HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-6-26, Page 4Directory al Chnrohes and Sooietiesl 1 aflt3.711.1.11 C'ursen,--Sallbath Services at 11. a,m. and 0,30 p.m, Sunday School at 2:30 p.m. Rev, Jay. ko+s, Il, A„ pastor. KNux Cuctiea. -Sabbath Services at 11 and 9:tl0 p.m. Sunday Scheel at 9:311 p.m. Rec, S. J,1uc., pu+tor. Hr, JOI/I,C,A Chvacu.--•Sabbltth Services at 11 a,m. and 7 pan. Sunday School at 9;30 a.m. Ilev, W. F. (lure, incumbent, Mgrnoblsl' 1'111'1.11.-SM/bath Services at 10:30 s.tu. and 11;ae p.ut, Sunday School at 2:30 p.tu, 1'sst,'r Ile,. 1 . C.Clnppison. Ro'a, C.I111-11C 1'11rhLu.-Sabbath Ser- vice third Sunday in every month at 11 1h18. Ray, 1'..1. Shea, priest. One Fit.r-ow's J.oe,,r every Thursday ,.veniu;l iu (1:ahem's block, 21.'ol:IP Lomr. Teesday at m before 1011 THIE BRUSSELS POST The French, who love the emblems f the race• oourso, have onppod tho climax, it would seeul. They have taken as a design for their ladies' scarf pins a jockey nap made in bright jewels. Thiole jerseys, so called, of sowing Bilk, thickly beaded and cruolieted in guipure patterns, form it most elegant bodice! fur a 000181nc trimmed with beaded hullo, Tho foundation skirt and under waist may bo either of black or coloured satin. llorsenlcu, Missittlen 1 When your parse is galled, scratched or cut, or has au Ugly 30r....1,11 300 twlee 111111Y, sell ap- ply McGregor S Parke's Carbolic (urate, It s undoubtedly the Boost healing and eleamtos ca4liPaoko'n 11 i u sola Corea perbox�,at J.t 51 liar. fur R. Bo sure latr- gronves A Co's, drug Stere. moan in Holmes Meek, A. 0. U. W. i+obit: 1.10n03 011 'Ind and The Nov York society leader tvhu. last Wednesday evenings etch month. last summer bad n travelling dress Four:iv:n'14, ,:, 1: 2nd and last Monday made of course crash, such ns in utted evenings of each month in Smalo's hall, L.0.L.1st Monday in every month in Orange Hilt, Po, Qt't t .----Ctfee liners (rout S a. m. to 7 p, in, 1lccn.tNzcs' IN,rzrrxr Reading Room and tbraryin Holmen' Klock, over S. D. Smale's store, will be open from 0 to 7 pan. on Wed- nesdays and Pridaya and from 4 to G pan, on Saturdays. FASHION NOTES. 1'lttm colour and 1.010 rose is a freehinunble English Colour combine' tion. A diamond steer with a ruby lash is a favorite design fur a lady's lace pin. Gold turtles are the latest gelded Fancy for hat and bouue'• ornamenta- tion. Silver braid is used with benutiful effect on the delicate prays shown this season. Samoa's Catrrrh Comedy -a positive cure for Catarrh ,Diphtheria, and Canker Mouth, Sold by Geo. A. 1) 030, Deese skirts are wider than they have been stare the clay when hoops were abolished. Chartreuse is a colour that embrac- es many ehndes of green, from old bottle to pale trees greet). Lace or enlbrei;leay, or both, must e(1oru every dressy toilet this steamer, is the degree offe,shiou, Anti you made miserable by Will motion Constipation, Dint u ms, los, of nppete, Yellow Skin? 913£100,. Vitalism is a positive aura. Sold by G. A. I)dw.lulaa, Violet is a shade which is more used this selt00n in millinery than ever before rr at least for many years. Velvet trimmiuga will bo need on embroidered ecru and white drosses, the eorsiet being a very stylish ndcli• tion. Tan Rev, Geo . H, Thayer, of Billiton, Ind. says; "Both myself and wife owe our lives to Shiloh's Consumption Cure," Sold by Goo, A. Landman. Ornamentedlinon net makes vary delicate and pretty parasol covers. It is worn over white or cream • colour shades. All transpareut fitbrice; silk, nmol, linen, and lawn are in high vogue, and many of them are made over coloured linings. Goffered lace is n decided novelty this =erica. It was a favorite style with tiro great•great-grtinilmother of the present generation. Fluid Lightning. All sufferers from that terrible torment, Neuralgia,cah be made happy in one 11101401A