The Brussels Post, 1885-7-24, Page 28 THE BRUSSELS POST JULY 17, 18$0, • 8RAND MAK. RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTEN8 trtio lettros Ilaseinctiaces are in season. ;leo. STBWAIIT, Of Belleville, wee (.1017NeII. meeting next ?[onlay • C .r • tiros will be - • Arr printed shirtingt at 110. pm: yd. nt Tug seeoati match of erielcat, t here for a fow days tide week. evening. ia•te• W. G. & B. R Reformers V. .01.191 ‘a , BEV, W. 11AVG11, of Biple), former- , I uortl, ad payea 01.1 Friday afternoon '1ay dleLion, sone as st11 ws reek, , 11 0.1rEIFFL leer buntins for ON. Ilv 311. :England on Thursday of tide- week. Alexander. '1""1"11 8"41" T1111 11Ioutreal Witness line jnat is. lie will be away for ft couple of I /Norm,prico_rure Honey 10i por lb, !...'.1M4,t, ' sued part one of a history of the l'o, ' 10 lbs for 81. G. A. Dendman, :,`;1,,,,,,,• ' .;•*!f'•81 cent trouble in the Northwest, 'It is , ,, w K •.Ni w al I Poem Parte e months, from for Potato Bugs at 11!'"u t1"."18""In' splendidly illustreted, ountaining cuts oltelgatt 10 NOW -- N. . , 'The Prog Store," Jno. Hargreaves Alto, rne,lay.,, voirsters. • at ClunPholiford• I .1, Hanenitsvits & Co. • of all the principal places and battles; I Vaneten° je vieiti')" make the most • Walkerton lfeleseope, in speak. 1 plemiant and effectual Worm Syrup over Mg of a, brother of J. Hergreaves, of I taken Or used. Try it. 4ng 4oiSouth. Nail 7,21 a.to, P'Eproi: 1.1•7.1 ao, 1.11.so•1 .. 1- i ,• , The mot:nag ircin ,.,ot north will only rtu, . 0 (tad tiatuida s a. i -:, -''''71.7.=-7--,7-. it 111.co m cootas the name of every 111))))111)))) and officer who tem attached to i W. Holland's if you want a 0 C a 1 1. 1 C1.0 5 1, t CI*11$. the various battalions. It should be I &us"' ))1()')3 '-"Vie 00) -- read by every person. I notice the success of James Mayon pleased to I CALL RI C. late of : Hunter's old stand, 5)01 cheap buggy. 51101) next to W. T, ' Hargreaves, now of Paieley, A. eiders amain( ye taltin' IlOtrs HOERY,-The best pure honey 0.1. 10 cents Anf•tith 0,11 'trent it. • per pound. 1. keep no second class honey. - :- • Win, Hpatey, • ,atoat. tit Iv.; is re:aro. VALUABLE 1100,00, ONAD.--Thie week Boaeisin and nes( tunx is quite a Jno. MeAlillan, of Mullett township, 0.10)0)0)1 pastime on the river, lost his valuable imported, heavy Prim Paris Ciretfli'. v the potato bugs nt draught stallion "Puzzler," from fork, Being assured that the agency C. A. Pettibmia's. paralysis of the bowels. Tho horse Youngeet sou of Jas. Idergroaves, ell wonid prove a honanze, he 00ueent311 'Pm( catapanit sletald be bonnced, , took eick on Thursday at the Central of whom have accepted the same itue to take a consignmeut of the forks, I . other der a littk boy named ' liotel, Brussels, and although treated 1 of business.-Itliss Minnie 1Vhile, of . • t „si conditioned, however, that they should Walkerton, in his examination in Toronto. This entitlehim to earry on the busenees of chemist and drug- gist, Wo cordially wish him all manner of success lu the profession of his choiee. 'Phis is the third and Anoter two weeks ego e piiir of slick young men called on it rarmer 111 Eta chaster township, Emus: tionnty, 1,101111 - cd John Shipley, end offered 01113 liberal 11)110013 (101111)3 to accept the agency of the county for a patent hay j'acklin bad his eye tither blinded or ' iu a skillful manner by two yetermar- .i Sg a St. Mary s c 0 , badly illi ur01 by tt siett Nom 13 oe of ies nothiug could he done to eave 1 in ..t. is Wm. haw, ' these. 01)00)102d mei:oleo; in the hands him. Ile was vnillJ tion with Ins brother, ea al $8(000 01111 , Pedagogue, spending part. of •Iiis Va. of voueg Chapman, ' as this is the second horse Mr, Me. I eaohn Shaw, Pt:WY straw hats 1-:. Ea trto. at .0101.01). 