HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-6-19, Page 8THE BRUSSELS POST JuNlt 10, 1885. I. will N. till till' lrnst1 IIaikct (11111y, 1)111211.ri'd 1:0 Buy .1•t -r 4111:fntitr of II'ool, fur whitr)1 the Highest ;Market Price will la, ltill, t7-lin* itOIiT, fil1:1HA \1, !GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. AN Exeter correspondent says: -- We are sorry to record that all hope is given up of the recovery of Mrs. Robinson, wife of the incumbent of RIO Episcopal Church. A, 0. U. W, -Tuesday evening last a deputation of members from the Clinton and Brussels lodges inet with the brethren of No. 3, Soaforth, in their spacious hall. The regular routine of business was duly passed. A. touch of a very inviting nature was spread and most heartily discuss- ed, after willeh tt 1.110at enjoyable ov cuing was spout, in which all took paitiu an exehaugo of sentiment, prompted by fee g p1. SOUTHERN EXTENSION, W. Q. & S. R the most glorious and noble order, Train Irncos ltrus.+cls `+t+ttian, north and the C. H. and I ,, whose pr'ltiou to. Guth as i,b„r, day is sung or lisped by widows and Mail 1,.n(. mono , t0„uoa.m. orphans, whose thousands are cared 1•,tpr••,,. 11 ,n.v, jlfait .. 2-•'(1p.u1. for by ittl benefits. The Seaforth Mixed tl 1-'r•e1 Etl1; t - '=' 1'•m• bre.tliren well uphold the Order, num- The wonting train south and the night tram. north will only roti nu Tuoi tap:, Thursdays, Morins” about 70 influential townsmen, end8:tem:lave. Those brotherhood is leaving a mark, - — on suciety, good and noble. A union LOCAL NEWS ITEMS, A. 0..'. W. pie-nio is talked of, to _ bo 1ie1d at Brussels this summer, �l cruel 1m0P at takiu uotrs An' faith he'll prent it. lin a amino of Going ,ou tit, cuing itorlh, Mee. W. H. LEECH, of Goderich, has bean visiting, in town this week. A. I1t (rrr. scud Coil eillor Van - tone of this town visited Galt on Thursday. Fudx 25c. up Toronto's latest dandy's in Ladies and Babies trimmed lints going at Lion Alexander's. CnicltET,--Our cricketers 'gent to Wiugham on Thursday of this week. The team was ulacle up of 11. Dennis, A. 11'ebste,, A. Currie, .1, Slretton, C. Waterer, G. Thomson, H. James, S. Laird, Rev. W. T. Cluff and 0. R. Cooper, Puns Paris Green for t115 potato bugs at G. A. Deadman'+. ArCTION SALE, -The 0. [1Ction Sale of furniture belonging to R. W. Tuck will be continued next Saturday after- noon, at Graham's block, Although a large amount of goods were dispos• ed of last Saturday there is still a large stock to choose from. Beek, Bark, bark -500 cords wanted at Brussels and Ethel, Apply to Cr. l.iaelrer. Ar the Caledonian genies, held nt Strathroy last Tuesday, Gideon Porrie won 2nd prize hi putting heavy stone, '2nd in throwing heavy hammer; 2nd in throwing "50" long; 2nd with light hammer; 2nc1 in light stone and and in throwing "50" high. Gideon is be- coming quite a heavy weight, .1, H,ladnusvrs S Co. make the most pleasant. and effectual Worm Syrup ever taken or used. Try it. Ora thanks are due to Alms Eloise Skiming, Iiurou'spoetess of Goderiuh, for a very pretty piece of 10115i0 en- titled Cleveland's Waltz, of which she is the composer. The fair composer, is attaining no small amount of famo for her efforts and every Democrat should buy a copy at once. ltsnucsn price --Pure Honey 181 p:r lb 10 lbs for $1. G. A. Deadman. SUPERS Dor0LE DAHLIAS. -D, Stow - art, the well known Brower of flower- ing bulbs, informs us that ho has now on hand, a splendid collection of well grown Dahlia roots, in variant.' shaded of color, and just ready fur bedding out. Anyone wishing to secure a few of these magnificent and easily culti- vated flowers should give him a call this week, THE LAN' os' BURNS. -Dr. Camp- bell, of Seaford', favored. us