HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-7-10, Page 5l
:trey 1;) ig45
He will offer the Whole Immense Stock of Dry Goods, Ready -Made Clothing, G -:i oueries
Hardware, Crockery and Glassware
in order to effect a Clearing during the next 30 Days. I positively intend ;ivi up
Business in Cranbrook and Customers can depend on getting Tremendous Bargain -F.4. I
will be in Cranbrook myself until the whole business is closed. The chance to make
your Selection iroit such a well bought stook of Dry G-oods mPy never occur_ agai
9 6E SEJIE! t ail 1ie1 Ce5.
00 Tr
� A•
Win,•; intern.
Partnere report the hay crop in this
locality, good
Tho town band went to ICincardine
on Dominion Day.
Caledonian games will ho held bore
on Thursday, Sept, 10th.
Ili applicl'uts at the High School
entraucc examination lost week.
Doris' circus attracted a big crowd
ou Friday. Thero was any amount
of "galling."
Listowel lacrosse club defeated our
boys uu Jnly lst and took tho silver
cup. A return match will 1>e playocl
boffin) long.
Tho following are tho officers of
Maitland Lodge, No, 119, I. 0. 0.1?.,
elected for tho ensuing term :—N. G.,
Bro. W. T. Broekeusl>iro ; V'. 0.,
Bro. 1L. Graham ; 13. S. Bro. \V. J.
Chapman; P. S., Bro. W, Robertson ;
Trees. Bro. W. P. Hiscochs ; Repro-
sontativo to the Grand Lodge, J. A.
ltcv. 1t. Paul and Airs. Paul wore
visiting frieiide at Bluevalo last woek.
J.Aa•Nipuug and wife will spend
part df the suuunor vacation visiting
friends in tho neighborhood of Ripley.
Tho Orangewon from Ethel loclgo
will go to Stratford on Monday and
unit° with their brethren there in a
big gathering.
Next. Sunday evening Rov. J, 1,,
'Kerr, of Brussels, will preach a spac-
ial sormon to the Orangeman of this
locality. A largo turn out is oxpoet-
Tho base ball match playocl at
Molesworth on Dominion Day between
the Molesworth club and thio Ethol
team, resulted in a victory for the
Ethel boys by n worst of GO to 20,
Wm. Milne acted as umpire,
Throo of our villagers wishing for
some stimulant stronger than they
could obtain hero, visited Atwood on
Dominion Day: Wo saw one of them
in rho evening trying to moaeuro tho
width of the trill road, another las
beeuoff work
as a natural roma of
t' n Whoa ill those men
his dies�pa so V w s
learn to bo tamale and givo up such
a degrading and ruinous habit ?
Pru•iete.—Oe. Dominion Day the
annual Sunday School pie—Mein con,
neell011 with rho Presbyterian ()hutch,
was held rn John Slom ac'n'e grove.
Without oxeoption this was one of tho
most successful picnics wo have had
the ploasuro of atteudiug. The com-
pany worn treated to sandwiches, cake,
strawberrice, lemonade, tic. As
usual at anything of this kiwi the
baskets wero wall•filled with an
abundance of good things. The
lemonade war prepared by Mrs. J.
Al. Davis and was excellent. Thera
was so mach of it that toms of rise
ladies wero washing dishes with it.
Thera was plenty of arnueoment for
old and young, viz, swinging, ball
playing, croquet and parlor quoits,
and a most enjoyable time was spent,
it Orrots.
lieevo Forsyth sold 1114 crop at his
auction sale last woek. Tho farm
was not disposed of although the
reeervsd hid was nearly reached,
Thoe.lioberis "
, 5th met w Ali a
serious accident that come very nearly
proving fatal. IIo was hanliug cedar
fouco posts and the team tool, fright
rand run away. The load upset and
full upon him crushing him quito se-
They can't do it. Wo mean the
Grey grangers can't get the start of
us in Morris on the crop business.
