HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-6-12, Page 66 TR11 BRUSSET.S POST
The reason beef sells high is that A very oliermiug toilet recently 013 01? LOGGING TO LET,—
the population of the country in• worn in New York consisted of a e Thu nederstened hoe; 30 Bores al lnu,i, lot
))poses faster than the meat supply', 11 demi-tr)tilhnd Ala of otic+ bins crape, ao con,:,, ninny tie w,urte logged. 'r e, were
Metelem: cum:mi.--sabbath emei0t'e at 11 y I l [ w Jibs sub,lividad to salt persons taking the
11 a.m. 13u,1 11,30 p.m. timidity tirliool at Cattle are decreasing year by rite iu I trimmed with ?[[ver Mee tend silver• eel fol' Wo sointlnli, 1315v r`klal , will
r bo a10W
Y::fU p.m. 130x. Jno. lions, 13, A. pastor, proportion to the population, and will aniseed ribbons. The bodice wits cut r.
ticuters apply tt Ifi1Ud, 1VIi111 prep.,
KNox C4ruco.--dnbbath Sol viers ut 11 continue eo to du. The dt'cr'eme) ill I with low neck and short s100Vo9, and 15.4 9:tlu+1 Y.O.
a.m. and 1::33) 3),10. studay seined at :bee the United Stales for the last year 1n graoefu[ hrotellee of white lace were
p.10, 11e'v. 0. Jours, 1,08t.'r, all the Statce cast of the Mississippi, caught up on the shoulders with otnall
Sr, Jo;)\'s chi.); a.—ti,lltbttth Services at North and South, inclutliug Missouri, eilve r batterllles with bodies formed
11 !(.111 mil i p.m. Sunday School at 0„30 Arlianeau, Louisiana and Texas— of It11i110 stones.
:f.1n, Bev. W. '1'. Cluile. imm nbent.
11It:1'11001e'1' l'li: al'lf.—_Sobhath O rvlri'R at
meet of the l'hi"u—twao nearly 1111,0)100 Angora lace, wrought 111 exact 001).
10:30 a.m. and u:30 pan, Sunday sobeel at lend. Beef making is not likely seen . 033 of the old thread patterns, are it.
:Lee pita, Paster U. C. C'lappisou. to be overdone, mono the elegant produatiou of "high
Venue i rot„tlo Cneacu.—Sabbah Bar- lotrrgor•a Speed) (rr. noveltiesteIlle5 of 1110 senaun. The hand.
met: third 3 0nliiy 10 every month 3)t 1). a.m. I3v3,ry purchaser of 30)010001 003103 11x)11333 fOIDO8l hltternl3 of the taco coat from
capacity, when requiring an article for a ore - )ti
Rev. 1'. J. 41i. a, privet. tale purpose, purchases only that which hoe $111 t0 $:20 a yard for ilollnoings a
01,0 FEi,how'o Libel: every Thursday been tried or ii allowed ars( to tent before
r'3 (3 )0 ill Graham's til„ek. buying. You aro alhiwed a iron trial bottle of yard deep, and nets to match (1081
3)h.)]ager'aSpot, Oyanrr,the gre,ttreipndy for from $10 to ,410 a yard twenty four
Mtsesir Lona!: Tuesday at 9r before fail Dyepopsio,Tmparo133001 and liver disorders
moon in 'Lewes* blank, ut Jno. Hargreaves ,t C0'. drug store. 0011 at 1100hes wide, (food imitations of the
u. nod SI per bottle, Sou testimonials ft 330 Angora lace can be bad 1'01' about elle.
A. (1. 1', W. Lotto meets on • fel and Dor1Oua 111 your own town
last Wednesday evenings each month. The Amerieau Cultivator sllye quarter )lie cont of tin real,FonE;TEn'x Ll,1 411: Sad and lost Monday Lye:—
the long eumuter day., adieu A. Mee P1u'iaian basgne is shown, r'ILEANLIN1:so
evenings el each month in Smale'ahall, cows (1101 in milk have )lent of made of corded silk down which are—NJ�.X'1"1'0—
L. 0, L. 1st Monday in every Month inl • y laid flat lleata, on which are laced ,(Y ODLINL'SS,
Orange hall. grass, they cannot carry with ease 1 p ,L,4
Pesr l3Fi•Ii E.—Offlee Hours fres:) . e.. 01. the burden of milk produced between buttons ur handaome beaded orna-
te 7 p, n1• early morning and the usual time for 1001A9. .Chet' are pat very tight fits. —_ _0-----
Mocueeies' Ixerterx1 Pleading Boom and milking it night. Milking at noon is ing and close on the sides with kande
ibrary iu Iielmis' block, over 5. 13, Smale'e a nod in such cases, ae it near. bot'ga ; sumo form n ronud past it The subscriber is p3epare'l to do alt kinds
store, will be open from C to 7 p.m. 041 Wed- g 1' Front, the buck only pleated, the cicala of Painting, stab as
ninthly., and Fridays and from 4 to 0 p.m. ly eque!,.: t the iuterveuing times.
