HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-6-26, Page 108 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION, W. G. & B. R 'L'Y1lin -ay.'s 7 rnosol:1 station, north and scum 14,3 1,11.2w s Going sunlit.4 0Wg NeriO+ 1111(1 a.m. 111x01 10:00 0..m, 1'xp1e s . 11:15 au.Mail - ••2'51 I'•ul. ]fixed .. r, 4 1,141. I Eel r/ e .S:27 p.m. The morning loon ',eta+ and the night train north will may run ou Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Se m,le+ s. tli(t1 E1e'ws ..,1ttmll5- A ;dial's uluang ye talliti notes _\;,' Teich hell 1'rr'nt it. 1LAo;Ni will Zoon be hero. Coot, weather this pact weal: for the end of June. TI:Y Tui: 1'osr for the balance of the year far 75 cents in advance. 11J:v, B. LEASK, of St• Helene, will preach iti Knox Church next Sam day. Neel 1',lasday tiro public exltmine • tion of pupils will be held in the Brussels r'011oois. A rase sample of the greatest known mutely f, r cntarrll, nervous headache, calrl 101 heal, :.c., may bo had at Deadman's Drug ) t..l•e. 1}'u, 1-ANSTOxE & Sells are to re- i'eite their DPW Corliss engine, elan• nfactured by Cowan & Co., of Galt. Arceiox sales of furniture, &c• at Ole Queeu's hotel and at Graham's block en Saturday afternoon of this week. let swarms of Italian Bees for sale, Ly 11, A.DeSdman. ON Saturday of this week the job of gravelling the boundary, between Grey and Aiorris towuship, will be lit by tender. ICE cream, choice of two flavors, 'Vanilla every day, Pine Apple, Lemon and Straw. berry every other day. A. Good b Co., Toronto ice cream parlor. A SPECIAL sermon will be preached. in Melville Church noxt Sunday morning to the young people of the congregation, by the pastor, You are regaeetsd to call early and settle year account. JAB. Duos. REV. D, C. CLAPPIS0N preached fur the last time 1n town lust Sunday, during his present iucumbeuey. He leaves for Toronto on friday of this week. POBE Paris Green for Potato Bugs at 'The Drug Store," Jno. Hargreaves & Co, REV. W. SMYTIH, the recently ap- pointed minister to the Methodist Church here, will preach has intro- ductory sermons a week from next Sabbath. IREDueaD price -Pure Honey 134 per lb 10 lbs for ,0,1, G. A. Deadman. THE Oraugemen of this:locality will attend divine service at St. John's Church, on Sunday, July 12th, when an appropriate discourse will be preached by the incumbent Rev. W. T. Clufi', J. HanenaAVEe & 'Co. make the most pleasant and effectual Worm Syrup over taken or used. Try it. ELEVAx members of the Masonic Lodge of Brussels drove to Listowel last Sunday and united with their brethren in that town in attendance at divine service. Rev, .,.1r, Smith, Of Guelph, preached. BAnk, Bark, bark -500 cords wanted at Brussels and Ethel, Apply to G. Baeker. W. E. Knee, youngest son of Rev. J. L, Kerr, woo has been teaching sev• oral years in the neighborhood of London, has given up his school and intends entering the ministry of the Methodist Church. His first circuit will be Kin;gsville, in Essex County. JNo, Herorcurce cC Co. intend closing their Drug Store every evening about 8 0'. clock and request you to make all your purchsos earlier if possible' AInvieeE Church congregation iu• tend holding a monster pinnal, iu D. Stewart's grove On Dominion Day, The Committee are anakltln 1180 of every effort aud meaud to make it the pia-nic of the season, and to make it enjoyable 1; all who may be pleased to attend. PORE Pais Green for the potato bugs at G. A. Dea:lman's, We have received the twelfth num• her of the Canadine Pictorial and Illustrated 'War Newo. It contains the foll0wiu'g illustrations ;-Reeoue of Airs. ('4 %vautook and Mrs. Delaney by a party of Soou1J ; the (lowboy Brigade, from Photographs and Sketched furnished by J. D. Higinbo- them & Co , Fort McLeol ; Portraits of interest ; Applications of tho First ]3audage "u the Battlefield-No-- fromoriginal eketcllod by 11'. 