HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-6-19, Page 5ev
dnt;w 19. 11386,
Rev. J. L. Kerr, of Brussels, has
been invited by the Orange Lodge of
this place to preach to them on Sun.
day evening, July 12tb.
A painful, and what might havo
been a fatal accident happened ou the
fitrm of Thus. Maunders, near Ethel,
last week. It appears that a young
man named Jolla Nioholae took aim
at a crow sitting on the ground and
the ball missing its mark struck a
stone aucl glanced shout 70 rods,
striking William Sbnrp, who is en-
gaged with Mr. Maunders, on the
jaw.bono, inflicting a nasty wound.
Mr. Maunders had medical assistance
summoned at onto and the ball was
oxtrected. Nicholas says the shoot-
ing was purply accidental.
Mrs; D. B. McRae is visiting in
Blyth.—I. J. Tuck has gone to To•
route to look for a situation itis said.
—Robert Leckie, accompanied by his
daughter Mrs, Slemmon purpose tak-
ing a pleasure trip to Sarnia and
thence to Toronto. They leave here
on Thursday to take the train. We
wish them it pleasant journey.—The
Rev. Heudorson, of Attwood, is ex•
acted to preach in Knox Church on
Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock.—On
retnrday evening at 8 o'clock Mr.
(Joutts will meet the young people of
tine place at Knox church for the
purpose of orgauizing a choir. \Vo
trust that everyone claming to im-
prove their musical talent will talc°
advantage of this opportunity as Mr,
Coutts is an efficient teacher of mus•
ic.—Our taaoher is attending tho
Teachers' Convention at Clinton this
week.—Upwards of 80 pupils aro in
attendance at our public school.
Homo talk of a celobratiou hero on
Dominion Day,
The grangers will exourt from here
to Guelph on July let.
A new uniform is in course of prep•
aration for the town band.
The Vtdelte is now run by J. T.
Mitchell. Mr. Galbraith has with-
drawn from the business.
J. Patterson, the new proprietor of
the Exchange hotel, provides tea and
coffee for the lady cellars at a small
There are two cricket clubs, two
football clubs, two lacroese clubs and
a base base ball club in town this
A. circus is to visit this burgh dur-
ingitho mouth of July. The smell
boy is on the watch for the mammoth
At the meeting of the High Court
of Foresters at Peterboro, Mayor Nee•
land, of this town, was elected R.W,E.
Rey. G. 1i. Cornish, who has so
ably filled the pulpit of the Methodist
Church, for the past 8 years, will
shortly remove to Stratford.
Pisces forth.
Doris' circus will exhibit here on
Thursday, July 2nd.
E. bloFaul was called to New York
last week to attend the funeral of his
The retired farmers livining in Sea -
forth and l ginondvillo are arranging
for a football match.
John Beattie is a candidate for the
Police Magistracy for the County.
.40 would make a tip-top one 11.9 he
has good judgment and a fair know.
ledge of law.
The horse ease of Rehill vs. Horton
Dame up for trial in Godorich on
Tuesday of hist week and resulted in
Mr. Rehill mulcting the defendant to
the tune of $185. The naso arose
out of a trade made by Mr. Robill as
ho supposed with one Morrison, of
Usborne, in whioh he (Mr. Rehill)
was assisted by the defendant, Henry
Horton, and it transpired afterwards
that Horton was in reality the owner
of the horse which 11'lr. Bobill got, a
job having been put up between the
two defenclants to get a horse which
Rehill had. They succeeded in get-
ting the horse which resulted in this
lawsuit and will cost them about $400.
A rather expensive horse.
l;.iO towel.
• The Scott Aat vote on the 18th is
the all absorbing topic.
Doris' circus and menagerie will
show in town on July 6111.
Toeay roit cricket club the town club oniThurs
edd to play the
of this week.
A. "soap" man was fined $20 and
costs for selling soap and money on
our streets.
Rev. Mr. Turnbull, the new incum-
bent of Christ's Church, conducted
tato services last Sunday.
The Army barrack° was raided the
other night and the dram heads nut
to plena, The dirty sneak is not
40 011.
A. W. Feathoratone, nursery agent
at Attwood, lino purcltaeed N. Tilt's
brick reeidonco and property on auk •
°ratan street,
At the aunital meeting of rho High
Court Canadian Order of Foresters,
hold last week; at Poterboro', 1t. Ell-
iott, of tine town, wee re•oleoted Might
Worthy High Chief hanger.
