HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-6-26, Page 64
TUNE 211, 1886
el�j . iti3'ki i+lLt3 POST
n 1 iu favor rn nrr+n o 17 The Women's Christian Temper- 1 001) Ewe
fume Union, of Kingston, has decided
:__, .. hurrah I t s roto of taxawnt is
mils --lost year It was fifteen.
(1 � .... , . l' � $ � S f Lomal Option. n o f the re
Moro than halt of the Fre miniature are 1 The effort to unseat Mayor Bean.
I'ItI1.1:iv ,TI X1'1; 2fi, 1HNr . total abstainers, while in the third griucloflilontreal,haebeenuneuocees-
great section of the Scottish l reeby-
__. - i teriau church --tile U. P.—tliiuge ore last Chas.
. Drury
ry w u me nominated again
11'i were ill error when we stilt : still further ndvanoed.
ed that London city was voting on hot evoryelwarihowever, verear iu There will be no when Kent, 1obert Fergusonn having been within
i��North Middlesex and
elle Scott Act last week. 'Middle- wind that theother sections, except where injured
the Scott Act is carried ; no, nor elected
lite ltir. McCreneyonin ennead
esLocal by the regent storms, present a very
House. fine appearance.
Gandanr won the three mile single A. sturgeon weighing one hundred
soup race at Moline, Ill„ on Saturday and live pounds, aud measuring six
in 21.31, McKay being second in 21,34
Parker was third and Hoerner fourth.
Guaclaur and Hosmsr boat IticIlay
and Parker in the mile and a Half
double scull rsce in 10 mins. 7 sec,
A. party of sportsmen just returned
to Quebec, from Lake Jacques Cart-
ier, sixty miles from Quebec, state
that on last Tuoeday night they very
narrowly escaped being frozen to
death, A. raging snow and hail storm,
aceompauiad by violent wind, prevail-
ed during the night.
At Thursday's session of the Synod
of the Diocese of Ontario, a motion for
the appointment of a Commitee to con•
eider the expediency of giving the laity
a voice in the appointment and re-
moval of clergymen, was rejected, the
clergy unanimously voting against the
motion and the laity fo it.
Jas. Gould, of the Western Hotel
Assembly passed 5 motif e �a
not to Patronize grocers who sell li-
Another vaso of a man dying from
glanders was reported in Montreal,
making the second that has occurred
sex Co. rolled up the enormous maj-
ority of over 8,000 for the Act.
Lincoln Co. also said we want to
give it a trial and carried it by
over 1550. Perth Co. carried the
act toe, if the city of Stratford is The fall assizes will be hold ab
counted out. lA e give the full Stratford ou Monday, , Sept. 21st.
vote it
Stratford and else
I',ront0 Pews says:--:
Of tli0 28th Il kltta110ll
isters should take part in polities,
would it be even were tin Act of u
vorsal prohibition Co 'be passed by
Parliament. '
Perth. Conirc Y rdote,i.
i the Co. elsewhere. ,
The C}rnud Trunk workshogs at
1v0`' _ ..._ _ - –"' elsewhere aro closed for
lei. t a few woel,s.
The old question of whether min -la The whole
has been revived by discussions at
the largo religious gatherings,
Which have largely turned on
ublic questions. The Scott Act
have been fruitful themes et debate. Ilurou County IN steer.
and the rebellion and its causes
will take part in the celebration of
Dominion Day in Stratford.
A. A. Adair, of Stratford, has pass-
ed for the L. L. B. degree at the re.
cent Toronto University examinations.
Whatever the general public, may
think, the preachers themselves
seem to have decided by a large
majority that it is not only the
right, but the duty, of ministers to
exin•ess themselves freely on all
pe., ...al issues which have a bear-
ing on morality—and most of them
have. In the United States the
preachers have been in oli
John end Richard Hoskins, of Ex-
eter, have leased the Staffa grist
The Huron Live Stook Association
has been wound up and the assets
The South Huron County Lodge of
Orangemen have decided to celebrate
the coming 12th of July at Stratford.
ts 'for $100aholds n side betweenE.eW.
and T. D, McColl, for
d wxost•
feet ten inches in length, weft vat'ight
last week in St. Lawrence, near Tock. at a small expense. Farmers do
port, not be deceived, order this patent
Mrs. Geo. L. Munson, of Iilcfrid and take no other. We will take
township, has completed a patclhworl:t made,
quilt containing 8,505 pieces. This
beats aim Smith, of Middleton, by
over twice es many as she had in
For the Farmer.
1 Lave seeured the agency
(trey township for a
Alicia Load Lifting ,llitchine.,
You eau do your hauling and
Mowing with one luau less than
t18ua1, as a boy call run the ma-
chine. It hi simple, durable, labor
saving, convenient and canoe had
pleasure any
time in testing it
with any other load lifter ma
and as to its reliability, safety,.
strength, lightness of draught and
expedition, it has no equal. We
have testimonials from farmers
saying it is the best thing they
have on the farm and that they
world not be without it for three
times 'its cost. See this Lifter be,
fore you invest a. dollar in any-
nything of the kind as it is just what
you want. Any information de-
sired will be furnished by
HI1i.f1,M WHITE,
Loo It AGENT, - CRANI3R00x.
The crop outlook about Regina, full
in fact, through the west generally,
is excellent. The growth is folly
three weeks in Ravenna of last year.
Mr. Smith recently paid a visit to the
farm of Henry richer, near Begins.
Here the proprietor, who Tuella sed
the place in lune last year, has four
hundred acres under crop, embracing
275 acres of wheat, 35 of barley 50,
of oats, 15 of peas, five of Indian corn
and severalaeree of roots, ete., all in
a most flourishiug condition.