on Setnrlays• 'Vinle the milk is in the bag somle of crunmented with gold and 3illl•cord
its fat is being constantly absorbed pendauts. In front the waist and
by the cow. Hence frequent milking shoulders are trimmed with silk and
produces n larger product of butter, gold nassementerios.
Death Turks [u an unclean well. lint the cow needs all the heavier feed
Be stere that 130 garbage remains ing to genii such a demand on her
in the sellar. milk producing capacity. In Patagonia they fine a man two
Sn)L0n's Cure will immediately relieve Fluid Lightning cures Neuralgia in 0110111111- Oa16 for killiU his wife.
Whooping Cough nod Br0uob 3(6. Sola ate. Fluid Lightning cures Toothache in one g g
by G. A. Di-aelman. minute, Fluid Lightning cures Face Aolio in Dr. Mary Witllcer says alio will
Between planting and haying time 0110 minute. Fluid Lightning euros Lumbago never marry. Not a soul doubts her,
in ono minute. Plaid Lightning relievers
trim u1' the lawn and garden and re- Rheumatism in ono minute, Fluid Lightning Men Etre like waguns—they rattle
pair the fences.
bottle ataano`m3acgruacole instantly, Price Drug prodigiously when there is nothing iu
Une�•tbird cf the cattle and lees than More. them.
Ono thirtieth of the sheep imported by Since the great benefit he been The earliest mention of the slotting
Great Britain camp from the United discovered of turning sheep, swine rink is to be found in the Bible—
States. and other animals late orchards, in when Allam fell.
Fou DI'spepsia and Liver Complaint, you the sway of devoeling insects, the in. "What is 1a31gltte1 ?" asked a
have knriutcd guarantee on every bottle of quiry is made for the best way to chemist. It is the sound that you
3 33,3 3)3.Vitaliser.
,adman, i'It Hover taus to ours. sola protect the bark of the trees. Four
p hear when your That blows off.
Grasshoppers are reported lis infest- stakes are driven in the ground near In heaping coals of firs on your
ing large areas iu California. The well around each tree, by making enemy's Bead, be careful you do not
most streunons efforts aro being nenile holes with a crowbar, and sharpening burn your fingers.
to (1051103- them. the stokes, and a barb -wino wound "Is your son through with college,
Fruit trees are so heavily laden around the outside in a spiral form, 1Ir. Oldboy?” "N—no, not exactly.
througli-nut the Pacific coast region and near enough to excludo them. The college is through with him.”
that a heavy expense is being Melo'1' Staples are then driven into the stakes "When shall I be buried?” sighs a
alto properly thin the fruit to prevent sufficient to hold the wires to their poet. Lot line bring au "Ode to
overbearing. It will pay. places. eIs the stakes may bo placed Spring" into the office and he will
ucGrogorSiParke'sCarbolic C0ratehas be= quits near to the trees, tl comparat- soon find out..
tested by years of trial and has been round heel small amount of wire is needed ,
tho most convenient and efegotnal method of Y "Will the coining roan work ?" is
c oilylog carbolic
ao deo t 31 autic2po for each tree. Some manufacture has asked. That deco^dg on the kind of
suro you act McGregor SiParke's Carbolic Car• the barba much nearer than others, a father -iii -law he intima in the mate)•
ate. Sold for emits by Jno. Hargreaves de and this kind should be ch . nlon
osenial lottery.
Co., Druggists. Y•
A brutal person should never be FASHION NOTES. Five thousand patents have boon
allowed rtbout ennui animals of any ieeued on churns in this country, and
kind and the assertion is of especial Gold turtles are tho latest golden still there is uo way to make )roam
importance in counection with m[ich fancy for hat and bonnet ornament,a. rise all pump water.
rose, (10n. "Does alcohol warm us ?" asks a
Ana 40u 111tcto miierable by Indigestion Tile high Dollars of the newest jack- New Yoric editor. If it doesn't, just
vlouetir:1tI0u,Dizziness, loss of epee te, Yellow eta and frocks aro stiffened with wig. go Houle howling full of it, and your
Skin? ahiloli's Vitalizer is n positive mare, an wife will.
