HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-6-19, Page 7luxe 19, 11387. THE EIRU36FILS POST.
IIKIMMIWNSIMMISTIIMITINVII131•1111!.11!.6131,COVALIUMI01,0!VIRellan/INFIANOOMMIWY1110.1,120011 ' _LARRUSIS011.11AFOZen9q02111r71,111,11, ....1111Zinelim•661WADMIISENMEMalarl}111139111M.11611.41....M•AIIMMOZ
were waiting to 008100.
Whou he ontorod Madgo's apartinont,
she grootod him with tho words, "What
a silly thing I did I"
"Nob at all, trot at all. You made
your exit graoefully, and elation/P.1 the
plaudits which a brave girl like you
wouldieb enjoy. 1 take oll Inv hat to
you, As we OollUtry.1011s13 Nay. YOU itre
a horoine,-110 good a doctor rie I On
shore and a bolter ono in tho water.
Where 111(3 yon Mare it all 7"
"Nonseuso !" said Madge, "nothing
would vex me morn than to have a
made over the affair. I'm all as mimeo
as a 11, c. What's that little lama to
ono who leas boon amid to awiniedog 31)
the Pacific I As I s)1id, 1 saw a girl remtor-
ad (moo. 81111 Mr. Wayland 11114 o Ida,' sod
1:11 1110 again and again just what, to do."
"Oh vos, iles all simple enough if yon.
lcoow now, but that's just the trouble.
In all that crowd I don't bellow] thero
was olio who would not linso (lone the
wrong thing. Woll, woll, I eau manago
now if I'M obeyed. You've had a good
deal 01 a alloolt, and you Joust keop
quiot till to-inorrow. Then 111 see. '
Madge littighiugly protested that no-
thiug would pima° 'tor better than 11
good supper and a good book "Pleaso
give out also," she said, "that any refer-
eneci to tbo affair will have it very in-
jnrioua influence on 100."
in spite of tbo doctor, mossagea and
flowers poured in. At last Mrs. Wilder
came and said to )Ira, Muir, "I must
son her, if it is safe."
"It's sale enough," Mrs. Muir began,
"only M doesn't liko so much made
at it."
"7 won't say much," pleaded. the
-her. Sho not my anything, but
her arms animal Madge and pressed
lior toar.stainecl face twou the young
ri's bosom in long, passinuato 011lbtllOO,
1110)11:01101 back to her roatorod treit-
. ro, who was stooping quietly. Aladgo's
coos wore wet also, as she Mimed her
face to the wall and breathed softly to
herself, Who toyer happons now—mal
it's plain 011.4411 what will hitppon—I
did not got ';'nil.f vain. Graydon
can novo.- tithe.; iiie ititogothar Words and
lackadaisical 14 1111, and I hove sm od
ono wasiall'S heart from anguish, how-
ever niy own may ache."
MAKI: 1:001) TIMMS.
Graydon's uppermost thought now
WU 10 t(Ike his peace with Madge. Ho
dismiased all his former thoories about
her WI aliainal, and Mt that, wl fold tor ho
underatooil her or not, she had 1.-001110
a splendid woman, of whose Iriondship
he might well be proud, mei accept it on
I lu also
1.11)' 1011118 that plumed her,
was 8010 1111(1.11 Mtsa Wildra ere's prejudicos
would ho lianishod at onoe and forever
by Madge's heroism, hellos -Mg that the
girl's hostilo fooling was duo ouly to the
natural jealousy of social rivals. "If
Stella does not rogard illadgo's action
with generous enthusiasm, I 811011 think
tho worso 01 1101'," wits his masculine
The wily girl was not so obtuse 11.8 t'
he unaware of this, and *boo ho eamo
down She said all ho could wish 11praiso
of Madge, but took pains to mimeo up-
on his own courage. At this ho pooh-
poolual ompliatically. "What was that
flock -pond of a lako to a man he said.
Mobil horatilf has beernne an expert
oviamswiei mos, I run told. Sho wasn't
afraid of the wator. It was her skill in
finding the child beneath it, 01111 10 re.
suseitation afterward, that chiefly coul-
namals adiniratiou."
"Oh, dear !" cried dm girl, "what can
I do to corm -nand your adiniration 7"
"You know well, Miss Wildinero, that
you 003011101111 11111011 more."
