HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-7-24, Page 3HE
THE IIAIT tura wfficu A LoCKNOW
The Toronto Nowa furnished the fon
partionletre of n Man ivanting to do
9 tunny" business ot Lneknow few
ego the following °uvular camo into
hands of Thomas Wanton, privetto date
of this pity, who hantiod it to County 'd
Attornoy Fenton, but that gentleman
do nothing in tho matter as 11 10 outsid
jurisdiction. Although similar oirenlors
elrealy beou published in The News, it
do no harm, and possibly eome good, to
duop this ono, which wee received In an
to an advertisement iu the Mail. The
thoritia et Luoknow might investigato
find who is the gontleman whose letter
to "Drawer 41" :
'Dem; Fatican,-If you are a buknoss po
and not to honest to engaga ius specula
I can put yon in a position that you
Wake tummy easier and faster than at
other known heal:bass
'•The business I am engaged it be
profitable, but like all other largo pit
speculations not exactly lugitimato. '
sizes of the article.; I deal in aro one's, 13\
five's, and ten's, They are for every pra
purp000 as good as the genuino art
818 than Is got 0)10 10 1011 11)00851)4 that
clOtact thorn. 0130 of the best proofs be
that tho baths aro handling large quariti
of Idiom every day, I sell nothing less t
100, price $30. For largo amounts I
giyo yon bettor terms. 11 3011 do not o
to go into the business, destroy this le
and la the matter drop, 08 11 will do you
good to try and injure it mail who is will
to prove 111010011 your friend. I do not 11)1
I am committing any Sill In asking you to
into this buelnose, as with ordinary diem
tiou 11 10 perfectly safe and no 0)10 inclivid
loses anything 1/3• it. Besides Wu Alndg
never intended ono or two men to have m
lions, anti others hardly enough to livo
11 3011 want any quantity of tho goocle y
will have to coma and soo me, as 1 waut
be personally acquainted with my custom°
11 you cannot come at once and see 010,if you would Lilco at first to try only 0 sin
quantity of the goods do so as follows :-
.ffilaieloso me fifteen dollars as a gamut
of your good faith (and 3011 (1011 s0ud t
other 11f10011 011 10001111 of the goods,) and
will 001)11 300 per express one hundred of My
goods securely sealed np iu a tin package.
Encloau the money iu a plain, well -sealed
envelope and clo not register, as I will not re.
coe any registerod totters or post cards.
"11)810 811 agent at the line who tranabi
all packages sent into the 'UMW States,
ordering say whiali you prefer Ainerican or
Cauadian goods.
"Yours in confidence,
Drawer 41,
91,ocknow, Ont."
'What, they think of Iia.
Tho 33000)101), P001 celebrates its twelfth
birth clay this 11001). Tim Post is an ex -
(talent local paper, is neatly printed, and
ably roprosents the town of Bruseela.-Ac
ton Free Pram,
Tho Brussels Post is a line, healthy
child for 110 age, July ard being the 12th
auniversary of its birth. May it live to see
another twelve years of prosperity, -Wing -
ham Videae,
The Brussels Post has entered upon its
thirteenth year. May it live long and
prasper.-Lonclan Free Press,
The Brussels P001 11110 entered upon its
thirteenth your, and is quite within tha
bounds of truth when it claims to be a bet-
tor laid paper them it over was, -London
The 33100)010 Post has entered upon its
tnirteenth year. May it livelong and pros-
per. W. EL. Kerr, formerly of HIM county,
la the editor.-Amherstbarg Echo.
Newsnerontsr..-That very acceptablo ex.
change, the BrussalsPoaT, has enteral npou
the 1311) year of its existence, and attain.
ly merits a liberal support from the people
of that place.- Clinton New 13r)).
Tho )3russels PosThai entered upon its
thirteenth year of publication, and shows
good signs of 00)1010(1011 prospurity. Wo
compliment brother Kerr upon his energy
iu supplying the peoplo of Brussels with 0
lirst-class local paper. -Exeter Times,
'7(10 Brussels Post, edited by . W. 11.
