HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-6-26, Page 3•I1'Nr 20. 1186.
mme<.mrmerT,xwm 11,= =07.2 an71a
nag, while tm+for M. Muir's eye ler Inco
pa10d tperCuhuhly, „Thorn will never should never forgive Myself if any harm le any ht 0 , t'. „('tl dni and.I Y•unl.lil't 1.1'•
bo a11yliiing problematical in hor mingle. L'.LLnne t0 you. 'Cleat fterHO is not lit for 1 en 1,11 tau past and the present. a l t
raiud0d devotion. She has been troll YAh to iulc," y' ars 30u spent ill Om lar West, luui
and discreetly brought up, and finished '"!fal poetic, coKhere," said. Alai e, ibex tO..nIL, are mere won0l( tial than a
by the best society, while poor mo I—I turning upon them ; "I am nota reale• !Wiry ta,e. I wall you would tell mo all
had to fly in the Inca of fate liken lir- !via( Muhl, no:
aerl I making a rash ex- sbu:r• 1.,,,,01,”
,eminent. Even if Idldnetfuarbroken "11,.11. Friends Tile IUltill1'Sig11ml In returning thanks to fhe held( o'
ago, and enramhlc up the best I could{ In I l
\\Tambora wilds, Oh, well, Or/Lydou, hones, do you thiole 1 would give you Bran f u:. a more, t wish t<, show and Surrounding l C'ranbl:Unt
don't be alarmed, I'll be a gond fallow cashless anal( tv ? Graydon has kindly 5 on 1..ry 110):ua1 and probable the re. 8 t+ttni , t, respectfully
int' that!' itleral 1'tttr<wltp' dul'ing the last
if\mu'll take ma outridingoceasinanlly,"
old (tined for mu a lice horse, and uluat ,.alt as you utll It, LAI bean. Year Y would till reHpoctfully' llitiIiirtte tliu.{ he has uguiu rt aloft! JI
1 1 i l y 11288 and will be found at the O]cl Stella, rtit,I to at d r ul i-
1lo began to laugh, and aha e,ntinucdl : make a bev,'n king to show you and Nina 5roa'lrrinh u'r d1 sit vexes me. You
"I Haw you frown when I began n"• that 1 eon ride. if 1111, and Mrs. Way know what 1 Was •a:u a 02.1 part •1." of his Customers.
1 lid to the 11 itis{s
wieltecl 1+)100111, \c'e'll tick ot1108.0011 laud w0ro hero they would laugh at you. "No, 1 n'on'e boh1, v0 I do, or you
subjects, and make an inde,riwpaJ;yaler.ia, Don't Dome out to sae me off, Bary. couldn't In what 3 ou (110 now."
and then we'll get on famously,o llthr:rH would follow, and I don't want
"Well, I can {ell you: I had wualr
"No nncd of that," ho said, "Aa far to be conspicuous. 1 T do wish people t ru 1, at i d. , b"tell and : weal:, uncal• ALS, k=�DS OF t 1 013 3BTN G
aH 1 mal Co11at,tm,a, pioaae 001180101 1110 would mind Weir own busines'." t uu•t mind. 1 was weak In 1L11 respects,
fair game," "No danger of my coming out, 1 but I discovered that I had a will, and 1
',Consider you fair game ?" she said, don't want to see you break your noel," had sense enough, as floury says, to
with her bund archly on mashie. "That cried Mary, ro•olteriog her room, l.uow that if I was over going to be
would be arrant poaching, Don't fear "YO( must idt m0 go, Madge," 801cl more than a ghost it was limo 1 sot
Mr. Muir, firmly. "I may have to inter- about it. 1 knew of Mrs. \I'ayland's re.
so r th 't " eto:•at'ou to health ill Oho climate of
au La Barbara, ate1 I duttirmiuod to try
it myself. I couldn't 11x5'0 gad better PROMPTLY
® ry g y� Cl1T S7
Molds mys or I couldn't have the 'dace 1YA:C ..L. _! J LATTENDEDTO .
air... l. But, 0h, Uraydon, 1 was 80
wealc sail used up when I reached there
that I could scarcely do in000 than
breathe, But I brut made up my mind.
either to got well:. or to die. I rested
MAMMY mx rmnaw.,wAILOW1-_men,: .na 141.1 .ur n,ar c,.,en•,a.L,wnn.yv:• . wr•4414:a(pnr::7i•4
Graydon, .1 shall never regard any man
pose my authority."
