. To this
god, the Saxons dedicated a third day
Tutseo Doeg, whish we have grade.
ally sufteved down to Tuesday.
The name of the fourth day was
Woden's Doeg, whence we derived
our Wednesday. Woden or Odin
was the supreme god of the Norse.
men, or men of rho North, of whom
the Saxons were a part ; and their
mythology is chiefly made rap of the
wonderful feats of this favorate idol.
His imago was of a fierce, warlike
aspect, end he held a huge sword in
his right hand, which was uplifted as
if ready to Witte down his foes.
Woden's oldest son Thor, who,
next to his parents, wits esteemed as
the groateet of gods, both by tho
Saxons and Dance. In appearance
he is the moat distingnisbed of all
their idols; and is represented as
seated on kt throne with a royal scop
tre in his hand, and his head adorned
with a golden crown, In which aro
set twelve brightly gleaming stars,
The fifth day was devoted to his
worship, and thence called Thor's
Doeg, or Thursday.
Friday, or Frege's Doeg, derives
its name from _beige., the wife of
'Woden and mother of Thor. She,
like her husband and son, was a fav-
orate with all the Norsemen, and the
different clans vied with each other
in making the most costly sacrifices
to Lor, She was represented with
a sword in her right hand, and a bow
in her left,—the first for conquest,
the second for defence,
The Saxons dedicated the seventh
or last day of the week to Seater or
Saterene, calling it Saeter's Doeg, or
Saturday, as we now express it, This
idol was shown with a ]Dan face and
figure, his head unoovered, and his
tho earth opens her bosom to pour
forth her long hidden treasures. May
was so-called Maio, the mother of
Mercury ; and Juno from Juno, the
wife of Jupiter, ell favorite deities of
the Romans. July was named by
Mark Antony, in honor of the cele-
brated Roman Emperor, Julius Crew,
the first of his nation who attempted
the conquest of Great Britain, Au-
gust, winch means grand or great,
reoeived its name iu oomplimout to
another ltomau Emperor called Oe-
tavins Augustus. September was
named from Septem, the seventh ;
October from Coto, the eighth; No-
vember from Novem, the ninth ; and
December from Deem, the tenth
month of the Roman year. Ae n
matter of convenience, these names
have been retained, tit ugh ivappro.
print° according to our cumbering of
the months.
Measuring Fields.
Five yards wide 068 long contains
an acre.
Ten yards wide by 464 long contains
an acre.
Twenty yards wide by 212 long con-
tains an acre.
Forty yards wide by 121 long con•
tains an acre.
Seventy yards wide by 691, long
contains an acre.
Eightyyards wide by 001 long con•
tains au acro
Sixty feet wide by 720 long contains
an sore.
Sixty-six feet wide by 660 long con-
tains an acre. •
One hundred and ten feet wide by
107 long contains an acre.
One hundred and thirty fent wide
by 868 long contains au acre.
Two hundred and twenty feet wide
by 108 long contains an acre.
Two hundred and forty feet wide by
881- long contains an acre.
Four liunclred and forty fent wide
by 00 Iong contains an acre.
Scott Act '°marries."
Recently two barrels of bottled ale
arrived at the Lucknow station from
Palmerston brewery. addressed to
Rev. G. 11, Turk Methodist Minister.
The reverend gentleman had never
ordered the wet groceries and refused
to allow them to be left at his resi-
dence. The next day be took a trip
to 3? almerston and there found the
brewer bad acted in good faith and
and was able to produce an order
signed G. R. Turk calling for tho ale.
The brewer had the ale roturnod,
and does not feel at all pleased at be-
ing imposed upon by a forger and
having the freight to pay both ways.
The perpetrator of a joke like the a•
bone ought to be rewarded with a
loather medal. It was a very funny
(?), joke.