Kerr, formerly of Kirkton, has entered up.
on its 13111 year. Mr. Kerr hos 01040 it a
good local paper, and his 1)08111010 is etc.
tending. -80. Marys Argus,
Tho Brussels Post has recently anemia -
col its 1211, volume, It is a lively young.
star and improves as it grows older. -St.
Marys journal.
0118. Post, -I want to have a tow words
'131111 300, ancl hopo you Vill not get your
back up, as some people do, when they are
spoken to, I moan to talk about 301115011,and not your neighbors, as 50111a are want
to do. You informed us tho other clay that
you watt twelve years old, and that you
wino gaito a spriehtly young follow, full of
1101)111) need vigor; and that you wore
determine( to go (111 0)111 do well. Now,
what I want to do is this, to 01111)01101010you on 30111'1)1010111attaintuonts. You cer-
tainly 1111110 40)18 well in the past, and have
bovine quitu a favorite in our part of the
country. 1 happoned to 00 1), the post-ofliee
tho 01111,11 week when you 111)111330m appear -
alum, teml I woo 1111101) pleased to 000 what, a
bundle you Maynum
were. you • grow b
larger. I hope you will go on gaining
friends 121 this and every other 11011, 1201110
01287 any you, aro not large enough fol. yonr
things of great value ore found in
small 0l1011021, and 11101 18 jag What WO Want
in a geutlemau 12110300 (2 hopo 1 tun right
in tho 511,1100), In the pat we have had it
in that woy, Nov, 301) 000 (tutoring en an-
other year of your oxistenoo iu this groat,
world of papordom, I now stale threo or
four thinite for your oneouragemont, and I
don't Eh/ilk thoy will mako you vain or
proud, Your ground work ia Oita, clean,
good, solid --features every way desirablo in
a good nowepaper. Then the type is largo,
clan; and very diatinct. Tito agod, and
." people ose sight le /tot 1110 best will be es-
pecially grateful to you for this. Again,
0001', your items of newt', gathored from all parte
of the country round, are vary gratifying to
a 1011120 100)11001' of ra11110013. Personally,
read them with great pleasure, and I know
0101'11) of others who 110 tho same Than you aro
days opon and frue to all who want to eaciak
throogh you. Now, 1 speak tho 111111) when
I any I wieli yon long life, much vigor (1114 a
prosperous norm.. May you 11,118 courage
to battle for the right, and against the
('11001), May your Milano for good bo
inighty, and your radars bo vory many.
080 or Tont.,
o Ufa
a go
Ethel, July 10th, 1885,
Through the kindness of the editor of the
Sun we aro able to present the following as
,;3„t` the result of the 1200101112) 0111101100 010111.
11101101)0 :-
very 10A1100-0111La. No. 0011000,
71)114 1 Maggie E, Cash, 584 Winthrop
xii,, 2 Jennie Govenlock, 484
,ot„ 8 Lydia Campboll, 402 4 McKillop
cll. 4 Tilly Gibson, 478 4 "
„la. 5 Margaret IL Hislop, 441 Walton
6 Maggie Sinipson, 377
ing 1 7 Margaret Ilielop, 370 2 Grey
tin I 8 Edon J. Turnbull, 511
Imo I 0 Ellie Ifollitosh, 505 e
01)11 10 Minnie Shaw, 409 Bruseels
are 11 .Annie O. Schoales, 875 6 Hullett
11011 12 Bella MoEwan, 462 Hensall
no 113 1011en Moir, 412
tog 14 Mary Malffordie, 417
nk 1.3 AilliL0 Bell, 392 Tuckersmith
go an Maggie E. McIntosh, 477
re- 17 Nettie Ewing, 473 Seaforth
ual 1 18 Maggie Hudgins, 470
hty 19 Violet Whitosides, 328 ..
