HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-7-10, Page 3JOLY 10, 1886, C'II11ISTIAN ADVERTISING, 1'111 a poor, hsrd•woi'king farmed' that's never done no ham, 13o1 labored hard for forty years to clear my Milo farm, My good wile's churned and shun and wove . u11 toiled with all her might, 1'111 long before Liu, dawn of clay, till the latest eaudlo.light, 1 rend my Bible Sundays and my Christ. inn paper, too. With ',Meet faith in both on 'eta that what they teach is true. Al the papers reeonin301 Id so leu bonds at ten per cent., I called my women to ole to se0 if she'd 0On1ell t '1(1 moiling 01T the homestead that we might thus invest. And living on the ten per cent to end am days 01 rest. Our pastor came to sero es and approved of the idea. ' "I'll Inat live hundred dollars in, it's all I have," said he, "The savings of my tht•0e0ootw you rs, for I tea growing old, And 'twill keep me independent while I watch my little fold." On stopping at the poorhouse nolo, our bonds don't somehow pay Thank God, Any 41(011ng did not iive to see this dreary day. Nu' when she heard the neighbors say we'd 000)0 upon the town It somehow broke her noble heart, she kinder wilted down, But most of all I pity them who put the notice 1(1 And how their homeless children must now bo Bufferin'; lfow their wiv08 must take in washing and must scrimp in every way Since the bunds they ltad such faith to don't somehow seem to pay. As 11(00.111 the old OMB's story 1t vision rose to view Of 01110nd1d brown stone mansions w1 a 131113013113 avenue. And how the pious owners must rejoice the text to see ''As to the ('0(• lcu.41 of these yott did it unto mc," LITTI,I11101,I1 s. Only a baby's picture, With dimpled shoulders bare ; Large blue eyes softly beaming, And rings of g"1(100 Lair. Only a faded folic, All wrinkled, soiled. and 'Tis but a tiny stocking My little girl had worn, Only a knot of ribbon, Alure precious far than pearls. It slipped just as yen see it. One evening from her curl.,. Only her broken playthings - 1.111 a dishes and her doll ; HIe1' pretty cups of silver -- You see 1 keep theca all. Only a little slipper That sly pretty darling worn Tice first time that she tottered Across the chamber fluor, Why 110 1 keep and love them. When 00 many years have filed 4 Don't yen know 7 Tiley were my baby's And the little one is dead. n:; A. GOOD FAREWELL. 1(31((10011 to the "Sparkling" tvinc•cup, Theibraiu- deceiving wino.uup ; The cup that slays a thousand ways, The soul-destroying wine -cup 1 Farewell to the',flaming" wino.c1t11 ; The teeming, steaming tvin0.cup ; Tha greatest bang to mortal man, Is the vile carousing w'ine-oup ! Farewell to the "flashing" winescup, Tho daring, swearing wine•cup ; The onp that onus for fights and brawl,, The peace -destroying wino -cup 1 Farewell to the rnvoliug" wine -cup, The flattering, fooling wine.oLp; The cup that tears, besmears and wears, The fanle•defiling wino cup. Farewell to the “gleeful" wtne.ano The tingling, jinging wine.oup; Nn s0rp0nt's fangs eau have such pants, As the saddening, maddening wine -cup 1 Farewell to the "tempting" wino -cup, The clanger -scoffing wine -imp ; The "Upas tree," our landto thee, Is the 0tainfu1, baneful win0•mip 1 Farewell to the "fatal" wlno•oup. The 1(11 dostroying wino-oup ; The deed sublime, is mine ani thine, That saves us from the wine.oup, Returns from all points, including the.Bainy ,River, give Mr. Commee, the