by a single applientnm of Fluid Lightning. briskly rubbed on painful parts. and 'without ening any disgusting medicine day after day, with little or no result, Fluid Lightning also cures as e0eatually Toothache, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Headache. and 14 only 250, per bottle at J, Hargreaves .4 Co's. Drug Store, Small pearl buttons, the size and shape of a pea, with holes deeply sunk in them for sewing on, aro the highest fashion for wash dresses. Rubies, sapphires, and emeralds are mixed together to form n fash- ionable medley of colour in all sorts of pine, bracelets, rlug,, and other adornments. Chantilly lace in decidedly the most fnehiouable of black lacca just now, and is used for mantillas, scarfs, fiches, and tunics for wear over silk dresses. Cholera Prevent:Give. 10 order to withstand Cholera and such like epidemics a perfect purity of blood, and the proper motion of the stomach are required. To insure that end,in tbo oh(+apoet, mostavafleblo cud complete manner, Ilse MOGregor's Speedy ('urn for Dysyepoia and Iran are 31100d. Thera is no purer safer or more reliablo remedy in existence for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Costive- ness, ata' Ask your neighbor or nay person who tans used it. 80111 by J. Hargreaves .k Co. Trial bottle given fret. One of the sensational parasols is a long five•ribbed affair of white vol. vet brocade edged with lees, with a handle hnvlug an encrustation of lady -birds, Sashes of surttlt silk, -deeply hem- rated on the side with invisible stitch- es, and fringed at the ends, are more stylish than ribbon sashes of the same width, Stripes in till widths, colours, and materuali are exceedingly fashionable tills seesou. They are worn either for the entire costume or aro combin- ed with plain material to match. Canvas cloth, in all dark colours) will make the most durable as well as serviceable costumes for country wear, lend will bo certainly the most stylish wool fabric of the season. for lutoheu towels, is about to evolve another equally original idea, but ex. flatly what, bel dreesnlalcer refuses 10 divulge- This crash dress, which fitted like a glove, was ono of the beet advertismente she could have, therefees, she does not mean to "tell" in adv .,cc, but let society wait and see. Vieanin Notes. Peas sown after Juno 10th will be free from the bug which destroys the crop if early sown. Quito often of lata years the lata -sown peas llnvo yielded crops which besides fattening the pigs have given a profitable sur. plus for market, ANASAL initiator free 0.1th encu bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 oto. Sold by G. A. Deadman. So far as beef is concerned, West ern farmers are tar ahead of us at the East in the way of improved stock. The difference between native stock andgrade Shorthorns is one that early impressed itself upon Western farm- ers many years age, and the improve- ment in stock lies gone on over since by thein. The potato lovas cool, moist soil and is an exception to the general rule that shallow planting is best. Lato in the season, especially, deeper plant ing is desirable. The tubers will be dowu far enough so that they will not bo greened by the sun, nor will it bo ueceesary to earth up the hills, as tS often done. 001000'o Cure w111 leBOOdin tely relieve (`roup, Whooping Cough nndBroaohitls. Sold by G. A. Deadman. Good crops of beets may be grown on any land rich enough and in suit- able tiltb for corn. Drilled in rows two feet and eight or ten inches apart much of the work must be done by horse hoes. But tho thinning must be done with baud hoe, and unless properly attended to in time the beat crop will not amount to muoh. A plow to run easily for either man or team should bo set so that the bot- tom of the plow will rest flat, the point neither turning down nor up. Some farmers never