The Brussels Post, 1885-6-12, Page 8THE BRUSSELS POST
Jima 1'Z, 1885
WOOL!` /l(1 Joseph BRINE and wife, of Seafortb,
WOOL L_l t! • I were in town this {Seek,
I will ha' "u the liruesels lltu'ket
daily, prepared to
thou ;.Irnv '1uantifh of T1ool,
See the largo stook of onvc+ltipee at
Tar. PokiT 1)nblishiug House.
Ales. Joins lesox has gone to In.
vermay fee a visit fur a few menthe,
D. W. DUNBAR, of Ethel, is asking
for 50111 cords of tanbark. See advt,
THE POST for the balauee of 1885 Ray. Ale, A:°Uosn, of Wingham, 11 srEciar, meeting of the village
1•'n' which the IIigheet Market for the small sum of 75 cents in ad. preached two very excellent discours. council was held on Thnrsday of this
Price will lt,' 111tid.1 VRDCG. Pa in St. Jolln'e church last Sunday. week, The minutes will (appear next
a, 11.ttl,tnlerEs & Co. make the wont iter. W. T. Mir preached at Win;- week,
17--li11{ li.OBT, AlIA11. pleasant and effectual Worm, Syrup ever ham, STitET•1'UN Bites. have secured a
taken ur used. Try it. Pious Paris Careen for rotate Bugs at
"The Drug 11tore," Jno. Hargreaves a L'• Co.
Orn Bots.—Wo are hi receipt of a
very pretty piece of music entitled,
Uttr linyin uqo
BUS," " n ti
oo an with ale
1 ortliweet rebellion. The words are
good, especially at this parti:tiler per•
led of our history, A sample eopy
may be obtained from the news deal-
ers, or by writing to F. Neclande,
;Rayner. Get it.
A VERY heavy rain storm visited
this locality last Sunday evening. Al-
though it only lasted for a short while
enough water fell to float plank from
in front of McOracken's grocery down
to the telegraph officio, alongside of
the street, The lightning was very
sharp and rung the telephone bels of
several of our residents a number of
times. Although some places suffer-
ed very sorely no particular damage
STRAWBERRIES are coming in.
OUR population still continues to
jasta ol;ess is attending court at
C'roderiell this week as a juror.
SEavicE was withdrawn iu Knox
ehurch last Sunday evening owing to
the indisposition of the pastor.
Mies WAL1rin, of Wtngbam, is vis-
iting et James Rose' this weer(.
ltrv. MR. :Gatch, of Wingbeen,
preached in Melville church laet
Mise BATE I1.ILLOUAN, of Seaforth,
wan ill town for several clays this
ARCH. 'MCDoruAt.L, Of Mnrkdalc. is
GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. visiting with his sister, Mrs. Donald
0• R
lar:nlnunER the auction Sala of fnrni• •
True„ ieeees eressei, atelier, north an,1 tura at Grabatu'e block on Sittnrday
south as follow,:
(Wing South, Going Kerth. aftei"°11.
)roil ' '.t7, •Mixed 10,00 „,o,. SEE the changed advt. of George
t>cprel, 13 ,. 111.. Mail let P•tn. LOV, in this iselle, Call aUd see hint
5,111,11..Express 5.27 p.m.
tree morning train south and the. night train. at hall In tOwo.
north will only r.,u ou Tuesdays, Thursdays, Wm. don't the boys come to theand Satnldave. front and trent the girls to ace cream,
&e instead of playing it lone hand?
LOCAL NEWS ITEMS.) J. D. Molnar and hirs. Ronald are
- away this week to Nova Sean. I1r.
A niers emaug ye Lakin' notes Ronald goes f ' push the sale of it
An' faith hill! prem it.
steamer. Al,. Grace accompanied
ROAD W3Tk IS to the front just now, ;her parents.