Liberal candidate in the West Algoma, at majority of 84 votes. Jas. Lanni. and Jas. A. MoMurty, prominollt telt merchants of Toronto, worn colnmittf•d for trial on Wednes- day for conducting a lottery in can• nection with their busine'•e. Cheap market trains have begun to run into Brantford. People can come into town from uoighboring villages and country on 8aturdoy for 10 or 26c, a great reduction of fare, The result is increased intercourse and Improved business, Andrew Ilutllven, of the Atlantic Saloon; Illtmilton, has a big duck ogg, inclosed in which ie a perfect hard- shell ogg of ordinary size. The fruit was "grown" on the farm 0f Kr, But- . tram, milkman, on the'Dunda8 road. 1411, Ituthveu pierced the outer shell with a lin 1111 it touched the inner shell and then removed the white by blowing. The big egg weighed 6 ounces before it was doctored. SPECIAL TRE $•1ITSSELS 2082 ANNOUNCEMENT --- tai r11,1.1.1..u. G A R F 1 E -L.d D HOUSE. —A JOB LOT O1''— Men's & Boy'/ Zaxd & Soft Pelt IIats, Bought at 40 Emits old the „ to be sacrificed at the Garfield house. 0AT,L .AND S H.M. --0— A SPLENDID) SELECTION OF Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, Bought at ltauufaeturcr's Prices, to ho°Cloat'ed Out. Call and In- speet these Goods at the 011010lcl House. JUST TO AT THE HAND) GARFIELD A Lot of Hoc HOUSE ielaga Gray Jot -tolls, Bought fur Slot Cash with a big discount. Be Sure Niel Secure those Cottons at the Garfield House. ML' JJ OEPANT -= S AWAY AHEAD=-- of HEAD= of our most Sanguine Expectations. NEW, FRESH, WELL BOUGHT GOODS, —MADE CP IN THE— Latest and Most Becoming Styles, AND SOLD AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, has Made this Department of the Garfield House . ICCRA.NDI SOC=. 0 MAKE A NOTE OF THIS, Highest —TET THE— Price is Always Paid —�—FOR—•— BUTTER & EGGS, --A T -- Cor. Turnberry && King Streets, 100,01)0 POUNDS 'Wool Wanted. FOR T111; SEASON ()F 18H5 CASA PA=D I am prepared to pay the higheet cast) price for good fleece wool doliv. erect at the LISTOWEL WOOLEN MILLS. having been ten years in business hero, at has always been my endeavor to pay higher than the market allows and in the pact years have paid city market prices. Wool being so low in price, it will afford me pleasure to pay the highest price going. In ex- changing wool for goods will allow a few cents snore. Will also parented to sell nay goods at cash prices. I don't have two prices.—cash and tracts—my rule is one price only. Bunning the your round enables rue to carry r. large stock. This year having a larger stock than usual, will offer you the Bost Stock of Tweed in the Dotniuion to choose from. Doable & Twisted Full Cloths, Flannels, Blankets. .111 a:oo,ls of the Newest Patterns and Infest Designs. Carding and spinning clone on short notice and guaranty.) to make best of yarns. I use only tbo best of lard oil on all my work. Come early with your wool and you will find us ready and willing to give you our best attention. We will o happy for you to Inspect Goods and Prices Beforo disposing of your wool. •I remain, yours respectfully, 47-?tu B. Zf'. BROOK 1zEl3Ktillllt1' ISOAli 1.013 SEB. 1-,,, vn t Tho !mitt, rniltuud will loop a 3hor• u11g) t,ro,l Bario hire b"0.r for m irvleo on 1497, 001 1111,,, uorrie, uInu t p two lue8 irotu liras. mole. "pure/ 4,11" wen bred by !i. 8orbey, (1n)(,h, anti Iran NlreIt by Lord Wellington. 