HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-6-26, Page 1• VOL. XII. LOrd7,Sn1lshnry hciccfu his (' BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1885 alnuet, and Alts, Drnee pre:+anted ilial with [0,1:, Jen. • r. 'I'be politic :eel; continues, uud there is no ,'11111/„( l0 1.11, Filiation. it 1, 7111 i1/ the , c,mt 1/t the hita•rnl,: retain Joseph C']lion ,i'rhtiu, nho st ponfmt of the 7'uetelo11 .1,1, will he appointed t'bit f Seer: tory for ft seems admitted by the morning ing herb parties that the eurienh speelit eontiuue to. day of a victeriuue i eurbal rasped by its tritunp11 that it „id dead. i purse containing 61131: uluLeril,l halt I'.tsror Re (111/11101 permit yen f, led Lind, 1t1tve 11111' 111111,1 and outer 11pe11 yogi. 10,11 1(1111 ottito I eeved rest nti l retirenl„ttt, after 7111,0114, ruin op- nninterrupleti and faithful past ran, p ,„,41,ly tending over 11 yr'to , among the Witt and Ireland. I trials of the itnu umey, without 1/a 1.0:111.e8- (h„e,ss 1/r or cur eineero d,';sri.e and i,rayern for p onus, your future well being. slay oho seeming •au'ty so i of yrur dnya be 011110, bright and extended; (nut I and whist the hoary w•hecls 1/t 1'' �, NO. 51. 11 . •.m 6 1 j1/11 the grain, rolling it i1/ plaster or ' Northwest territory until 'r let is (It t 11. .- 1 limn, (r other 'naivete c,f : nearing a firmll • (este v•, 1(1(]';1 ,tIA IY 9f. rapid and vijorons growth, Rowing y t 1. Stearm•rs iJ llioll Rowing 'till be detain( 11 at hurt I int ;nasi 11111. Anna :1•:r, v+. (4i ,;it,., the fields with wood ashy ; 1/1/111 fr' fi 11 ' u„ eloe,l to tlensport the tl,,,g,v tilt Ott Altar.•;-iny fif last .,t',.•,„. 1/r ericlt• cif the crop by rattle in tho autumn, l•isteltntchotviul river and 1, i'e,• 1Viutti• ' 1,1" "1"1 ").'"L u, 111111th 01/ :- Hay are nitrite.' aoceesery means. Various peg. friendly uhatoh with the 1•':' .1 that ichuountou pnrit+ltes d0etroy° n very 1:,1,11. 11'irlsets w a, .i:,;, ; iargu proportion of t.-vory generation V1'lu0 • and Beet, i t •rt1)• of lHesstnnfly, preying upon their eggs, .._ nfh r ,iiluu:r Milli the helm t , u; tt iuhl• 1„g the elbow. 'Ile ; fairly lnrvte and pupm• 'the following is the vote on the well 11 ti'.1 E ie Hato amendment ,ea:l do anything to reap the fruits 0f 1;111,110111; 8111 01 the leader of that party virtually re. ,hired to a'liositmt of helpless d0pendouca Out htisbppo0ents, Gladstone held a nibs. 1101 council, Itt whi011 it 1 said it wits ngrocd to nia(ritain a policy of ma:; nativity, It is said that the endeavors of ] joety to brim about an understand tiveett oho Liberal and ('ouservatiOe lend- 'ers i0 Unceasing, Leslie,' ,hula 22, -As the result of the Utiebn's efforla, the Marquis of Salisbury huts resolved to accept. )Jr. (llulstote's promise to use his influence with the Lib, orals to prevent factious opposition, It is stated that the leaders havo tor• ranged to make an effort to carry the 'Welch Intermediate Education 13i11, the Australian Confederation Bill, the Irish )National Education 13111 and the 131inistor for Scotland bill, Lord Salisbury declined to include the Scotch Crofters Bill, The 130a(e 13f11 will bo finished to -night. Par- liament will sleet to -morrow o• Wodueo. day to obtain royal assent and thou ad- i journ for the re-eleeti0n5. Tho following ie p1, authentic list of the now cabinet :- Primo Minister and Secretary for For - reign Affairs -the Marquis (1 Salisbury, First Lord of the Treasury -Sir Stafford No'thcoto. - Chancellor of the itxcllequor---Sic Mi- chael Hicks•Bearin. Lord High Chaneollor-Sir Harding° Gifford. Lore]. of tiro Privy Seel -Tho Earl of disiriowbly, Secretary Aur Home Department -Sir 4iicltttrtl A. Sltsltan Cross. Secrotary for Colonial Department -Col. l�roderick Stanley. Secretary for'IVar-111, Iron, Wm, Hen. ry Smith. Secretary of State for India -Lord Ran- dolph Churchill, First Lord of the Admiralty -Lord George Hamilton, President of the Local Gocernuient Board -Arthur J. I3akont•. President of the .Board of Trade --Duke of ltiehamoud and Gorden. Viae -President of the (700 t cit ---Hon, Ed- ward Stanhope. Lord Lieutenant of Ireland -The Marl of CArulnvcrOI. Lord Chnueelltr of Ireland -Bight Hon. Edward Gibson. Sir Charles Pilke, addressing n mooting of Liberals lo -night, said ho ons prepared to give tho Conservatives reasonable assur- ances. Ile thought that Lord Salisbury's recent attitude oal•orrd of bluff and br.eg, and was not likely to induce Liberals to on - ter a formal compact. The News says no specific pledges have been given, but that a ptep05a1 has bean offered that the mint's strength of the Op- position shall not be used like a giant. The Standard says tlto politicos dead - look has been settled by 00uu055i005 on both sides. Reviewing the qualItioe of the 1301V 1\Iillid(urs, it admits that the front seat of the Conservative benches -11 the lion s1, of Commons will be unequally I lnatehal with the „hulinturs 311 debate who sit on the opposite side, adill et lust, may yin exchange tho turmoils of time, for the endless j0ya and felleities of heaven. Aoeopt this token of our eetue 11 fur you, yu11r estimable wile and ,laughter. Mae we meet 1)1 the lend o1 tbo C'herubiru, lerly' 111• wheat dark hlattlow„ fall not, and farewell len wer,1 eitepolmit. Such are the feelings 1111(1 words of your m4113 friends i11 Brun- ing be. sole. J1tt10 111th, 14)11. Tho rev. geutema0 replied in a very fueling and suitable manner. IIa referred to his long miuieteriat career, told stated that in his 41 years bo had only missed 8 Sab- bath's work. Ho thanked the friends for the pr0aeut to (himself and daugh- ter. The very interesting awl. social gntberiug was brought to a close by prayer by Rev. Mr. Clappison, We way edl that there aro few ministers in connection with the conference who have the preaching ability of the rev. gentleman, who is leaving ns, and the Toronto people who (till hear hull occasionally' will boar tins state.. mono out, • Soviet anti Preseuhltieit. Last l'1tidlty eventing the basement of the Mattodist church was filled with it pleasant company, assembled for the loupose of tendering the Rev. 3), 0, Clippieen, who has just cow plated his throe years, allowed by the ,\iethoil i: L ellurel, m 13rlhaolt, n faro 'yell social. After' the caste and ice cream were served, Rev. J. L. Kerr tools the ()heir, and idler a few pro• lin inarics, the following prcgraul 0118 entered upon :--Quitrtotto, ,'.Annie Snot(;" address, B, Gerry; quer. tette, "Moonlight 1/u 6110 Lake" ; re citation, Miss Aliunie (lorry; guar - tette, " ' GuWO where , 1111( the Lo ' lilies bloom"; num" ; speech, W. 1I. ilo0rae1con ; quartette, "From Shore to Shores" T110 100510 0110 fnruislte(1 hr tho Misses lien Mrs. Powell, Mrs. Fletcher, C. D ilarris, (1, A. Powo11 and W. B. Kerr, During the lnto'misslou i the 51(111am the following Achim 0)10 read by hiss blinnie Gory, 1/n Miss 11iau•y Boyars presouted a bettor] fun gold locket to flies Maud Clap Inset), es a porting gift from th members of the Sunday velum) plans and members of the choir. The fol lolviog is the address: D7Lau']!nlaan : Aceonlieg to the ordor o things, we are aware that the cords tht have bound us together, eta °lase -(nates 11 Sunday school and as members of ih choir, will soot have to be severed by your removal from 