HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-7-10, Page 66
JIILY 10, 1885.
Director? o CbGCohes and Societies, j ori <.,1, 1Y41te's+,
t.• u. --Sabbath Servieus at
11. a.m. and 5.30 p.m. Sunday School at
2:30 ppm, lien. J11,.., Loss, 11. A., pastor.
Keil\ CU/Attn.-Sabbath Services at 11
11,10, and I :a p.m. lima/lay School at 9:611
p,t11. Rev. S. Jones, pastor.
J ilN•0 (1111:,R.—Sabbath Services at
14 ;dud toed 7 pan Sunday tieh,wlat 9;30
eau. Bev, W. 'J Chan... incumbent.
\An^.fo(d r Cilia.. 1. --•Sabbath Services at
10:30 Ada. u, l l5' i1 p.m. Sunday School at
3:30 pan. 1',tetnr1iev, \Vlu. Smyth.
Roust; Camour Cu•ncn,—Sabbath Ser -
rice third Sunday in every month at 11. a.m,
Ileo, 1'. J. Slw, l.rieat,
Goo 1't+.t.t.,•c:'i I,.,i ,o, every Thursday
avauing in , Icutaw'o block,
31.0 1:'L.,:•, i,'1':o,,layat:,r before 1 n 11
(loon 501112u'ro• !•! ,ek,
A. 11. I•. \w. I. •'.,.r. meets on 313,1 and
loot Welt . 1 • r•:ning," ene11 month.
Yennorva'oleit.ou 20,1 and last Monday
eveuinga of iu Smale'e hall,
L. O. L. 1.1 11,-n ley in every mouth in
Orange Bail.
pea• l)rrt i:.--0±'b:e }fours front 5 a, m.
' 1::rtx l;cnding Room and :
Ibrims in 11.•lmto' block, over h. R. Snhale's
core, will l . ,gpeu frame to 7 p.m, on \\
neidays au 1 Flidnys and from d to 6 p,tn,
on d:ttnrda;:s,
There is moro waste In the potato
crop than in any other, but if the
smaller anti scabby potatoes aro boil
eta autl mixed with meal for pigs they
will pay nearly or quite ae well as the
sound potatoes, which have been mar
ketetl at low prices the past two years
Other vei;etebles may bo added to give
variety to the diet.
La many sections the oak used to
be reckoned ono of the most durable
woods for fence porta, It Imo lost that
valuable quality, as is believed by
Isome, from the ravages of insects on
the lasing troos, which make the wood
porous. The reel cedar is probably
now the most Clara/do, anti its odor
wiil probably repel most kinds of iu•
! sects.
For smoothing fields after planting
there is no cheap device better than
, brush harrows, made by planing
boughs from the woods, laid as flat as
possible, 11'ihb their butt ends project.
hag through it piece of hard wood
settulling and well secured. One
strong horse will draw a bosh of this
hind that will smooth n surface ten or
twelve fent wide.
Thu e lut'y is just now paying the
y reunite f„r the extra fine warm weath-
er, whielhripened corn last September,
• and which we all rejoiced over at the
time. Up to the first frost the fly
.1 lays her eggs in the wheat, and these
are almost sure to re appear in the
. ; stalks the following Spring. Wheat
with the fly at work at it crumbles
down, and the heads are worthless.
Fluid Lightning.
1',iSil1UN NOTES.
Stl'ir.':r•ss bnt.ucta are worn b
yontliftll (10111113 only.
';Che line emir •i'b'ries 0(1 fine 1/.1 n
nets are marvels of artistic work.
C,,rsage .':11110,0 are very large all
worn iu tL, Contra of the basun, •
run Rev. Geo. 10.1110yer, of 13urbon, Ind
says . "Both 'uvsell a::.1 wile owe our Breit
abilob'o C01.1ainptiou Cure." Sold by Gee
1)ea, to. .