At the market hold liore on the
5111 inst., 10 factories registered it,•
987 hove, chiefly last half of May
make. The bulk was sold at from
6e. to Ole. Next market on the 18th
Jas. 8. Bryans loft bore ou 'Tues-
day of last week to attend the funeral
of his brother, Samuel Bryans, at
Garden Hill, East Durham who was
killed by lightning during the strom
on Sunday,
A. suit against tho corporation for
;500 damages has been entered by
Messrs. Darling & Maybe° on behalf
of a Aire. Eseon, who claims to have
sustained injuries iu consequence of
having stepped off the eidewallc on
Main street, during a dark night a
week or two ago,
Tho Standard says :—Harris' cir-
cus exhibited here on Friday last to
small "houses." The show was set
down as a fraud by the majority of
those who "took it in," or rather, who
were taken in by it. For a small
show it appeared to excel in ono feot-
tue, namely, in the number of toughs
who accompanied it.
Tho Standard says :—A wealthy
farmer from Wallace, whose name is
withheld for the present, was taken
before the Mayor a few clays ago by
constable Osborne, the complaint be-
ing that the individual had been Limit-
ing tipples through the town and sell.
iug them at a cent each. We under-
stand that the culprit settled the trou-
ble by paying $2, When it was con-
sidered that the farmer is the owner
of 800 acres of land and has "heaps',
of wealth beeidee, the "size" of the
man can be taken without requiring
a very severe mental strain.
Rich. Armstrong is getting every-
thing ready for the erection of a new
Geo. Armstroug is making prepar-
ations for building a house on his
farm, just out of Brussels.
John Taylor arrived home on Mon-
day evening, after a week's pleasant
sojourn at Sault Sto. Marie.
The violent storm of Sunday, of
last weak, washed out a field of oats
completely, to the north of us, and
the farmer had to sow it again.
A. largo, brink veneered, addition,
with cellar underneath, is being erect.
ed to the residence of Alex Bryan, a
little south of Jamestown. Mr. Bry-
an has a good farm,
The question naturally arises who
is next on the matrimonial market ?
There aro'a number who are reported
to be on the qui vivo.
The township Council will meet a
week from next Afoday, at the town-
ship hall, for the transaction of busi-
James M. Martin has a thoro•bred
Berkshire boar for servioe, oa lot 27,
4111 line of this township. See advt.
in another column.
The length of fall wheat referred to
last week should have been 4 feet, 4
inches. This sample was pulled on
the 8th inst.
James Grieve, who is a lover of a
good horse, has had bad luck this
spring. He first lost a spring foal
and fast week a valuable youug horse
was badly injured by running against
a barbed wire fence in tho pasture
iSABJATn Sonoma—The Sabbath
School in Aldridge'a school house
commeneedlast Sunday. There wore
about 40 children and a number of
parents present. The exorcises began
with a few remarlto from the super.
intendant, who expressed himself as
having much pleasure in meeting
with them to collimate° Sabbath
School work and he hoped the bless-
ing of the Lord would rest upon their
labors, In order that the school
would be a success it was necessary
that the superintendent, teachers and
scholars be regular in attendance
Tho 100rith psalm waa then sung, C,
l3. Harris loading, after which the
superintendent lead in prayer, M.
Black, teacher of the day ecbool, then
classed the children. After the sing-
ing of a hymn, the superintendent
called upon Ali. Bone to engage iu
prayer. He pleaded earnestly :for the
.Divine blessing to rest upon the „work
which they had now undortalcen. The
sobool was then dismissed. The
teachers aro—Miss Mary Ireland,
Mise Maggie Mason, Miss 0. Barr,
M. Black, Jno. Mason, Jas. Ireland,
and J. Cantolon. Q. Anderson li•
brarian. A library and papers for the
use of the school, ha von been bought.
Ilrnntemer„--On Wodneedity beet
nuc of those events, which always
oreetes a ripple of excitement, anioug
the fair sex, at least, took plane at
Ilia residonoo of the brido'e parents,
when Dougald Taylor, of Morris,
was united 10 matrimony to Miss Liz•
zie Caldbiek, of the sisna luwusllip,
ul the preemie° of a few invited
Mende. Rev. lir. Cluff, of Brussels,
tied tho nuptial knot, after which the
eompauy partook of it bountiful rm-
paet, prepared by the hostess iu ex•
uollent style. After satisfying the
manta of the inner -man, the party
indulged in ai drly° to Wingham, and
returned to the house of Mr, Oaldbick
to enjoy that goutlernan's hospitality,
After spending a few hours in social
enjuymeut, the company departed
for their respective homes, wishiug
that such occasions occurred more
frequsutly. Among those present
were A. T. McMahon, wife and fami.
ly, of Loudon ; R. Martin and wife,
of Tottenham ; Miss Watorwurth, of
Ingersoll, and A. AI. Taylor, of Tor-
onto. 'Phe bride was the recipient of
quite a number of beautiful and cost-
ly presents, among whioh were the
following :—Mrs. A. Taylor, toilet
set; Mrs. N. McNamara, silver oake
basket; Miss Water worth, silver
sugar bowl and spoon holder ; Mrs.