1 Milian has lost •thie. year the loss will I of this place.-Mre, 5. 11. Grant and der',). . be felt all t'• • mere. "Ptizzlet" took 1 l'- 1 Airs, W. II. Kerr are enjoying ale 1 'Dm leem-Oraugeinen to • the 1 1st prizes , a eeteir .400100 and duriug (lay visit with friends at, Dundee and Dumber of ever 1,11(11), 188 lodges, as• : the two years be has travelled thio 1 Galt. -Lee and Flossie Struthers, of eembled et Strati. r 1 Isst Monday, and ' section of country hes left some very 1 Stratford, are in town with their 1103911: the heavy i r , value ble stock. Dealers in high father, J. M. Struthers. -This is the r.1.11 .01 :1 ritoi t Lunt, pnl in tt gotcl 11100. The tram ' , priced horse; run a big risk in invest with the Ethe, Dro•sels, and Blue- , jog their money in horseflesh. vale coutiugent arrived hack about 11 , Ice cream, aoice of two flavors, Vanilla °Veda A lively time was enjoyed (I- 1 every day, Pine Apple, Lemon and Straw - ill 901110 of the csre on the return berry every other day. A. Good a: Co., trip. Toronto ire cream parlor. PluvAN parties by e:ving notice can Imre TOE following item refers to a form. the use of sifting von: up Stairs, entrance er resident of Brussels ;-Airs. Eliza by side door, at lir-. Kirk's. Millicent, heleve, wife of Rev. E. J. hT. .301)10.4 S. S. Pie-ete-Last leobiusm, inctunbeet of Christ church, Tueed•ty tattle:tam 11..e minuet Sunday Eeeter, passed peacefully away after Scheel plc Mc was 011 011 the beaver six months' illness on Friday night, meadow. A 10, st cejnyeble tune W08 June 19th, in her 51st year, une day put in. with 4301' ball, foot bola crick. after her birthday. The deceased lady et, erroill,g, sa int.f0, egg. stick, three- 100)8 a native of the ancient city of legged and straight reces, praieuts Nottingham, England, having 0101 100)0 inade '.-. the children in the way grated with her 100 111100 some 10 years of mouth tvgius. telescope. t01.3.'t u„„ass ,.. short hot useful bo returned to 11 o inanufectnrer 11 1113) sales were not profitable. Tie signed. what purported to bo an agreement to that effect, rind thought nothing naoro of the affair until 1(141 Teosday, when Ito got a notice that a London bank held his note for $275. Shipley says obeli boxes, serail animas, concertina, life i boast was that Rho had lo. toys, In the way of refreshments, bored for ana the 00310e11 from her oranges. etrawberries and eream, childhood 11)3 11. collector aud district lemonede, cake .11111 sandwiches visitor, and fur many years both 03 were served. The person.; who perfect- , England and Canada was a zealous ed thy l"r"1-'1'1"1'1' 1'1" 1311)0 lu Sebballi School teacher. Left au or - melte a good time e•r the children pilau at the early age 01 13 years, tend - leo crearn and )(wanner drinks, main erly beloved other grand parents, and nectar, lemonade, soda water with a choice idolized by her grandfather, an Mi- . -4 davormg, at lire. Kirk's. THE ExcamemENT.-At the lost reg- *Alit lawYer, 11 waS her high Pririle1;0 to play 119 child. and meditate as it uler meeting of Brussels Eucamp- aelri in her fond uncle's fine old man- umit, No. 40. The fallowing, Petri- 1.3esfurd Blouse, in the arche were elected Martin, C. Bi.„nt cf Old Buford, the home Heycrolt, EL P. • A. j. "Liege Currie, to. ; John Nett, J. W. ; Jas. T. Boss, Scribe ; Hartry, Trees, ; 8. Scott, represetuative to Grand Encampumet. also clearing sale of toys, dolls, &o. the whole will be sold at cost and under. Call and get bargains, at 1Irs. Kirk's, OD- posite Queen's Hotel. 1. 0, 0. F. -At the last regular meetiug of Wester', Star Lodge, No, 149. The following officers were duly elected t --Wm. Martin, N. 0. ; Geo. Felton, V. ; F. S. Scott, Treas. ; P. Scott, P. S. ; Alex. Strachan, R. 5. ; James Dron, War. ; Dickson Smale, Con. ; A. Ottlback, 0. G. ; X. McKenzie,. 