Sohl by G. A. Deadman. g
One farmer asked another what it Watered ribbons, watered silks, and 21 severe critic 111 n picture gallery
cost him to ship his corn from ))ansae watered stuffs] of all kinds are reviv- An old maid (innocently)—"Laud-
to Chicago. Upon the further quer- ed in Paris. snaps 1 Nntnre, indeed l Why, it's
tion, How was the low rates obtained `? The struggle between French and no more like nature than I am 1"
the reply was: 0 ! 1 slipped my English styles of dress goes on quiet. A dog flied the other day from eat.
Dora iu_ steers and hogs ! A most ly, but surely for all that. ing dates. They were not of the tro•
satisfactory explanation. Long ?malice are horn with all phut sort, but were contained iu the 0
Drainage i not lees valuable to the sorts of dressy", and looped au libitum, calendar of a highly colored 'medical 11
tock•raispr tl)au to Ile grain former. according to fancy. 11101311110. 14
Is lengthens the season both in the Golden Boars' heads, with great A woman goes beyond her rights I7.
spring and fall, keeps the soil from bulging yellow agate cats' eyes, are when she opens oyster cans with hor 26i
found a
parching, and allows the cultivation
among hat and bonnet pins, husband's razor and drives nails into so
oldie finer and more 21)tritiOtts grass. ■¢mows Dalt nth itommdy—a pmetttva aura !1 smooth th wall with Ins rneersohautn 43; Kenilworth 7.00 " 4.111 "
es—three most important considers• Sold Catarrh
y Goo. A.Deadmaonua Canker Mouth, pips. 50f
tions,g Colored woman—"Boss, ilia I git134
Why will you cough when Shiloh's Cure will corsage b0quetlto tho dressfrontis de joPreb
on oleaniou' out
tuis honli
l ?" qct
se ngi soldbytGoo.lA.'Docalma l'te.,6Uetc.,nnd the latest caprice in fan) jewellery. ,
1 Y j Y• The cashier has already attended to 74
An Ohio grower of pork has learned The Same latitude prevails in the that." 122
by experimenting that n bushel of raw matter of the choice of materials for
corn fed on the cob will produce Wino it bride's dress that i given in other Boston girls never use the expres-
pounds of pori), while an equal quan• fashions at present. cion, "ghost of 33 )house," nowiulltyu.
tlty, if g10031,1 and the meal fed raw, Pinkish fawn is a lovely and po "Wraith of an opportunity" is con•
will yield twelve pounds. A. bushel talar colour for tailor-made costumes, 513101Od a tench better ('arm.
of corn ()piled macre thirteen and a and may bo braidedwith either gold A. recent article is eutitle)1 "A Poet
on an Editor." Wo cannot exactly
half pomade of pork, and n bushel oft or silver and a darker fawn or tan
understand this, but )erlvl ly he grab
meal cooked made about sixteen and braid, !fed him while his incl) was tanned.
a half pounds. Some experimenters 8hunh s aniatrn liom °dy, with
rtu co nst01soia "Hero is an article about 'The
report better results from feeding un- by G. A. Doadman. L31nd of the Midnight Sun,' " said
cooked meal. There is too :::uah variety in the lies, Bascom, "It can't mean this
eeys: ""web Gee
yseelf a u,.tywifeet owa o rlives to feriae of dress 3)t present. Confusion conntrv, heo/utao this is the laud of
011110110 DominicConsumption Cum," Sold by too. A. and bad taste aro the most frequent the midnight husband."
The farmer who sows celeryseed results of tbo effort to be indepenc1ant• An exchange says t "'Round waists
in the open round expecting o get Absinths, chartreuse and meson o s era still in fashion." Wo should
a crop gene ,ll goes lwithout tis ore three striking and 6 •ying colors hope so. What would become of us
valuable relish in the winter, unless in pale green, which still predominate if it gots to throe cornered or peutag-
be boys it in the market. Buy]n millinery sgarnitures.ofevet,
y young Trimmings of velvet, brocade Bud onal waists ?