She blushed. aufilod, and looked
roionticl a little approhonsivoly.
"Don't bo alarmed," lin added ; "I
havo such eonildeue.o in you that I will
bido yonr time."
title]: you, Graydon," sho wl livered,
mid hastened away, leaving him su-
premely happy, It was tho first Ono
film had called him Graydon."
Seeing Dr. Sommers enlarging from
the hotol, he Installed after him, bent
on 1100U101 (1 poacceolIering for Madge,
--1110 finest horse that could bo had in
the region.
"1 kuow of ono a few miles from
hose," said tho doctor. "He's a splendid
animal, 1)1111 )1 high mid mighty stoppor.
I don't halloo° that 0100 8110 could 311011-
0(40 1)11)1.
"I'll broak him in for her, nover 1001.
Of course I won't lot her take any risks."
"Well, leave it to me, then. I eau
manago it. Ho's awfully lioadstvong,
though. 1 give you fair warning."
"Talco 1110 to 800 him as soon as y011
Can 3 tho horse1 nioan, or rathor, both
num horso."
"To -morrow morning, thou. I have
potion ts out that way."
At supper 01111 during tho ovoning
Madgo 0)1(1 1101' exploit wow the themes
of con versation, Soma triad. to givo Gray.
don a part of tho credit, bot ho laughed
so co n toinntu ously at tho idea that lao aqua
let alono. floury Mule did not say
1111.1011, but lookod a, gnat deal, and with
Graydon listenod attentively as his with
explained how it was that Madgo had
provoil equal to the onmagoney.
"Why don't more people follow het
examplo 9" said tho practical man, "and
loam to do something dofinito ? As she
oxplains tho rescue,. them WSW nothing
reinarkablo ill it. If sho could swini
and diva in the ocean for sport, sho
mold not bo much afraid to do the
mum in that 80.011110(1 Miro, to save lifo.
As to her action on shore, tho knowledg0
she used is given 111 books and In01111015.
What's more, Rho lias soon it done. Bob
most people 1110 80 pointloss and shiftless
that thoy never know just What to do
in an emorgeney, no matter what Viola
opportuuitios for information may have
"Now you hit ino," Graydon remark..
ed "bolt to myaell 1 ahould
havo ilobiliod tho young ouu, for I was
about 3)0 run to tho hotel with her, a
emirs() that 1(1011 1(00 would, be as fatS1
115 idioSio,"
"Madge SAM" 00111111111011,
"that 01,33. 115011 to bathe a great deal,
mat that Mr. Wayland exphtinoil just
what should ho dam lo all the possible
otoorgeueies of thoir 00141001 life at
Santa 11,1rhara,"
0 Way Mud is a level.headed man. If
ho ia bookish, ha% not a dreamer with
his howl 111 tho clouds. Madge was in
good hands with them, Oat proves it
uvory ilay."
"I think sho iihows the 1011110mo of
Mrs. Wayland 01011 niore than that of
her ilu$15111d. Fanny is a very (mom-
plishod woman, and arm (1(4)08.11 dual of
sooloty her younger clays."
"Confound it all I Why didn't you
11,11 1101 that 71101(40 11011 been living WW1
LN10 aritgOlIS ?" said tharlotl,
"uh,yon have been So occupied with
windier pe.r.ofou that there hos 11011 110011
much chainiu to tell you anythiug," was
Mrs. Mribea eonaoling reply.
"Madge Ilya 11011 1)0)10 made what she
38 11)' pii ragona."Mr. Muir remarked dry.
iy. "Silo made horsolf. They only
imipoil her, and couldn't have helped a
slily woillan."
"It's tita0 you were jealoua, Mary,"
said Graydon, laughing.
"Mary isn't 0. oiliy woman, I should
hope that 110 Muir would marry ono."
"I: sec no P1081)001 of it," was the
rather cold reply.
"1 foar 1500 a Worse prospect," was
his brother's thorght. "Of what use
are his oyes or senties after What ho has
aeon to -day."