'Yes, do could, for IIeaven's sake 1"
said Graydon,
"Very well," laughed Madge. "If T
02100 got nu, you and talo horse may both
find it hard to get 'no off. Whore aro
the horses ?" Hllo asked, upon reaching
rho door.
"You roust yield one point, and
mount near tho stable," said Graydon,
"10n aro leaking gamo of mo fn ono Oh, certainly, I'll yield everything
80080 very successfully," Graydon ad. 0xc0ptmy ride."
{Witted, laughing a little uneasily.Me.dgo's horse stood pawing the
"Oh, in that 00080, all loon aro legit{• ground, showing bow obdurate mud nn-
1:late grunt), and 1 shall chaff as luau, tamable was his spirit. Sao exclaimed
possible, out of apito tbab I was not 111 the beset, of the saddle audits hous-
es man." logs, meld said, "Thank you, Graydon,"
"•5'• would make a good ono,—iron j,itn elf !for Heil l�exia brute Instead of
r ,o devoid of sentiment and so ludo. o
o'n t," a horse, ''I Amulet have satisfied my-
' And yet within n week I think a con. self better about him," ho thought,
1 gentleman was incliuo,l to think "and have looked farther."
+ sentimental, tratlietic, intense, a
In a moment she and tho animal by
lin of ideals nail devotional rhapso- .the head, and was patting his nock,
55111e he tuned an aye of fico doivu up -
t' yo gods I Isere, wailer, bring nip on her, and showed no relenting in his
k..y desert. and let 1:1,1 escape," cried chafed and excited mood. Graydon
Gia0' (011, rueantshflo eamuin0.1 everything clue-F0.<llii'gskUli' ei:Vate of the Salva-
l(fcl you say I was to be ready at Inlay, and Bary that tato brir11n5Jlsu tion Army has boeu lined $20 and
'IVO'?" she L,sL<•'i. ,5rc,'tly. powort nl curb, - that ho ob. 'costa for refusing to quit beating a
Its, bald i,ri,., ,.ou'n articles of a 11 'ill ; st'`uanlr in Lietowol drum when requested by the poll=
wilt sympnthisu11 uy forging the name of a woal'thy
lleavv affliction.
lair, aud Mrs. D. H. \IacDownil, of
i?riioe Albert, N. W. T. have arrival
Ohs, WoOnesday The town club gave the Owen
at Ottawa. Mr. 1laoDUwnll partici-
Why, really, 'i ..itnq„ MissI Sound 01101101008 is bad drubbing, last pated in the Fish Creel. engagement.
1 Friday, beating them by au innings The Government Commission to
What i0 this little insect that '� rims, ()ur boys BCOred well, enquire into charges against Warden
Do not you call wriat lltl isllong.le ged gnat f"alt' ' nc1y'n' 1 Hacking
oft 18g Massie, of the commence its dutiestou Priseon,
1 01
mosquito? out of condeinuett
My rink costume wig: •duly.
Ob 1 55'hllt 1s that which made ole start, and attractive, consisting of a'riur McLean, brother of the In -
Such a sharp and sudden smart,"�vaune 001140/201' at Guelph,
hat al that unprotected part! overcoat Muffed wish curled heir an,,, ort the PiOton Times.
Mosquito. woven wire mnttlass bustle trimmed
with overskirt of the same. In front
I will be protected by a large feather
cow•cnt0her held in place with exten•
won draw heads. I will then get in.
to the rink and run wild. Regular
trains will have to rude track until
they got orders.
Parties desiring to come and wit-
ness my little flat oar tournament
will do well to wear baseball masks
and settle up their business before
they enter the rink, for I want it un-
derstood that I am only tt novice. I
am not accnstomcd to ride the roller
citrate, and my legs are a little accent•
rio on their orbits.
Tho performance will open with a
flat -car promenade to slow music by
the City band. I will then enter the
rink on my graceful skates and glide
around the turntable to the music of
Strauss waltz. I will next come in
and fall down three times in rapid
succession, after which there will be
an intermission of two weeks for re-
freshments and change of scone,
When nee skin has grown on ilio
places where I collicled with my new
rink, the programme will be again
resumed and carried out from day to
day until it is completed, or death
comes to my relief.