11- aors.
an. 1 .Tames Dodds, 499 Roxboro
on 2 Robert N. Hays, 456
to 11 Albert Morrison, 875 Walton
rs. 4 James 33, Morrison, 381
nd 5 Wm, Karney, 370 2 Grey
all (3 Thomas A. Turnbull, 511 2 9
7 William Smith, 438 Brussels
00 8 Thomas Mt:Lanoline, 492
9 John Bennett, 610
10 Thalami; Kneehtel; 590
11 john Livingstone, 486 1 Hullett
12 Duson .7. Pybus, 449 10 Tuckah
13 David Gemmel, 401 Egniandy'le
The maximum nrunber of marks W110 750,
of this number 375 or ono.half was requirod
for a pass in addition the candidate was re-
quired to talco one-third of tho marks on
each subject, Below wo give tho list of
those who sucaeadecl in getting 875 marks,
at least, but who fell ahort a, Rev marks on
some ono of tho subjcatte. Tho candidates
have boon recommended by the Board of
Examination and it is expected that thoy
also will reeoive certificates
innie Armitage 875 Seaforth
J. M 00,
2 Jennie Ballantyne, 377
3 Cloiomio Davidson, 397
4 Annie Edwards, 875
5 Hannah 8, Graham, 470 "
6 Maria Kidd, 492 ei
7 Lottie Lattnner, 432 "
8 Grieco E. OIoFanl, 457 9
3) Nellio McKay, 376 2,
10 Annie Neville, 879 II
11 Maude Wilson, 411 II
1.2 Nettie Wilson, 892 ,e
13 Lizzie Devoreanx, 406 1 HoKillop
14 Tilly Shannon, 954 4 "
15 Ella Robb, 386 6 Tnak'ith
16 Evalyn Turnor, 1383 6
17 Maud 13. SW/01os, 373
18 jano Corlisle, 404
10 Bessie Kelly, 417
20 ,Tone E, Kelly, 401
1 JN
anus D10/iso, 23013 Seaforth
2 Franlc Hendry,
3 William MeLoan, 3717'1 .2
4 John Aitcheaon, 881 22
5 John Rankin, 375 o
li John G. Shaw, 840 if
Maggio E. Cash haying obtoined tho
highest number of marks lute w013 the
scholarichip, viz., free tuition at the high
school for ono year.
9 Morris
9 Morris
In conoequonce of the increase in
the (hay, the hotel -keepers of St,
Thounuf havo decided to increase the
prico of whiskey and other liquors to
ton ()onto per glaso, conantoncing on
\Vhile pie-nic party was return-
ing by water to Halifax from the sti-
burbs, on 11'nesday evening last, their
boats • came within range of ft party
of Royal Artillery engaged in firing
practice, several shots being within a
few feet of striking the boats, Creat
consternation prevailed among those
on board, who had a narrow eocape
from .an appalling catastrophe.
Oollector Spaulding, of Chicago, an,
1101.101000 that, nnless otherwiso order,
ed, he will, in the fitter°, refuel-) to
elem. grain -laden Canadian veesels,
A.merican veseele will be cleared un.
