HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-7-10, Page 71
1tigy 10, 1h83,
Sunday, .111ms Alden," said Oho dr
as Alndgo passed out; "1'11 hay°
Muir sit with mo,"
"Try it," whist ed Graydon, "a
you don't fall front graoo boforo r
mg is oy0r I'll give. you a new t
pole. Hiss Alden can ulauago lu0 b
than yon eau."
"No (1)1411, 1)o doubt. A num I
bo in a batt way if 11110 ('0111(10'1 make a
saint of hint if slio undertook it," tray
I1110 doctor's laugl(iug reply,
Greatly amused, Graydon repeat:,1
tho words to lladgo. 1'8110 W011'1 ur1•
104lako It iu this ease," WAS 1100 brusque
comment. '•I have 00 (ambition 111 -en-
lighten 0.0ut!nontal heathen, with their
superior tolerance of a faith good. enough
for W01110I1 and chihirun."
",lir rharu4iug roto has .not only a
thorn but; a thcoiogiont stiletto in her
IL is evident yon havo never
trouble, (1raydcu."
"Wiry 18 it 0'5,1.10111 1"
"Ilcenuse yen two c0ut'rt weft,
surfaca•tide of lifo,"
• "Ail )ell aro not:",
"Ono rarefy 1s 11.11011 fearing ;o
"What hots that 1,1 do will fait;, ;"
"Faith ran so:Jam; that's all,'
''And your faith so:(sltincd y011 (•
"Whitt 01440 11, ns 61(44 1,. sustain al
day (41;00 day brought, not a cilantro
1 lea urns, but the ou••i.'-io,1, Shall 1 I
.)ear ,1ladgo. 1 A
y•,n d'i 111.1. 4: t eii know, 1 don't sl
.11',08 1 0011,41 havo helped you, thong
Al; not tk...n,,,
he said earnestly, "wO
' t ,.,.1111' me ono thing ? 11 you e
rho,: I have tronblo of any kind ago
woo . o1) let m0 help you, Or at le
• . .1 800 how you behave," she 8a
- l4. lug. "Ji(•8idro , it's not Wm11e
-3dr 0 twilit, trouble for mens '1'
:die.. Cur mission is to 8o0tha and con•
HQl , 1 011 superior 110i0gm,''
^.Towel, do snake a 1,0Wer of trout
for men, 310t11(r Eve began wrong,
Anil Adam laid all his misdeeds on
hese weak shoulders,'
Tho upshot of 1411 this tall: is, 1' sup-
pose, that your shoukk,rs aro s0 str,.0g,
and your spirit so high, that you can at
least take ear, of your oven troubles."
"I hope so," she again laughed, "and
b1.' mad; to (ice .mina lift. When you
4u0ce:,.iu1 tern. (lo get 1a tumble, 111 life,
you are the most helpless of moan's."
"Wall. Will, v; ell, to think that 1 11m
talking to little Madge, who could not
say "ooi'lly ,r to um without fainting
"0i:ta•by nuallt more) to 01(4 than to
you. Yon 111(4',' going away to note and
pleasant 141ti1•lty. I doubte(10110611cr 1
$1101(111 see you again,—or indeed any ono
]dng," She 833811, hastily.
-Don't imagine that I did not feel
awfully that night, (tear .Madge. Tears
do 1101 001110 into my 03'08 easily, but I
added a little salt water to the ocea11 118
1 hawed over the taltrail and $awe Lilo
city' that c0tltuiue(11•ou Ludo from view."
"1)1,1 you truly, Graydon ?" she asked,
turning away,
I del Ind ,ed.'
