HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-7-24, Page 1'LS‘ OST. VOL, XIIi. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1885. "NO'!' EXACTLY LIWITIMA'l'E. TUR BAIT WITli WIIICII A TA X'INOW 1 NISIINS VON SUCIclillo, The Toronto News furnished the folio particulars of a ratan wanting to do o funny" businoso at L' unknow ;—A few ego the following eiraular came into t hands of Thomas \Hee((((l,, private detective, of this city, who handed it to County Crown Attorney Fenton, hit that goutlelnnn could do nothing in the hatter as it is outside his jurisdiolion. Although similar efr001ars have already boon published in The News, it will do no harm, and possibly some good, to pro- duo0 this one, wiled' was 3000ived fn an0 to an advertisement in the Mail. The thoritioe at Lncknow might iuvestigato find who is the gentleman whose letters to "Drawer 41.": 'D11AS Fnroxn.-If you aro n business person and not to hottest to engage in speculation, I can put you in a pooitiou that you eau snake money easier and faster than 0t au 'other known business, "The buviness I nut engaged it is v profitable, but like all other large pay speculations not exnatly legitimate. T sizes of the articles I deal in aro one's, tw iiv8's, and ten's. They aro for every pen cal pltrpoee no good as the genuine arta ao thorn is not one in ten 111000and that ,1Oteot them, One of the best proofs be that the banks are handling large gaaetit of then every day, I sell nuthiug less th 100, price $30. For large amounts I 0 give you better terns. If you do not o to g0 into the business, destroy this let cul let the matter drop, as it will do you good to try and injure a man who is willi to prove himself your friend. 1 do not thi I am oommittiug any sin iu asking you to into this business, as with ordinary disc time it is perfectly safe and no ono individ loses anything by it. Besides the Almigh never intended one or two men to have m lions, and others hardly enough to live If 3 o want any quantity of the goods y will hove to conte and see me, 00 I want be personally acquainted with my 0istene 1f you cannot come at once and 000 100, n if yon would like at ltret to try only a sue quantity of the goods do so as fellows:— ''Eucloe0 mollfteen dollars 0s n guarantee of your good faith (and y'olt can send t other fifteen 101 receipt of the goode,1 and will send you per express one hundred of my 'roods securely sealed up in a tin paekag Enclose the money' in a plait], well -seal envelope and do not register, as I will not r alive any registered letters or post cards. "Ihavo an agent at the line who tranships all paelulges sent into the United States, In ordering soy which you prefer American or Cn80111011 goods. "Yours in confidence, Drower 41, "Luokoow, Ont. 11 1 people 101(080 sight is not the hoot will be es - I lfeolally grateful to you for this. Again, col, your items of news, gathered from all parts of the 000utry round, are vary gratifying to 'I'I,(1 1'. tie. ati•.:ettrn to rd. a largo number of readers. 1'ersnnally, I NO. 3. NO 5 UR.RENDER, ! 1 proud ptlett. Grant Bend. _ wood Lo wittiest; such an lemming demon- titration of the Orange order, and was I proud to know that the order continued to r prosper. Orangeisn was hound to live and wingrend theta with great ;immure, and I know anof others w'hn do 11(1 same, Then you aro days I opou and free to all who want to speak the ; through you. Bow, I speak the doth when I say I wish you long life, ninoh vigor and a prosperous earoor. May you have courage to battle for the right, and against the wrong. May your inll001100 for good bo alights, and your renders bo very many. One or Timer, Ethel, Jnly 10111, 1885. war au- ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. and SUC'IISSFUL APPLIOANTS AT SEAPORT, go y Through the kindn000 of the editor of the Sun Nye are able to present 111e following as tho result of the Seaforth entrance exam- inations :— ery 11011118-0mL8. ing 1 Maggie P. Cash, he 2 Jounfe Govenlook, o's, 3 Lydia Campbell, 011- 4 Tilly Gibson, ole, 5 Margaret