der a special manifest, however, and
the oraft, 17111011 are now loading for
Canadian ports will bo allowed to de-
part its feet as they got rowdy to go,
Thn Intel -Ocean is authority for the
statement that vesselmen are inelin-
ed to believe, however, that the, • up-
shot of the whole affair will be the
withdrawal of Canadian ()raft from
the various trades in which they aro
ongaged on the upper lakos, and that
the Canadian grain -carrying businoem
will bo done in futuro in Americau
NO sUltitENI)Elt proud to (('aoess soot) 00 1)11)10811114 d
,ir.,10 0 / ‘,„ tit 13 t mi 1.0 ti..4, rd. proud to know that. tho ordor conduit
stration of tho Orange order, an
prosper. Orangeism Wm bound to lit
Tim following, woo crowded ou t of lost 1t1117,r7neoript,eRe,atroapitliwloatapttunefcele(ricot tj'ite
week's isaite :-Tho 101211, annivureary of
tho Bald° of the. lloy ciples of the Bible. He thought Cana
the Orangemen of Per711,WIlinif,elelainteillgabyt had reason to ba happy, 110 WO enjoy
Middlesex at Stratford. Two 1002,10 of 80 02011 and religions liborty them nny
oars arrived In Stratford front tho north people under the sun. The rev. gent]
Amid 10:30 Ran., with Cho North Perth and
North Huron lodges and theie friends, to
the numbor of about 9,000 all told. Spec-
ial trains also arrived about the 0030 gime
from the London and GI:aerial divisions,
each as heavily laden as the trains from tho
north. Tho Orangtonen were received at
the depot by their Stratford brethron and
escorted to the various hotels Reheated for
their headquarters. The city at this stage
presented a highly animated appearance,
the streets being literally crowded with
Orangemen, visitors and eitizens. Several
braes bands and innumerable fife and
drum hands macho the welkin ring with
party airs. As the hour for luncheon drew
near, however, them was a temporary lall
in the musical strains, It cannot be add
that any very extensive preparations had
been made for the reception of tho Orange-
men, at least as far as outward display Wall
concerned, three sickly arches being the
only objets discarnible on the streets
bearing the semblance of a welcome, The
hotel -keepers, we beliao, did their part
mwo an;
Gen. Gran t
i cor-
.000°'ut`o1 al Grant (lied on Thursdav morning
Word ham been 1180,17(01 111111 Getter.
10211. nt 11 o'clock,
41111t)09 LOCA L 111014.
other —
NO. 3,
then alluded to the battle for freedom
fought two hundred yoors ago. In answer
to the question, waa there a noon:illy for
the order to.dity, it Was big opinion that
for the maintenance of protestientiszu thins
W110 es groat necesaity for the order now as
there ever was. Rev. G. 13. Taylor had
also been expected to deliver an address,
but that gontleman having taken ouddenly
ill, the spealcing was brought to 8 oloso
with loyal cheers. The lodges 0o -formed
and maraned bask to town, when they die-
pereed and shortly afterwards left for
Catrandian Nss-vvs.
Rov, II. T. Crossley is conducting
Evangelistic 00113100) 10 Owen Sound,
Prescott hotel.keepers have raised
the price of whiskey to 10 cents a
Six people have been drowned in
tins Otonabe river at Petorboro' this
we , t e being no complaint of 111021 of vox.
plenty of eatables or drinkables either, '
and they doubtless profited largeiy by th
ontertainmont provided for their very num.
emus guests. A. heavy thunder storm
coming on shortly after 11000, put a datuR•
er on the proceedings for a time, How.
1100r, before 9 pan, the Sky had again clear.
ed, ond the different lodges assembled on
the market 00.10010, whero the procession
waa formed. The following lodges, of&
ars and bands fell into lino.
A. Robb, D. of C., Marshall ; P. W.
Johnston, past Co. Blaster, Huron; jno.
Scarlett, Co. Master, Huron, and Rov. G.
B. Tailor in carriage.
NORTH 110110.10,
Tho Bluevale brass bond. 230 Ethel
0. Y. B., W. Tindall, W. M. ; 243 Bluovalo
0. Y. B., Jos. Robb, W. 111. ; 252 Walton L.
0. L., A. Morrison, W. M. ; 534 Belgrave,
11. Gilmore, W. M. ; 0231 Ethel, Ed. Barr,
W. M. ; 766 Bluevale, T. Stewmt, W. M. ;
774 131uss0ls, Jno. Mooney, W. M. ; 868
Londesboro', W. Weymouth, W. M. ; 878
Auburn, T. Rutledge, W. Bl. Blyth band.