Joseph Livermore lass spring wheat
(Scott) that moasilros 5 feet, 8 inches,
and flax that has to have a i3 foot, 8
inch stick to measttra it,
Sam001 Love, of this towneltip, has
in his possession a gooso which is 21
years olcl this spring. She has lain
over 50 ogg this summer, and is still
laying. \Ve thin][ if Sir John's Fran-
chisa Ball passes, alio will have a vote
nt rho next election,
John A.. Alelswen roturned hole
from tho Highlands of Sootiand on
Monday, 80 ult., acoompaivad by a
nephew, whoiutosds making Canada
his holm for Liao futuro, John A,
says he hada very pleasant voyage
but it was either raining or snowing
all tho timo to was there, so Ito could
not got around as much as lie would
likod to have done.
]Nov. J. W. Holmes was prosonted
with a puree of $71 before leaving
town forGael h
Tho Standard says :--A mutual
convened meeting of the agents sell -
Our townsman, T. A. Large
who lately graduated at Cobourg, has
been set apart for missionary work in
Japan. Ho will.Fo this fall to his now
field of labor,
At the eomi•aunual meeting of the
County of North Perth L. U. L it
was resolved to josu the brethren of
South Perth in celebrating tho Boyne
anniversary at Stratford.
sociation of Manufacturers, met at
aha Grand Central Hotel, Listowel,
ou 20th Jane. Robert G. Wright
WAS chosen President, and Geo. Brown
as Secretary. The object of the meet -
pig was to agree to carry out their
contracts in conformity with the wires-
'inents with their employors and the
Combined Association .of Man ufactnr.
ere, and oleo to report to said associa.
tion on defaulting agents under sell-
ing contrary to rules of the associa-
tion. present--
Agents g I ].t. G. Wright
for 2lassey; L. Al, Alexander for
Dundas; Fred. Zilliax for i\taxwell ;
Featherstone Smith for Harris & Son;
Simon Mitchell row North American;
Geo. 13rowu for Chatham AI'fg Co.
Moved by Foathoretono Smith, second-
ed by E. AI. Alexander, that the agents
who tuoet with us shall explain and
stato fairly anti answer any questions
truly without temper or equivooatiou,
A, R. Smith hoe decided to close
up his business at Ornnbrook and
will you off the goods at n groat sae.
rick°. Ho bought the stook at a big
discount anti can make it worth a
Customers while to deal with ]tiro.
Road his advt.
A farowell social was held on Tues.
clay evening of last woek, nt rho real -
dance of N, Harris, under the auspices
of the William St. Methodist church,
Listowel, the Roy. it. llosking foru>•
erly of Groy, being about leaving for a
fresh field of labor. The affair was
successful in ovary particular, and .a
very pleasant °voting was spent.
During the evening au address was
read by Miss Eiopplor, and a purse
containing ovor';90 was presented by
Ales. Welab, (to which Mr. Hocking
replied in a very feeling manner, and
said though Pc felt somewhat Sorry at
len inyet '
vhie highest
gou vee
to walk in order of Divine Providence,
nd boliaving that God had called
nm to another field of labor he will-
ugly submittod to the divine call,
of lie should never forgot the kind-
oss of ins friends at Listowel,
rag self-bindara for the Combinod As a
" A. B. Mo0nllum, bencbmastor of 1
the Listowel. high School, presides i
at the third and seeoncbelses exami-
ynations nt Mitchell this week. n
Others also spoke in uppropriato
terms, and especially vera the ladies
praised for the part they had taken,
os they always do the lion's share of
the work in gatherings of this kind.
• Gr ey.
Jas. AI. Robertson is home for the
Holidays from Essex Go , where he
has charge of it school, looking halo
and hearty.
Morris is not ahead yet on the long
wheat as Alex. Stewart, of tho 15t]r
con., showed us a sample of spring
wheat that measured 4 feet 10 inches,
Wnonixe BELLS,—Lust Wednesday
Roy. W. Smyth, ni Bruseele, tied the
matrimonial bow botwceu Iingh Carr
and Mee Eliza Roe, at tho resiieneu
of the bride's father, 00 the 3rd eon.
Tho bridal cuuplo were attended by
W. H. too and Alias Rachel Carr.
The ]nappy twain intend removing to
llicliigan next week, where they in -
hand making their home for the fu-
ture. Tho hearty good wishes of ti
largo circle of friends accompany
them. 1t is reported that this is not
the last wedding that will take place
in this locality this summer.