with a copy of n work entitled "The Land of Burns," writtau by himself. The book contains 251) pages of very inter- esting matter describing a tour lately taken through Scotland by the author. The happiness of well-bred Scotch. mon Will not be complete until they secure a copy of this book and peruse it. Pune Parr Green for Potato Bugs at 'The Drug Store," Juo, Hargreaves & Co. 13y the School Act of 1885 the mime's in rural districts will close for the summer holidays on the firet Friday in July, and re -open on the third Monday in August. - The other holidays remain the same as before. In cities, towns and incorporate -1 vill• ages, public and high school also :lose on the first Friday in July and re- open ou the last Monday in August. Trustees cannot reduce the holidays as heretofore. You are requested to call early and settle 1050 aioount. Jag, Daox. Wo understand that A, Bauslnugh has taken charge of tho photo. bnsi. nese of Frank Vron during the suns• tiler, and as he has a largo experience in all btanchea of photography, having been connected with some of the best studios in Ontario and Winnipeg also in several large cities of the United States, he is fully prepared to furnish Mr. Ureu's numerous customers with work of e. superior quality. Call and examine work. Mr. Uren puts poses going into the viewing biz. very extensively having secured all the latest appliances for outdoor w0t•1(. PEOpr,E '•t) Brow, -J. H. Beemer a former e ; )n master nt Brussels, has renis d from Princeton Ont., to Idaho, U. S.-llev.D, 0. Clappison who has soperaonnated this year, will make his home in Toronto after leav- ing 13ruseels.-Mrs. lir. Long and Mrd. R. Leatherdale and daughter have gone on a pleasure tour. They will be away for several weeks. -13. Oow- an, who took charge of W. B. Dick• son'slawofficeherefors eralmonths, has opened an office at Paisley. - Young Cowan, a member of the Mounted Police in the North-west, who was so brutally murdered by Indians after killing five or six of them, WAS a 00118in of Mrs. W.F. Vanstone'e, He came from Ottawa, Tho Indians cut out his heart and hung it on a pole. A, Montgomery, of Ottawa, who was lulled at Batocbe, was another cousin. -Miss Lu. Struthers, of Strat- ford, sister oh 3. M. Struthers, of town, was united in marriage to M['. Burrows, of Stratford, last Weaves - clay. -Eddie Creighton is away at Mildmay taking the place of the agent, who is ill. Thos. Danford is slinging baggage at Brussels station. -Mrs. Arthur Dutton 1s visiting at Mitchell. -Miss Etta Waterworth, of Ingersoll, was visiting with Miss .AdtIUiS this week. -Jobb Myers and wife, of Strat- ford, spent Sunday in town with their daughter, lire. G. A. Powell. -W. Henry's father, who resides at Sault St, Marie, is making him a visit. They had not met for 0 yeare.-Wm. Thomson, mason, is now living ou his ferns in Morris township. -Rev. D. 0. Clappison will preach his last sermon in Brussels next Sunday before his removal. -Miss Emma Whitting Las been on the sick list but is regaining her usual health now.-Staft•Ooptain Ludgate took charge of the Army ser- vices last Sunday. The marching and counter marching would have done credit to a 12th of July demon- s .ration. -Mrs. Wm. Kneohtel and Tillie left Brussels for Kansas this week. They intend making their home at Abilona.-Murdock MoLen• non, of Ss.ifortu, has taken a position in G. A. Dendman's drug store. - James Watson, of Seaforth, was in town on Sunday, we won't say what for. -A. M. Taylor, of Toronto, was in town this week. He was attend- ing the wedding of his brother. -D. McGillicuddy spent several days in this locality this •week furthering the POST Scalps. -Sono miscreant en• tared tho Salvation Army barracks, last weer[, and out the head of the big druid all to piens. It was not 0 very sharp net, --Under the head of recent arrivals, eve note 17 kegs of "spruce" fur the Central, --A felt and gravel roof Lae been put on elrs, Shiol's new bloelc.