Those holding season tickets will
be entitle to remain until after the
funeral. Mourners need not be iden-
as game, even 11 1 should become a fat
dowager with a bevy of plain dangbtcrs
and a dull market."
Grave and snout Mr. {Muir leaned back
in hie chair marl laughed so heartily that
he attracted attention at the 11'ildiuero
table across rho room.
"That mon clo080'l act as if on the
brick of failure," thought 11liss Wild.
mere. "It's all a conspiracy of Arnault
with papa."
Of to o beetquality alwny(01,Lan1a and doll'',
erica in any part of the,/illagefroe of charge
TF1t015 Vory Pavorablo.
will be Under the llnnagenent of a First -Class Mechanic.
Repairing of ..1 11 Kincds .lttertdl"rt to.
F21 7' CAT:;4-'4 + iY.Y`14iJe1., opt qL
What is it makes rue "bob" 111 stead,
At home, abroad, and e'en in lied !
These aro the things I so much dread,
Wbencc comes the irritating bump ?
That horrid beauty -spoiling lump 1
Oh 1 when I eaten tau In won't I thump
0, well, the colder weather brings
Relief from these tormenting things,—
Thirsty bloodsuckers on wings—
Thorn have been plagues of deadlier sort,
Still, may your sanguinary sport
Be limited to ernson short—
Mosquitc es.
The grand 0111 woods of Canada I
How soul and slim below
The Puede of their sweet rustling loaves ?
Swift-cbanging webs tho sunlight woav0s
Where ferns and mosses grow.
The giant trees of Canada 1
Dark pine and birch drooped low i
The stately eine, the maple tall,
The sturdy beech, I lova them all,
And well their forms I know.
The forest 11001/11 of Canada 1
The chOppora' blows rosonnd
Thro' tbo crisp air, while cold and still
'1'he snow's deep cloak o'er valo and hill
Lieu white upon the ground.
The sparkling streams of Canada I
That'neath oaol shadows pass,
That wind, whore sleok-fed cattle sleep,
Through verdant meadows, rankle deep
In clover blooms and grass.
'he cr3atal streams of Canada I
Deep in 'Whose nmrmnrhag tide,
From pebbly caverns dimly seen
'Meath Italy shade of living green,
Gray t, out and salmon glide,
The bcauteons lances of Canada I
With laving eyes I FAO
Their 1.01000, etretched in endless chain
By fair Sl. Lawrence to the plain,
A.s ocean wild and tree.
Where white Emile gleam o'er Miro wake
Or fade with dying day,
Fond rnemoriee in my heart awake,
Of home's dear dwelling by the 111w,
Like sunshine passed away.
The ',rabies vast of Canada I
Where ane sinks to the earth,
In salting, whispering warm good night
To myriad flowers, whose blushes brigh
Will hail the morning's birth,
The prairie wealth of Canada 1
Whose dark abundant soil
Unfurrolved yot, awaits the plow;
Who sews shalt have sure promise now
Of rich reward inr toll.
What tho' the winter winds blow toe
When daylight darkly wands 1
A strolrg, (100 heal, is bard to chin
When, seen afar, talo home -light still
Shines bright serosa the pining.
Tho robust lift of Canada
In cheery homer' 1 Boni
Tho' ggold nor jewels fill the hand,
'Tie Nature's golf lies blessed the land
Abundant, fair and free.
Those who know me best, and
people who have noticed my graceful
carriage, say they would go further to
see me skate than any other profess•
ional rinitiet Ih0y ever saw rink,
Many claim rant they never saw a
skater fall down and hurt hitutolf
with more genuine pleasure.
When 1: get on roller•skates some --
how people lose all interest in the
Riol racket and almost everything
else. People would walk for miles to
see me coma out in the rink with my
new costume and kill myself. I do
nob any this egotistically or to varve
attention to myself, but I say it be.
pause it is true. Friends have come
to me and told me so.