get the hang of adjusting steel plows, and we have known them to throw aside valuable implements as worthless for lack of a little skill in adjusting theta to ran easily. Fun Dyspepsia and Livor Complaint, you. Imre a nrfuted gunrahtee on every bottle of. Sbilob's Vitaliser. It never fails to caro. Sold by Cl. A. Landman, Some kind of forage should be 003711 now, so that stock may be kept off the new seeding of grass and clover after the grain is harvested. The damage from cropping clover when it is only three or four months old from the seed is so great that a farmer had hotter purchase the most expensive grains as feed rather than turn his stock on it. In the general uncertainly about potato send most farmers are likely to plant more than will give the best re- sult. Some good farmers make it prnetice of planting liberally and then thinning 01)0 or two ehoots nl each hill. With less vigorous varieties, one strong shoot will furnish more potatoes of marketable size than would be got by leaving more. why wtllyon 00ugh when Shiloh's Curti will give immediate 00135!. Prloo 10 ats„So atm,and 61.00 Sold by Geo. A. Deadman, English farmers report bettor resetts from the use of phosphates on turnips than any other crop. But Euglieh summers are very wet and this tends tp dissolve the mineral fertillizor. Our summers are not so well adapted to root growing as aro those of England, nor will phosphate do much good bees on any crop after the moist weather of spring has passed or until frill rains, Most people lcnow that salt is good on potatoes after they are cooked. As the schoolboy wrote on his °slay on salt, "Itis what makes the potatoos taste so bad when you don't put any on." But salt is also good for pot - MOOS when they men growing, It al)o3id be sprinkled nruund the Elle, bat ml no acoon'pt allowed to come in contact with mit potatoes before or after planting, as it will surely rot and destroy the eyes. Mats for the lluy-P1 old.. This all through the Northern inti. Woe, is the haying month, and in the first clays of June it is timely to turn our thoughts to this lirethavests. A good deal has boon learned about bay. \Ye know that the enrliet•illade hay is the best. We know also that the hay which is mettle with the Least exposnrc to the sun is far better than that whioli is dried by the heat and the wind until it brealts into dust nu• der the foot. Thousands of farmers, who first read of hay cape in these columns many years ILgn, have learn ed that they save their casts every year, if properly used. Experience has taught this lassoo. A. few short and pithy rules for making the best of hay might just bo repeated, Iba fol. ows:--U•et the mowers into good con- dition, without it day's unavoidable delay, watch the grass closely, and out it before the sped is formed just wheu the blossom lei fading. Cub it as soon as the clew is oft, bnt not while It 10 cleans. Before the even- ing dews falls upon t1, rake it up and put it in cocks holding about three hundred pounds each. If ram throat. ens, cover the cooks safely with hay caps. Take iu no clay until nil has been cut and cooked. The hay will cure in the best manner in the uncle, and it may stay a week without harm, if covered with caps. When ready to draw in to tho barn, uncover the codes and throw them over and open them. Have ono person doing this, while the others are loading and drawing iu. Do not stack it; bltt place it nuclei' It tight roof, if it is only a barrick, open at tho side. Uncover only what can be drawn in in nue day. As soon its the field is clear, give it a top•dress- iug of compost or sumo artificial fer- tlizer, but do not turn the caws upon it -would pay bettor to buy some hay from n neighbor, This last rule cep plies in the next year's crop, but it is rightly placed hare, beoauee next year would be to hate to use it. Tris of the greatest