THREE w e'.:+ from 1n• t. \Veduesday lORbs for 81.ric A.ureDeadman,icon125 per !b.
is the ist of July,
S. HOPKINS i• into the gravel boli- , W. F. SCOTT has been proving his
nese head over hells. superiority over the American athletes
Afancy butcher cart lute been plan• I and at San Francisco on May 80tH
ed on the road by Wm. Bllashill, distanced his competitors, taking
MRs. G. R. Trim, of Lucknow, was 17 let prizes, a 2811 and a 8rd. Ho
visiting frtenda in town this west. took all the jumps and two foot races.
Miss RATE ADDIO., of Stratford, is The neat hale sum of $00 found its
on a visit to friends in Brussels. I way to his pocket before evening.
Hits. 11. METCALF, of Guelph, is in Ritvtike Edition of the holy Bible
town on a visit to her sister, Airs. J.
at G. A.. Deadman's Drug & Book store,
L. Herr. GUELPH CONFERENCE. T11e follow-
MRS. DJNALD SCOTT arrived home lug are the stations of ministers In
this week from a visit to her brother this locality for the next year :—Brno
at Durham. sets, Rev. W. Smyth ; fettle', Rev. R.
Gem, cuff button set with pearl and I. p. Paul ; lienfryn, Rev. \V. J. Brandon ;
0. F. design, lost. Finder will oblige by Listowel. G00. Geo. Richardson ;
leaving 1t Tus Poor Publishing House. Guelph, Rev. J. W. Holmes; Strat-
THE Saturday excursions are now ford, Rev. G. H. Cornish ; Clinton,
running to Kincardine. The return Bev. E. S. Rupert ; Winghaut, Rev.
fare is only $1.00. D, C. McDowell ; Bluevale, Rev. Cook.
hiss CLARA CREIGHTON is away this The complete list will be published
week attending the wedding of ,Alias next week.
Slay Snider, of .Mildmay, TnE Walkerton Telescope of last
CHRIS. DICKSON. the enterprising week says :—"On Sunday evening a
proprietor of tbe city book store, of large number of (be friends of Rev.
Clinton, was in town several days this W. Smyth assembled at his residence
week. cu the eve of his departure for con.
READ Geo. Hott'e s advt. this week. ference at Owen Sound, and as, ex -
Ho i, prepared to purchase any gleam cording to the rules of the church, the
tity of wool at the highest market reverend gentleman roust be removed
price. to another sphere of labor, it was
LIVE or six pupils of our public deemed a most fitting time to testify
school will write at the entrance ex. in a tangible manner their appreeia-
amination to the High Schools, at tion el his services as a miniet•er dor-
Seatorth, ing the three years' residence amongst
G. L. BALL fillet( the pulpit of the us, and of the prominent part ho took
Methodist church last Sunday morn- in furthering the interests of the tem.
it•g. The evening service was with- perttnce cause by his persistent and
drawn owing to the absence of the able advocacy of the Scott Act. A
pastor. very pleasing feature to be observed
H25 IIRAVEa t Co. do not sling mud, they was the fact that members of so many
devote their time and attention to the Drug different communions were present to
business, ere. Their stock of beautiful cans, give evidence of the regard they had
h(tir, clothes and tooth brushes, also combs for the rev. gentleman. The amountfairy soaps and perfumes are unsurpassed,g
Always ahead at "The Drug Store." of thepurse, although not large ($81),
Alas, Lux keeps the "boss" ice still was quite sufficient to show the
cream and soda water. The only sincerity of the donors." Tho person
trouble is the weather keeps SD cold referred to is the minister appointed
a person needs to •rear an overcoat to the Methodist church, Brussels,
and mitts while eating the former, fur this year.
The het weather is Coming 110wuVer. READERS of THE POST can easily discern
82,999 lb:. of mills, malting 49 who are ahead in the drug business in
cheese, was the record. of the Rock- eBffrus
usseloby the occaeional envious but vain
ions of our ootnpetitoe. We moat bo
lord factory on the 9th inst. Over ahead in the drug business, we have every
1,000 lbs. are sept by some of Ulf! pa- patent medicine of any value and all drugs
trons. Tho above will give an idea that can cure lean or beast, when curable.
that cheese factories are looked upon THE Cxncus,—On Thursday of last
as a profitable manufactory by the week W. H. Harris' circus came to
farming community near Simcoe. S. I town. Those who attended say the
W. Laird, formerly of Brussels, performance was not bad, especially
handles the milk. the horse ring, and trapeze exhibitions,
Iva cream by the quart at Adam Good C Following the ellen' is the worst Crowd
Co's, of sharpers, deadbeats, pickpockets,
A TROUPE of W'ingbamltes visited &c. to be found outside of any gaol.