Doamltoe Dar,—Tho 18th birthday
of our Dominion was ushered in with
an air of tranquilness, yet thongbts of
attoeting loyalty sound above all the
routine of every day pursuits. Ours
may be divided into threo classes as
follows :—Thoeo who forgot the day ;
those who hacl a special work est
apart for that day ; and those who
sought pleacuro and amusement, Of
the first they wero few and far be-
tween, who wondered what befel their
neighbors that day; of the second
tharo were. many, anti various were
tho ways in which thug spent the day
and the third would far overbalance
the others in nnuibers, as well as in
variety of amusement. The earth
was loosened around many n garden
vegetable and potato vino and thous.
ands and thousands of bilge, (Color.
ado potato bootlos) were destroyod
that day, Somo purenotd the finny
tribo with oagor intont and ninny a
tiny fish was hooksd titer day. Utl•
ors repaired fet1l of visionary thoughts
to a boa '
utifnlis"ria grove, ro 0
P whore
eeoros of delicious cakes disappeared,
semis sought seos and pleasures
foreign, and many a big show, cheap
railway, roducoc) steamboat and half
prion iuusetttn ticket was ',roped in,"
and all in commemoration of our fair
Dominion and of her omblem the
Union Jack.
.Uev. S. J.•ne,, .i Boras -le, was
visitlnt; all lilt 1 •t ,' .;,, of Grey last
Some of our ui ;;; attended the
circus in 1.f -t nc, 1 , . ',tend 13 Inst.
A plc -ilio ie. uu,::.--,•:oat with H. S,
No. 4, Grey, was I,, vol in It. MCDon-
aid's bush tot I).,u:i r w 1),ssy. Some
excellent ritlgine w F, 1'ue by a choir
which was afaral r,:" ri, 'li ially for
that t,eclt;,isis, lila school
children. :older ih 1 a :teem t of
1;. citewat t t,•ar, .. After the
Il,tlllhe!ml'll Y. l.1 >Cil 1• "<n.•1•:21
on ouch
occasions the Is, e,• crowd dispersed
for their homes, toilesatisfied with
the proceedings of 1:;• .lay.
Stratford wf11 h, in u;ttrat,:d as a
cit\yVoitu \also day, .1 ;ly :33
Nle 11
I t11ui+:e.
gardruur, of
la entworth s met, IlatulItou, was
thrown fro w :t caps:,:s.1 rowboat on
the bay %alis :dot 50::,1 drowned.
A new insect pest Las appeared. in
the li llavihe district to the form of
It small worm, %VIII.' ; •,;crates itself
by the thousand to !1:,e heads of the
clover, 50525 tints ,L.troye the stalk.
Thu spread of the p .: 10 so wide that
clover tllron imet til\ csanti'y will be
elf 'tlutnet Bro,, .
`rhe followish,t,ul4 Il
•,. i 0 i'1 ar d Its
council of the (tot tri C 11. ,. .,11 Phar.
inner for the no's[ tw . years :—MM•essrs.
W. Saunders, T n .1 ', ; D'Airgnon,
Windsor ; 1'521, ,u, Niue;„tau ; ganders,
Staynor ; Kennedy, C'bourg; Loye,
Toronto; Niftier, T, f e,sto ; Elliot,
Toronto ; Harvey, Guelph ; Yeomans,
3ehlaulle ; Peter_, Hamilton.; Gra-
ory, Lindsay \Vri•;htmau, Owen
nand, Thon.intes are given accord -
ug to the vette polled.AbLau1,drovue P.I: is, Ottawa, on
'1>ursday ft rue ,u Ills \1'orship
Payor:cl)ou;al in ainted the in,lgos'
tend and eallod no Lnstacho I )npont,
ne of the returned vo yag,ours, and re=.
ounted the t£tennt,tnnees connected
ith an ocrni•reaca when, at the risk
f hie own life, ho jampcoi into ono of
le dangerott iapi i 11u5) utiles up the
ilo and taxed 11 eoinr.vlo named
avetlleo. This set lied been report -
vothcarMiu . ,
charge to tt c f the expedis
cdit tthe 1lotal Humane Society,
theyo, deeming it worthy their re,
gnitt on, haul snot out to'Canada one
f their • medals, tvitieli no hoped
upont would live long to wcor and
honor. 1)upo>tt, a tiuo etrappiug
tang rafts;utan, nt>destiy returned