003 Blytb, Geo. Gibson, W. ar.
00uT51 imam,
Goderich Distriet.-Goderich band. 145
Goderich township, R. Johnston, W. DI, •,
163 Godarieh, R. Tiohborne, W. M. ; 132
Goderich, 10, W. ;Johnstone, W. W. ; 189
Hohnesville, A. Cantolan, W. M. ; 262
Maitland, A. McLean, W. M. ; 306 Bayfield
G. Coopor, W. 01.
Iluliot Distriet.-Doherty Organ Co,
band. 526 Hallett township, W. 131013.fillan,
W. 11. ; 710 Clinton, P. Cantel, W. M. ;
833 Leadbury, 17. Searlett, W 10. ; 028
Summerhill, 13. Churchill, W. M. ; 1388
Seaforth, J. S. Welsh, W. 01. Co. pillars
-J. Scarlett, W.111.; E. Floody, Co. Secy.;
W. E. Blurney, Co. Treas.
NAST uiDnI.1.38010,
248 Thorndale, 459 Monehester, 695
sineeford, 818 Purple Hill.
Nana 1,105TH,
Mornington Distriot.-23 walkway, A.
Morrow, W. M. ; 45 Poole, 1sfagwood, W.
ar., D. M. and Co. Master; 430 Froeborn's,
11. Freeborn., W. ; 540 Morning:lido, J.
hold, W. M. ; 751 Millba1111, JAS. Carson,
W. 01,1 1038 Malverton, Jas, Strong, W. M.
Elmo Distriot.-78 Donegal, - Edgar,
W. M.; 1369 Iffolesworth, G. Spence, IV. AL;
370 Listowel, A. Heston, w. x,c.; Listowel
Bleak Knights; 544 Carthoge, W. B. Free -
bore, w. to. ; 830 Newry, }las. Priest, w.
111, ; 052 Trowbridge, Wm, We1011, w. 111. ;
677 Britton, S.S. Bothwell, w. tn. and D.
Wallace Distriet.-1309 Edwardsville, J,
Holt, W. 113. ; 627 Troonstle ; 650 8111 lino,
.7, Moffat, w. 01. ; 1370 Gowanstown,
Demman, ay. m., Jas. Baatty, 33, Master,
801)111 111111T11,
Sq. Marys Distriet.-St. Marys band. 883
Blansinerd, R. Berry. w. m. and D. Iffas.
tor ; 4141811' Hoe, F. McIntyre, NV. in. 102
Wanclham, A. Papplestone, w. on. ; 28th
battalion band ; 018 St. Metrys, 11, Stewart
(0, ; 591 Ridden), S, Shier w, re. ; 5119
Blanshaiti, J. Dinsmore w. 01.; 707 Dawn,
ie, ,Tuo. Lancaster, W,
Stratford District. -313 Downio, W.
emitter W. M. ; 385 Mitcholl, Wm, White,
W, M. ; 34(1 8tratforcl, hatterieby, W. M. ;
763) .Downie, Jno. Watson, W. at. ; Stmt.
ford fife and drum liana ; 708 Stratford, 11,
30, Martell, W. 31. ; 897 Hibbert, D. 4Vitt.
son, W. 0f, ; 908 Logau, 11., Thompson, W.
AI., S. Varnor, D. 131,, J31u. Dunsoith, Co.
Tho procession, with its numerate ban-
ners and bright rogalias and eibbons, pro.
seated oo vory imposing optima:alum as 11
morollod through the city to tho pork, with
the bands playing locasantly. Thousands
of syeamore lined the streets as the pro.
euesion wont by, mut the gothering at the
park preseetteci a wonderful epattaclo in-
deed, Order having bead rostatod, the
speaking was opened with a short achleess
01 111010001.8 by John liunsoith Co, Mesta
of Sonth Porde. F. ur. Johnston, Past Co.
Blotter of Iiuron, NVas then canal upon.