Brussels last Tuesday evening and People who profess to be sharp wore
gave an entertainment in tbe Town swindled 0n all sides from ;5 to $80,
Hall. They presented a drama en. The manager dieclailus that they have
titled "The Toddles Family," and foe any connection with the show bnt all
a farce gave a mock initiation of a the shark bueiuess was not practiced
caudidtate into the I, 0. 0. F. Miss outside of the canvas, its almost every-
Grewar, of this town, rendered them sue who had money changed iu the
valuable aid in the drama. The at- tent were cheated, One man, I3obt.
teudence was very small, and it is re. McMillan, was asked to exchange $50
ported that the receipts worn $5,00, in large bills for a lase amount in
to meet about $20 of expense, The small bills. He acquieeeed and the
Wingllam band were with them and money was wanted over on has band.
played several airs ea the street slur -The man tben took the money and
ing the evening, I counted it over again and (landed it
Yen are regnested to call early and settle to McMillan who put it in his pocket
your account. JAS. Dxos, and dill nob look at it until after the
SUDDEN DEATH,—Wednesday morn cirous. Ile then found to his }lur-
ing the people of Brussels were great- prise that he had only .$25. Aocent-
ly surprised to hear of the sudden Faniedby a number of mon he futility-
ollowdecease of Mrs. 1leCunneil, mother ed the °•irons crowd to the station and
of Mrs. Thos. Kelly, with whom site stated hie nus°. Tbey denied any
made her Home. The old lady retic- knowledge of the theft but ono of the
eel Tuesday evening in her usual principals paid F. 8. Scott $125 and
health, apparently, and an Wetlnen• said he was to hold that for McMillen
day morning, about 0 o'clock, when I until the case was investigated at
Mrs. Kelly went to her room the vital Listowel, Scott at once Banded the
spark had fled, she had passed money to Mr. McMullan, No word
away without a struggle, and looked has been received yet abont any in-
ns composed oil if sleeping, The de. vostigation, If the pro; ''rt,ir has no
cocoa. was 75 years of age and was connection with this held.) tf block
remarkably strata for her age, and legs he c.ul,t speedily rill himself of will then taken to the engine house.
hardly ]ram what it was to bo ai°k, tbgm. People in ostler towns where and in the evening the purchase of
The funeral will take place this (Fri. they will exhibit would do well to run the engine from Mr, Ronald was awn-
de) tt'tmo: a at '2 o'clock, them out of town. piet°d by the Council,
ellort line of hese and can now keep
nil the dust, in the vieiuity of the
Queen's, frotn flying,
E t,
1OLan Strnuluau awl 1ll)L -
ut) Reeve
(.a Oliver attmlt to the Skutt
Aot resolutions Tike bricks at the
County Council.
REv. T, L. Ki'nm was granted a su'
perauuuated relations for another year
ha connection with the London eon.
femme, which closed at Chatham this
week He will continue to reside at
Jos. DOBSoN, chief engineer of the
Western division of the G. T. R.,
made a trip from Kinoarditle to Pal•
mental on a hand car, last Tuesday.
He was accompanied by several per.
hats. GaytieRINE ALEXANDER, of
Dundee, Scotland, who It is spent
about 0 year in this country, retnrued
was done in this neighborhood that the end of May to her native city.
we have learned of. Site was aecompaniol by her dough•
ter Isabella. They purchased their
tickets from J. R. Grant, the agent
of the Allan Line.
SCOTT Am.—DIA Friday ThOmiie
Hall, of the Revere House, and T.