II. Hislop, pan 6 Maggie Simpson, log 7 Margaret Hislop, ie' 8 Ellen .1, Turnbull, au 9 Ellie ktolntosh, an 10 Minnie Shaw, 810 11 Annie 0. Schooles, for 12 Bella 14LoEwan, 110 13 Elle, Moir, ng 14 Mary lfeMMMordio, uk 15 Annie Bell, go Di Maggie L. McIntosh, re- 17 Nettie Ewing, ural 18 Maggie Hodgins, ty 10 Violet Whiteeides, ll- 11000, on. 1 .7anioe Dodds, 42:1 on 9Robert N. Hays, 450 to 3 Albert Morrison, 875 re. 4 James B. Morrison, 381 ud 5 Wm. Kerney, 370 all 13 Thomas A. Turnbull, 611 7'William Smith, 438 8 Thomas McLauchlin, 4132 he 9 John Bonnett, 610 1 10 Thomas I{noelttel, 530 11 John Livingstone, 480 1 Mullett 0. 19 Down .7. Pybus, 442 10 Tnck'lh ed 13 David Gemmel, 401 Egreoudv'le e NO. 0011001,, 534 Winthrop 484 402 4 McKillop 478 4 444 Walton 377 370 2 Grey 511 505 3 402 Brunoels 375 3 Hallett 402 Hensen 418 417 „ 399 Tuokersmith 477 473 Soaforth 479 398 Roxboro Walton 2 Grey „ Brussels 64 11 Whet they thin1 of us. The 13rno11010 POST celebrates its twelfth birth day this week, Tuts POST is an ex oellont local paper, is neatly printed, and ably represents the town of Brussels,—Ao ton Free Press. The 13ru8seis POST is a fine, healthy child for ire ageJuly 8rd being the 19111 anniversary of its birth. May it live to see another twelve years of prosperity.—Wing halo Vldetto. The Brussels Pos'r has entered upon its thirteenth year. May it live long and prosper.—London Froo Press, The Brussels POST has entered upon its thirteenth year, and is quite within the hounds of truth when it claims to be a hot- ter local paper than it Duet' 1000. Loudon Advertiser. The Brussels roar has entered upon its thirteenth year. May it livelong and pros- per. W. il. Kerr, formerly of title county, is the editor.—Amhersbburg Echo. NEwdra1.o113AL,—T1101 very aceeptnble ex- change, the Brussels Posz, has entered upon the 13tH year of its existence, and certain- ly merits a liberal support from the people of that place.—Clinton Now Era. Tho Brussels Poor has entered upon its thirteenth year of publication, and shows good signs of continued prosperity. We compliment bather Kerr upon his energy in supplying tho people of Brussels with a lust•olase local paper.—Exeter Times, Tu0 Brussels POST, edited by.W. II. Iicrr, formerly of Kirktou, has entered up. on it0 13th year. Mr. IC= has mticlo 11 a good lcu:,l pepor, and his businose is ex- t0nding,-131. Marys Argas. The Brussels POST has recently complet- ed its 12th volume. It is a lively young. star and improves as it grow0 oldor.—St, Mary's Journal. I'oo',—I 1.111)1 to have a few words With you, and hope you will not get your back up, as some people do, when they are spoken to, I mean to talk (Mont yourself, and not your neighbors, as some two want to do. You inforined us the other day that you were twelve years old, and that you were unite a sprightly young follow, full of life, health and vigor; and that you were determined to go on null do well, Now, what f want to do is this, to congratulate you on your present ottalnnient8. You 0e0 - wilily have clone well in the past, and have become quite 0 favorite in our part of the country, I happened to be in the post-olliee the other Peek when yon made your appea'- nnee, qui 11va0 ,nioh pleased to see what n bundle you were. May you grow much Argos, 11:lrope you will go on g01,110g friends in tide and every other pert. Some luny 8ny you oro not largo enough for your Oast, but things of great value are found fu small spnees, and that 10 just what wo want hr n gentleman like you (1 hope I But right in tho gender). In tho past we have had it in that wily, Noty, yon are entering on an. other year of your existence in this great kvorld of paperdom, 1 now state three or four 1h1ug0 for your encouragement, and I don't think they will stake you vain or proud. Your ground work is white, clean, good, Solid ---features every ov0y desirable in a good newspaper. Then the typo is largo, clear, and very distinct. The aged, and • The maximum number of marks was 750, of this number 375 or one•half was required for a pass 111 addition the candidate was re- quired to tako one-third of the marks on each subject. Below 100 give the list of those who succeeded in getting 375 marks at least, but who fell short a few 1nar108 on some one of the subjects, Tho condidatee have been recommended by the Board of Examination and it is expooted that they also will receive certificates ;- 01000. 