Ill h,1 ILV4 ttc 1 f 6i' 4 and quickened
respiration hd• til 4,,1(11 ho saw tra/es 8 of
more than )',4' lug biding, hitt she turn-
ed on him i1) sn,hf,nn q,,vety, and said
"'It h a:ever I .ie th,• 0.•e 111 I'll run,. i•
14(1' how tri 111 :r 1 1.-• L„ 1
Gt•aydul(, I've to • Cr1-111, toll y m wld, 1(
for an iute1181, , stlu 1:,', lam1 l 1 111 1y ti,:•
yotioual woman, i:4 a most lin 11141,
euufessicn : 1'14, awfully hungry. 1 heti
will dinner be rutin "'
I bice (a secret to toll you also," lm
,11 iiud, will(a 11aq vele 1 11as11 in Iris
eyes: "Tiler() is a go') in this house who
explains 11114ell mora or loss every' day,
Iasi who yet remains tits most 01141111'1111)4
(ollululruul that over kept a man awake
.'roto perplexity."
"01) dear 1" cries( Madge, "114 hiss
W'ihlulc'ro s0 batt as drat? I'oor, polo
victim of insomnia! L,y the way, do
yon and Mr. Arnault keep a lodger (tr-
count of tho 611,10 you receive? or do
you roughly go on the principle of 'share)
Laud sham a111(e ?' " and with 0y0s flash-
ing back laughter at his reddening face,
81(0 ran up the steps and disappear0,d.
"That was aI'arthiau arrow," ho mot-
ored. "If we go smoothly 011 the shar-
ing priuciplo at present, we shall Joon
• go roughly 011011)411, or cease logo at all."
But the Italy 111 question 4vas putting
forth all her resources, 14111011 word not
slight when enlist0(1 in her own bohnlf,
to koop two men b1 stale quo until more
Onto, with its chances, should. pass.
Arnault smile(. grimly whim ho saw
hor (laparting with Graydon. She had
boon ova8iVe, hot very friendly, duringi•;
tho day thus far, and after what ho lxal
said the preceding night be felt that h0
was couuuiLted to110r moods for ayvool(
if ho could nob bring hor to a dooisiou
before, Booing lir. Wildmero walking
res11os81y up and (town the piazza, 110
joint 6101, and offering a 8up0rb cigar,
said, "Suppose w0 go out to the l4ko
and 800 whore the little kid was so
u0arly drowned."
Soon 1411014 they 114010 suloking in tllo
8h41(10, 110 thoughts of both r0Verbfu�
to kindred anxieties. Arnault decided
to make ono novo before the final one.
Perhaps only this would be required ;
perhaps 11 might prepare tho way for
morn serious action, They talked over
business. Arnault, permitting the other
to see through a veiled distinctness of
laugtiago that ,Ile Was prospering, re-
marked, "By the way, I have a little
transaction which I wish you would
carry out for us," and mentioned an
affair of ordinary brokerage,00ncluding,
i1) off -hand 1o1)os, "from what you staid
some days sine() infgqr that you may
find a litblo money han)1y atprosont. I
will wribo you a chock to•nigh1 for a
thousand. It's only an advance, you
know," and ikon changed tho subject;
• "Will you go to town to -morrow?"
Mr ,Wfldnoro added.
�1(r6Lu, "No, not to -morrow. I'll run down
Tuesday or Woduesday. 111 spito of tho
1)d if times Inkiness (doesn't giro us much leo.
11)01• way this:summer, but I'vo arranged to
route 11e away molt'( or loss at prima,"
route Then h0 added, with what was meant
to be a frank, deprecatory 1ang1
"I s(IppOso you sou low it is, It's
some Limo since I asked permission to
pay my addros$05 to your daughter, I
don't think I've 1)0(411 neglectful of op
portuuiti0s, but I don't got on am fast tit
I would. like, and now fool that if i
would 1•r('p any ollnu(pl at all I most bo
on hand. Muir Is a lorluiclablu
"Ion I(n((W that you havo :114• (101180111
411111011e, M1. 4111(140! 11," -
.11's the lady's 0ou8aut that .I must
obtain," tram the reply'. "noir is a-11no
fellow, 11(1,1 1 cannot wonder that she
l'esit ltes,-_-that 18, tl' 5110 1101.41 h,sih(te,
had may bo Wasting my thou liorc and
adding to the bitterness (1f 111y' (]14,:(11•
',ointment, for of course it least become
grrater if 1 1100 11183-W11.110018 every
tiny laud still fail."