1.0. ; 11 8. N. 0. ; Arthur Hingston, L. 8. V. 0. ; Joseph Laird B. S. ; Richard Leatherdale, L. 8. S.; James Wilson, Chap, ; George Ilayeroft, representa- tive to Grand Lodge. YOU iralst see the mammoth bottles of Warner's Safe Curo in Hargreaves 0: Co,'s lrug store window. They have Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, the best reme- lv f or suuntter complaint, diarrhoea, tko., and all reliable patect medicines, at •'Thu Drag Store," Graham's Block. of Bailey, the poet, author of Festus, A work pronounced only second to Milton. The deceased lady's funeral was conducted in the little old. church where sho had so de- votedly worshipped under her hus- band's ministry for nearly seven years. The attendance was largo, the church being crowded to the doors. Leaser. waggons durable and cheap at C. W. Holland's shop next to W. T. Hunt- er's old stand. Pose Scarps. -James Kelly 18 doing the street watering in good. style. - Haying is all the go this week. -A mnch needed improvement was made at the Methodist parsonage by out. ting down the largo willow trees, last week -Vanstone's luny engine is a "daisy." -Apartments to rent in the Garfield House block., Seo ad. - The strawberiy season saw thoueends of quarts of berries imported into Brassels, iu addition to what were grown in this locality. -261 tickets were sold at Brussels station 013 Muth. day for Stretford. Walton and Sun. shine lodges took the train here. - Bram Rineox.-Jmigineet was giv. The Selvatiou Army have added a on on Tuesday of last week by Mayor henna to the street equipage -Sev- Hotter, of Ooderich in the case of the Queen against John McBride, a well-knoivu h.gal keeper 01 1110.1 towu, for selling the "Blue Ribbon Deer," population continues to increase.- proper:41 by the Davies Brewing and Frank Uren is busily engegial talc - Malting Co. c Toronto. For the ing out•door seeneu, aud has some prosecution Wittlez 00s 300110 called very good pictuees of farm houses, provuig the sale. slid Air, baunders, of Loudon, analyst, gave evideuee of three analyses elicnviug the presence of alchohol varyiug from N to to 21, per cent. For the defence Pro- fessor IIeys, of the Toronto School of Medicine, swore that lits analysie of the beer showel only 1.78 per cent. of alcohol, and that of Profceecr ElOs of the Ontario Seliool of Practical Science, 1,8 per eeut. Dr. MeLeau, of Goderich, sway that 2,02, of aka- eral members of the Brussels band went to Stratford with the Bluevele band on Monday naorning.-Our die. -The work of completing Melville Church beeement is in progress. -A number of our residents will go to Stratford uext 'Wednesday to the in. auguratiou ceremonies. A. big limo is expected, -,During the very heavy ram 011 'Monday, a fleet] of lightning struck near tire. Shiel's brick block. No damage done. The rale was very fleavy,-The river is very low. -Po tato bags aro having largo doses of Paris Green aclininistered to them BANKING. 'Pr eiNT(atill itleTAGGART, 3 ANKERS BRUSSELS' PRANSA.CT (I litIBBIAB BANKING BUSINESS. N 0 tO Sof hand.1 lsoonn toil, otorost tl 10 winion ,loposito repayabler„on doomed, Proruptattentlousi von 3o collections. -3 LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. ELLIO T. LAW eae Mau, l-1111111'( Block. lirussolB. Money 10 101(11, EE. W'A.DE, BARRISTER, (ke. • 0(003 formerly oeoupled ey A., J. Ile Oull,Bag.,in Leckie's Mock. Stoney 10 (0)1(1. !..'Cr B. DEOKSON, 1 V • (late with Garrow Proudfoot.Gode - rich) Solicitor, LIonvoyanuor, ao. Oftloe in Grant's Block,Lirnasels, gone}, to Loan, LEX. .1.1U/ITER, CLEttli 010 tho Vestal Division Court , Huron Conveyance r ,N o bar v Publio,01.1111,Loan