Mrs. Muir had explained to some lady
friends about Madge, and tho informa-
tion WM pasaing into general °Imola.
tion,—the ladies rapidly coining to the
conolusion that the youug girl's action
was 11011 50 rowarlsablo after all, which
WAS enough. The men, however,
retainoil their onthusiastio admiration,
although it must lei admitted that its
inspiratiou VIA due largely to Madge's
"Of course wouum have don° bravor
things," said one man, with sporting
tondencies, "but it was the twat, gamy
way in which she diet it that took my
eye. Her method avas as complete and
rounded out as herself. Joao I as she
bent over that child she was a nymph
that woold turn the head of of a Greek."
"She has evidently turned the head
of a Cyprian." laughed ono c.,f his
"Come, that's putting it too strong,"
said the man, with a frown. "I'll affect
no airs, though. I'm not a saint, aa you
all know, but tho aspect 01 11111111 girl, in
her solf-forgetfuleffort, might well make
Ina wish I wero one. She is as good
and pure -hearted as the child she saved.
If there had been a flaw in the white
marble of her nature she would havu
boon self-conscious. Al angel from
henvon couldn't have been 1h0111 absuab-
ed 111 the ono impulse to savo."
Graydon had approached the group
unobserved, ma(1 1)umit. these words. 1 -lo
walkod away, smiling, with tho thought,
"My sentiments, clearly expressed.'
Tho night was warm, mid ho saw Miss
Wildman and Arnault going out for a
stroll. Following a half-delined
tion, ho bent his stems toward filo lake.
Tho moon was mirrored in its glassy
sorface, the place silent 111111 descirtoil.
With slight effort 01 fancy ho called up
the scouo again. He saw M the moon-
light tho fairy form of the child, ancl
what even othera had regarded as tho
embodiment of human loveliuess mid
truth bonding over it.
"And sho was tho little ghost that
once haunted me," ho thought, " and
mime(1 all eyes mid affeetinn. How
thoso eyes used to welcome null turn to
1110, as if in aome subtile way sho thew
from me tho power to exist at all. I
aviall I could follow the processes of hor
Mango from the hour of our parting,
and see how I passed froro what I was
to her to what 1 am now. Stella, iu
horsolf, is all that I could ult. for a with,
but I don't liko her family 11111011 hotter
than Henry (loes. Confound the fath)r!
Why should 110 00 niix his daughtor 3.137
in his stimulation that she dare not dis-
miss Arnault at onco and follow her
heart If woro not 45 good-natured
mom I wouldn't submit to it. As it is,
81000 I am sure of the girl, I supposo I
ahould givo nefereimilias 11+ ohm= to
tura himsolf ; hot 1118.110 tide jumbling
of Wall street with affairs 01 11110 heart.
It mown% mu that sho must play with
that follow for financial reasons, and
that 110, conscious of power, may
use lauguago which she would not
dam to resont. I can't imagine Madge
in 50011 a position," and ho rebutted.
As ho approached lltrs. Utiir's door bo
hoard the sound of voices and latgliter,
and plainly those of his brother and
1Idgo Tii rosponso to his knock )(rm.
Muni oponed tho door a little way, and
ho caught 11 glimpse of Henry.
"Well 9" said Mrs. Muir.
"It's not well at all," ho bogan in an
siggrioved tone. "Horo's 11 family party,
and I'm abut out in outer darkness.
What have I done to bo banished from
leomo 7"
" 'Whafief banishod but sot ftoe' 2"
trillod out Madge. "0 Graydon, I'm
not fit to bo B001.1 I"
"I1OW Call 7 1(110101(11010that 0111088loas I soe
y011 ?"
"Nonsense, Madge 1" expostulatod hot
sieter,i"you look aTarrning, Why put
on 0420 As bo says, itie a family
party. Lot him join iu our fell ;" and,
without waiting for further objootiona,
sho brought him in and gave him a
"Now this warms au exile's heatt,"
he bogan. "1.1 you had shut tho door
on roe I should havo rtskod Honly to
send mo back to tiropo. Mary's tight,
tiadgo ; you do look charming,'
And so sho did, blushing and langh- 1 Scott
nig 111 nor oda t,y wrappor, ein 114.)
11111g, III& fathom 00e1 Mir 8110111)101a and
111-11311 1)3' a ribiloo,
w ((011(11) 11 3)1101) yon aro in snob a
deaorted mid dimeonaolate eunditiou ? "
111'O"l Mary.