Thorn t.as 114-rrt (14113 Lion in }1,41
uncal:. ;us1 alter a nun6001 Or two :yr.
1Vildn4r(• said, hesitatingly: "1 do not
thiel: yon aro was6'ug your time. I
think yt,:!la in in hone t doubt (4s to hor
6i,oiee. .1t least th„t's my impression.
100 Sou know that yoking hulics in nor free
k d (1,1 not take much counsel of
i"" nt and St0pa Las over 1,10'1 very
1,; scout i1) h(1. 1:' w4(. When mice
I .hes up 1101. 1),1(1.1 you will 11181 her
ry decided and 1(y•al. I should he
('•V sorry' to 800 her engag„d to it mlau
luso fortunes arm it/Tondo:1 on a
ntla'r 111 such fioaueial 8tr1its as 'Mr.
it i.-' mid"ehled''v
on think Henry Muir is in 14,143'
1)t daugur T'
nil s1.
'1- (,,
IL" to
n'b In
%Or 111
ast gr.
id, "1 do indeed."
"hunt 1" uin0(1ated Ar:u'eit, look's.;
Jis .1Ol'I011i.
110 •''."114(11 would 11)' 111''0 v, -
w)11 1)o, a 01:,10 4,1.0; 1,1,4 t l••!1
11'eu, ('4(144811 14(441," 4011111 11101111110s
morn, 1, ,:(sI I'll I,('O you ,111441(;; t
"I'll d0 11uy..1110g T can to
'dr.aruuttit. 1 0011111111i like 1)(y (1000.
1101114, h4 ,refer, to hurt 31uir's ('.4
"6)1 000(140 1:0:, nor wo11111 I w'1111
this; lint its one of our brokers you 111',
pick up nomu ml'ornlatioa, like enoug1),
l know, as (lia ot,3tr,', that Muir was
having a rather hard timo of it.11111 11
thoro is pressing danger I may 11411.4, to
take some action."
"In that cn$o of course you can coin -
mud ma.
"I only Irish to do what is fair and
considerate among bnsinoss omen. R'o'll .
111111411 together when I come to town,
and 140(1(aps tho cas0 will 130 el0.arar ��
and she left hill with his tranquillity I
not la little disturbed,
00834.1,031t 'r111u:AD(,
1111, 31u14' W1a14t1( (1epert oh um early
train the following morning, 1103 w'ras
1311'11'.(3l 1311011 lla,lge epcuod lien door at
the s,41110 time and said, "Pm going to
sec 611114 you have a good breakfast anis
It good seml•otf,"
41, rhstled 0101(ily with him (lining
the meal, ignoring his som1W1e(t wistful
and questioning glauce8. "%Viten shall
w•0 500 you again, fleury ;"' ah,: 11.1;1,1,
"L'rfdity (vowing, I hope,",
"Don't work and worry too cutch,"
"I. (defy fate 1100. You're given inc
your luck."
'll0av01) forbid 1 1Vell, good -by."