and Insurance Axon t, kolids inyestodafid 13 (001(0 Oollootiona 11111A113, Witco, 0001.10this Block Brussel lie 10111 5330 $'50 for au interview with MEDICAL CARDS. the hay -fork agents. way the Seaforth Sun doses a former THE GARDEN PAnTY)--A.Cdor,11114 to Brassolite :-We are pleased to no- tho annonucom Mt. th (0 11 (ec ; nounce that J. V. Fear has purehneel WSS 1101d on D. Gerry's lawn ou Wed - the drug business of 0. Duncan aud nesday evening. The evening 100,0 has taken possession. He is moving all that could be (haired, and the the stock from tho old stand, one petunia were most conveuiontly and door north, to what WAS formerly pleasantly arranged. The program kuown as Duncan Duucan'e "Oak Fear is a hall clothing store. e promising young man Ratline passed creditably through college and eerved hie apprenticeship with the leading deuggists in Hamilton end Toronto. He comes to us highly reconnnended, and apparently has au -eve "to the neat," as_he fising up his store in excellent shape. 'We wish bine nbun- dant 0003055, and welcome him to our ambitious town. -Mrs. Wm. Smyth arrived in Brussels on Tues- day last from Walkerton. -W. E. Kerr left ou Monday morning for Kingsville, where he will be 501001300 as the junior minister of the Metho- dist 00110011 for this year.-Franic Hallidity is away at London on a pleasure trip. -Councillor Graham is off on a B.shiug excursion to Nepigou river, Lake Superior. Ho is a great lover of the rod and lino. -E. W. Gerry, of T118 Pon staff, arrived home last Thursday evening, after spending several weeks on the lakes fax his health. He looks much bet. ter after his trip.-AIrs. Williams has flax growing that measures over 50 inches.-Obris. Dickson, wife and son, of Olinton, wee in town on Sat- urday. -George Haycroft is the repre- sentative to the Grand Lodge, 1.0.0 .P., from Brussels, this year. . 5. Scott represents the Encamptuent.-Miss Leek, A. R. Smith's milliner, left Brussels last Tuesday for her home at Lindsay. A very successful season is reported in counection with tlio millinery root:ea.-Mrs. A. Webster and daughters are away on a visit to relatives at Milbank. Tho grass widowers are numerous in town just now. --A Kirkton correspondent of the St. Alary's Journal says :-While the Rev. M. Herm was starting for \Voodham church ou Sunday niorn lug laet, his horse became frightened and dashed off at a fearful speed, throwing tho rev, gentleman out of his buggy. ELowever, WO aro glad to 511y that he only received a few Blight iejuries, which dicl not prevent bum from fulfilling his appointmeute dun ing the day. -Miss Pattisen, of Ter- mite, is visiting her sister, Aire, Wade. -James Clue and wife, of Wingham, spent Sunday in tren.- Fred. \V, Jones, of Chicago, is the guest of Walter Jackson this week. - W. II, McDonald, W110 1109 been in Wingbam foe some monthe, has 11(3. 1001)011 to Brussels and is filling his position in G. L. 13all'e dental office. -Miss Jessie NI. Ross, teacher in the gth department of our public school, had the children of her highest class, all of whom are promoted to the next room, and her Sabbath school class up to her home last Friday itfternoont where, after having all kinds of gained, swinge, &ma with them, sho treated diem with etrawberriee and area , tea, and celies judging from hol was aufficieut to produce intox. these days.