A diamond spur with a ruby lash
is a favorite design for a lady's lace An sufferers from that terrible torment,
Neuralgia ,can be made snappy in tate incident
pill. i by a single applied, 1n of Maid Llghtniug
LI11bi.5lt red mull is used for bon ( briskly rubbed on painful parts, and, without
(.dug any tdiag 0 relg it, 3l l.1 day after day,
acts t•) lee: '!ill+ lly a light summer cures as oeffectually Fluid Lightning also
.0St1100. ( aures eac Toothache, ale. 100
Rheumatism,r38adauho, and le only air. per
Printed gime ie with many 111 bottle bottle at 7. Hargreaves8 Co's. Drag Store.
and gilt are very eff)etivd scarfs f,r The advent of the thirteen ;ma
children's eat;. seventeen year locusts together this
Ann ecu de u,t4er'.t14e by Indigasrionj 51115013 is causing much needless harm.
tleeene:,t:nr,Pi s,eese, bas of appete, Yellow r
Skin" 811:1. fr„ Vitalizer is a positive cure. I Phe IlamO locust 19 the Duly frightful
sail byt.,.1. 1l,e,diaan. thing about the insect. Really 11 is a
Pau, e1 large unique forms are the cicada, and in its present stat,) of ex
only este ti.at should be need for 1wa11istence dues not eat anything. All
deeenatio1 I its eating is clone iu the pupa stage,
t lctrtr..:1- a c'lour that stn- I which is prolouged so many years
brace., uLuly similes of green, front that what it destroys is scarcely
old Lotter to puic ,,rias green. noticed.
Large )sows ('1 white ribbon or of 1 Lu wino places where the clover
piece goods, gehertlly- soft silk, adorn I worm Las destroyed this plant for
many seem)er (6011.0. several years a disease has attacked
\Vic tem: 0 0013511 wi"•s 011110h's Cure trill the enemy, and has increased so ral-
gW01 immediate
t,c a nee.elief ITeuru eats.,50etr.,mei 1 pally that clover fields aro fairly free
The rage for colour in ornament,' from it. The disease is a fungus
growth ou the worms, which rapidly
cs)troys them. Probably diseased
worms could be procured and sent to
places where the worm is yet uncheck-
ed in its ravages.
Farmers generally will not com-
plain at the alight advance made in
the price of sugar. The price for
80100 mouths has been below the cost
of prodootion, 11nf1 as farmers them-
selves know by their own experience,
keeping prices below cost cannot per•
manently benefit anybody. Besides,
thousands of Northern farulere aro
interested in growing sorghum for
syrup and sugar.
It will gratify some Eaotorn fanners
to kuoty that their Western 0ompot
itors in grain growing have become
even more discouraged than them-
selves by the experience of the hist
two years. From many places we
have reports that increased attention
will be given to feeding and growing
stook. Not the least of the incentives
to this policy will be the fact of de, -
hs the same its that In every other
direction this 001800.
Embroidery, flowers, featheres,
and tinsel are the combinations found
in dressy summer bonnets.
Apsiuthe and pale coral is a Flesch
colour combination much in favour
on the other side at present.
Fun Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, you
have a rriued ptu.rautne on every bottle of
Shiloh'' Vitalizer, It never fails to cure, Sold
by 0. A. Uea,hnan,
A guitar, mandolin, or banjo to
hang on halls, tastes the place of the
much -abused tambourine.
-Violet is it shade which is more
Used this 8008(13 iu millinery than
ever before, or at least for many
The nicest stud least couspiou"us
bathing snit= are of nevV blue serge
trimmed 71iti1 rows of black braid.
A NASAL 111,e1:501. free with eo,b bottle of
Shlloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price e0 ons. Sold
1,0 G. A. Deadman.
13rigilt c0letu'f era always pretty
for the sea shore. A 0/veinal cape
of bright red cinch, made with a hood, creasing crops, showing that the soil
and hued. throughout with red plush has lost nortion of its fertillty.
would Le lune tll'eclive. Cholera Preventative..
noncoms, Attention t In order to withstand Cholera and such like
When your horse is galled, scratched rn cut epidemics a porfuot purity of blood, and 1(10
m• 1168 au ugly sero, bathe Lwico daily, and ap• proper notion of the otoniaoh aro required. To
ply McGregor .0 Parka's Carbolic Cerate, It insure that end, in the cheapest, most available
is undoubtedly the flutist peeling and cleansing and complete manner, use McGreggor's Speedy
ap•1ltestlon for it. 13e sure you get McGregor Guns f0r Dyoyopsia rind Impure Blood. Thorn
ak Pke's, Sold for 26e, per box, at 7. Bar- is no purer safer or moro reliable remedy in
g reeves ,i Co's, Drug Store. existence for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Costive -
Even if yule can't wear many, try Wholuse'usoiitY 8oldbyJbkiur6ro veep&r0o
to brighten your costume with a few mal bottle given free,
natural flowers. Fresh blossoms Anyone who follows the cultivator
worn near the face have the effect of
malting every woman look younger.