-Tho attention of the County Road Oommisionore is 11,111ed to the dilapidated condition of the fonee leading to the 1200311 end of the bridge. It should be put in re- paie.-A hurdy-gurdy charmed the small boy, last Friday, while two hard -looking epeoimone of humanity raked in the s]lekele.--A well known roeidout of Morris wan very m610h tllo worse of liquor last friday. He was pointed out, and reference made to the Scott Act. Wo thin 6 proof than over of the necessity of more stringency in connection with tho liquor law. How many times were 20 leen under 1120 influence of liquor and nothing said about 13 tinder license law ?-Tho waiting room at the station has received a thorough renovation. It has greatly improved itsappearauco.-Nest Mon- day evening the village council will meet in the council chamber, -Rev. J. L. Kerr preached in the Methodist church last Sunday morning. -W. R. Wilson's store bas been plastered and is being fitted up for uso.-The Orangemen are preparing - for the 12th. They expect to go to Strat- ford. -The band turned out in full force last Saturday evening and play- ed for about an hour. -The Queen's hotel has been bedecked throughout with tasty gilt-edged blinds. --Tile arioket club keep to practice fairly well this season. Another match is on the tapis,-Tho editor of the Dur- ham Chronicle is at the congenial (1) task of backing up Harris' circus, He has a big contract on hand. The show should be called "The brass putted," instead of the nickel -plated, as it would be more in keeping with their actions. -Did you ever hear of anybody taking eubpeena fever 1 There have been oases of it in Brus- sels lately. --4th Division Court will be held next Weduesaay.-One week from nest Wednesday will usher in Dominion Day. Several towns and villages aro making preparations for big celebrations. -Very heavy rain last Monday forenoon. -$10 was raised at the Army servioo last Sun day afternoon to put the big drum in repair. -Strawberry patches are be- coming the centre of gravity now in this locality. -A report has beou cir- culated by persons who know, or should know better, that Geo. Howe Llan not the deed of tho woolen mill property, We,have taken the trouble to see W. R. Wilson, who informed u1, that Mr. Howe hail his deed all right. -S. Drew has a shop to rent north of the bridge. Soo advt.-A detachment of Brussels Salvationists wont to Seaford' on Wednesday even. ing to take part in the jubilee. -The Sunday Schools aro talking pic•nic's now.—Short sermons are in order now until cool weather comes again. -Our school teachers attended the Convention at Clinton tlus week. Dennis has beau rushing quite n trade in baby carriages this season. -Tho early closing arrangement with the drug;ists has fallen through. - Business, although quiet, Is not, bad for this time of year and our merohauts look hopefully to the summer and fall trade. -We are forcibly reminded 'literate of the insurance company of the flight of time by the announce - the tonsorial business in Ayr at pies- provements on the residence of Jas. ent.-David Dobson, wife and family, left Seaforth for Kansas last Monday. 