HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-7-24, Page 5Jura' 24, 1885. LINCOLN'S 1''AYORITII P01111 The following beautiful poem woe o tioular favorite with President Lin who often referred to IL as one of the 11 prodnotiono of the 1'luglfoll language. in related by 1'. 13, Carpenter, the lst, that while engaged in pnintinglMr. 8010'0 pietnre at the White House, President said to him ono evening : " Pools has been m „rent favorite with for years, It was first shown to 1110 w 0 young lean, by it friend. The beauty once struck ole, anis Hemmed it by he 1 would give a groat deal to know wrote it, but have never been able to 00 tofu." Oh 1 why should Ilia spirit of mortal proud? Like a swift flitting meteor, a fast -fl clued, A 110011 of the lightning, a break of wave, Bran 11813001 100111 life to his -rest in gr.ove. '.Cho leaves of the oak and the willow 01101 fade, Be eoatter'd around and together ho laid, Aud the young and the old fund the low and the high, Shall molder to dust and together shall die. The child that a 1000(00 tended and loved, Tho mother that infante affection who proved, Tho husband that mother' and infant who bleeo'd— Eaoh, all, are away to their' dwelling of r'ost. The maid on whose (shook, on whose brow, is whose eye, Showed:beauty 011c1 pleasure, her triumphs are by ; And the aleatory of those who have loved her and praised, Aro alike from the minds of the living erased. 'The hand 01 the king that the scepter hath borne, The brow 0( the priest that the miler hath worn, The eye of the sage, and the heart of the brave Are hidden and lost in the depths of the • grave. The peasant whose lot was to HOW ted to 1•e01), Tho herdsman who eiimb'd with his goats to the steep, The beggar, who wandered in search of his bread, Bayo faded away like the grass that we tread. The saint who enjoyed the communion of Heaven, The sinner who dared to roman unforgiv- en, 11110.Tho Wis011110.the foolish, the guilty and just, Have quietly mingled their hones in the dust. So multitudes go, like the flower and the weed, That wither away to let others second ; So the multitude 0011100, oven those we bo- holcl, To repeat every tole that has often boon told, For lye ore the 611110 our fathers 111110 boon; WO see tho same eights that our fathershave seen, Wo drink 1110 00100 stream, and We feel the sane sun, And run the same course that our fathers have run. The thoughts wo aro thinking our fatherswould think; From the death we are shrinking from, • they, too, world shrink ; To the life wo are clinging, they, too, would cling ; But it speeds from the earth like a bird on the wing. They loved, but their story wo can not un- fold, They 0eorn'cl, but the heart of the haughty is cold ; They g.ieved, bot no wall from their shun - bore will wine ; They joy'd, bet the voice of their gladness is dumb. They died—aye 1 they died ; and Wo things that aro now, Who walls o11 the turf that Iios over their their brow, Who maks; in their dwellings 0 transient abode, Meat the changes they meet on tho pilgrim- age road, Yes, hope and despondence, and plena -aro pain, Mingled together in sunshine and rain And Lho sable and the tear, the song and the dirge, still follow nob other, like surge upon serge. 'Tis the wink of an eye, 'tis the draught of a breath, From the blossom of health to the paleness of death, From the gilded saloon to the bior and theshroud-- 011 1 wily should the spirit of n1ortal bo proud ? 'Windsor's olcoli' o lights cost the town , 7,20 per night. All additional story, to Oust $0,000, will be built upon Loretta Convent at Stratford this fall. An old Indy named Ellice was mor- tally injured at Trenton on Wednes- day, by a railway train. A ease simillbr to the celebrated Lynam ease was brought up before the ooirt at Montreal the other day, it being alleged that a wealthy widow, whose sanity is certified by tlrroo phti. siciaus has boon confined in Longue Pointe lunatic asylum for five years at the instance of her son. Legal proeoodings to secure her rel rise have been taken by a sister, who hue come from 10(1001 for unit purpose, par. coin, Hest it art. Lin - the The 100 11011 at art. who der - bo fast -fly the rho THE BRUS$ELs POST' SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Hi GARFIE ID HOUSE. --A JOB LOT OIl'— Ilen,'s y's IIard & Soft Felt Tats, Bought at 40 Cents on the $ to be sacrificed at tho Garfield House. CAT -4 A.INT D S.±.h; --0---- A SPLENDID SELECTION OF Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, Bought at Manufacturer's Prices, to be Cleared Out. Call and In- spect these Goods at tho Garfield House. JUST TO IIANID AT THE GARFIELD HOUSE A Lot of Ilochelaga Gray Oottons, Bought for Spot Cash with a big discount. Bo Sure and Secure those Cottons at the Garfield House. TN &MU E N 1!1 ORPART ENT SIS AWAY of our most Sanguine Expectations. NEW, FRESH, WELL BOUGHT GOODS, —MADE UP IN TEE— Latest and Most Becoming Styles, AND SOLD AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, has trade this Department of the Garfield Ilouse 0 MAKE A NOTE OF THIS, —TIIA'T' TlaE— Highest Price is Always Paid --FOR BUTTER & EGGS', --AT-- THE Cor. Turnberry 86 King Streets. 