'Iummo. Also at flue two-page supplement, ahotvtug "Sketches fermi the .Font," drawn on Gabriel Dumont's paper bags, by F. W. Curzon, spociatl artier of The Canadian Pictorial, tvith Gen- Middleton's oonnnand ; and a "View of Battlefnrd as seen from Fort Otter, frim a sketch by Lieut, Ii„ Lyndhurst W'ardmore, of 0, .Company, Infantry School Corps, Toronto. This paper sane at 15 cents per copy, obtainable from local booksellers and from the office of publication. THE 13%i11SSELS POST J1r1:21 20, 185do Sown along the DOWN items, N UST Werillestley. ie the lsto'i July. STRAtvatelullts and. Oreltln. 3una 1 'yawl Unger exotlrsionS. on Dominion I Day. D. Firma/son, of Toaswatere Was 11) town ovor Sunday. KNox cllltrah Sunday school pro - Die next 'Thursday, Tell barber shop of Seinen Laird • 13 a model 0110 now,. THE choral club, led by Prof. Hui. • laud, is getting up sumo good inhere, 1't'11Lto School will close next Fri. day for the enml.11er vacation, which • extends to the 31st of August. To•rllonT (FridaayI is 1,110 annual Ant -citing of the Caloduuiall Society. Every Caledonian abould he there. Rey. W. J. BRANDON aril wife wcr0 in town on 1Areduesdlty, Rev, Air. Brandon is stationed at Iienfryn this year. THE smiling eouutonanoo of Jas. McCollum, WOO has been 10j0urn- iug in the Status, is home on it Visit to the old folks, SEVEa.1, new crossings have boon put in on tilt, main street that will bo duly appreent: d next fall when tho wet weather comes on. Tux entrance examination of pu• pits to the Seaforih High S0hoo1 will bo held next Wednesday. Several 1 pupile from Brussels will writs at it. THE Bennett furniture manufactory is rushing work this spring at agreat rate• Their furniture cannot be beaten and one sale secures a regular customer. Lase Tuesday the remains of rho hate Airs. McOartney, nlotleer of Bev. G. H. McCartney, of St George, passed through Brussels, for inter. meet at Bhleval°, Mss Ross and Miss Carley, who taught 1u Brussels lust year, have passed su000ssful examinations at the Normal School anis been awarded their rend class certificates. MRs, Jteo, MEADOWS etartod for Old England on Thursday of this week, She purchased her tioket, per Allan Line, from J. 13. Grant, the local agent. We wish her a safe voyage. EXCURSION to Hamilton, Toronto and the Falls on Thursday morning of next week, fare from Brussels $2.00. Tickets are good to return by any of the regular trains the .following day. Tint partnership existing between Messrs. Crooks, Goebel & Gravelino, as manufacturers of the Novelty Bath Las been dissolved. Messrs. Crooks & Goebel will continue the business in future, JAMES hewn, wife and family in- tend returning to England and will leave Brussels next week. Their des. tinatlon is Yorkshire, where Airs. Howc'e relatives reside. We wish thein a safe voyage. WE are always grateful for person- al items oonoeruiug the people of Brus- sels or their friends. Wo cannot be expected to keep track of everybody and consequently a good deal of help can be rendered us by telling the news. De. AIes:rye, P. D. D. G. Macaca, of Kinosrltine, and District Deputy Grand Master Rupert, of St. Marys, visited St. Johns A. F. & A. AI. lodge this week. The masons intend removing to their now hall, i0 Van - stone's block, before long. A nun was nipped in the bud at Thomson's bakery last Wednesday neon and by the application of a few pails of water was put out. How it started is a mystery, but had the fiery element got a little 1110re