1Ir, Dobson is greatly taken up with that section of country, and thinks It is just the place. He has au amber is a great lover of the beautiful. --D. of old friends in the section of cone. I isLa great rey ataos lover ot a stable u his lot manytry where ho intends locating. Ilan on Queen street, The foundation for friends wish him God speed". pees In It it strop ger men offallshows a rea d y e' Drew°, William street, are about com- plete. He has now a very commod- ious house containing 16 rooms: -1t'. C. Rogers has his flower garden in splendid shape tins summer. F. 0. his western home, and will have a warm welcome for him when be sees` fit to return, -L. W. Gerry started for London on Wednesday. Ho Is on his way to Detroit, whore he pur• poses taking a trip on the lakes from Cleveland 13 Mackinac, with the es• pectation of improving his health. -- James Hicks leaves for tho Northwest this week. Ho will look after his real estate in that country this sum- mer, Mies M. Hostile is visiting her uncle, Dr. Hutchinson, of this place. --Wm, Halliday, of Goderich, is home on a visit. -Salem Armstrong, of Brussels, has gone to Oakville, where lie will be engaged in null- wrigbtiug.--tIlss Ph(nbe Armstrong is visiting friends at Petrolia.-IIrs. Geo. Armstrong is away at Bervie for a few weelre.-Thos. Fletcher and wife and J. M. Struthers attended tho wedding of Ur, Burrows and Miss Struthers, of Stratford, last Weduos- day,--Mrs, John 1 t ,dnws Mike of going to England for a trip this Bum• mote--lltds Adams and Miss Richard - doll, teachers, tiro away at the Teach- ere' Convention at Clinton, his new brick residence is also finish• ed. -The fire engine was talion to the dant last Wednesday and the tank at the corner of Church and Turnberry streets filled, --The funeral of Mrs. McConnell took place last Friday aft. ernoou, Rev. W. T. Club' oll'ileiated. -The engine house and dyeing rooms at Howe's woolen mill is aboutfinish- ed.--The residents of Mill street are well satisfied with the thorough and very necessary repairs to the side- walk on that street, -The street has been opened one block south of the street leading into the Graham sur- vey, 8011111 of 13rueeels,--Mrs. Wil• hams has complained to us of the annoyance she has to endure by being called names by boys who should know better. Boys, don't torment an old body no matter who they are, it is not a good sign. -1+'. Uren brought his camera to the park last Wednes• day evening and photographed the cricket club. Some of the pictures will surely bo sent to grace the Gov eminent halls, --Say, wouldn't it be a good idea to sooure Riol for village councillor fot' next year. It le thought, almost universally, that he deeort'os 51020 sev01:0 pnui8hn1ent, Ile 00111(1 be mule n senator or revieing hnrriet• er if he stoop it well for a year, - Some llrussolitos are following a very fashionable pritctioo of other totvog, viz, liorsobaelc riding, 1t does not always torn out satisfactory though, -13 id reported that some person, or Persons, effected an entrance into W. Niglltingalo'e store Saturdaynigh3 and helped tllomselvee to silk hand- kerchiefs, 'These petty thefts itppeer to be carried on in (1)tite It profeseioil- al style. The thievos should be spit. ted,--Plie %tavernsing car of Doris' oirene passed Brussels last Wodnee• day evening. --Six or eight teams went to Arthur last Monday, to haul back the tvoolen machinery purchased by Geo. Bowe for the woiluu mill I1mre. A now Wheelock engine will be put in and everything will be buzzing in a few whops.-Distt'iet Orange Lodge met in town ou Tours lay of this weak. -Seo tho advt. of cottage fur sale, in this issue. MARRIED. TA3Lo11—C,tLDDI3Ic,—At the residence of ilia bride's parents 111 Morris, oh tho 17tH inst., by Rev, W. T. Ubuff, of Brussels, 11r, Dougald Taylor, to bliss Lizzie Caldbick, both of Morris. Stvuxsms-Suexn,-In Toronto, on Thurs- day, Juno 11th, at the rusiduaa) tit the bride's sister, by the ltev. J. 3f, Camp- bell, Mr. Sinclair Swanson, late of Caithness, Seotlaud, to Bliss Annie, second daughter of 11x. J. Shand, Bras. sets. 1L3a•Ue?:5O18 1FXctirlrc)t. Co111la0TED UAnes0LL0 El MI): Wxsa. Whits Fall Wheat.... ., ,85 85 Rod Winter 83 82 Spring Wheat 83 85 Barley 40 00 Oats ...... 