100,000 POUND Wool 'Wanted FOR THE SEASON OF 1005, CASH PAID I am prepared to pay the highest cash price for good fleece wool deliv- ered at the LiSTOWEL WOOLEN NHLLS, Having been ten years in business hare, 11 has always bean my endeavor to pay higher than the market allows and in the pact years have paid city market prices. Wool being so low in price, it will afford me pleasure to pay the highest pride going. In ex- changing wool for goods will allow a few cents more. Will also guaranted to sell my goods at cash prices. I don't have two prices•—cash and trade—my rule is one price only. Running the year round enables me to carry a large stock, This year having a larger eto0k than usual, will offer you the Best Stock of 'Tweed in the Dominion to choose from. Double & Twisted Full Clouts, Flannels, .Blankets, ►11 46080 00 the NenTsl Patterns and Latest I)eslgns. Carding and spinning dons on short notice and guarantua to matte best of glans. 1 ll 80 only the best of lard oil on all my work. 001116 early with your wool and you will find us ready and willing to give you our best attention. Wo will bo happy for you to Inspect Goods and Prices Before disposing of your wool. I remain, yours respectfully, 47.3a B.F.BROO• ^I K, i B I BJ? l iiIRIl1 BOAIi YOU j . lnlLonlu ttouglbru1rfar will keep o, 4112 line, Morelli, 01,011! tiro ,,,(l,e 'trout Btu, bola, "110103, Lod" wee 1,(1111. l y Ie. Soraey, ()110l 111, Dud W00 viral by Lora Wollinggtau. sort, tired by 1'1 '.1'00110:, Ell 1 lend; ,hue, Lady N Illy, 8010, got b1})}' Priseuutu, 1407, firm] by 11 'to in x'011, le 11,lllnrn e:t:1tutu bo pail 101 0113, et ser011:e, with privilege of re termite, 1f aue(1n0ar)'• JANEH Ai. MA isTIV, 80.0111• Proprt..tor, y ]](( IJItON AND BR11(.'11 L(JAN AND .L1, INVENI'111;N1' (.'C11t'ANY. T1,1114 Campeuy w00 org0oi0ed on the Pith of April last, and is now rua0Lire operation, and is prepared to 1 eevi c'e applieati0111 101' 1028110 011 good farm security. This Company being a local inotitimen, elan offer to borrowers greater facilities for getting their 10011s executed with dispatch, than eau be flail from outside or foreign companies, with whore clays and weeh1 aro often required to close tip a luau, 1V11011 Title and Secu1'ity are satisfactory borrowers may obtain thcit' money from this Company on day of application. Due attention has been paid to confining Solicitors' charges to the lowest rates. Mortgages purchased if security and tit- les are approved of, A Savings Bank Branch will be shortly opened by the Company. ]repositors will be paid the Highest Current Mutes on their deposits. The Company's offices erre on the corner of Market Square and North St., Goderich, in the Building adjoining the Dry Goods Store of J. 0. Dotlor di Co. DIRECTORS JOSEPH 1VI00(01s, president, 1P. J. 11. 110081 s, rice -President, Sin 1t. J. Cenrearonx, Su8at1•s GImlolis, Wm. M. Gear, $oaforth, J. DI. Ron>:nxa, Dungannon, JOIN Aenrsov, Cederic11 F. JORDAN, J. 11. Comma:, '• Sonrcr'rolts—cAi(111011,Ilorxd' (.111.2108, Bonner, Iforxos, Manager. Goderich, May 7th, 1885, 44.310. The Most Delightful SUMMER TOUR Palace Steamers, Low gated. Your Tripe per Week Between DETROIT AND MACKINAC Aud Overt' Week Day. Between. DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Write for our "Picturesque Mackinac," illustrated. Contains Full Poraoulere. Maned Freo. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nay. Co. C. D. WHITCOM B. Gen. Peas, AGT., DETROIT, MICH. CAUTION 1 CAUTION ! A dealer in Brussels is advertising and offering for sale a MISTIi:iDLB IMITATION Of the G.ENUI✓Y.E 8 UCIk' THORN' FENCE TUBE, of which I ala the SOLI; AGIONT in BRUSSELS, and the Public are cau- tioned against purchasing the spurious article. The parties in Canada who aro placing this WRETCHED IMITATION 011 the luarket are now being sued for ten thousand dollars damages. The Genuine Back Thorn Fence, the BEST anti CHEAPEST fence in the world, can ONLY be pur- chased at the "GOLDEN PADLOCK." I am also Agent for the Ontario Barb Felice Company, who maks the best Barb Wire in Canada. English three ply plain twisted fence, a remarkably cheap and dur- able fence for Gardens. Several tots of Lancl Plaster in 200 lb snacks for sale. „ __r-_ t rel' .;SIDS $fin e�'9�g m/ 0 THORN FENCING. --111-- This fencing is macre of a Solid Flat Slip of Steel neatly twisted incl well galvanized,. presenting the largest possible surface to the view. Although loo part of it is made of wire it is no heavier anti as cheap as Barb -Wire Fencing, but is preferred by some principally as a too strand, being more easily well. The "Lyman" is the ONLY ribbon fencing made in Canada, and is lunch superior to the imported fencing of the same description. Window Shades, and Hartshorn Springs, A Lot of Fancy Window Shades, in Cloth of Different Patterns. Also Hartshorn Springs. Call and sae them before putting up the old ones. B. GERRY.