HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-6-26, Page 9( Ju xin 20, 1885, THE BRUSSELS POST 3 'MD chg. A 1417.140, 130Y AM) IIIS LITTIX Very small boy, quite tozeited, Shows by antics, ko's delighted, Surely must 1.0 mad, donionted, Break the Imago if not prevented ! Flies up stairs, then down111 cellar, Vita the baby 1)1 (11 "smeller," Kielts the 10 1(17 knocks him stiff, Flings pad! dworil "Id bill ?" Now, he stops and quiet elands At the glass and throats Ids hands 1(1 MP pockets deep Mill 1(1110 Iiintocif tal every side -- Thinks that now he'll "have to shave 3" Ail 1 31.11 roguish, dimpled knave ,liabybot el is past and gone. -- Boyhood's days have just krill -- And, to hind above mulled riches Is his new, first pair of breeches I KNOW. 110)10 to -day the golden Pon Is lying in my little room, I know tho 111,100, OTC*" OM, Aro bursting into bud and bloom ; And on tho curtain, to and fru, The trembling shadows come and go. I know tho birds, just as or old, Aro fashioning their dainty nests, There are 801110 with wings like burnished gold, And robins With their orimson breasts; Dear Bobitts that 11070 COMO 00 long, A brought new meanings to (heir song. And there beneath tho sheltering eaves, Far out of reach and way of harm, They sit and brood, while clustering leaves 'wind swept, 811131 1100 and o'or the song— The song of Life that Nature stngs, That wells from out the heart of Springs I I know tho tender hawthorn hedge Is wearing emerald 0101(11 to -day ; That 'woodbine by tho garden's odgo With every breath of wind doth sway; 1 know the lansy's tender eyes Aro looking upward to the skies, Aud that, like sentinels by the gate, My maples listening ever wait. TO THE AFFLICTED. What is that singing that 3hear, idomewhere round about my ear? Why, really, it must bo, I fear, Mosquitoes. What id this little insect that 011 roy wrist this minute sat 1/o not you call this long-legged gnat Mosquito? Oh I whet is that which made mo start, Such a altarp and sudden smart, Just on that unprotected part ! Mosquito. What. is it makes me "bob" my head, At home, abroad, and 0111 hi bsd I These are the things I so much dread, Mostplitoes. Whence oonws the irritating bump? That }torrid beauty -spoiling lump ; Oh I when I catch tlum (001111 thump Mosquitoes. 0, well, the colder weather brings Relief from those tormenting things,— Thirsty bloodeockers on wings— Mosquitoes. There have been plagues of deadlier sort, Still, may your sanguinary sport Be limited to season ithort— Alosquitc os. CANADA . Tho grand old woods of Canada 1 Row cool and dim below The Outdo of their sweet rustling loaves? SWift.changing webs the sunlight weaves Where ferns sod mosses grow. The giant trees of Ctuatela 1 Dark pine and birch drooped low The stately ohm the maple tall, The sturdy beech, I love them all, And well their forms 3 know, The forest wealth of Canada Tho ehopp.ors' blows resound Thro' the crop air, while cold and still The *1)01(8(111031doak o'or vale and bill Lin white upon the ground. The sparkling streams of Canada I That neath (8001 shadows pass, That wind, where sicelt•fed on.ttle sleep, Through verdant meadows, ankle deep In clover blooms and grass. bo cr3stal streams of Canada Deg: in ivhose murmuring tide, From pebbly caverns dimly seen kafy shade of living green, Gro v bout and stdmon Tho beauteous lakes of Canada I With loving oyes I me Their waters, stretohod in endless chain By fair St. Lawrence to tho main, As ocean wild and free. Where whitesitilsglaamo'orriuro wake Or fade with dying day, Pond memories in my heart awake, 01 home's dear dwelling by the lake, Like eunshine passed sway. The prithiee vast of Canada 1 Whore sun sinks to the earth, In setting, whispering WILTTVI good night To myriad flowers, whose blushes brrgh Will hall the morning's birth. The prairie wealth of Canada 1 Whose dark abundant soil Thifurrowed yet, awaits the plow; Who sows shall have sore promise now Of rich reward for toll, What tho' the whiter winds blow kat) 'When daylight darkly wanes A. strong, true healt hard to chill When, men afar, tho hotne-light still. Shines bright across the plains. The robust lifo of Canada, In theory 110(007*3 soot Thal gold nor jewels fill the hand, 'Tit) Nattiro's soli lots blessed the land Abundant, fair and free. Whyllo Omit Skate - For a long time I have evaded the taelt of greppling with the great na- tional queetion, but now