headway a disastrous conflagration ]night havo been the result, Councillor Graham, Thos. Fletcher mud Addie Cormack composed the fire brigade. LITTLE Edna Donnie had a 81098 shave for her life the other clay. There is a flowing well, whore salt was bored for a few years ago, that has a curb over it. The top was left open and the little child fell In head foremost. Fortunately she was noticed and taken out in time to save her her life, SEVERAL persons have oomplained to us of the annoyance of the Salva- tion Army drum on the Sabbath, in passing churches where congregations have assembled. This matter should be looked after by the 013100re of the Army, who will not disturb any Ivor• shipping assembly, we believe, if they know of it. Goon .FOR 3. W. -Wo are pleased to 00o by the published licit of Nor. mal School students that J. W. Shaw has come off with flying colors, So successful was he at his examination that his certificate was raised ono grade, viz.: from a 2nd 13 to a 21.1d A. At the present time ho is filling It position 10 the Burton of Agricui• titre, in Toronto. 3, W. is a good teaoller, in fact he is a "0111p off tho old block" and will come well to the front if he sticks to teaching the yonng idea, We say all moose to him, DON'T fell to go and hear the Tel gmrtnu Family next Miouday alight. Evlertroal: should go and hoar 1411 Durrutta Telguml11n, "situ is a lith artist." Iv you love good 111,11810 you 01111 llavo n riot trent at tho Tellnann Family (11110ert Tmll':E buys were noticed otripping the burl; olf a maple tree on Alexaud or street, this week. Parents should teach their children better. 'lu cent up, 013111ulell Putts ening jllat kiting at Alexander's. Pu8Tr023o.--Oehl)( to the reguht' monthly Scott :let mortiug coming on Dominion Day, the meeting will bo hold on W edneeday of the fellow tug week, in the Methodist ohurole An iutert'3tiug program will be air• ranged, in which tho ltev,'Wnt, Smyth, who is fru ardent temperance worker, is expecte.] t.) take part. All arc wel0om4. A3' Alexander's, flue straw flats from 15 to 95 0031ts, LAST Tlles(1oy aoarob warrants were placed in the Mends of Constable. Scott by W. Nightingale & 00.. G. A, Doachnan and S. B. Simile, who had suspicions 119 to whore their gooks, &e„ stolon from them, bad gone. Two places were seal'claod, but the names of the partielt interest. ed and jnfartuatiou c neperning the search is withheld, pending further developments, A.00000'8 heavy fast prints and 1.111rt• iugs, 10 oente, Lion. Canadian le(ewe. 0 0 • The corner stone of the new Dun gntnou Presbyterian Cliuroh will be laid on Dominion Day. George Saltier, who represented 011 North ltidiug of Gray for many year's in the Commons, died the other day at Owen Sound of heart disease. Tho tide of traffic to the North west has already turned to the lake route, and the steel steamships of the Canadian Pacific are patronized bot - tor than ever before, Port Colborne passed a by-law granting a bonus of $500 to a com- pany for the purpose of putting down it test well for natural gas for fuel and hosting purposes. th A Montreal an named Albert Camfol has beeu arrested on at charge of outraging his daughter, aged 18 years, Camfel's wife is at present sick in hospital.. It is currently reported that the Canada Pacific Railway Company has purchased the properly owned by Robert Hay & Co., Bay and Front streets, Toronto, and will erect a ste- tion and 011'1003 thereon. Late Friday night the Montreal police found it suspicious looking box which, however, on being opened, was found to contain, not dynamite, but a qullntity of grain and a lot of tripe in au advanced state of decom- position. A special from