1 Mfuni° Armitage, 2 Jennie Ballantyne, 3 Clernn, a Davidson, 4 Annie Edwards, 5 Hannah 13. Graham, 13 Maria Kidd, 7 Lottie Lattnuror, 8 Grace L, McFau1, 9 Nellie ibLoXay, 10 Annie Neville, 1I Mande Wilson, 19 Nettie Wilson, 13 Lizzie Devere0nx, 14 Tilly Shannon, 15 Ella Robb, 111 Evalyn Turner, 17 Maud B. Sohoalos, 18 Jane Carlisle, 10 Bessie Kelly, 20 Jane E, Kelly, 370 877 397 375 476 422 432 457 375 370 111 392 406 354 380 383 375 104 417 401 Seafortlt 14 11 11 1 MoKillop 4 6 Tnok'ith 3 Hallett Iienenll 9 Morrie 9 Morris ROTS. 1 James Dickson, 809 Senforth 2 Frank Hendry, 415 8 William McLean, 377 4 John Aitcheson, 881 5 John Rankin, 375 41 6 John G. Shaw, 840 „ Maggio E. Cash haying obtained tho highest number of manes has won the soholarship, viz., free tuition at the high school for ono year. Iu consegleneo of the increase in the duty, the hotel -keepers of St. Thomas have decided to increase the price of whiskey and other liquors to. ton cents per glass, commencing on Monday. While o pie-ni0 party was return- ing by water to Halifax from the en - hubs, on Tuesday evening last, their boatscame within range of a party of Royal Artillery engaged in firing practice, several shots being within a few feet of striking tho boats, Great consternation prevailed among those on board, who had a narrow escape from an appalling catastrophe. Collector Spaulding, of Chicago, an. 1101111008 tliat, nn100e otherwise order. ed, he will, in the ftltltro, refuse to clear grain laden Canadian ',meals, American vessels will be cleared un• der to special manifest, however, and the craft lvluch are now loading for Canadian ports will be allowed to de- part as fust as they got ready to go. Tho Intel -Ocean is authority for the statement that vessolmon aro inclin- ed to believe, however, that the • up- shot of tiro whole affair wt11 bo tlo withdrawal of Owna(101 Draft froth the various trades in which they are engaged on the upper lances, and that the Canadian grain -carrying business will be done in future in Aiuericau bottoms, 7.'h0 follawin{; 1140 crowded out 0 weels'0 issue :—The 105111 annivor'ee the Battle of the Boyne 10(10 0010brat the Orangemen of Perth, Huron and Middlesex nt Stratford. Two trains ears arrived in Stratford from ileo north Ant 10:80 8.101„ with the North Pertly and North Huron lodges and their friends, to the number of about 2,000 all to1d. Spee. ia1 trains also arrived about the 0100 0t1m0 from the London and Clodet'ich divisions, each SS heavily laden au the trains from the 1100111. Tho Orangemen were received at the depot by their Stratford brethren and escorted to the various hotels selected for their headquarters. The city at this stage presented 0 highly animated appearance, the streets being literally crowded with Orangemen, visitors and citizens. Sovernl brass bands and innumerable fife and drool bands made the welkin ring with party airs, As the hour for luncheon drew near, however, there was n temporary lull in the musical strains. It cannot bo said that any very extensive preparations had been mado for the reception of 1110 Orange- men, at least ae far as outward display 1000 concerned, three siolcly arches being 1110 only objects discernible on the streets bearing the semblance of a welcome. Tb0 hotel -keepers, we believe, did their part well, there being no complaint of a lack o plenty of eatables, or drinkables eithe and they doubtless profited largely by t entertainment provided for their very num mous guests, A heavy thunder stor coming on shortly alter noon, put a damp er on the proceedings for a time. How ever, before 2 p,m, the sky had again clear od, and the different lodges assembled o the market equ0r0, where