I fear that 1 09.11 escape the responsibility no longer, Hundreds of ;undone goo aro watehing fur the coming man to rime fearlesely, and in clarion tomos refer to this matter in tonne that Cannot bo misundereteoll. In the Luiguage of our great statee• man "I have come," I now express toy opinion iif the roller eliciting ri li k, and I say fear - leerily that, as Goon ne 1 entered the the memo, and had put on the skates, Wits also down iihutoo rruk, I Watt also down on roller skatoe. When 1 get roller slates on it does Hot talc() me keg to fall ou myself. Atter thoroughly investigating the subject I have di/Idled that nulees this great curse can be wiped out tLe whole country will be plunged into arnica. I tried on roller skates tho latter part of February 1885, and the Oth of March I was (might in the bosom of a vigorous blizzard, bat now how peaceful and restful the Canadian cyclone setimed after my znatinoe at the rink ! How the wearied anti bat- tered hulk of humanity that now pens those few lines, cuddled up to the fierce ,Tatnosoane After I got clown on the rink, I got the authorities to come and remove my skates, 1 had veld 25 cents to enter the riuk, and when I came away 1 felt tickled to death because the propreitor did not make me pay damages for sitting down so hard on his nice tosvn hall floor go that the rink has always sagged a little since. I am having a ring designed for my men special use next season. It is to bo a large structure, covering about two acres of ground down on the otImMons ana floored with hall inch iron plates, 011 top of ethics'' will bo half inch rubber plates. In the centre there will be a turn table, on which I oan glido when 1 wish to turn. Tho skates will be roomy to a fault. They will be made to order out of condemned 0. 1' It. fiat oars. My rink costume will be unique and attractive, consisting of elarge overcoat stuffed with curled hair and woven wire inattiaes bustle trimmed with overskirt nf the same. In front I will be protected by a largo feather cow -catcher held in place with exten- sion draw heads. I will then get in- to the midi and run wild. Regular trains will have to rule track until they got orders. Parties desiring to come and wit- ness my little fiat car tournament will do well to wear baeeball masks and settle up their business before they enter the rink, for I want it un- derstood thot I am only a novice. I am not accustomed so rido the roller skate, and my legs are ft little occult- rio on their orbits. Tho performance will open with a flat -oar promenade to slow musics . by the City band. I will then enter the rink on my graceful skates and glide around the turntable to the musio of Strauss waltz, I will next come in and fall down three limes in rapid succession, after which there will be an intermission of two weeks fox re. freshments and change of scone. 1Vhen noe skin has grown on tlio placoe whore I collided with my new rank, tho programme will be again resumed and carried out from day to clay until it is completed, or death comes to my relief, Tboso holding season tickets will be entitle to remain until after the (uneral. Mourners need not be iden• Those who know me beet, and people who have noticed my graceful carriage, say they would go further to see am skate than any other profess. ional rinhist they ever saw rink. Many claim that they never saw a skater fall down and hurt himself with more genuine pleasure. When I get on roller-skates some. how people lose all interest in the Itiel racket 0,1,11l almost everything else. _People would walk for miles to bee me come 01)1 111 the rink with /ily new costume and kill myself. I do not ray One egotistically or to attrite- attention to myself, but I say it bo - cause 11 18 true. Friends have come to 100 110111 .told 100 ao. And still there is a natnelese fas• cination about roller-skating, Though the owner of tin rink will not allow the to skate whilo other reople aro in the building, I love to go and watch the skalere and hold their shawls while fbey skate, or hold their hands or feet while they repose. I .love to buckle 0 young lady's eltates on her fair young feet, lova to linger over them and (that with them—end ask them if they aro well, and how their mother is feeling, and if they do not think that we are having rather a hackWarcl opting, I am an usy and very fluent, eon. versationalist, having moved in tame of the boat eociety, and