McMahon, silver plctele castor ; Mrs.
11. Martha, silver tenet ; Mrs. J. Tay-
lor, half dozen silver knives and
forks ; John Taylor, half dozen silver
epoone ; A.. M. Taylor, silver butter
dish ; Geo. Caldbick, floral album ;
Strachan Bros., water pitcher ; Mise
Mary Oliver, crystal goblet; J. 8.
Timmins, bread plate ; Miss McKay,
spread ; Thos. Oaldbick, chest tea ;
Mrs. W. A. Oaldbick, cake stand and
bread plate ; bride's mother, Bible ;
Mrs. Peacock, crystal set. The hap-
py couple left on the Thursday morn-
ing train to visit Toronto and other
eastern cities, carrying with them the
best wishes of a largo number of
friends, Miss Kato Oaldbick wee
the bridesmaid, and A. M. Taylor the
A new barn is being erect3rl ou the
farm of Airs, Oalcley.
See the notice from the executors
of the late John Sample, iu this issue.
Frank Hunter received the contract
of painting the school house iu S.S.
No. 8.
Robt. Leckie, whole well known in
this township, has gone to Sarnia on
a visit for a week or two.
Workmen are engaged on the new
barn of Donald MoLaucblin, It is
to be a good one when completed.
Thou. McLaucblin is busy building
a new residence on his farm on the
gravel road, north of Brussels. Wo
understand it to he frame, veneered
with brink.
D. Robertson has just returned
after a ten dave visit to Uncle Sam's
possesalons. He had a "big time,”
wo believe.
J.S.Wilson is 0anvassiug this town-
ship iu the interests of Bradley, Gar-
retson, & Co. of Brantford, book pub-
lishers. The book he has is very highly
recommended as au interesting and ins
struotive work.
Wm. Fulton, con. 16, has raised
his barn and is building an addition
to it. The masons are finishing a
steno stable underneath it. Jno.
Braker and D. Zimmer are doing the
A correepondeut wants to know if
Grey Council intend doing anything
in connection with the Health 13y -law
relating to cheese factories, slaughter
houses, &c. This matter needs atten-
hire. Duncan McDonald has an
auction sale of household effects on
lot 6, con. 14, on Friday of next week.
She intends removing to Michigan to
join her husband who is now there.
A, Dolgatty is the auctioneer.
The Soafortb Sun says:—Mr. Oar•
michael, of this town, saved a man
named McNeil, of Grey, from drown-
ing on Saturday last, he having fallen
into a ditch while in a fit. Mac, prov-
ed to be the Samaritan that time. •
Elias Dickson, 12th non., brought
home a Miss McLeod, from near
Lucknow, to gladden his home, on
Thursday of last week, Our congrat-
ulations are with him, the only thing
we wonder at is that ho did not do it
years ago.
Alex. Stewart, of lot 18, con. 16,
has the boss fall wheat. Out of an
8 acre field he pulled a °talk this week
that measured 5 foot 1 inch. The
wheat is commencing to head out.
Who has anything bettor than this ?
John Stewart has spring wheat over
2 feet high.
The storm of last week took Pat.
Blake's barn off the posts on which
it was resting, carried it several fent
and deposited it so heavily upon the
ground as to damugoit considerably.
Tho wind, rain, thunder and lightning
was something unknown in its vie -
lexica for years.
—A JOB LOT 1)I'=•
lt[en,'c & Boy's IIard & Safe Felt flats,
Bought at 40 Cents on the .ji to be sacrificed at the Garfield House,
Scotch and Canadian Tweeds,
Bought at Ma,nufactu rer's Prices, to be Cleared Cut. Call and in-
spect these Goods at the Garfield House.
A Lot of F ooholaga Gray Gottorts,
Bought for Spot Cash with a big discount. Be Sure and Secure those
Cottons at the Garfield House.
0f our most Sanguine Expectations.
Latest and. Most Becoming Styles,
has made this Department of the Garfield House
Highest Price is Always
^� --FOR--
--A T ----
'r' SAFIL I r CJS'
Cor. Tllrllberry & King Streets,