The Brussels Post, 1885-7-10, Page 44 t► C�c +\r1t55i k ;lost FRLi)A1-, JULY i1, 1885. VOL.X/1/. • This week we enter on the Thir- teenth year of publieati"u of Tun POST, AWithout desiring to be egotistical we think we are within bonnets in stating that Tins .PnsT is a better local journal than it ever NM. T11iS is our aim and with the valuable all of our correspond- ents we purls • _ trying to do Litter than ever. 'P is Net year bus Leen a close on, but we lutve managed to pull through so far, and hope for the future. As a great dual of the success of a newspaper depends on the people, we solicit the assist- ance of our fricutls in giving us their moral sul.port along with their subscriptions. • As will be seen by a report else- where in these columns the major- ity of the members of the Senate are quite determined to Have their beer. Thousands upon thousands of the electors of our Dominion say 1y'r ,'.,'1't want it : the house of Cate .:ons .said the will of the people • should govern ; but the irrespoilsi- ble's at Ottawa say we :ion t give a cent what the people want, we have at good soft position, we can't be bounced no matter what we do purl the electors have to pay our salary ; in fact the only way they can get rid of us will be when a kind Providence takes as to Heav- en (? 1 What the final termination of this little game of trickery will be remains to be seen, but their measure is being taken and the old saying will yet come true that is a long lane that has no turning. Perth Cotr.uts' Note-. Scrimgeour Bros., of Stratford, have been awarded the contract fur the erection of Perth County buildings at $65,700. Thos. Green & Co.'s ten- der was $66,700. Canadian 1V ews. The trial of Louis Riel is fixed fur the 20th inst. Brantford is agitated over the Sun- day shaving question. C. Coulter, L. D. S., of Petrolia, daring a recent visit to Alviustou, is said to have extracted one hundred and seven teeth. Canadian life-saving stations will be established at Point au Pelee, Gode• rich, Collingwood, Port Stanley, To- ronto and Cobourg. The Guelph Herald was sold Ilion. day afternoon by auction. Mr, Plana. mar, bookkeeper for llr. Chadwrok, the proprietor, was the purchaser, 9Irs. ltoi;t, F. Guest, of Elginfield, goes up head on the patch -work quilt question. She has of her own handi- work a quilt containing 11,400 pieces. The potato crop of Kingston and lie vicinity suffered severely from a violent ram storm Tuesday morning, it being estimated that half the crop will be destroyed. The unrevised statement of the Dominion Inland Revenue accrued during the month of June shows ex- cise revenue of $ 1,409,914, and rev- enue evenue from canals, rents, minor public works, inspection, eta., $43,888, making in all $1,513,802. The ex- cise from spirits )vas $1,140,978, from tobacco, $248,078, and from cigars $11,508. Canals yielded $87,060. Hiram Walker a Sons, of 1Valker• ville, have been defrauded out of $1,• 000 by D. J. Williams, timekeeper in the establishment. A couple of years ago he conceived the idea of over- charging the time of several of the men, and some half a dozen cooper• ated with him in the scheme and di- vided the spoils. Last week the fraud was divulged to the firm, and last Sunday, Williams was arrested. Monday Magistrate Bartlett sentenc- ed him to nine months' imprisonment in the Central Prison. The convention of Caledonian soci- eties of North America assembled at Newark, N. J., on Tuesday of this week, and was addressed by President Hodge, of Toronto, who recommended the union of all Caledonian societies, The total membership is 20,000, and the organization has assets of $20,000, The convention eleoted the following officers for the ensuing year :— Provi- dent, Geo. Goodfellow, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Vice -Presidents, Dr. L. D. Mc• Miobael, Buffalo, N.Y., John Fair. grieve, London, Ont. ; Secretary, Peter Ross, New York; Aveistant- Seeretary, James Anderson, Guelph, Ont. ; Treasurer, Tiros, 'Waddell) Pitts eon; N.Y. THE BACS.iELS '23ST Jcav 10, 1885. Geo. \V, Burbidge, Depnly hfitt- istee of .notice, ie