plants of some gardener and 33131 other handsome materials are again "Sir," said a lady on the elevated
them out, in a bed until largo enough carried down the centro of the backs railway to a geutlomnn treading on
to plant. The middle of July will do on elegant imported Prenoh costumes, lar dress, "you aro delaying the
very well for winter use, bat if want. When dross reformers mads some- 01')1111, "ilia 1,132," mild the geotlo-
rd in September and October largo thing to wear pretty, rich and extray. man, "the conductor should pull the
plants should be put out the middle agent, au well as comfortable and belle'"
of June. healthy, they will find plenty of women A Brooklyn clergyman says that
'Co the egad and infirm, the nourishing and to wear 11. liquors may soon be sold in ekat1n
invigorating properties oI ltoblason's Phos- , q Yg
paor(zeaLmuisloe 3330ren0wee strangle and Tho 1105000 jtlokota how by (110 ri11110, and then the results will be
eie06lousioaeuayon Po7tIr03Emln, n bfor
u leading ladles' tailor in New York, is disastrous. Wo should say so. Itis
get ft. of white cloth trimmed in n crackhard enough for a sober loan to stand
The worst thing perhaps that hap. artillery regimental braiding and but- up.
pens to a foal in this country es being tone, with gold so0taehe cord formed A,n American claims the North
ltllowed to follow his dam ten or fifteen of four strands of cord, two gold and Polo n'3 the site of the old Garden of
miles to town and back over a hard Owe of a dark blue grey shade. :Eden. `Thou Eve's preforonoe for fig
dusty road in the broiling midday Drab whits or ore white cloth leaves over 83311 skin is explained;
sen, Una Stich journey would injure trimmed with gold I rod when In the they wet more and had to be import.
the foal more than a whole ettmm0r hands of a firet•olass English ladies' ed'
of management each as we have mill. tailor, mnka5 the prettiest and most A mue[ciatt, whose doorplate read
catpd, The preferable way, however, elegant going -away dross and new- '"G Sharp," was much disgusted to
is to have a brood mare devote her market or travelling Ulster that a find, one nroruiug, that some envious
i ]l'5I1 air+,ngth and energies to aha bride can went. This whits or drab rival had scrawled 1)11(1er it the on.
production anti care of her offspring, white cloth )loan, admirably, questionable truth ---"ie A flat,"
%rotary ai churches and Soolotlesl
Quaan 53rnut, T1100o is also a niulp on
the lmt that nimbi b., utilised for ,1 Viable,
wlil l o i.bl on r0't3o11nhln tormn. .t ,pit' tn—
.1, 13.11V 1'lliat1A11:1t
r TM. BLAS II IL le,
1♦. $rv,!...'V 0 t Dutch ,r, th tnklu4 Itla
`4t f rn)my port r ).'r.) Ir 1iwi• haste.
LI support ,ort for the nwt cis va ars
I 1
\1' du �A , (new 111 1'.
lht” Worm, t u
a shop m out Simi) the 10,01 i nd has alt„d 10
E hemp 341 Simile's 111) 31 in llrot•nhttls .lyra
a3).n ninny
ho polios to sun ,ill Ila Oil hi r00
and e p nes aw onns non 03 t, MVO
en11. 1 keep ubutllrot-olas0 13) tto, all
331)310 of i'nnitry01 and
1.33 n!tau330 30, 41 1)n lv„1'ed
10 Ell Darts of the levo Lisp. time pate for
Fat Stock.
lb3(l.rua_ Note?...
HOUSE, SIGN, C:U1I11 .010,
PLAIN on OItNA\IENT AL Penerlx0,
Jose 12, 10155.
ser, MON,
rho subscribers take Hug opportunity of re-
turning -thanks t' the inhabitant, of 11 riloAolo
tool vloinity for 3 a't 3 otrnno!10, and bre t„
state that baling mala H.',, rel 1113 ,ruveWlta
in their 1)111, owl nook/ ut bur^.4)
h, tln1
u,33 erre naw
in a bet Ga• pnsltbw tion seer b,dnru 10 03)3)3))'
1,1a P111,114 with 1'9+'nt•0119e Lim.,
1. u
i'o, f t, lbvuthuuf sell of
t 0110 u0 -
u b 1
3)l R. ei till ill nrl1R e1N a ll
i !illi 'file ,{•
I haying lnnillr-
,'”' 1 ":r00 treatment
atm public,1,1 Onn x0-
1, as i frorf a n,ed treutm on,t tool a 1111 coots
al'n„1„ fro!. us. 1,1114-01,1 3 lime ill li m031(4
of the kilo awl 0 cru)) drlhi semi.