1017; bred by 83,Tuoilm, 14nplaml; dam, 1.ad fle411', (3131)3, gut by l'rizo(nau, 111,7, bred by Fl. 'tombs, England. Thin well bnal pig 1000 far' rowed Jun.2s111, 1081. Terme: 81, to ho ytti1 1 at 1 inn, of rerviee, with privilege of rnturuing, if 1(0008Hery'. 1A1n:0 11, MAATIN, u.nu 1 1,' Proprietor. �] ('JION AN J) I 1111(111 1.OAN ANI) l IN v J 44111 N'r ('f 1111'ANY. 1 Thisftompany wits organized on the 1utic of April 111r1, and 1811uu•ill Bo! i eiliwpatinu, RIO is prepared to rueeivo applieutions fur loans on go,,d fared security, '1'1114 C'unlpany Lein„ a 1ntN,1 institution, eon udder t0 1O0rOw'ers greater faclli ties fen' netting their loam; executed with dispatch, than eon b13 had from outside ur foreign Cotupauics, with whom days a lel weeks aro often required to /lose up 11 101111. 11'beuTitle and fioculity0.r,';,,ioliutory bnrruwere (nay obtain their raoboy from this ('ompauy on tiny of applfeat ion. Due attention has been laid to confining Solicitors' charges to the lowest rates. 101ortgages purchased if security and tit. les aro approved of. A Saving,, Bank lirtulcll will be shortly opened by the Company. Depositors will bo paid the Highest Current Mutes on their deposits. The Company's 0flues are on the corner of Market Sonars and North SI.,, Goilerich, in the Building adjoining the Dry Goode Store of J. C. Dotlor & Co. DI1t.f:CTO]t1 : JO3Srli WILLIAMS, 1'1'0H1d,R1t, 00'. J. 11, Ilia.mns, \101(.1'resldent, Stn It. J, CAIITWItt"ns', 5lussir'a• G100,wa, WM. 1I. (1 BAY, Seaford', J. M. Iiourac'1's, Dungannon, Jonx A013l1S0x, Godoiicl3 1'. JOIeuAN, J. II. COLn011N8, '• 80LTcr'rons—CAnnaox, IIoi:r ,ti CAs(/:ruN, 1108.315 TIOBr0N, Manager. Godericll, May 7311, 1885. 44.3m. MACK NAC. The 'hoot Delightful SUM ER TOUR Palsoe Steamers. Low Rothe. Four Tripe por Week B8lw000. DETROIT AND MACKINAC dud /Ivory `Week Day Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Write for our "Picturesque Mackinac," illustrated. Contains Fon Partioular., llranod Free. ,Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nay. Go. C. D. WHITCOM a, Gmm. Pass. AGT., DETROIT, MICH. CAUTION P CAUTION ! A dealer 111 Brussels is advertising and offering for sale a111is19RABLL I111mt1TI0N of the GENUINE BUCK THORN FENCE WIRE, of which I am the SOLE AGENT iu 13113ss1:L8, and the Public are cau- tioned against purchasing the spurious article. The parties in Canada w110 are placing this Wi11;r0)I1'1. 1:1111.111023 on the market are now being sued for tell thousand dollars damages. The Genuine Buck Thorn Fence, tbo 135sr and Crui,u'ss'1' fence in the world, eau ONLY be pur- chased at the "GOLDEN PADLOCK." I am also Agent for the Ontario Barb Fence Company, who maks the best Barb Wire in Canada. English three ply plain twisted fence, a remarkably cheap and dur- able fence for Gardens. Several tons of Land Plaster in 200 lb.sacks for sale. w THORN FENCING. This fencing is made of a Solid Flat Slip of Steel neatly twisted and well galvanized, presenting the largest possible surface to tho view. Although no part of it is made of wire it is no heavier and 118 chea)l as Barb•Wire Fencing, but is preferred by some principally as atop strand, being more easily seen. Tho "Lyman" is the ONLY ribbon fencing made in Canado, and is mueli superior to the ilnportod fencing of the same description. jUTS V !ASSN TtME w Window Shades, and Hartshorn Springs. Also Hart tshf orn Springs. Caw Shades, d seelCloth of Different thoru before putting tip the sold MOS, B. GERRY.