Mr, Johnston thought thare was good 0)0(150
for congratulation Upon the good ordor and
good behavioar of the large ;adhering. It
was not tho intention of Om 01110140 ordor
to vilify any ono ; they wished to 10 at
palm with thoh• 11010011 Catholic conn try.
men. 3Vo wort; alt one poopie, having tt
common interned, and it be1300V0a 104 10
13,0 111 harmony. Ile olluelecl to the Noah -
wind rebellion, stating that its prompt sup.
urossien was great ca3ls0 for congratulation
and exprosaal the hoot/ that all rohollions
would bo 110)011 with. In closing
he tionneolled the Orangonion not to forgot
thole obligation, and to bo eteadfast em.
holders 01 1110 order, Rov. Mr. 13101ey, of
Seaforth, was the next apoaker. Ito 10110
Hiram \Volker & Sons have sent
samples of whilikey to the Antwerp
exhibition, in Belgium.
H. Weir, of Toronto, has been ap-
pointed Principal of the new High
School nt Essex Centre.
Thirty-five Indians wore confirmed
at Zion church, Oneido, and Lower
and Upper blunooy, by the Bishop of
Huron, recently.
Toronto Board of Trade a mild like
to see a commission of commercial
gentlemen go to Jamaica to report on
the reciprocity question.
W. Halton, of Hamilton, John FL
Dearness, Public School inepector for
East Middlesex, are applicants for the
school inspectorship of Winnipeg.
ft is proposed to 9(11)111 11 team of six
picked Irish athletes to compote in
the games at Toronto, Canada, which
begin September 20112. The team
wiil inolude champion Barry and
Voting on the Scott Act Friday last
in the comities of Idaldimanit and
Ontario resulted in the measure being
carried iu the latter and defeated in
the former.
Toe 01011012 Alert, 0( 11210 Hudoon's
bay expeclitiou, has been compelled to
return to Newfoundland for repairs.
having been fast 112 the km in nudeon'o
straits for twenty 0130 dap, and re.
°coved damages which rendered her
helpless in the ice.
A Sarnia telegram says 2 -Monday
evening Robert Smith, 20 years old
and unmarried, ot Liman, W110 ()aught
in the teeth of a separator cylinder at
the Implement works, and torn badly
about the spme and chest, He is in
a critical condition.
The Dominion Government have
decided to grant $10,000 to the Pro-
vincial Pair to be held this season in
London, in order to give it, the char.
actor 1)2 11. Dominion exhibition, Ar.
rangetnents can thus be made for
bringing exhibits from distant pro
vinces, and proper ttoeommodotion
for all such is to be provided. Lord
Lansdowne is to be pres int to opeu
the Illxpeoition, and the attendonce of
oeveral other important persons are
An intoreoting onit, in which was
luvolvod tho legality of barb wiro
fenoing, 171.8 1111101 the other day at
Brookville, iu the ease of Hillyard vs.
the G. T. R. Company, Tho plain-
tiff had a valuable -colt injured by
milting against a barb wire fence of
the defendants, and sued for$22:5,
the value of the colt. The jury do.
curled that a barb wire fence was n
o legal one, and gave judgment in
favor of Mr. Hillyard, The Company
gave notice of appeal.
The Armow Creamery Co. have
made tho following sales of butter,
which is classed everywhere by largo
dealors as being as good as the best 2
16+ cents for the May make, and 17
cents for ,Ttine. The expenses for May
amounted to 4fe, and for junta 30 and
3, mill. The patrons thereon, wore
paid 12 cants for May, and for June
180. and 0 tnllis. During May 3,860
lbs. of butter were made, in June 8,.
217 lbs. It required a fraction 1e89 of
June maul, compared with the pro
coding month, to make one pound of
butter. Ono patron set 8,227 lbsof
milk during Juno, raised 8511 inehe.;
of oro un, largo can, from which woro
manufactured 811 !be, of butter, real
lzing $43'11, A weok after the sale
had been made at 17o. per 11),, 18o, was
Hor-sms, of fioderieii, 1(1
visiting in town thio week,
0100111011) PAnirrilt, af Lnc1or,, 10 ViSit-
ing "Joe" Rogers.