80 Peas 07 Butter, tube and rolls 10 Eggs per dozen 11 Flour per barrel 5 00 Potatoes... 25 1Iay per ton 8 00 Bides por !b 8 Dressed Hog 5 50 Salt por bbl., wholesale 00 Sheep skins, each 50 Wool 143 00 00 1 00 00 0 00 Si 5 50 80 1 0-) 18 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. rp0 RENT. -THAT CONVENIENT .L shop North of the bridge, can be used for a works eon or Store -house, 00.61 App17 to $. 1RRWE, V'QANTED.-AN AGENT FOR A t fast 0011308 article, referencia required, Apply to W. 0. ELDLR, Wingham. -FOAM TO RENT. -LOT 12, CON. 7, Grey. will be rented for four or five years. 'mare acres wheat sown. auction plowing doePossession giveat any time, JOHN MrINTOSH. 80(33 TO ARM FOR SALE. -THAI' VAL- nabloAarm,beingcomposed or the north ha f of lots "0.20 sC 80, con. 2, Morris, 300 acres. Terms easy. Apply nu (130 premises. n. FRALICI( ULL FOR SERVICE. -THE subscriber has a thor0'orOd Durham null for service on lot 6. con, 6, Grey, Terms, 51, if paid at time of service, or 51,23 t0 be paid 1 stJanuary, 1890, with privilege of returning. THOS, SMITH, Proprietor. DASTURAGE.-THE SUB - scriber Lae n largo quantity of pasture on south half lot 18, eon, 6. Morris, and is prlp0r- od to take either horses or oattlo. Por terms apply to DAVID xutXCUNNPropeietor. COLT STRAYED. -CAME ON the promises of tho undersigned, lot 22, son. 12, Groy. on or aim at !tiny 2 Ali a 2 year old mare colt, Tho owner is rnqquested to prove property, pay expenses and take her savvy-, or 1t will be Sold as the law threats. 48-4. CONRAD NWABLE, QIIINGLES.-ANYONE WANT - k..1 tog vino or cedar ehinglea, 4hou[d order from the undersigned, who will sell them from 25 cents 30 01.00 per bundle. 48 0• 00N1tdD N81LOGL0,'wn. 12, Grey num,. FOR SPI3VICE.-TUE JtJ uudarsigted will keep for service on lot 22, eon, 12, Grey, a thoroughbred Durham Bull Boaoousnold 4th. Torras for season 81,00 par oow with the privilege of returniug if nonos- sary, -2 be paid • cJOHNltrt 1CARNOC1AN, Prop. n• T ARGE DRIVING BARN TO IlJ rNsT T110 bulldtug i, situated uu Tables strast opuos[to the Quoeu'd hotel 040010, would bo suitable for u livery stable, For terms, which are liberal, apply to 43-4t Janx AMWN'l', Brussels. WL STRAYED FROM THE promises of the undersigned, about two weeks ago, Boo Is white In color with a dark nolo, Any information loading to her rceovory will be thankfuliyr0oniyod, Word may be lett tit rued Pen, Publishing Hover, S. W100013, Brussels, reARM FOR SALE. -BEING N .. of lot 28, 000. 8, Morris, lying within 3 miles of Bru0so10. 87 nares aro cleared and meetly under grass, balance wsrdwood bush. Oood buildings, fouoo5, axon aid, do. Ear par.Centers apply to 0140. FO1RSYTH. N.B.—Also a hist -class yoke of oxen for sale. 8031 rIOTTAGFa FOR SALE. -THE h,nttetaigaoil will toll the comfortable cot- tage on Elisabeth street, or would 0x0)10550 it for other property, For rtill parttouhars a to prloos,torme, Oto., mealy t0 wni. Nr•.wsotts,Bruosnls, Toturiasnian 130AR FOR SER- vxcit.--'rho Undersigned will keep a Env. 4otuhg110br,eMd 3031o0r1k0,sh4i1r0a 1b16urtrwfoorm5i7(0la0nn a Botru2s7•, 0,10, - 1011001' Lad" was bred by 31. o y00011111, and wan aired by LordWellington, bred 10, England; damLad. Naly, 10, got byPriho 1,o, 140bred by E. rowmbs,ng1, This wall radpl.was far. ed Jan. 511, 1882, Tar330 bo paid at thus of service, with v11 „) of retuning, JA1405 i!. 1iIr05lttnr.it nceeseary' 40.010 BANKING. "t /1 oIN`l'OSII t1 MrTAGUAI;T, BANKERS BRUSSELS'," TRANSACT A GENERA It BANKING 1)USIN1:;3S, NOtos of hauddlsnouhtod. Interestallowedon deposits repayable, 05 iteuaud. 