O'Neil, of the Central hotel, appeared
before P. Thomson, and Jas, Beatty,
J. P.'s, for the iufractien of the Cana
da Temperance Act. Two cases were
hoard agaiust Hall, upon which judg•
ment was reserved until next Monday.
Only one case was tried against O'
Neil, as he swore that the bar was
leased to Drake, who ran it on his
own account, separate from the hotel.
The magistrates reserved there decis-
ion. 0. 11. Cooper conducted the
eases for the plaintiff, and E. E.
Wade appeared for the defence. A
large number of people attended the
trial. The question has been repeat.
oclly asked, "if Dralce runs the bar at
the Central, why did 15 or '20 kegs of
lager come to the address of T. 0. -
from Sleeman's brewery,
Guelph ?" It is expected that other
cases wilt be proceeded with before
long, as the Association as determined
to see that the law is observed.
Nronore.—In Morrie, on the 28rd ult., the
wife of Mr. Michael Nichols, of a son.
Boss.—In Brussels, qty Juno 7tli, at Melville
Church manse, the wife of Rev. John
Ross, of a son.
STnionAN. In Brussels, on June 7th, the
wife of Mr. Dougald Strachan, of a
THE tenth number of the Cauadian
Pictorial and Illustrated War News
is before no. It contains the follow -
lug illustrations :—•"Brigade funerals
of Lieut. Fitch and Private Moore.
Royal Grenadiers" (scenes from
sketches by our own artist, and i1,184111-
taneonphotographs by Fred Timms);
"How the Royal Grenadiers got their
dinner before Batocho" (from a sketch
by our special artist, F. W. Curzon) ;
"Dir. Larmour's portable rifle pits in
action" (from photographs taken at
Stratford, Ont.); "Big Boar, the leaf
of the rebels" (from la photograph);.
"The 88th Battalion (Dnfferiu Rifles)
of Brantford" (from a photograph by
Park & Co.) Also it fine two•page
supplement shelving sundry sketches
from the front, by F. W. Curzon.
The paper sells at 15 cents per copy,
obtainable from local booksellers nnd
from the office of publication.
enlntrst Banner tants of the fire en-
gine test in that town as fellows:—
On Friday laat, as announcer(, bir.
Ronald gave a public test of one of
his fat mous Brussels Steam Fire
Engines which had been brought into
town at the request of the Council.
On Friday afternoon the engine was
run clown to Gull Lake by about a
dozen boys—showing that itis easily
drafted, and can be speedily taken to
n fire without the aid of horses. After
being put in position, the torch was
applied—with plenty of water in the
boiler—steams was generated in 035
minutes, and in 8 minutes the engine
started to work with 501bs of eleam,
which was quickly increased until it
reached 100 lbs., and et times touch.
ing 110 lbs. The capabilities of the
engine were then thoroughly tested,
first with one stream through 500ft.
of hose with 1e nozzle ; then two
streams at 500ft. with •5• nozzle ; and
easily throwing these two powerful
streams to a distance of some 200ft.
Plainly, Next came the crucial test
of forcing the water through 1,800ft,
of hose from Gull Lake to Fraser's
corner, which was accomplished with
entire satisfaction, throwing a good
stream entirely over the Albion hotel,
OxttrEn—HE)fewOnTH,—At the residence
of the bride's mother, on June 8rd, by
ltev. R. Paul, lair, John Eoktnier, of
Ethel, 10 Miss Maria Elizabeth Hems-
worth, of Wallace.
In toroeiallowod on deplolle repnyabie, on
t' tool pan Men bang l ye n to 0011001mi s. -u.
A , I
,f" - 111 11.3 a E L L I U t', 1;, A lr
t.,A()MOO, Grant's Mock, Braman, ,honey
bo luau,
AU E. WADE, 132.1.tLLISTER &c,
Uoll,itsq,,ltu Laokie's lil°ok It inions, toluual
V V •
limbo with ti arrow A Pro udfoot, Oode -
rich) 8o11oitor, Conveyancer, eke. Ulnae In
Grant's Block, Urnssele, - Money to Lean,
A LEX. 11U/ITER, (ILEA] 0,11'
,L the b'ourth L iviolt, Court Co, Huron,
Couvuyancer,Notary tutlfo,L 411d ,L111411 Mud
Insureuco A55nt,Puude tuyest0dand to Loan
Uolloutlous mads. Glace, Britain's mock
1pf A. d1uNAUl.+1.13UN, 11. D•, C.