Gen, Micidleton'a camp, twenty miles below Beaver Mission, dated June 15, says a scout- ing party under Captaio Coustantine thoroughly senrclled the country for twenty miles east of Gou. Strange's camp, but found no trace whatever of Big Bear. The scenery about Rat Portage is the finest on the continent. There is nothing to eolipso it, and it can bo but a question of Limo until it bo• comes one of the most popular sum• mor resorts within the limits of con- federation. So says it correspondent of a Wiuuipeg paper. But is it not about time to alter the mune of tho town ? "Rat Portage" is hardly it name to rhapsodize over. The prospectus of a Crtuadiatl Gov. ernment loan was issued last week through Glyn, hills, Currin & Co., and Baring Brod. The amount of the loan 1e 84,000,000 sterling, anti the 111inum inlprice is placed 111 JO per cent. The subscription fists will remain open till the 2811) inst. The oircumstauces for the issue of a loan of this character are regarded as be- ing very favorable. •e Mad edvicee from Newlouudland give details of the terrible storm on the coast of that Isla"ll last Sunday week, whfclh show it to have been 10018 disastrous thou at first reported. An euorm0us amenet of shipping was destroyed and many livor loot. At Old Pelican all the fishing stages and their waterside property were destroy- ed, and upwards of 40 veeeels totally wrecked. Soventy.lito vessels were driven ashore at 130ne Vista, and 901H8 0f them smashed. Reports from many points give facts of vessels from one to a dozen in number mash. ed, a1111 the coast for ten miles strewn with wreekago. .The storm is con- sidered the worst that has, visited Newfoundland in 40 years. It is rumored three bait skiffs, fJaih with six ]nen on board, loft Holywood on Satarday,and have not since been heard of, A bait skiff bottom up, $oat- od into Topsail, and it is ollpposod she is one of the three referred to. Counterfeit hank Mill are being largely 01r0111ated iu I)nndne. Private (Immingham, of the Ottawa Sharpehooterar hoe r,'te:no ] to the ®apical from the frnnt, Ouultinghain ashtp,reeen0 :1t the Cut Knife Hill figw A Dominion of Claualht enullterfeit BANKING. 1 c,INTO1I1 & Mo AlJ(:1ART, BANKERS i3.I3LtSSELS PLOANSACT A. ( l N141tAI, 13ANKIN(u, i3 note hili made Ole appearance iu Hamilton, 1t 11) dat,d Juno lot, 1878, cheek letter (', No. 103,708, , and islpayable at Toronto. The 4111- graving Id fairly executed, but the )10)11tit113 i8 leer. The ink Udell in printing the numbers 18 of it Alicia red, while that 0u 1,111 genuine le bright carmine. Thu general appear. ane0 of the mute la SU polar 1,334)1, 13 i'3 not 0aluulated to dueuive thueu using any degree of (1111]11011, MARRIED. \Vot1E- RuBn.-••On \Vcduoaday, s•!th brat.. at the residence of 111e bride's father,. by iter. John 'Russ, 13. A„ Wit, \York, of Grey, to :1130,4 dame lbhb, oldest dattglltQr of John 181111, of Morris, BORN. H101Ol',-Ill Grey, on the 14111 inst., the Wife of Mr. James Hislop of a daugh- ter. TAri,n .-In Grey, on the 7th inst., the wito of Mr, David Taylor of a daugh- ter, ]30c507313, -f11 troy, on the 20111 i 010,, the w1fo of hir.4191.13ualnl;altg of It dough. ler, DIED• 111rKoNNo0,-In Winnipeg, on the 92nd inst., Kato, beloved wife of P. 1). Mc- Kinnon, of Whitemouth, N. W. T„ aged 10 years, 0 months. Urul63e1s Z4IrLrlizet. tl000 BODED C21.11ErCLr,r B0E11r WEER. White Fall Wheat.... ,, .. 83 851 Bed \Vintar 80 40 Spring wheat 83 85 Barley 40 60 Oats SO 00 Peas 55 57 Butter, tuba and rolls 10 12 Eggs per dozen.. 