Samoa'% Cure 0611 Immediately relieve
Group, Whooping Cough andnronebitl3, Bold
by G. A. Deadman,
A sort of compromise between vary
low head•droseing is the coiffure,
winch eoneiets of one large, heavy,
loose braid connecting from the top
of the head, falling a little below the
neck and then carried up again,
where a small fanny comb or a few
tortoise shell hairpins form finish.
Add to tide one of those natural wave
lets, and you Lova an extremely
pretty head•dressing.
Fen lame book, sldo or ohest, use Shiloh's
Porous Plaster, !.'rice 26 coats, Bold by G. A,
The short baequo waist still pred•
aminates, crit 00 es to escape the hips,
tend at the back forms a position.
One pretty style is to out two bretell-
es of moire deseending at the front
and back, and terminating in a bow
with ends on the shoulders. A demi.
sleeve of lace, finely plaited, about
four inches deep, from the shoulder
down, is efiectjve. These bretelles
and lace sleeves are very dressy when
worn over plain silk or velvet.
of winter quarters, \Vhen they (mug
settle 013 4t piece they will not leave
it 0131085 destroyed until the crop is
riddled. Then they will Ay to 1'10811
fields ; but as this is rarely permitted
whore potatoes are largely grown,
little trouble 18 apprehended "from this
I10)1' Ia1tE1'1:1Il(NT 1111I01100002,r3 GET 01"r
OF PAYING elm MINISTllil 1115 FEE.
""Mere 10 Brooklyn." said the min-
ister, "and in all large cities the
marriage Nee form 11) 109550inert of
a minister's income, Wu receive all
the way from e,35 t0 $100 per mitr-
riagu generally, although in many in -
menus we are "beaten clean out" of
the fee. In the first place, thet0's
the envelope dodge. One night a
happy, loving couple awoke me Di the
middle of the night and wanted 1110 to
marry thein, 1 arose, dressed my-
self 11ud performed the c0r0.uouy. As
the parties turned to leave the groom
hunted through his cont tail pocket,
and when the bride's head was turn-
ed he surrepttously handed me a
well filled envelope. I bowed diem
out, thinking I had been well paid for
wy trouble. I hurried to my room
and told my wife she could have the
new bonnet she had been plaisuiug
me about. I tore open the envelope,
and what do you suppose 00/18 in it 3"
"IJaudred dollars or so?"
"Ten sheets of reporter's "copy
paper." I think that fellow Wll.0 n
member of the press."
"Then there's the marrriage corti.
float° dodge. It's a good one. I've
had it played on ole and 1 know of a
number of others who have suffered.
Here is my case : Au apparently
well-to-do couple came to my Molise
and I married them. After the con.
siunnlation of the ceremony the groom
said he wanted a handsome certific-
ate with a costly frame.
"Let it be nice; anything below
$25 will suit. Call it twenty.fivo,
said leo, stroking his moustache pom-
pously. "Wham can 1 have it 3"
"I told him if he'd call in 1t the
latter part of the weep I'd have a
nice one for. hila. The certificate
and frame cost me $17. They were
gorgeous. That's the frame up there
around my grauflmether," saul the
minister, sighing. "The certificate
can be purchased at cost price,"
"Another Cabe fresh in Ine, mem-
ory, as it is of recent date. After I
Lail married (1 couple the groom jing-
led the contents of his pockets and
then withdrew his closed hand. As
I bowed him from the ft ont door be
got between me and the bride, and
shaking my land warmly, placed )1
large coin in it as he bade nee a
hearty good-bye. I have that coin
yet. Here it is." And the domin00
produced a leaden sinker that had
beau beautifully rounded and Gaud.
papered to make it resemble a $20
gold piece.
"Checks drawn on broken banks
or banks that never had any existence,
or banks where they hags never
heard of tho drawer, cannot be class•
ed under that Lend. The ministers
of our ohms could furui8h a find coll-
ection of these if they were called
upon to do au. The effrontery of
these depraved beings always tikes
the fora) of baslllulnees. They make
believe that they aro too bashful to
offer the motley in presence of the
bride. Whenever I hear a bashful
mien jingltng in his pockets, I nm not
certain of the genuinenoso of the coin
until I have tested ,with my teeth.