the proeeesi° was formed. Tho following lodges, of& ears and bands fell into line, A. Robb, D. of C., Marshall ; F. IV Johnston, past Cu, Master, Huron; Jno Scarlet!, Co. Master, Huron, and Roy. G 13. Tailor in oarT-iage, 80a'01i 11,11(0x, The Blnevalo brass band. 230 Etho 0. Y. 13„ W. Tindall. IV. M. ; 243 Bluovalo 0. Y. 13., Jos, Robb, W. M. ; 252 Walton L 0. L., A. Morrison, W. M. ; 534 Bolgravo, R. Gilmore, W. M. ; 031 Ethel, Ed. Barr, W. M. ; 70(3 Bluevalo, 9, Stewart, W. 111, ; 774 Brussels, Jno. Mooney, W. tr. ; 863 Londosboro', W. Weymouth, W. M.; 878 Auburn, T. Rutledge, W. 1411, Blyth baud. 903 Blyth, Geo. Gibson, lir. M. Word has been received that Goner- , loot 1 to proepor, because it was founded 0u 000 - al Grant died on Thurodav morttln i• of ' reob prineiple0, its p1'incipleo were 111011111. i at S (('010010,elplett of g eians el by 110,1 reason to botheppy, a8 wee, He llelnjoyt almorC LOCAL ITEMS. ti Peet A I LH. . of 80 I civil and religious liberty than any other peep lo mulor t110 Don. Tho rev, gentleman then alluded to the battle for freedoms fought two hundred years ago, in answer to the question, was there a ueec0sity for the order to.day, ft wait his opinion that for the maintenance of pr0te0tantism there was as great neco00ity for the order now as there ever was. Rov. G. 13. Taylor had also been expected to deliver an address, but that gentleman having taken suddenly ill, the epealcing was, brought to a close with loyal cheers. Tho lodges re-formed and margined book to town, when theydie- pereed and shortly afterwards lurfor home. Canadian Wows. Rev. II. T. Crossley is conducting Evangelislio services in Owen Sound. Prescott hotel-lceepers have raised the price of whiskey to 10 cents a glass. Six people hove been drowned in the Obonabe river at Petorboro' this 3001•. he Hiram Walker 1 Sons have sent - samples of whiskey to the Antwerp m exhibition, in Belgium. • I1. Weir, of Toronto, has been op- : pointed Principal of the new High n School at Essex Centre. u Thirty-five Indians wore confirmed - at Zion church, Cupids, end Lower and Upper 111uncoy, by the Bishop of Huron, recently. . Toronto Board of Trade would like to see a commission of commercial gentlemen go to Jamaica to report on the reciprocity question. W. Halton, of Hamilton, John 1.1. Dearness, Public School inspector for East Middlesex, are applicants for the school inspectorship of Winnipeg. It is proposed to 0onc1 a team of six picked Irish athletes to compote iu the games at Toronto, Canada, which 45 begin September 20th. The team M. ; will rcoli. inelude champion 1S,nrry and 82 Pn G� Voting on the Scott Act Friday last end in the counties of Haldimancl and Ontario resulted in the measure being o. carried in the hatter and defeated in \y n, the former. - c, Tao steam) Alert, of the Hudson's of bay expedition, has been compelled to return to Newfoundland for repairs, having been fast 10 the ice in Hudson's straits for twenty one days, and re. cawed damages which rendered her helpless in the ice. A Sarnia telegram says :—Monday evening Robert Smith, 20 years old and unmarried, at Lucan, 30100 caught in the teeth of a separator cylinder tit the Implement works, and torn badly about the spine and chest. Ho is iu a critical condition. The Dominion Government have decided to grant $10,000 to the Pro• viecial Fair. to be field tits season in London, in order to give it the char. actor of 0 Dominion exhibition. Ar- rangetnsnts 01011 thus be made for bringing exhibits from distant pro vin0es, and proper a0oommo0Lttion for all such is to bo provided. Lord .Lansdowne is to be present to open the Exposition, and the nttcndouoe of several other important persons are expected, 00UTn n'm(0N. Goderich Distr•iot,—Goderich band. 1 Goderich township, R. Johnston, W. 153 Goderich, R. T(ohborno, W. 111. ; 1 Goderich, F. W. ,ohustone, W. W. ; 1 Hohuosville, A. Cantelon, W. M. ; 2 Maitland, A. McLean, W. M. ; 30(1 liay'0 G•. Gooper, W, 111, Hullot District,—Doherty Organ 0 band, 520 Hullott township, W. MoMllla W. 13. ; 710 Clinton, P. Ctmtelon, W. 111. ; 833 Leadbury, J, Scarlett, W. M. ; 928 Summerhill, B. Churchill, W. 141. ; 11388 Senforth, J. 8. Welsh, W. M. Co, officers —J. Scarlett, W. M.; E. Floody, Co. Secy.; W. H. Muruey, Co. Treas, EAST 111111LE0F1x, 248 Thorndale, 459 Manilester, 1125 Thamesford, 818 Purple IIi11. 