10 00 Flour per barrel 5 00 5 00 potatoes 95 00 Hay per tun 8 00 0 00 Bides per lb 3 31 Dressed Hogs 5 50 5 50 Salt per bbl., wholesale . GO 80 Sheep skins, each 50 1 0t, Wool 17 18 THE PEOPLE'S C JLUMN. - TO RENT, -THAT CONVENIENT A shop Nortel of the bridge, can be nasi for a WOrlis0op or Storo-hml!e, 00.01 Ap1I,'tj S. 1)870 WE. T)ULL 1+'0R SERVICE. -THE subscriber has a thoro'ored Durham null for service on lot 3, 0ou. 5, Grey, 'Perms, 11, if paid at time of service, or 8LJ3 to be paid 1st3anuary,1880, with privilege of returning. Trios, SMITH, Proprietor. DASTU1IAGE.-THE SUR - scriber hos u largo quantity of pasture en south half lot J8, con, 5. Morris, and ispr'por. ad to take either home or cattle. Por tams apply to DAVID ICIR1iCONNELL, 48.4' Proprietor. CULT STRAYED. -CAME ON the premises of the undersigned, lot 20, 013.12. Grey, on or aboat May 43141, a 2 your old mare oolt. The owner f re.q uosted to prove property, pay 05518)1330 43011 take her awvy, or It will be sold as the law duvets. 48.4+ CONRAD N 10413LE, HINGLL+'S.-ANYONE WANT- ing pine or cedar shingles, 311ouht order from the undersigned, who will eotl them from 21 cents to 53,00 per bundle, 436' CONRAD NI11ABLE, Lot e0, con, 18, Grey i� BULL FOR RV' THE nnder0tgred will keep for eorvico on lot 22, eon. 11, Croy, 1a thoroughbred D urimm Bull Beaoonsaeld 4th. germs for Beason 431,00 per sow with 3110 priylloge of re tore ing if Moue. eery, to be paid Jan, lst,1880. 48-4' JOHN CAIINOCIIAN, Prop, r ARGE DRIVING DARN TO .5.4 11Ea'r,-Tito building is silnatod on Thomas street opposite the Quoon'N hotel stable. Would be suitable for a livery stable. O'er toms, which are liberal, apply to T48.4t 0,111183 A8'fca'r, I31113ssels. '141)03)10000} t110 uutlornig.la1, 111001 tWo weeks ago, 040 lawill to iu color with a darts nose. Any information loading to her recovery will be thaulifullyroaeived, Word may bo left at 1'100 l'ooa Publishing Homo. 61. S. WELSH, Brussels. WARM FOR SALE. -BEING N of lot 29, oou, 5, 'Morrie, lying within 2 miles of Brussels. 87 50700 aro Weaved and 1110311y motor 00000, balau00 hardwood bush. Good building++, Imioes, or031,1111, &o. For par. 1)10011tr3 apply t0 GI•]O, FORSY1TH, N,11, -Alpo u lrrot•olasa yoke of 0.011 for sale, 8600 G. Il. rIOTTAGE FOR SALE. -THE 'undersereea will sell the comfortable cot. 11150 on Elizabeth street, or would 00011E050 1t for other proporty. 1700' lull particulars as to prloos, terms, eta., apply to 1VtL Nn40aaatE, Brussels, hBULL F0111 SERV1011.THE UN- der3ign0d will keep the tboru'-brad Dur - air bull "Model" for sorv(oo at hie farm, adjoining Brussels. Terme 001,00 per cow, payable at time of service with the privilege of returning, 0, N. 1CNL'C73T13L, 81.46 Proprietor. NOT= OF DISSOLUTION. Notloo fa hereby given that rho partnership heretofore oxiotlu g be two0n us, the n n dors Igo - on, under the name, style and Arm of the Novelty Rath Co," carried 011 at the village of Brussels, lute that flay been (Haw! red by mutual 00na6)11. Dated 18611 day of Jnna 1895, WILLIA11 * 01400119, I'Icl4D161.11071) G01413117,, (by his Al tor1100 Goa Goebel) 00(011A& G11aV1SLoNIO, All debts owing to tho partnership are 4o bo paid to the uudorslgnod who w111 sotilo all liabilities, Mr, OrftVOlftlO 1117100 1,43> 0,1 from rho n rm, Witness evinn311 ate, 01100R8, YUBD1 itICR 00 111111 W, M. &inolalr (by his Attorney, t1.e, Goebel. + la 1, ,11 0,'144 Notes f 1 i 1 m ted. Lo teroat'll 1043do,,.l+')ells repsy'ab10.0141 demand. frump latbauti en give n to cid) 0011ons, -(• L4HAL A!U CONVEYANCING. i11'L'1�1t.0 11L1. 10'1', 1)A11 ‘A Oaloo, Grunt's Blunts, llruceele. Money to lead, ryryyy a E. WADE, 13Al11t1SIU1t, &0, .9.1,. O1Bou formerly occupiedey.1, 1. 141e 0,.+11,I;etl.,tu Leokia's Bleck. bt4moy to land. te,'4T B. .0ltils.b0N, '1 V (late with Oarruw 0I'roodloot.