An honest God-fearing man Inmos
out boldly, and in preslntin f his of,
faring makes a little joke About hie
bride being worth it, or something of
that kind. That makes us all happy,
and there is no need of fracturing
ones teeth.
"However, I was fooled once by a
all day will quickly be impressed with j Ivan who did tits very 511100 thing.
the necessity for finely-tllied soil, free He hall neglected to provide a ring
and I loaned nim nue I always have
on hand. After the ceremony was over
he returned it, asking ..me.',wbat . my
charge was. I told hem we made no
charge, but if he felt inclined to re•
munerate me he could do so. He
jocosely remarked that the gttess Id his
bride wits worth $25, and if she prow.
ed good he'd send Inc 1$25 ou every
anniversary of the wedding.' He call,
ed for pen and ink and filled out a
check. He iusl8tecl ou me praying for
their welfare before they left, and 1
did so. They had never heard of
hien at the bank where the ohech was
"And you ,were a prayer out 2"
"One minute 1 I really felt like
amending that petition, for It was a
fervent 125 one. I trust the wayward
youth wits benfiotod by it. He naoded
all the prayers he could obtain by
fele° pretences. The ring he handed
book to ane was not mine. When he
felt into his pocket for the 0110011 he
exchanged it for a five'cent brass one.
I have (Ped it over duet) when oc'
088100 required,
from stones, 1f weeds are to be de-
stroyed. Whenever the cultivator
tooth hits a fast stone, if the tooth is
not broken off a gap i8 at least made
whereweeds thrive undisturbed. Often
a patch of thistles or other weeds will
be entirely destroyed, excepting about
some rock or clump where the weeds
could not be got at.
Withh the well oared -for quince tree
there is 130 "off year." Cts golden
fruit is as pertain to ripen as its season
is to return. But a well-aued•for
tree i, not amass of hurdles, and its
roots 11, Vo been protected from the
extremes of heat and cold by mulching.
Oaing to the tenderuees of its roots
there is only it limited area in which
quinces can be grown. In places
where extreme cold prevails in winter,
with little snow, it does not pay to
plant the quinces.
The p0101008 latest planted in a
neighborhood generally escape the
ravages of the potato beetle. 'L'he
bugs are under a necessity to find
some plane for laying their eggs and
propagating as soon as they comp out
>L:LIo FO 11 $1 Eli VICE 'T.II19 UN-
a..3aeeettedwink,00 the thorn' -broil
ham Mill bull 81udo1" for 0,10)00 at his farm.
adjoining Droste/1s, 'ibtvu'l $1,e1 per cow,
payable at time of nervier" :with the p 010130100
of returning, J. h, 1NLClL'll'1L,
11.4• Proprlotnr
(seeStreet. Thorn In also a shop on
tela r..,1 tact mild he utilised for a stable,
\0111 bo sold on r,hsolablo tonna. Apply tn--
A. 1)Awrlfi elernit
A�r:11. BLAS II ILL,
butcher, thanking 1110
many 0nstmnars for their liber•
nl support for the (past six years
wishes to inform thou, that be-
ing burned 011t 01 th,, nl'1 stand ]lee fitted up
a shop iu 81313,113'8 3 look In llrst-"Mens style
where lie hopes to se, all the old 010,0131 ors
and 00 011(115' new m10141 s,•e It to give him a
call. I peep nothing but tl rat -class meats, all
kinds of Poultry lira eatioane hunt bolivo(0,1
to all tmr08 „1 elle rem, Frau. 0,011 paid far
Sat Stuck.
'I o w7Y .tl-. ti01N,
1'he auhscrlbore lake Iliis opportunity of re•
turning thnelo to the inhabitants of brussels
and vl chitty for past patronage, and beg tostate Unit Iia• tug )Wade ,,ov.rol improvements
in thr•I[kllu end Lunde of 11 011151, they are now
tela bet tel po tion 111,41. over before to supply
the h'ullio 01 511 1''1601.011(30 L1me,
This being the eleventh season of our bled -
nogg dealings In rlrti enols, nod having given on.
lquadded eutlalnctIon 00 far, the pnblie eau rc-
y mu•0eci,'ing good treatment and a n ret•01aoo
article from its. 1"Irnt-elais Nino at 14 ciente
at the hlh, and 11 cent0 delivere,i.
We also burn a No, 1 lime for plastering at
t lluupr10r.
lte0nmtnu1ln`h• 9110 epee-I1rllx4nls 1,11,10 Works.