time acquired a flow of small tall( which the meet feeble minded can readily compre- hend. Who Ought To sustain Prohibition Thu young man who is in danger. The father W110.0 example will be followi d by hie sous. The father Whli I:4 to pret..et 1(18 daughter from the edr,e of being married to a drinking urtii, TIM 01211 abetnitier who dues net need entwine. The drinking inan wle, feels the tempting power of saloons. Tho muilerate drinker (1011(8 way be. come it drunkard if the saloons eon. thine. The rid) man whose taxes aro groat- ly increased by saloons. The poor man who le compelled to support an 011037 03 worthless men be- cause they aro rumsellors. Tlie patriot who loves his country. Tho Christian, wbo, like tbo good Samaritan, loves his neighbor. The minister whose flock is ravaged by the wolf of strong drink. The teacher who is the leader of his echolars. Tho business man because the liquor traffic injures his trade. The larad/ord because the rumeeller often gots flinch of the money that ought to bo paid for rent. Travellers, because their livoe are imperilled by being in tbo hands of intemperate men. Tho women who suffer the most from rain, Canadian X ewts. Ottawa eivio holiday 25th inst. Alexander Finclle, barrister, Wood- stock, has been appointed judge for the county of Oxford, to fill the vac, army unused by the death of the late Judge McQueen. A cablegram from Sir Leonard Tilley states that as the result of a successful operation he expecte to re- turn to Ounaas completely restored to health. At the Toronto Assizes lire. Ford, a Windsor lady, sued the city corpor- ation for $10,000 damages for injur- fee received through falling over a de- lective portion of a sidewalk, The jury returned a verdict for $600. A company is about to organize m Quebec to commence operations next spring on the Labrador coast in seal hunting on the ice and to have prop- erly built steamers that can be util- ized in cod and herring fishing after the seal oatoh is over. The prize list has been issued for the Provincial Exhibitiou, to bo held in London in September, under tho auspices of the Ontario Agricultural and Arts Association. The lists are being circulated through the Provinee, and the prizes are attractive in all the del3Clervin teanndL eleader : —hereafter Can- ada need have no fear of her Indiana told halfbreeds. Iter militia has shown its ability to whip any savage force which can bo orgauized in the North-wost Territory, and the lesson of Riel's speedy defeat will bo remern• bered a long time. Tha eleventh General Assembly of the Presbyterian (lurch in Oanada commenced it) Montreal Monday ewe - nig. Dr. McLaren, tho retiring moderator, delivered an able sermon, after which he anuounoed that the gentleman chosen to succeed him was Rev. Principal MeNight, D. D., of lIalifax. Reports have been received from over 800 points in Minnesota and Da kota, covering every wheat growing county of importance, and from 300 points in Northern Wisconsin and Iowa. Onu hundred and fifty.five re- porte says t110 condition is better than last year (11 (1118 time; 50 say it is 10 per cent. better; 60 say the coodition Is poor, 87 say it is not NB good as last year, end 25 say it is from 10 to 15 por cont. worse. Tho bad reports are all from the old counties, where the ground is weedy, and where the wheat 8000 000,11. later. As No 60, the Atlantic express, was approaching Ingersoll from the west Sunday morning yonug woman was observed by the engineer sitting on the bank overlooking the track. Sho suddenly stood up Ise the train came nearer, ran down the hank and threw herself across the rails lees then three ear lengths ni front of the locomotive. Nothing could be done to save her, and almost before ilia occupants of the cab could ronlizo tho situation, the wheels had mangled the woman almost beyond recognition, The body was 1011105011 10 Ingersoll, where 111 80118 recognized as that of Mrs. William Ohotecand taken charge of by her friends. The deceased is said to have boon for some weals in her minal and to this cause. ItheIragedy is alai. 11 10o,000 POUNDS WO 01 WPAA FOR THE SEASON OF 1/3135, --- I am prepared to pay the highest cash price for good fleece wool delis/. end at tbo LISTOWEL WOOLEN MILLS, Baying boon ten years in business here, it has always been my endeavor to pay higher than the markt allows and iu the pad years have paid oity market prices. Wool 