Blue Ribbon beer, is a beverage
which is manufactured by a firm in
Toronto and being warranted by the
manufacturer as non•intoxicating,
has recently been extensively intro-
duced in the Scott Act counties. It
appears to have a little too much of
that ingredient that makes drunk-
ards, to work successfully,
Calgary herald :—Thorn is great
exeitemout in the mountains, owing
to the discovery of quartz gold in
large quantities at tho Big Bend of
the Columbia, a day's tramp from
rho Second Crossing. The quartz
has already run into tens of thous.
ands of dollars to rho ton, and pros.
pectors are making a rush to the now
gold fields, Five mon discovered it.
T. 2, Higginson, of Ottawa, well
known in Calgary, is interested in
the mine.
Extradition papers for the surren-
der of tho young German count ar-
rested at Montreal for forgery were
presented on Wednesday, the prison.
or being remanded until Thursday to
decide whether he will return volun-
tarily to Philadelphia for trial. Hun-
dreds of photographs and love -letters
from single and married women in
Gernanny and America were found in
the prisoner's trunks,
There aro 17 members,
Young lir, Birks is assisting Rev.
Mr, Ilicbardson, Methodist minister,
until the hatter regains his health.
The civic holiday will likelybo
spent in town this year, A program
Merrifield, of games and sports is being arrang-
James Burgess, an employee at the e,l.
Winghain marble works, had two The fall exhibition of the Wallace
fingers of the right hand badly emnsb- Union Agricultural Society will be or resident of this towushep, has
eel on Monday. He was moving a hold in the town park, Listowel, on jumped the broomstick and taken n
stone weighing about 700 lbs, when Thursday and Friday, 8th and 0111 1ltisa Waters, of Norwood, to gladden
it soddenly tumbled over on one side, October next. bis heart and home. They have tho
falling on his fingers. The following officers were elected best wishes of tt largo circle of friends
Pic -nice are the order of the day.
several oases of inflammatory rlieu-
matisne in town.
Dunonu Strachan, grocer, has
sprained his foot badly.
A number of American fi,mili's
for the current year in connection
with the Mechanics' Institute :—
President, Dr. Nichol ; Vico-Prosi.
dent, W. G. Ilay ; Secy.-Treas., 'Tao.
Connolly. Directors—Woe, Hess,
in this section (Tile POST included),
for their tuture happiness. 11r. Lees
and bride were visiting in this locale
ity this week.
A. I3. McCallum, Rev. I. Campbell,E31ra.eyttde.
H. 13. Morplky, D. D. Campbell, H. Mrs. \Vat. Sturgeon, of Nowboro',
1I. O'Reilly, J. P. Newman and J. A. Co. Leeds, is the guest of her uncle,
have rented furuished houses for the hacking. Thu library at present Jos. Leech.
summer season. contains betweeu 400 and 500 vol. Jos. Leech and Rev. W. W. Leech
II. Y. Attrill and family have re- times. returned from Brookville oil Friday
turued to their Ridgewood estate for last, looking tho Letter for their trip,
the season. 15 c�lg;ral o. The Methodists now hold services
The steamer "Saginaw Valley" took morning and evening of each Sabbath,
The Baigravo correspondent of the
S • 1 E instead el' at 2.80 it. in. as formerly.
onfo ostlkua Lts ff tl
out a large exearseon of Clintonians,
headed by their town band, on Thurs. •p k o ko The lawn party, givou by the Band
day lest, Brussels mnst follow. ! situati- !tor '
on as it exists in that locality of Hope, on the grounds of \Vm,
Thomas McGillicuddy, of the Gode.fu couusction witL tbo violation of Smith, was au Cnaluyabl0 affair, pro•
rich Signal, left on Monday to join the Scott Act by a Wingheui Doctor. Geode $20.
his brother -in -Jaw, Professor Clarice,
of the Baptist College, Woo•hstock, in
a trip, to camp out at liuskolca.
The Montreal steamer "Celtic" ar-
rived at Godericll on Sunday last
with a pleasure party on board, and a
cargo of hardware for 0. Or Oh, mer-
chant, from the English market.
Miss E. A. Skimings, of Godericb,
composer of the "National" March
and "Cleveland" Waltz, will take
orders in our town shortly for her
music, and hopes elio may receive a
cordial welcome.