13eussels. Wo desire to pre• sent this locket as a email tolrolt of the es. teens ill which you 1610 hold by us, Wo will miss you very much i.1 aur social geth. cringe, hitt your name will OM live in our nunnery. sloping often to have the plo1k- ore of seeing you in Brunetti end enjoying your company, Wo remain, Juno 10th, 1885. Your) Flit s.rns, W. H. Kerr then read the follow- ing address to Rev. Mr. Olappison, TIlI! HL'SS1,IN FLY, This has beed making sail 1lavoc) iuctive lt a wheat fields on the Pacific) slope, and also in sev- eral of the western states. For more than a hundred years now, thio post, off and on, has been dovastatlug the 0110(71 fields of this continent, During the American Revolutionary war it was brongbt over in a quantity of straw used by the Hessian troops, acts from that time to the present it has made more or lees havoc. The techni- cal name is (jecidcmy, a destructor, or n gall -producing, destructive itieeet, 1 It has often been confounded with the midge, (1, tritici, the weevil and joint lvorm. T1ao midge, or wheat fly, attacks the stood of tho plant whilst growing and eats tho kernels of grain. The eggs of the weevil are deposited in the wheat after 11 is stored, and the grubs, ao soon as hatched, burrow in, each. occupying a single grain and eating it so ae to leave only the hulks in a largo heap, The joint worm at- tacks oho second joint from the root generally and both the fly and the grub aro different from the Hessian. 'Tia latter insect generally matures two broods in the course of a year, appearing ' ]u ' spring i1/ ,L 11111 1 autumn, amu and the development will greatly depend upon the latitude. Tho eggs, a6 pale red, Aro planed in the longitudinal creases of tho loaves of both fall and spring wheat very Boon after tho plaits aro above ground to the 001)1 her of 20 t t 80, or more, 011 n loaf. If the weather be warm they aro hatched i1/ four or five days, and the larval, small footless maogets, taper. ing at each cud, and of a pale red, crawl down tate leaf and fat themselves between it and lbo main stalk, just below the surface of the ground there r0m1Liuieg, head downward till their trausforwatione are completed, mute - Jelled by the juices of the pliant', which they obtain by 14001101/, Two or three lame thus placed will cause the plant to wither twd die ; and whole fields are thus dovasteted, In about six emel(13 they 1110lnn their full size, when 1 the sear gradually hardens and be - C01000 of a bright chostunt Dolor, a, bout the let of Dooenlber fu the au- - ^+- 5C - 11 11 , 111111,, r 1 , u nt to the Scott .Act • 11,111111. 111, the lust nn:. t 1.(1int; au - Northwest Troubles- es - rales, bent, linger beer 11/111 fern 1 .: 41 of U, light trams from 1110 operation ,I1 the ' to bat and rolled ,1' t, ,�1 il'„t "A. Winnipeg, Jnnu 21.-A diepttleh Scott Act,• has just been received film' j''nrt Pitt, 11 r. Jamieson moved that 1 ' oc11Webster ist eamn i ls out :t t6\ (tum. of y'esterday's date, wlliolt reports 1110 dissent front the amendment. IIon"a took LIns but w t1 Vie Laird 181 1'i t Ester release of tho 41eLeau family, slut Mr. Small moved that the Leer and Innings laid currier( it th1nn,r1 ',f the pursuit of Big Bear 00000(1 hie 1211111 wino amendment shall only come i11 lust. \Vingham again !'nesse Lim Brine to be dividers into seven patties. The furca in counties and pities where the ; sale bowlers but luck was steamer. t11e01 Wood Cross, who have proved friendly act shall be hereafter adopted, This , stud the Boum, for the inning., was throughout,gotthc McLeaus in charge was lost o11 the following division :-- oily 113, :1 1/l' 111:0,1 1;;111,• extras. 