garotted a Q. C. i'lm ;�eott Act will u alta i❑ f�uce iu the 000utie$ pi Northumberland and Durham en the expiry of the pia ...lit Remise). The entire clover riot, in the conn ty f Ila.,tinge is threatened with d, s- ltw.ti;ot front the rat t,'.. ,, of a ''ui til worm. Tim congregation of the Alla Craig Pre hyteriaii Church have dveide,l to introduce an organ. The number who voted iu favor of the schema type 120, while 30 voted agaiuet it. Many papers spcalc of the Donee ion as being "eighteen years of age." This is r, uustake, It is but seven. teen. It vse the cibhtzoutlt birth- day that was last celobratsd, count ing the first, when the light of the confederation of this glorious land of liberty had just begun to shed abroad its ellulgence. A leading scicutiet meats (Mutt the mosquito is responsible for many die - eases humanity is noir to. With his sharp probe he punetnree the skin and draws out the blood of the victim. When is gore its satisfied he with- draws that find lance and leaves be- hind the seeds of malaria and fever that have been picked np in his swamp home. Fear is expressed that the little insect will dodge all gnarantitio, and when once the cholera obtains a foothold in this country will dissem- inate its germs widely. The ticott Act wits defeated in Hast- The Toronto bailders' labourers iuge Co. last week. strike coiltinnee. J. R. Robertson, el the Toronto ilio (i.'1.'. 11, is,:u1 t, be project• Telegram, leaves on a visit to Ger- . wt (1 tuu1•:.1 under the St. Clair rive many on the 10th, \ ,ti r' "u t r. `i:• tt Art JO the The Seventh Fusiliers, of 14ondou, manit„ of Viet irk, () itario, will lake have received their marching orders, plac .. n 1 to of .)fitly. and loft for home, vitt. I\Ioosajsw, (3 1 t; r ,i1i t"i lewse trainer, Tuesday, of ILl..oha,l, Lei hi a ,ht ;(rut , v A deputation of the Montreal Board ed up oil S ttnrday by ,t 03,'ione of Trade was appointed to vrstt the stallion. capital and urge the Goveruuteut to 1,f u:.•C' d. 3) ani., I) •pity • • witliold its sanction to the 'Manitoba ter of the Interior, i.1 s, dangerously Exemptions Act. ill at Ottawa that his Nonvory is not Loudouers are rejoiced beoauee of expected, the statement of the Alinister of Hili- The body that came ashore at For. ti:1 that a Pill is to be introduced to est n day or two a;; 1 has bcou intlen- 11 vile, among other things, for the tilled as that of hack Furring( in, a establishment of a military 5(1)1)03 in 11wlii,;an criutinal, London. Jnd'e Patterson, lotvuiq resigned A deficiency iu the Emerson Troas• from the commission on the Central user's accounts of $2,500 has been Prison investigation, a new commis - discovered, and the chamberlain has ; sion bus been issttod to Inige Stu - gone over to Dakota fur the summer clair, of Hamilton : (1. \V. L.u;;utnir months, with the prospect of remain -,and 1). A, ()'Suliivnu. ing there lunger. A Chicago man visiting Kingston on Several prominent Toront., ladies are moving for the purpose of making some suitable recognition of the ser- vices rendered by John Pritchard and his coutpanious to Mfrs. Gowaulock and Mrs. Delany. Thu weather over the entire North- west has been excessively hot for the past week, and the crops in conse- quence are growing rapidly. The prairies aro iu bloom with roses, tiger lilies and myriads of other flowers, presenting regular garden appear- ance. The steamer Ontario of the North- west Transportation Co. arrived at Sarnia on Saturday morning with five hundred and ninety tons freight, mostly hour from Duluth, and 5b passengers. She reports having met with considerable fog on Lake Su- perior nn the trip up. A sensation has been caused at Quebec by the reported miraculous cure of one of a party of 800 persona on a pilgrimage from St. Pierre, near Montreal,, to the shrine of Ste. Anne. A young irl who was very weak and had no power over her limbs was carried to the altar where, after mass, on her third attempt to rise, she was able to walk away without any sup- port. The whole number of pilgrims were witnesses of the cure. At a numerously attended meeting of Riel's defence