The bulk of the hay crop will be
housed this week.
See the notice of posting up of
Grey township voters' list.
Miss Elta Mullhollaud has returned
from Ilamilton. Her sister, Mrs.
Patrick, came with her for a visit.
Thos. Hill, sou of Johu Hill, is
home for a holiday trip. Ho has
been doing a good trade in the
north and is full of business.
Richard Roo brought a hone egg to
our office that =neared Gx71. inches.
A person could. not put away a great
many of those fellows at a meal,
The Morris and Grey cheese fac-
tory sold 800 boxes of cheese to J.
Ballantyne of Stratford, at 7.1 scute.
Tho cheese was macre the lst of Jnne.
Last week Hugh Carr and wife and
W. H. Roe and wife loft for their new
home in Michigan. Tho took 11 car-
load of stock, implements, &o. with
Those men who accomplished won-
derful feats of chopping and sawing
wood, &a., &c., last winter are quite
numerousjust now, Those who per-
formed similinr feats in binding &c.,
will be jest as numerous next winter.
At the entrance examination to
the Seaforth High School Maggie
Hislop and Maggio Simpson and
Albert Morrison and James Teoytl
Morrison, of Walton, Maggie Hislop
and Ellen J. Turnbull, Wm, Barney,
Thos. A. Turnbull and Wm, Smith, of
S. S. No. 2, sad Ellie McIntosh, pu•
pil of S. S. No, 8, passed.
Panxv.—Geo, Forrest, who reoeutly
had completed a large addition to his
barn, gave his noighbore and acquaint-
ances an evening's enjoyment in the
shape of a dance, on Wednesday last,
loIre. Forrest had a quilting bee during
the day, in which upwards of forty
ladies took part, finishied four quilts.
A flag could be seen during the day on
top of the barn floating in the breeze,
put up, it was suppoeed, by the Pram.
ors, Newsom & Hughes. It is need -
lose to say that the party was a success
is every particular. People worn there
from far and near. Thera woro ladies
there from Brussels, gents from Wel-
ton, and boys and girls from Oran -
brook, upwards of sixty conplos being
in attendance. Wo will nob attempt to
name those who furnished rho music,
there being over a dozen of them,
"Eatments" wore furnished in profus-
ion, and tho merry Glance was partial-
patod in until the "wee sea' hours
eyout the twal," whoa all departed for
their homes fully couvincocl that Mr.
and Mrs. Forrest are just the people
for fun and amusement.
pre immary ieulni s e Our ball tossers added anotherto
says :--Even the anti -Scott Act men their ion list of victories bydefeating
aro not so bitter against the groat ro- the Winghain club by a scrn of 28
form, as they wore at first, owing to
the fact that our (Jaunty Commission-
ers have given a license to the hotel
keeper here, to deal out the damnable
stub to all the. droughty fellows who
apply for it, and they have no diffi-
culty in getting a stiffkit, (as J. B.
Gough calls it,) as there is a very ac-
commodating 111. D„ vulgarly named
Dr. 11'indbeg, wlio pays the village a
trod -weekly visit, for the purpose of
giving the indispensibie medical cer-
tificate to all who apply, charging 25
cents per head, duds replenishing his
own coffers, by that, which, iu moat
cases, is urently needed by the moth-
ers and children of tbaee poor drunk -
10 and and and innings to spare,
"Who'll bo tho next,
A number of Ethel people went to
Stratford on Wednesday.
Mies Lottie Long, of Ripley, is
visiting at Rev. lir. Paul's,
Mr. Godfrey, who has been station
agent born for some time, has been
promoted to Clifford.
The prospect of a good harvest in
this locality is most promising and
the farmers aro in good spirits.