1)510)31 80 low in price, it will afford mo pleasure to pay the highest price gemg. LI ex- changing wool for goods will allow a few cents more. Will also guaratted to sell my goods at cash prices. I don't have two prices•—eash and brittle—my rule is one price only. Running tho year round enables me to carry a large stock. This year having it larger stook then usual, will offer you the Boot Stook of '1'weed in the Dominion to choose from. Double & Twisted Full Cloths, Flannels, Blankets. Alt (Aeolis or the Newest Patterns and Latest Designs, Carding and spinning done on short notice and guarantee to make beet of yarns. I use only the best of lard oil on alt nay work. Come early with your wool and you will find us ready and willing to give you our best attention, Wo will bo happy for you to Inspect Goods and Prices Before disposing of your wool. I remain, yours respectfully, B. F. BROOK 111EitliSIIIII.E. 130AR Full ,11 v/c11.--.11130 untleridgbell 7,, al kj118 thor. 0/201 bred 11 erloilitre eir t10(117ot .rroo, on lot :17, 41,11 MorrlA, stmt two Wu, trom rus. sok "11 arm, Lad" *wart bred .1:y 11. (410(1)',finetpli, owl Wall air, ,1 by 1,01,1 Wellington. 3311, 11te1 by 11, Tornlei, En 01,81,,I; ,leni, 144y Nolty, twat), ijot. Ii07, bred by E. Teem H, Eng lam!. 11.,•11 1,1,•,1 011 wen fur - 011,2 Jan.:Nth, Milk '1, 1.• 1, paid 0.1, time of (10%lee, Selth 10 (11010,4(1). J1 :0.411147, .1. '''" Thu, c11,111)H1(37 was 4,11f:o.i.'oe,1 e.:, 11ie 35(11 of April last, awl io logs' ol (1 14.rati, na,,1 11110001 to leeeir:• •,pe.,, for Vood farm Mi.. Company 1811g: I it, .1 l'ution, fedi offer to he/Towel, r Is.Hing their Rans 1,1M can be had from wit foreign t11 7117) 11118 f3, 1107*1111.1 (1, ,,,, when 'rah. mid ;-toetirity 0 ,1 'olfactory borrowers may obtain 118, 11e,ey from 1 t1,l Company on dny of applic:. 11111. One, attention has been paid to confining Solicitors' charges to the lowoot rates, korigagee purchased if security and 1,11,- 1(11 111(0 approved of. A Savings Bunk 1 Irsiteh will he shortly opened hy the Company. Depositors witl be paid the Highest Currcot Latco tin their deposits, The Company's are no the corner of 3rIarltet Square and North St.., tioderich, in the Building adjoining the 1.)ry Goods Store of J. Cl. Detior A: Co, DIRECIT(lItS : Wtra,Lysts, President, lV. J. R. Ho.tmHs, Vico-l'resident, SIR 11, J. Clacrwmoirr, iiffgRIFF Oxinunqs, ,Vo, M. (411,yr, Heaforth, J. M. Ronrwra, Dangannen, ,Toms genuses, Goderieli 37. Jemfax, J. if, Comionxn, " Soziersons-0.0innew, Hata & CAMEI10E. 3300)111 110=00, Manager. Goderich, May 7th, 41.3, The Xe,( Delightful &V I AA ER TOUR 2281800 Steamers. Low Bates. Four Tripe per Week Motwout DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Bye:, Wools may Botwoon DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Write 001 013' "Picturesque Maokinac," Illustrated. Contains Sull 2200t1001u'O. 0800104 780e. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nay. Co. C. 0, WHITCOMB, Om, PASS. AGT., DETROVT, MICH. CAUTIO CAUTION ! A dealer in Brussels is advertising and offering; for sale a MISERABLE IMITATION of the G_ENTIINE UCA' THORN' FENCE TT'ThE, of whish I am the SOLE AGENT ill. BULTSSELS, 011111111)0 Plablie tom cau- tioned against purchasing the spurious article. The parties in Canada who are placing this WEETMED IMITATION 011. the market are now being sued for ten thousand dollars damages. The Genuine Buck Thorn Fence, the BEST and CHEAPEST fence in the 15011(1, can 031ny be pur- chased at the "OLDEN PADLOCK." I am also Agent for the Ontario Barb Fence Company, who maks the best Barb Wire in Canada. English three ply plain twisted fence, ft remarkably cheap and dur- able fence for Gardens. Several tons of Land Plaster in 200 lb. sacks for sale. 47.1k THORN FE CNG. This fencing is made of a Solid Flat Slip of Stool neatly twistod and well galvanized, presenting the largest possible surface to the vim. Although no part of it 18 made of wire 11 88 no heavier and 118 Amp as Barb -Wire Fencing, but is preferred by 801110 principally tts tt top strand, being more easily seen. The "Lyman" is the ONLY ribbon fencing made in Canado, and is much superior to the imported fencing of the same description. -/11---- Window Shades, and Hartshopn &firings, A Lot of Fanay Window Shaba, in Cloth of Different Patterns. Also Hartshorn Springs. Cla,11 and see them before putting up the old ones. B. GERRY,