") 11111 111)11 1) 51101.1 n condition, Since
1110''.) ((4 your thronlinlii, 1 11111(1 het 0111))
Gell wanton!, itsolf. lutiond, I rogar(1
VH(!if 115 the /1100t fa) °roil man in tho
hOliKe, for 1, nrst of ail, 11111 ablo to lay
0)31 homago at Aiatige feet."
"Lot me 10)1111 30(1 from the start that
it will prove 11 stamhiing Nook in both
our pallia," Bahl tho girl. "Did you not
receive toy 111058143a 1 Tint, then itaf
obtlpid to thiuk you will evea consider
"1 haw) boon considering you a groat
deal mom than you think, especially
aince you metaphorically boxed my
oars this morning, and took away lily
broath generally thia afternoon."
"You sown to havo plenty left."
"Oh, I'm recovernig. Reason is try.
ing to scramblo back on her throne. I've
beon Out to the lalco alone in tho moom
light, and have had the whole scene
Orer again, to 11881111myaelf that it was
sold." "
"What! You have not hoeu in the
MAIN sritser, LatTssns
Wino beetquallty always club amit and (lolly
eroa anypartotello Viliagetroo 01 )115755
a'Eufes very Favorable.
o rwhlob e 11.15Lest market price Ivil s
Iola° 158110 8. P°°»1iyo1buy1ng111dsoan,4
Elkins . Dwi'lrerget the Ylare, nextri net
la icher's.levvellr3S tore .
The undersigned begs leave to annonneo to
the Public generally that he has purehased
the Entire Stook of D. Frain, harness
maker, and hayin brought a Large Stook
of his Own Make ,he is prepared to Com-
pete with the Olmapest, 110 110 Buys Strictly
for Cash A Complete Stook of
And Everything in the Ilioncss Lin
Hai:1108a niado to Order front 11051 1011
tonal en Shortest Notice.
Repairing Promptly Attended to.
m- A Ua olicited before Purchasing
ta- Don'tforget the alaco,in Dr Graham s
Block, D.Erain's Old Stand, Main Stroet,
C. H, Maddaugh
bogs leave to notify the people of Brussels
and sorrouncling country that he luta open-
ed a shop in GRANT'S BLOCK, formerly
monied. by W. H. Morris, where he will bo
plumed to attend to the wants of all favor-
ing him with their orders. Tim best of
5l1.11151 3%0111011 guaranteed.
The above reword will be paid
any 11010011 who funishos sucli in.
formation as will lead to thc con-
viction of porsons violating tho
municipality. The strictest sec-
recy in keopmg tho nal= of the
person giving the information.
33Y 011DII31 OF THE
Act Association.
The undersigned In returning thanks to the Peopic, Cranlizook
and Surrounding Country for their Liberal l'atrenage during the past
8 years would respectfully intimate that he luts again resumed
and will be 10111.1(1 at the Old Stand, ready to attend to the Wants
of his Customers.
:KI1\1- 1 )S OF k,TO A-RTI\TG-
will be Under the Management of a First -Class :Mechanic.
Repairi723g of 11 Itiiicl attended to.
We aso Make a iSpeoi (ay of .Vew Woph (.J'ot up
im FI7'8t-CCGSS Sty and altaPan teed
t o Give iSatz,sfaction.
Wo are the Only Firm in the Dominion of Canada Manufacturing the
Victoria noacl. Cut,
allowed by Competent Judges to be the Best of An two wheel Vehicles.
Intending Purchasers Should Call and Examine.
Wm. Vaud= 84 S622.09 Proprietorz.
We have much pleas= 01 announcing to the public that our Nov
Roller Mill is in Complete Dunning Order and is giving the Best Sath--
We also mak° the following Brands of Flour
Patent, Jersey Lily, Canadian's Pride and
Snow Storm.
Gristing Attended to with Promptness.
HI_A_SrlE1 :ET -u-R,ol\T
all made of the Best Material and finished in a workman -like manner
Repairing and Painting Promptly Attended to,
Parties intending to buy should call before
Bromuniess.—Marsden Smith, B. Laing, James Cutt and William
McKeboy, Grey township ; Wm. Cameron, Will. Little, Geo. Brewar
and David Breckenridge, Morris township ; Thos. Town and William
Blashill, Brussels ; Bev. E. A. Fear, Kirkton, and T. Wright, Turn.
borry township.