1'romptattontiouglvoo 400ull33ati0ns, -s W1AL AND CONVEYANCING. a 1L'li'Al�ll EL1)I0I', LAW �1 Olnou, t}rnni's Block, llr0ssels, Money toloan. _0 E. WADE, BARRISTER, See. 0 011.1ao formerly occupied. oy A, J. Mo O011,14eq„1.0 Lookle's 1111,54. Money to lend. UTa13. 1)ICICSON, V2' thanwithCarrow.el'routlfoot,Oodo- , rioh) $olloi(orConveyun(nr, ho. Cabs In ttruu is lllook, (rnssols. Money to0,805, .LEX. IIUNTEII, CLEIER OP -ca.. the rourtlt D,violon Court Co, Huron, Conveyancer,N0tnry Pub11e,L tnd,Loan and Insurance Ascent, Funds lnyosiodand to Loan', Oollootions made, Unice, Uraham'a Block Brussel MEDICAL CARDS. A, MONAUt3'1ITON, AL D., C. 0 \f., L, 10,0, P„rldlnburgb, Physician, burgeon and .i,aeu,u0ur, Wilco 114 Looklere 111500, over Doudman's drug store. ea • A, HU1CIHINSON, M. 3), L. R. C. P. Edinburgh. =Has removed tubus residence on mai Street thonuuee formerly ow:timed by Dr. Graham, and ,0.111 be tuoro at ingot, ao still retains all oaten at Hargreaves' .14 ug Store, DENTAL. (4 L. BALL, L. D. a. HONOR N_t 0 Uradunte and .11..1.11nor of 180 btuy.t College1315015, Dental itoooSrtore ,agia w 0tnuu Wednesday, Boss peanut,' pains raxuu i.1 all operations. .lours 00.m, (0 2 0,40. BUSINESS CARDS, M ISS O'CONNOR, TEACTIElt mental of oualPiano Organ Buil Uult,Tatru. Reference -Ladles of Loretto, Guelph. itesWenee•-No, v, (south) Brick:Cerrwo, 44-5 nn. Brussels, Uo t, H, AIoCI1ACK.LN, tiV. Issuer Marriage Licenses, Wilco at his grafi, ory,T"rnborry street, 12-24 TWIN NOTT,VETERINARY $urgeon,Graduatof Ontario Veterinary onollege uplled by Mrs ,Jt Parker Matnsireot , Brut - sole. AioNAIl1,ISSUER 012MAB- riogo Liaeneos, by appointment of niOooyeyan,erand Agent Fire Insurner ance Cod Oh100 at th oUranbrook Poe tOfaoe _MILLINERY & HAIR DI -1E86' - 171g dorso by Mrs. Turnbull. R091. deuce—North of sohout Leu s0, center of Mo. (haute street, Brussels. (Dun -We would recommend Mrs. 1t. Turnbull to the oltizeue of Brussels es a good straw nl(litner. While inLakeheld she gave heed ne.t,aliwtlen 50 her customers in making over and dylug felt end straw huts, R. Graham R Sou. 45.41u R©BT. CUNNINGHAAI, Insurance Agent, GUELPH, ONTARIo.a ®® C 011 D S OF TANBARK wanted. To be delivered at Brus- sels, Ethel or Heufrym stations. Highest cash pries will be paid. Before soiling elsewhere apply to tiro undersigned, 40.27 D, w, DUNBAR, mole', THOS, FLETCHER, ?radical Watahmakor and Jewalor, Gold Watches, Silver Plotted Ware, Silver, Watches, Clocks, Gold Rings, Violins, Etc, _ I keep a full line of good usually kept in a first-class Jewelry store„ Call and examino, no trouble to show Goods. Issiter of Marriage Licenses. Agent for Ocean Tickets, Amor- kali Express Company and Groat Northwestern telegraph Company. g' STATE NOTICE. 1205I0E TO CREAIr7'ORS.. Pursuant to the Aat40, Via. Clap,2i0ntario) the creditors 03 John Bample, the alder, late of thn Township of Gray, in the ()aunty of 14nron, yeoman, 'who died on or about the )6th day of April, 1886 and others having a1Aimg fa respect to his estate aro hereby netiil ed to sand, on et before the 171th any of July, 1803, to Donald arcLauchlan, at Brussels P. 0„ Due of the executors of rho 11015011M se. tato and wrote of the said deceased their 0811180 and addresses, aid the 011)1 pin'(loulaes of dell claims and. at the securltioa, if any, Y properly atto510 )' and nine that immediately after 100 said date the as. sate of the seta deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled eh oro to,11nyih g m- ilord only to elating of whiolt the exoc)tore then have notice, and the rummages wilt not bo liable for any riot, 80 distributed to any }Larson of tvhoso claim they shall not have 11ud notion. nt Oroy, this 16th day of duno,1081, D01,1Ar,D braLAt10FILIN 80.10DN0AN ittoLAl701 LI0'}E1l05U3 re,