A 111614, lator silo and two of 11er boys,
as mho called then4,'(1010 o.f o1) the 10118,
31r14, 3lair and (lrllv(IOn bll'al(I'aste. 1
long after, and tho htttar of strved with
( frown that Arnav11 Was 51111 at the
'1')11. 11;•3 t•,l.le with all the s0(01(1ty of
01)11',( Tu„(ill.•,
',Doctor,' 11e8111,.'., a little later, ''holy
mn,h 114111 you tale ---tile luoucy to bo
given to your 011 1(111—to t,o trouting
.1,11\ STREET, rt ill -((0,E).14
Otlhohostqumltty always /mottle mutt telly
oroale auypart of 6hoVnInstdree of charge
TEEMS Vary ravorable,
FAT CATTLE i)'A:aTED, If”, ase JW altca u ,a',.recza.r', f 7
Forwhleh)L0 higho4tru4rko( ',rico 011ihc, ..,Vett, �� O1'111: r �,r Zip
pita, in Ti•l'st Cass IS77.1C and Gztar'crnlroa
BMus 1lo mnon' ],,.,, S coat ilyo tf4adyre o ldat•a0
to Gine r5'atzstccctiou.
t F(etchrr'sdon•riir)Ntore.
`I'll(' undersigned 111 )'('111(lllllg thanks to 111(' P1,01.1( of C'1'a 3111roo1i
and Surrounding Country for their l,ihrl'hl Patronage 111U'ing th('-;1st
S ,Y(111.8 would. 1'V po(4tftllly 1n)i111111)' flint L(' 11118 ;1)1,11i11re5ulnrd 11 '; 1
ne88 and wi11 be found at the Old Stand, ren;ly f(4 Ott IA to floe 31;0,11:
of 11114 Customers.
Wr..A.0-0-01\T Slop
will he Under the i1lauagt111cljt of
11 Fir:.1 C1urF 1f rhtwic.
J epait'ins? o%' ,ill Itiii 7,s ,°lttcnr/(•cr /u.
During his drive with 3Ii8s Wildmer°,
Graydon simply 11d1:,,rod to the tactics
which he load adopted, and 8110maw that
he was waiting until tllu Arnault phase
of 6110 1 r.,1,1010 should b1) aliminntod.
When, however, (,11 tool( occa1i0u to
bewail the dismal prosperts of her
"poor papa," and to drum the way for
him to speed( naturally 01his own and
his brother's alf1.111•1, 1141 014:4 gravely
silent, Rbc didn't 1!ke this, for it tended
to 001111111/ her t:'tthm'4 11(:1ic1 that tb
were i1) tronblo, or ,1:0 it 1,,0;:111 11
suspicion 0f her e1).,:i1o. 'PLo 44.,44:
o r,
The undersigned begs leave to announce to
tho Public generally that he haspurabased
the Entire Stock of D. Froin, harness
maker, and lls,vin brought a Large Stock
of his Own Make ,1110 is prepared to Com.
pole with the Oheapest, us ire IluysStrictly
for Cash A Complete Stuck of
'('18 1100 4.1:1 1 ( ;4(u at t 4.1
141111.1%211 v 1.11 111 h 41.4. (• (,rt ;t;,, „(
Of i n1' 11;' t. h 1 :':; 1' .
;( (;('veto;, into
vorydc: •:i vu :nto t,11'110 L;
that I ,4:' 11
thoi•,nl;+hly "in 11.t11a," out that silo
Inust i 1"111,1.1.1'11101.0 ((0 )111100
w ,y it 1
'111,a e was ie - t Illusi0 in tho parlor
during h .e .,.1'', brit neither Hiss
11'il,lr;l; r4( 11111' 'dodge would sin;; in
5014, t r'13dI l .•0011-unture,lly trial to
arrarge r, drat b1) ween the 6370 girls,
1'1101011 4:00110((1 the instantly, 301 tool(
L to c o bel 1111438,! 143' saying,
"T w4( ld ring i n' you if I could,
but do not etre to )4'rnlit all those
strangers to institute corllparisons." •
Therefore, the gu(1mt,. slug in chorus
as usual, a professional playing the
accompaniments. There were few, how-
ever, who dial not roc0guizo the strong,
sweet alto which ran through oath
melody like a Minor Roy. Craydou's
acute, car for music heard little else,
and lie said to 11adg0; "I 0111111 bo glad
when this 110101 lifo fs over. What
delicious 0301111149 I shall 1141140 this fall 1
tho way, I'll going to havo your
piano tune(.' when I go to town."