We also burn n N0.1 limo tut• plastering at
3110 0wot' (10303,
31 14100)1,00 tau scut --3 r43,. rix 1.0,' w'orkr.
L I1.031a•O 01.,11,0N 11 ON D N It Jt 7•, U L A N /t (n)
LONDON, 03tr,
'•"9taer11g0, ate, Li vorpool Londonderry
(2)"3,stowu, 3ihtngnw, or Belfast to Quebec
and alwass,te law 41111/Y any Arot-clusellno
GI•aiuiing a Sp(,olalty, SARJLATLAN. Saturday, May 33th,
--e— — CI1RCASSIAN• o " 23rd.
PARISIAN ' 30010.
Spring time will soon be at hand sn leave ' PERUVIAN " June 8th.
your Orders Early. Work clone in the SASIDINIAN " " 13111
most satisfactory manner and satisfaction SARMATLAN .. , .. " 20011.
guaranteed. I will bo found at my old POLYNESIAN " 97111,
shop north of the bridge. CI110ASSIAN " July 4010.
PARISIAN " " 11011.
Wm. Roddick. SARDINIAN....," „ 3;;11,,
The lasttrainoonu0eting with tho steamer
at Quebec lnetvoo'1'oron to \i'ndnesdayn at33:80a
to. Fasson5or00an1Oave 11'odnooduye at 8:30
t, ln,als0, and 0011000(with 3Uesteamer at lint
ling, by paying nn additional taro of 0.1;43
101 an d Se.L,Su d class.
No outtl0,sh003, nr pigs aro carried nn tho
31031 Steam ors of the Allan Lino.
�+ - � i� For'0'ickoto and Berths and ovary inform a}
1'vrArerlY.: V10Ai�Il��I�I )L1u Y T c j lion apply to
Canadian Pacific Railway in fable!
Teeswater Branch.
Attics. Cluing Wert. ' Mali. Nxpross.
0 Toronto.. Dog
0 Orangeville .
4 Orangeville Jot
7,1 Amaranth 'h ..
10 1Vatdemar., ,•
191 Luther ......
3314 Arthur .
30i Kenilworth.,,.
381 MT. FOREST ..
47e I'Itut3I8TON.. ..
50f Fordwich
60 Gorrie ....
02f Wrox0ter
60 Winghnly Road
74 Toeswnter.. Arr
7,20 a.m.
10.5 "
10,15 '0
10.94 •"
1(3.31 "
11.08 "
11.30 0
11.58 aim.
19,15 p.m.
19.28 '•
1.08 "
1,15 "
1.55 p.m.
Milos. Going East,
Express. bean,
Teeswater Dap 5.15 a.m. 2,15 pini.
4Vingham Road 5.08 " 2.30 "
1Vrosoter .... 5.47 " 2.40 "
Gorrie .. .... 5.53 " 2.531 "1
Fordwich ., .. 0.09 " 3.033
flarriston ..., 5.05 " 8.213 "
Pages *.. ,... 3.85 " 3.40 "
Mt. Forest.... 6.51 • 3.57 1,
Arthur .. .... 7.211 " 4,30 "
Luther ...... 7.53 " 5.10
Waldemar... , 7.68 " 5.17 "
Amaranth 1- 8.04 "' 5.24 '
Orangeville Id 8.12 " 5.85
Orangeville . 8.35 555,55 "1
Toronto .. Arr. 10,45 a.m, 8,36 p,m.
Refreshment and Dining Rooms
2uLTSTC2T 011• .521 11$ OSS
—A1i Tw813n-
At the Post 0111re, 1lressiels.
Choico Stock of Baby Carriages
that Cannot flail to suit the wants
of the Public.
Call and see them.
Give 7ne a Call.
The subscriber wishes to notify
the PUBLIC that 110 will hero his
in Complete Running Order by the
1st of MAY, and will be able to
fur111511 Any Quantity of First-class
Limo at any time )luring thio Sea -
8011. Price at Kiln -14 cants por
70 Gramm,
un, DULLS.
The undersigned having oomplotecl the ?hang° from the stone to the
Celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has nosy the Mill in
First -Class Running Order,
and will be glad to s00 all his Old Customers and 13s many noir ones
as possible. Chopping done.
lour and. Food. Almay$ on lamed.