The Brussels Post, 1885-6-12, Page 5Juxa 12, 1885,
Statute labor is now in vogue,
What about the township ball that
was to bo built near hero ? Is it all
blown over ?
The crops are in splendid order and
Ind fair to throw the past harvest in
the shade,
The funeral sermon of the late .13.
Tindall was preached last Sunday
evening, by Rev, R. Paul.
D. W, Dunbar, of this place is pre-
bpared to perches 500 cords of tan-
arlc at the highest market price,
Seo the advt, in this issue,
Tbo min ates of tho township oouu-
cil may bo found in this losue,
A. union Sunday School has been
organized in Aldridge's school house,
Duncan McLauohlin is Superintend -
en t.
A. daughter of Henry liobb's of the
2nd con, and her two children, arriv-
ed home from the Northwest this
week for a visit. They came by boat
to Owen Sound.
Wm. Whiteford, lot 30, eon.2, has
a thorough -bred Durham bull for ser-
vice. The stock raisers of this local-
ity should encourage a man who puts
his money in good stook.
0ounaillor Mooney brought to our
office a sample of his fall wheat that
measured over 811- feet. This is nosh.
ing uncommon and he says fall wheat
will bo a splendid crop.
Last week a black Spanish hen, be-
longing to John Taylor, of this
township, laid an egg which measured
8x6e inches, and this was not an ex-
tra go d day for laying either, as this
little biddy has been in the habit of
performing similar feats quite fre-
quently of late. Who can beat it ?
The news has been received that
Duncan McLeod. son of Wm. McLeod
formerly of the township of Mor-
ris, but now of Manitoba, is dead.
Ile had put in about 125 acres of
crop this spring and it proved more
than his system could stand, as ho
took sick on the 18th of May, and
was a corpse on the 24th.
Our genial neighbor Robert Arm-
strong goes on a well Darned holiday
trip to the laud of his birth. Over
80 years of his life in this free coun-
try, where men are for the most part
self.made, has left its imprint on
friend Armstrong and when ho greets
his old time companions in the Green
Isle, they will no doubt admit that
after all the clear air and free institu-
tions of this country develop a pretty
good type of manhood. At any rate,
we are quite willing lie should be re
garded as a epeciman Canadian brick.
We wish him bon.voyago and a safe
return. Ho goes by tho Allan Lino,
and purchased his tickets from the
Local agent J. le. Grant, Brussels.
A change of pastors in tho Metho-
dist church is on the carpet this sum-
Rev. Mr. Hartley is attending the
Genet al Assembly of the Presbyterian
church in Montreal.
A young medical man is patting
out his shingle in our vfllage, and wo
will not have to patronize outside
towns after this.
Thos. Farrow, M. P., was home
again for a few days this week. He
hopes to oomo home in about two
weeks, not to return till next session.
Statute labor is the order of the
day this week. John farrow and
Frank Patterson are the unfortunate
pathmasters, whose duty it is to see
that the Queen is not cheated.
James Medill, who is now a fall -
fledged Salvation Army oaptain, .paid
us a flying visit last Friday. Ho is
laboring at present in Markdale and
is meeting with cheering success.
Thos. Ooultes guessed there worn
8,056 beans in 1-.lenderson's, the
Wingbam merchant's, jar, and got the
piano. The count showed that he
camp within ono bean of the exact
number, 8,055. After this no one
need say that Mr. Coultas "don't
know beans."
John Carnoohan has a thoro'-bred
Durham bull for service, on lot 22,
con. 12. Sae advt, in another col-
Rev. R. 'lashings, formerly located
in this township, was ordained a min-
ister of the Methodist church at Owen
Sound, last Sunday.
Anyone wanting pine or cedar
shingles would do well to consult Con.
rad Nimble, lot 2f1, con. 12, as it may
be greatly to their advantage to do so.
3. and D. Robertson, 13th eon„
has fall wheat that measures 8 feet, 4
inohes in length. The Messrs. Rob-
ertson havo thirty acres of this tall
Jas. McDotuald is having big barn
split and a piece put in the centre.
Whets completed it will be 000 of the
finest bares in the township. D.
Zimmer has the job.
It ie cnrreetly reported Haat one of
our bachelors of the 12t1100e. ie leav-
ing the ranks of single blessedness
this week, and taking to himself ono
of the dalighters of Bruce Co. May
joy go with tum.
John Mofm.achlin, 12th erns., who,
by Um •vay, is fast cowing to the
front as one of onr best stock breed-
ers, has a colt that measured 8 foot,
8 inches iu height when ono day old.