committee last Fri- day night, at Quebec, 11 was decided to call a public meeting after vespers in St Roaehs to organize a public subscription to defray expenses, as there was little hope of the Govern- ment giving the desired assistance. At the same time . they ordered all correspondence with the Government to be published in tho french papers, to show that they have done all in their power. A Niagara Fall dispatch says:—In October last a large quantity of man• ufaatured lumber and tins, situated in the county of Baldimand, which were owned by Goo. P. Moore, wore set on fire and burned up. This property was insured for • about $5,000, and although every endeavor was made to discover the perpetrators of the arson it was not until yesterday any arrests were made. Detective Wynn, of the Ontario Police here, was very reoently put on the ease and arrested George P. Moore, Oscar McDonald and Robb. Rhodes. All have been remanded to the 9th instant. Rev. Dr. Hooper, of Iiingston, who has been attached to the Midland in the capacity of surgeon, is now at the Leland en route from Frog Lake, In conversation yesterday, the doctor said the ladies of Toronto, who are reported as getting np a testimonial for Pritchard and Blondin, the sup- posed friends of Mrs, Gowanlock and Mrs. Delaney, while in Indian captiv- ity, are working upon a mistaken idea of real fact. The truth is, that those men purchased the two oapbive women for their own vile purposes, and were only dofeated in their in- tentions by the resoluta conduct of their victims. Foiled in their baso plans, they made literal slaves of them during their captivity. A robbery omured at the Geological museum, Ottawa, Friday night. In one of tho cases containig models, ate,, was au immensely large nugget, labelled "Australian gold, value $15,- 000," This formed ono of its chief attractions in the eyes of the crowds who visited the museum on Derain-. ion Day. This morning it was dis- covered that the nugget was missing. The look had been carefully out out of the woodwork and cocoas to the precious contents of the case was gained thereby. It now turns out that the enterprising burglar had his labor for his pains, as the supposed nugget was merely a junk of plaster of Paris neatly gilded over, and was got up aa a facsimile of a celebrated nugget found some years ago iu Australia, a flailing excureiou recently, was drugged and spirited away by two detectives, who took him for the bank defaulter Scott. Their victim, how- ever, convinced them of their mistake and he was released, the detectives paying expanses. Two Toronto wife -beaters named Joseph Howard and Dan. Cahell were sentenced to pay fines of $20 and costs or a month's imprisonment, the latter having nearly killed his wife. During the last month 109 husbands have been before the Mag- istrate Inc wife•beating. Hon. blr. Norquay has received word from Cleo. Stephen, President of the C. P. 11. that he eau state positive- ly that the ,Manitoba Southwestern Railway will be extended to White- water Lake during the present year. The news is received with intense sat- isfaction by the people here. The Scott Act advocates in the city of Kingston claim that twenty of their opponents voted twice during the recent election, and threaten, as they )mow the delinquents, to take stops to enforce the legal penalty of $200 in each case unless the anti - Scott Act men immediately band over the amount, It was officially announced by the Antwerp Exhibition Commission that the jury of the inspection of the cer- eals consider it is bound before pso• seeding further to indicate that the awards bear the most compliment- ary testimony to the beauty and high quality of the cereals exhibited by Canada, which are undoubtedly sup• erior to those shown by any other country. York County police aro busily en- gaged in investigating the mystery surrounding the disappearance of Mrs. Oxley at York station. Wed- nesday morning more of her clothing was found in a field, and the foot prints of two men were found leading to the lake. Tho men evidently car- ried something heavy, as their fent sank