1 Hour.. -Any quantity of pure hooey at
JO cents per pound. Comb honey 15 ante
per yound. J. 11. Smith,
A. =Qin' match between the let
eleven mut 22 othere will be played on
the park on Friday afternoon.
TUE work nt the mill dam is com-
plete. The dam is in ft batter condition
to stand a freshet than over.
is reported that one of our citizens
has levanted. 1( 11100 there are people
who will regret his departure on the
dollar and cent business.
been visiting at Hamilton, returned
home last week. Her sister, Mrs.
AMBSB, came with her.
WE are pleased to hear that Mrs.
Nightingale, who hao been on the
sick list during the past week, is con
siderzbly improved.
HERBEET JACKSON, of Brussels, wile
engaged by the Doherty baud of Clin-
ton, to assist them 81 tho Stratford
tournament. Bert played 1st claron-
Mamas 511010, Thos. linechtel, Jon.
Bennett, and Thos. MoLauchlin,
pupils from 1301100015 001(001 passed
the entrance examination to the
Seaforth High School.
AT the band tournament in Strat-
ford, on Wedneeday, Waterloo band
took let prize; Doherty band from
Clinton, with the help 01 (1 or (2 out-
siders, secured 2nd place and the
Ladiee' baud from Michigan got 8rd
tem0eNetilEsIENGe called at Ironstones to see
ENGINE: -021 Thursday of his
their new Harrie-Corlios engine work-
ing. It is an 80 horse -power engine,
with a 10 foot driving wheel, 21 inch
face. This wheel weighs 8 tons. The
driving wheel on the main shaft meas-
ures 5 foot, The cylinders are 14 inch,
with a 80 10011 stroko. The engine
does its work malty with a revolution
of 68 strokes to the minute. The
machinery is nicely finished and
works extra well. 0. R. Cooper has
charge of the engine. 0.33. had vases
of flowers on his "baby," by way of
A. VERY serious enemy to the apple
grower hoe made its appearance dur-
ing the past year or two in eeveral
parts of the province in the shops of
a parasite known by tho name of the
",Sealy or Bark Louse." Tine iusuct
infest0 the orchard treos, absorbing
the juices of the bark and steins, find
ultimately destroys the trees. Trues
will be found in the spring to be cov-
ered with what may be called the 00•
(mono 02 1,1.51 yoar's vermin and each
of these cocoons, when placed under
the mieroocope, is found to c,ontatin
number of eggs. The usuel cli
rection for their destilled013 is to re-
commend saturating with solutions of
coal fill, soap.stulo, Lobar= liquid,
13v oireolar Iron W R. °Untie, of
131) %man vil le, :monitory,1118 loathed
111)111 1113 program for the Oanadiau
Press Asoodation meeting and exour-
0200 thisyoar is as follows:-A.nnual
mooting at Toronto in one of the par -
lore of the Rossin House, ou Pn foday,
August 4th, at two p. m. A good
afternoon 00881013, allowing fuil digs
mission on such matters as may be
downed in the interest, of the journal-
istic profession. Leave Toronto at
eight p. in. by G. T. R. Pullman ear,
and procead on from Montreal by
railway to Montpelier, Vt„ Wells
River, Pabyans, summit of Mount
Washington, and back to 130111133120111
Junotion, Profile Hotta°, Plymouth,
Concord, Nashua, 13oston (two cloys)
thou up the Sound by stortroor to New
York (two cla,ys), hp the Hudson Riv-
er by day steamer to Albany by Isl Y.,
W. 8., & 13. Bailway to Suspension
Bridgo, and to Toronto by G. T. 13.
The round trip will occupy eight or
1)1110 (111)133, =flit one whioa ints been
long desired by the Assooiation, 'Co
W. Edgar, Genera Passenger Ag
of the 13, R., the Association is in-
debted for assistance in procuring
this charming roots.. Erastus Wunan
has kindly telegraphed that the Can-
adian (Nab, of Now York, will he
happy to throw its 1'001u33 open to tho
use of the Canadian Prose A03051.1.-
60)1 during their stay in that city,