(40,10• rich) &ollclter, Conveyancer, Fe, O1Bco iu Grant's Block,Ilrusso le. ILL 0110y 1e. 1101111. ,01 .LEX. HUNTER, ('GEltli UL' 1.3 aha )>'ourt44 Division 1'nurt Co, Ifuron, Oenvoyuu00r,Notary 1-,31110,1,uul,Leau and 11,301ance Agan t,h'41141,1?g_"r fasted and to Loan' Collections rt;t,41. muse, Oraluon') Blunt Brussel MEDICAL CARDS. ,o AIoNAUCrIITON, Al. D. n C. 1.1 o'(„ L. 1t, U. t'., l;,ti11bo1'gh. Physicia, surgeon nod Auuouu0oor, Orrice in Leckie 's blues+, e)'or D0at1111na's 01114 store. T. A. l:IU'l'CHINSON, 11, 1); eJ •y. It, c. P. Iggtnburtlh. Mu removed to his residence cu 0.[111 Sticot the house formerly oueepl all by Dr. Graham, and will 10 3)4053 at nlgu3, no still rota: ns 1111 other at Hargreaves' D rug Store. DENTAL, L. BALL, L. D. S., liONUR o Graduate am] Member of the Rove Oollage of Dental Surgoo•,s, Toronto, Moo in &Erntharn Week, Visits Winghelu6 00100 0 0 Wednesday. Boat possible Talus talcs++ G1 all operations. Hours 23 14.111, to 0 p.m. BUSINESS CARDS, �r�y�•/ISS O'CONNOR, TEACHER 1rof Thorough Bass, Vocal, and Iuatru- moutal Mime on rhino, Organ and Guitar, Reference -Ladle+ of Lure tea, (.1uelph, Residence-No.1, 3001111H oriel+ T errace, 11.1 uS Brussels, Out, V • .H. MCCRACKEN, Imam: Marriage Llooases. Olnco at his urea, cry, T•rnbeiry street, 1040 (OHN NOTT, VETERINARY e) Surgeou,Graduato of Ontario Veterinary Collage Toronto, Residence, tits house lately oecopled by Airs .J, parker 3laipnllwet , lire., 0013, MONAIR, ISSUE 11 01" MAR• • rlago Lloonsos. by appointment of Iri0utenant-Governor,Oommissioner.Rc,.Q' B.Oouroyancerand Aggot.1Piro Insurance Co 0ffloos5 thalranbrOOk Po34300 03 rvilLLINEBY & IIAIR D11E85- Ins done donee -North of school} house,rcorner of l,.. ohanio street, lar1roa,l R, (iAun-Wo would reeounnend sirs, H. Turnbull to the citizens oI Brussels at, a good st1,1)4 milliner. While in 140110)10143 s110 gave good snt1eraotlml 1,0 her customers lu making over and dying felt mud 017,140 1,00. It .4.170.11011 V Sou, •{1.1)11 RQ13T, CUNNINGHAM, Insurance Agent, GUELPH, ONTARIO T'1A11AI TO RENT. -LOT 12, CON. E. 7, Grey, will he rented for four or Ave years, There ere 21 nares of fall wheat 004041 undfal1 pl00lug done, P0oe0o9i011 given at anytime. ,JOAN MCIN TOSH. 88tf THOS. FLETCHER, P.lraatioal Watahmalcor and :Rohn Gold TVatclfes, Silver Plated Ware, Silver, Valches, Clocks, Gold Rings, Violins, Etc. I keep n foil line of goods usually kept in a first -elite& Jewelry store, Call and examine, no trouble to show roods. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Agent for Ocean Tickets, Amer- ican Express Company and Groat Northrvostorn telogr'apli Company. ESTATE NOTICE, NOTICE 9'0 410800030914, Pursuant to the Ant 46, Vie, Cap.() (Ontario) t Ito creditors of John Sample, the older, late th of e Townshipihtp o Gr0Y, 1u the COauty of Huron, yeoman, who tiled oil or shout the 15th day of April, 1880 and others having ohtirne 141 respect to his ootato, aro hero, nctieed to send, on or before the 17th day or Jniy, 1885, to Donald McLauchlan, at Brussels P. O., ono of 4110 3ke0(1toraof the personal os. late an,1 effects of the said dm:eased, their 11111000 and add1.0e03e,MIa 0110 flail particulars of their claims and of the 000in'itiaa, 11 any, held by there, properly atteatodI mud also that immediately after the said data the as. seta of the said deceased will bo distributer) among the pnrt3o0 entitled 5h croto, luayl ng re.• curd only to ora ins of whfoh the 050010E0ra then have notice, and the exeoutece will not be liable 1'11'0 any 033ote 30 dietribhtod to uuy person of4hese 0114110 thoy shad not have had noble. Dated at Groy, thio 15411 day of 06)00, 1883, DrAt,D MMOLAUORL1N,1 mal) 0AE1 MCLAtiOIHLIN I nxooutare. 1