V o 11., L, .1, u. 1'., ,:.l uluur •tt Physician,
Surgeon and .t000uouour, UII15o iu Lsoklo's
blocs, over UOadtuan's drug store.
A. HU'1'OHINSOlN, Dl. D.
L. It. V. P. Iidluburgn,.
the 110use romved 5rly U18uo his t,JU,i Uy Dr. n still,shuns,
and ,v11105 tuare us uiget. tIu stir rotaius an
8,105 at Hargreaves' Drug Store,
U+- L.13ALL, L, D. ,J,, HONUlt
• Gra,tuute .1111 .'iL.UUUr of Gnu Moya
l°1thele b nl4o,813onStterUuiVl,taYiuiuut Toronto,
)est Glues.
patus 1110411u 111operations,
}Lours au,,,. t,, 5 p,,o.
SELB,ltwutgR Ou,uel,erohriotortt,large
awl uoavmneutuample rooms, dpoululatta11-
Won to'J0o2woruiul0odother l'rayeller n, Pt
bur le always suppllud .11111 the choicest
brawls of Liquore and Uigars, An atteutivo
uaetleral ways un Laud,
mental Mesta n ll tool, urguu and Lxnitacstrll-
itetarenee—Laelles of Loretto, tluolpb,
ltosidenoo—No. 9, (00.11) Brick Torruee,•19.3
llreesels, Lint.
1AT 11. Me01EAC.KJN,
Issuer Marriage Lieeueee. Unloo ut his gree
Sty, T•rnbeiry street, 12-23
Ooit eeginr nttoialtesiduuau the Ipuse tato y
occupied by Aire ,S. Parker stain s(roe t , lirut..
A AleNAIIt, ISSUE ttOli' tu1Alt•• rinwe Lloonses, by aopointutent of
Lieutenant -Governor, Commissioner , ,to„ Q
D, 0ouv5yauooratlil Atom Piro 0 04110 0 0 0 0
Milne at MI o0r15brooll PoetOmoo
ing clone by Airs. 'pendant. Rest-
Yorth of school house, corner of Go.
°haute street, urussole. C,tttn—Wo would
DIED. recommend Mrs. R. Turubuh to the ultlseue of
nrussels us tt good straw miniver, Matto 111
M000NNELL,--III $rowels, on Wednesday, Laticufletd she gave good satisfaction
Jame 10th, Mary wife of L. A.0MoOon- 0.Otomere lu nukingoyer sadditeg felt her
Hell, aged 78 ears. ,trawlutts. a.alruhamlc tlou,
y 1e 4in
ILlykka tolrs ltKarlret.
Uoa11Eoi'ED UAItsSULLY Elms Waltz.
White Pall Wheat. ... ..., Sl• 85
lied 1Vintar iJ 85
Spring Wheat 84 85
Barley 40 50
Oats 00 00
Peas 58 60
Butter, tubs and rolls 10 12
11 00
500 500
25 00
11 00 12 00
9 8i
5 50 5 50
GO 80
50 1 00
17 18
and pouring water on the highest Eggs per dozen -
Flour per barrel
Hay per ton
Hides per ib
Dressed Hoge
Salt per bbl., wholesale , ..
Sheep skins, each
pont of the Fraser house. The water
pressure at this test reached 250 lbs.
only ten pounds less than the highest
pressure reached by any engine at
the American centennial. The sim-
plicity of the working of the engine
and the easeand steadiness with which
it did its work was admired by all.