deep in the earth, The police have not yet found out who Mrs. Oxley is, Private Kiivert, Company "F," 18th Battalion, Hamilton, was charged by Lieut. Tidsdale, with breach of the Militia Act in absenting himself from drill. Adjutant Stuart proved that Kilvert had been absent from eighteen parades. The magis- trate said he would fine the defeud- ant $90, being $5 for each parade he had been absent from, but at the re- quest of Adjutant Stuart, the fine was reduced to $5. Among the festivities in connection with the Fourth of July at Boston was a professional sculling race on the Charles River, witneesod by 20,000 persons. Gauctaur, Hemmer, McKay, Hamm, Buckley and Casey contested, Gnudaur won with ease, time, 19:50; Hamer second, McKay third. The race was thrbo miles with a turn. professional double : Gauduar and Hosmer, Plaisted and Ton Eyck, and McKay and Hamm. Gnudaur and Hosmor won as they pleased in 10:82 boating the best recorded time, C. J. Brydges, Land Commissioner of tho Hudson Bay Company, in eon- voreation with a reporter for the Globo last Monday, said that it would be about fifteen days after their start be- fore the troops arrived in this city. The troops at Battleford wore now waiting for the snivel of the 65th Bat- talion from Fort Pitt, when all would start together. It would taste the steamer at least six days to reach Grand Rapids from Fort Pitt, and there would thou bo a march of four miles and a transfer to barges anct steamers. The time to be taken from Grand Rapids to Selkirk would largely depend on the weather, but if it were favorable, it would take three or four days, but probably more, From Sel- kirk to Port Arthur would take ono day more, and thence to Toronto an- other two days, This would be under the most .extraordinarily favorable conditions. • A meeting of the direetors of the l;hua �lultutl Lire Ins. Co. v, as held qn J111) :Nth, Applicali u1.0 for iu- Initration were received 1u01 accepted amounting to $181,0115. The ,lur,.tioit of the etean, lhreeh 0 ria; vas epeci. ally cane lered, au)it war. agreed (lett the uu'nthere of titin Co. till ul- I •t;ed, till farther 1111100 th II+e of slenam engines for threshing, without t.d,liti;ru,tl ehart,e, nil ,t strict c:,uiplt. once with the company's condition re- lating thereto ; ion] that the secretary furnish yeah member of the etenpauy With a copy of the coutiitious. Voters' List, 1885, :vonir:p.tli,g of '3.• 3 iA.nl.• of 11,,, (0, L. 3), (.'erose( of 11r)'.u). l' yoTICL IS HEREBY (.IVEN THAT .LN 1 have transmitted or delivered to the persons lnentiouod in 1110 1rd ford Ith sec- tions of thr V i r. 1,61. .\4." the r,.,ples required by said :30 3.13:::: to be transmitted (0dativelol a th0 list made pursuant to. this Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised assessment roll of the said Ittlulicipality, to be entitled to vote in rho said Municipality at elections for (ho Mem- bers of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and that the said List was lust posted at my (Alley, in the Pillage of Brussels, on tho 7111 of July, mud re: mains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said List and if any omissions or other errors aro found, to take immediate proceedings to have said errors corrected according tis law. P'. 3. SCOTT, Clark. Dated at Brussels, this MI day of July, TEAS!. -TEAS! TEAS! 000 Teas from 205. to 50c. per lb. Extra Value in -Japan `Pen at 35e. per lb. -000- Finest Coffee in the Market, Whole or Ground at 35 per ib. This Coffee stands unrivalled and need no further recommendation. -000-- Ug al Gnat Value In Sugar& 000 CANNED GOODS CHEAPER. THH1JV THE CHE,,IPEST. ---000-- Choice Loose Hops 300. per ib., or 4 lbs. for $1.00, A FRESH AIRRIVAL, OF OIRJ 1\TG S LAMMOINTS CIIOICE AND CIIEAP. ,usl Received a Tine Selection of Crockery, Glassware and Io Cases of Self Sealers which we are Offering at very Low Prices. BAKERY DEPARTMENT. Our Oven leaving undergone repairs wo are offering First -Class Broad only. 4gcmt for Fleishman • Co's GOMpr^essed Feast. Quality our leading Feature. rOOK Cfag, TEX FA �, BRUSSELS, O✓V'.'7A EI'Or.