-A.dam Good 0 Co. Ilan. their happy, Binding conntenanees, ication, and Dr. George Wright, of dled fifteen hundre0 boxes of straw- as they parted 01 11.0 eveniag, they Tonnto, that it w•ouicl r‘luire a gel. berries this 800.80n --A grand Pic) -n111 all hail a good time. Miss Iless left La of "Blue Eibbon 13ear to obtain an ititoxicatiug Other witness testified to litiviag drunk (plant. Wes of the beer vAryiug from 17 to is talked of by the Bohlen Associa on Wednesday tor Toronto and tions of East Huron. :Brussels will Guelph to visit her friends. -Airs. likely be chosen as the place for hold- Ferguson and Miss Kate have gone lug it, on 0.80013111 of its eontral posi- to Toronto this week, whore they in. 48 glasses without experiencing any tion. -What about our civic holiday? tend to make their home. --The aleolailic symptoms. The Magistrate -The lightning on Monday damaged Tilsonbnrg Observer 'says :-"1t is Mayor Horton, held thet the beer ' a, number of teleplemes in Loma-- Ireported that H. Bailey Ham - WAN an intoxicating one, although of variable strength, 11(111 thio defendant watt therefore titled $50 and costs, 'Pima been an appeal from the judgment of the Mayor to the Goner- Seseione of the Peace, to bo held in December next. WAS au exceilent 0119,va e, -ried 0)1011511 save monotony tual 00 1111.000)01115that for 01 00 two Moire the large !milieus sat and "took it in.'The ice cream, lemonade and cities stands del a goo.l. busitmes, (('01113 110)111)' b quets were everywhere te he seen. The program consisted n1 iustru- mental selections on the 011111.1 and piano from hiss Lizzie Jackson, Prat. Holland, Bert Jackson and Alex. Strachan ; piano solos from MN. Ilutchineon. Miss Clara Creighton and Mee Lizzie 313000011; 0001.1 selections from M. Hargreaves, Miss Nero, A., Strachan, W. M. Sinchilr, J. Har- greaves mid J. Idea'; recitation from 2,1(88 Alinine White, of 110011111 ; readings from J. 1(1o11101111011 and 11'. 13. Dickson; short addressee by Reeds. J. ROSS, 8. Jones end W. Smyth ; mouth organ sob:odium fro tn Bliss Lizzie Wilson and Noble Gerry. Where everybody performed their part so well it would bo A difficult 13811to particolarizo, sullici to say a bet- ter program is seldom given. The proceeds, clear of all expenses, was $51. The lawn WAS illuminated by lamps, torches and Chiuese lanterns. The Ladies' Aid Society, under whose auspices the entertainment WaS given, desire to return their hearty thaulie to the ladles 111213 gentlemen who eo kindly aided the program. The Ciraud Lodge and Grand En. 1 sou, of Aberdeen, Miss, formerly of aampment of the I. 0. 0. F. meet in Tileonburg, is down With the scourge Ilainilton on the 1. 11 'of August, , of the South -yellow fever. -Mrs. and great preparations are being I dos. 'Watson and family of Wingliam, made by the brethren there for theare in town visiting frionde,--4. Ston - reception (31111entertainment of 'the I ly, 0, R. Vanstone and Jas. Ballan- vieitors, tyte (Tea the 12th in IlarriBion. BORN. KNIMIT.-In Morris, on July 12111, the wife of Mr. Peter Knight, of a daughter. EBECI• Montx.-In Howiolt, on the 4thinst„ Peter Morin, aged 50 years and 1 months. A.ussfax.-1n Grey, on the (1111 11100., Len- ora Ausman, aged 45 years, 8 months and 18 days. • -PAR at TO RENT. -LOT 12,0013'. 7, Grey, will be ranted for four or eve years, Th are acres of hal wheat sown and fall pluraug,Nouo. .Pussossion given ab nay time, J0118 MoINTOSEC. 1011 r 11. 31edeA.11011T0N, M. D. C. G. I r•,,•AL, 0, it, 0. P., 1.Mintturgli. Physiola e, Ll.10)0.hi Imo kle's . J A. HOP °HINSON, M. D. 3. It. IP. Edinburgh. Has removed to Ins rusidonou 0.61111 Street thou.:leo formerly occupied ty Ur. r)A1:111, Stitt MAI militate at olduc. a nt I xo Liu an milou 40 i(.nroo.true' crag Store. !------ DENTAL. Ur L. BALL, L. 1) 110,N011 Cellege 0) .l950htl 3,103(000., 10011110, 0)1305 111 Olrl,thlrO 11.11;::4G oyoratiuur. Hours 8,4.01, to 3 p,111. BUSINESS CARDS. . . . . . 1{158 O'CONNOR, TEAOli.Eit ea'reareegii lima, \recto, Alia Iustru, mental Alualo our i.111.110 Urgau 11110 LiUitar. 