On Saturday another test was given
ou Muskoka st., the engine was
placed at Sharpo'e tank throwing two
good streams over any building on
the street, and emptying the tank in
shout ton minutes. The complete
success of these testsontiroly satisfied
the ottizons of the power and effi-
ciency of th Brussels engine; and
although there bad been quits a strong
feeling against the 13y -Law, so favor-.
ably impressed were the ratepayers
with the working of the engine, that
on Monday the By-law was carried
by two to one. On Tnesday the eu•
gibe was again, under the charge of
Aldus Mowry, taken to the wharf and
handled with confidence and skill,
throwing two powerful streams over
the mills and bnildingsih thevieinity,
and quite a distance higher than A.
P. Cockburn's three- story house. On
Wednesday lir. Mowry again had it
out, and filled the tank at Sharpe's
corner from the ono let Wesley's, re•
filling the latter from Gull Lake. It
A.uablo farm, being composed- of the north
ha f of lots No. 25 it 8e, sou. e, Morris, Zea soros,
Terms easy. Apply on the promisee.
II, 1111ALI01t
eJV ._e wanted. To bo delivered at Brum-
sole, Ethel or 13outryn stations. Highest cash
prise will bo paid. Before selling elsewhere
apply to the undersigned,
D. \V. DUNBAR, Ethel,
subscriber Ilan a thoro'orod Durham Bull
for services ou lot 0, sou. 0, Grey, Terms, 01
it paid at time of service, or 81.25 to be pail{
is1Jannary,1880, with privilege of returning.
THOS. SAH'LI•T, Proprietor,
1:41A.11111 FOR SALE.•—BEING N f
of lot 28, coo. 5, Morris, lying with( 2
miles of lireasole. 87 aures are Marne and
lno81lyUnde' grass, beldame hardwood bush,
Good bttticltnge, fences, orchard, &0. Per ear.
Boehm a iuty to GE0. FORST-1W.
'4,B.—Aliso a drat -elms yoke of 01011 for
11011 G. L'.
promises of the undersigned, about two
weans ago. Suo 1E10110 in color with 1, dark
nose, Any Information leading to her recovery
will ba thankfully received. Word 118y be left
et Dun Pose Ptib )skiing Bonne,
tt, 8. w)tLS11, nrussole,
7, Grny, will bo rsutod for r nit• 0r ave
,oars, 'Poore tyro •2.1 .teres 0f fall t • 90(10
any timeViotvina done. P JOBB O1ttNTUSE,
Insurance Agent,
%Erma, ONTARIO,&
.t7fast 0ohplg article, reforeneu required,
Apply to w. A, ELDER, Wingha,u,
houses for sale °heap, sidewalk and shade
trees, both p0aupiod. Al ply at Post 0aloe,
43 -sin
y given to 1111 persons f. reshuffling on tate
promisee of the tittteare(gnas. Those 000t ast-
nlg wall be ern wanted a000mingg to taw.
Lot 18, Con, 7, Grey.
scriber has a largo quantity of paster° an
south batt 1st 18, eon, O. Morris, and is proper..
ad to talcs either bores, or cattle. For tense
apply to D1S.VID I{TR1i0ONNELL,
49.40 Proprietor,
`l the promises or the undersigned, lot 2g,
aon.12, Groy, on or about May 2981, a 2 year
old snare colt, The 01(1Or is requested to
Provo property, pay oxemiSes and talto her
away, or 1t will bo sold es tee law directs,
48.40 CONRAD N i'1A1.4l ll,
ing Wen or cedar .shingles, should order
from too tturlorsighad, 1\.10 Will Boll thous from
00 cents 40 91A0 por bund]°,
Lot 20, oon,l2, Groy
PULL FOR SERVICE. --THE nndoreigsed will keep for service on let
Moon. 12, Grey, tt thoroughbred Durham Bull
Baloonotlela itlt, Terme for 00,100n 81,00 per
cow with 0110 pprivilege of returning it n00o5-
s1117, to 1,13 paid Jan ,101,1885,
48.4° 101.815 CAUONO011AN, Prop,
Ttnup,—Tho building le situated ot,
Tbolnas etroot opposite the guomt'e hotel
stable. Would lto suitable for a livery stable.
par terns, which aro ltb, y
48 ft JonxoralArapples000,, Btorueaote.