8011T33 2E11T11, Mornington District, -90 \\'olleslay, A. Morrow, W. M. ; 45 Poole, I'. Magwood, W. M„ D. M. and Co, blaster; 430 Freeb.rn's, 11, Freeborn, W. M. ; 540 Morningdale, J, Heid, W. M. ; 751 illillbsnk, Jas. Carson, 1V. 1147.; 1033 Mllvorton, Jas. Strong, W. 11, Elms, Distriob.-78 Donegal, — Edgar, W..111.; 300 Molesworth, G. Spence, W. M.; 870 Listowel, A. Huston, 1v. 111, ; Li0towol Biaalc Knights ; 544 Carthage, W. 33, Free. born, W. M. ; 080 Newry, Pas. Priest, w. nl, ; 0+12 Trowbridge, Wm. Welch, w. nn. ; (377 Britton, S.8. Bothwell, 1v. 111. and D. Master. Wallace District, -339 (Edwardsville, J. Holt, w. m. ; 097 Tremble ; 056 1311, 1ine, J. Moffat, w. m. ; 970 Gowan0town, A. Dominate, NY. m„ Jas. Beatty, D. Master. DUDLEY l OLUI1s, of (lodericu, is visiting in town this week. CHARLIE PAltxltlt, of Ldndon, is visit- ing "Joe” Bogeys. Il'w. y.—Any quantity of pure hooey at 10 unto per pound. Comb hooey 15 cents per pound. J. 11. Smith. A. crankier match between the let eleven and 22 others will be played on the park on Friday afternoon. Tin work at the mill dam is com- plete. The rlaui is in a better condition to stand a freshet than ever. Iris reported that one of our citizens has levanted. If true there are people who w111 regret his departure on the dollar and cent business. 3'IiSe ELLA 1II11LI4OLLAND, who hos been visiting at Hamilton, returned home bust week. Her sister, firs. Amass, came with her. WE are pleased to hear that Afro. Nightingale, wile has been on the sick list during the past week, is eon sidorrbly improved. HEREE0T JACKSON, of Brussels, was engaged by the Doherty band of Clin- ton, to assist thorn at the Stratford tournament, Bert played 1st claron- et. AligaiE StiAy, Thos. EneohteI, Jac. Bonnett, and Thos. itleLaucblin, pupils from Brussels school passed the entrance examtntltiou to the Seafortb High School. AT the band tournament in Strat- ford, on Wedneoday, Waterloo band took 1st prize; Doherty band from Clinton, with the help of 5 or 6 out- siders, secured 21111 place and the Ladies' band from Michigan got Srd money, NEW Lva1NE:—On Thursday of this Neek we called at Vanstones mill to see their new Harris—Corliss engine work- ing. Itie an 80 hocee•power engine, with a 10 foot driving wheel, 21 inch face. This wheel weighs 8 tons. The driving wheel on the main shaft meat: - urea 5 foot. The cylinders are 14 inch, ith a 80 inch stroke. The engine nes its s1orte ettotly with a revolution ,98 strokes to the minute. The (001T11 ('011011, it. Marys District,—St, .Marys banal. 883 Blonshar•d, 12. Berry, w. 111, and D. Mao• tor ; 400 8111 line, F. McIntyre, w, nl, ; 402 Woodham, A, Popplestone, w. in. ; 28th battalion band ; 3118 81, Marys, 11. Stewart w. tn. ; 501 Kirkton, S. Shier w. 10, ; 502 131anahard, J. Dinsmore w. 111,; 707 Down, 10, Juo. Lancaster, 1v. m. Stratford District, --3.13 Downie, W. Coulter W. 111. ; 335 Mitchell, Wm. White, W. ill, ; 8113 Stratford, hatte0by, IV, 111, ; 759 Downie, Jno, Wato0n, \V, M. ; Stret- ford fife and drum band ; 708 Stratford, R. E, Altrtell, W. 111, ; 827 Hibbert, D. \Vat. son, \V, \l. ; 008 Logan, 1t, Thompson, \V, DI., S. Varner, D, M,, Jno. liuusoitb, Co. Mester. The procession, 1vi111 110 11011100000 ban- ners and bright replies and ribbons, pre- sented a very imposing appearan0o as it mouthed throngh the city to the park, with the bands playing incessantly. Thousands of spectators lined 1110 streets as the pro- cession wont by, and the gathering at the parlc presented a wonderful spectacle in- deed. Order having been restored, the speaking was opened with a short ac/dress of welcome by John Dlu(seit( Co, Master of South Perth, F, W. ,Iohilston, Past CO, Master of Huron, was then callocl neon. Mr. Johnston