Tbo regular quarterly meeting of
the Methodist church well bo held at
artde, sadly in want of tho necessaries Craubrook, one weak from next Sun -
of life. Now, surely it never was in- day.
tended by the framers of the Scott Rev. air, McLachlan, of Thornhill,
Act, that sueh fellows ns the said M. preached iu the Presbyterian church
D., should Lava the privilege of mak- last Sunday afternonu and gave au
ing it au almost complete failure. address in the Methodist church lu
It was just last weak, on ono of his the oveuing.
visits, a poor deluded wretch, whose
g'arcr3n C<rtcrai$ i"wur;ci,
wife is sick, and otherwise hard up,
on account of his imbibing habits, Two notable events have oecnrred
applied to this limb of the faculty, recently in Exeter:—Tho farewell
for a certificate to enable him to gra. aermou and various presentations to
tify hi$morbid appetite, ane this mie. Bev, E. T. Robinson, ineumbont of
orable doctor quickly granted his re. Christ Church, previous to his de.
quest, knowing full web his habits. parbure for Eogla1 d ; and the public
The Ulan, after paying the doctor the funeral of Jas. Stewart, a fireman
25 cents, got a jug of the cursed stuff and Orangeman. The poor follow
from our hobo! keeper, and went had been slowly dying for the past
home drunk, and abused his poor, six or eight mouths. Tho firemen of
sick wife, making her stay out of bed both divisions and lodge of Orange
all night, thus depriving her of need- Brethern, headed by the brass band,
ed rest, besides threatening her with and followed by •a large assembly,
instant ejection from the house, if marched to the Church of England,
she refused to obey. Those are the when service was conducted by the
parties whom our hotel -keeper of Rev. .8.'T.Robinson, and that at tho
Bclgrave, and this Dr. Windbag, of grave by the newly appointed inoum•
'Vingham, delight in accommodating hent, Rev. F, S. Robinson, of Huron
and it does not need much studious College,
atiu onoi
Tao Goderich Star says:—At the
appliafish theyobelotoeng to.ludo ludesdwhat,kind ne re -of recent meeting of ileo Ontario Fruit
garde Dr. Windbag, from his first Growers' Association, an interview
advent to Wingham, he has conduct- was had with commissioners appoint-
ed himself as a whiskey guzzler or
trio lo{roat stamp, and was one of the
bitterest opponents of the Scott Act,
and since ib canto in force ho has ueod
his position and privilege as a doctor,
in endeavoring to holcl it up to ridi•
cute, and also himself into the bar- forouoe was quito satiefaotory, and
gain. He even carries liquor 10 the Association aro now selecting and
quantity in the bnggy with him preparing specimens of every known
Canadian fruit as it matures, A
committee from the Association will
likely bo appointed to superintend
this dopartmeut In tiro exhibition,
the name of our townsmen, A. MCD.
Allan, being prominently mentioned.
Tho display of Canadian fruits will
doubtless do what our cereal display
did at the Antwerp Exhibition last
montli—beat all the other oompetit-
ors out of sight,
ed by the Dominion Government for
the purpose of arrauging for a dis.
play of Canadian fruits ut alto Colon.
ial Exhibition which opens at Loin
don, England, on May let, 1886, to
continue for six months. The eon -
wherever he goes, drip ing, and offer-
ing drinles to all with whom ho comes
in contact, and the wonder is that so
many ehoulcl be so easily charmed
by Its much backing and bowing,
and pretended affability, which at
times makes him appear strangely
groteequo, as also amusingly silly.
But his carear will not continue long
seeing King Alcohol has got. him
completely tinder subjection, and the
end of his nose is getting tinctured
with the fire of Trades, rather grog.
nosttoaily, and his speech savours
also of the lower regions, which
should toll powerfully with all right•
thinking people, to beware how they
trust themselves or their eouneetions,
to the preseriptions of such a one.
But, hark, I'll tell ye o' a plot,
though dinna ye be spoakin' o't.
Next time leo comes to our toon o'
Belgravo, and glee ono o' his cursed
Last fall n member of the Blans-
hard Agricultural Society mailed to a
friend in Queensland several samples
of first prize wheat, which was after•
wards exhibited in I\laryborongh,
Warwick, Brisbane, &e., and though
attracting groat attention on account
of being grown in Ontario, still it was
pronounced inferior in quality to that
grown in the wheat growing districts
of Queensland,