If tine colt continues growing be will
make a "whopping" fine horse.
A bank barn, 50x70 feet, was raised
on the farm of John Roddick on Fri-
day last, John Greet and D Rob-
orteon oaptaiued their respective
sides. Tho frame is a very substan.
tial 008, and is in the hands of Hughoe
& No A some. Tho mason work was
done by John Baehr.
Book agents, implement agents,
egg mongers, and scores of others of
a like 111c now invade our otherwise
Peaceful homes in largo numbers.
You would almost think that they
have got the country by the neck,
and each one is vieing with the other
as a candidate for the position of
Whitfield's appointment and the
16th eon. church have been taken
from Ethel circuit by the conference
this year and put along with Honfryn,
thus forming a new circuit. To make
up for this loos to Ethel, Roe's ap-
pointment and Union have been tak-
en from Brussels, so that the latter
now stands as a station.
Hiram White has secured the right,
for this township, for one of the most
convenient a•rtiolos ever introduced on
a farm, by which labor is greatly re-
duced and the work dour more expe-
ditiously. It is a load lifter and
should be seen by every farmer iu
the township. Keep your eyes open
for the advt. next week. Hiram is
going to push the business right
PUBLIC schools will close on the 8rd
of July for summer vacation.
Rev. E. A. FsAR, wife and sou
spent several clays in Brussels this
Tun railway authorities are getting
a Joker gravel to be used in the stat-
ion pard. It was badly needed.
Nies. WALTER SMITE has been very
ill during the past week, for a while was despaired of but sue is
somewhat better nOw.
The G. T. R. have issued stringent
orders to engineers with a view of pro •
venting fires along the line during the
approaching dry season.
How is it that bread is 6 aunts per
loaf in Brussels while at Winghatn,
and Blyth it is only 5 cents ? Wheat
is only 85 cents.
BRUSSELS market leads the van.
Don't take the market report unless
you like, come and try our buyers.
They buy all kinds of grain, wool, &c.
Miss JESSIE Ross has been duly in-
stalled as librarian of the Mechanics'
Inetitllte in this place. The library
room will be open every Wednesday
and Saturday evening from 6 to 8
"YOUNG Salt TATTo.r.—Thee horse
will take the following route during
the season :—Monday and Tuesday
will be at his own stable, lot 28, sou.
0, 'Turnborry, near Wroxeter. Wed-
nesday will 1,roceed to Fordwich for
noon ; thence to his own stable for
night. Thursday will proceed on con.
2, Howbeit, 10 miles, for noon ; thence
return on the 4th con. Howick, to his
own stable for night, where he will
:amain until Saturday morning. Sat-
urday will proceed through Grey to
Robert McKee's, west half 3.3, con. 5,
for noon ; thence to Brussels for 8
hours, thence to his own stable where
he will remain until the following
Wednesday morning.
Tees. MUSGROVE, Proprietor.
CAUTION.—We deny the statement in the
last issue of THE Pon ,made by our opposi-
tion, about being "ahead in drugs," Ile
probably believes he is stating the truth;
however, we would caution the public
against accepting such an erroneous state-
ment, While wo regret the pride and lack
of modesty that prompted the assertion,
wo aro pleased to notice that ho accepts so
good-naturedly a second place in other
lines. Possibly ho may deny this, but then
the truth will still remain. I have always
endeavored to keep a full stock of such
goods as we handle. Wo sell nothing but
00Bn and reliable drugs, and as for prices,
we will not be undersold. The lines we
handle aro drugs, and all pertaining to
them, books of various kinds, stationary
and school requisites, wall paper, toys and
fanny goods, Berlin wools, eta. Do not bo
afraid to ask for anything you may require,
as wo have many goods whish it is in1pos-
sible to show. We Dither havo them or can
procure them for you, and, withal, we havo
not, nor do wo intend to accept, a second
plane in those lines that wo sell, Wo will
guarantee good goods, low prices and fair,
honest dealing, G. A. Dr,ini1Av, Druggist,
Bookseller and Panay Goods Dealer.
Cleans.;(Ilan Nc*w'r,.
Deplitheria still prevails in Hamil-
Chief Stewart, of Iiamilton, his
been granted leave of abeeneo for two
months to go to the Norlliwost to at-
tend Riel' s trial.
A cablegram le eetved from l'englaud
is to the effect that the lioenee ease
will not cone before the Privy 001111.
oil before November.