1111;1 tool, thole north to Beaver IliVer, 1.1018 --Abbott, Bain (Solilnngcs), , The visitors 111100 more tt,ok t;!• bat where they allowed them to escape. ]raker (Victoria), Beaty, Benoit, lior- : and made ;313 rues, of wiich Nonni They are new 0u route to Fort Pitt. geion, Billy, 13lwulettu, l]rysen,13am- ! got 11, tide gave them the Match its Big Boar's trail hes been found and him, Burns, (al t0rou (1'ietoria), I ;3 wickets to spore. T, Crate.,; with isLaing followed by Col. Otter, Yellow Caiupbell (Victoria), Carling, Caron, I G. E. Cooper were mistime. Tand he Sley's band of 22 lodges was captured Costigan, Coughlin, Coursol, Curran, ! bowling 1011 fielding were excellent by five of Boniton'e scouts at ]3ird Cuthbert, Daly, Detottst, Desaulniers ! espeelnlly on the lulu of the visitors. Lake. (lInekinongo). Deesuluiers 1 St, Ma- i `the foiloufng i A Quebe. tljeiteLeoli says :-In Alio mice , Doojardin8, Dodd, Dugas, Du. is tine scare Cbroniojetlle celebrated John O'Tnr• ' pont, Ferguson ('Vollancll, C;agne, I3RI'SS1+.LS. 1st Innings, rel, ee n, tlefeuded Whelan, D'Arcy , (nutlet, GEronard, Gordon, Grand- l trettou, st Tracey, b Bray „ „ ,. 0 Macleo's utnrd3ree, voluuteers what I boil, Gutty, Guilbauit, Hall, Beeson, (''toper, b Ilett ha terms his well•oousidoed proles• I Bonier, Herteau, Iillvsrt, Kranz, 1Vrbster, b ootioyl „ „ . 0 5la1101.051n1Gn as t0 11101'8 ease, claire- ha LaLrosso, Lauderkfn, Laugegin, Les. Dennfs, c 3lll .. b jinn.. , ;' ... • 11 3125 that during the existence of the ago, Ilhviugstolle, Macdonald ISir Buss, Currie, Hall • •,• •" " .. • eiyt1 war in the Northwest, General John), Alaukintosh, AIOb:ftllian (Van. muff, b Hall,. Li -1 b1iddloton'a ntathority wits paramount dreutl), 1oGa1lutn, McCarthy, Int ttaterer,bI)aftield., - " 1 ill that region, and that if the texts .pcugall (Cttpo Breton), Alarsn3 Thnmsa0 b Duffield •0 of his proolawaLiou and letter to Allo] I biil0l1e11, Moffitt, blontplaisir, Puiut Laird, not out.. ••13 upon w111011 the latter stll'1•ende:•e4t p'titerenn (Essex), Pius00neattlt, James., c Tracey, 1 Duffield ., „ ., 0 himself, are as represented, Biel, Pope, Pruyn, Ili12(00] Itiopal, Robert. Leg Byes, whether sane or not, 0nnuot bo late- 8011(lltttttiitou),Robertson sIIaoLiuge), Rttis' 0 fully tried for any act of his prior to Ross, Royal, Byltert, Swell, Stairs, NO bills,,, 0 that surrender, there being plenty of Tasohoreetu, baeee, '1'uppor,''auass0, 1°tat' " ., i,# precedents to show that there has 1Valluoe (York), 1Ve11s, White, (Card- kh!11r7n Int. been a full and complete ooudonetio0 well) -78. i gird, u Williams• 1 Dennis, a JIo]Cibbon, b Duffield. , 11 of his acts up to the data of that eel:- been Nays--Allison, Armstrong, Auger, Webster, b Duffield ,. ..• render. Bain (Wentworth) 13eker, (1Vliseis• Ca1.1•i9, b 11.11 ., „ „ " . 1 At the request of the Dominion guoi), Darnarl, Dell Bonoir} Blake, (001 Cooper, .." , „ Government, Chief Justice 1Valibridge 1'ourtaseit, Bowels, Burps°, Cameron Clutf, b ])uiflold 7 Lute extended term until the mfci(lle, of ernrou), Cameron (Inverness), Caw• 110Omaon, act out • „•• ' ' • • 0 July, It is understood the extension eros (Middlesex), Cartwright (Sir 11,10,1„8,,,s1:0, t 0b`,11, -- " -- was asked to suable Niel' 0 0000501 to 4 Richard), Casey, Casgrain, C.Ludel, Stotat „ ` o appeal to the Manitoba Court if 1100• Chllr1V1111 0im011, 1.1001)1111:, Colby, ]3000, 0 osaary, allet by the extension of term Davies, Dickinson, Dundas, P'uirb:i l7 Log Byes, no delay might occur is the trial, Farrow, Ferguson, (Leeds 111/11 Geon- \Vides,••• o A dispatch from Fort Pitt to the villa), Fisher Fleming, Forbes, Tor- EU bull''•• 0 Iontreal Stat ea s Lin, Ioytar, Gault, Geofl'riou Gig- Totnt ., " Y T110 troops g- Grancl Total ,. 