"Perhaps what? Perhaps I shall re.
nronrber about tho tuner ? You'll sec," 1
"I may go back with the Waylands.
T'm not at all sero that I shall not
spend my wiutor on the pacific,"
"Why, Madge 1 With your health
you could 8poud it in Groonland."
"That's what I may do. We (110(4 8
havo a lovoly green 1anc1 in that °U -
"I must i11ve8tigabo Santa Barbara.
'You havo loft sonic one or something
tlloro which bas powerful attractions,"
"Y08, memories ; as well as skids s0
bright that you can't help smiling back
at them."
"I supposed you wore going to enter
Roeloby this fall and create a furore."
"0h, bah!" Thon she began to laugh,
and saki, "A certain gontl0man in this
house thought T was so bout on having
any fling in so0i0ty that I didn't wish to
bo omb41rra880(1 by 0vou a little fratornnl
"A curtain follow in this house finds
himself ombarrasso(1 by a blaolt.oyod
olairvoyant, who roads his thoughts as
if they wore sign.boarcls, but renaming
inscrutable herself. One so gifted with
50001111.8ighl should be ablo to read the
thoughts of others."
"Whose?" Madge 4481(03, demurely.
"W'11os0 Mcleod? As if y011 did not
know 1 1111ss 1Vlldtnore's."
"'What l I4tovoai a woman's thoughts ?
P„ ',..... ,. H., t,r pn w 1.x.,1
And Ivery'thing in the I11u1h.11 Lin
We are the Only Firm in the Dominion of Canada lfalillfart aril- 00
Victoria load Cart,
allowed by Competent Judges to be the Best of All two wheel Vehicles.
Intending Purchasers Should Call and Examine.
p L
ansto e
best uta Harness mode to Order fromtering on Shortest Notice, 1C01111V0 11111011 ]/1tIIHu 1'11 111 announcing to the 1111160 16111 r
r: 1 epairingl'romptly=Attendedto, j .Boli('.' hill i5 in CW11)4lctc.Running l • 1 t 1,1 �('3y
i LT)SI'ACTION GUABA.NTEI:I;, fa4(1011, Order and 1, giving the 130•+ 1lt
0 A Ca olicite(1 before Purchasing
Lie Don't forgot the place, inll11 Graham s
Block, D. F rain's Old Stand, Main Street,
i F-2
C. H. Maddaugh
bogs leave to notify rho pooplo of Brn8eel9
and surrounding country that he has open-
ed a shop in Cil1Ali!C'S BLOCK:, formerly
occupied( by W. IT, Morris, wherein' will bo
pleased to attend to tho wants of all favor-
ing hila with their orders. Tho best at`
satisfaction guarantee(.,
$.15 REWARD.
The above reword will be paid
any person 1V110 furnishes such in-
formation as 'will load to tho con-
viction of persons violating tho
047.1DA TEMP3RANCR ACT in this
municipality. Tho strictest sec.,
nay i11 keeping t110 name of the
person giving the information.
Scott Act Association.
-We also make the following Brands of Fleur :
Jersey Lily, Canadian's Pride and
Snow Storm.
Gristing Attended to with Promptness.
•&s :HLT ON
all ma(10 of tho 131st -Material and finished in a workman -like manner
Repairing and Painting Promptly Attended to.
Parties intending to buy should call before
It rrllrrler s.—lbtftl.'sden Smith, 13. Laing, James Cntt and
McKelvoy, Grey township ; Wm. Cameron, Wm. Little Willi
and David Breckenridge, ]trorris township ; 'Tilos. Townti id '( 1li(n)t
I3lashill, Brussels ; Rev, E. A. Fear, h11'kton, and T. Wright, Turn.
berry township.
1 iiii,I f11'13ZIc'1'TII' STAND--•,S'UC'I'II OF MIDGE.