importauee, and should by no means be omitted. Finally, gather the hay caps together; dry them, if Necessary; lay them evenly one upon another: roll them up; bind them 1n the roll, and store them in a dry place alien no mice 0113 gnaw doles in them. It would bo an ox• cellent thing to steep them in ft Sohl• tion of ahem and sugar of le td, to preserve and make them waterproof. qaalilleatisus for the Stage. To the "sttge•struok girl" who sends it note asking the advice Willett W0/11011 ever takes, and who urgently and rather de(iautly repuests 1130 to put civet lay p013•name what 0011si1.1- er the necessary qualifioattons for it young girl about to go upon the -..m stage, I msec answer :- A atroug physigno ; Ala• unimpaired digestion ; 'ii' A slander figure ; A marked face ; Strong features; A carrying voice ; A lack of real feeling; An abundance of pretended feeling; lunch magnetism ; Great fascination of m311ner ; Purity of speech ; Elocution to a degree ; A geueral knowledge of history ; A good general education ; A general knowledge of costuming; A practical knowledge of economy in dress ; An artastio knowledge of the otfolts of distance; Considerable business faculty ; Unflagging industry ; Undanuted ambition ; An utter lack of sensitiveness ; A ca:aoity for taking pains; An Itbsolubo and undisputed dove. tion to the iheanei ; An auwedded Iifo ; Au ability to distinguish criticism from abuse or fulsome gush; A readinese to profit thereby ; Some genius in adveetiaiug ; A quickness ut soizing opportuni- ties; An adopt at malting yourself nee- e9elsly ; A well defined speciality; A good memory ; Quick study ; Good luck ; Talent. - The re scant of votes cast in the Scott Act election m Kingston has left the result unchanged. Tom Wray, of Springfield, Thurs- day afternoon was endeavoring to omelet itt plaoing the supplements in tho issue of the Argus when ono of his fent got catight between two cog wheels mud two toes were crushed off. A man personating John Motvoy, Reeve of the township of Floss, the latter having been dead silt years, swindled Sheriff Manlier anti several other citizens of Hamilton of sums of $10 and $5 each on worthless cheeks and accounts, and escaped. TC3011 .1,UUULING TO ff The mid irslgned Kae 09 awns of laud, lot e'1 eon. 1, Gropp b 1 n Illt4 1 ,4431 're+ were w tl bo sob Ilvl'1,.1 to ill p'tri.ms taking lien job. Two seasons, ili, and 1944, will be allow. od for uonlplotta;Ica 1 .411'0. 10.e Pietlerpar- tteetars n pply to rlI')d, 111£11'11, Prop•, 41 4 Wool P.0, • OUSE it LOT F012 SALE, ON gluon 53 ,1, 'Photo la alga a shop on the Lot 1011.3 mold bo Utilised for n slahte. \VIII bo 0061 011 ro'4senaldu t„rtu'i. 1{1p1 • to-- A. UAW PIN JUMP. i-, TIL. BL AS IhU.elnr, 11i410311!; his tunny east lel u', f.'s (lour liber. tl suPpart for the pant els yarn wishes 10 nt,, ai c,e,11i [Atilt be - 103)1 homed nut 0( to 1 .,:d ,t..o1 111, 1111. 1 op a $110g to Hull la's I I e'k 111 dra1.'0,4s 01010 w110r0 ho 11 ip.1a t'1 00 • 411 1.1, ul I 0,1.1ool ora ILtel 1/.41 Many no \' o11' 1t+ 4"" at 11 '912'1' 1111,: a 0411. I keep /:,theme; b.l1 1rs,; ehtsi nine,, all hinds of 1' ,u[[ry an 1 4.3.1+tan Ile t4 ll.Lr,, red to 011 3 Seta 01' Live 1'•, -00 4r..„• 11.1431 1.01 for Fat lituelt. � lLLEANLINESS tl�/ -NEXT TO - GODLINESS. --0-- Tho subscriber is 11: to do all kinds of Painting, such as MOUSSE, SIGN, CARRI AGE, PLAIN on ORNAIIENT,I.L P0111310, PAPER IIAB'9+ iin1 KALSIMI;w9ING -AND- Grottsiing, 0, Specialty. W --J- - Spring time will soon be a3 hand leave your Orders Early. Work done in the most satisfactory manner and satisfaction guaranteed. I will be fouled at my old shop north of the bridge. Wm. Roddick. Canadian Paoifio ilway Tillie Table, Teeswater Branch. Miles. Rollin Nest. Mail. Express. 0 Toronto, . Dep 0 Orangeville 4 Orangeville Jct 7?r Amaranth i .. 10 Waldemar.... 12} Luther., ,... 