And still there is a nameless fas•
eination (Mont roller-skating,
Though the owner of the rink will
not allow elle to skate while other
1eopi0 are in the building, I love to
go and watch the skaters and hold
their shawls while they skate, or
hold their hands or feet while they
repos°. I • love to buckle a young
lady's skates on her fair young feet,
I love to linger over them and ghat
with thein -rand ask them if they aro
well, and how their mother is feeling,'
and if they do not think that wo are
having rather a backward spring.
thoatrolled the Cornwall
jury ret......
A company is .ax -rebel
Quebec to commence oeM.
spring on the Labrador cons„
bunting on the ice and to lave p.
arty built steamers that can be uta �t
ized in cod and herring fishing after
the seal catch is over.
The prize list has been issued for
the Provincial Exhibition, to bo held
in London in September, under the
auspices of the Ontario Agricultural
and Arts Association. The lists are
being 0irculnted through the Province,
and the prizes are attractive in all the
Cleveland Leader : —Hereafter Can-
ada need have no fear of her Indians
and halfbreods. Her militia has
shown its ability to whip any savage
force which eau bo organized in the
North-west Territory, and the lesson
of Riot's speedy defeat will bo remom•
bored a long time.
The eleventh General Assembly of
tha Presbyterian Oburcli in Canada
commenced in Montreal Monday eve-
ning. Dr. McLaren, the retiring
moderator, delivered an able sermon,
after which he announced that the
gentleman chosen to suocoed him
WAS Rev, Principal MoNigbt, D. D.,
of Halifax.
ale t,
these Goods at the Garfield t-fout'i;�"�; "1
A Lot of lloohelagal dray Clottoi s,
Bought for Spot Cash with a big discount. Be Sure and Secure triose
Cottons at the Garfield House.
Reports have been received from
over 800 pointe in Minnesota and Da
kota, covering every wheat growing
county of importance, and from 800
points in Northern Wisconsin and
Iowa. Ono hundred and fifty-five re•
ports says the condition is better than
last year at this time; 50 soy it is 10
per cent. better; 60 say the condition
18 poor, 37 sltyitis not as good as last
year. and 25 say it is from 10 to 15
per cont, worse. The bad reports are
all from the old counties, where the
ground is weedy, and where the wheat
was sown later,
As No 60, the Atlantic express, wan
approaching Ingersoll from the west
Sunday morning a young woman was
observed by tine engineer sitting on
the bank overlooking the track. Silo
suddenly stood up as the train sumo
nearer, ran clown the bank and throw
herself across the rails loss then tlueo
oar lengths ur front of the locomotive,
Nothing could bo Bono to save her,
and almost before the occupants of
tato cab could realize tiro situation,
the wheels had manyled the woman
almost beyond recognition, The body
was removed to Ingersoll, where it was
recognized as that of Mrs. William
Oliote, and taken• charge of by her
friends, The deceased is said to have
boon for some time freak in liar mind,
and to this can00' 5104tragodyy is atiri-
A dealer in Brussels is advertising and offering for
GENUI✓V'E b UCI ° THORN' FE✓ r t•,
of which I am the SOLE AGENT in BRUSSELS, and the Public are cau-
tioned against purchasing the spurious article. The parties in Canada,
who are placing this WRETCHED IMITATION 011 the market aro now being
sued for ton thousand dollars damages. The Genuine J3uck Thorn
Fence, the BEST and CiinArg»•r fence in the world, can any be pur-
chased at the "GOLDEN PADLOCK."
I ala also Agent for the Ontario Barb Fence Company, who maks
the best Barb Wire in Canada.
English throe ply plain twisted fence, a remarkably cheap and dur-
able fence for Gardens.
Several tons of Land Plaster in 200 lb. sacks for sale.
rye ,„
This fencing is made of a Solid Flat Slip of Stoet neatly twisted
well galvanized, presenting 1110 largest possible surface to the view.
Although 110 part of it is macre of wire it i8 no heaviest' and as cheap its
Barb -Wire Fencing, but is preferred by 80111e principally as a top
strand, being more easily seen. The ".Lyman" is the ONLY ribbon
fencing made in Canado, tend is {ouch superior to t110 imported fencing
of the sane description.
Window Shades, and Hartslaor. a Sfiyins,
A Lot of Fancy Window Shades, in Cloth of Different patterns.
Also Hartshorn Springs. Call and see them before putting up the old