Tho Trade and Labor Council of
Toronto have condemned the Domin-
lou Government' 8 policy respecting
Chinese in British Columbia,
Geo. W. Neff, insurance agent
at Oiuoinuatl, 0„ has been ioctioted
for embezzlement at the instance of
tbo Woetern Assurance Company, of
Fred Bleektnoro, a Hamilton labor-
er swallowed some ammonia by mis-
take Friday, and was taken to the
hospital. He eufl°erod a good deal,
but is better.
A Montreal man has commenced
an action for $10,000 against the
city vaacivator for the alleged killing
of two of his children by using impure
lymph for vaccinating them,
It is understood that the holders of
Dominion licensee in Ottawa have
given up the idea of fighting the pro •
winos, and will stop selling liquor.
Their counsel has advised them in
this direction.
A Montreal notary named F.
Reyeard was condemned in the Su -
promo Court at the suit of Widow
View for $480 and costs for loss that
the plaintiff was punto by defendant's
negligeuce by not drawing a deed.
Thee, Grigg, the Wanzer sewing
machine agent at Montreal, has de-
camped. for Boston, swindling his em-
ployers out of $8,000. lie ekipucd
iu company, it is alleged, with an-
other man's wife from Point St.
Two hotel koepors of Southampton
charged with violating the provisions
of the Scott Act pleaded guilty in
Maley and were fined $50 each and
costs. Two from Paisley and one
from Cbosley were on Tuesday all
dismissed by the magistrates Gibson
and Fisher.
Tllsonbnrg has a good hose reel
company. At the firemen's demou-
etration at Brantford, on Weduesday,
they won the race for the champion-
ship of Ontario, a trumpet, value
$100, and second prize, it trumpet,
value $60, in the international race,
Exeter. Ont., being the first.
Ilaren County Council on Thursday
of last week decided to memorialize
the Lieutenant -Governor to appoint
a county police magistrate if the Scu-
ate amendments to the Scott Act aro
rejected by the House of Commons.
Bruce County Council, by a majority
of nineteen, declined to take any
action in the same direction for the
Writs have been issued for elections
to fill the vacant seats in the Ontario
Legislature. In Lennox, East Kent,
and East Sim000 the nominations
will be on June 19th and the elections
on June 26th. In West Algoma the
nomination will bo on Juno 12th
and the election on June 20th. In
East Algoma the nomination will be
on June 15th and the election on
June 29th.
The typo-solting oonteat between
Joseph McCann, of The Herald, and
Ira Sommers, of the World, New
York, for a purse of $500 was cleoid -
ed Thursday of last week. Hundreds
of the delegates to the Typographical
Convention were present. Tho men
sot for three hours, ivlc0ann putting
up 6,825 ems solid minion without
paragraphs, Sommers 6,022. lu the
first hoar Mc0ann set 2,123 ems,
beating the best previous record of
2,064 ems made by Compositor
Aaroneborg some years ago.
At a convention of temperance
workers held last week in Garafraxa
the following resolution was passed
unanimously:—"That this convention
deplores the late attempt of the Sen.
ate of Canada to render inefficacious
the Scott Aot, and expreeees its earn-
est desire that the members of the
Souse of Commons, the true ropre-
eentatives of the people, so far from
acceding to the Senate's wishes will
still support the recent amendments
sanctioned by their own honourable
House with a view to greater effect in
working this popular measure."
The corner stone of the now
Methodist Church, Main street,South
Brampton, was laid on Saturday,with
a large assemblage, by W. J.
Gage, of W. J. Gage & Co., Toron-
to, who was presented with a silver
trowel in honour of the 000asiou.
The edifice will bo of tho best red
stone with white facings, from K.
Ohieholm & Co's quarry, at the
Credit Forks, on the 0. P. RR., in
Peel county, costing about $25,000,
and is calculated to seat 1,000 people.
When completed it will bo the flnost
structure in Brampton and a oredit
to tho Methodist body,
--0J' 'L' 8 H;T-
Men's & Boy's Iard & Soft Felt Eats,
Bought at 40 Cents 00 the $ to be sacrificed at the Garfield House.
0A"r-z LI A_ 1\T S THAM.
Scotch and Canadian Tweeds,
Bought at Manufacturer's Prices, to be Cleared Ont. Call and In-
spect those Goocls at the Garfield House.
A Lot of lochelaga Gray Cottons,
Bought for Spot Cash with a big discount. Be Sure and Secure- those
Cottons at the Garfield House.
T11tik' J Y
P- 4it TU T
of our most Sanguine Expectations.
Latest and Most
eoorning Styles,
has made this Department of the Garfield House
—T1 -IAT TI{E-
Highest Price is Always Paid
A NILO/ ti130)VOR,
Cor. Turnberry & King. Streets,