,, TOWN & SON.
—NEXT 1'O—
The subscriber is pioparel to do all ]tiuds
of Painting. 31(0)1 as
PLAIN o1 O11N Aifl':NT AL Patsllso.
C-,rr•rlinniu,<1 tti
Spring time will soon be at 110,011 so leave
your Orders Early. Work clone iu the
most satisfllCt"rV 1110111111' and satisfaction
guaranteed. I will be found at my old
shop north of the bridge.
Wm. Roddick.
Canadian Pacific Railway Time Table,
Teeswater Branch.
Mlles. Going 11',`51. n0I1. Expro0o.
n Toronto.. Daps 7.20 a.m.! 5.40
0 Orangeville . 0,00 " 17.0+i
4 Orangeville Jot 10.05 " 1 7,22
7,3 Amaranth t .. 110.15 '5 -7,32
101 Waldemar„ ,. 1)1.31 " 7.38
lilt Luther.. ,... 10.31 " j 7.44
381 Arthur ... ..11.08 " 8,10
80, Kenilworth.... 11.30 " 1 8.21)
1381 M'r. 1'°oi, oy111.08 A.M. 5 8,113
44 Pages .., ...12.15 p,ni. 0.01
473 I3aluusros.. -. 12,2.3• " 11.10
60( 1'ordwich ., ., 12.56 - " 1).111
00 Gerrie , . , .. 1.0`1 " 1 0.48
Litt Wroxeter 1,16 " 9,46
50 \Viughaw Road 1.38 " 10,03
74 Toeswater, , Arr 1,55 p.m. 10,115
Miles. ,ening' East. l0xpress. Mall,
0 Teeswater Dep
55 wingham Road
14 Gerrie ..
I751 Fordwich .. ..
261 I3arriston ....
30 Pages
Mt, Forest....
485 Kenilworth ..
50i Arthur ......
11151 Luther ......
64 \Valdemar....
1301 cAmaranth t , •
70 Orangeville Jet
74 Orangeville
122 Toronto .. Arr:
5.15 a.m.! 2.15 p.m.
5.28 " 2.80 "
7.25 " 4.31)
7.63 " 510
7.68 " , 5.17
8.04 " 5.24
8 12 " 5.85
8.35 5.56
10.45 0.01.. 8.35 p.m.
Refreshment and Dining Rooms
S.,T7'STC o 1' S 3.8�37'S'B CN
'11(1151:1' AGENT, 01(11SSELS.
4i I'14Y1.YZ. (.i E 80+13
LI8'Eitr(OL,r.ONu ON BEE l, 1 CLA.) 11.15
LONDON ,Isle,:
Stuo•ns°, $10, Liverpool, Londonderry
Quecnetowu, Ulasgew, or Delfnat to Quebec
and always es low as by any tlr,t-elasellno,
S:1R3lA'IIAN Saturday, :May 9th.
PAItIh1AN " " 30th.
June 0111.
July 4th.
, 11511.
PERUVIAN" 104th.
SSRDINIAN " '35th.
The tact tram ueuucettne with :he steamer
It Quobocluuvus rorontu N'eduusdnyo nt4,00 a'
in. Passengers ono loave \wedneede)o at 4100
11,01.0100, 0nd commit with the atuluuer at nal;
1105, by 0115100 au additional fare of 84;01
1st ane $8.15 Cu 001,00,
✓o eattlu,slrocp or pigs tiro carried on the
Mail Stumm/re 1,1'the/Allan kine.
Fur Tick/dean/1 Berths and were' l0folru0!,
Mon apply to
J. R. GRANTS Agent,
.1.1 the Text 0)11101', 71100001x.
a Choice Stock of Baby Carriages
that Cannot fail to suit the (wants
of the Public.
Call and see them.
Give nee a Call.
The subscriber wishes to notify
the PUBLIC that he will have his
in Complete Running Cruel' by the
1st of I\1AY, and will be able to
furnish Any Quantity of first-class
Limo at any time during the )Sea-
son. Price at Kiln -1.1 cents per
7. Grail.,
CRANBi3.00K, P. 0.
Tho undersigned )laving oompletod the change from the stone to the
Celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has drove the Mill in
First-Classjiunning Order,
and will be glad to see all his 01d Custolnel's anti as many new ones
as possible. Chopping clone.
Flour and Food Always on T3aaid.
-w' . MIL.t.NE
in i