11.050mm:0-1ot (lea ei,Lorotte, Uuelph, o. 0, (south) li.u rirek,iTsuoirsi:ita u Me OBAOKE N , Issuer Marrlago LLoousos. Oillco Ole groo ory,12,.rnboiry street, 11-21 TWIN NUTT, VETERINARY ejiasir"'Gr:dr:01Cntaa°Oiir?eel0greut.e0atenittey 51)0)15)31)3 Mrs . Parker llainstroot , 13rue. eels. A ItioNAIll, ISSUER OF 134.11. .Z),. tinge Licenses, by appointment 0(3 L`ut°4;-1°;:111;4`n16i'r::? ,to:1..ty,1g4,b OMCOettboaraubrook PosiOnIce A fILLINERY St HAIR DRES8- 1'1'1 log done by Mrs, Turnbull. Rog. 11e1100-Nurth 0) 300001 house, cornet of Me• chain,: street, drussels. OinD-We woul11 recommend ars. it. Turnbull to the citizons of 110, ri,tatilvidei:,,g og,o) are u= 1.111111M iondh .11r1 03a31011)000 iu Making over nod dying bit and stt.tw hato3. It . (+reheat) ,h Soh. ROBT, CUNNINGHAM,I Insurance Agent, GUELPH, ONTARIO Brutessalet IVICarlact. 001101110011 CAREFULLY EVERT WnEE. White Fall Wheat - Red Wiutor Spring Wheat Barley Oats Peas 13utter, tubs and rolls Eggs per dozen-, Flour per barrel Potatoos Hay per ton Hides por lb Dressed Hogs Salt par bhl., wholosalo Sheep skins, each Wuol . SO 1(3 80 83 SO 83 41 50 30 00 55 (10 10 12 10 00 500 500 31 1 00 7111) 0 00 (11 151) 550 11) 80 50 1 00 17 18 NE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. QBIIVANT GIRL WANTED, AP. ply to JAS. DBEWE TiloUND .-A HO 11 8E BL4.I4KET. 01.' 010000 00.0 have tbo name by calling At 111101r's, proving property 111(1 paying for advortlsomont. rp0 RENT, -THAT CONVENIENT -L shop North 01 (30 bridge, o'.n be usol for a, workshop or Store -house. 10,11 Apply to S. IMF:WE, A SPACIOUS BUILDING TO rent, 800M11010r A hall, ledgo.room, or private residence. Pot parttonlars opply to J. M. MOTHERS, New Garfield House, Bruno's, VWE STRAYED FROM THE Promises of the mulersiguecl, about two weeks ago. 8110 is white In 0010r With a, dark nom, Auy information loading to 1100 000000)11 w(t) be thankfully roorlyed, Word May be loft at Fall FOirr NiblishIng HOuso. t. 8. W1013811, Brussels, OTTAGE FOR SALE. -THE !undersigned will sell 1130 oomfortable cot- tage on Hlizaboth street, or Would exchange hI for other prOporty. b'or full partial:late tia to 'Mice s, term a, oto, apply to NnWeo011,Brussets, DA.STURE TO LET.-ADMIR- ...e_ Antos pesters for hersestlot ; tome oil. Myer riming through. for terms to O. W 111114 , Honfryn, Or to E. 11, WAnn, 110000010. THOS. FLETCHER, haotioal Watohnaker at1 owoler, Gold Watches, Silver Plated Ware, TVatches, Clocks, Gold Rings, Violins, Etc. I keep a, full line of goods usually kept in a first-class jewelry store. Call and examine, no trouble to show Goods.. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. --- Agont for Ocean Tickets, Amer - Man Express Company anti Groat Northwestern telegraph Company. 1741 STATE NOTIOE. NOTICE TO CREDITOES. Pursuant ta the Act ,I6, Vie., Cap, 0 (Ontario) the creditors of John Sample, the elder, late Grey of Ow Township of , in 005 County of Huron, yeoman, who died on Or shoat the 10311 day of April, 1885, and others haying (dahlia it respect to his ostato, aro hereby 11011110d to sand, on or before the 17th day of July, 1885, to Donald Maatualtlau, at Brussels 0, 0, ono of tho egeentors of rho portional oe. Oirt0 and offsets of the Said deceased, their miaow) and addrosses,and the fuMll 'aio tilers of their 51)4(10)1 and of tho fanturltios, if any, hold by them, properly attested; and also that immediately after 1110 said date the as. sots of tho said doCoatiod Will be distributed 0.0)011(3 0118 parties entitled 111 orate hying re - card only to claims of Which the executore thou hays notice, and the moonbeam will not 00 113010900 any assets so distributed to any person 01 1011000 claim they Shall not have had notloo. Dated aft kitty, elle 1061.1 (303 01 dune, 100. HOMAN() 111a,A.U0FILI14,1 10(1000A10 MOLAHOHLIN Uxeeu ars, ,0