231 Arthur.. , .. 301 Kenilworth.. 38i MT. 10011/013 ,, 44 Pages;,, 47 Ila0010''ON.. . . 507 Fordwioh , ... 00 Gerrie ,. ,... 027 Wroxelor 09 Wingham Road 74 Teamster.. Arr Mtlos• Going East. 7.20 a.m. 9.50 10.05 10.15 'f 10.94 " 10.31 „ 11.08 " 11.80 " 11.59 ani, 12,11 p.m. 1.'2,'38 • 12.5,5 " 1.08 " 1.15 1.38 " 1,55 pan, 5:40 p.m. 7.05, 7.22 7.3'2 ' 7.38 " 7.44 " 8.10 " 8.21) " 8:40 " 9.01 0.10 „ 9:31 " 9.49 " 9.4(1 " 10,03 " 10.10 Ilxpross 112atl, 0 Teamster Dep 5 Wingham Bead 11 Wroxoter .... 14 Gorrio .. .. .. 177 Fordwich .. 207 Harriston .... 30 Pages i,, .... 35Q 11Th, Forest.... 431 Kenilworth .. 501 Arthur .. .... Gl Luther ...... 04 Waldemar, ... 007 Amaranth } 70 Orangeville Jot 74 Orangeville 123 Toronto .. Arr. 5,15 a,m. 5.98 " 5.47 5.53 0.0'2 0.25 0.35 0.51 7.00 7.2(1 7.:10 7.58 " 8.01 " 812 8.35 10,40 0,m. tt it it it It 2,15 2.30 2.45) 2.50 3.00 3.20 3,40 3.57 4.19 4.30 5.10 5 17 5.24 5.315 5.55 8.35 p.m. Pant tz Refreshment and Dining Rooms -AT- TORONTO JUNCTION, 4)RANGEEVILLE ANO 4, ARRLETON JUNCTION. S.+VSs7(7fif1017' SAS r7TtO 017' THRJ a H TRAINS -1111mw1ar:i'- -TOIRON'TO AND MONTREAL. - T. 'LJTtCIER, Julie 20, 1885. BRUSSELS LIME WORKS STILL AHEAD. TOWJ'f rite subseriber4 take 01i,s opportunity of rv. turning thanks to the lnq,ahltlults of Bronco's and 0leiulty fun 0101 patroualto, and bel: 10 ett4te Chat 1114( lot; (0(11 l0 001. sal improvements in their (11111 eminent,. of 1111/33311111, May aro now in 0 bettor p'al the, titan over before to ou iply the 1'l1bhe with Pivot -Otos LlIn.'. Thio beiry: tbu eleventh ntanolu 01 our busl- im.1Luu11110 111 It i'l 1, la.lLiit111 an tag 810011 1111- qualllh„I neibuacti,ni 0.+ I,u', 111011/10/10 ane ro- ll o- lyicr.�1',riu0. itrt-3043LlnoaIli at -omen 1L1'tll'le frn'.t 11 �;. 1' li',:t�„1.44Y Leine 141 14 conte 1.4 the 11111, .0115 ee,1te delivered, )Vo also basin a 3e. 1 limo fur pinatorlug at the sauna pr10'. ltomniuoor tu0 0 1L-Bruescln Lino Worn., TOWN & SON. ALLAN LINE. -'- ROYAL, llAiL S`L'11AMSLIIPS.° -- 1.4'2030 V:]!$16 G3. w1>3 TO LIVISRPOOL,LONn0$1051i110'1• GLAM. ell', LONDON, Eta,: Steerage, 513, Liverpool Luudon,lorry Queenstown, Glasgow, or Belfast to Quebec and always as IOW a4 by any nest-Massifno„ 8J1+1h3 I') et,t.tANGEMENT SAILINGS FROM QUEBEC,/ SAIt32ATIAN 'Saturday, Iltay 9th. PJLYN,ESIAf1 " pith, CIR,OASSIAN, " 33rd. PARISIAN " 30th. PERUVIAN " June Oth. SARDINIAN ..," 18th SARMATIAN , " 2001. POLYNES1AN " " 97t11. OIIOCASSIAN July 4111, PARISIAN " 11th. PERUVIAN " " 18th, SARDINIAN " " 25111. The last troth aTn Doting with :ho steamer at Quebeolonvos l` routs Wo.t0Osdaynatel30 a! m. rasa011ge18oau'MVO \Vednoodoys at 3130 111,11.ales, and 0011/1001 with the steamer It 313111' ifax, by paying au additional faro of 80;43, 1 at, an d 80.55110 d of ass. No cattlo,shoop or pigs aro carried 00 the Mail Steam ore of the Adan Line. For Tickets and Berths and ovary lulormnt Mon apply to J. R. GRANT, Agent, it thio Ptst 411100, Brussel.. BABY CARRIAGES, BABY CARRIAGL+'S. S 1.1 sr.1 ._-1A. JD a Choice Stock of Baby Car'r'iages that Cannot fail to suit the wants of the Public. OaII and see them, LARGE STOCK OF HARNESS ON HAND. Give Me a Call. H. DENNIS. cL5dN13R00K LIKIE WORKS. The subscriber wishes to notify the PUBLIC that he will have leis LI1\IE KILN i11 Complete Running Order by the 1st of MAY, and will be able to furnish Any Quantity of First-class Limo at any time dining, the Sea- son. Price at Kiln -111 cents per Bushel. TICKET A44ONT, BRUSSELS 1 CRANEROOK, P. O. ETI -TEL The undoi'sigilecl having completed the Change from the stone to the Celebrated Hungarian Systom of Grinding, has non' the Bill in First -Class Ptunn ng Order, and will bo glad to soe all his Old Customers and 3110 many new ones as possible. Chopping done. Flour aua reed. Alwa,y$ on Ilan& HIGHEST 'J?P01OE P.LID FOR ANY QUAI ITY OF GOOD WHEAT W MILN