00 ra 1/11 anxiously expecting orders to atilt, Gillmer, Guinan, Gunn, Harley, TF'I GIIAltI. re home, and in their present Hilliard., Ho:t.1n, Innes,v'Irviue, Jana- pod, should they eueounter Big )aeon, Jenkins, Iinulback, Kin Kin- 1st Iuuiugs. ear stud his baud, short work would uey, Birk, Laugeliw, Laurier, Lister, Dickinson, \Vattrerb �11U1lscu ., 4 o doubt bo made of the wuus, Macdonald, (Kings), 11Iali-alley, }lo. Duffield, c Rosa, b \Vnturor 11 Phu men present a most 111111Intvre, 11IoIsaac, MoLelan, McMullen, Bray, run out .. .. .,•• " 1'3 nlitiou. Their elot1 tt owing pitiable McNeil, ;Mills, Mulled, Patterson '11looney, nm out .. " 1 g, g Hall, c Laird, b Waterer 1 0 rough usage experienced in (Brant), Ray, Scriver, Shaltesporc, 11etvs11, b Waterer 0 arching through the dense bash, Somervllle(Brant),Soinervtlle ('Druce) Yocrb•rnu ant.. „ , 1 uchu•+ S nit) lfei' .. 0 thio er, l wb 1/h o oa r muck P louse, ' ml n a s b Sutherland ort g g 11111 other P 111111 (Ox• .. .. BOomforte of campaign life, is in ford), Taylor, Temple, Trow, ''ail, i ce ,,d Webstit„ •' • • • • a ,tore, many of the muu being liter- Wallace (Albert), Bnlsun, White B Tracey, " 13 all bundles of rags, They are l i au (West - (Hastings), White (Renfrew)), ( Wil. Lo Byes, •,, .. • on worse plight, i1 possible, as re. sols, Wood (Brockville), Wood (1Vest• (Vides, ' rds feet goer. '.!'heir boots are all wi relnntl), Wright -8G. Nu bile, 0 ora out, while soaks and stockings The amendment to al 101V It•fne and Total„ .• 70 c n luxury mijoyld by few of oho beer in counties where the Act is in 2nd Ills"1/e,:, n, such articles i1/ must c1L9ea Alla,• force wan declared lust IVithoul 16 11,• )I p (',101.1(111Z: n t uis .. .. .3 been used up long ago. 1'110 vision. Dulliakl, b Drnitis " 0 y changes in clothing the mon Dickenson, b Rors „ 1 • • o ve had since letivin , 13n'nss11, ('1/1/111111, '1 . ' e Limper, b Dennis.. (, limo was Trn007, run out o at was lent by the (settlors at 11111• The regular 111iet 1118 cf the village Williams, b hoes "„ ' • • " " 3 ford, but this has tell been used u yan, c Coupe)., b Berndt, .. .. 1 COCuucit WIN baht Inst 1I0n,l,ty 0000 Roberts, a 8tretttnl, b Denni.i 0 g ago. What the condition of the 'lug ee the Council Chamber. Ail the McKibbo ; not out , 11 u will bo if tho campaign cumin- tnelubora present, the Reeve i1/ the Young, runout., .. " " -- a much longer it is hard to con- I3y0s, ., 1 vo, but it 18 hoped by all the melt eLafr. ' , , I,e,j Byes, .. .. .. ,t AliolnilatnLCHofllw1nat,v,:tgullad111/11 tress., •• '• •• •• •• ,• 1 t now (nothing will by seine melted s1neUUl1 )meaLlitgs (11310 1'1111,1 ;41111 11;6a5 - forwarded for them before tuey ed. again 0ompolled to appear in the The following ucuuunts were Pres• its of eivilfzn11a11, anted and ordered to be pnicl 1- Montreal Ju noL - r1 wimple p 9 Of \'anstouo mos., plank, Sou, ,91011, f„5 broad 0111011 is now being oe•vod Ino. Wynn, on groat account 75, Uv tO 1110 volunteers in the Northwest TIM. grunt to ]3141/11 lx, 7•i exhibited by 31. Labelle in the thea. Mulford, work on street, 11. so 0 Exchange yesterday, It was Jas..18. •I1iol(s,Ucoustaable, engluoer at flee, 00 Bent to Lim by his sou, W110 18 with Iia Meadows, work on streets, 1,.17 the (15th 13attulioli, 110w stet/aped at Geo. Crmnmvn, spacial aulletnble, 1, 110 SaskaIohowau. `I'bo bread is of a dant Ross rolil(t'l'lntohinscu,b'ltuks, 1, ,"I1 brown color uud was made from float II, 1f°Marone, !availing park, 1. 