thought there (0118 good cause for coug,ratnlation upon the good order and good behaviour of the largo gathering, It 1000 1111 1110 intention of the Orange order to vilify any ono; they wished to be at peace with their 11oman Catholic 00110103'. mel. Wu were all one people, having It °MINIMA interest, told it behooved us 10 Ifvo in harmony, 110 alluded to the North- west rebellion, stating that its prompt sup- pression was great cause for congratulation and expresnod the hope that ail i'oholliono would bo similarly dealt with. In closing he ()ounselled the Orangemen not to forgot their obligation, and to be etoadfast up. holders of tho order, Rev. Mr, Broloy, of Seafortlt, 1008 1110 110xt 01(081(00, lie 1000 An interesting snit, in which was involved the legality of barb wire fencing, 131011110l the ether day at Brookville, in tbo case of Hillyard vs, the G. T. 1i. Company. The plain- tiff had a valuable colt injured by malting against a barb wire fence of the defendants, and sued for $225, the value of the colt. The jury ds• sided that a barb wire fence was n 1t n legal one, and gave judgment 1u favor of Mr. Flillyard. The Company gave notice of appeal. Tho Arnow Creamery Co. have made the following sales of butter, which is classed everywhere by large dealers as being as good as tho best : 101 cents for the May make, and 17 cents for June, The expenses for play amounted to 41c, and for Juno 8c and 1 mill. The patrons therefore wore paid 12 cents for May, and for Juno 180. and 0 131111s, During May 8,800 lbs. of butler wore made, in June 8,. 217 lbs. It required a fraction lase of Juno °roam, oou11)010l witli the pre ceding month, to Wales one pound of' butter. One patron set 8,227 lbs. of milk during June, raised 8573• ln0hes of era ten, largo eon, from which worn manufactured 811Ibe. of butter, real luing 843'11, A tveelc after the sal° had been made at 17o, per lb,t 180. was offered. ma1,'llinery is nicely finished and worl:e extra well. C. R. Cooper has oho le of the engine. C, R. had vases of flowers on his "baby," by way of OrntiLleltts, A Vu,'ov serious enemy to the apple grower has made its appearance der. ing the past year or two in several parts of the province in the 811ape of a parasite known by tine -name of the "Scaly or Bark Louse." Thts iuyuct infests the orchard true,, absorbing the juices of the baric and stems, and ultimately destroys the trees. Trees will be found in the spring to be cov- ered with what may be oalled the co - aeons of lost year's vermiu and eaoh of these 00°00119, when planed under the microscope, is found to contain a number of eggs. The usual di rection for their destruction is to re- commend saturating with solutions of coal oil, S011p•ellde, tobacco liquid, eta. 13ycircular Won \V R. Clinic, of lBowmauville, secretary, itis learned that the program for the Canadian Pres0 Association meeting and excur- sion this year is as follows:—Annual moeting at Toronto in ono of the par - lore of the Rossiu House, on Tu 1.,dtty, August 4th, at two p. m. A good afternoon session, allowing full dis- cussion on such mntters as may be deemed in the interest of the journal- istic profession, Leave Toronto at eight p, w, by G. T. R. Pallman oar, and procoJd on from Montreal by railway to Montpelier, Vt., Wells River, Fnbyans, summit of Mount 'Washington, and baek to Bethlehem Junction, Profile House, Plymouth, Conrard, Nashua. Boston (two day.) thou rap the Sound by steamer to New York (two days), up the Ilnclso13 Riv- er by day steamer to Albany by N Y., W. 8., &C13. Railway to Su4p,ynnion Bridge, and to Toronto by G. T. R, Tho mind trip will occupy eight O1 nine days, and it 0130 117111.1 .4 lute boon long desired by the Association. To W. Edgar, Gonernl Passenger Ag'nt of the (:I, T. R., the Association 10 in- debted for :assistance in procuring this charming route, 501051ue Wtalan has kindly telegraphed that the 0100• adieu (flub, of Now York, will bo happy to throw its rooms open to the use of the Canadian Preis Astooht- tio;l during their stay to that city.