110 furnished to the Gover0meut by the Moved by P. Scott, et'000de1 by W. Iluds ,n Bay Company, 1111111 was de. B. Kerr that the above accounts bo claret! by experts 1n the trade' to bo paid. Carried. made from frozen and spoiled grain, Tho clerk reported hall rents for Attach indignatiou was expreesetl that May t1uc1 Jtuhu to have amounted the volunteers should have such waif to 11,80, 80, L1000800 for 0100118, trade - served out to Allem, eepooittlly while 1's, and billiard Items() ,$46,50, mak- undergoing fatigue. It was also 81111- lug a total of $82,80, rTho0. Belly, eel by aprontinout member that the Treasures', also presented a report, contract for the supply ()Choi! for tho 1V, ll, Wilson asked the l'ouncil to Indians 1111:1 bean givers to a luau who attemel to Mill street incl scoop the was busying up all the fro%ou 111111 rot• water from running into his proper - feu grain with which to furnish these ty. supplies. Ilia decpouiug of several ditches Lomuliesionor Wrigley has reoeiv• ,was talked over, warts to bo done as od a clispnt011 front General Middleton 8000 as tllo water thus up, slitting that lie will rotnru shortly to Walter Smith tlslced help from the Winnipeg, along with all the troupe, ()outwit toward bnildiug a foot bride.) shaving resolved to leave the o tpturo • near the )let; -hull, of Big Bear to the Mounted lholie0 Connell ,lieu adjourued for a ts- and p0rmtweut tol•ci to be loft i i the mouth. 11 r w B n 00 111 w (1 111 to al 01 ga u' 1/r 1111 r, Mg. oil Ala 1.11 tlo loll ole (1e 001 tba be aro hilt] 1 the out wars ,• tuuln blood, 11111 in Juno or July in Cor • Elio spring brood. In the beginning of this, the pupa state, they loolc like t, flas•seed; in two or three weelee the 5 insect within becomes detached from d th0 leathe•y siem, and lies loosely in • it' a motionless grub ; wit(1111 this it gradually advances toward the winged O state. About the end of April or bo• glueing of May, or later, a000eliug to the warmth of the wvut1or, when mature, it breaks through this ease, enveloped i1/ a delicate 51(111 which t rood splits on the back, setting the 1 perfect insect at liberty. The perfeot ° insects, though small, are active and fly considerable (11staneoe in search of fields of grain. Wo are comparatively free from the Hessian post this season, but being in contiguous territory, our Wheat fields may be s00n subject to their attaolca this fall. Burning the stubble in wheat, rye and barley fields, afterward plowing and harrowing the land, appears to be the heat method of getting rid of this insect. Ste° Grand Tctal ,. „ „ 88 l)ltth Dlvisititt (.'ours. Twashl abve Cour ar old intthe 9Town (Hall lslast \1'Oduost day, S. ILaluontnun, Master High Court Judicature, acting Judge: The following cases were di8pcs01 of :- Armstrong vs. Hill, action on ittmou0E. 3tulgutent fin defendant. Armstrong ore, McLeod, aeti' tt on ac- count. Adjourned for particubirs, plaintiff to pay cost of flay. Gill vs. Erb, notion on promissory note. Judgtnuot for plaintiff for 23:.51/ and coats. note, Judgment Bishop, fort7on on plaintiff foss fu 1 amount. Nightingale vs. )Mullen, intarplca,lor issue. Judgment against elaimant, claiul. Hitt to pay coats, Armst00- rong Adjourned l journedlDfolptrtlonlarar, ne,e plain. tiff to pay cost of day, Wad.11C MO for money Quaid for defendant,vs. Erb, action nit Judgtncnt for plaintiff for full Amount, Atner v for wngoa.Judglttentf4fol�lplaintiff servant tgtforftilt amount, Brown vs. Chapman, interpleader testae. Judgment against claimant, Armstrong Va, Van Horn, action 0u no - count. Adjourned to next court for par- ticulars, plaintiff to pay cost of day. The usual number of Judgment :sem. mons (lobtorc worn examined and ord.rs amndo,